View Full Version : Norse in the Frostfell IC

2014-01-06, 03:53 PM
Norse in the Frostfell


The wind howled outside the long houses of the village as Clan Jouttenheim sheltered inside avoiding the freezing winds and heavy snow outside. The long winter months pressed in on them all as they spend the days and nights indoors warmed by roaring fires and strong mead and amused by wrestling, dog fighting and when the hunters caught a bear or wolf some animal fights.

During the winter the village became almost subterranean, with wooden walls and trellises supporting the paths that soon became tunnels through the snow linking the smoke filled long huts together where man and beast both sheltered inside.

The night drawing close around you the 5 of you find yourselves in the unforgiving shelter of one of the watch towers, smoky fire burning in its shielded brazier, a large curled horn gilt with bronze hanging from the rough wooden planks. Peering out into the darkness, the sky above filled with filmy red and green glowing lights as the Gods fought in Valhalla and the light reflected off the deep snow outside the town's high wooden walls you can all get a sense of "danger"...

You are on a 20ft high wooden wall (so 20ft high walls and your on the walkway on the protected by the top 3ft of the wall and 5ft wide pathway) The watchtower is a little (10ft square) hut on the wall with a smoky burning oleum (from sandstorm) fire going in a hooded brazier. Due to the northern lights you can see triple the usual distance as "shadowy light" from the lantern - so 60ft bright illumination and a further 120ft of shadowy light (for 180 total) or 360 with LLV.

The snow outside is knee deep - so "light snow" difficult terrains 1 square = 10ft

The temperature is equivalent to "Cold level 2" but with furs and standing near the lantern you will have sufficient protection. Without furs (or other level 1 cold protection) I'll need 3 fort saves for the 3 hours you've already been on watch)

Distant shadowy shapes begin to appear on the edge of the light, ghostly figures of red and green lit by the sky lights but even from this difference you can tell they are not natural. Tall and pale with no facial hair and sleek suits of seal skin armour their eyes glow a dull icy blue as the Frost folk have come to steal away your children in the night....

You can see maybe a dozen of them drifting in out of the darkness, axes, harpoons and bows in hand as they begin to jog across the snow towards the walls that you guard.


12 Frost folk standing 180 ft away!
Init [roll0]

2014-01-06, 06:16 PM
Thüum has spent his watch huddled against Razor, his snow leopard, half napping right next to the fire. His companions for the night have their own ways of enduring the cold and the boredom of the watch.

Thuum is tall (for a halfling, at least) and is usually a keen observer, but he has to raise on his tiptoes and crane his neck in order to see above the top of the wall, so he does not bother. Plenty of tall folk to do that, and some of them with better eyes to boot. Besides, who would go out on a night light this? No one with half a brain, that's who. And as he is mulling over this fact, even knowing from experience that this is a weak argument at best, the first creatures enter the circle of the light, and the cold silence of the night is broken by cries of alarm.

[roll1] (untrained, max DC 10; assuming it applies...) [this becomes an 18 should they be natural...]

2014-01-07, 12:01 AM
Foren does not appreciate having to stand on the wall and guard a settlement this way, but duty is duty and he'll make blasted sure it's done properly. Quite right. Now, what was that? Oh yes, frost folk. Curse them. He spits on the ground and claps his hands vigorously together, rubbing them in anticipation of a coming fight. Time to cave some skulls and burn some bones. Now, what do we know about these buggers?

Initiative: [roll0]
Knowledge (Nature): [roll1]

"Alright then, let's smoke 'em. How many doors into this city, we need to cover them up so's they can't get in. Then I reckon we can go out and pound them into the snow. What do you all say?"

2014-01-07, 01:57 AM


"Alright then, let's smoke 'em. How many doors into this city, we need to cover them up so's they can't get in. Then I reckon we can go out and pound them into the snow. What do you all say?"


I don't think you have the right idea, grates Vercingetorix, pausing to take a shuddering breath against the cold that beats at his warm clothing, Whatever those things are, they won't be taken so easily. He turns to the chieftan, asking Jarl, what do you suppose these creatures want, if not our lives?

