View Full Version : Adventurer's Guild [Cult of Donjon]

2014-01-06, 02:21 PM

Dash (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=746988), Lozeki (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=746628), and Ashburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=713979)

XP: 600 for one sphinx riddle + 750 for the pit hidden beneath the water = 1450 (need 6000 to level).

Search ye far or search ye near,
You’ll find no trace of the three
Unless you follow instructions clear,
For the weapons abide with me.

North past forest, farm, and furrow
You must go to reach the feathered mound.
Then down away from the sun you’ll burrow—
Forget life, forget light, forget sound.

To rescue Wave, you must do battle
With the Beast in the Boiling Bubble.
Crost cavern vast, where chain-links rattle
Lies Whelm, past waterspouts double.

Blackrazor yet remains to be won
Underneath inverted ziggurat.
That garnered, think not that you’re done,
For now you’ll find you are caught.

I care not, former owners brave,
What heroes you seek to hire.
Though mighty, each shall be my slave
Or vanish into the fire.


When Riikan Dack, a wealthy collector of rare art objects, hired you to recover a weapon- a magical trident named Wave- stolen from his vault, he offered your group 15,000 gp—a reward sizable enough to dissuade you from asking too many questions. He showed you the boastful note left by the thief—supposedly an ancient wizard named Keraptis—and told you that his sources had pinpointed your destination (the “feathered mound” named in the note) as a volcanic peak called White Plume Mountain. Days later, you found yourselves scaling the south slope of the mountain. You soon located an entry tunnel leading into the rock and emerged in a cave that actually seemed to breathe, exhaling a large cloud of steam and then slowly inhaling again, like a man breathing on a cold day. Inside, the cavern floor was covered with muck—obviously a byproduct of the condensation dripping from the walls and ceiling. Hidden beneath this mud, near the back of the cavern, you discovered a simple trapdoor set with an iron ring. And now, below the opening, a square vertical shaft beckons.

2014-01-06, 05:12 PM
Dash nods curtly to Ashburn.

"Your area of expertise."

He moves about the entrance, blue eyes keen in his craggy face.

Survival (let's see if there's anything to track!): [roll0]

2014-01-06, 06:21 PM
The floor's thick coat of mud surrenders no tracks save for those made by the adventurers in their search for the trapdoor.

2014-01-06, 06:43 PM
"We're first since this mud's set."

He puls his pack from his back and withdraws rope and a grapple, then looks for a likely place to secure it.

2014-01-06, 06:56 PM
The cavern walls offer an abundance of crevices suitable for the fastening of a grapple hook, and Dash affixes it easily, tugging to make sure it is secure.

2014-01-06, 07:07 PM
A man stands near the shaft. He looks human, about 25 years of age, with short blond hair and scintillating blue eyes. His overall well-proportioned attractiveness, however, is undercut by the three alternate heads that lie beside his own, heads of a dragon, lion, and goat (the former two of which have unnaturally large jaws). It is also undercut by the scars that seem to cover every inch of his body, by the purple hue of his skin, the irregular patches tawny fur covering him, and especially by the expression of deep hate emblazoned upon his four sets of eyes.

The man looks over at his two comerades. They were the first people he'd met after long years of seclusion in jail. How odd they must have thought him, covered with scars and looking like an old woman with a tentacle hanging out of her stomach and enough scars to make a suit of armor with. Lesser people might have screamed and ran. He grins pleasantly, an expression which clashes disconcertingly with his hateful eyes.

"Do you want to go down first or do you want me?" he asks Dash. His tone manages to be at once down-to-business and casual.

I'm not in Deinon-whatchemecallit form yet, in case you haven't noticed. Hopefully there's nothing nasty immediately at the bottom of that shaft.

2014-01-06, 08:17 PM
The lean man grunts. He pulls a short haft of wood from his pack, the straps it to the bracer on his left arm using the leather straps binding it in place. He pulls a leather cap from it to reveal a cool-burning magical flame.

He grabs the rope and slides down a bit, peering down into the gloom.

Auto 29 on my roll to Climb.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2014-01-06, 09:10 PM
The flame reveals a rusty metal staircase that seems to vibrate slightly, as if in tune with some inaudible subterranean rumbling, spiraling down into warm, humid darkness. As he descends, the torch sputters and sparks, giving off a thick smoke. Touching bottom, he determines that the stairs hold his weight without give, despite their weathered appearance.

2014-01-06, 11:16 PM
Everburning - no smoke.
Dash tugs the rope twice. "All clear."

2014-01-07, 01:09 AM
Upon hearing his ally give the all-clear, Ashburn carefully lowers himself down toward the staircase. He shoulders his bag awkwardly, its wide bulk ill-fitting on his skinny frame. He squints towards the torchlight ahead of him as he lowers himself down one arm-length at a time, finally coming to rest beside Dash on the stairwell.
"Well, now. A hatch beneath the mud leading to a dated, ancient, buried catacomb built into the side of a dormant volcano?"
Blinking, Ashburn taps his forehead twice for mentioning the activity of the mountain they stood within, giving a quick mental slap to himself. He had never been superstitious before, but it was always a good time to start- staring down the face of danger, mortality, and, most likely, soul-rattling pain.
"How does a place like this come to be built? Verily, those who designed it must be long gone. And now this Keraptis, thief and jester and fellow magi, decides to move in? How very... charming."

He looks around, testing the rickety old stairwell, attempting to discern its function in the dark tunnel they resided in.

Ashburn will make a Engineering check [roll0] and a Search check for instabilities, booby-traps, or other hazards: Search [roll1]

2014-01-07, 08:55 AM
Are we auto-climbing? I figured over-handing on a rope did require a roll, but I may be wrong, and I'm ALL for moving forwaaaard!

Dash is crouched at the top of the stairs, one hand on the rope, when Ashburn alights. He nods and points down the stairs with his lantern jaw, then waits patiently as his companion checks for anomalies.

