View Full Version : The End is Nigh - What Next?

2014-01-04, 04:01 PM
So, the end of the book is without a doubt going to happen within the next few strips. The plot is over; all that's left is some conclusive dialogue to wrap things up (most notably, V's confession). The question isn't about this ending, but about the next beginning.

The question is: where do you think the start of the next book will pick up at?

There are numerous probable locations at which the plot may resume, and several ways it could do so. It could be at just before the Order's return to the Northern Continent, just after their arrival in the Dwarven Homelands, or anywhere on the journey between them. They might still be aboard the Mechane, or have linked up with Hinjo off-panel. Xykon may have already taken possession of Kraagor's Gate, and have even started the ritual. It's even possible the next books starts from a viewpoint other than that of the Order, or with a flashback (although it'll have to "start" in the traditional sense eventually).

Post your wild guesses as to what will happen, or even just what you want to happen, here!

Gift Jeraff
2014-01-04, 04:04 PM
It starts with Belkar in the afterlife without any explanation, and then the rest of the book is a flashback leading up to his death.

2014-01-04, 04:10 PM
I don't think Belkar will go to the afterlife.

I think he'll be the Kraagor of this band of adventurers.

RMS Oceanic
2014-01-04, 06:05 PM
Where they want to go is Kraagor's gate, but I think it's a safe assumption they will take more than a book to get there, seeing as the plot shall be seven books long. It may depend on how far Julio is able (or willing) to take them.

Running on the assumption that either:

- Julio cannot take them the whole way because Reasons™, or
- They decide the Mechane cannot get them there in time

My guess is they head north, to the Elven lands, with the hope of finding a teleporter. It would also be a way of continuing Vaarsuvius' character arc: Forced into contact with old acquaintances who may have sided with Inkyrius, and thus having to confront further consequences of the soul splice.

2014-01-04, 06:08 PM
Where they want to go is Kraagor's gate, but I think it's a safe assumption they will take more than a book to get there, seeing as the plot shall be seven books long. It may depend on how far Julio is able (or willing) to take them.

That's assuming that Kraagor's Gate will be the grand finale. I think that's open to question.

2014-01-04, 06:08 PM
We know of at least three major locations/realms we haven't been to yet:

Serini's gate territory
Xykon's astral fortress
Through the rift

I think it's likely we'll go to Serini's land in book 6, and book 7 is a dungeon crawl through the astral fortress, maybe with a brief glance through the rift to see what's up with that.

2014-01-04, 06:09 PM
I thought this strip was the last of the book. It makes the perfect anti-ending.

RMS Oceanic
2014-01-04, 06:14 PM
There is no narrative reason to go to Xykon's fortress. 886 showed that the Order assumes that Team Evil will have the Phylactery on them when accosted, and thanks to Redcloak's duplicity, that assumption is correct. I believe Xykon's claims that whatever he places there is completely safe.

Through the rift is slightly more likely, but I still doubt it, at least not for a book-long arc. An arc that culminates in discovering what the hell is going on with them doesn't necessarily involve going through them.

2014-01-04, 06:30 PM
I thought this strip was the last of the book. It makes the perfect anti-ending.

New comic is up.

And since everyone will begin speculating immediately…
No, this is not the last page in the book. It is pretty close, though.

Nope. Word of Giant.

RMS Oceanic
2014-01-04, 06:32 PM
I thought this strip was the last of the book. It makes the perfect anti-ending.

It not being the ending is even better, because Tarquin thinks it's the ending. Just another example of how wrong he's been about the story.

ella ventic
2014-01-04, 06:54 PM
I thought this strip was the last of the book. It makes the perfect anti-ending.

The last three main-plot books have each had a final chapter/"round" of denouement after the big climax. 10 strips long in NCftPB, 18 in W&XPs, and 10 again in DStP. It seems the next strip will be the start of that denouement and the book proper will end shortly.

2014-01-04, 07:25 PM
So, the end of the book is without a doubt going to happen within the next few strips. The plot is over; all that's left is some conclusive dialogue to wrap things up (most notably, V's confession). The question isn't about this ending, but about the next beginning.

The question is: where do you think the start of the next book will pick up at?

Post your wild guesses as to what will happen, or even just what you want to happen, here!

What I want to happen? A several month hiatus for the main strip, where the Giant can go on a vacation, rest his weary hand, and then draw some of the Kickstarter rewards. Dim Sun, starring Thri-Kreen Vaarsuvius! How the Paladin Earned his Scar! And best of all, Sir Francois! Sir Francois! Aren't you guys anxious to see what Sir Francois has been up to and why TeeVo recommended Xykon Scry on him? :smallbiggrin:

The Pilgrim
2014-01-04, 07:53 PM
Well, New Azure City happens to be near the Elven Lands, so the Order will probably pass over it in route to the Northen Lands.

Then the azurites flak down the Mechane on sight, as Julio is still a wanted criminal. Rocks fall, everyone dies.

Meanwhile, Tarquin is defeated by a coalition of Ian Starshine, Sabine, Redcloak's nephew and That Guy With a Halberd.

Then Xykon kills Lien, producing so much rage in O-Chul that he unlocks a new level of super-saiyan and obliterates Xykon single-handed while blindfolded. He fails to find a way to destroy the Phylactery, though, so the azurites just drop it into a tank of acid to prevent Xykon from rebuilding his body.