He hefts the awkwardly large lamp-post from the ground, letting it rest on his shoulder, a good foot above everyone else's head.

2014-01-07, 01:50 PM
In the awkward silence that follows, V realizes that Jarl is not, indeed, with the party but asleep. Well, they aren't here to break bread.

He looks over at Foren. How about we charge their closest ones and give 'em a good o'l greeting? He hefts his lamp-post in case the halfling didn't understand. It looks like your wolf is ready to ride


2014-01-07, 04:45 PM
as by Frostburn Cold Weather Outfit + Fur clothing (which explictly says that it can be worn above practisly anything) counts as +2 by itself.

Currently 15 ft away from the rest of the Guards

Ofin looks out on the frostbitten wasteland with a sigh, if it wasn't so dangerous it would almost even have been pretty, in a certain way is probably still was, the same kind of pretty as a lavine rolling down a mountain side or a massive Iceberg drifting around.

He had only walked a bit down the wall away from the rest of the the guard detail, mainly to strech his legs, when he saw the movements in the distance "Bloody things just knows to come when I'm on duty, just my luck." He muttered while looking over at the rest of the guards noticing that they had already seen the Frost Folk raiding party

"Guys, I think we have a party going on" Ofin said while moving towards the rest of the guards, while digging into his Spell Components after some ash, trying to figure out which of the opponents that was their leader

Initiative: [roll0]
Knowledge (Geography) [roll1] How far away do the Frost Folk live, and does it look like a regular raiding party
Spot: [roll2]

2014-01-07, 05:54 PM
Without bothering to consult with his fellows, Aodh waits for the frost folk to come just a little closer, and acts.

(When the frost folk get within 150')
Aodh holds his arms so they're touching, wrist-to-wrist, then twists them both upward, held in a cupping motion so they form a chalice shape. Three points of light appear in his cupped hands, and he takes two in his right hand, one in his left. With three flicks of his hands, he throws the points of light at the frost folk, smiling in grim satisfaction as the unerring missiles scream toward their target.

Initiative: [roll0]
Then either held action until the frost folk get closer, or casting magic missile on his turn, depending on who goes first. He's aiming them at three different targets.
Magic Missile damage: [roll1] , [roll2] , [roll3]

2014-01-07, 10:59 PM
[/COLOR] He hefts his lamp-post in case the halfling didn't understand. It looks like your wolf is ready to ride

"Hrumph! No yet, he'll not be able to lift my backside off the ground. But he's ready for a fight, I'll give you that. Looks like we're about ready to go, too. No, which way are they a-going? Can they even get past this wall?"

Forin's a dwarf, not a halfling :smallwink: So riding the wolf isn't an option yet.

2014-01-08, 05:59 AM
"They might certainly try." answer Thuum. He's climbed above his leopard and can finally survey the situation as well as the others and look them in the eyes (well, except the big guy). "It's on us to make sure they do not succeed in climbing these walls, or breaching the gate".
With that said, he casts a spell, calling forth a live flame in his hand and his companion's right paw. He takes postion against the wall, waiting for the enemy to get in range.
Cast produce flame, shared with the AC.
T. will let the enemy approach up to 120ft and then start throwing flames. If it takes more than 1 turn for enemies to get there, he'll ready an anction to do so at the first opportunity, otherwise he'll throw on his turn.

2014-01-08, 01:37 PM
"Hrumph! No yet, he'll not be able to lift my backside off the ground. But he's ready for a fight, I'll give you that. Looks like we're about ready to go, too. No, which way are they a-going? Can they even get past this wall?"

You look small enough to ride that wolf, he mutters, looking around for Thuum, the true halfling.

"They might certainly try." answer Thuum.

Upon hearing the short AND thin-shouldered Druid speak, V throws up his hands in playful exasperation.

Thuum"It's on us to make sure they do not succeed in climbing these walls, or breaching the gate".
Indeed. Forin, we have time to catch them before they reach the barricades. There'a a gate down this way, and if we act now, we can catch these creeps before they can climb the walls.

He runs towards the nearest gate, and when he reaches it, he uses the time it takes for Forin to catch up to instruct the gate guard to let us out and lock the gate behind us.

