View Full Version : Sburbia

2014-01-06, 10:36 PM

A young woman stands in her bedroom. Today is the 13th of April, 2009, a day of little special significance to this young woman. The only thing that might make this day particularly important is that it is three days after the predicted arrival of the beta release of a computer game that this young woman has been anxiously anticipating. In just a short while, she will begin playing this game with her friends, and they will find it to be much, much more than any of them could have expected or imagined.

But of course, they don't know any of that yet.

Now, where were we? Ah, yes--introducing this young woman, whose name is...


Actually, you've quite forgotten. What was her name again?

> Enter name.

Al Capwn
2014-01-06, 10:43 PM
.......And so it begins.

2014-01-07, 01:48 AM
"Rag-a-muffin Gold-Digger"

2014-01-07, 10:50 AM
Rag-a-muffin Gold-Digger X

Not funny, numbnuts. Try again.

2014-01-07, 02:31 PM
Josclyn "Joss" Scheer

2014-01-07, 06:52 PM
Josclyn Scheer

Okay, that'll work.

Your name is JOSCLYN, though you usually just go by JOSS, and you mean BUSINESS!

Or you will once you get out of high school, get through college, and start working your way up the corporate ladder with your knack for ECONOMIC ACUMEN. You grew up in the boom-times of the late 1990's and early turn of the century under the single-parent tutelage of a major name in early ELECTRONIC NETWORKING, and being the heir to one of the big movers in the dot-com rush has had quite the influence on you where Keynesian ideology and capitalistic culture are concerned. The last year's events have only cemented the idea that the world clearly needs your expertise.

You spend an awful lot of time on the INTERNET though, looking up the latest NEWS to keep up with the world (or so you say; really, though, a lot of it's just messing around and playing GAMES). In particular, you're all kinds of excited about the new SBURB BETA that'll be coming your way soon! Or at least, you hope so--it's already been three days since the predicted arrival date. Not much for it but to keep waiting, you suppose.

What will you do?

2014-01-08, 12:09 AM
>Quack like a duck and-

wait no that's stupid and wasting time.

>Pester pals to see if they've gotten the New Stuff in yet or if you're the only one Waiting On Fedex

2014-01-08, 10:26 AM
Joss: Pester pals to see if they've got the new stuff in yet or if you're the only one waiting on FedEx.

You pull up to your computer and open up your Pesterchum chat client to scope out your pals. A substantial number of them are online. Whom do you want to pester?

2014-01-08, 01:30 PM
==>Totally Intentionally pester Dan.

2014-01-10, 02:38 PM
Joss: Totally intentionally pester Dan.

-- unnaturalNotary [UN] began pestering narcissisticCastrator [NC] at 16:02 --

UN: Ah wait, it's working now.
UN: Heya AC
UN:...wait no NC!
UN: Totally meant to click that one.
UN: Whassup?
NC:nuffin much
NC:and you can just call me dan, joss'
UN: Will do, def didn't mix up the names again.
UN: Anyway >.>;
UN: I'm tracking delivery as we type, it's Supposed to be here today for me. Did'ja get it yet?
NC:what are you talking about
NC:oh, that stupid game
NC:whasit called, burbon or something
UN: It's not stupid you're stupid.
UN: Sburb. Awesome new RPG. Going to be all kinds of cool.
UN: Still not here though. Do you have your copy yet?
NC:my gramma got one
NC:but her disk drive broke, or something
NC:and she gave it to me
NC:but i dunno if i want to play
NC:nobody's told me anything about it]
UN: ^ see all that stuff about how cool it's going to be I just said there?
UN: That's somebody telling you how cool it's going to be.
UN: Hella cool.
UN: Kinda weird that your g-ma already had it. Hollycarp did she get into the alpha testing or something?
UN: nm totally doesn't matter You're playing with us >:3.

-- unnaturalNotary [UN] is no longer connected! --

NC:oh dear

2014-01-11, 01:23 AM
==> Dash for the door, get the thing!

2014-01-14, 02:18 PM
Joss: Dash for the door, get the thing!

