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View Full Version : [PF] Wrath of the Righteous campaign IC

2014-01-05, 09:32 AM
Here's the IC for the Wrath of the Righteous campaign. First real post should be up tonight.

2014-01-09, 03:17 PM
For several weeks, excitement has been building in Kenabres: Armasse is coming! Traditionally an opportunity for scholars and priests to come together to study the lessons of history from wars past, since Aroden's death, this holy day has become more about training commoners in weaponry, choosing squires, and ordaining new priests. Over time, Armasse has grown to encompass jousting competitions, mock duels, battle reenactments, and other festival events. In Kenabres, the festival (which takes place on 16 Arodus) is eagerly anticipated, for it provides distractions from the horrors of being on the front line of the war. Smiles on faces normally marred by downcast eyes and furrowed brows do wonders for city morale in the weeks leading up to the event. Armasse is a citywide celebration, but the majority of the event, including its jousting matches and other entertainments, takes place at Clydwell Plaza, just west of the cathedral.

You have only hazy memories of the festival as you wake up in a dark room. Your heads are throbbing and your ears are ringing. You feel as if the wind has just been knocked out of you, and the room surrounding you is pitch black. Even those of you with darkvision have trouble seeing, as your senses aren't quite functioning right yet. You feel sore and painful, but you are all managing okay.

Modron #4723
2014-01-09, 03:28 PM
Kyre opens his eyes with a groan. Merciful Iomedae, grant me the sweet boon of death. Normally a one-ale-a-night man, he realizes that in the festivities he drank...he sets the thought aside, not sure if he has enough digits for the full tally.

His focus sharpens when he finally notices that opening his eyes has had no effect. Gingerly rising to a seated position, he mutters "Let there be light."

Casting daylight (aasimar racial ability).

Toxic Mind
2014-01-09, 06:19 PM
Ortag kept his eyes shut. Opening them served no purpose while the room remained dark, and his head still hurt as though a thousand obsidian shards had been shoved into his skull. He remembered little of the festival. While not overly fond of drink, he reasoned that he must have imbibed more than his share, if his head hurt this badly. He raised himself to a sitting position and set his feet on the ground. He felt the vibrations, though faint, on the floor. There were others in the room, or nearby.

2014-01-09, 06:37 PM
The bright light illuminates the room, causing you to want to cover your eyes that were just starting to adjust to the darkness. You can each make out eight other people in the room.

In a few seconds, the memories of the titanic events that transpired during the festival come rushing back as the throbbing of your headache recedes.

Armasse officially began at noon, with the blessing of the festival by Lord Huirun himself, ruler of Kenabres. The crowd gathered in Clydwell Plaza quieted as the aged inquisitor took the stage, clad in shining, resplendent armor. He cleared his throat, but just as he was about to speak, a bright light shone from the west, as if the sun were rising from the wrong direction. Hulrun's shadow fell huge and distorted across the cathedral's facade. A moment later, the sound of a thunderous explosion ripped through the air and earth, along with a violent tremor.
To the west, the fortress known as the Kite-the location of Kenabres's wardstone-had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and smoke erupted into the heavens.
A moment later, a powerful roar accompanied a welcome sight rising from the crowd-Kenabres's greatest guardian, the ancient silver dragon Terendelev, who had until that moment been attending the opening ceremony disguised as a human. Above, another form appeared, as nightmarish as the dragon was breathtaking. A humanoid shape three times the size of any man, with skin coated in fire and lightning, gripped a flaming sword and whip. The creature's identity was immediately obvious: Khorramzadeh, the Storm King of the Worldwound, had come to Kenabresi
As the ground continued to shake and disgorge demons into the streets, the dragon and the balor lord clashed above. The fight was over in a few harrowing moments, as the balor cut deep into Terendelev's body, swooping down to strike the dragon and arresting her charge. A few more blows, and the titanic duo spiraled downward toward the crowd.
The sight of the dragon smashing into the facade of the Cathedral of St. Clydwell is one no witness would ever forget. At that moment, a titanic demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to ruins as it smashed into this world. The rift it created shot across the plaza, and this time there was no escape-it opened below your feet, angling away into darkness.
Even as you fell, the dragon noticed your plight. Though she saw death standing over her, she seized this final chance to save a few more souls. After she uttered a few arcane words and stretched out a bleeding talon, you felt her magic take hold of you, slowing your plummet into the darkness as if you were feathers falling into a pit. Yet the fall remained as inexorable, and as you drifted downward into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword lashing out and cleaving full through her neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut, and the light of the world above was gone.