2014-01-08, 04:44 PM
Thuum and razor react quickly as the watch the frostfolk appearing out of the darkness, hands and paws lighting up with glowing red flames. Forren likewise waking up, glancing down to the gate that lies almost underneath the watch post but the stout wooden gate is closed and locked. Glancing back up at the frost folk he thinks of the stories his mother used to tell him of the wicked frost folk with their cold hands and eyes stealing away children who didn't behave and obey their parents and the Gods. Ofin moved to join them, eyes scanning the darkness until he saw one of the frost folk in the centre, a long raven feathered cloak on his back and an imperious way about him. He must be the leader of the raid...

There is only 1 gate into the town and you were guarding it

The frost folk begin to run forward, gliding effortlessly over the snow without slowing down as in seconds they covered more than half the distance! Only a scant 60ft from the walls, the pale blue eyes and featureless white skin shining in the lights as the move wordlessly forwards axes and spears and javelins ready. Even as they run a trio of missiles slam into the three of them causing them to stumble slightly and gellid bluish blood splashes onto the snow before freezing...

Frost folk all take a full Run action closing to 60ft!!
- Frost folk 1, 2 and 3 all take some damage!

All players please go...

2014-01-08, 05:02 PM
"Incomming!" Ofin hollered while grabbing his spell components in one hand while grabbing his Waraxe in the other in case it was needed and summons a glowing red rock which he throws at the leader of the raiding party

Kelgore's Fire Bolt
DC 15 Reflex half
[roll0] Fire damage

2014-01-08, 08:35 PM
There is only 1 gate into the town and you were guarding it[/Spoiler]

After hopping down from the battlements and starting to run towards the other part of the town, he realizes that he was actually heading for the outhouse. Everything looks the same in the dark, he mutters to no one in particular.

Turning on a heel, the goliath instead runs up the battlements and leaps over them towards the (quickly) oncoming creatures.


Clearing the battlements, he lands and stands ready to trip and wail on any frostfolk that come nearby

2014-01-09, 05:07 AM
"By Thor's soaked beard, they're fast!" says Thuum surprised and a bit conerned. Nobody told him stories when he was a child, so he assumed those creatures were nothing more than frozen zombies, more like target practice than actual threats... well, you know what people say about assume... "Maybe's time to break out the big ones. We'll keep the fire in reserve" he comments to his leopard, who does not disagree. He sights the enemy leader and prays thor to strike him down.
Call Lightning (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Call_Lightning): [roll0]

2014-01-09, 04:39 PM
Aodh holds no such reservations about keeping the fire in reserve, and picks one of the untouched frost folk for his target.

He draws his right hand along his left forearm, a bright red ribbon forming as he does so. Another quick pass pushes the bunched-up ribbon into his left hand, and he pushes that hand forward as he speaks a word of power.

Scorching Ray ranged touch: [roll0]
Scorching Ray damage: [roll1] fire damage
Confirmation roll in case of crit: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

2014-01-11, 03:46 AM
Foren grumbles and mutters about the bounding antics of taller creatures. Then with a resigned sigh, he hoiks his weapon up, and clambers over the top of the wall to plummet down to the ground. Once there, he'll pick himself up, and ready for combat.

Double move action- two squares gets me over the wall, and then I'll fall down to the ground. 1d6 subdual damage and 1d6 lethal because he jumped deliberately. The second move action then is to pick himself up.

Subdual damage: [roll0]
Lethal damage: [roll1]

2014-01-12, 03:36 PM
The goliath and dwarf thump down in the shin and thigh deep snow outside the walls as the rest of the guard comrades rain down literal fire and lightning!

A scorching ray from Aodh streaking forward and turning one of the fey into a living torch as his body blackens before pitching forward into the snow with a hiss... The leader, still bloodied from the magical missile is blasted by a bolt of fire from Ofin and even as he staggers through that wreathed in smoke the clouds gathering above are torn apart by the finger of Odin that streaks down and reduces the frost folk leader to naught but a charred skeleton!

10 left
2 are wounded

Seeing easy prey 4 of the survivors rush forward, two each to assail Vercingetorix and Foren, 2 of the other frost folk rush towards the gate whilst the remaining 4 move forward, hands launching javelins up at the spell caster atop the wall!