As he does, Dash unwinds a grey silken cord from his waist, wrapping it loosely around the bracer on his right arm. He palms a heavy silver ball at the end, bouncing it slightly as he waits.

2014-01-07, 10:21 AM
The rusty stairs coil down for another few flights before ending, submerged to the depth of a foot, in murky water. They seem solid and in good condition despite the rust, and Ashburn detects no traps.

2014-01-07, 12:23 PM
"The stairs have no obvious traps. Still, watch your step, gentlemen."

Ashburn descends into the foot of murky water, straining his eyes and ears against the oppressive weight of being underground.

"Also, Dash, I offer my services as torch-bearer. It would free your much-more-deadly hands and would help me in my searching endeavors."

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2014-01-07, 01:01 PM
The strange looking man climbs down the narrow rope along with his companions, and then comes down the stairwell, his four pairs of eyes each straining in different directions. When he arrives next to Ashburn, his vigilance increases: for several minutes, he is totally engrossed in his environment, looking around himself like a hunter in the woods. A four-headed Chimeric psychopathic naturechanneling hunter in the woods, to be exact.

Investing both my Incarnum into my Threefold Mask of the Chimera for another +2 bonus to spot. I'm looking around when I go down the stairwell, and then I'll take 20 when I'm beside Ashburn, for a 33 spot check result (and a 22 listen check result).

Spot in stairwell: [roll0]
Listen in stairwell: [roll1]

2014-01-07, 04:45 PM
The mud at the bottom of the clammy water sucks at their boots, but taking a few steps forward into the gloom, they are able to estimate that the hall extends for another forty feet or so before turning left. A deep rumbling noise fills the hallway, but after the adventurers slosh through a few feet of water, it abruptly stops for a second before resuming again, quieter.

2014-01-07, 05:04 PM
Dash glares down at the dim water. "We'll need more than a light."

He turns to Lozeki. "Can you turn into something that swims well?"

2014-01-07, 05:30 PM
"Yup! But it wouldn't be polite if I turned into a fish right now, what with fishies not being able to dance in air. I don't think the fish would like it." the man chirps, and the Lion head next to him growls its approval.

2014-01-07, 08:16 PM
"So get in, first." Dash's tone is deadpan.

2014-01-07, 09:11 PM
Ashburn takes little notice of his allies. His attention is focused on the algae upon the walls, the murky water, and the vibrations that ripple through his bones and over his skin.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]
-For the algae, water, and what kinds of creatures could possibly survive here.
Knowledge Dungeoneering [roll1]
-For the tremors and general design of this place.

2014-01-07, 09:26 PM
The water is filthy and covered with a film of scum, and seems like no creature could possibly live in it for long. The walls are well-built despite their crumbling exterior.

If you want more specific information, you'll have to elaborate. And you're using the wrong skill to analyze the rumbling... :smallwink:

2014-01-07, 11:10 PM
Dash unspools the rope and drops the grappling hook into the pool, plumbing the depth.

2014-01-07, 11:10 PM
So there's nothing that could cause the rumbling covered under knowledge of Caverns, Spelunking, or Cave systems? I'm just trying to guess at things that could cause the shaking.
Will try Engineering [roll0] to also guess. Sadly, I forgot to put a point in Geography.

Ashburn squints at the murk around his feet, and speaks up to his friends.
"This water is fetid. Likely no real circulation, and thus no real examples from the animal kingdom. Not saying nothing lives down here- just nothing we could feasibly hunt and eat."

Ashburn moves up the hallway, taking water samples and tapping things with the pointy end of his rapier.

Taking 10 on search- result 29

2014-01-08, 12:38 PM
The man follows behind the mage, still fully alert.

Taking 10 on spot... result= 23
Listen: [roll0]

2014-01-08, 05:48 PM
Dash loops his meteor hammer loosely around his bracer, keeping pace within five feet of Ashburn. He pulls a long tube from his pack and removes a canvas cover, removes several lengths of wood which he quickly screws together, then offers the 10 ft. pole to Ashburn.

"Check for dips."

2014-01-08, 06:38 PM
They round the corner and immediately see, ten feet ahead, the corridor branches off in three directions, with a pile of bones jutting out of the water at the intersection. Atop it a bedraggled creature rests. Her body looks like that of a mangy lion, and great, tattered wings lie folded at her sides. A female humanoid face peers out from beneath the tangled mat of hair that covers her head. It is her rattly breathing that echoes down the hallway, and her gleaming eyes that are focused on the adventurers. As they step cautiously forward, a rune etched on the passage ceiling between them and the sphinx begins to glow gently, and she holds up a paw, gesturing for the party to remain where they are. "I have a riddle to offer, noble adventurers, before you may advance to the object of your quest," she says, a hint of sarcasm in her tone. "Dare you test your wits?" She picks at a piece of cloth stuck in her sharp teeth with one claw and waits patiently for the answer.

2014-01-08, 07:12 PM
"Yes, we dare." says the man, smiling. This time, it's the Goat head that bleats its approval. The Lion head is too occupied ogling the sphinx. Despite his cheerful attitude, the man prepares himself for the worst.

Readying an action. If the Sphinx lunges towards us, I'm going straight into Deinonychus form.

2014-01-08, 07:30 PM
The gynosphinx sounds bored as she replies, "As you wish. Your death will come soon enough. Which of the passages I guard would you seek to traverse?"

2014-01-08, 07:39 PM
Dash keeps a hand on his meteor hammer, but his expression is bored.

"That's a question, not a riddle."

2014-01-08, 07:53 PM
The man wasn't expecting that. The four heads looks keenly at the three entrances, to see what's different about each of them.

How wide's the corridor here?

Take 10 on my spot check for a result of 23.

2014-01-08, 08:01 PM
"Ha. Ha. Very funny. Look, O smart one, I'm sure neither of us want to draw this thing out, so let me just give you the damn riddle, you can go along, and I can find somewhere that's not so wet to dry out and maybe finish my damn nap. No, it's actually in the manual that I should say that. Now which passage do you want?" She gives a hacking cough. "And no, I can't tell you anything about their routes. Just pick one. Won't make any difference in the end, will it?"