Years later, Daigo and Kazumi's son (now a teenager) must embark in a quest to bring the Philactery to destruction at the Helldeathdoomfire Volcano. Helped by the two town idiots and his gardener, he will have to defeat Archwizard Yydranna and her dreaded Dragon, Keith Baker.

2014-01-04, 07:55 PM
Let's not forget there's still the problem of rescuing Ian.

2014-01-04, 08:34 PM
Well, New Azure City happens to be near the Elven Lands, so the Order will probably pass over it in route to the Northen Lands.

Then the azurites flak down the Mechane on sight, as Julio is still a wanted criminal. Rocks fall, everyone dies.

Meanwhile, Tarquin is defeated by a coalition of Ian Starshine, Sabine, Redcloak's nephew and That Guy With a Halberd.

Then Xykon kills Lien, producing so much rage in O-Chul that he unlocks a new level of super-saiyan and obliterates Xykon single-handed while blindfolded. He fails to find a way to destroy the Phylactery, though, so the azurites just drop it into a tank of acid to prevent Xykon from rebuilding his body.

Years later, Daigo and Kazumi's son (now a teenager) must embark in a quest to bring the Philactery to destruction at the Helldeathdoomfire Volcano. Helped by the two town idiots and his gardener, he will have to defeat Archwizard Yydranna and her dreaded Dragon, Keith Baker.

No! You're WRONG! Here is exactly how the comic will continue - nay, the ONLY way! Anything else that happens would be a deus ex machina and bad storytelling, and I will quit and leave forever (but not really).

-The gods bring Miko back to life because they realized their error, and that she in fact has always been perfect.

-Miko and Tarquin (another misunderstood hero) join forces, soon recruiting Crystal (an innocent victim).

-They all team up with Redcloak and slaughter the OotS. I'm talking with blood and guts and bones stabbed into eyeballs. This is all right and good because I got my morality by reading sugar packets.

-And then the comic ends because I forget.

-Oh yeah, and Laurin's favor is an ice cream sandwich.

2014-01-04, 08:43 PM
No! You're WRONG! Here is exactly how the comic will continue - nay, the ONLY way! Anything else that happens would be a deus ex machina and bad storytelling, and I will quit and leave forever (but not really).

-The gods bring Miko back to life because they realized their error, and that she in fact has always been perfect.

-Miko and Tarquin (another misunderstood hero) join forces, soon recruiting Crystal (an innocent victim).

-They all team up with Redcloak and slaughter the OotS. I'm talking with blood and guts and bones stabbed into eyeballs. This is all right and good because I got my morality by reading sugar packets.

-And then the comic ends because I forget.

-Oh yeah, and Laurin's favor is an ice cream sandwich.

Which Thog shows up to steal? That's predictable and lazy storytelling! Tarquin would have you flogged! :smalltongue:

2014-01-04, 08:46 PM
I am going to send ad hominem attacks your way, cleverly disguised in my pseudo-intellectual rhetoric! You, sir, are indubitably perspicacious. I think I misspelled that. But it's not wrong if I do it!

Mike Havran
2014-01-04, 08:51 PM
I would like to see (after a token introductory strip featuring the Order) Lien and O-Chul's journey, especially since the roach said O-Chul won't appear in the book - so it won't be a bonus strip either.

2014-01-04, 09:08 PM
I am going to send ad hominem attacks your way, cleverly disguised in my pseudo-intellectual rhetoric! You, sir, are indubitably perspicacious. I think I misspelled that. But it's not wrong if I do it!

No, it seems to be spelled correctly. P-E-R-S-P-I-C-A-C-I-O-U-S, yup, everything checks out. Your move. :smalltongue:

EDIT: Looks like you spelled "indubitably" correct as well. And "that". You spelled "that" correctly. :smalltongue:

2014-01-04, 09:08 PM
There is no narrative reason to go to Xykon's fortress. 886 showed that the Order assumes that Team Evil will have the Phylactery on them when accosted, and thanks to Redcloak's duplicity, that assumption is correct. I believe Xykon's claims that whatever he places there is completely safe.

While the logic here is impeccable, I can't help but feel we're going to end up there at some point anyway. A Hyperdimensional Fortress of Doom is just too awesome not to use as a set piece for the final battle. If we were never going to see the place he hid it, Xykon could have just taken it and then off-handedly mentioned that he stashed it somewhere.

There's no narrative reason to go to Xykon's fortress....


2014-01-04, 09:12 PM
While the logic here is impeccable, I can't help but feel we're going to end up there at some point anyway. A Hyperdimensional Fortress of Doom is just too awesome not to use as a set piece for the final battle. If we were never going to see the place he hid it, Xykon could have just taken it and then off-handedly mentioned that he stashed it somewhere.

There's no narrative reason to go to Xykon's fortress....


We'll probably get to see it some more in Book Seven. It has "Book Seven" written all over it.

:mitd: "I didn't see-"

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Redcloak.png "He meant that figuratively, you moron!"

:xykon: "Am I going to have to separate you two?"

RMS Oceanic
2014-01-04, 09:15 PM
While the logic here is impeccable, I can't help but feel we're going to end up there at some point anyway. A Hyperdimensional Fortress of Doom is just too awesome not to use as a set piece for the final battle. If we were never going to see the place he hid it, Xykon could have just taken it and then off-handedly mentioned that he stashed it somewhere.

There's no narrative reason to go to Xykon's fortress....