Recovering from the spill you took over your computer's power cable, you execute a textbook LASS SCAMPER over to the door, narrowly managing not to trip again on any of the numerous other wires and cables scattered around the apartment. You're in luck--it would appear your UNCLE has already signed off on the delivery, and left it by the door for you to recover. Two envelopes sit on the shelf, each bearing one of the two versions of the SBURB LOGO.

2014-01-15, 06:17 AM
>can't get caught nabbing, supposed to be sick and napping, sneak and do the grabbing!

2014-01-15, 06:30 AM
Joss: ===> Keep rhyming like that

2014-01-15, 01:04 PM
Joss: Can't get caught nabbing, supposed to be sick and napping, sneak and do the grabbing!

Feeling particularly proud of those AWESOME RHYMES you just pulled, you employ some of your NINJA SKILLS to stealthily nab the ENVELOPES.

You got the SBURB BETA!

Your UNION FETCH MODUS immediately combines the two very similar items. Looks like it just put them both in the same envelope. Good thing it didn't do anything else to them, or you might have had to order another copy.

2014-01-15, 02:14 PM
>can't wait on administa-
tion gotta set up the game station and link up with other pals in this situation. Also briefly praise powers that be for not fusing your game.

2014-01-15, 02:20 PM
Joss: Can't wait on administration gotta set up the game station and link up with other pals in this situation.

Per your increasingly awkward rhymes, you return to your room and retrieve both DISCS from their now shared envelope. Like the original packaging, each disc bears one of the two SBURB LOGOS--one has the SKAIANET SPIROGRAPH, the other the SBURB HOUSE DESIGN. You have no idea what each one is for. Which one do you want to try first?

2014-01-16, 01:35 PM
>run the fancy spiral pattern disk

2014-01-16, 07:17 PM
Joss: Run the fancy spiral pattern disc.


What the f*** is this.

2014-01-17, 11:24 AM
>boggle in maddening confusion at the Dos interface, then switch disks.

2014-01-18, 01:17 PM
Joss: Boggle in maddening confusion at the DOS interface, then switch discs.

The house-logo disc brings up a similar window, though it looks like all the instances of "client" were replaced with "server", and vice-versa. The first window remains open in the background after you take out its disc.

You hear a chime from your Pesterchum. Someone else is messaging you.

2014-01-19, 07:25 PM
>Realize mistake, switch back to Client with realization that Server probably means Person Running This Stuff and that's no good yet.

>Answer Pesterchum while fumbling with technology.

2014-01-21, 08:51 PM
Joss: Switch programs and answer Pesterchum while fumbling with technology.

-- audiophilicEscapist [AE] began pestering unnaturalNotary [UN] at 16:05 --

AE: heeeeeyyy Joss, you there? :D
UN: Aaaaaay Eeeeee! It's here it's here it's here!
UN: Huston we have lifdoff!
UN: We are.....
UN: 8..................:D
UN: 8 :D
UN: 8D
UN: In Business.
UN: okay but seriously the game's here! You got your copy yet? I'm loading mine up right now.
AE: aw yiss 8D
AE: yah I got mine yesterday finally
AE: but Adam and I didnt get the chance to start it up
AE: but we shall be kept waiting NO LONGER! :D :D :D
AE: have you and Alex got it started yet?
UN: Yeah, got it from his g-ma or something for some reason. Not sure why she was signed up for this, but w/e, gets him in on the dealy soon enough.
UN: .....wait no that's Dan isn't it. I haven't gotten word from Alex yet I think.
UN: Unless I mixed up the chat-logs again.
UN: Pretty sure I didn't this time though.
AE: yeah no wait I meant Dan, derp XD
AE: his gramma must be awesome if she was signed up for this
AE: well hey let me know when you get everything set up
AE: cause this is gonna be frickin sweet and I wanna hear all about how it goes for you guys :D
AE: oh hey Adam just got his installed apparently, later!

-- audiophilicEscapist [AE] has ceased pestering unnaturalNotary [UN] --

2014-01-22, 11:07 PM
The friends are waiting; Time to get things rolling!
==> UN: Run Sburb, start the game.