4 charge the 2 melee lads
Vs Foren attack [roll0] dam [roll1]
Vs Foren attack [roll2] dam [roll3]
Vs Vercin' attack [roll4] dam [roll5]
Vs Vercin' attack [roll6] dam [roll7]

Two rush towards the gate stopping 15ft away from it

4 advance to 30ft and throw things (parapet gives +4 Cover to AC)
Vs Aodh [roll8] Dam [roll9]
Vs Ofin [roll10] Dam [roll11]
Vs Thuum [roll12] Dam [roll13]
Vs Aodh [roll14] Dam [roll15]

2014-01-12, 04:37 PM
The javelin meant for Thuum is widly off target, clattering against the wall and falling noiselessly down into the snow. That act, however, is enough to draw the small druid 's attention: with a quick gesture he draws another bolt toward the approaching enemy, though this one lack the power of the first.
Call Lightning: [roll0]

2014-01-12, 05:34 PM
Aodh's grim smile deepens as the javelins whiff past him, one drawing a long line across his brow but leaving him essentially unhurt.

Seeing his previous spell work so well, he repeats it, directing his scorching ray toward one of the unwounded frost folk that threw a javelin at him. He may not know them that well, but he has no desire to risk hitting his fellow guards.

Scorching Ray (ranged touch): [roll0]
Scorching Ray damage: [roll1]
Scorching Ray critical confirmation: [roll2]
Scorching Ray critical damage: [roll3]
(Adding in PBS bonuses this round, since they're in 30').

2014-01-12, 08:15 PM

The goliath laughs menacingly as monsters close around him. A few spears clatter meaninglessly against his chain armor, clearly a product of poor aim in this dim light. He lashes out with the streamlined lamp-post, hitting one of the creatures past him that is throwing a javelin on the wall.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
Sneak Attack: [roll3]

With a quick glance around him, the goliath ignores the two threatening him, and takes a 5-foot step moves towards one of the frostfolk threatening Foren. He would say something if it wasn't enough to simply roar with gusto as he attacks yet again.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Crit: [roll6]
Sneak Attack: [roll7]

2014-01-13, 12:09 AM
Foren grunts as the attacks rake through his armour, and prepares to retaliate. He takes a step back, swinging his weapon back as far as he can, and then brings it around in a wide sweep that crashes down towards one of his attackers!

5-foot step in a direction that will allow me to attack one of the frostfolk (suglin has reach). Then attack as a full-round action.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-01-14, 03:21 AM
Ofin groans as the Javelin pierces straight through his clothes and making a deep wound in his shoulder, and decides to try and stop them from throwing more

Glitterdust on the distant Javalin throwing group of 4, Willsave DC 16, or blinded for 4 rounds

2014-01-14, 03:41 PM
The four javelin hurlers are put upon with fire and lightning. One of the them obliterated into a charred and burnt skeleton by a blast of fire form Aodh. The second only mildly scorched by a flickering but weak lightning bolt. Then the glitterdust decends on the 3 survivors blinding two, the third drawing his axe in response!

[roll0] Vs lightning
[roll1] [roll2] [roll3] VS 16 for glitterdust

Outside the gate the battle continues to swirl, the massive Sughlin bouncing off deer hide buckler as another frost folk is battered down to the ground, only rising with difficulty as the Goliath slams his club into him.
Again the frost folk fight back, one engaging the massive antler wielding dwarf, 3 stabbing and hacking at the flailing goliath. The two near the gate move forward, axes hacking at the wooden gate from one, the second breathing out a vast cone of cold that cakes the guard rail and showers Thuum and Aodh in freezing ice!