There's a difference between foreshadowing and world building. Not everything shown will become a plot point. Those lizard guys who revived the Oracle weren't meant to be indicative of a greater scheme beyond establishing that lizardfolk are a thing in OOTS. Likewise the fortress was meant to underline what Xykon had learned from his fight with Vaarsuvius and the new benchmark of trust between Xykon and Redcloak (none).

2014-01-04, 09:20 PM
There's a difference between foreshadowing and world building. Not everything shown will become a plot point. Those lizard guys who revived the Oracle weren't meant to be indicative of a greater scheme beyond establishing that lizardfolk are a thing in OOTS. Likewise the fortress was meant to underline what Xykon had learned from his fight with Vaarsuvius and the new benchmark of trust between Xykon and Redcloak (none).

I think that the fortress serves as both a way to illustrate that Xykon distrusts Redcloak (just as Redcloak's speech to Tsukiko illustrated how much he distrusts Xykon), I feel that it's more important than that. It could very well be meant to foreshadow where Xykon will go if his plans for the last Gate are thwarted. And not just thwarted by the OotS; if Redcloak (and the Dark One) pull off The Plan properly, Xykon would probably retreat to his fortress and plot revenge on Redcloak.

2014-01-04, 09:28 PM
My wild guess is that the final confrontation with Redcloak will happen at the fortress.

In the more immediate future, they'll take care of Ian somehow and then head directly for the final gate, which will be underground or otherwise not directly accessible by airship.

2014-01-04, 09:54 PM
I don't think the fortress will make any major new appearances.

2014-01-04, 09:57 PM
I see a distinct lack of Fallout from Durkon's Vamping in the discussion here. :smalltongue:

Aside from that, the dangling Ian Starshine plotline will probably be addressed at some point. Either as a quick sendoff or a more major "Deal with the possibly duplicitious Uncle Geoff/Aunt Ivy" sidequest.

2014-01-04, 10:08 PM
They still have to go to the dwarven homeland for durkon to have his prophecy fulfilled. Although Kraagor's gate is in the dwarven territory I do not think it counts. I think we will see Durkula meeting the new high priest of Thor.

2014-01-04, 10:26 PM
Who's Durkon?

2014-01-04, 10:35 PM
This is something that's been bothering me...

In the past, there's been good reason to keep Xykon delayed enough for a full book of non-gate-related stuff (getting Serini's diary and moving the army cross-continent between Dorukan's and Soon Kim's gates, trying to get information about other gates between Soon Kim's and Girard's gates). With Xykon teleporting straight from Girard's to Kraagor's gate, how is the Giant going to fill two books?

Personally, I'm guessing that Kraagor's gate and Xykon fall before the end of book 6.

2014-01-04, 10:50 PM
With Xykon teleporting straight from Girard's to Kraagor's gate, how is the Giant going to fill two books?

Just because Team OotS wants to get to Kraagor's Gate quickly doesn't mean they will get their quickly. :smallwink:

2014-01-04, 11:26 PM
What OOTS wants is immaterial; Xykon is (seemingly) already there. And once Xykon gets to Kraagor's gate, there's only so long things can be delayed before it gets destroyed or X&R pefrorm the ritual.

2014-01-04, 11:44 PM
This is something that's been bothering me...

In the past, there's been good reason to keep Xykon delayed enough for a full book of non-gate-related stuff (getting Serini's diary and moving the army cross-continent between Dorukan's and Soon Kim's gates, trying to get information about other gates between Soon Kim's and Girard's gates). With Xykon teleporting straight from Girard's to Kraagor's gate, how is the Giant going to fill two books?

Personally, I'm guessing that Kraagor's gate and Xykon fall before the end of book 6.

Keep in mind that Xykon had control of Dorukan's gate for a significant amount of time and wasn't able to do anything with it. He also had to actually gain control of it first, which was a non-trivial affair. The only reason the Azure City gate fell so fast was that he had a massive army at his back.

My guess would be that the Order has a month or two. Plenty of time to experience the sights and sounds of the Dwarven and/or Halfling lands.

2014-01-05, 12:02 AM
What OOTS wants is immaterial; Xykon is (seemingly) already there. And once Xykon gets to Kraagor's gate, there's only so long things can be delayed before it gets destroyed or X&R pefrorm the ritual.

Besides what Rodin said, there's also the fact that the ritual 'takes a few weeks' (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0416.html) to complete.

And who is to say that Redcloak and Xykon won't complete the ritual? :smallwink:

2014-01-05, 12:57 AM
Yeah, I think Ian will probably play a big role in the next book, and gate 5 doesn't go boom until book 7. Notably, if Julio knows Ian, he might be able to convince Ian to trust them.

Obscure Blade
2014-01-05, 01:26 AM
This is something that's been bothering me...

In the past, there's been good reason to keep Xykon delayed enough for a full book of non-gate-related stuff (getting Serini's diary and moving the army cross-continent between Dorukan's and Soon Kim's gates, trying to get information about other gates between Soon Kim's and Girard's gates). With Xykon teleporting straight from Girard's to Kraagor's gate, how is the Giant going to fill two books?I strongly suspect that given how Kraagor's Tomb was designed (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0277.html) to "reflect his belief in the power of physical might" and that Xykon & Redcloak are both powerful casters, when they show up they will discover that the entire place is somehow protected against magic. A permanent anti-magic zone or the like; if they step inside they are suddenly not a high level cleric and a sorcerer lich, but just a normal goblin and an animated skeleton.