2014-01-08, 09:19 PM
Ashburn points off to his left, down the hallway. He quickly memories the symbol there.
"We desire that passage. And please, let me provide the answer, gentlemen. It is why I am here, after all, is it not? My genius-level intellect?"

2014-01-08, 09:28 PM
The sphinx grumbles, but grudgingly spits out the words, "My creator wants me not/And much in dread will I be bought/My cold embrace is fiercely fought/But those who need me know it not. What am I?"

2014-01-08, 10:08 PM
Ashburn pauses but a moment, then intones. "You are a coffin. A luxury I am half convinced I will never see after choosing this as my profession."

He holds his breath, inner focus scant inches from grabbing a whole bushel of arcane power.

Readying action to cast Extended Invisible Cloud of Knives if the sphinx makes a hostile action.

2014-01-09, 06:43 AM
She sighs. "Yes. Okay, each of you repeat the answer, and then you may pass,"

2014-01-09, 07:02 AM
"That worked better than last time you used your intellect."

He nods at the Sphinx as he passes.


2014-01-09, 09:53 AM
"Now, Dash, that wasn't my fault. That hillock wasn't too important regardless. The townsfolk forgave me in the end."

Ashburn kicks at the edge of the pile of bones, attempting to gauge how many creatures composed it. He then turns and moves down the hallway, using the ten-foot pole to test for dips and traps as he goes.

2014-01-09, 12:00 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the thing is probably going to attack us as soon as I say 'coffin', complete with some witty line about us going to ours. Amirite?

The man holds up a hand and answers "Excuse me a moment, I've got a friend who'd like to answer the riddle for me. Tata for now!"

As he says this, a rather remarkable transformation is taking place in the man's body. He begins stooping and hunching over, his arms become far smaller, his legs far stronger, vicious claws begin growing on his four limbs, and his face elongates into a vicious reptilian form, with teeth so large they hardly fit in his mouth. Then the transformation stops as quickly as it began, and it becomes apparent that the creature is a vicious Deinonychus, purple-skinned and tawny-furred, and covered with the same lattice of scars as the man. The reptile, in tandem with the three other heads that still are beside his own, roars "A COFFIN!"

2014-01-09, 02:05 PM
Dash shakes his head. "Had to wake the dungeon. Every time."

2014-01-09, 05:46 PM
The Sphinx sighs. "Adventurers. Always with the drama."

About twenty feet along, Ashburn, tapping with the pole, feels it not make contact with the floor. Some force tugs on it, and in a moment, with a slurp, it has been sucked out of his hands and vanishes beneath the murky water.

2014-01-09, 06:35 PM
Dash winds the silken cord of his meteor hammer quickly and expertly around his waist and tugs a shaft from the quiver at his side - a shaft that proves substantially longer than the quiver itself, and tipped with a wickedly sharp set of backward-facing barbs.
Readying an action to chuck if anything pokes out.
He shoots a look at his companions.

"Anyone got an idea?"

2014-01-09, 07:37 PM
He watches the water for movement, harpoon ready. When nothing emerges, he sheathes the weapon and eyeballs the hall.

He again reaches for his pack, unspooling the silk rope. He ties it tightly around his waist, then hands the other end to Ashburn.

"Hold this."

In a flash of blue energy, Dash flies across the hall, rope trailing, and lands on the wall, where he clings, braced, his toes crammed into invisible crevices.
Up to 40 ft. away; Climb check 27, auto.
He drops his left hand and again unwinds his weapon from his waist. Climbing down to just above the water's surface, he lets the heavy ball slowly down into the water to test the depth.

2014-01-09, 07:43 PM
As soon as the metal ball dips below the surface, the same tug occurs, attempting to drag the ball down below its depths.

Strength check please. If you fail, you can either let go or be dragged from the ceiling.


2014-01-09, 09:38 PM
Dash grimaces as the line goess taught, the cord cinching tight around his bracer.

And swears as it disappears into the water.

He takes a moment to stare down into the depths, expressionless, then looks around for a spot to anchor the grapple.

2014-01-10, 09:59 AM
Ashburn grimaces at his hands, then at the pool of water in front of him. For a moment he considers the function of this place before Keraptis moved in. A moment later he shrugs and performs arcane gestures, imbuing himself and his ally Lozeki with the climbing abilities of a spider.

Casting Spider Climb on Lozeki and myself. Duration 50 minutes.

2014-01-10, 12:38 PM
For a moment the dinosaur is confused and snaps at Ashburn threateningly. Then he seems to realize his own new ability. With an approving growl, the dinosaur runs up the nearest wall, crouching extra low to allow its short arms to have a hold on the wall. This finished, he goes and climbs horizontally to get past whatever caused the sucking.

2014-01-11, 09:50 AM
Hanging from one hand and bracing on his toes, Dash reaches back into his pack again. This time he withdraws a small piece of chalk, with which he draws an arrow pointing down at the spot his hammer disappeared.

Next, he makes his way back to his companions, spooling the rope with a free hand as he goes. When he reaches them, he looks about for a place to secure the grapple.

2014-01-11, 12:01 PM
When the hook is set, he takes a moment to tie the rope into a quick harness that winds across his shoulders, waist, and back.

Been waiting to use this! I paid 2 Con just for the extra skill because it fit the whole "rope dart bounty hunter adventurer-ninja" theme!

Use Rope: [roll0]
After a few tugs, he seems satisfied. He hands the rope, with only a yard or so of slack, up, nodding at his four-headed companion.

"Keep hold." He turns to Ashburn. "Control the slack - feed it out slowly."

He turns back to Lozeki. "One tug, reel in. Two tugs, pull hard and fast."

Sorry, forgot to add Dex and the silk rope bonus - that's a result of 22.