Foren[roll4] dam [roll5]
Verc' [roll6] dam [roll7]
Verc' [roll8] dam [roll9]
Verc' [roll10] dam [roll11]

Thuum and Aodh DC13 Ref for half of [roll12] cold

9 left, 3 wounded (1 heavily)

2014-01-14, 05:22 PM
"Nice job with the 'dust!" says Thuum, impressed, while unsuccessfully diving for cover behind the parapet to try and stave off the worst of the cold assault. He discharge another bolt on the enemy at hand, then pushes his companion to leap down and ravage the closest enemy with claws and fire. "DEATH FROM ABOVE!" he shouts.
Thuum (druid):

Razor (leopard):
Bite: [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]
Right claw: [roll5], [roll6] and [roll7]
Left claw: [roll8], [roll9]
Right rake: [roll10], [roll11]
Left rake: [roll12], [roll13]

2014-01-14, 07:21 PM

Aodh endures the frost breath with stoicism. He kneels behind a part of the wall, reaching behind himself to touch the shield on his back. His fingers trace the steel of his shield, a few words commanding it to hover at his side.

Casting shieldbearer. Duration: 5r.

2014-01-15, 12:50 PM

Seeing that the combination of attacking worked, the Goliath continues his assault of the nearly dead) creature between him and the dwarf.
attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]

Sneak Attack: [roll3]

He circles around the dwarf and his quarry, and attempts to catch the one creature while its attention is turned to the dwarf.
In case they're needed:

I'll stay mobile, Foren, and you distract 'em as best you can!

2014-01-18, 05:36 AM
"I- what?! Blast and accurse it, get back here you-" Foren is cut off as the frost folk step keep stepping forward to attack him. Time for defensive measures- he raises one hand and clenches it in a tight fist, declaring his invocation boldly!

Standard action: cast Barkskin. Natural AC increases by 4, my total AC to 17.

2014-01-18, 09:09 AM
Seeing as the close combat seemed to be in slight problems Ofin decided to give them some help

Summon Monsters II
[roll0] Celestial Dogs in the melee

2014-01-23, 04:17 PM
The two by the gate look up unexpectedly as a great bolt of lightning crashes down form the heaven slamming into one of them before a flaming white furred snow leopard descends on the other in a flurry of teeth and claw, the claw sheathed in fire burning and eviscerating the hapless frost folk! Still atop the walls a shield levitates up into the air floating in front of Aodh and the lightning hurling Thuum. The third warrior atop the wal begins to intone some powerful magic and by the swirling melee a shimmering dog like form starts to coalesce from the air.

Ref [roll0] for half of 12
Summon arrives start of next round

In the snow rapidly turning a slushy mixture of light purple from the red blooded norse and the blue blooded frost folk another is smashed to the ground by the hulking goliath as the wounded is crushed underneath the club, bones shattered into a thousand pieces before with surprising nimbleness the big goliath cartwheels across the snow to flank another one. As that happens Foren's skin hardens taking on a think bark like texture as he girds himself for more violence.

The frost folk strike back now, shocked by the loss of another two of their number, another 3 bearing heavy wounds. With almost half of their number felled by powerful magics and powerful blows they look uneasy and a few start looking to the safety of the darkness. The two blinded ones still stand thrashing their arms and crying out curses in coarse ettin tongue. The wounded one that was not blinded remaining where is unsure of whether or not to attack or flee - yet ice begins to form around his mouth should any approach him too closely.

By the gate the singed one turns to the angry flaming leopard and tries to hack down the hungry snowcat. The other three still fighting, the one flanked by Foren and Ver slashing at the goliath whilst the other slashes at the armoured Foren. The third stepping back from the melee with Foren and breath a great cone of cold encompassing both fighters and the leopard by the gate. The freezing cloud of ice and snow no threat to the cold blooded frost folk.

Leopard Attack [roll1] dam [roll2]
Ver Attack [roll3] dam [roll4]
Foren Attack [roll5] dam [roll6]
5ft step back Breath weapons Vs Foren, Ver and leopard [roll7] cold Ref DC12 for half

2014-01-24, 03:23 AM
Reflex save for half: [roll0] (but see the roll in the OOC thread, adding +2),[roll1]

Bite: [roll2], [roll3] and [roll4]
R Claw: [roll5], [roll6] and [roll7]
L Claw: [roll8], [roll9]

Lightning: [roll10]
The snow leopard drops close to the ground to avoid the worst the blast of cold wind, but the momentary distraction costs him, as the enemy lands a solid blow to his snout, drawing blood. He reacts to his assailant with ferocity.