So, they need to either bring up non-magical means of overcoming all the monsters, or have to go on a quest for some Mystic MacGuffin that can remove the anti-magic defenses.

2014-01-05, 01:31 AM
I am sure that Kraagor's gate will somehow subvert our expectations. We expect lots of fights against big monsters, but the comic really hasn't been going the normal RPG encounter route for a long time.

2014-01-05, 01:36 AM
I am sure that Kraagor's gate will somehow subvert our expectations.
As I alluded to above, the biggest subversion of expectations of all would be that the OotS actually DOESN'T stop the ritual in time.

No, I am not saying Team Evil wins. But I am saying that there are plenty of ways Team Evil could lose, and lose big, even if the ritual goes off successfully.

2014-01-05, 01:47 AM
But most stories have the bad guys complete their ritual and summon a super-monster, so the party can have its final boss battle.

2014-01-05, 02:14 AM
But most stories have the bad guys complete their ritual and summon a super-monster, so the party can have its final boss battle.

Sure, but how many posters are seriously giving that much chance of happening? It almost seems a given that in most of these threads/posts that the Order will stop Redcloak and Xykon in time.

The only real time I've seen the Ritual Gets Completed idea get much discussion 'round these parts is in regards to 'escaping to RiftWorld'.

Now I'm not saying that I expect the ritual gets completed. I just want to remind posters that it is entirely possible that it does get completed. Partially because it fits with the going success rate of the Order. :smalltongue:

2014-01-05, 02:36 AM
I yearn for Roy to negotiate with Redcloak.

2014-01-05, 04:03 AM
I think the next book might be all about figuring out just what the heck is really going on here. There are some really big questions that have been raised--what is the real story behind the Snarl, and why are the gods lying about it? Why is there a planet inside the rift? Can it be traveled to? Are there people there? What effect has the destruction of the gates had on the planet? Also, what happened between Soon, Girard et. al that made them turn their backs on each other?

Roy and the rest of the Order need to figure all of this out before they can effectively face Xykon and Redcloak. It could just as easily be woven into the story over the course of the next two books, but I think it would be interesting to have a focus on learning "everything they ought to regarding the task which they are undertaking."

Sunken Valley
2014-01-05, 04:49 AM
Book 6 will be white in colour. Vampire Durkon or Belkar will be the sillouette character. The title will be a vampire themed pun, maybe crossed with Dwarf.

Roy and Elan are done with their character development, the book will not focus on them so much.

Haley and her father will meet by chance. Ivy and Geoff will be unmasked as not having Ian's best interests at heart. Elan will save Ian's life and prove his worth in Ian's eyes but Ian will still die.

Belkar will be highly distrustful of Vampire Durkon and does not believe he is the same. This causes tension and sparks Belkar's development to protecting the others.

Belkar is right, Durkon is not the same. Whether his Durkon persona is a facade or he has evil urges is unclear.

The order will go through Dwarf Lands and the plot will move so that they are in it. Durkon will have character development of some sort back in the homelands of his people.

Hilgya Firehelm will return.

Sabine will quit the IFCC in a revenge quest against Tarquin, who will let her kill him.

Xykon and Redcloak will find an utterly abandoned gate, the monsters guarding it having died without Serini to maintain it. Good thing the ritual takes several weeks.

A bored MitD will wander around and find O-chul, who will try to convince him to betray Xykon.

At some point, the IFCC will use their 3 minute slot of V's soul. Fortunately, the order have prepared a contingency plan.

The Order will make it to the final gate by the end of the book, but they will be too late, the ritual has been completed.

But it doesn't work as intended and instead Team Evil, OOTS, O-Chul and whoever else is there get sucked into the rift, into the world within a world.


What do you think?

2014-01-05, 05:52 AM
We know of at least three major locations/realms we haven't been to yet:

Serini's gate territory
Xykon's astral fortress
Through the rift

I think it's likely we'll go to Serini's land in book 6, and book 7 is a dungeon crawl through the astral fortress, maybe with a brief glance through the rift to see what's up with that.

Isn't Kraggors Gate just Serini's?

2014-01-05, 06:36 AM
Isn't Kraggors Gate just Serini's?

Technically there is no Serini's Gate. While she did set up Kraagor's Tomb to defend the Gate, it is only referenced in-comic as Kraagor's Gate.

I don't think we will see an adventure in Xykon's fortress-tomb-thingie - because I really don't see why/how the OotS should go there. First of all they don't know of the location - and nobody really should point them there. The only person I think that might point them there are Redcloak and MitD. Redcloak because he wants to distract from the real phylactery and MitD because he wants to help them, but he doesn't know there is only a replacement one. Other characters either don't know the location or won't want to spoil it. The only other character I can think of would be the Oracle, if Roy manages to out-think himself again.
Even if Redcloak would say something about it, I don't think the Order would trust him. I also don't think Roy will manage to screw him up one more time at the Oracle (which I don't think they will visit again before the end, too) so that leaves MitD. It might happen - but only if MitD switches sides before the climax, and I wouldn't bet on that.

2014-01-05, 06:49 AM
Technically there is no Serini's Gate. While she did set up Kraagor's Tomb to defend the Gate, it is only referenced in-comic as Kraagor's Gate.