2014-01-11, 12:26 PM
"Sirs, perhaps I should plumb the depths. I have a few tricks up my sleeve and can exeunt with some degree of assured success. However, I cannot see through the water's edge, and thusly cannot use my magic to extricate you from beneath the filthy, fetid surface."

Ashburn looks between his friends again before getting distracted by a patch of algae growing in the shape of a rhino.

2014-01-11, 02:15 PM
Dash gives a curt shake of his head. "I've seen you in water."

He shucks his pack and tightens the loose ends of his close-fitting grey clothing - there aren't many. He nods to the dinosaur.


Belt of Athleticism - I swim auto 19. 1/day, auto 29. I figure I'll Climb down in above the arrow, so I stick to the wall - auto 27.

2014-01-11, 08:51 PM
Grudgingly, the dinosaur picks up the rope with his teeth. The lion enjoys a good growl at Dash, the goat bleats "Ye-e-e-es.", and the dragon gives a stern glance at Ashburn, saying "You'd better help us."

Taking ten on my next strength check, if I'm allowed to. Otherwise, you can roll for me to speed things up: 1d20+6.

2014-01-11, 10:49 PM
Should be +8 with Ashburn helping.
Dash pulls the rope one last time and dives in.
Auto 19 on Swim. Not fighting the force - wanna see where all the stuff gets sucked to.

2014-01-11, 10:57 PM
The water immediately sucks him in and sends him jetting down, a thin trail of bubbles floating up to the surface.

As the current presses around him, forcing him downwards, Dash sees the dark bottom of the pool emerge from the blackness. Spikes are scattered randomly around, a few skeletons stripped clean of flesh leering at nothing, and there is the faintly lit outline of a door at the bottom. A glint of light catches his eye, and he sees his hammer entangled around one of the spikes as a sudden spurt of force sends him tumbling down.

Dexterity check to avoid being impaled. You get a +2 synergy bonus for your ranks in Swim.

2014-01-11, 11:23 PM
Dahs jacknifes his feet in front of him, offering the smallest possible area of impact to the spikes, and does his best to angle towards his hammer.

Dex check: [roll0]

2014-01-11, 11:51 PM
The spike scrapes a deep gash on his arm, but he manages to aim himself so that he slams into the bottom without being gutted.

Take [roll0] piercing damage from the spike and [roll1] bludgeoning from the impact. Also, make a Spot check.

2014-01-12, 12:47 AM
What happened to the two up top playing out the slack gently? I would have thought that would have made it an easier check.

Spot: [roll0]
Dash doesn't flinch as he hits bottom feet first, blood blooming in the murky water.

2014-01-12, 07:19 PM
Okay, no damage from impact, but you still didn't swing yourself out of the way in time to avoid a scratch on the arm. 4 damage isn't much to you anyway.

Dash untangles his hammer from the spike and spies the ten-foot pole lying broken amidst the mud, but the skeletons are curiously devoid of any posessions save for a few scraps of clothing. As he searches, there's a flash of movement before him and then whatever it was is gone.

2014-01-12, 08:01 PM
Holding his breath, Dash winds the hammer around his arm while he carefully scans the murky depths.

Something is down here.
Spot: [roll0]

2014-01-12, 08:41 PM
The dim light glints off of a small, elongated silver shape- which then slips through the crack of light surrounding the metal door and vanishes.

2014-01-13, 01:15 AM
The dragon, watching the dinosaur still hold onto the rope with its teeth, begins to growl at the lake for no particular reason, and the lion glances back to see if it can cop a glance at the sphinx.

About how much rope do we have left to spool out? Or, the better question might be 'about how deep has Dash gone at this point?'

2014-01-13, 08:11 AM
Dash works his way to the door, then pulls his hand back, his hammer held in the palm of his hand like a heavy metal rock, and bashes it down on the door's latch.

Con in rounds before drowning, yes? I have 14 of them - holler if I'm getting close.

Mountain Hammer strike, ignoring DR and hardness, targeting the door's lock or latch.

To Hit:
Damage: [roll]1d4+2d6

2014-01-13, 08:12 AM
[roll0] + [roll1] = 8

2014-01-13, 11:09 AM
As soon as his hand touches the door, it swings open, and Dash is dumped unceremoniously into a chamber half-full of water. The door swings shut, jamming on the rope, yet no water pours in despite the crack.

2014-01-13, 04:31 PM
Dash looks around carefully, letting out some line on his hammer.

Swift action to restore Mountain Hammer.
Full round to spot ([roll0]) and listen ([roll1]).

2014-01-13, 04:44 PM
Roll a Will save please.

2014-01-13, 04:48 PM
Will: [roll0]
Note: I have a bonus to save vs. evil critters if it's relevant, but I won't be able to trigger it till next round.

2014-01-13, 04:59 PM
One of the sections of the blank wall seems to be just slightly out of shift from the others, barely noticeable if he hadn't been studying it intently.

2014-01-13, 05:01 PM
Dash unties the rope, leaving it to hang from the trapdoor, and moves to inspect the wall, hammer hanging with a foot of slack from his left hand.

Shifting 2 points of essentia as a swift action into my Llamasu Mantle, allowing me a +2 bonus on saves vs. evil.

2014-01-13, 05:26 PM
As he taps the wall experimentally, his hand passes right through it. Nothing seems to happen, though.

2014-01-13, 05:51 PM
Hammer at the ready, he steps through.

2014-01-13, 06:23 PM
His foot collides with the wall and his momentum carries him forward, sending him crashing into the suddenly solid surface.

2014-01-13, 06:26 PM
With a grunt, Dash catches himself, places his right hand out, and begins investigating the wall by touch. He keeps his meteor hammer in his left.

2014-01-14, 07:53 PM
After a few minutes, once Dash has finished examining the illusory wall and moved on to the other parts of the room, the wall wavers and a small silver eel shoots through. It pauses in the murky water for a moment, and then-

~Hello, sir.~ The words arrive in Dash's mind directly without the need for an intermediary. ~Won't you join us?~

2014-01-14, 11:08 PM
Dash keeps the weapon to hand. "Us? Explain."

