View Full Version : Griping about the weather

2014-01-06, 12:21 PM
It's -18 degrees here in michigan, with 3 feet of snow. And this past summer the temp got into the 110 degree range. Tell me, playgrounders all, what your weather has been like, that I may feel comforted that I am not the only one who's having a rough time of it.

warty goblin
2014-01-06, 01:30 PM
-5 Fahrenheit today, windchill of -20. Good times.

Elder Tsofu
2014-01-06, 01:32 PM
Michigan, give us back our snow, here (Sweden) it is +5 degrees Celsius and raining. (It should be at least -5 to -10 degrees Celsius)

Cristo Meyers
2014-01-06, 01:35 PM
Around -15, -30 windchill, and the roads are icy and hazardous. Saw at least 6 cars on the side of the road, usually facing the wrong direction, and in various degrees of "crashed into a snowbank".

It would've been 7, but we didn't hit a snowbank, we hit the guardrail. :smallsigh:

Yeah, not enjoying the weather.

2014-01-06, 01:44 PM
At times, some afternoons there was 13 Celsius (55 F) in goddamn December here...

I'm not exactly old, but for sure I don't remember such warm winter. Hard to call it winter in fact.

2014-01-06, 01:56 PM
I think Boston got all the fahrenheits today. It's 50 out with no wind chill. It's been single digits all week and will be back down there tomorrow. At least the snow is getting melted away today.

2014-01-06, 02:33 PM
Couple of days ago it was -40 with the windchill. Today its 5 C. Tomorrow is apparently going down to -20 C with wind.

2014-01-06, 04:11 PM
It's -18 degrees here in michigan, with 3 feet of snow. And this summer the temp got into the 110 degree range. Tell me, playgrounders all, what your weather has been like, that I may feel comforted that I am not the only one who's having a rough time of it.

Rainy with temps in the 40s to 50s. Just melted like 8 inches of snow in under 12 hours. Uhhh, if it makes you feel any better, the fog is so thick you can walk on it. Ct here.

2014-01-06, 04:46 PM
It's cloudy and about 22º C, which is 72º F, here in Costa Rica. It's nice to live in the tropics :smallcool:

2014-01-06, 04:49 PM
It's currently 0 degrees F, with windchills near -30. The low last night hit about -17, with -50 windchills...

Hasn't been this cold here since 1997...

2014-01-06, 04:54 PM
Presently -15 degrees Fahrenheit (about -26 Celsius) here in Milwaukee. I've not left the house all day, since I've already got a nasty cold as is.

2014-01-06, 04:58 PM
Just wanted to add, seriously, they arent kidding with the old saying about new england weather. "If you dont like it, wait 5 minutes." Not a day or two ago and it was hovering around 0 with between 6-10 inches of snow on the ground. Now its around 50 degrees and the snow is gone. Lord knows what it will be tomorrow. I just wish it could figure out what season it wants to be.

Giggling Ghast
2014-01-06, 05:06 PM
I drove over 500 kilometres yesterday in -35C weather. The wind chill made it feel like -50C. In order to park my car, I had to shovel out my driveway for nearly an hour.

2014-01-06, 05:13 PM
Here in the Pacific Northwest, it has been hovering between 20F and 32F most of the day, and we still have no snow.

2014-01-06, 05:58 PM
Evening draws near, and the temperature droppeth further. It's now 1°F with a windchill of -30°F. I think it may continue to drop as the night goes on. We could probably go sledding in our backyard if it weren't so cold.

EDIT: still, it beats the alternative. I think we only had 3 days of snow last year, and it was warm and wet and muddy. I always have liked winter the best.

2014-01-06, 06:12 PM
Just wanted to add, seriously, they arent kidding with the old saying about new england weather. "If you dont like it, wait 5 minutes." Not a day or two ago and it was hovering around 0 with between 6-10 inches of snow on the ground. Now its around 50 degrees and the snow is gone. Lord knows what it will be tomorrow. I just wish it could figure out what season it wants to be.

It's similar in the part of Washington I'm from =3
There's admittedly not been snow yet, but we have had it as late as March the last few years.

2014-01-06, 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Curaced
It's -18 degrees here in michigan, with 3 feet of snow.

Here in coastal Virginia, we're all worried because it's going down to 15 tonight, which for us is Super Major Cold Times. A lot of schools are closing, others are opening two hours late.

Not a flake of snow, mind you. Just the cold.

Originally Posted by valadil
I think Boston got all the fahrenheits today. It's 50 out with no wind chill.