I don't think we will see an adventure in Xykon's fortress-tomb-thingie - because I really don't see why/how the OotS should go there. First of all they don't know of the location - and nobody really should point them there. The only person I think that might point them there are Redcloak and MitD. Redcloak because he wants to distract from the real phylactery and MitD because he wants to help them, but he doesn't know there is only a replacement one. Other characters either don't know the location or won't want to spoil it. The only other character I can think of would be the Oracle, if Roy manages to out-think himself again.
Even if Redcloak would say something about it, I don't think the Order would trust him. I also don't think Roy will manage to screw him up one more time at the Oracle (which I don't think they will visit again before the end, too) so that leaves MitD. It might happen - but only if MitD switches sides before the climax, and I wouldn't bet on that.

Yeah, someone was saying they still need to go to Serini's gate and I was trying to clarify what they meant.

2014-01-05, 07:10 AM
Technically, there is no Kraagor's gate territory; Serini may choose to call the gate she guards Kraagor's Gate, but there's no ambiguity about who built its defenses or, correspondingly, who the associated territory belongs to.

Was anything ZMiles said actually unclear*, or are we just arguing about the correct terminology?

*I doubt very much that it will be "a brief glance through the rift, and an entire book dedicated to Xykon's there-isn't-actually-anything-in-it astral fortress." But disagreement isn't the same as unclarity.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-01-05, 09:29 AM
I think the next book will focus on Kraagor's Gate and will be in the Dwarven lands. I think a lot of the focus of the book will be on Belkar and Vampire Durkon. The book will end with Redcloak and Xykon having just completed the ritual.

2014-01-05, 09:42 AM
Technically, there is no Kraagor's gate territory; Serini may choose to call the gate she guards Kraagor's Gate, but there's no ambiguity about who built its defenses or, correspondingly, who the associated territory belongs to.

Was anything ZMiles said actually unclear*, or are we just arguing about the correct terminology?

*I doubt very much that it will be "a brief glance through the rift, and an entire book dedicated to Xykon's there-isn't-actually-anything-in-it astral fortress." But disagreement isn't the same as unclarity.

I wouldn't say it is Serini's territory. From the information we have she left after setting things up. So it might belong to someone else or don't belong really to anyone - or you count the monsters living in Kraagor's Tomb as owners (the latter is imo likelier).

Naturally it could be that the information we have about Kraagor's Gate are pretty wrong, so all analysis should be taken with caution.

2014-01-05, 09:58 AM
What OOTS wants is immaterial; Xykon is (seemingly) already there. And once Xykon gets to Kraagor's gate, there's only so long things can be delayed before it gets destroyed or X&R pefrorm the ritual.

I don't know about that. Xykon and Redcloak seem to have sat on Dorukan's gate for months without achieving anything. And then sat for more months in Azure City without apparently *looking* through the naked rift, since that should've been enough to trigger serious doubts about the Plan. They don't seem to move very fast.

Dread Cthulhu
2014-01-05, 10:02 AM
I honestly never gave much thought to the astral fortress. I took it as a meta-joke; people are always getting into discussions about where they'd hide a phylactery, and a huge impenetrable fortress in a distant plane of existence ranks pretty highly on that. The joke is that Xykon's only doing this after Redcloak's made the swap of the phylacteries. It's awesome, but entirely pointless. I'd be surprised if the Order ever heard about it, let alone went there.

2014-01-05, 10:33 AM
Xykon and Redcloak sat around doing nothing at Dorukan's gate because they couldn't get past Dorukan's protection spell.

It's certainly possible that Kraagor's gate has something that prevents them from beginning the ritual as soon as they find the gate, but we have no evidence of such a thing.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-01-05, 11:28 AM
I think it might take a while for the Order to get to Kraagor's Gate. My theory goes like this: When Team Evil gets to the gate, Xykon will cast cloister over the area. Without being able to teleport in, the Order will have to spend several weeks journeying there.

2014-01-05, 12:52 PM
I honestly never gave much thought to the astral fortress. I took it as a meta-joke; people are always getting into discussions about where they'd hide a phylactery, and a huge impenetrable fortress in a distant plane of existence ranks pretty highly on that. The joke is that Xykon's only doing this after Redcloak's made the swap of the phylacteries. It's awesome, but entirely pointless. I'd be surprised if the Order ever heard about it, let alone went there.

Exactly. It was shown in just one panel. I don't see it playing any major role in anything in the future.

Sunken Valley
2014-01-05, 01:12 PM
Exactly. It was shown in just one panel. I don't see it playing any major role in anything in the future.

Look at these uniquely designed characters in panel 6. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0380.html) They're only in one panel, don't see them playing a major role in the future.

Bulldog Psion
2014-01-05, 01:50 PM
What OOTS wants is immaterial; Xykon is (seemingly) already there. And once Xykon gets to Kraagor's gate, there's only so long things can be delayed before it gets destroyed or X&R pefrorm the ritual.

Considering that there's a planet and not a Snarl in the rift, I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that neither the destruction of the last gate, nor X&R performing said ritual, will have the expected results, and that either of these could happen in the next few strips without preventing several more books of action from occurring.

2014-01-05, 01:53 PM
Hmm. Xykon's (Redcloak's) plan requires the fifth gate being intact. The needs of the story do not. If the final gate is also destroyed, Roy is still responsible for saving the world, and the story continues.

The question becomes - what would Xykon do if the plan he's been working on all this time is thwarted decisively? Go home and sulk?

2014-01-05, 02:08 PM
Step one would be to kill everything out of sheer rage. Especially Redcloak, now that the insubordinate little jerk wouldn't be useful anymore.

Step two, find a new plan. He's got all the time in the world.