2014-01-22, 11:13 PM
Joss: Run Sburb, start the game.

You cannot run SBURB until you have established a connection with a SERVER, whatever the hell that means. Maybe you should check Gamefaqs, or ask someone if they know anything about it?

2014-01-23, 03:08 AM
Drat and Blast!
==> Check digital compendium of infinite knowledge!

2014-01-23, 02:09 PM
Joss: Check digital compendium of infinite knowledge!

You open up your AEOLUS web browser and hit up Gamefaqs for some assistance. Unfortunately, there isn't much to be found yet--what few walkthroughs there are now are all extremely short and horrendously written, and you feel a little dumber just looking at them. However, from amidst all the gibberish, you eventually manage to discern that the two discs that came with the BETA are the SERVER COPY and CLIENT COPY. Looks like you're currently running the CLIENT, and need to connect to someone with the SERVER installed to play the game.

Looks like someone else is pestering you now.

2014-01-27, 05:08 AM
==> Attempt to connect to server player.
==> Alternatively: Be the server player.

2014-01-29, 09:28 PM
Joss: Attempt to connect to the server player.


-- narcissisticCastrator [NC] began pestering unnaturalNotary [UN] at 16:04 --

NC: hey, did you get it yet?
NC: hello?
NC: hellooooooooooo?
UN: Yesyesyesyes!
UN: Got it, installing it in the window next to this one.
UN: Gamefax is a pile of confusing garbage but apparently I need to link up to a server of some sort? Any ideas?
NC: uh, hang on a sec
NC: i've got a server disk. that's what the two disks gramma got were. so i could do whatever that is
UN: You've got the server thingy up and running already? Cool, one less thing for me to have to worry about.
UN: Are we splitting server/client people half-and-half for this?
NC: uh
NC: i've got the disk
NC: don't games need to install or something
UN: Yeah you have to install it!
UN: It's been almost two minutes I'd have thought you've done so already :|.
UN: What have you been up to?
UN: Having more important things to deal with than me?!
NC: oh
NC: uh, nothing
NC: i'm just talking to alex right now
UN: Nothing huh! Then Nothing is preventing you from setting up the client!
UN: The Game Moves. The Game Is All.
UN: wait that was horribly out of place for this.
UN: We need server players, lots of ser-NO that's not working either.
UN: Really though kidding aside, we can totally get this started.
UN: I think that Alex has his too? He could Server for you.
NC: i said i'd play with you
NC: i'll play with alex later
UN: Oh, coolness! :D Thank you.
UN: So how's this work aside from just installing.
UN: Do we need to set up a TCP/IP link?
NC: i don't even know what that is
NC: but maybe
NC: i'm installing it now
NC: and it's already done
NC: wow, that was fast

2014-01-30, 02:35 AM
==> Joss: Enter
(By which we mean ==>Joss: Hit the enter key.)

2014-01-30, 11:44 AM
Joss: Enter.

> [S] ==> (http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=002037)

The loading screen fades away to be replaced by...nothing. Your screen looks exactly the same, except that the client program window is no longer there.

What the f*** is going on here?

2014-01-31, 05:02 PM
==> Joss: Boggle at apparent botched application launch, then try to figure out what went wrong.

UN: Aaaaah!
UN: It launched but then it didn't launch!
UN: Wtf sburb?!
UN: You get your's to work at least?

2014-01-31, 05:09 PM
Joss: Boggle at apparent botched application launch, then try to figure out what went wrong.

You attempt to solve the mystery of the broken SBURB launch, but before you can do more than send your CHUM another message, you are interrupted by the appearance of the CHARACTER SELECT SCREEN.

> ==>

You can now bring up this screen at any time to switch between CHARACTERS. Switching back to a previous character will return you to the point you left their OWN STORY, without skipping anything. Who do you want to be next?

lord pringle
2014-01-31, 05:57 PM
===> Be the weird girl in the fedora.

2014-01-31, 07:09 PM
Be the weird girl in the fedora.

Okay, you're the boss.

Minutes in the past, but not many...