2014-01-09, 10:21 PM
Hotep sat up quickly, his eyes flying open as he reached for one of his weapons, since the last thing he remembered was falling into a huge pit as the city's argent champion had fallen in battle. It took a few moments before he decided there was no immediate danger from the other eight bodies laying nearby. Some were awake, while others still slept - he looked over them, wondering if he recognized anyone else. With a sigh, he saw the distinctive chin of his patron and savior, snoring loudly nearby.

Rising to his feet slowly, he stretched and checked for his gear, hopeful that he had not lost his shiny things.
"Dragon lost her head, fighting a nasty monster. Hotep very sad."

Modron #4723
2014-01-09, 11:46 PM
Kyre struggles to his feet, then reels as the enormity of what has happened hits him. It's too big - he can't consider it all, not right now. Forcing an air of calm he looks for something to focus on. "This light won't last for long. Is anyone hurt?" He looks closer at the people stranded with him.

Toxic Mind
2014-01-10, 09:42 AM
Ortag bowed his head, ashamed that even for a moment he had forgotten the dragon's noble sacrifice. He said a quiet prayer that the dragon would fly swiftly to its gods and that they would welcome it with open arms. I am unharmed he said, opening his eyes and looking towards the source of light in the room, this not-quite-human. He saw a hulk of a man who was also awake, muttering something about the dragon. He turned back to the not-quite-human I am Ortag Onyxkin. I remember you from the festival. You were near me when... he paused, choosing his words. When she fell. Do you have a name?

Morbis Meh
2014-01-10, 04:23 PM
Ash was dreaming, it was a pleasant dream, he was surrounded by beautiful woman begging him to pay attention to them. Once people began talking in the area his dream slowly transformed into nightmare, the women became succubi and they began pulling on him trying to get a larger piece. Soon his peaceful snoring evolved into screaming, not a manly deep scream but a high piercing shrill, the kind a person gives right about the time he or she soils himself. Thankfully the scream woke up Ash before it moved into the much filthier stage of uncontrollable bowel movements.

Ash bolted upright and drew his sword out in one dazed and ungraceful motion "BACK FOUL HARPIES! BY THE LIGHT OF IOMEDAE YOU SHALL NEVER CLAIM MY BITS FOR YOUR OWN!" Wild eyed and delirious he quietly scans the now silent room of people probably staring at him. After an awkward moment of silence Ash coughs and sheathes his blade "Good work people, that was just a test, trying to simulate an actual attack for you so you can hone your response times. You all passed with flying colours so give yourself a pat on the back." Giving an uncertain smile he demonstrates on the back while he laughs uneasily.

2014-01-11, 01:14 AM
As panicked shouting about "harpies" fills the room, a dark-haired human man lying sprawled on the ground slowly rolls over onto his right side, using his elbow to prop himself up. With his left hand, he shades his eyes against the harsh glare of light; after a moment, he straightens the red woolen cap on his head with the same hand. As he awakens and pushes himself up to a sitting position, his right hand falls to his belt. He exhales audibly as his fingers brush first a wooden blue-and-red mask hanging from his right hip, then the hilt of a sword at his left. A wooden shield, a bow and a quiver lie on the ground close to him, and he is clad in a shirt of mail.

It was Armasse... the man thinks to himself, gradually orienting himself to his situation. That's why I've got all my weapons and armor, and my spirit-mask. I was out performing... He rubs his forehead, then suddenly recalls what happened right before he lost consciousness. Starless night! There was an battle...the Storm King himself? And if it wasn't for the dragon, I would have died!