2014-01-05, 02:14 PM
I am honestly surprised how many of us think that Redcloak is actually going to cast the Gate Ritual. The Plan's only purpose is to create a level playing field of resources for the Goblin people. When Xykon and Redcloak nuked all the high-level resources of Azure City, the Goblins were able to claim the cities agri-rich farmlands and create a major city of their own.

In a way Xykon fulfilled Redcloak's purpose in allying/creating the lich, just in a way that neither of them expected. I fully expect that Redcloak will turn on Xykon as soon as a group of powerful adventurers busts in looking to do some Lich-killing, if only to prevent Xykon from returning to Gobbotopia and doing to goblin-civilization what he did to Right-Eye and his family.

2014-01-05, 02:52 PM
Redcloak's ritual grants control of a Gate. Not a Rift. They can't use a Rift without a Gate, so once the Gate at Azure City was blown the Rift wasn't of direct interest to them.

And they do seem like a rather non-curious couple of villains. Once they think they know something, they don't bother investigating further.

David Argall
2014-01-05, 03:20 PM
Look at these uniquely designed characters in panel 6. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0380.html) They're only in one panel, don't see them playing a major role in the future.
There was also several panels of build-up, and we are left with no reason for their being in the story at all until they appear to V. With X's fortress, we are given a reason right away, and we know the reason is no more than a diversion from the central plot. So there is no reason for us to see the fortress again [unless our writer thinks of a neat side-plot].

David Argall
2014-01-05, 03:35 PM
Look at the situation from Roy's view. X is at the gate. He does not know how long before something terrible happens, but any delay whatsoever risks terrible things. X may know the ritual will take a month, Roy has seen him run over a major city in a day, and the ritual may be just pressing a button. There is no time for side-quests or any diversions. Ian is about to be arrested? OK, we can send him a Sending as a warning, but he has to get out of town on his own. Risk the world for one man, one with serious faults? Haley may cry, but even she should have to admit he is not worth any serious delay.
Now there are plenty of suggestions we will see the dwarven lands, and may spend a number of pages there, but again, the party goal must be to leave ASAP. Of course, Roy may not actually know the gate location, or he may need dwarven permission to get there, but for most purposes, he should be trying to just make a pit stop.

Now my bet is that they will spend the next book among the dwarves, or fighting for the gate, followed by going thru the rift.

2014-01-05, 06:57 PM
Tarquin had a point: Before you confront the ultrapowerful final villain, you need to become at least moderate powerful.

So the OotS needs to gain more experience to vanquish Xykon.
Elan and Julio know that. I know that Roy seems pretty disdainful towards Elan's ideas, but he should see that they have a point. He said himself that they have no chance against Xykon.

Grinding XP by completing Haley's and Elan's sidequest of locating+rescuing Ian Starshine might be a start. Vanquishing Tarquin by the way might be a point, but I doubt it. Tarquin needs to step back a lot.
We might see Enor and Ganji and the entire empire of Reptilia as adversaries, though.

Other ways to gain XP might come from a side-adventure with Julio who might demand some sort of service in return for helping them out. Or Durkon visiting his homelands before starting off to Kraagor's. Or they find a possible powerful ally that could help them, and need to convince them.

2014-01-05, 07:06 PM
Tarquin had a point: Before you confront the ultrapowerful final villain, you need to become at least moderate powerful.

So the OotS needs to gain more experience to vanquish Xykon.
Elan and Julio know that. I know that Roy seems pretty disdainful towards Elan's ideas, but he should see that they have a point. He said himself that they have no chance against Xykon.

Grinding XP by completing Haley's and Elan's sidequest of locating+rescuing Ian Starshine might be a start. Vanquishing Tarquin by the way might be a point, but I doubt it. Tarquin needs to step back a lot.
We might see Enor and Ganji and the entire empire of Reptilia as adversaries, though.

Other ways to gain XP might come from a side-adventure with Julio who might demand some sort of service in return for helping them out. Or Durkon visiting his homelands before starting off to Kraagor's. Or they find a possible powerful ally that could help them, and need to convince them.

I think the Giant has already said that the Order isn't going to level up until they're at an appropriate level to take on Xykon.

Likewise, I seriously doubt they're going to enter that final battle with allies capable of tilting the odds.

2014-01-05, 07:12 PM

2014-01-05, 07:20 PM
My thought/prediction on what happens next:

Above ship, Haley, Elan, Roy, and V talk about what just happened and about plans to secure the next Gate.

In one room below ship, Belkar drinks a healing potion and cares for Mr. Scruffy and Bloodfeast.

In another room below ship Durkula is finally able to vent, now that the others aren't around, and speaks of how Thor abandoned him and how he will seek bloody revenge the Drwarven Homeland for exiling him once he gets there.

End strip/book

2014-01-05, 07:25 PM
We might see Enor and Ganji and the entire empire of Reptilia as adversaries, though.

... why? :smallconfused:

2014-01-05, 09:00 PM
The chance that we know what will happen is very low. We have no idea what Rich will introduce and how he wants the story to progress. All we can guess at is what things that have already been introduced will be wrapped up, or what has not been introduced yet that will probably be introduced.

What needs to be covered in the next few books:
Elven Homelands and character development for V.
Dwarven Homelands and character development for Durkon.
Halfling Lands and history/character development on Belkar (In halfling lands we have the possible appearance of Serini's descendants)
Finish up the storylines from this book (possibly including Sabine's revenge).
Nothing much for Roy.
Redcloak vs Xykon.
Craggor's gate.
More Dungeon Crawling!