2014-01-15, 05:53 PM
"I say," Ashburn intones, tilting his head sideways, "he has been down there for a spell. Should we, I mean, rescue the poor sap?"

2014-01-15, 05:56 PM
The eel replies, ~My... master and I. We do apologize for keeping you waiting, but we weren't quite ready to receive guests. Come in and you can explain how you come to be down here! We've put the kettle on.~ Without waiting for a reply, it turns and darts back through the illusory wall.

2014-01-15, 07:53 PM
The three Chimaeric heads hold a quick whispered conversation with each other. After a moment, the Dragon turns back towards Ashburn. "That's his decision." it says flatly, glancing at the Dinosaur to indicate who 'his' refers to.

The Dinosaur has to reply through his clenched teeth. "Nggggg."

2014-01-15, 11:11 PM
Dash keeps his hammer ready and moves through the wall.

2014-01-16, 08:04 AM
As Dash emerges from the wall, he sees a long, dry room, with a desk pushed to one side and a kettle on top of a beleagured stove, trying to drive the wetness and chill away. A globe of water enfolds the eel as it leaves the wet area, and it floats over to the side of a man wearing a bathrobe. He mutters something and makes an intricate gesture with his hands, and a streak of ice-blue light slams into Dash. "Why are you here?" he demands.

DC 19 Will save vs. Discern Lies.

2014-01-16, 08:08 AM
Note - +2 vs. evil, but he doesn't seem evil.

"Chasing my hammer. It got sucked to the bottom."

Going to sprint - want to get adjacent. Rolling initiative, yes?


2014-01-16, 09:39 AM
The magic-user steps back nervously and throws up his hands, conjuring a shimmering veil of water between the two. "Did you find it, then? he asks though the shifting shield.

2014-01-16, 01:12 PM
Dash moves as close as he can without moving into the barrier.
If he's within 15 ft. he can't cast defensively - he'll provoke.
"Who are you to ask?"

2014-01-16, 02:24 PM
He swells with indignation. "This is my home. Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do?"

2014-01-16, 03:19 PM
"The guy who nearly got stuck on your spikes."

Am I within reach?

2014-01-16, 04:52 PM
"What of my spikes? How does that give you the right to invade my home?" he shouts. The kettle begins to whistle merrily, and the eel floats over and turns the stove off with a flick of his tail.

2014-01-16, 06:36 PM
"You stole something. You really wanna talk rights?"

2014-01-16, 07:27 PM
"Yes, I do!" he replies forcefully. "And if you do not..." Glimmerings of magic stir themselves around his fingers.

2014-01-16, 11:14 PM
I need to know if I'm in range. Dash hates casters.

2014-01-17, 06:37 AM
You are, 10 feet away.

2014-01-17, 10:58 AM
Mage Slayer says anyone in my threatened area knows they can't cast defensively.

Dash begins to spin his hammer in his left. He holds his right out, palm facing the magus.

"Okay. How about you don't put a hex on me, and I don't hit you with this. I'm Dash. People hire me to find people or things. I'm looking for something called Wave, because it was stolen. If you stole it, I'd like it back."

2014-01-17, 02:33 PM
"I stole nothing," he spits. "I am no thief, no lackey of the wizard Keraptis. A murderer, quite possibly, but a thief? Sir, you offend me."

2014-01-17, 02:47 PM
The dour man looks skeptical.


2014-01-17, 03:34 PM
"Oh look, the water's boiled," he replies, moving crablike towards the stove as he keeps his front to Dash. "You have a preference? We've got all kinds."

2014-01-17, 06:02 PM
"Names first, then tea. I gave mine."

2014-01-17, 06:17 PM
"Er... Rudolphus?" He busies himelf with the tea, dismissing the wall of water with a flick of his hand. "Sugar?"

2014-01-17, 07:45 PM
"No tea - talk. What do you know about Keraptis?"

2014-01-17, 08:51 PM
"I'm afraid I can't share that information. I have an agreement with Keraptis- I don't tell would-be adventurers how to get through his deathtraps, and I get to live in one. You sure you don't want tea?"

2014-01-18, 12:31 AM

Waiting for his hands to be full, then re-rolling initiative. To quote the governator: "Enough talk."

2014-01-18, 09:02 AM
The magus picks up a mug, conjuring some tea into it and filling it with water. "Sugar? Milk?" he asks without turning around.

You get one partial action in the surprise round, then we'll use the rolled scores to determine turn order.

Initiative: [roll0]

Map is here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ArsaxJ7yi7CMdGJ0eWs5cXNCZEZPMFRzQzZyWW12M mc&output=html).

2014-01-18, 11:01 AM
I'll take a 5 ft. step, then hold till my initiative. I want to move then hit.


MOTHER****ER! Can't catch a damn break.

2014-01-18, 11:46 AM
Until you attack or take hostile action, though, the magus isn't going to do anything.

2014-01-19, 01:35 PM
"Your stoic silence would be admirable if I were, say, torturing you instead of making you tea," he says, dropping a sugar cube into the mug before turning around with an ugly grin on his face. "So let's get to the next step, shall we?" He snatches a vase that had been resting on the top of the stove and levels it at Dash with two steady hands. "I was sure we could get along fine, but you just had to be so uncooperative."

2014-01-19, 04:04 PM
Something very quick and faint crosses Dash's scarred, leathery face. If it had involved the thin slash of mouth cutting across his lantern jaw, it might have passed for a grin.


2014-01-19, 05:09 PM
That doesn't count as a surprise round, as you were prepared. That was his initiative. It's your turn now.

2014-01-19, 05:55 PM
Granted Maneuver 1: [roll0]
Granted Maneuver 1: [roll1]
Mountain Hammer and Battle Leader's Charge ... I'll TAKE it.