Meanwhile, Thuum makes his very best to avoid the cold blast himself, shielding himself behind his companion. Holding on to the beast, he pounds the closest enemy still standing with another burst of lightning.

2014-01-25, 04:49 AM
Foren hefts the suglin high again, drawing it as far back as he can before bringing it round in a momentous swing towards one of the Frostfolk.

Attack roll: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2014-01-25, 09:23 PM

Grunting as he feels a spear piercing his side, the goliath jumps back. To make matters worse, he awkwardly tries to dodge a dangerous-looking blast of frost as he moves to flank the creature just hit by Foren.

Reflex vs. DC 12 Frost Breath: [roll0]
Tumble: [roll1]

Straightening out, the goliath unleashes a roar, letting his form take on even larger proportions. He lets out a snarl of words: Run while you can, pitiful creatures!! I will run you all down before the night is over!
Activating Mountain Rage: +6 Str, +4 Con, becomes Large, so total -3 AC, +2 Will

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
sneak attack: [roll5]

2014-01-31, 02:18 PM
Ofin finishes summoning the (lone) Celestial Dog and it smites one of the Frost Folk, while Ofin picks up his crossbow.

Bite Attack [roll0]
Crit (if needed) [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2014-01-31, 05:47 PM
Aodh stands, taking careful aim at one of the frost folk, and lets his spell fly. The bubbling orb of acid arcs through the air, hissing as it goes.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

2014-02-07, 04:16 PM
THe heroes of the town prove their mettle! In the swirling melee upon the blood soaked snow Vercingetorix and Foren spin and fight, the massive skull topped suglin shattering one of the frost folk's heads. The lifeless creature dropping into the snow. Vercingetorix is less subtle as the massive blow shatters every bone in another creature's back sending it tumbling through the snow in a bloodied heap.

By the gate lightning flickers, a celestial dog appears and savages a knee and a glowing ball of acid all strike the frost barbarian leaving his body mangled and broken by the magical assault. The one fighting the flaming cat does not last much longer as flaming claws eviscerate the frost folk.

With four of their number being slain in a matter of seconds the remaining 3 give shouts of panic as they all turn and run fleeing across the knee deep snow, their guttural shouts in fey and giant mixed alternately between fear and rage...

All 3 withdraw 60ft
Are you pursuing or letting them flee? - remember that beyond 180ft you lose sight of things in the dark

2014-02-07, 06:24 PM
Thuum stops his leopard from instinctively giving chase to the fleeing enemy, content to discharge his remaining bolts and (hopefully) be done for the night, but he keeps vigilant: should his companion decide to follow the creatures into the night, he wold not leave them to their own devices.
[roll0]; [roll1]

2014-02-07, 09:32 PM
"Gaargh, flee! Yes flee, you cowardly cold-hearted devils!" Foren shakes a fist at the withdrawing frostfolk, but does not pursue. Instead, he looks back up at the wall and wonders if they'll open the gate for him...

2014-02-08, 02:17 AM

Filled with the rush of a hunt, the Goliath makes true to his promise and tries to run past the frostfolk.

We kill 'em now so they don't bring more!

...he doesn't get very far, though. By the time he's made it about 120 feet past the compound, the frostfolk are more than twice as far away, and somehow moving steadily away. His rage slipping, Vercingetorix can feel his body give way, relaxing. His fatigue is setting in. Blasted...demon worshippers.

He turns back to the compound, making his way (slowly) back, obviously agitated.

2014-02-10, 12:29 PM
Ofin shrugs at the others attempt to run after the Frostfolk ... with the snow laying around it could get quite tricky to catch up to them ... and shots his crossbow at the raider appearing the most wounded

To Hit [roll0]
( crit confirm [roll1] )
Damage [roll2]

2014-02-12, 03:39 PM
As you troop back through the gates the first of the other guards and Jarl's personal guard arrive. "Frostfolk Jah? Trouble!" 4 of them station themselves above the gate as more and more villagers come bustling out of the longhouses all armed with a selection of axes and long swords, many with the large round wooden shields that are so common in the town.