His memories are simultaneously confirmed and derailed by the voice that woke him--though it is considerably calmer now--stating that he has just gone through a "simulated" attack. He squints in the direction the voice emanates from, and his eyes focus upon a silver pendant of Iomedae's sword. A crusader, he realizes. He clears his throat and asks in a guarded voice, "If that was a test, then what happens now? And where are we?" He keeps his skepticism out of his voice as much as possible, hoping that the other survivors will see through the Iomedaean's words without him having to openly question a crusader's honesty.

Modron #4723
2014-01-13, 01:45 AM
Kyre bows in greeting to Ortag. "I am Kyre Alyvar, former Squire of the Realm of Mendev." He says this with more bitterness than intended and catches himself before continuing. "Pleased to meet you. Let's check on the others."

He jumps slightly at Ash's abrupt awakening. Kyre decides to keep an eye on him, but judges that he is in no immediate need. Nor is the big man who is "very sad." He continues to check the other people present.

Toxic Mind
2014-01-13, 12:07 PM
Ortag nodded his greeting to Kyre, but otherwise said nothing more. Former? he thought to himself, making a mental note of the term, but saying nothing of it. It was obviously a sore subject for the man. At Ash's outburst, Ortag turned to face the man, blinked once as if to point at the man's ridiculous action, then turned away and stood.
There were still people in the room unaccounted for, and that they had not answered may mean they we're hurt or incapacitated. Ortag went to check on the others still not awake.

Ortag may be a monk but he's not exactly the most subtle of fellows. He's gonna start waking people up in the room, so are we waiting on anyone other than Syrrendro to post, or is it just NPCs left?

Morbis Meh
2014-01-13, 02:50 PM
Ash raises his eyebrows and offers a winning smile to the man that responded to him "Well friend now you can fetch me a wine skin if it isn't too much to ask, I have a massive headache and a little hair of the dog would be welcome. As for where we are...ugh.. um...ya" It is plainly written on his face he has absolutely no idea and is only looking for a way to evade the question "Why that is your second Test! Now get to it we don't have a moment to lose, we have demons to kill and damsels to thrill." Ash smile grows into a greasy grin as he surveys the area, his eyes finally resting on his massive companion.

"BUBBA! There you are! You left me hanging man, you were supposed to be my wingman on that set of twins and what's this talk about a dragon? Did you take some unsightly woman to bed and she couldn't hold her liquor or something?"

2014-01-13, 07:36 PM
Syrrendro groaned in the corner, the talking finally waking him. What's going on? What happened? He looked around at the others, I must have drank something I shouldn't have. Then it hit him. The dragon, Terendelev, saved them as they were falling into the pit. She must have used feather fall on us to keep us from dieing. Even in her last moments she thought of others. That should be what everyone strives to be.

Syrrendro shakes his head to break his line of thoughts before he sits there thinking for hours. He looks around at the others, eyeing Ash a moment before disregarding the buffoon and his compatriot. After a few more moments of observing he notices his old traveling companion Ortag. Syrrendro stands and moves closer to him before speaking, "Ortag! Glad to see you're safe! Well, hopefully we're safe here. Whatever we fell into hopefully isn't too bad." He lowers his head a moment to pay his respects to the dragon. "Terendelev saved us from the fall." He said, there was admiration and thanks in his voice. Syrrendro looks around to the others, taking stock of who all is down here with him.

2014-01-13, 07:41 PM
Hotep sighed in relief, when he saw his friend and companion was okay. "Hotep not leave you. You left for holy waters. Told me to wait there." Stretching, he glanced at the others, wondering what their stories were.

Toxic Mind
2014-01-13, 08:50 PM
Ortag clasped Syrrendro's hand, glad to see that the wizard he had been traveling with for the past few days had managed to survive the attack as well. The strange inquisitor and the hulk of a man also obviously had some history together, which made the unknowns the human, probably some sort of performer judging by his garb, and the Kyre, who Ortag was sure had some decendent who was an angel, or one of their ilk! given the way the light danced in his hand. Our first task must be finding out where we are, and how to get back to Kenabres. The city will need all the warriors it can muster., he said, loud enough for even the inquisitor to hear him over the man's incessant talking.

2014-01-13, 09:10 PM
Everybody make Perception checks.