The solid silver ball darts from Dash's hands as quick as a snake, swinging up in a surprise arc to be propelled forward with a lightning fast kick - straight at the back of the little man's right hand where it grips the vase.

2014-01-19, 06:05 PM
As the hammer flashes forward, it shimmers with a crimson glow. A flicker around Dash, a shaky, momentary mirage, superimposes a helmed thing of metal and gears ...

Free action to activate incarnum radiance for a +2 to hit.

Disarm attack roll, with a +4 for having a 2-hander and a +2 for the hammer.


Please to roll to keep hold of vase. :smallamused:

And a moment for the die-roller hating me hard, huh? :smallmad:

I'll finish my action when we know if he's disarmed.

2014-01-19, 06:34 PM
The vase flies across the room and clatters against the floor, surprisingly remaining unbroken.

2014-01-19, 06:40 PM
Dash assumes what might be called a pugilist's stance, bobbing and weaving in circles around his foe.

Tumbling 20 ft. = 1/2 speed.
AC 24, +4d6 skirmish damage, +4 for favored enemy = arcanists.
Touch AC 20.
Healed 3 HP from Martial Spirit + Therapeutic Mantle.

2014-01-19, 06:53 PM
The magus summons up another few strands of arcana and begins to cast a spell.

2014-01-19, 06:55 PM
As the mage's hands begin to weave the elements of a spell, the silver ball hums forward in a crimson blur!

AoO from Mageslayer: [roll0]
Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]
Skirmish: [roll4]
Hit = heal 3 hp, roll Concentration DC 10+damage or lose the spell.

2014-01-19, 06:59 PM
Concentration: [roll0]

2014-01-19, 07:03 PM
[roll0] for granted maneuver = Foehammer
[roll1] to tumble 20, end same spot = success

2014-01-19, 07:03 PM
The mage lets out a surprised oof as the silver ball thwacks into his stomach, and the spell energy dissipates. He tries to run, robe flapping.

2014-01-19, 07:09 PM
This time, the ball swings over Dash's head, nearly scraping the ceiling as in flies down at the small man's skull.

Attack: [roll0]
Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll]1d4+4[roll]
Skirmish: [roll2]
Stand Still: DC 10+damage Ref save or stay put.

2014-01-19, 07:10 PM
1-handed typing ... [roll0]

2014-01-19, 07:22 PM
Without expression, Dash continues his distracting martial dance - his weapon striking out suddenly from a storm of dizzying dodges and feints.

Maneuver: [roll0]
Tumble 20 ft, DC 15: [roll1]
Attack/confirm: [roll2], [roll3]
Damage/crit: [roll4], [roll5]
Skirmish: [roll6]
Mountain Hammer: [roll7]

2014-01-19, 07:26 PM
The mage's form wavers for a moment as he channels another surge of arcana.

Concentration: [roll0]

2014-01-19, 07:27 PM
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

2014-01-19, 07:36 PM
The ball slams into him again, knocking him over backwards as the illusion collapses back on himself. Bleeding and bruised and dizzy, stretched flat on his back he pathetically pleads for his life. "Take anything you want from my home," he gasps. "I'll tell you about Keraptis! I'll leave here forever, just let me live!"

2014-01-19, 07:47 PM
A few minutes later, the mage is tied up tightly with a coil of rope Dash had in his pack, and the magical current seems to have gone with him. It is not difficult to swim back up, and after Dash informs the others of the brief battle, all three are standing in front of the cowed wizard.

2014-01-19, 07:53 PM
"Just having a cup of tea with an acquaintance."

EDIT: Ninja'd! Grabbed the vase.

2014-01-20, 11:17 AM
Ashburn's smile is crooked. He remembers being in a very similar place with Dash, once upon a time: beaten, tied up, and fearing the worst. Dash was a dangerous man, and Ashburn didn't spend a moment not thanking the Gods for his turn of good fortune.

Steeling himself, Ashburn approaches the battered mage. He kneels and says in an even voice, "Hello. I am Koden. I would like to ask you about Keraptis, the weapon named Wave, and your capabilities. Which would you like to tell me about first?"

2014-01-20, 04:13 PM
The dinosaur puts down the rope for the first time in far too long, and then proceeds to growl viciously at the three men standing before him. The dragon remarks in an utterly emotionless tone "If you don't give us the right answer, we're going to beat you into a bloody pulp, you know."

2014-01-20, 05:35 PM
Dash speaks without looking up from rifling through the man's belongings.

"Too late."

The man is bruised and bleeding, lip split, and his hands are so swollen they look unlikely to produce any arcane gestures ... at least not without serious medical attention.

2014-01-20, 05:44 PM
The dragon corrects itself. "Bloodier."

2014-01-20, 06:31 PM
You find an elaborately carved scrollcase on the table behind a pile of papers and a small cabinet inset into one wall which contains three potion bottles. Plus there's the vase and an ornate, gilded mirror on one wall.
"I am not sure exactly how I would relate the measure of my own power, but I would sooner say that than describe Keraptis or his stolen weapons. Could you be more specific, perhaps?" He feigns confidence, but is clearly trembling.

2014-01-20, 06:40 PM
"Start with telling us where Keraptis is, then tell us what his weaknesses are, then tell us about what protects him, then tell us some of the things he can do." the dragon says evenly. The dinosaur, having finished his general growling, focuses on growling at the wizard. The lion does so as well, and the goat has to content itself with a mere ferocious glaring. Last time it had tried to bleat intimidatingly... well, suffice it to say things had backfired.

Intimidate check: [roll0]

2014-01-20, 06:48 PM
Jesus. Think I peed MY pants! Nice!

2014-01-20, 07:21 PM
The man shrinks back, curling in on himself. He looks around nervously. "The mirror. He can see us. Smash it."

2014-01-20, 07:28 PM
"Where is the mirror and can I smash it the same way someone might smash glass?" the dragon asks.