Elsewhere, we arrive at the home of another young lady, who's also been hearing plenty about this new game's BETA RELEASE. Though she also doesn't know it, her life is also about to undergo drastic upheaval because of this event. But don't get ahead of yourself, thinking about her future. After all, you haven't even told us her name!

What was it again?

> Enter name.

lord pringle
2014-01-31, 07:15 PM
===>Snotnosed Poser

2014-01-31, 07:17 PM
Snotnosed Poser X

Come on, seriously? It wasn't funny the first time, a**hat.

Let's give it one more try...

lord pringle
2014-01-31, 07:39 PM
===> Reno Falconni

2014-01-31, 07:47 PM
===> Be the delusional spykid

2014-01-31, 07:49 PM
Reno Falconi

That's better.

Your name is RENO FALCONI, ya mooks. You are a descendant of the infamous FALCONI FAMILY, known for their connection to the CHICAGO MOB, the same one historically led by AL CAPONE. As far as you can tell, however, your family is just the mild-mannered owners of a chain of ITALIAN RESTAURANTS. The connection is even less likely seeing as how you live just outside of MADISON, which frankly is not that close to Chicago. But, man, do you wish the rumors were true! You've always really liked stories of SUIT WEARING MEN placing CEMENT SHOES on people who dared to intrude on their CRIMINAL EMPIRE, hence your fondness for PINSTRIPE SUITS and your preferred Strife specibus allocation of TOMMYGUNKIND. Sometimes you feel like you’re just ALLERGIC TO THE AIR, when in fact you’re just allergic to EVERY GODDAMN THING IN THE AIR. And some things NOT IN THE AIR. Because of this combined with your hyper-paranoid and overprotective SISTER, your only real friends are your internet pals.

What will you do?

2014-02-01, 01:49 PM
Be the delusional spy kid.


A young man stands in his highly secured bedroom. The exact location of the home that contains this bedroom is CLASSIFIED, but for our purposes it doesn't really matter. What does matter is the MISSION this young man has recently received. Of course, the MISSION is also CLASSIFIED, but if you had the proper clearance, you'd know that it involved the BETA RELEASE of a certain highly-anticipated COMPUTER GAME that occurred three days ago. A mission such as this is a job for an ELITE AGENT, and such an agent needs a cool NAME. Of course, this young man's name is also CLASSIFIED, so you might as well just make up something else to call him now. Who knows, maybe you'll guess his real name right anyway--not that you'd ever know if you did.

What will we call this young man?

> Enter name.

2014-02-01, 02:05 PM
===> Pond. Lame Pond

2014-02-01, 02:07 PM
Lame Pond X


2014-02-01, 02:24 PM
===> Kyle [Redacted]

OOC: Is it bad I legit forgot his last name? Then again it was Redacted to begin with, with me adding a legit name a bit after but not that long. In the same post I think, but later in my head.

2014-02-01, 02:45 PM
Kyle Hobbs


Your name is KYLE HOBBS. You are a WANNABE SUPERSPY living in an abandoned former MILITARY BASE that got shut down because of SUPERVILLAIN PLOTS, or so you like to think. Over the years, you've trained yourself in all kinds of TOTALLY REAL MARTIAL ARTS and learned all about GADGETRY from the base's central COMPUTER. The entire complex is your playground, where you have free reign to do whatever you want, which usually involves SCIENCE or SPY TRAINING. You also like to watch SPY MOVIES of all sorts, and take copious amounts of notes that you constantly pester your INTERNET FRIENDS with. When they're not around, you sometimes upload your notes as REVIEWS.

What will you do?

2014-02-01, 03:06 PM
===> Bedrooms are for sleeping. TO THE LAB!

2014-02-01, 05:21 PM
Kyle: Bedrooms are for sleeping. To the lab!