Modron #4723
2014-01-13, 10:17 PM
Kyre is pleased to see that Ortag, at least, appears to be a kindred spirit in his desire to help. He's not sure yet whether to be annoyed or amused by Ash.


Edit: OK, I've been trying for five minutes to get the diceroller to work, but it's not for some reason. I'm pretty sure I have the syntax right - someone please tell me if there's something I'm missing. In the meantime, here's a link to a roll on Invisible castle:

Perception at 1d20+4=11 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4365761/)

Toxic Mind
2014-01-13, 10:26 PM
Ortag looks around.


The result has an additional +4 if we are underground (Echoes of Stone).

2014-01-14, 04:51 AM
"I concur with my rocky friend here that we need to find a way out, and swiftly." Syrrendro said to everyone else.


2014-01-14, 07:08 PM
As you survey your surroundings, you all see a pile of rubble, ranging from fist-sized rocks to wall-sized masonry, behind you, and hear a few groans coming from that direction.

2014-01-15, 10:24 AM
Hotep paused for a moment, his ears catching the sound of something. One hand on his axe, he turned to see a subtle shifting in the rubble and heard a groan. Blinking, the large man moved forward to start moving the rocks away, trying to find whoever was beneath.

"Sir Ash, come help me! There is a sound from these rocks - another person?"

Not sure if you need any rolls, but let me know ... trying to dig the source of the noise out ...

Morbis Meh
2014-01-15, 10:41 AM
Ash's keen sense also detected anoter voice, a feat indeed considering he had to hear it over his own ego. Looking to his companion he laughs cheerfully "Why of course Bubba, for is it not why we are here on this earth to aid others in need while bringing GLORY to holy Iomedae? Though my dear gentle giant we must think before acting, frantically moving rubble may do more harm than good. It could destablise the entire pile and cause the poor soul beneath it to be crushed." He turns to the others "Do any of you fine people have any working knowledge of archetecture?"

Toxic Mind
2014-01-15, 11:41 AM
Ortag shook his head. The Oread shared a strong connection with the earth, but man made works were... difficult for the Monk. Something about working the stone changed it. He could help with his strength, but his senses offered no aid other than to pinpoint the location of the sound.

2014-01-15, 02:43 PM
Those of you who go to investigate see two women and a man waking up, groggy, in the same condition you were in a few minutes ago.

However, two of them, the man and one of the women, are pinned underneath a rather large piece of rubble. The woman is dressed in leather. The man is dressed in noble's attire, with a large cloak surrounding his body.

Modron #4723
2014-01-15, 02:47 PM
Kyre is surprised by Ash's invocation of Iomedae. Who would have thought that...boisterous man would be a fellow worshpper? Wordlessly, he sets to work helping to clear the rubble.

Who are the other people in the room with us? You said 9 people total. PCs account for 6 - who are the other 3? Are any of them hurt?

2014-01-15, 02:55 PM
Hotep nodded sagely at Ash as the situation clearly indicated the man was wrong. Stepping forward, he reached to pull the rubble off the two people, starting with the woman first.

"Here now, please hold still. Hotep will clear rocks off you. Just stop your squirming."

Strength check? [roll0] Of course, he can lift 300lbs, so hopefully there's no roll required!

2014-01-15, 03:03 PM
Hotep is able to easily move the chunk of rock.

Beneath it, the man hops up quickly.
"Damn. The cloak protected against the worst of it, but that was a hell of a fall."

The woman previously pinned tries to get up, but cries out and falls again. Her leg is twisted at a strange angle.

2014-01-16, 12:40 AM
Seeing the woman in pain, Syrrendro rushes forward and kneels beside her. "Oh my, you're hurt! Is there something I can do to help?" he asks kindly to the woman on the ground.

2014-01-16, 07:33 AM
She gets up slowly, grunting and crying with the pain and effort. When she finally stands, she has to wince as she walks.

Everybody make a Heal check to identify the problem.

Morbis Meh
2014-01-16, 11:11 AM
Ash looks down at the leg and assesses the problem with his allknowing mind!

