View Full Version : Custom Heart of " " spell with death ward

2014-01-05, 11:18 PM
I was looking at the Heart of " " spells, and I was wondering, what would the minor benefits of a heart of " " spell that grants death ward be?
Allow me to clarify, each of the Heart of " " spells has a minor effect which lasts for hour/level, and a major effect equivalent of another spell that can be activated and lasts of round/level, ending the spell.

So what would be a good hour/level effect for a Heart of " " spell that grants death ward?
If it had something to do with negative energy, it might match thematically with the other elemental Heart of " " spells, or possibly in it's own similar line of spells along with a positive energy version.

I also decided to look specifically at Heart of Water, which as a major effect, grants Freedom of Movement, a spell of the same level as Death ward

As a minor effect, Heart of Water grants a swim speed, bonuses to escape artist, and the ability to breath underwater.

So should the round/level effect be at roughly the same power as that granted by Heart of Water?

And should the spell itself remain as a 3rd level spell?

2014-01-05, 11:49 PM
This probably belongs on the Homebrew forum.