Another thing I thought of is that Xykon has done a lot of sitting on gates, so I do not think he will wait for The Order, instead, something will possibly slow him up, or they will encounter him somewhere besides the gate.

2014-01-05, 09:24 PM
I think it might take a while for the Order to get to Kraagor's Gate. My theory goes like this: When Team Evil gets to the gate, Xykon will cast cloister over the area. Without being able to teleport in, the Order will have to spend several weeks journeying there.

Except that V can't cast Teleport anyway. No matter what, the Order will need to travel a certain amount to get to Kraagor's Tomb, Cloister or no Cloister.

The Grim Author
2014-01-05, 09:51 PM
The chance that we know what will happen is very low. We have no idea what Rich will introduce and how he wants the story to progress. All we can guess at is what things that have already been introduced will be wrapped up, or what has not been introduced yet that will probably be introduced.

What needs to be covered in the next few books:
Elven Homelands and character development for V.
Dwarven Homelands and character development for Durkon.
Halfling Lands and history/character development on Belkar (In halfling lands we have the possible appearance of Serini's descendants)
Finish up the storylines from this book (possibly including Sabine's revenge).
Nothing much for Roy.
Redcloak vs Xykon.
Craggor's gate.
More Dungeon Crawling!

Another thing I thought of is that Xykon has done a lot of sitting on gates, so I do not think he will wait for The Order, instead, something will possibly slow him up, or they will encounter him somewhere besides the gate.

You missed one thing that's coming up fairly soon:
Belkar Bitterleaf becoming an Ex-Halfling. And I don't mean he gets a Reincarnation spell.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-01-05, 10:03 PM
Except that V can't cast Teleport anyway. No matter what, the Order will need to travel a certain amount to get to Kraagor's Tomb, Cloister or no Cloister.
I know that. I meant that, in general, no one can teleport the Order over there. While Vaarsuvius might not be able to cast teleport, I'm sure their are plenty of people who could.

2014-01-05, 10:03 PM
... why? :smallconfused:

I would assume because Ian was framed for assassinating the ambassador from Reptilia.

2014-01-06, 01:50 AM
Does anyone think that V will not reveal the Familycide spell until later? I think it is More likely that someone/thing will attack the Oots in an attempt at revenge and she will be forced to reveal it at the worst possible time (About to be killed by an unknown thing, Maybe a non black Dragon?)

2014-01-06, 01:56 PM
Exactly. It was shown in just one panel. I don't see it playing any major role in anything in the future.

Neither I.

2014-01-06, 02:51 PM
Does anyone think that V will not reveal the Familycide spell until later? I think it is More likely that someone/thing will attack the Oots in an attempt at revenge and she will be forced to reveal it at the worst possible time (About to be killed by an unknown thing, Maybe a non black Dragon?)

I can't see that - V is clearly ready to confess his misdeeds and take the consequences. Personally, I'm having trouble combining that scene with the current story structure, though - so I'm not sure how exactly we'll see it take place.

2014-01-06, 03:13 PM
I'm betting we'll see V start to tell the rest of the Order what they missed as we "fade to black" for the end of the book, as a mirror to DStP ending with Blackwing doing the same for V.

2014-01-06, 03:28 PM
Does anyone think that V will not reveal the Familycide spell until later? I think it is More likely that someone/thing will attack the Oots in an attempt at revenge and she will be forced to reveal it at the worst possible time (About to be killed by an unknown thing, Maybe a non black Dragon?)

I just don't see it unless it's a big mean dragon whose family is good friends with the Black Dragons. I really think V closed the possibility of more revenge by eliminating all family, though.

2014-01-06, 03:55 PM
I just don't see it unless it's a big mean dragon whose family is good friends with the Black Dragons. I really think V closed the possibility of more revenge by eliminating all family, though.
Because she didn't mention any dragons who weren't her blood relatives she was on good terms with.

Er, I mean, because Vaarsuvius murdered the ancient black dragon's family in response to threats only to Vaarsuvius' blood relatives, not Vaarsuvius' mate or Vaarsuvius' adopted children, thereby demonstrating that if you wipe out a bloodline completely, it's something no one will possibly want to take revenge on you for, and conclusively disproving the idea that if killing one person has someone come after you for revenge, killing dozens will lead to dozens--or hundreds--or thousands--coming after you for revenge. In particular, the mass murder was not shown to enrage any of the gods.

Er. I mean. Oops.

The Grim Author
2014-01-06, 05:16 PM
Because she didn't mention any dragons who weren't her blood relatives she was on good terms with.

Yeah, but say you were that dragon's friend. "I wonder how Sheila's doing in her fight against the elf. I'll just turn on my Teevo and HOLY MOTHER OF... Nope. Not going near that elf anytime soon. I'd rather keep myself and my family alive, thank you very much."

As for friends of the humanoids V killed... "So... there are literally no clues as to who Stan's killer was? Well... crap."

2014-01-06, 05:44 PM
Yeah, but say you were that dragon's friend. "I wonder how Sheila's doing in her fight against the elf. I'll just turn on my Teevo and HOLY MOTHER OF... Nope. Not going near that elf anytime soon. I'd rather keep myself and my family alive, thank you very much."
That's what you'd say? Huh. I'd be more like, "If I just stay out of it, this lunatic will decide my mother's brother's cousin's nephew's former roommate slighted her in some way anyway. I'd better use overwhelming force the first time, and make sure the elf has no chance to retaliate."

