View Full Version : Half-Remembered Books

Chainsaw Hobbit
2014-01-06, 02:43 PM
Please help me with something. I remember from my childhood two book covers that intrigued me and sparked my imagination. I saw both in passing, and read neither. The titles and authors are lost to memory. If someone could help me find even one of these, based on my descriptions of the covers, I would be extremely grateful.

The first depicts a giant hairy monster with a huge swollen tongue. I think the monster is green. It its tongue is a tiny Samuri-looking fellow who is stabbing it with his sword.

The second depicts are dark room with an undead dragon inside. I believe the dragon is skeletal. Leading into the room is a passageway, and in the archway stands a small boy. In one hand he holds a teddy bear. He is probably wearing pajamas, and he may also be holding a gun, but I don't fully remember.