His conclusion: The woman is obviously a sissy and needs to walk off the damage but he remains silent knowing that his conclusion will certainly be unpopular among the group.

2014-01-16, 01:48 PM
Hotep watched the two get up, stepping back as other more competent people rushed forward to help.


Of course I did :smallwink:

Toxic Mind
2014-01-16, 02:17 PM
Ortag knew little of healing, but would offer what aid he could in determining the problem and solving it if possible.


From what he could see, Ortag knew that the woman was injured, but little more. He stepped back, hoping someone else could better render aid.

2014-01-16, 02:23 PM
Hotep is able to identify that her leg is broken in two places, and there is a torn ligament somewhere in her knee that accounts for the twisting. She can walk, but it would be wise to put a splint on it after trying to straighten it.

2014-01-16, 03:28 PM
After looking at the woman, Hotep stood and walked over to Ash. Leaning closely, he whispered, "Lord Ash, a word please. The woman's leg is broken. She needs some support."

He began to cast about, looking for anything that might help.

2014-01-16, 04:07 PM
There's some leftover timber in the rubble that could be used as for a makeshift cloak.

At this point, the third stranger, a female half-orc clad in armor comes to, glancing once at the other woman's leg before gasping.

"Are you okay? What can I do to help?"

Morbis Meh
2014-01-16, 06:30 PM
Ash listens to his comrade and rolls his eyes Sure pander and coddle them that's exactly what they need... bah my work for holy iomedae is never done but I shall persevere! Ash waves his hand dismissively "Yes yes, we can build a splint and if need be a make shift back pack if you wish to carry here. There's timber over there, get to it, it is high time you learned some first aid."

2014-01-16, 06:49 PM
The half-orc looks at Ash, not sure if Ash is joking or is totally serious. "Her leg is broken and torn. She should see a doctor or a cleric, but my training as a paladin of lomedae has given me some skill at the art. I only hope it's enough."

Toxic Mind
2014-01-16, 11:56 PM
Excellent. We will do what we can to aid you in this effort, or at the very least, not hinder you. Ortag looked pointedly at Ash.

2014-01-17, 12:32 PM
With others more skilled than Hotep stepping forward to help the woman, the big man moved out of the way and let the professionals work. He did not have any ability to heal, so all he would do is hinder the others.

Glancing around, he took stock of the area they were in, wondering where they were ... and how they would get out.

2014-01-17, 01:48 PM
The half-orc tries and fails to make a working leg splint, eventually putting together something that vaguely resembles one, but isn't as functional as it could be.

"It'll have to do for now."

Those of you who look around see a dark cavern that narrows into a single passageway about seventy feet to your right before the narrowing halls disappear into the gloom. About sixty feet to your right, an unmoving life-form lies on the ground, green blood spattered on the ground. Make Spot checks to see if you can make out any more details.

2014-01-17, 02:28 PM
Hotep moved to check on the lifeless body and green blood, curious as to who (or what) it belonged to.


2014-01-17, 04:25 PM
As you step forward, you see that a pair of gigantic teeth have cloven the corpse, a spider, nearly in two, and a trail of silver ichor leads down the passage into the gloom. A few shiny scales lie on the ground near the spider's carcass, and you recognize them as Terendelev's scales. As you approach, you notice that giant grubs, disgusting larva, have taken residence in the spider and are gorging on it, too busy to notice you. You're standing about ten feet away from the spider when you notice them. What do you do?

The rest of you besides Ash recognize the being as a spider, and see a brief glint on the ground near it.

Ash believes the carcass to be that of a dead ogre.

2014-01-17, 05:22 PM
Hotep stops staring at the grubs for a moment, then turning back to the others, he calls out "Hey guys, check this out! Giant grubs in a spider. Should we kill them now?"

2014-01-20, 05:54 AM
Syrrendro moves towards Hotep to investigate what he is talking about. He wonders why there'd be giant grubs down here, let alone eating a giant spider.