2014-01-20, 08:20 PM
The mage points to a gilded mirror mounted on the far wall. "It's glass. But there might be some backlash. I don't really know."

2014-01-20, 09:27 PM
Dash doesn't hesitate - before the man's finished speaking, his hammer's in motion.

I'll roll when my update's finished. Mountain Hammer FTW, tho!

15 ft. reach, and he'll use every inch.

2014-01-20, 09:52 PM
The mirror shatters into a thousand pieces, which evaporate in a swirl of smoke before touching the ground. The blank space inside the frame seems to stare accusingly, and the wizard draws his knees up to his chest. "Once I've told you everything, will you let me leave this place? It holds nothing but death for me now."

2014-01-20, 10:07 PM
The dinosaur doesn't move an inch, nor do any of its heads so much as swivel away from watching the mage. "Once you've answered my questions." the dragon answers, still calmly. The dinosaur gives the mage another quick growl, just for the hell of it, and the dragon reiterates his questions. "Where is Keraptis, what are his weaknesses, what protects him, and what things is he able to do?"

2014-01-21, 10:14 AM
Dash continues methodically searching. He keeps an eye on the eel.

2014-01-21, 09:04 PM
The magus gulps. "Keraptis resides in a chamber deep within the mountain that connects to no other rooms, accessible only by magic rivaling his. I have never had much contact with him, as he prefers to deal with others through his minions, terrible creatures created by his own fell powers. I cannot say what his weaknesses are- he is intelligent, powerful, and nigh-immortal. This entire cursed mountain is his toy, his plaything, his maze. He is everywhere. Honestly, the wisest thing to do and the only way in which you could defy him is to leave this place with as much haste as you can manage, to walk away from the game he is offering." He bobs his head in fright, and his eel familiar floats protectively in front of him.

2014-01-21, 09:17 PM
Dash grunts as he begins destroying furniture. In between dismantling objects, he speaks without turning his head.

"Be more specific about the creatures. That would be helpful."

2014-01-21, 10:14 PM
"Are there any more Sphinxes?" the lion head asks hopefully. "And what can you tell us about what's further down this passageway?" the dragon asks, almost simultaneously with his feline counterpart.

2014-02-14, 01:03 PM
"Keraptis' minions are horrific beasts, tangles of claws, legs, tentacles. They seem to know what he wishes them to do before Keraptis knows it himself. There are no sphinxes other than Etrusca, who I presume you met. The path you are taking leads to Blackrazor, but I fear telling you much more. Keraptis may abide me revealing something about himself, but were I to spoil his game..." He shivers, and the eel curls comfortingly on his shoulder. "There are worse fates than death," he finishes.

2014-02-14, 03:49 PM
"Yes, like the fate in store for you if you don't answer our question." menaces the Dragon head as calmly as before, accompanied by the Dinosaur and Lion heads' growling.

Intimidate: [roll0]

I'm going to switch some stats up on my character sheet now, though, if that's okay with you? The arena game really highlighted the fact that Lozeki's a bit brittle.

2014-02-14, 04:13 PM
"Exactly. You see my conundrum?" he asks, hiding his fear well but not well enough. "But... every minute we spend talking is another chance for Keraptis to see it, so... if I tell you, real quick, will you be done with the questions? Will you let me go?"

2014-02-14, 04:46 PM
"If you answer the question honestly. If not, you can bet that we'll be back to get you. So for your own sake, answer the question truthfully the first time." the Dragon states.

For added effect, would you like to fake a Truth field spell, cam?

2014-02-14, 11:56 PM
The man breathes a small sigh of relief. "Further down the hallway there's a 20-foot area lined with heat-producing plates, you should be fine as long as you go through quick. Stairs down, then there's a ghast to contend with. After that, there's a harpy that'll try to lure you in to a series of pit traps, then you have to kayak through the air, and- urk!" He begins struggling against his bonds. "Help me," he squeaks, face white.

If you'd like, you can make Sense Motive checks now.

2014-02-15, 12:41 AM
Go go untrained Sense Motive! [roll0]

2014-02-15, 03:03 AM
Sense Motive: Untrained, the Sequel: [roll0]

"Spit it out, old man! We haven't got all day!"

The entire time Ashburn has been in here he has been searching for a spellbook, or even scrolls or a crystal with arcane harmonics. ANYTHING for where this guy keeps spell knowledge. Random search check in IC!

2014-02-15, 11:11 AM
"It's Keraptis!"

Hmm. Okay, so Dash senses there's something wrong with the whole tableaux, but can't tell which part (if any) the man is lying about.

2014-02-15, 01:23 PM
"So after we kayak through the air, it's suddenly Keraptis? I thought you said this path lead to Blackrazor- now it's Keraptis' sanctum?"

Ashburn takes the spellbook and places it in his satchel. He follows suit with the potions and whatever else looks tantalizing.

2014-02-18, 07:39 AM
Ceasing to struggle uselessly against his bonds, the mage looks up with a clear, cold gaze. "I am Keraptis you fool," he spits, voice becoming deeper and smoother.

2014-02-18, 01:30 PM
10 ft. away, readied action to Emerald Razor (full PA) his face if anything like casting happens.

Granted maneuvers: [roll0], [roll1]: Vanguard Strike, Leading the Attack.

Dash has never left striking distance. He has palmed the silver ball of his hammer, and looks down, expressionless, at the mage.

"You want to say something before I break your puppet's mouth?"

2014-02-18, 01:48 PM
The Dragon head c ocks itself. "You look like the same scrawny mage to me."

He stands next to the mage, preparing to rip it to pieces if it does anything remotely threatening.
Ditto. I'm standing 10' away (because of Morphic Range), and I ready an action to attack him if he does anything violent or spellcast-y.

And lol at the spontaneous GiantITP censoring.

2014-02-18, 04:52 PM
The mage's head laughs derisively even as it lolls to the side. "Go right ahead. He has failed me, and will pay the price. I shall feel his every pain as if it were my own. It will be exquisite." Its face splits into a gruesome leer.