You exit your BEDROOM and wind your way down the labyrinthine hallways of the complex to your LAB. This is where you spend much of your free time. Every single available surface is strewn with spare parts and scraps torn from old GADGETRY that was lying around, in various states of intactness. It's also the location of one of your many COMPUTERS, which you use to keep tabs on your CHUMS. Speaking of which, looks like several of them are online, if you're looking for conversation.

lord pringle
2014-02-01, 08:14 PM
===>Reno: Examine Room

2014-02-01, 08:46 PM
===> Find spanking new awesomecomp!
===> Pester that vile criminal while you set up your new computer

Al Capwn
2014-02-02, 12:44 AM
==>Be the guitarist DEFINITELY COOL GUITARIST DUDE with delusions of grandeur

2014-02-02, 12:54 AM
===> insert an added = to the previous command

2014-02-02, 02:47 PM
Reno: Examine room.

You cast an eyeball around your little corner of this wild world. Not much you wouldn't expect to see, aside from the fact that every freaking thing in here has to be HYPOALLERGENIC. Your old friend MR. TOMMYGUN is concealed safely at the bottom of your sock drawer, to keep it from the prying eyes of your vigilant SISTER, who would no doubt be a bit upset to find you in possession of deadly firearms. Over yonder lies your COMPUTER, with your recently-delivered copy of the SBURB BETA in its envelopes nearby.

Oh, speaking of which, looks like that delusional spy kid is pestering you about something.

2014-02-02, 02:58 PM
Kyle: Pester that vile criminal while you set up your new computer.

You retrieve the as-yet-incomplete mess of parts that is your newly-obtained SUPERCOMPUTER. There's nothing particularly SUPER about it, really, but you spent a lot of money ordering the extra parts, and you figure it deserves some special recognition to justify the investment. You bring it over to your ALREADY-ASSEMBLED laptop to work on it.

Might as well pester RENO while you're over here anyway.

-- superSpy [SS] began pestering allergicGangster [AG] at 16:02 --

SS: Hey [REDACTED] how are you?
SS: Ready for you daily [REDACTED] beatdown in cinemocity and reviews?
AG: Scram, you dirty rat!
AG: How many times do I got to win this debate before you fold like a stack of cards?
SS: Aww don't be like that just because I totally demolished your [REDACTED] about the [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
SS: I'm just waiting for this new comp to load up. I got it from [REDACTED] C some new quantum spellchecker thingadoohickey
AG: A quantum spellchecker, myah?
AG: What good is that, see?
AG: My regular spellcheck works just fine.
SS: It apparently doesn't need a language to spellcheck. It does it by some weird way checking against all words ever and using context and [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] comes out with the word you want into the right spelling automagically
SS: I can suddenly begin talking [REDACTED] and without changing a setting the spellcheck still works like a charm
AG: I don't think that's a problem that needs fixing, scumbag.
AG: There's many more problems in the world than sloppy selling, see?
SS: And with my new computer I wont have to worry about such mistakes xD
SS: So criminal, what nefarious acts are you in the midst of today?
AG: The usual, see?
AG: Sneezing, going through a box of tissues, sneaking a semi-auto through school.
AG: My life in a nutshell.
SS: Fine, keep your [REDACTED] Conspiracy. I'll find the evidence one day!
SS: Your crime mob will fall one day!! I'll bring it down for [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]!1!11!
AG: You don't believe me about my allergies?
AG: Besides, is my crime mob like my food kitchen or my head hat?
SS: I know you have allergies. Doesnt mean you cant be running a counterfiting organization or fraud or avoiding your patriotic duty to [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]!!
SS: Yes it is
AG: My dirty scumbag of a sister won't let me leave my house.
AG: I'm not running an elaborate criminal empire from my room, you mook.
SS: If you say so you unrepentant vile criminal. Bad luck with your tasks, I have to load up this [REDACTED]. Test it out. Perhaps Pester [REDACTED], it's been a while since he and I chatted...

-- superSpy [SS] ceased pestering allergicGangster [AG] at 16:04 --

lord pringle
2014-02-02, 02:58 PM
==> Reno: See who else is pestering you

2014-02-02, 07:31 PM
===> AvengersLaptop Assemble!

2014-02-03, 06:33 PM
Be the cool guitarist dude with delusions of grandeur.