And anyone, dragon or otherwise, who's in a position to seek revenge on a high-level wizard anyway can probably arrange a bit of divination. It is--just as the ancient black dragon mentioned the first time--not like Vaarsuvius has taken any precautions at all against such.

The Grim Author
2014-01-06, 06:39 PM
And anyone, dragon or otherwise, who's in a position to seek revenge on a high-level wizard anyway can probably arrange a bit of divination. It is--just as the ancient black dragon mentioned the first time--not like Vaarsuvius has taken any precautions at all against such.

Not at that moment. Now, however? Now she's going to do what he can to keep side enemies from finding them before they've taken care of Xykon, because any hesitation could be fatal.

2014-01-06, 09:34 PM
Here are some things I'd like to see sometime in Book Six:

Durkon goes shopping with Roy for a coffin. He wants to buy a granite coffin, but Roy insists they get a wooden one.
Haley has Durkon Send to Ian to warn him about the bounty on his head. Ian refuses to take the call.
Belkar makes a terrarium for Bloodfeast the Extreme-inator. Blackwing puts a poster of Allosaurus Bloodfeast on it.
The MitD wanders away from Xykon and Redcloak while looking for the bathroom in Kraagor's Tomb. He runs into the Heavily Templated Snail, who is unable to beat the MitD.
The 4E!OotS show up, complaining about how their universe has even less Free Time now that the Next Dimension was generated, and they ask the 3.5!OotS to help them prevent the release of the several big-budget blockbusters to free up more Time. Roy tells them no.
Vaarsuvius gets into a drinking competition with several Dwarves. It does not end well for the Elf.
Right-Eye's daughter shows up. No one on the Forums are surprised.
The "Gygax Magazine"!OotS contact the online!OotS and ask for help with their job clearing a basement of rats, which they are unable to complete now that they've being rebooted. Roy tells them no.


2014-01-06, 10:15 PM
For Book 5 - all we still need to deal with is V telling the Order about Familicide, and possibly some concluding scenes with Tarquin and his allies, and possibly something with Sabine - she's been developed too much to simply drop out of the story at this point.

I fully expect the next book to deal with Kraagor's Gate - given that Team Evil are already there, the Order therefore want to get there immediately without side quests, and the Order are currently in a flying vehicle with the capability of taking them there. Also, O-Chul and Lien have been headed there (though not on-screen) throughout Book 5, and Durkon's just been turned into a vampire (which suits the prophecy about him bringing death and destruction to his homeland), so everything in the story is converging on Kraagor's Gate in the Dwarven Lands.

Also, we've had plenty of indications that the Snarl is not as simple as Shojo's exposition was, so it can be reasonably expected that, whatever goes down at the last Gate (either the Gate's destruction or the completion of the ritual), the seventh book will deal with the fallout - whether that means travelling to the Riftworld, a global war against Team Evil, something big involving the IFCC, or some combination of the above.

Obscure Blade
2014-01-07, 01:17 AM
I honestly never gave much thought to the astral fortress. I took it as a meta-joke; people are always getting into discussions about where they'd hide a phylactery, and a huge impenetrable fortress in a distant plane of existence ranks pretty highly on that. The joke is that Xykon's only doing this after Redcloak's made the swap of the phylacteries. It's awesome, but entirely pointless. I'd be surprised if the Order ever heard about it, let alone went there.You know, it just occurred to me that sometime in the future of the OOTS-verse, some high level adventurers are going to be inadvertently massively trolled by that fortress. They'll encounter it, fight their way through all the spells and traps and defenses looking for whatever treasure it was designed to protect, and find a totally useless necklace instead at the core of the defenses.

2014-01-07, 01:48 AM
Haley has Durkon Send to Ian to warn him about the bounty on his head. Ian refuses to take the call.

I don't think he can refuse to take the call. He can refuse to respond do it, but the description doesn't suggest he can block it.

The 4E!OotS show up, complaining about how their universe has even less Free Time now that the Next Dimension was generated, and they ask the 3.5!OotS to help them prevent the release of the several big-budget blockbusters to free up more Time. Roy tells them no.
The "Gygax Magazine"!OotS contact the online!OotS and ask for help with their job clearing a basement of rats, which they are unable to complete now that they've being rebooted. Roy tells them no.

I can't see either of those happening.

2014-01-07, 09:32 AM
And they do seem like a rather non-curious couple of villains. Once they think they know something, they don't bother investigating further.

Well, Redcloak is still essentially a teenager who is acting as a sock-puppet for his cloak. He KNOWS that the PLAN is exactly as he thinks it is because the cloak is the source of his knowledge. He has been demonstrated to never question that, to the point of killing his own brother.

Xykon just isn't a creative thinker and is deeply uninterested in fiddly details. That's why he keeps that annoying Wrong-Eye around.

2014-01-07, 10:15 AM
I don't think he can refuse to take the call. He can refuse to respond do it, but the description doesn't suggest he can block it.

He's going to at the least ignore the Sending and refuse to send a reply. He's a stubborn old coot.

I can't see either of those happening.

Really? You think Roy would take the time help them, when so much is at stake? :smallconfused:

The Grim Author
2014-01-08, 03:36 AM
Really? You think Roy would take the time help them, when so much is at stake? :smallconfused:

I think Orrion meant the scenarios, not "Roy doesn't help".