Morbis Meh
2014-01-21, 11:12 AM
Ash rolls his eyes "Sure Bubba, do as you please, go and have some fun but don't take too long we have better things to do." The arrogent man smoothly pulls up behind the injured woman "Hey there sister of the faith, would you like some assistance, you can lean on my shoulder if you like. It would be best to keep weight off of that injured leg of yours." Ash gives a small smile he is genuine in his desire to help and doesn't want her to be cripple but he is hoping to win some gratitude.

2014-01-21, 02:54 PM
She raises an eyebrow, wincing but able to stand.

"I'm spoken for, but thank you."

Everybody but Hotep make Perception checks.

Toxic Mind
2014-01-21, 05:18 PM
Ortag looks back between Ash and Hotep. The presence of the grubs worries him.

As always, increased by 4 if we are classified as "underground", which I'm beginning to suspect we are.

2014-01-22, 11:01 PM
Syrrendro looks at the woman, his eyes squinting at her for a moment before speaking. "We need to find a way out."

[roll0] to find a passage out
(Wow this campaign loves me.)

2014-01-25, 11:56 AM
Something seems odd about the woman with the broken leg, but you can't quite put your finger on it.

The wide cavern narrows about sixty or seventy feet to your right and continues on into the gloom. That seems to be your only way out; the rubble has blocked the way you came in up tight.

Toxic Mind
2014-01-27, 12:22 PM
Our waiting here serves no purpose. Ortag rumbled we should continue onward, and attempt to find a way out. I will take the lead. Syrrendro, if you would help escort our injured friend. Someone should keep an eye on her, make sure nothing happens. his words were loaded as he stared at the wizard, and the unspoken language of those who had once traveled together flowed through the room. As quickly as it was there, it was gone. Ortag removed one of his torches and with a quick strike of flint and steel, lit it. Unless there are objections? he said, before turning and heading toward the cave.

Morbis Meh
2014-01-27, 02:28 PM
Ash stays behind his poker face "Suit yourself milady, twas only but a friendly gesture, I would hate for the leg to experience further trama. I hear amputations are rather unpleasant." He follows after everyone else, content to stay behind in case the leaders get jumped.

2014-01-27, 04:20 PM
As the others approach the spider, the grubs within the spider notice, and a disgusting "splortch" sort of sound can be heard as they dis-attach themselves from their meal. They look pretty darn hungry.

Roll initiative.

EDIT: Actually, I'm gonna roll initiative for y'all; I'll have the order posted in a sec.

2014-01-28, 04:05 PM

Sister Asvora Stormbringer
Kyre Alyvar

2014-01-28, 06:55 PM
Hotep frowned as the grubs moved forward to attack. Swinging his huge blade, he attacked the little buggers, hoping to squash them before they got close enough to bite.

Attack: [roll0], dam: [roll1]

AC: 16, HPs: 21/21, Rage: 6/6

Oh lordie ...

Toxic Mind
2014-01-31, 09:06 AM
Ortag hears the sound, and quickly turns. His torch in his left hand, he moves quickly towards the nearest grub and slams his right elbow into it.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AC: 19 HP: 10/10

OOC: Well, Hotep and I are apparently great at everything EXCEPT hitting things with our things.

2014-02-05, 10:03 AM
Ortag and Hotep's attacks miss; the sound of metal clanging against the stone echoes through the cavern and the clash of stone against stone clatters through the cavern as well.

Sister Asvora Stormbringer's turn.

2014-02-10, 05:10 PM
Taking advantage of the Sister's wandering attention, the grubs strike for Hotep, but he's able to dodge their cavernous maws.

2014-02-10, 06:42 PM
Syrrendro reacts after the grubs. He moves his left hand in an arcane pattern while he chants a quick incantation, before firing a glob of acid at the grub closest to himself.

ranged touch: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

(whoops that attack roll is at a +2 not a +3, my mistake while typing. so its a 16 to hit, not 17)

2014-02-12, 10:57 AM
(OOC - When it's Hotep's turn again ...)

Hotep slipped to the side, avoiding the grubs counter-attack. With a determined grunt, he swung again, trying to slice them up before they got into his skin ... a thought that elicited a quiver of disgust.

Again, and this time with feeling!
Attack: [roll0], dam: [roll1]

AC: 16, HPs: 21/21, Rage: 6/6