A young man (for all intents and purposes) awaits the return of a friend to a conversation that was suddenly interrupted just a moment ago. This conversation concerned, among other things, the highly-touted BETA RELEASE of an anticipated COMPUTER GAME that this young man's friend was much more excited to receive than he was himself. Before his friend's hasty EGRESS, he had, somewhat reluctantly, agreed to participate in the game, not knowing the consequences that agreement would have...

Of course, before we can further explore the life of this young man, he should really have a name. Why don't you go ahead and give him one now?

> Enter name.

Al Capwn
2014-02-03, 06:38 PM
==>****music McNonuts

2014-02-03, 06:41 PM
S***music McNonuts

Okay, if I have to tell you again I'm shutting this whole thing down. One more chance.

Al Capwn
2014-02-03, 06:45 PM
==Dan Ahlström

2014-02-04, 11:57 AM
Dan Ahlström

See, now that wasn't so hard, was it?

Your name is DAN. You are currently waiting at the COMPUTER in your room for JOSS to come back online after she suddenly disconnected just a moment ago. Pretty much every room in your GRANDMA's house has a computer in it--really, the only reason this one is yours is because it happens to be the one in your room. The old lady REALLY likes technology. In fact, the copy of the SBURB BETA currently sitting on your DESK was originally hers, but she insisted on giving it to you after her own machine suffered an unfortunate DISC DRIVE MALFUNCTION. You don't really see much point--you're not that into video games. A glance around your room will reveal instead that your primary interest is MUSIC. Your most treasured possession is your precious GUITAR, and anyone who touches it will be summarily beaten to death. With the GUITAR.

What will you do?

Al Capwn
2014-02-04, 12:08 PM
==>Play sick songs on guitar

2014-02-05, 07:36 PM
Reno: See who else is pestering you.

Looks like you've got another incoming message. Why are you so popular all of a sudden?

-- allergicGangster [AG] began pestering narcissisticCastrator [NC] --

AG: Hey!
AG: How are you doing, my friend?
NC: oh, hey. it's the mobster.
NC: i'm good. alex was being weird about that game called sburb
NC: know if it's any good?
AG: I'm not sure, see.
AG: I think I might have preordered it a while ago.
AG: Seems fun to me.
AG: How is Alex doing, anyhow?
NC: damnit, i said alex
NC: i meant kyle, the spy kid
NC: anyway, he's doing okay. i asked him if he knew what sburb was and if it was good, and he pressured me to play it
NC: i dunno though. games are more my gramma's thing
AG: Don't trust anything that piece of scum says!
AG: He's a lying, paranoid, egotistical jerk.
AG: Don't play that with him, play it with me!
NC:i'm still not sure if i even want to play or not
NC: i've got no no clue what the game's about or what you do
NC: plus, i kinda wanted to maybe play with alex or something
AG: And then you'll make out with him, right?
AG: Lovebirds!
NC: screw you!
NC: i don't even know if he likes me anyway
AG: Be direct then!
AG: Man up and kiss the guy!
AG: Just invite him to play.
AG: Then confess your love to him.
AG: Easy as killing Sunny Corleone!
NC:i wrote him a song though
NC: i dunno...... arg, hang on, joss is pestering me. talk to you later
AG: See you around, you dirty coward. ;)

-- allergicGangster [AG] ceased pestering narcissisticCastrator [NC] --

2014-02-05, 07:39 PM
Kyle: Laptop, assemble!

There's only one step left before it's finally finished. A minute or two of searching unearths the USB DRIVE containing the OS from the piles of junk lying around the lab. You'll have to CAPTCHALOGUE it in your handy GADGET MODUS in order to bring it over to the other parts.

lord pringle
2014-02-05, 07:46 PM
==> Reno: See if your SIS is home.
Reno's sister prefers it if she does homework, rather than play universe threatening games.

2014-02-05, 09:17 PM
OOC: I think most guardians would prefer homework over universe-destroying games)

===> Captchalogue it and use on computer
===> Hope you remember what buttons are which...

2014-02-06, 07:18 PM
Dan: Play sick songs on guitar.