Well, we started the morning at about 62 degrees, warm and humid. It was 48 by lunchtime, 37 by sunset and probably close to freezing by now. If we hit 15 tomorrow morning, that'll be more than a 45-degree drop in twenty-four hours.

Originally Posted by Aurenthal
It's cloudy and about 22º C, which is 72º F, here in Costa Rica. It's nice to live in the tropics.

I miss Costa Rica. I'll miss it even more tomorrow. :smalltongue:

Originally Posted by warty goblin
-5 Fahrenheit today, windchill of -20. Good times.

There you go again.


warty goblin
2014-01-06, 06:20 PM
There you go again.

Just got back from a four mile walk in the stuff. On the way back the temperature was down to -4, with a fairly determined sort of wind, which I was walking straight into.

Hey, I was bored.

2014-01-06, 06:22 PM
You know, I think the weather in the Netherlands is broken, It's about 8 through 15 degrees Celcius during the day, gloves and shawl not necessary and it feels like autumn and spring blend into each other while forgetting all about that silliness of winter... And here I was looking forward to doing some ice skating on my museum pieces through the lovely countryside of Friesland. Ah well, now I can at least go home without a frozen set of pants from my work as a bartender. So not all is bad about this... :smallsmile:

2014-01-06, 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by warty goblin
Just got back from a four mile walk in the stuff. On the way back the temperature was down to -4, with a fairly determined sort of wind, which I was walking straight into.

How...how do you still have noses and ears and stuff?



2014-01-06, 06:26 PM
Flash freezing warnings of all the freezing rain that fell today. Wind chill warnings with a possibility of -40. And I hear of some nutbars that say "wind chill" is a myth.

2014-01-06, 06:56 PM
The past few days have been enough to bring to mind sayings about witches and brass monkeys. Today around noon I went out to check the mail and had a hard time making myself breathe in.

Tomorrow I anticipate a day of being at work and getting seven cancellations in a row. I get paid based on the work I do, not the number of appointments in my book (seven, in this case). So I get to freeze my brass and not get paid for it. Yay. :smallannoyed: It would be very nice if the office told me, "we're closed today, stay home if you have any sense." Which they won't, but I'll get to hear all about how gawdawful slow the whole day is.

warty goblin
2014-01-06, 07:40 PM
How...how do you still have noses and ears and stuff?



I have a hat made out of rabbit fur with an insulated lining and earflaps*. Keeps the cold right out. I've never had too much trouble with my nose, although today the snot was literally freezing on my face at one point.

What made it unpleasant was the fact that I'd critically underestimated the wind when I set out, and didn't wear a particularly windproof coat. Couldn't feel the skin on my abdomen by the time I got home.

Next time it's this cold I'll wear the heavy wool sweater under the 1/4 inch cowhide motorcycle jacket. That thing'll keep out any wind up to and including 50mph blasts.

*My sister has a similar hat, but made from wolverine fur. Sucker's so warm she can't even wear it until it gets below zero.

2014-01-06, 07:55 PM
The thing I hate the most is the way the cold seeps right into your bones, right away. You feel it in your legs the moment you step out into it, and it doesn't matter how many layers you have.

2014-01-06, 08:29 PM
I'm weird, I guess, but I'm happy about the snow we've had here in Michigan. I've heard varying reports from just over a foot to two and a half feet where I am, but it's hard to tell with all the snow drifts. I'm thinking it's only about a foot of new snow where I am (there was already four to five inches on the ground), just by eyeballing it, but I'm really not sure. I'm a little disappointed, considering how much people were hyping up this snowstorm, and with all the closing. This isn't too unusual for winter here.

Yeah, it got down around -2 today with a windchill of -35 , but that's okay. I'm cool with that. Just dress warmly and you'll be fine. I kind of like it, really, especially in comparison to an equal amount of heat. The ice storm we had a fortnight or so ago was annoying, but it's still not beyond what I expect out of winter, and I like having a normal winter.

Now, the summers with the ridiculously hot temperatures we've been having lately... the south of the country can bloody well have them back. I don't want them. I want our normal summers. I only want it to get up in the eighties for a week or two (well, I'd be happier if it never did, but I'm not expecting that). The eighties and over are just too bleedin' hot.

Michigan, give us back our snow, here (Sweden) it is +5 degrees Celsius and raining. (It should be at least -5 to -10 degrees Celsius)

Hey. No. Our snow. We're supposed to have it too, and we're keeping it! We haven't had enough the last few years, having winters more like what you're experiencing.