One of the more senior guards approaches you, long drooping moustaches covering a scarred and weathered face. "You did well men. Mead will be drunk and meat will be eaten to celebrate your victory!..." Even as he speaks a scream, followed by 2 more and a great shout of horror echo around the snowy village. Shouts of "She has been taken!" echoing from the Jarl's personal quarters as the rumours of his daughter being snatched away begin to circulate the small village...

2014-02-12, 04:04 PM
They've just had time to get their bellies grumbling before the cries of alarms start erupting. Looks like the meat and the mead will have to wait, after all - he thinks - By the gods, I would not have minded a little respite.

"We'd better grab our gear and snowshoes, people. Job ain't over yet, it seems, and we can't afford to let the frostfolks' trail grow cold... figuratively speaking, of course - he adds - Master Foren, will you do the honors of the hunt?"

Two charges of Lesser Vigor (one for Thuum, one for Razor).

2014-02-12, 11:39 PM
"Hm, uh, frugh, uh, well... not sure how I can do that, see. I do not possess the skills of a tracker. Pathfinders, now they could help us for sure, but see, here... not something I've got much of a skill for. Though I suppose Balad could try to follow them..."

Foren trails off weakly. He is irritated at having to admit a weakness, particularly one that seems like he should have covered. Blast it.

"Let's go and look, at least. And did someone say something about mead?"

Aye, sadly in 3.5 you need the Track feat to follow tracks with a DC10 or higher. Tracks in snow are a DC5 so I can follow them (as can anyone... though my survival is pretty fantastic at the mo), but they'll get difficult quickly with low visibility or if we wait too long, and especially if there's fresh snow.

Now that said, Balad (animal companion) does have the Track feat... and an awful survival modifier. So, how to proceed? We should probably go and check the source of the commotion and try to get started first.

2014-02-15, 01:16 AM
"Hm, uh, frugh, uh, well... not sure how I can do that, see. I do not possess the skills of a tracker. Pathfinders, now they could help us for sure, but see, here... not something I've got much of a skill for. Though I suppose Balad could try to follow them..."

Foren trails off weakly. He is irritated at having to admit a weakness, particularly one that seems like he should have covered. Blast it.

"Let's go and look, at least. And did someone say something about mead?"


The Goliath looks torn. He turns to one of the women whom is becoming upset and takes her hand in his larger one kindly. Looking into her eyes, he says I'm sorry for your loss. We need to look at the circumstances before us. It's becoming dark out. We can track, but it would be murderously cold at the moment. But it’s dark, and to be honest, we would not have success with this endeavor. What's worse, we don't know if or when these creatures may attack again. For now, it’s best if we can figure out what we know than rush off at the first sign of trouble. So… let’s figure out what we can do next.

He looks around to the villagers around him, and to his fellow adventurers. He points to one of the elderly men who looks like he knows what he’s doing. I want a map of the surrounding regions.When the man begins to protest, he says, I don’t care if you aren’t the person to have the map, just get it. Turning to Jarl, he says, We need to know more about these creatures. So let’s gather the people that know about them and discuss them.
Vercingetorix turns to the people that had been offering food, and says Keep it coming, and we will get down to the bottom of this.

Finally, he turns to his adventuring partners and says So. Let’s be serious about this, and cover all the angles we can.

2014-02-15, 01:27 AM
Foren is rather frustrated at having to wait for those around him before we can get going. Can they not see at night? Have they no vision for the dark? Pah! Oh well, if we must wait we must wait. Best to gather some information then, and he can offer what he knows.

"Very wise, let us pool our information. Now, I think I can help here..."

Rolling knowledge (nature) to see if I can contribute any useful info about the frost folk or the surrounding area.


Spouting whatever wisdom he has, whether it's relevant or not, Foren joins Vercingetorix in gathering the group together and planning the rescue mission.

2014-02-17, 12:12 PM
Ofin pulls out a tool from his pack, groaning slightly from the would he got earlier from the javelin, using the shaft to draw a rudimentary map, in a pile of snow, of the region's monsterous settlements

Knowledge Geography [roll0]

"If i remember the maps correctly they would probably be somewhere in 'this' vicinity" he says while pointing at the map