[S]==> (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZZ5i1J9b8U)

Your jamming is interrupted by a banging on the door of your room. It seems your GRANDMA wants you to keep it down.

Al Capwn
2014-02-06, 07:22 PM
==>Stop jamming and go back to computer

2014-02-06, 07:22 PM
Reno: See if your sis is home.

Your SIS is always on your case about spending too much time playing GAMES. She's convinced they do nothing but distract you from SCHOOLWORK. Which is somewhat true, but you're sure as hell not gonna let her get in the way of your BETA TIME, no sir.

You exit your BEDROOM and emerge into the HALLWAY. Your SIS' bedroom is down the hall, but she might well be in another part of the APARTMENT, if she's even here. Where do you want to check?

2014-02-06, 07:25 PM
Kyle: Captchalogue it and use it on the computer.

Your GADGET MODUS accepts the ARTIFACT and assigns it to one of its seemingly infinite BUTTONS for retrieval. Fortunately, you've had plenty of practice remembering the right BUTTON with this thing, and having only one ARTIFACT to keep track of makes things simple.

You insert the USB drive and install the OS on the laptop.

2014-02-06, 09:47 PM
===> Pester Dan

OOC: You realize 6 players 3 = right? Since we have everyone back now...
==> is the 4player session of Humans and =======> or something was the Trolls

lord pringle
2014-02-06, 10:36 PM
===>Reno: Check bedroom.

Al Capwn
2014-02-07, 06:48 PM
So, I was actually thinking a bit...... And I figured out a reason for Dan to be Knight of Rage, though specifically rage. Her parents had abandoned her due to being terrible, as stated before, and she's really angry at said parents for screwing that up. Also, I had a brain along the lines of mother having done a load of drinking and doing of drugs whilst pregnant, causing some medical issues for Dan. Oh, also, more medical issues due to having been fed alchohol(or however you spell that word) to keep quiet while parents go do their normal shtuffs. Sound decently okay?

2014-02-07, 10:05 PM
===> Flail on the keyboard and check for options. This Game Will Run!

2014-02-08, 02:10 PM
Dan: Stop jamming and go back to computer.

You reluctantly put your guitar away and sit back down at your desk. Looks like somebody else started pestering you while you were busy.