2014-01-06, 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by warty goblin
*...rabbit fur...wolverine fur...cowhide...*

You folks do go in for the animal coverings, don't you? :smalltongue:

I can certainly believe they're far more effective than synthetics. I recall reading that some Inuit needed ventilation slats in their sealskin trousers, because otherwise their legs would overheat.

Also, I was mainly joking about ears and noses, ...mainly. I do love walking in snow, but the 20s and 30s is usually my limit.

Several years ago I visited my girlfriend in Anchorage, where she'd moved from Ohio. I was there in early March and it was above 30 for the first time all winter. Despite the balmy clime, I had a bad cold the entire time I was there...and had to walk ten blocks in the snow to the &#%$@!! corner store for Gatorade and apple juice.

She was excited at how "warm" it was, but I was just not appreciative.

Originally Posted by Remmirath
Now, the summers with the ridiculously hot temperatures we've been having lately... the south of the country can bloody well have them back. ...The eighties and over are just too bleedin' hot.

I love riding my mountain bike when it's 95 degrees and 95% humidity. I just love that.


2014-01-06, 08:40 PM
We’ve had no rain or snow for about 12 months. Things are looking really bad drought wise (we’re in a constant drought alert, but this time it’s actually going to be bad). The air quality is bad ( very unhealthy) because of the lack of rain or strong wind, and the state’s not going to allocate any water to farmers this year, so the crops are going to be small or poor quality; that hurts this area financially. Also it’s too hot for this time of year which also affects certain crops.

You guys can piss and moan about the rain, snow and wind. But out here at GI Joe headquarters, not having any of those is creating some serious problems.

2014-01-06, 11:35 PM
My wife usually walks to work. On days that are really cold, I get up early and drive her.

This morning, it was cold enough that the car would not start, no matter what I tried. We had to send her to work in a cab - probably not so odd to everyone reading, but a first time for us.

It's possible that the car battery has given out entirely, and my attempts to remove it to bring it indoors to thaw were unsuccessful due to it being so cold that I couldn't endure it. I'll try again around noon tomorrow, when it'll be a bit warmer.

warty goblin
2014-01-07, 12:35 AM
You folks do go in for the animal coverings, don't you? :smalltongue:

I can certainly believe they're far more effective than synthetics. I recall reading that some Inuit needed ventilation slats in their sealskin trousers, because otherwise their legs would overheat.

I do tend to prefer my insulation to be from the fur, leather and wool categories. I find they wear well, leather stops the wind at least as well as any synthetic I've tried, and wool still insulates even when damp. Goosedown is also acceptable, though it doesn't do crap for wind.

Also, I was mainly joking about ears and noses, ...mainly. I do love walking in snow, but the 20s and 30s is usually my limit.
It's not winter if it's above fifteen. So long as a person's moving, zero is quite a comfortable temperature in my experience.

I love riding my mountain bike when it's 95 degrees and 95% humidity. I just love that.

Yuck. Gimme cold any day. Tragically all the Texans in my program are still on break, so I can't enjoy their suffering. Hey, I have to put up with them being comfortable all summer.

2014-01-07, 12:39 AM
Northern Indiana Here: -11, wind chill brings it to -33 or colder

2014-01-07, 12:52 AM
It's down to -12 here now, it seems; the wind chill's tapered off a little, so now it's -31.

I love riding my mountain bike when it's 95 degrees and 95% humidity. I just love that.


I don't think I'd survive very long like that! Once it gets above the lower seventies, I'm not very comfortable doing active things outside. Upper seventies and up, and all I'm good for outside is swimming or lying around not moving in the shade and hoping the sun goes away soon. Cycling's a little better with the breeze, but I'm still not going to do well if it's over eighty.

I do tend to prefer my insulation to be from the fur, leather and wool categories. I find they wear well, leather stops the wind at least as well as any synthetic I've tried, and wool still insulates even when damp. Goosedown is also acceptable, though it doesn't do crap for wind.

Yeah, and they also don't have the problem of all the filling leaking out. I gave up on down and other filled coats a few years back; they're only good until the stuffing starts leaking, and they're never as good against wind.

2014-01-07, 01:01 AM
Originally from Erie, PA, here, so I know a bit about cold - and in Washington, DC tonight, it was Cold. I was out in it walking across town for an hour in my Carhartt, scarf, hat, and gloves; took me a good 20 minutes to warm up to the point I could feel my cheeks again, once I was inside. It was around 8(F) with a wind chill of -10, and it's supposed to get down to around 3.

The one good thing was what I didn't see while walking around - looks like the word got out among the homeless folks. I bet the shelters are packed. (Seriously, this is not a night to be without a roof over your head).