2014-02-19, 12:07 PM
"Bored now." says the Dragon head, and suddenly the monster's limbs and heads extend to strike at mage, probably ripping him to shreds within seconds.

In the unlikely case that any of this will be necessary:
Dragon Head attack [roll0] (+5 Bab +6 str -3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet of mighty fists)
Dragon Head damage [roll1] (1d8 base raised to 2d6 by Morphic Weapons, +6*1.5=+9 str, +6 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Lion Head attack [roll2] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Lion Head damage [roll3] (1d6 base raised to 1d8 by Morphic Weapons, +6*1.5=+9 str, +4 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Goat Head attack [roll4] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Goat Head damage [roll5] (1d6 base, +6*1.5=+9 str, +3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Natural Dinosaur Head attack [roll6] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, -2 multiweapon fighting, +1 amulet)
Natural Dinosaur Head damage [roll7] (2d4 base raised to 2d6 by Morphic Weapons, +6*0.5=+3 str, +6 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Claw attack 1 [roll8] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, -2 multiweapon fighting, +1 amulet)
Claw damage 1 [roll9] (1d3 base, +6*0.5=+3 str, +3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Claw attack 2 [roll10] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, -2 multiweapon fighting, +1 amulet)
Claw damage 2 [roll11] (1d3 base, +6*0.5=+3 str, +3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Talon attack [roll12] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -2 Dread Carapace, -3 multiweapon fighting, +1 amulet)
Talon damage [roll13] (1d8 base, +6*0.5=+3 str, +3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)

2014-02-20, 08:44 PM
The mage is torn apart in an instant, blood splattering the floor. The illusion of silver smoke curls from his smashed mouth, forming into a wavering, humanoid shape that bows mockingly before dissipating into nothing.

2014-02-20, 11:33 PM
Dash turns to the eel. "Make yourself useful and you're welcome to tag along."

He puts his pack on the floor and arranges the items he found. "This thing's got some magic in it," he says, pointing to the vase. He nods to Ashburn. "The rest is up to you."

2014-02-21, 07:09 PM
The eel bobs up and down in its floating sphere, seeming only confused about what's happened. He quirks his long body at the group, seeming to ask a question, as if what he sees before him couldn't possibly be real.

2014-02-21, 11:55 PM
Something flickers briefly across Dash's face. A careful observer might call it pity.

"Like I said, you're welcome to tag along. He signed up for this," he nods at the corpse, "you didn't. I'll keep you safe till we're out if you like."

Its the most his companions have ever heard him say at one time.

2014-02-22, 05:56 PM
The eel hovers uncertainly for a moment, then shakes his head. He floats gently down and comes to rest on what remains of his master's chest, staying the night to watch the vigil.

2014-02-22, 08:33 PM
After Ashburn looks over the goods, Dash packs them up and stands impatiently at the door.

"He's waiting. Let's not give him too much time to prepare."

2014-02-26, 04:09 PM
The monster attacks the eel without hesitation. When it dies, he goes over to the door and opens it.

There was a door?

Full Attack against the eel:
Dragon Head attack [roll0] (+5 Bab +6 str -3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet of mighty fists)
Dragon Head damage [roll1] (1d8 base raised to 2d6 by Morphic Weapons, +6*1.5=+9 str, +6 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Lion Head attack [roll2] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Lion Head damage [roll3] (1d6 base raised to 1d8 by Morphic Weapons, +6*1.5=+9 str, +4 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Goat Head attack [roll4] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Goat Head damage [roll5] (1d6 base, +6*1.5=+9 str, +3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Natural Dinosaur Head attack [roll6] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, -2 multiweapon fighting, +1 amulet)
Natural Dinosaur Head damage [roll7] (2d4 base raised to 2d6 by Morphic Weapons, +6*0.5=+3 str, +6 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Claw attack 1 [roll8] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, -2 multiweapon fighting, +1 amulet)
Claw damage 1 [roll9] (1d3 base, +6*0.5=+3 str, +3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Claw attack 2 [roll10] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -3 Dread Carapace, -2 multiweapon fighting, +1 amulet)
Claw damage 2 [roll11] (1d3 base, +6*0.5=+3 str, +3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)
Talon attack [roll12] (+5 Bab, +6 str, -2 Dread Carapace, -3 multiweapon fighting, +1 amulet)
Talon damage [roll13] (1d8 base, +6*0.5=+3 str, +3 Dread Carapace, +1 amulet)

Hopefully that's an autokill.

2014-02-26, 04:49 PM
The eel has only a moment to look surprised before he bursts into a spray of red and silver.

Surprised you rolled more than one.

2014-02-28, 07:27 PM
Back up above, the corridor is as before, with the filthy water sloshing around the brave heroes' ankles. Up ahead, you recall, is the heat panel trap the magus described, with an edge of metal sheeting revealing the position.

2014-03-01, 01:12 PM
Ashburn recognizes the plate and immediately pulls out his tools. He gets to work prying, cutting, and shaving until the trap is disabled.

Not sure I need a search check based on your description, but I will roll one anyway.
Search [roll0]
Disable Device [roll1]

2014-03-02, 03:59 PM
In a few minutes, the stripped plates lie harmlessly in front of Ashburn, though his tools begin to glow red-hot towards the end of the procedure and he has to submerge them in the water for them to cool sufficiently.

2014-03-02, 04:08 PM
Dash nods at the job, then motions at the corridor ahead. He stays one step behind Ashburn, ball at ready.

2014-03-02, 09:10 PM
Lozeki bounds in front of Ashburn and walks quickly forward, though still relatively cautiously.

Taking 10 on Spot checks whenever there's something to spot,
Listen check = [roll0]

2014-03-02, 09:27 PM
About ten feet forward, the passage takes a sharp bend. Twenty feet past that, a dry floor rises from the murky basin of water, and after a few more steps an intricate iron staircase curls down into blackness.