-- superSpy [SS] began pestering narcissisticCastrator [NC] --

NC: hey
SS: heh* admn new deyboark
SS: gra!h! zcrew ir
NC: Heh
NC: how're you doing?
SS: fine, ucing **** njew com[ I found isn oneh oa teh [iEDACTED] got tons of cool stuff on it
NC: wow
NC: you are having so much trouble
NC: are you sure you didn't spill soda or something on it?
SS: Damn thing...Alright, I think I zot it fixed.
SS: ...mostly
NC: snrk
SS: *I
NC: awwww, c'mon
NC: if i'm gone, who'll make you your remixes?
SS: Hmbh, fine I ruess your alright for a likely commie-nazi-traitor...You do make jood [REDACTED]
NC: hey now
SS: yes?
NC: i know i'm awesome, but i'm not that great
NC: :P
SS: You have a bigger ego than Great Britain's rightfi, territories...
NC: aren't you a flatterer
NC: anyway
SS: *dows* I learned from the best Bonds around
NC: i wanted to ask if you'd ever heard of a game called sburb
SS: Where ddi you hear of that Citizen! [REDbACTED] is highly classified information and the fact Ma'am is making me analyze it's gameplay is even higier classified!
NC: um
NC: my gramma got it in the mail a couple days ago
NC: and it didn't work cause her disk drive was busted or something?
NC: i don't really know about computers
SS: I KNEW IT! She is park of the [REDACTED] and the game is al part oaf it and...
SS: and your a commieknazi-sqcialist traitor to England!!11!!
SS: So wanna help meu play it?
NC: you really are a charmer
NC: i dunno
NC: they're not really my thing
SS: Come on, you'll help serve [jEDACTEDr and [REDACTEk]
SS: Nooo msi redacteds!!
NC: oh dear
NC: but, i don't really play games
NC: i was wondering what you thought of this one
SS: Its not a game its a secret conspiracy Ic'm uncovering. And youar aiding a toverenmg official in competling it. Besides, ft requires two players. I asked ma'am but skhe said something about 'making friends and getting a lide'
SS: government*
NC: i dunno
NC: it seems like it coooould be fun
NC: but i'm just not sure
NC: holy crap my new fetch modus came
SS: Come on, i'tll be fun
NC: holy
SS: Oooh hwats it do?
NC: oh my
SS: What??
NC: my grandma
SS: Oh noes!
NC: she got me a candy bag modus
SS: :O
NC: not the nice convieniant stack modus I asked for
NC: this crap
SS: Thats terribibble
NC: i don't even like candy
SS: Its a [REDACTED] you know, candy is [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] and full of [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
NC: my gramma is nuts
SS: Yep, battyk olf grammar
NC: i really wish you'd quit the redacteds
NC: it's really annoying
SS: Heh grammar. I think Ikl keep hat
SS: :P
SS: You need a higher classification
NC: how do i get that?
NC: lemme guess
NC: playing sburb with you
SS: yep :D
NC: ugh
SS: Itll help [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]
NC: is it more than two players?
SS: Nah, its just you need a Server and a Player. I'll be yoru Server then omnce your all set up yiu be mine K?
NC: alright
NC: i might ask alex if he wants to play
SS: Alex? You mean that icy guy? I guesxs he coulpd be your Player and then he'li loop toz meh maybe?
SS: But why him?
NC: he's really nice
NC: i like'im
NC: he's cool
NC: i need to send him that song i wrote
SS: I thought guys like yoau were always into girls? Your no weird, even inh areas your already weird
SS: so*
SS: Who even crushes on icepocm, I meana really
SS: Uh-huh
SS: Suuure you didnt. Yqou simply implied it
SS: My ogd, the amont of romance going round these days. I practically need a wall to fit it all!
NC: shut up
NC: he's a good friend
SS: Neva! Romance is for chumps, random sexy girls who nay or amy not bs evil is where it's at
NC: i wrote a song that i'm sending to him
SS: Is it full of "oOh baby I neeed you"s and "I cgant live itwhout houuuu"?
SS: ehh, gtg dude. Gonna det up this Sburb thing and gotia transmission from Ma'am to comlpeet
NC: ......no
SS: Love the elipsis heh

-- narcassisticCastrator [NC] ceased pestering superSpy [SS] --

2014-02-08, 02:11 PM
Joss: Flail on the keyboard and check for options.

You FLAIL ABOUT on your KEYBOARD and attempt to make something happen, but it's no good--not so much as a GUI in sight.

2014-02-08, 09:04 PM
===> Bash keyboard trying to make it not as crap!
===> Kyle used ServerCD on Damn Computer! It's Super Effective

Al Capwn
2014-02-09, 10:04 AM
===>Be angry at Kyle

Al Capwn
2014-02-09, 08:29 PM
===>Be annoyed at Kyle Then Fume.

2014-02-10, 01:26 PM
Kyle: User server CD on computer.

You pop in the SERVER DISC and see what happens.

Huh...nothing interactable. Just a DOS window saying something about establishing a connection with a CLIENT.

Maybe something got left out of your BRIEFING?

2014-02-10, 01:31 PM
Reno: Check bedroom.

You cautiously open the door just a crack and peer through.

The lights are off in the BEDROOM, and it doesn't look like anyone's in there. She must be in some other room, or out of the APARTMENT. Probably the latter, since she never leaves without making sure you still have the right ARTIFACTS in your EMERGENCY RESPONSE MODUS. God, how stupid does she think you are? Like you can't take care of yourself for a freaking hour while she goes grocery shopping. Jesus f***ing Christ.

lord pringle
2014-02-10, 04:06 PM
===> Reno: Peek into the kitchen.

2014-02-11, 12:19 AM
===> PesterBrief Maam on the current developments

2014-02-13, 06:44 PM
===> Joss: Calm yourself, look over the program carefully, sigh and look out the window wondering why games are hard and no one understands.