Gnome Alone
2014-01-07, 01:23 AM
So I live in the contemptible city of Sacramento, CA - which is so infuriatingly hot during the summer that I spend large amounts of time daydreaming of Arctic tundra. Heat pisses me off so much - if it's cold you can always just jump around and/or put on more clothes, but when it's stupid-hot you can be lying naked and immobile in the shade and it's still gonna be stupid-hot. But anyway around here the winter's been colder than usual, and I love it. It's been bouncing between literally freezing (32° Farenheit I think) and my personal favorite temperature of 50something degrees. I tend to run like super-hot anyway; it is very hard to make me cold and very easy to make me sweat and wish for swift death, but I still don't think I could handle all this subzero nonsense ye folk talk of. Yeesh.

2014-01-07, 01:42 AM
It's colder than Mars in Minnesota (http://mix108.com/its-been-out-of-this-world-cold-in-northern-minnesota-lately-colder-than-the-surface-of-mars/) (at some points). I'm on vacation in Florida until the 11th (came down here on the 26th). Feelin' for my peeps.

Elder Tsofu
2014-01-07, 03:06 AM
As long as there is no wind the cold is usually quite manageable, when the wind comes its time to get some serious layers going.

2014-01-07, 08:04 AM
Just for an update, remember how yesterday I said it was warm and rainy and got rid of 8 inches of snow? Well it snowed last night. Not alot, but enough to cover the lawn again. YAY NEW ENGLAND! Freaking bi-polar climate.

2014-01-07, 04:46 PM
Huh, this must be like the only place in the world that actually has a decent amount of snow.

2014-01-08, 07:37 PM
So, I'm up in northwestern Washington, and I had absolutely no idea there was apparently a major weather thing going on until today. Up here, it's been a pretty normal winter, except for one night with frost and today, in which it rained and the wind blew around a bit. The wind actually made it warmer, I think, it's round about 55F right now.

2014-01-08, 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by warty goblin
It's not winter if it's above fifteen. So long as a person's moving, zero is quite a comfortable temperature in my experience.

Well, it was 13 at dawn yesterday. Where I live, that qualifies as absurdly severe. I don't think I've experienced anything that cold in many years.

Now, when I first stepped outside, I thought, "Huh. Thirteen? This isn't much. I got this."

Then I went for a walk in the woods. With a stiff northwestern wind, blowing through the winter-bare trees with a truly glacial bite.

OMGWTFBBQCOLD. I had a headache for the rest of the day. I'm not meant for wind chill.

This morning it was 15, with no wind, and the morning walk was actually enjoyable. Lots of birds out this morning, to make up for the frigid inactivity of yesterday. It amazes me how something as tiny as a golden-crowned kinglet can keep itself going in temperatures I can barely stand.

Originally Posted by Telonius
The one good thing was what I didn't see while walking around - looks like the word got out among the homeless folks. I bet the shelters are packed.

There was a lot of effort here to let the homeless know that the shelters weren't turning anyone away this week. Once the shelters filled up, the additional homeless were taken to local [community institutions whose guiding philosophies can't be discussed here] to make sure everyone had a place indoors.

Originally Posted by Remmirath
Cycling's a little better with the breeze, but I'm still not going to do well if it's over eighty.

I knew cyclists in D.C. who would bundle up and go riding in the wintertime, and they couldn't imagine riding in the stifling deeps of summertime. Me, I love it.

Also, kayaking. I look at the little frozen pond and dream of spring.



2014-01-09, 09:25 AM
Meanwhile, in Russia, I'm sitting in my room in shorts and curse because of how hot it is even with open windows.

Elder Tsofu
2014-01-11, 10:15 AM
We finally got a bit of snow, so... thanks Michigan, I guess. :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-11, 10:37 AM
So, did everyone survive the day after tomorrow?

Asta Kask
2014-01-11, 02:34 PM
At times, some afternoons there was 13 Celsius (55 F) in goddamn December here...

I'm not exactly old, but for sure I don't remember such warm winter. Hard to call it winter in fact.

In Southern Sweden there has been no winter yet, as defined by meteorologists.

2014-01-11, 03:14 PM
Aaaand we got another set of snow followed by rain a day later. I wouldnt even mind that much if it was say, going from 30-35, but we are seeing temps swing from 5 degrees to 55 degrees over the course of 36 hours!

Elder Tsofu
2014-01-11, 03:18 PM
In Southern Sweden there has been no winter yet, as defined by meteorologists.

Well, southern Sweden can't really expect a good winter regardless so you don't count. :smalltongue: