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View Full Version : Kazyan's Bucket of D&D 3.5 Races

2014-01-07, 06:36 PM
I'm going to start putting all my races here so I don't clog up the homebrew design forum, and so I have a quickref.

List of Races

Ability Adjustments
Bonus Feat
Type (Subtype)

Acrimima (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314170)
+2 Con, -2 Wis
30 ft.
Outsider (Native, Neutral)

Acrimima, Lesser (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314170)
+2 Con, -2 Wis
30 ft.
Humanoid (Planetouched)

Amminon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=310945)
+2 Dex, -2 Cha
30 ft
Nondimensional space

Exuhi (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=323352)
+2 Int, -2 Str
20 ft.

Fharrice (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=323935)
+2 Wis, -2 Cha
30 ft.
Willpower Shaping

Gammon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16824197&postcount=1)
+2 Int, -2 Cha
30 ft.
Colour energy
+0, 1 RHD

Isojus (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16747131&postcount=3)
20 ft.

Isthchi (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18438096&postcount=23)
+2 Dex
20 ft.
Can't speak

Lutet Am (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17291745&postcount=18)
-2 Dex
30 ft.
Inverted senses
Monstrous Humanoid

Lutet Am Queen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17291745&postcount=18)
-2 Dex, +2 Cha
30 ft.
Inverted senses
Monstrous Humanoid

Min-lau (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16745486&postcount=2)
+2 Cha, -2 Int
20 ft.
Balancing on points
Monstrous Humanoid

Nidegele (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18461535&postcount=24)
+2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
20 ft.
Xenon biochemistry

Singleton (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18406353&postcount=22)
-2 Cha
30 ft.
Sane but boring
Humanoid [Human]

Vicissial (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17700001&postcount=21)
-2 Wis
30 ft.
Direct flesh incorporation

Zulicer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=323704)
+2 Str, -2 Dex
30 ft.
Store item effects

2014-01-07, 06:37 PM

Min-lau are a race of charming wanderers that have long been treated the same way monsters are, for their unusual proportions and the wicked points they have in place of feet. However, they are gaining acceptance among the common races for their entertaining acrobatics and other unique balancing talents. Nevertheless, they still seem to be treated more as tame monsters than anything else, partly because they haven't developed quite the intellect of the more common races. Min-lau are simple, content to live as a cross between a performer and pet among the common races.


Min-lau are natural followers, but at the same time, they are exuberant and personable. They often form a close bond with their friends--or those who take care of them, if they are being treated like a tame monster. Min-lau love to move, often hopping in place if they're caged. Commonly, Min-lau will talk to themselves, even in the company of others in the middle of conversation--they consider it natural to use oneself as a conversation partner. This confuses most other races, but groups of Min-lua seem to have no problem telling if someone can directed an "Isn't that right?" to themselves or someone else. In one noteable case, a min-lau was placed in solitary confinement for a week and didn't seem to notice.

Despite seeming to be airheads, Min-lau are an ambitious race, which is why they're not held in groups when used as tame monsters. Together, min-lau come up with grandoise plans and ideas, organize themselves frighteningly efficiently into organizational structures to get things done, and finish their plans before moving on to something else. Despite not being very smart overall, min-lau can and have made headway into wizarding colleges.

Physical Description

Min-lau have awkward proportions at first glance. Their legs are far too long and rather thick, their torsos too short, and their arms too stubby. At second glance, one would notice that they have no feet--instead, their legs come to single, hardened points, and typically, a min-lau will balance on only one of them while keeping the other leg bent. They are naturally buoyant when on the ground, allowing them to balance easily.

Conventional Min-lau clothing is a single light blue scarf-like garment that is wrapped around their torso in such a way as not to be indecent, but exposes their limbs and head.

Min-lau have a rough, yellowed skin tone. They lack hair in the conventional sense, but they do have several twisting, multi-ended growths that extend from their heads, colored dark brown and having the same visual presence as a full head of hair.


Min-lau are by and large simply performers and/or pets to the more common races, and approved of in those roles. But when the ambitions of a min-lau lead them to become sometime more, they are usually shunned or rejected from whatever they're trying to do--one wouldn't let a dog become a wizard, after all. Good-aligned races are more accepting of their ambitions, but at the same time, wary. Only chaotic good races, like gnomes, are fully accepting of the race.


The airheaded min-lau tend strongly towards chaos, and are decent-natured enough for a slight tendency towards good as well. Those with more intellectual streaks are more varied in their alignments, to the degree that they're as unpredictable as humans.


Min-lau share whatever lands the common races who use them as pets and performers do.


Min-lau are usually kept away from religious texts, but those that do learn about religion tend to worship Olidammara. More disturbingly, free and knowledgeable min-lau are known to worship the vestige Paimon. The superficial similarity between min-lau and Paimon seems incidental, but it is said that min-lau favored souls have learned to draw spells from Paimon...


Min-lau speak a confusing agglutinating language of their own, called Min-lau, and refuse to teach it to others. (Min-lau is not a secret language, but it is hard to find a teacher and it's difficult to learn.) They also know Common due to their "domestication", and the intelligent ones may know any sort of language due to exposure through the other races they perform for and are owned by.


Due to the structure of the Min-lau language, min-lau names are three syllables long, with the first syllable stressed and ending in a vowel. Min-lau does not have rhoticism (the letter "r").


Natural ambition makes the min-lau perfect for adventuring, provided they are free in the first place. Some may simply wish to learn to cast the most powerful spells; some may want to own a castle; some might want to rule the world...all min-lau have some sort of grand goal for thmeselves, and adventuring is a fast way to get it (if you don't mind the 99%+ chance of death).

Racial Traits

+2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence: Min-lau are cute and charming, but not particularly bright.
Monstrous humanoid type
+12 bonus to Balance checks: Min-lau have a natural buoyancy on the ground, which allows them to easily stay upright on the single support point of one foot. A min-lau takes no penalty to balance checks for standing on one point.
Medium size
Land Speed: 20 feet. Min-lau have exemplary balance on their pointed feet, but their jagged gait when walking is not a quick one.
Swift Stand: With their bouyancy, a min-lau can push themselves upright from prone as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Languages: Min-lau, Common. Bonus Languages: Any (excluding secret languages)
Favored Class: Battle Dancer (DComp)
Level Adjustment: +0

Racial Feats

Pointed Kick
Prerequisite: Min-lau
Benefit: You can use the points of your legs as secondary natural weapons that deal 1d4 points of piercing damage plus 1/2 your Strength bonus. When standing on the ground, only one point can be used to attack because the other is required for standing. When prone, flying, or otherwise not standing, both points can be used to attack.

Powerful Legs
Prerequisite: Min-lau, Str 13, Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit: You can use the points of your legs as primary natural weapons. When used in this way, you add 1-1/2 your Strength bonus to damage.

2014-01-07, 11:42 PM

Isojusses are are the result of crossed planar bloodlines, similar to the acrimima, but their existence is a more drastic error in reality. Isojusses are abhorrent glitches in the fabric of reality, a a fundamental wrongness of the Far Realms distilled by crossbreeding...or at least, that's what the common races would have one believe. Created through the mingling of Celestial and Far Realm blood (consider the union of an aasimar and an alloprax (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=308829)), an isojus is a fairly benign being, except that their souls reject the concept of alignment, even neutrality. Though they may act in accordance with an alignment, they are a blank spot for the forces of the Outer Planes, a void that will not be filled.


Isojusses are, on the surface, mild-mannered people. However, they have a curious way of speaking with evocative words that make conversation partners uneasy. If they're even aware, they don't seem to care about that detail. An isojus is typically jovial, but quiet. They tend to have various harmless quirks and obsessions, among them being the desire to create things.

When faced with moral issues, an isojus simply acts as they feel. They don't seem to understand the concept of morals or ethics, dismissing any attempt to teach them as nonsense.

Physical Description

Isojusses are small human-like beings of about 3 feet in height, with alluring faces and body structure. Anyone staying with one for any extended period will begin to notice oddities--sharp teeth, a misshapen pupil, an extra finger. Curiously, isojusses are usually surrounded by supernatural dust, which, if looked at too closely, will indicate the outline of something alien around them. However, isojusses are indistinguishable from miniature humans at first glance.


Distrusted at best and killed on sight at worst, an isojus is regarded as anathema by almost all non-good races, and the more educated someone becomes, the more the tendency is to hate them. Sometimes, planetouched races will take a liking to an isojus, or those who simply have no opinion on morality might accept one. But these rare cases are just that, rare. Overwhelmingly, an isojus lives a lonely life, surrounded only by their enclave. Despite this, isojus enclaves are sometimes approached for their unique weapon- and armor-smithing methods. Isojusses get to communicate with these envoys on even terms, at least.


Described subjectively, isojusses tend towards neutrality on the good/evil axis, with a minor tilt towards chaos. Described objectively or with any actual alignment-detection ability, an isojus is indeterminate. Trying to find an isojus's alignment is like trying to find what kind of fruit grows on the trees in Mechanus.


Isojusses have small enclaves to call their own. They like to form large towers in fertile lands that have not been claimed, though these towers get more bizarre and alien as they develop, reaching towards the heavens, designed to be resistant to the attacks of those with strong alignment tendencies.


Isojusses seem repulsed by the concept of deities, and do not worship them. The rare cleric or paladin draw their power from a cause.


Isojusses use a language derived from Celestial and Undercommon, which involves its own series of difficult-to-pronounce consonants that sound wrong to an untrained ear. Taking form the usual convention, it's usually referred to as Isojus. Isojus is one of the only things that the common races actually like about the alignmentless planetouched, as the language is bizarre, but comprehensible--an excellent exercise for budding linguists.


Isojus names are unpronounceable to the untrained, so isojusses usually go by a Common nickname. Typically, this is a human name. It's thought that human names would make them more accepted, but this hasn't worked.


Isojus adventurers typically resolve to fight on their own or with other isojusses, as they're usually the only people that can tolerate them. Their reasons for adventuring can be any that are relevant their tower enclaves, or they can be part of a goal to erase their 'glitch'.

Racial Traits

No ability modifiers
Small size
Land speed: 20 feet.
Aberration type
No alignment: An isojus does not have an alignment. If they would be affected by any effect that makes a distinction based on the subject's alignment, they are unaffected; the effect simply skips over them because there is no alignment to make a decision about. In other words, isojusses are invalid subjects for effects dependent on alignment.

Even though an isojus does not have an alignment, one may surface if they are affected by e.g. alter self. To denote this, write down what alignment the isojus would have on your character sheet, but mark it with an asterisk.

Isojusses register under any of the detect alignment spells, but not in the usual way. When an isojus is detected, the user of the detection ability usually becomes disgusted by a fundamental wrongness that they detect--a hole in reality. (Isojusses themselves are not disgusted by this.)

An isojus ignores alignment-based restrictions for the purposes of qualifications. For example, they may be a Monk and a Barbarian at the same time.
+2 bonus to Intimidate checks: Isojusses seem wrong to focused observation.
Crafting: Isojusses gain a +2 bonus to Craft checks. In addition, with 1,000 gp of extra materials, they may craft weapons or armor with the Isojus-Crafted template. Isojus-Crafted weapons they bypass the alignment components of alignment-based damage reduction. Isojus-Crafted armor increases its armor bonus by 2 against attacks from creatures with alignment subtypes. In both cases, the weapons and armor are bizarrely beautiful. These items sell for 2,000 gp beyond their base value on the open market.
Languages: Common, Isojus. Bonus languages: Celestial, Undercommon.
Favored Class: Any.
Level Adjustment: +0

2014-01-08, 08:19 PM
The following are racial substitution levels for both homebrew and 1st-party classes. I have received permission from all homebrewers whose classes I have made substitution levels for.

WARNING: Some of these rely on old versions of the Exuhi, Fharrice, and Zulicer. I need to fix them. I'll do so at some point. I the meantime, ignore the sub-levels for those races.

Amminon Hexblade
An amminon does not usually have the force of personality necessary to be an effective spontaneous spellcaster, but hexblades set a lower standard than, say, sorcerers. A mean-spirited amminon can afflict their targets with the lesser sense of self common to their own race.

Hit Die: d10
Skills: 2+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|{colsp=4}Spells
3rd|+3|+1|+1|+3|Lonesome Curse
5th|+5|+1|+1|+4 |Contain Familiar, hexblade's curse 2/day |0

Class Features

Lonesome Curse (Su): At 4rd level, when an amminon hexblade curses a target, they also take the curse's penalty to their Charisma score. In addition, a curse target cannot flank, as they are too unaware of their allies to assist. This ability replaces Mettle.

Contain Familiar (Su): At 5th level, an amminon hexblade can store their familiar in their nondimensional space comfortably, even if they would not normally fit--in that case, there is no room for anything else left. The familiar is in stasis while contained in this way; they do not need to eat, drink, or breathe while contained. This ability replaces a bonus feat.

Evasion (Ex): As the rogue ability. This ability replaces a bonus feat.

Amminon Lurk
Amminon that awaken to psychic powers often prefer to exercise it in a way that they have a natural talent for. That means sneaking, quitly taking items, etcetera.

Hit Die: d6
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Power Points/Day|Powers Known|Maximum Power Level Known
1st|+0|+0|+2|+2|Lurk augments, Storing strike|1|1|1st
6th|+4|+2|+5|+5|Reach store|11|6|2nd
7th|+5|+2|+5|+5|'Acquire' item|15|7|3rd[/table]

Class Features

Storing Strike (Su): This lurk augment replaces Unfocusing Strike. A creature hit by the amminon lurk's attack must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + Int modifier) or the amminon lurk may store one of the creature's worn items in their personal space, as part of the strike, in addition to dealing damage. The amminon lurk does not make any additional motions; the item simply disappears from the target. If the item cannot be stored due to insufficient space, the augment fails. For every 2 power points spent, the DC increases by 1. Minimum level 1st.

Reach store (Ps): At 6th level, an amminon lurk can store any item in their nondimensional space from a distance, at-will as a standard action. The item must be within 25 feet + 5 feet per manifester level. The amminon lurk must have line of sight and effect to the item, the item cannot be attended, and the amminon must have enough room in their nondimensional space to store it. This replaces the Initiative Boost ability.

'Acquire' item (Ex): At 7th level, when an amminon lurk takes an item from a creature through their Slight of Hand skill, they may choose it immediately place it in their nondimensional space or in an appropriate magic item slot. For example, if an amminon lurk sucessfully lifted an enemy wizard's Headband of Intellect +2, they can choose to place it on their head or in their nondimensional space as part of the action used to steal it. This replaces a die of Psionic Sneak Attack damage; the amminon lurk has one fewer Psionic Sneak Attack die for all further levels.

Amminon Salvager (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=228049) (Amechra)
Amminon are naturally reserved people, fixated on objects, and it is unseemly for them to get their hands dirty with building around the company of elves. It's only natural that salvagers would arise in their ranks.

Hit Die: d6
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class, plus Escape Artist.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Junkheap|Archetypes Known|Improvised Equipment|Crafter's Choice
1st|+0|+0|+2|+2|Fill the Loneliness, Craft Excellency, Junkheap, Part of Me|0*|1|1 Slot|-
5th|+3|+1|+4|+4|Toughen Device (Hardness), Home for My Children|6|2|1 Slot|1
9th|+6/+1|+3|+6|+6|Shared Spaces|20|4|2 Slots|3[/table]

Class Features

Part of Me (Ex): At 1st level, an amminon salvager can store the entire contents of their junkheap in their Nondimensional Space, even if all the wonderful parts would not normally fit--in that case, there is no room for anything else left.

Home for My Children (Ex): At 5th level, an amminon salvager can store any of their children in their nondimensional space comfortably, even if they would not normally fit--in that case, there is no room for anything else left. You can speak to your Children while they are inside your nondimensional space, and they can respond. This ability replaces the slot of Improvised Equipment gained at this level--the number of slots of Improvised Equipment is permanently reduced by 1.

Shared Spaces (Su): At 9th level, amminon salvager's Children learn to take after their parent, and can access your nondimensional space. They need only reach onto the surface of their bodies to pull out what they need from your own space. They can also replace items in this way. It's entirely possible for one of your children to take out the others stored inside you, in this way. This ability replaces the 9th level ability of Children's Care.

Acrimima Crusader
Conventional crusaders draw their faith from the edges of the alignment spectrum, and though the Sublime Way seems not to have recognized neutrality as a valid conviction, acrimima crusaders are determined to fight for the balance just as fervently as the "correct" crusaders.

Hit Die: d12
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level).

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Maneuvers Known|Maneuvers Readied|Stances Readied
1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Balanced Battle 1/day, Neutral Crusade, steely resolve 5|5|5 (2)|1
2nd|+2|+3|+0|+0|Indomitable soul, Neutral Maneuvers|5|5 (2)|2
6th|+6/+1|+5|+2|+2|Smite extrema 1/day|7|5 (2)|2

Class Features

Balanced Battle (Ex): At 1st level, an acrimima crusader can attempt to even out the tide of combat when it turns against them. As an immediate action when damaged, the acrimima crusader can make an attack at their highest attack bonus, targeting whichever creature damaged them. If the damage came from a spell or power, the attack targets the caster or manifester. This ability can be used once per day. At 4th level and every 4 levels afterwards, the acrimima crusader gains an additional use of this ability. This ability replaces Furious Counterstrike.

Neutral Crusade (Ex): An acrimima crusader is of the True Neutral alignment, even though crusaders cannot normally be True Neutral.

Neutral Manuevers (Ex): At 2nd level, an acrimima crusader is allowed access to two unique maneuvers that have the True Neutral alignment as a prerequisite. These maneuvers are not automatically added to their list of maneuvers known; they must be selected as normal. This ability does not replace any crusader class features.

Neutral Maneuvers

Devoted Spirit (Strike) [Neutral]
Level: Crusader 5 (One Devoted Spirit maneuver),
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round

Prerequisite: Neutral alignment

You become a rushing, violet wave of power, a mere moment from excising the unbalancing factor of the battlefied.

You must make a charge attack as part of this maneuver. If the target does not have a neutral component to their alignment, you gain a +4 bonus on
your attack (in addition to the charge bonus) and your attack deals an extra 5d6 points of damage. In addition, if your charge attack hits and the target does not have a neutral component to their alignment, you become wreathed in concordant energy. You gain DR 5/-- and a +1 bonus to resist trip, disarm, sunder, overrun, and bull rush attempts until the beginning of your next turn.

Aura of Equilibrium

Devoted Spirit (Stance) [Neutral]
Level: Crusader 6 (Two Devoted Spirit maneuvers),
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

A rotating violet field of light surrounds you, touching your allies, letting you distribute disturbances in such a way as to balance them perfectly among you.

While you are in this stance, you and any ally within 10 feet of you can choose which of you actually takes damage when any of you would lose Hit Points. For example, if you would take 24 damage from a melee attack, you and two of your allies may elect for someone else within range to take the damage instead.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Smite Extrema (Ex): At 6th level, an acrimima crusader channels their conviction specifically into battling the extreme alignments. This functions as the normal Smite ability of the crusader, except that it only deals the extra damage to creatures that do not have a neutral component to their alignment, and the extra damage is equal to twice the acrimima crusader's crusader level. If the acrimima crusader accidentally smites a creature with a neutral component to their alignment, the smite attempt is wasted. This replaces the Smite abillity.

Acrimima Druid
Finding the neutrality of nature a comfort, ambitious acrimima often become druids. They bring their love of balance to the environment they protect.

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level).

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|{colsp=9}Spells
1st|+0|+2|+0|+2|Animal Companion, Neutral Companion, wild empathy|3|1
6th|+4|+5|+2|+5|Wild shape (2/day), Outsider Wild Shape|5|3|2|2
16th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+10|Wild shape (concordant 1/day)|6|5|5*|5|4|4|3|3|2

Class Features

Neutral Companion (Ex): An acrimima druid's animal companion gains the Concordant template. (This is identical to the Celestial template, except that the energy resistances are changed to electricity, acid, and sonic. The creature is always true neutral, and it can smite creatures that lack a neutral component to their alignment instead of evil creatures.) Concordant creatures have a washed-out gray appearance, with violet patches. This replaces the Nature Sense ability.

Outsider Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, an acrimima druid can use their Wild Shape ability to assume the form of an outsider. However, the outsider must be True Neutral (always, usually, or often). For example, an 8th-level acrimima druid could assume the form of a ferrumach, but not a xill.

This ability replaces a 2nd level spell slot. The acrimima druid's number of 2nd level spell slots is permanently reduced by one.

Concordant Wildshape (Su): At 16th level, an acrimima druid can apply the Concordant template to forms they assume with Wild Shape once per day. They cannot apply this template to outsider forms. At 18th level, the acrimima druid can use Concordant Wild Shape two times per day, and three times per day at 20th level. This replaces the ability to Wild shape into elementals.

*Reduce this value by one if the acrimima druid has taken the 6th-level acrimima druid substitution level as well.

Acrimima Jinnblood (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=312765) (Zaydos)
Acrimima have an indistinct lineage of neutrality, and the elements are unconcerned with morals, so it's no wonder that there might turn out to be the energy of the elements flowing through their blended blood.

Hit Die: d6
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Invocations
1st|+0|+0|+0|+2|Elemental Blast 1d6, Least Invocations, Path of the Elements, Magic of the Body|1
2nd|+1|+0|+0|+3|Detect Neutrality|2
20th|+15/+10/+5|+6|+6|+12|Balance Among the Elements|12[/table]

Class Features

Magic of the Body (Su): An acrimima jinnblood relies on the density of the dilute planestuff in thier body instead of their faith in the elements, trusting their neutrality to have already incorporated the elements. An acrimima jinnblood uses their Constitution modifier, instead of their Wisdom modifier, for determining the save DCs for their invocations and how hard they are to resist.

This ability replaces the second good saving throw progression from Path of the Elements. However, an element must still be selected, for the purposes of Second through Fifth Steps.

Detect Neutrality (Sp): At 2nd level, an acrimima jinnblood can detect neutrality at-will. This functions as detect evil, except that True Neutral auras are detected. Nonintelligent magic items do not count as having neutral auras. Additionally, elementals count as neutral outsiders for the purposes of aura strength with regards to this ability.

Balance Among the Elements (Ex): At 20th level, an acrimima jinnblood's dedications to balance and the elements merge into one. They can select a second element to gain the benefits of with regards to their Second Step, Third Step, and Fourth Step abilities. The selected element need not be the same one between each step. This replaces the Fifth Step ability.

Exuha Binder
Unable to cast spells or anything of the like, exuhi may become desperate and turn to soul binding--pacts grant them paranormal abilities that they can actually use, unhindered by their racial curse. Using vestiges, they can become more than meek, hiding creatures.

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 2+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Maximum Vestige Level
2nd|+1|+3|+0|+3|Pact augmentation (0 abilities), Modern Size, suppress sign|1st
4th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Vestige Telepath|2nd
6th|+4|+5|+2|+5|Soul guardian (immune to fatigue)|3rd

Class Features

Modern Size (Su): At 2nd level, when an exuha binder makes a pact with a vestige, they can choose to be affected as if by a supernatural enlarge person for the duration of the pact, caster level equal to their effective binder level. This ability replaces one pact augmentation; the number of pact augmentations available is permanently reduced by 1.

Vestige Telepath (Su): At 4th level, a exuha binder can communicate telepathically with vestiges that they summon via their seals. Summoned vestiges also do not produce any noise. This allows an exuha binder to bind a vestige without being heard. This ability replaces a bonus feat.

Soul Guardian (Su): At 6th level, an exuha binder has immunity to fatigue effects while bound to a vestige. (The other levels of Soul Guardian are unaffected by this racial substitution level.) This ability replaces Soul Guardian's immunity to fear.

Exuha Evolutionist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240717) (Draken)
Pathetic though they may be, some exuhi are proud of what they are. At the same time, it's no wonder that they wish to throw off the crippling shackles of weakness and lack of spellcasting that zern infused them with.

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 2+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special
1st|+0|+0|+0|+0|Mutations, Monster Sage, Revert Sabotage
10th|+5|+3|+3|+3|Mutations, Metaphysical Renovation
20th|+10/+5|+6|+6|+6|Mutations, Precipitate Magic

Class Features

Revert Sabotage (Ex): At 1st level, an exuha evolutionist finds their one chance to throw off their racial curse. The exuha evolutionist may use spell-like abilities or psi-like abilities gained from mutations, as a specific exclusion to their Magic-Inhibited racial trait, although the caster/manifester level is decreased by 2 (to a minimum of 1). This replaces the Improved Unarmed Strike bonus feat.

Metaphysical Renovation (Ex): At 10th level, an exuha evolutionist finally sloughs off the zern shackles on their soul. The exuha evolutionist loses their Magic-Inhibited racial trait for good, gains an additional two mutations, and their caster level of mutation-based SLAs and PLAs is no longer decreased per Revert Sabotage This replaces the Mutant Ascendancy class feature. If the exuha evolutionist takes this racial substitution level, they must also take the level 20 substitution level when they reach that level.

Precipitate Magic (Ex): At 20th level, an exuha evolutionist revels in their ability to cast magic freely. They increase the number of times per day they can cast or manifest each spell-like and psi-like they have gained through mutations by two. If this increase would allow them to use a spell-like or psi-like ability seven times per day or more, it may be used at will instead. This replaces the Mutant Perfection class feature.

Exuha Fighter
Some exuhi learn the arts of combat, despite seeming ill-fit for them--what else are they going to do, after all? An exuha cannot move much, either, without growing too tired to continue--but they learn to adapt their style around not moving much.

Hit Die: d10
Skills: 2+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special
1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Bonus feat, Intelligent Combatant
2nd|+2|+3|+0|+0|Conserve Energy
6th|+6/+1|+5|+2|+2|Minimal Strike

Class Features

Intelligent Combatant (Ex): At 1st level, An exuha fighter can add their Intelligence modifier to trip, overrun, bull rush, sunder, grapple checks, and check to oppose such. In addition, they can add their Intelligence modifier as a dodge bonus to their Armor Class while wearing light or no armor, as they learn to use minimal movements to avoid attacks instead of quick reflexes. This ability replaces proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields.

Conserve Energy (Ex): At 2nd level, at-will, an exuha fighter can spend a move action doing nothing but catching their breath. This grants them a number of non-stacking temporary hit points equal to their Base Attack Bonus. This ability replaces a Bonus Feat.

Minimal Strike (Ex): At 6th level, an exuha fighter can use only a small amount of energy to attack with certain weapons, letting a small and sharp movement deliver a blow. When using any weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse, the exuha fighter may elect to make a single attack at their highest attack bonus as a swift action.

Fharrice Magitech Templar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176276) (Person_Man)
Fharrices are usually not ones to depend on anything external to themselves, relying on their own willpower over anything else. However, they won't usually decline a gift, especially not when it is the potent sort that a Magitech Templar uses. Usually, they learn to mingle their growing self-control with their magitech armor.

Hit Die: d12
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class, plus Autohypnosis.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|
1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Magitech Armor, +1 Enhancement Bonus, Armored Conviction
4th|+4|+4|+1|+1 |Fortified Willstruct, Imbue Armor
5th|+5|+4|+1|+1|Armor of Will, +2 Enhancement Bonus[/table]

Class Features

Armored Conviction (Ex): While in their magitech armor, a fharrice magitech templar learns to trust in its protection and grows in confidence while they can rely on it. While in their magitech armor, a fharrice magitech templar's Will saving throw progression for their magitech templar levels is treated as a that of a cleric. For example, a level 6 fharrice magitech templar has a base will save of +5 instead of +2 while in their magitech armor. This ability replaces the magitech templar's first Magitech Upgrade.

Fortified Willstruct (Su): At 4th level, a fharrice magitech templar applies the enhancement bonus of their armor as an enhancement bonus to the natural armor of their willstruct(s). This ability replaces the magitech templar's third Magitech Upgrade.

Armor of Will (Su): At 5th level, so long as they are wearing their magitech armor, a fharrice magitech templar can choose to invest their magitech armor with untyped will save points in the same way that they invest willstruct with them. This increases the enhancement bonus of the magitech armor by 1 per 4 points invested. When the magitech armor has untyped will save points invested, it takes on a white sheen. This ability replaces the first instance of Armor Expertise, but the instances at 10th and higher levels are unaffected.

Fharrice Marshal
Fharrices sometimes find the need not to be the strongest-willed person in the world, but to help others be so.

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class, plus Concentration.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Minor Auras Known|Major Auras Known
1st|+0|+2|+0|+2|Encourage Concentration, minor aura|1|0
4th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Grant determination 1/day|2|1
5th|+3|+4|+1|+4|True Encouragement 1/day|3|1

Class Features

Encourage Concentration (Ex): A fharrice marshal grants any ally currently benefiting from one of their auras the benefit of the Skill Focus (Concentration) feat. This replaces the Skill Focus (Diplomacy) bonus feat.

Grant Determination (Ex): At 4th level, a fharrice marshal can speak to their allies' inner drive when they need it most. Once per day, as an immediate action, the fharrice marshal can allow an ally currently benefiting from their aura(s) to reroll a Will saving throw with a bonus equal to the fharrice marshal's Charisma modifier. The ally must accept the result of the reroll, even if it is lower. This ability replaces Grant Move Action. Every 4 levels after 4th, the fharrice marshal gains an additional use of Grant Determination.

True Encouragement (Ex): At 5th level, a fharrice marshal can speak with a mentally broken ally to lift their spirits and help them get back on their feet. Once per day, the fharrice marshal can spend 10 minutes in conversation with an ally. Upon completion, the ally is cured of all mental ability score damage and drain, and gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the fharrice marshal's Charisma modifier times the fharrice marshal's class level. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour. This ability replaces a major aura known--the number of major auras known permanently decreases by 1.

Fharrice Spelltheif
Fharrices typically believe that literally anything can be accomplished with enough willpower, even the most impossible of goals: defeating an experienced wizard. Spelltheives attempt it anyway, and a fharrice spellthief pushes themselves to be a true mage-slayer.

Hit Die: d6
Skills: 6+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|{colsp=4}Spells
3rd|+2|+1|+1|+3|Steal willpower
9th|+6/+1|+3|+3|+6|Freedom of Movement, sneak attack +3d6|1|0
20th|+15/+10/+5|+6|+6|+12|Deny Supremacy, spellgrace +3|3|3|3|3

Class Features

Steal willpower (Su): At 3rd level, a fharrice spellthief can peirce a target's mind with their own focused intensity and pull out valuable strength of will. A fharrice spellthief who hits an opponent with a successful sneak attack can choose to forgo dealing a a number of dice of sneak attack damage and instead temporarily gain the number of dice as a bonus to their untyped will save. Simultaneously, the target creature's untyped will save decreases by the number of sneak attack dice forgone.

The willpower a fharrice spellthief gains from using this ability lasts for 1 minute. A fharrice spellthief can use this ability multiple times, and the effects stack.

This ability replaces Steal energy resistance 10. Instead, the spellthief gains Steal energy resistance 10 when they would otherwise gain Steal energy resistance 20, and they gain Steal energy resistance 20 when they would otherwise gain Steal energy resistance 30.

Freedom of Movement (Ex): At 9th level, a fharrice spelltheif can use raw willpower to overcome magical barriers, pushing themselves through obstacles in defiance of physical limits. The fharrice spellthief can use freedom of movement as a swift action a number of times per day equal to one-third of their untyped will save modifier (minimum 1), except that the ability lasts for only 1 round per spelltheif level.

Deny Supremacy (Su): At 20th level, when a fharrice spellthief kills an astral projection, simulacrum, or ice assassin of a creature that can cast spells or use spell-like abilities, that creature dies and all contingent spells they have are dispelled simultaneously. The astral projection, simulacrum, or ice assassin must have been cast by the creature which the result is a copy of.

Isojus Incarnate
An isojus incarnate is not dedicated to an alignment; they are dedicated to the lack of an alignment. In doing so, their muddled bloodline grows stronger.

Hit Die: d6
Skills: 2+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Soulmelds|Essentia|Chakra Binds
1st|+0|+2|+0|+2|Detect extremum|2|1|0
3rd|+1|+3|+1|+3|Expanded soulmeld capacity +1, Onmific Radiance 1/day|3|2|1
7th|+3|+5|+2|+5|Bloodline Evolution 1/day|5|7* |2
20th|+10/+5|+12|+6|+12|Vacuous Entity 1/day|9|26*|5[/table]

Class Features

Detect Extremum (Sp): At 1st level, an isojus incarnate can detect creatures with alignment subtypes. This functions as detect evil, except that alignment subtypes and aligned artifacts are detected. This ability replaces detect opposition and Aura.

Omnific Radiance (Su): At 3rd level, an isojus incarnate gains the Incarnum Radiance ability, buy they can choose which incarnum radiance alignment to use. This ability replaces the usual form of Incarnum Radiance and a point of essentia, but it works with Share Incarnum Radiance.

Vacuous Entity (Su): At 7th level, an isojus incarnate may, as a swift action, invest essentia into this ability. In doing so, they gain the benefits of the Celestial and Pseudonatural (Complete Arcane) templates for a number of rounds equal to the invested essentia. This ability can only be used once per day, and the invested essentia may not be removed until duration expires. This ability replaces Share Incarnum Radiance.

Bloodline Evolution (Su): At 20th level, an isojus incarnate gains the benefits of the Celestial and Pseudonatutal templates permanently. In addition, they may, as a swift action, invest essentia into this ability. In doing so, they instead gain the benefits of the Half-Celestial and Half-Farspawn templates for a number of rounds equal to the invested essentia. This ability can only be used once per day, and the invested essentia may not be removed until duration expires. This ability replaces True Incarnation and Perfect Meldshaper.

*Reduce this number by one if the Isojus Incarnate also took the 3rd-level substitution level

Isojus Black Parader (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15008911&postcount=3) (inuyasha)
Isojusses live a life in fear of the other races that could easily try to kill them on sight. For those that haven't retreated to their towers, families are broken up all to easily and vile prejudice can break their spirits.

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 6+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|{colsp=4}Spells
1st|+0|+0|+2|+2|I Hate You Too -2, Welcome to the black parade|2
18th|+13/8/3|+5|+11|+11|Spawn Prejudice, House of wolves greater, Disenchanted 5/day

Class Features

I Hate You Too (Su): An isojus black parader with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use song or poetics to shock and inspire self-doubt in an opponent. To be affected, an enemy must be able to hear the black parader sing, and must fail a will save (10+1/2 HD+Cha modifier). The effect lasts for as long as the enemy hears the black parader sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected enemy receives a -2 morale penalty to their Charisma score. At 8th level, and every six black parader levels thereafter, this penalty increases by 2 (-4 at 8th, -6 at 14th, and -8 at 20th). I Hate You Too is a mind-affecting ability. This ability stacks if multiple isojus black paraders are in concert.

Spawn Prejudice (Su): At 18th level, an isojus black paradaer with 21 or more ranks in Perform can use song or poetics to weigh at an opponent's mind about the hardships of being an isojus. This ability affects one target within 120 feet. While the isojus black parader continues to sing, the target is treated as whichever alignment would be most detrimental to them for all effects individually. For example, Concordant Killer affected by Spawn Prejudice would be treated as Evil for the puposes of Holy component of their sword, Lawful for the anarchic component, etc..

Isojus Pariah (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=6937.0) (Amechra)
An isojus sometimes falls victim to being seen the same as a vile Far Realm entity, and learns to embrace the part of themselves that came from outside the Great Wheel. They detest the smelly monkeys that hate them, yes they do...

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Blemishes Known|[B]Blemishes Readied
1st|+0|+0|+0|+2|Unnatural Form, Feign Groupthink|1|1
4th|+3|+1|+1|+4|Cult's Masquerade|4|3
16th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+5|+10|Ancient Yearning (Vacuous)|13|9

Class Features

Feign Groupthink (Ex): You'll pretend to think like one of the monkeys; you already look like one. This way they won't try to kill you, so you can get the first strike on their hideous bleeding bodies.

At 1st level, you can display a false alignment with a Bluff check of DC 30 instead of DC 70, which temporarily overrides your true nature that you usually show to alignment-detection methods. You can also disguise surface thoughts with a Bluff check of DC 45 instead of DC 100. This replaces the Disguised Form ability.

Cult's Masquerade (Ex): You can take from the forms that have diluted you, so you can appear more palatable to the mortals.

At 4th level, you can use disguise self as an extraordinary ability at-will. Your form physically changes in minor ways when you do this. However, you can only assume forms that have Celestial aspects to them--vestigial wings, percelean white skin, etc.. This ability replaces Voice of the Crowd.

Ancient Yearning (Vacuous) (Ex): At 16th level, you do not gain the normal 16th level benefit of Ancient Yearnings, because you already have a similar racial ability. Instead, your racial void for alignment becomes more potent. Any creature that uses an ability that has an effect on you dependent on alignment not only has that ability be wasted, but they must make a Will save, DC 10 + Warp + Cha, or be dazed and panicked for 1d4 rounds upon getting an inkling of the truth of the reality you belong in. Further, if you are damaged by a holy, unholy, axiomatic, or anarchic weapon, that weapon takes damage equal to the damage dealt to you.

Isojus Soulborn
An isojus soulborn is not so much a moral and ethical crusader, but infatuated with alignment itself. They draw on the incarnum of isojusses and other beings that lack an alignment, gaining unique abilities that combine the traits of all alignments.

Hit Die: d10
Skills: 2+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class, plus Diplomacy, Gather Information, Bluff, and Intimidate.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Soulmelds|Essentia|Chakra Binds
1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Smite 1/day|0|0|0
2nd|+2|+3|+0|+0|Gestalt Incarnum defense|0|0|0
9th|+9/+4|+6|+3|+3|Share incarnum defense 1/day, Greater Incarnum Defense|2|2|1

Class Features

Smite (Su): As Smite Opposition, except that the isojus soulborn can smite a creature of any alignment. This ability replaces Smite Opposition and Aura.

Gestalt Incarnum Defense (Su): At 2nd level, an isojus soulborn's eyes become a swirling maelstrom of colors. The isojus soulborn gains a +6 bonus to saving throws vs. fear, paralysis, exhaustion, Strength penalties, Strength damage, and Strength drain. This ability replaces Incarnum Defense.

Greater Incarnum Defense (Su): At 9th level, an isojus soulborn gains immunity to fear, exhaustion, paralysis, Strength damage, Strength drain, and Strength penalties. (This ability does not replace anything. Soulborns need all the help they can get.)

Min-lau Battle Dancer
Min-lau have a particular charm and strong personality that lends itself well to the entrancing style of the battle dancer. However, they often learn to use the points of their feet in place of their fists for combat.

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Unarmed Damage|AC Bonus
1st|+1|+0|+2|+0|AC bonus, Pointed Strike|1d6|+0
2nd|+2|+0|+3|+0|Dancer's Leap|1d6|+0
4th|+4|+1|+4|+1|Skating Bonus Speed +20 feet|1d8|+0

Class Features

Pointed Strike (Ex): At 1stlevel, a min-lau battle dancer gains Pointed Kick as a bonus feat, and applies their unarmed damage progression to the damage dealt by the points of their legs. Further, they can apply the benefit of any feat that applies to their unarmed strike to the points of their legs. This ability replaces the Unarmed Strike ability.

Dancer's Leap (Ex): At 2nd level, a min-lau battle dancer can make a running jump as a full-round action. Resolve this jump as normal, except that the min-lau battle dancer may attack every enemy they pass over during their jump, using their points. The attacks are made at the min-lau battle dancer's highest base attack bonus.

Skating Bonus Speed (Ex): At 4th level, a min-lau battle dancer can 'skate' their points across the ground instead of walking in the usual jagged gait. While not on rough terrain, the min-lau battel dancer gains a +20' bonus to their land speed. This improves to +40' and level 10 and +60' at level 16. This replaces the Bonus Speed ability.

Min-lau Cleric
Min-lau sometimes revere Paimon as their diety. The similarity between their pointed legs and Paimon's own is usually seen as a coincidence, but the fact that they can draw spells from Paimon hints at a deeper connection.

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 2+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class, plus Tumble and Perform (Dance).

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|{colsp=5}Spells
1st|+0|+2|+0|+2|Turn or rebuke undead, Paimon as a diety|3|1+1
7th|+5|+5|+2|+5|Paimon's Talents|6|3*+1|3+1|2+1|1+1

Class Features

Paimon as a diety: A min-lau cleric may choose to worship Paimon as a diety and draw spells from him. Pamion allows access to the Elf, Passion (ECS), Fate (SC), and Celerity (SC) domains, but as usual, only two domains may be chosen. Paimon is functionally a True Neutral diety; min-lau clerics must be True Neutral or within one step of True Neutral.

Proficiencies (Ex): At 4th level, a min-lau cleric gains proficiency with the rapier and short sword. In addition, they gain the benefit of the Wepaon Finesse feat when attacking with a rapier or short sword. This ability replaces a 1st level spell slot.

Paimon's Talent (Ex): At 7th level, a min-lau cleric can apply their racial Balance bonus to Tumble and Perform (Dance) checks. This ability replaces a 1st level spell slot.

*Reduce this value by one if the min-lau cleric has taken the 3th-level min-lau cleric substitution level as well.

Min-lau Cooper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=275655) (AkazillaDeNaro)
What? "Master thief" is a perfectly valid ambition, and no one would suspect one of the cute semi-monstrous pets of the common races to be one.

Hit Die: d6
Skills: 10+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|AC Bonus
1st|+0|+0|+2|+0|The Cane, Sneak Attack +1d6, Cane Scaling|+0
5th|+3|+1|+4|+1|Sneak Attack +3d6, Cane Rake|+1
9th|+6/+1|+3|+6|+3|Sneak Attack +5d6, Ninja Spire Jump|+2

Class Features

Cane Scaling (Ex): At 1st level, a min-lau cooper can attempt to climb an opponent of a size category larger than themselves, provided they are using their Cane to do so. The climb check DC is 20, and progress up the target's body is made at the normal rate. The creature being climbed can make an Escape Artist check as a standard action on their turn if they wish, which requires that you make an opposed Climb check or immediately fall. If you reach the top of your opponent, you can stand on their head or head-analogue with a DC 20 Balance check on your turn, which requires no action. (The balanced check DC may be increased as the DM's discretion if the creature's head is particularly slick.) So long as you are standing on an opponent's head, they are flat-footed against attacks you make against them. You take no penalties from this positioning. This ability replaces Take-down Slam.

Cane Rake (Ex): At 5th level, when a min-lau cooper scores a critical hit with their cane, as a swift action, they can lift themselves using the cane as leverage and attack with a point at the end of their feet. This attack deals 1d4 + 1/2 Strength modifier piercing damage. If they have the Pointed Kick feat, they may make an attack with both points. If they have the Powerful Legs feat, they add 1-1/2 their Strength modifier to the damage instead. This ability replaces Voltage Attack.

Ninja Spire Jump (Ex): At 9th level, a min-lau cooper can make a DC 30 Balance check to balance harmlessly on the point of a single, pointed object, regardless of how sharp. This ability replaces Silent Obliteration.

Min-lau Wu Jen
Wizardry is not the only path to ultimate arcane power, and the quirky min-lau do not shy away from a path that requires them to lean towards chaos.

Hit Die: d4
Skills: 2+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class, plus Balance.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|{colsp=4}Spells
1st|+0|+0|+0|+2|Watchful spirit, Convergence Book|3|1
3rd|+1|+1|+1|+3|Common Guise|4|2|1
6th|+3|+2|+2|+5|Disciple of Paimon|4|3|3|2

Class Features

Convergence Book (Su): At 1st level, a min-lau wu jen does not recieve a normal spellbook. Instead, they scribe their spells into the edges of the points of their legs. The writing gets smaller and smaller the closer to the point it gets, until it becomes unreadable without the aid of read magic. This method allows the min-lau wu jen to scribe as many spells as they wish onto their own bodies instead of a spellbook. Preparing from, or adding to, a 'convergence book' functions the same way as doing so with a spellbook, but a casting of read magic is required to prepare from a convergence book. This ability replaces the wu jen's Bonus Feat.

Common Guise (Su): At 3rd level, a min-lau wu jen can choose to be treated as a humanoid or as a monstrous humanoid for the purposes of spell effects. They can choose how they are affected by spells as a swift action, and will remain affected as such type until they change again. For example, this allows a min-lau wu jen to assume humanoid forms with alter self. This ability replaces a spell secret, but it still requires the min-lau wu jen to select a taboo.

Disciple of Paimon (Ex): At 6th level, a min-lau wu jen gains the benefit of the Arcane Disciple feat for one of the following domains: Elf, Passion (ECS), Fate (SC), or Celerity. They must have sufficient Charisma to cast the domain spells, instead of Wisdom. This ability replaces Elemental Mastery.

Zulicer Duskblade
Zulicers have a natural talent for melee combat, as a half-orc does, but they are also talented with magic effects. When they combine the two as a duskblade, they gain new talents unique to their race.

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 2+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class, plus Use Magic Device.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|{colsp=5}Spells
1st|+1|+2|+0|+2|Steelskin, armored mage (light)|3|2
3rd|+3|+3|+1|+3|Item channeling|5|4
5th|+5|+4|+1|+4|Quick activation 1/day|6|5|2

Class Features

Steelskin (Su): At 1st level, when a zulicer duskblade contains a magic item effect, a plate of armor appears on their body away from the item slot. As they contain more item effects, more plates appear. A zulicer duskblade gains an armor bonus to AC equal to the number of magic item effects they are containing to a maximum of their duskblade level. This ability replaces Arcane Attunement.

Item Channeling (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, the zulicer duskblade can use a standard action to activate any magic item or stored magic item effect, provided the effect targets a creature besides the user, and deliver the effect through their weapon with a melee attack. The item must have an activation time of 1 standard action or less. If the melee attack is successful, the attack deals damage normally; then the effect of the item is resolved.

At 13th level, the zulicer duskblade can activate any magic item or stored magic item effect, provided the effect targets a creature besides the user, as part of a full attack action. The item affects each target they hit in melee combat that round. This ability replaces Arcane Channeling and any improvements to it.

Quick Activation (Su): At 5th level, once per day, a zulicer duskblade can activate a magic item or stored magic item effect or as a swift action if it would otherwise take a full-round action or less. The zulicer duskblade gains an additional use of this ability at level 10 and every 5th level thereafter. This ability replaces Quick Cast and all improvements to it.

Zulicer Healer
Zulicers care for their own. If that means taking on the path of a person who can do little else but tend to the wounded...well, somebody's got to do it. Zulicer healers can supply healing even from unusual magic items.

Hit Die: d8
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class, plus Use Magic Device.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|{colsp=5}Spells
1st|+0|+2|+0|+2|Adapt Healing Item|4|3
2nd|+1|+3|+0|+3|Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)|4|4
7th|+3|+5|+2|+5|Reserve Healing|6|5|5|4|3[/table]

Class Features

Adapt Healing Item (Su): At 1st level, when a Zulicer healer activate a Wondrous Item, and the effect would be to deal damage, the item instead heals that amount of damage. (This is positive energy, so undead are harmed by this.) For example, a zulicer healer using a Scroll of Magic Missile at caster level 1 (likely via Use Magic Device) could direct the magic missile at one of their allies, and it would heal 1d4+1 damage instead of dealing 1d4+1 force damage. This ability replaces Healing Hands.

Skill Focus (Use Magic Device): A zulicer healer's training in magical healing grants them the Skill Focus (Use Magic Device) feat at 2nd level. If she already has that feat, she may choose a different one. This replaces Skill Focus (Heal) as a bonus feat.

Reserve Healing (Su): At 7th level, a zulicer healer can store excess healing spells in their body slots. This functions like their Contain Magic Item ability, except they they need only cast a spell of the [Healing] subschool on themselves to store the effect. The zulicer healer can later activate that effect, using the same action that it would otherwise take to cast the spell. The spell works just like how it would as if cast normally, and using it reverts the zulicer's skin color back to normal. This ability replaces Effortless Healing.

Zulicer Teramach (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=286983) (Xefas)
It is not that a zulicer goes mad--rather, they go sane. They realize that they don't belong because they are the Monster in a world meant to be destroyed, and they endeavor to start with nature. And in this realization, they finally feel good about themselves, as they wantonly destroy.

Hit Die: d12
Skills: 4+Int (x4 at 1st level). Skill list is as standard class.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Mythos|Excellencies
4th|+4|+4|+4|+4|Incorporation Scarifying Evolution I|+0|+0|
8th|+8/+3|+6|+6|+6|Incorporation Scarifying Evolution II|+0|+0|
12th|+12/+7/+2|+8|+8|+8|Incorporation Scarifying Evolution III|+0|+0|
16th|+16/+11/+6/+1|+10|+10|+10|Incorporation Scarifying Evolution IV|+0|+0|
20th|+20/+15/+10/+5|+12|+12|+12|Incorporation Scarifying Evolution V|+1|+0|

Class Features

Incorporation Scarifying Evolution I (Ex): At 2nd level, the zulicer teramach can undergo a 1-hour procedure to permanently scare over their Ring or Hands body slots. That slot can no longer store an item effect afterwards, but they gain a +1 bonus to natural armor when doing so. They may choose to scar over both of their slots to gain the +1 bouns twice. This ability replaces an Excellency.

Incorporation Scarifying Evolution II (Ex): As Incorporation Scarifying Evolution I, except that the Feet and Head slots are the valid options to be scarred over.

Incorporation Scarifying Evolution III (Ex): As Incorporation Scarifying Evolution I, except that the Arms and Face slots are the valid options to be scarred over.

Incorporation Scarifying Evolution IV (Ex): As Incorporation Scarifying Evolution I, except that the Shoulders and Throat slots are the valid options to be scarred over.

Incorporation Scarifying Evolution V (Ex): As Incorporation Scarifying Evolution I, except that the Waist and Torso slots are the valid options to be scarred over.

2014-01-09, 12:57 AM
Finally got to this. The Min-lau are really fun and I'm trying to figure how to best make use of that +12. Isojus are awesome, that is all.

2014-01-09, 11:20 AM
Finally got to this. The Min-lau are really fun and I'm trying to figure how to best make use of that +12. Isojus are awesome, that is all.

The reason I'm trying to get away with "here, have +12 to something on an LA+0 race, lollerskates" is because you can't really do anything with Balance. Everything that cares about it requires you to have 5 ranks, and the epic skills for walking on water or clouds are still way out of reach. But yeah, I had fun with their fluff. As for the isojus, I'm actually not satisfied; they seem to be missing complexity to me. Any suggestions?

I'm still working on the racial sub-levels for published classes. I'll cross them off as they get done.

2014-01-09, 07:22 PM
Half of the 1st-party substitution levels are done.

2014-01-10, 12:57 AM
The only way for me to take advantage of that balance boost would have to be homebrew then. Well that works I suppose. On the isojus, I honestly could and would go to town with their no alignment. That honestly is just awesome enough for me. If you were looking for suggestions on what to modify about them, I couldn't tell you.

Maybe the ability to craft things that go through alignment based damage reduction or a racial feat that provides bonuses similar to a soulborn, greater the bonus the further an enemy is from neutral? I know neutral isn't no alignment at all but it's just off the top of my head.

Edit: The Min-lau Cooper levels made me laugh so much. They're Brilliant! The other Min-lau levels work in super interesting ways, the Convergence Book is awesome, Paimon's Talent is delightful, and the battle dancer is fun.

The Amminon levels are all super fun and make great uses of their storage space, the lurk levels are the best by far.

The Acrimima levels are nice and usable, with the druid novel and the crusader wonderful. Can't really comment on the jinnblooded levels even after I read it.

The Exuha fighter levels struck as the most pleasant of their selection, I know not why.

The Fharrice Spelltheif gives me a capstone I wish to reach.

The Isojus Pariah's level 16 ability is really fluffy and that is swell.

The Zulicer Teramach is pretty extreme:smalleek:
Fitting indeed.

2014-01-10, 01:41 AM
These are really cool! Unique and flavorful.

Min-lau are great and original, implemented well. +12 Balance is weird, but I totally understand why they get that, and why it's really not a big deal.

One thing, the isojus need a little something else, I feel. The lack of an alignment is extremely neat, but outside of that all they have is a +2 Intimidate. Not sure what, but they feel...kind of empty.

2014-01-10, 10:22 AM
These are really cool! Unique and flavorful.

Min-lau are great and original, implemented well. +12 Balance is weird, but I totally understand why they get that, and why it's really not a big deal.

One thing, the isojus need a little something else, I feel. The lack of an alignment is extremely neat, but outside of that all they have is a +2 Intimidate. Not sure what, but they feel...kind of empty.

Thanks. If the +12 seems out of place for an LA+0 race, note that it's a lot like a Changeling's +10 to Disguise, and they still get other pluses...though Min-lau are probably a bit higher-powered than changelings, come to think of it. I'm giving myself wiggle room in power so that I can play with these concepts; if they need some trimming down, then I'll waiting for other homebrewers to show up and give me the "this is why it's overpowered" treatment.

Indeed, isojusses seem one-dimensional right now, which is probably where the "empty" comes from. The other races have at least one other quirk.

Maybe the ability to craft things that go through alignment based damage reduction or a racial feat that provides bonuses similar to a soulborn, greater the bonus the further an enemy is from neutral? I know neutral isn't no alignment at all but it's just off the top of my head.


Crafting! I can totally work with that. I'll remove the Outsider type and give them something more interesting. :smallsmile:

2014-01-10, 10:39 PM
The racial substitution levels are all done.

I hit the Zulicer and Exuhi with a nerfbat. For the Zulicer, the Rapid Acitvation feat no longer exists and only one instance of a given magic item effect can be stored at once, because having 5 or so immediate-action Belt of Battle actions at the ready is super broken. Exuhi intelligence got nerfed to +4, because +6 is just too much and unbalances their ability scores from that magical +0 total, but I gave them a racial feat for +2 to Intelligence-related checks.

Isojusses can now craft stuff with an item template that helps against alignment-related hijinx.

2014-01-13, 04:06 PM
The Isojus being paladins makes no sense to me sicne they aren;t just alignment neutral they are literally alignemnt (that doesn't work on us) and all alignment based concepts, protection from evil, unholy damage, Word of Chaos, holy rain, exalted spells simple pretend the Isojus is not there.

Im not really sure how a race that is literlaly teh emobidment of 'there is no alignment' can be a champion of all that is holy, just, and rightous in the world.

FOr the Zulicer Healer, I would have the magic item that deals damage and used for healing heal for half the amount. It seems a bi more streamlined and not so 'broken' to me I guess. While the idea of hitting somebody with a distingrate scroll and healing them is neat. Im not sure i like the fact that 2d6 per caster level is good especially considering that now it is just as good as heal. So i think healing for half the damage it capable of doing is a better balance point.

everything else looks cool. i espcially like the Exuha Fighter swift action attack. becuase Fighters need all the love they can get.

2014-01-13, 04:18 PM
You've got a point for the paladin. (What was I thinking? Now I know how WotC gaffes happen, yeesh.) I'll replace it with a batch of sub-levels that makes more sense, as soon as I come up with them.

Regarding the zulicer healer, I don't think Disintegrate-healing is a big deal. It's not as good as Heal--Heal is 10 points per caster level, and Disintegrate is 7 points per caster level, from something that comes out of WBL, requires UMD, and doesn't fix status conditions. Disintegrate doesn't catch up with Heal until level 20, and then you have Mass Heal on the table.

2014-01-14, 09:29 AM
You don't have to, but I give permission for you to use this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15008911&postcount=3) for Racial substitution levels (maybe the acrimima)

These races look good too btw :)

2014-01-14, 08:35 PM
Isojus Paladin is gone. In its place is the Isojus Black Parader.

I'm thinking of making a homebrew sourcebook PDF modeled after the Races series. It would be called Races of the Margin, and feature lots or fluff for the amminon, acrimima, exuha, fharrice, isojus, min-lau, and zulicer. It would include a whole bunch of PrCs, feats, spells/powers/etc., special materials, and items (magical and mundane), plus maybe some monsters, and a whole chapter on campaigns about marginalized races.

Would anyone be interested in a project like that? The sourcebook would be a free PDF, of course, and I'd keep people updated.

2014-01-26, 02:55 PM
From Just to Browse's feedback in my other attention-seeking thread, I've overhauled the Exuhi, Fharrice, and Zulicer, and given the Lesser Acrimima a tune-up. Again, I need to make sure these guys are balanced before I write mechanics for Races of the Margin, though it will be mostly fluff.

Baron Corm
2014-01-27, 06:38 PM
Could you expand on the isojus's lack of alignment a bit more? What is actually the difference between lack of alignment and True Neutral? Other than the way the world reacts to it. What is the difference in the isojus's behavior and mentality?

Also, you should give isojus-crafted things a downside, as they don't cost any more to make or buy, and every item someone bought from a magic shop would just be said to be isojus-crafted.

2014-04-11, 07:45 PM
Lutet Am

Lutet Ami (singular: Lutet Am) come from the darkest, quietest depths of the earth, where no light and little life besides the overtly magical exists. Recently unearthed, they have spread to places with the minerals they need to survive, developing new societies among the civilized races. Despite their various biological oddities, Lutet Ami have managed to get along in the world outside of blackness.


Lutet Ami are skittish people. While they’re harmless enough when actually spoken to, most are shy and don’t like to converse with people outside of their race—partly because it’s so difficult. Despite this, they are largely self-assured and independent. Stereotypes say they lack motivation, but it’s because they are not a curious people; they’re content to let questions go unanswered. Lutet Ami have a fixation on personal space and security—they like sturdy houses with strong locks, preferably near a place where they can get food.

Almost all are dedicated to their local queen, but this is not all-consuming. As a secondary measure beyond their security, a Lutet Am will also spend time serving their queen due to compelling pheromones. Service usually includes maintaining the queen’s home, setting up communal events, telling her about recent news, and other needs. Queens themselves are much like standard Lutet Ami, but replacing devotion with a need to create something better for their race.

Physical Description

Lutet Ami are proportioned similarly to elves. However, they lack ears, have large black globes for eyes, and their skintone is best described as a black mirror—reflective, glazed ebony. Their hair, which is only on their head and the backs of their hands, takes the form of threads of dark gray. Lutet Ami tend to grow out the hair on their head to two feet long or longer, but trim the backs of their hands. Most Lutet Ami stand between 4’ 3” and 4” 7” in height, weighing about 75 pounds. Most wear long, flowing clothing of dark colors, and often carry a parasol or other way to grant shade.

All Lutet Ami are women—for whatever reason, their race never developed to have men. They simply become pregnant if they are very well-fed for a period of about a month, so those that aren't interested will usually go on a 24 hour fast every other week.

Lutet Am queens are about two feet taller, but with the same elf-like thinness. They are otherwise not much different, visually, from an ordinary Lutet Am.


Lutet Am prefer the dark and the quiet, which means that they have a fondness for the depths of dwarven and gnomish communities. They prefer gnomes, since the dwarven gruffness grates on them, and the jovially inclusive nature of gnomes allows Lutet Ami to have their own little enclaves. Elves, with their love of the natural world, are something foreign—the searing brightness of the upper world and the bizarrely colored, lush life is beyond what Lutet Ami understand intuitively. They prefer half-elves to elves, taking delight in their mediation, even letting them speak with queens. Collectively, they don’t really know what to make of half-orcs, but aren’t going to ask questions if one gets friendly. Halflings get on their nerves; constant curiosity seems wrong, in a way. Humans, as usual, are a mixed bag, but generally seen positively.


Lutet Ami lack curiosity, replacing it with control—over their security and the operations of their enclaves. Thus, they are often lawful-aligned. Though they are dwellers of the deepest caves, including the darkest regions of the Underdark, they are not a cruel people and actively support community—so they tend slightly towards good. However, the local queen’s alignment can override good or evil leanings.


A minority of Lutet Ami still live in the darkness of the Underdark and other pitch-black holes in the ground, and some of them choose to create small enclaves among gnomish communities. Most of them, however, just find any place that’s appropriately dark and abundant in ore and minerals—usually caves or shaded areas near mountains—and set up an enclave there, darkening the place with black canvas and soundproofing it if necessary. Lutet Ami are civilized, but do not have large cities due to their numbers—enclaves typically are anywhere between six and forty Lutet Ami, all in close relationships with one another.


Lutet Ami turn towards concepts instead of gods, drawing their spirituality from ideals and behaviors. Meditation is a popular expression of this. Lutet Ami clerics are usually clerics of causes, and they prefer gods of security and community—they often have the Community, Cavern, Darkness, or Protection domains. Evil Lutet Ami tend towards Darkness and Good Lutet Ami tend to Protection, but inversions are not unheard of. It’s not clear why dieties are not popular, but some theologists explain this with the fact that the underdark is a fairly godless place except for Lolth, and Lutet Ami don’t have anything to do with spiders.


Lutet Ami can, with difficulty, learn conventional languages by listening to cadences of the pauses in spoken words. When they don’t have to speak with other races, they use their own language. The common word for it is Nullish, derived from the word ‘null’, derived from the fact that Nullish doesn’t actually sound like anything. It is silent, and only those with a Lutet Am’s antisenses can pick up on the meanings buried in the quiet; everyone else hears nothing. Nullish transmits through a silence spell and similar effects. Tongues allows someone to speak Nullish, but they cannot understand it because their hearing fails to pick it up in order to feed it through the spell.

Nullish’s written form is conventional, and written Nullish can be learned like a conventional language, just not the “spoken” variety.


Due to the nature of their language, Lutet Ami must take on names from other languages in order to converse with anyone outside of their race. Listing Nullish names is, obviously, not helpful (all of the letters are silent). Lutet Ami tend to pick up on the voluminous gnomish naming traditions, just because they associate with gnomes more than others, and almost always have pauses in their names—multiple words comprising a single name is a helpful tool. In fact, the term “Lutet Am” has taken hold because of the pause between the words.


Lutet Am sometimes want to “see” and “hear” the world above the darkness—despite it being so strange and different—and can join adventuring parties for this reason. Having a close band of people to fight alongside also helps them with their skittishness, as they get to have close bonds with a small group of people. However, most want to stay near their queens. Adventuring is popular among Lutet Ami who have, for whatever reason, not been exposed to any queen’s pheromones.

Racial Traits

-2 Dex: Lutet Am bodies are constructed mostly from minerals, and as such, they are not as fluid as flesh.
Monstrous Humanoid type
+2 to Craft (Stoneworking), Craft (gemcutting), and related Appraise checks: Lutet Ami are familiar with preparing minerals. They usually do so to make them into a proper meal, but this can apply to ordinary crafting as well.
Stonecunning: As the dwarf ability.
Mineral Diet: Lutet Ami require small amounts of minerals as food instead of conventional meals. Generic rock isn’t edible, but if the mineral is crystalline, colorful, or otherwise different from generic rock, a Lutet Am can draw sustenance from it. Minerals are usually prepared in a crushed or powdered form for eating.

Lutet Ami can live without issues on about 5 sp worth of common minerals per day, and but they prefer purer or high-quality material. Lutet Ami treat crushed gemstones as delicacies, and a gem worth at least 10 gp will keep one satisfied for a week. Survival checks to gather minerals for a Lutet Am are as normal.

Lutet Ami do not require water. They do have small amounts of organic material in their bodies, but these are dry, and the carbon is acquired through their usual diet.

Medium size
Land Speed: 30 feet.
Natural Armor: A Lutet Am’s solid skin grants them a +2 natural armor bonus.
Languages: Nullish, Common. Bonus Languages: None. Lutet Ami have difficulty learning spoken languages and even Common requires much attentiveness; they must buy others with skill points.
Favored Class: Ranger.
Antisense (Ex): Lutet Ami use darkness and silence to see and hear, in the same way that other races use light and sound.

The visual portion of this ability works like darkvision with unlimited range, except that everything is seen in full color. Objects or creatures hidden in darkness do not have concealment against a Lutet Am, and the darker an area, the easier it is for a Lutet Am to see. (Lutet Ami usually get vertigo from looking into a night sky.) They also have Light Sensitivity, as an orc, which results more from being unable to make out any patches of darkness than actually having their vision overloaded.

The audio portion of this ability allows a Lutet Am to hear things that are not producing noise, and the more noise they produce, the more faintly the Lutet Am can hear it. Lutet Ami have a -4 penalty to Listen checks because they have difficulty discerning degrees of noise. They can also hear perfectly silent objects or creatures, but pinpointing their direction requires a DC 20 Listen check.

Lutet Ami receive a +4 racial bonus on saving throws to avoid being deafened or blinded. Excessive sound prevents them from picking up on proper silence around them, and in extremely bright light such as a sunburst, they simply have trouble seeing beyond all the “darkness”.
Level Adjustment: +0

Lutet Am Queen

Lutet Am Queen is an acquired template that can be applied to any Lutet Am with at least 6 Hit Dice and a Charisma score of 15 or higher. So, make a Lutet Am, then apply this template. The Lutet Am Queen uses all the special abilities of the base Lutet Am, except as noted below. To become a Lutet Am Queen, a Lutet Am must be free of other Lutet Am Queens' pheromones for at least 30 days, then consume at least 300 gp worth of various minor gemstones and common minerals on top of their normal diet. This is needed in order to grow sufficiently.

AC: The Lutet Am Queen’s natural armor bonus improves by +3.
Pheromones: Once per hour, a Lutet Am Queen can use charm person as an extraordinary ability, except that it affects (and can only affect) Lutet Ami. Lutet Am Queens are immune to each other’s pheromones.
Mineral Diet: As the base Lutet Am, except that the Lutet Am Queen requires 1 gp of common minerals per day.
Abilities: Increase from the base Lutet Am as follows: +2 Cha.
Feats: Lutet Am Queens gain Toughness as a bonus feat. Queens can take slightly more punishment because they are larger.
Level Adjustment: +1

Racial Feats

Nullish Verbal Component [Metamagic]
You can provide verbal components for spells with Nullish.
Prerequisite: Ability to speak Nullish
Benefit: You can provide the verbal component for spells in Nullish. This means that you can do so even in the area of a silence spell. If the spell is sonic or mind-affecting, it has no effect in the radius of silence or similar effects, but you could still, for example, cast a magic missile with Nullish verbal components while silenced.

This feat does allows you to couch Truespeak in Nullish trappings, so if you can use utterances, you can do so “silently”. The universe hears just fine.
Normal: Your verbal components must be audible.

Gem Fuel
You can use portions of your body in place of gemstones as material components.
Prerequisite: Lutet Am, CON 13
Benefit: When you use an ability specifically requiring gemstones as material components (fabricate does not count), you can instead elect to support the spell with your own mineral body. You ignore the material component, but take an amount of Constitution damage equal to the value of the gemstones needed, divided by 500 gp, rounded up. If you are immune to or otherwise can avoid some or all of the amount of Constitution damage you take, you instead take damage equal to your HD multiplied by half of the amount of Constitution damage avoided.
Normal: You must supply gemstones as material components normally.

2014-04-12, 01:58 PM
Antisense (Ex): ...

Not a fan of allowing even creatures that can see in darkness to see in magical darkness without it being a supernatural ability. It's kinda complex. Why not just give them light sensitivity as orcs? And they should probably have a-4 racial penalty to hear things rather than being deaf and have a +2 racial bonus to any check that would deafen them. K.I.S.S. principle.

Light Sensitivity (Ex):Lutet Ami are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.


2014-04-13, 10:57 PM
Not a fan of allowing even creatures that can see in darkness to see in magical darkness without it being a supernatural ability. It's kinda complex. Why not just give them light sensitivity as orcs? And they should probably have a-4 racial penalty to hear things rather than being deaf and have a +2 racial bonus to any check that would deafen them. K.I.S.S. principle.

Light Sensitivity (Ex):Lutet Ami are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.


I admit I wasn't sure how to render that idea into mechanics, so thanks for offering other interpretations. I'll fix it.

2014-06-29, 10:44 PM

Most creatures digest organic matter and rebuild it as components of their own body. Vicissials skip most of the steps and make other creatures' flesh into their own by direct takeover of the material. Avoided by most races for their total lack of respect for the dead, inconstant nature, and the revolting patchwork mockeries of nature that are their bodies, vicissials nonetheless seem oblivious and keep trying to be a part of civilized life. It doesn't work, and they are closer to a type of monster than a true civilized race. Yet, there are a few cases of accepted, “normal” vicissials in the world.


Though sentient, vicissials have an almost-monstrous psychology. They mimic civilized customs, but this has more in common with how magpies flock to shiny objects than to any genuine ingenuity of their own. Vicissials have only mild ambitions and usually don’t speak much. Unlike most monsters, they are not fixated on survival, because it is a less demanding endeavor for them. In their spare time, they find personal hobbies or explore the social world of other races’ cities. Despite being turned away most of the time, vicissials are not discouraged from their curiosity—a combination of stubbornness and obliviousness.

Physical Description

Vicissials are roughly humanoid in shape. They can be anywhere from about 4' 6" to 7' 0", weighing between 80 lb and 400 lb, and these numbers can vary from day to day. The bulk of a vicissial's body is highly mutable, but is usually bumpy and wavy from various applications of flesh. Their overall body structure also varies, so it's difficult to pin down exactly what the average vicissial looks like—however, they can be distinguished by the red arteries streaked across their unchanging faces and the reddish tint that their bodies generally take on.

A few components of a vicissial are permanent, or at least semi-permanent. When mostly bare of assimilated flesh, a vicissial’s red skeletal core is visible, and what flesh they still have left will outline their overlarge organs encased by the skeleton—none of which deal with digestion. Vicissials do not naturally grow hair, but their scalps generally don’t change, so hair that they place there is semi-permanent. For whatever reason, vicissials prefer a nest of bird feathers to actual humanoid hair; in either case, their scalp decorations gain a red tint. Finally, a vicissial's face is not a valid location to add flesh to, so a vicissial's face doesn't change; they are recognizable from day to day even if their bodies morph.

The face of a vicissial is as smooth as a doll, with overlarge eyes that stare vacantly continuously, and a small mouth with no teeth.


Most races want to kill them with fire. Most undead hate them because they're still living, and most aberrations have their own twisted evil psychologies that are incompatible with letting a vicissial hang out with them. As such, vicissials are overwhelmingly rejected. Since they are generally unneeding of social interaction with other vicissials (even though they pry into other races), they don’t even group together in any arrangement larger than a family. Almost all relations for a vicissial are either “my family”, “my enemies”, or “my weirdly accepting adventuring party”. To avoid this, a vicissial must either shape their body to look more normal, learn magic to streamline social interactions, or just keep trying until they find a group that isn’t going to kick them out for their monstrous minds and what they do with chunks of raw flesh.


With little concept of common sense or boundaries, vicissials tend strongly towards chaos—and there isn’t much room for rigid order when their bodies need to adapt to whatever flesh they can incorporate. A significant number of vicissials are also evil, not seeing the point in respecting other forms of sapient life, much like a typical monster. As aberrations, their grasp on the checks-and-balances of civilized psychology is tenuous in most cases, so good-aligned vicissials are very uncommon—but they do exist, usually the ones that have found acceptance.


Vicissials have no lands of their own; they butt into cosmopolitan cities or live in lodges in the wilds.


Vicissials, if they worship, almost always reach for the ideal of Chaos for its mutability, reflecting their own bodies. Prayer to the slaads and inhabitants of Limbo is believe to strengthen their own assimilating abilities, whatever that means.


A large minority of vicissials know no language at all, but most of them are familiar with at least Common. They have no specific language of their own. Vicissials cannot pronounce dental consonants (e.g. “th”) because they lack teeth; the usual solution is replacing dental consonants with alveolar ones and labiodental consonants with bilabial ones. The vicissial “accent” is distinctive.


The more monstrous vicissials do without a name, and even those closer to civil settlements don’t feel a need to name themselves. They’ll often go by whatever disparaging nickname the local settlement gives them, finding no irony or harm in calling themselves “Monster” or somesuch. Those few vicissials that find acceptance in an adventuring party or unusually open-minded grouping of other races will take on their own names, which are usually simple one-syllable terms flanked by consonants.

Sample Male names: Cose, Lom, Nite, Rube, Ston
Sample Female names: Briss, Chane, Keeld, Quibe, Treep


Most vicissials are itinerant, so adventuring comes naturally to them as an extension of their lifestyle. The opportunity to try out bits of genuine monster flesh is enticing, and adventuring parties are often extremely accepting. So, vicissials have a comparatively enormous proportion of adventurers among their ranks.

Racial Traits

-2 Wisdom: Vicissials are oblivious and have terrible social intuition.
Aberration type: Vicissials are aberrations, but unlike most, they do not have darkvision.
+2 bonus on Heal checks: Vicissials have a natural talent for putting healthy body mass back together.
Medium size
Land speed: 30 feet.
Incorporate (Ex): Vicissials do not need to eat in the same way that most creatures do. instead, their biology allows them to quickly and easily attach pieces of flesh to the outside of their body, rearrange the overall structure to some degree, and use it as a part of their own body. Flesh in the innermost section of the vicissial's body is converted into nutrition, slowly bringing everything outside in. A vicissial must add at least one ounce of flesh to their body per day to avoid starvation. They must also consume one quart of fluids per day to avoid thirst, but vicissials do not have a conventional digestive system; usually they pour water over themselves and allow it to soak into their bloodstream.

This ability does not grant a vicissial any favorable interactions with grafts, unless they take the relevant racial feats.
Assume Subtype (Su): At 1st level, a vicissial can incorporate at least 10 pounds of flesh from a body to permanently gain a subtype that the deceased donor possessed at the time of death, combining their biological makeup with their own. The selection of subtypes is limited, however; a vicissial usually cannot assume the more potent traits of other creatures. A vicissial can assume any subtype except for any and all of the following: fire, cold, incorporeal, swarm, archon, tana'ari, obyrith, angel, yugoloth, baatezu. If homebrew subtypes are in play, the DM should adjudicate whether the subtypes are appropriate for an LA+0 race.

At 10th level and every 10 levels thereafter, a vicissial can assume another new subtype. They need not assume it immediately; they may wait until a later level and a better opportunity to actually gain the subtype they want.

A vicissial that assumes the [Incarnum] subtype gains a point of essentia, and a vicissial that assumes the [Psionic] subtype gains a single power point. Assuming the [Extraplanar] subtype changes the vicissial's home plane to that of the assumed creature.
Poison Resistance: Vicissials have a +4 racial bonus on saves vs. poison because most poisons are fairly tame compared to incorporating foreign matter.
Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any.
Level Adjustment: +0

Racial Feats

Graft-Compatible [Racial]
Your ability to incorporate flesh into your body is advanced enough to tolerate multiple kinds of grafts.
Prerequisite: Vicissial, CON 15
Benefit: You may be grafted with an additional type of graft. For example, you may have a draconic and an undead graft at the same time. In addition, you can have two additional grafts on your body.
Normal: You may only have one type of graft and only up to five grafts at once.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you can tolerate an additional type of graft and two additional grafts on your body. For example, the second time you take this feat, you could have fire elemental, undead, and draconic grafts on you at the same time, and a combination of up to nine.

Adaptable Subject [Racial]
Being grafted comes naturally to you; you feel no strain.
Prerequisite: Vicissial, CON 17
Benefit: When you receive a graft, you do not have to pay the sacrifice (e.g. Hit Points).
Normal: You must pay the sacrifice for the grafts your receive.

Assume Additional Subtype [Racial]
You can add the flesh of another subtype of creature to your body.
Prerequisite: Vicissial
Benefit: You can assume another subtype, as your Assume Subtype ability.
Normal: You can only assume a subtype at 1st level, 10th level, and every 10 levels thereafter.

2014-11-14, 09:30 PM

Mannequin-like in proportion and movement, the rare Singletons are much more interesting at first glance than they are in study. The misnomer 'Singleton' comes from an overwrought scholarly description of one as she accompanied others into a Far Realms cult, noting her to be the only person that stayed sane. And in fact, this is both their greatest asset and their greatest weakness. Singletons are "perfectly sane", as they describe themselves, without all the cracks and quirks of common races and monsters. On one hand, this makes them exceedingly dull as far as most races are concerned, since very little that they say is interesting, but they are completely protected from madness.


In a word, Singletons are boring. Though they only do as much intensive work in a day as any other race, they also spend much of their downtime in low-effort productive activity. For example, adventuring Singletons may spend time in camp cleaning other party members' equipment. If they cannot find something easy to do, they may occupy themselves with reading nonfiction books, going out for walks, or other unstimulating hobbies.

Most conversations a Singleton holds will relate to either work duties or be bafflingly uninteresting. Singletons are entirely humorless—a joke is just a bonding experience between friends at best. Their 'uninteresting' conversations seem to have some sort of purpose, but other races describe them as being specifically tailored to rehash already-known information. Sometimes they bring up a fact and describe how it affects the conversation topic, which is to say, not at all. (“Look at that cloud.” “Mh-hm. Does it look like anything to you?” “No.” “Most clouds don't.” “This one doesn't, either.”) Singletons are culturally aware of how various other races can't talk to them without their eyes glazing over, so they tend to be brief with such races--they take no pleasure in being bothersome.

While often thought of as being incapable (or unwanting) of fun, Singletons do have their pleasures. Many like to take naps if they have an excess of free time, or they may free-write in journals, daydream, or tell each other pointless stories. Anthropologists describe Singletons as having a “rich oral tradition of nothing in particular.”

Physical Description

Singletons look like a stylized version of a human, with smooth skin, large heads, and eyes that look as if painted onto their faces at a glance. Their hair is always naurally a gary gray color, but light catches on it in strange ways, and every Singleton's hair ends up a different particular shade. All have somewhat short torsos, but legs long enough to make up the difference, with equally longer arms. Singletons uniformly have good posture at rest, often described as “statuesque”. When a Singleton moves, they have a certian precision to their motion. It doesn't much help with everyday tasks, but it makes them look coordinated and graceful.

In the mixed company of other races, Singletons wear whatever outfits match the local custom, albeit particularly plain ones. In their own communities, Singletons prefer somewhat revealing outfits when the weather allows; long skirts and sleeveless shirts are popular. Surprisingly, bright colors are more common than gray.


While no one particularly dislikes Singletons, per se, they're not much fun to be around or hold a conversation with, so their social allies are the ones that can tolerate them the best. Dwarves, particularly work-oriented ones, can often put up with Singletons, as can elves. Their stretched-out senses of time help with this, as well. Other races are less interested; gnomes want nothing to do with the humorless, for example. Occasionally, a human will find a Singleton's mundanity and stability refreshing. By and large, though, Singletons simply live in cosmopolitan communities and avoid following others so much that they get aggravated.


Singletons are usually neutral, leaning towards law, and few are chaotic. Good and evil do not hold any sway over them, and almost all are neutral on the axis of good and evil. Their Good acts are limited to their social circle, and Evil acts are more out of apathy than malevolence.


Singletons prefer small villages in the middle of nowhere, when possible for a group of them to split off from the world at large. Mostly, though, they live in large cities where many races collide, since the Singleton population is small. If they can find several more of their kind in a city, they often organize meetings in order to have a strong social network; Singletons can get lonely if they can't talk to anyone who can relate to their “sanity”.


Counter-intuitively, Singletons have some relation to the Far Realm, but not in the conventional way. Sometimes exposure to the Far Realm is extremely limited, to the point that populations can generally handle it. The first Proto-singletons resulted when a human settlement's nearby river was very dilutely tainted with planar runoff from a powerful cult of one of the innumerable ancient evils of the Far Realm. While at first, this unhinged many of the humans after drinking the water, they couldn't abandon their city. Over time, the influence of the Far Realms mutated them, vastly accelerating a process of natural selection. Within a few centuries, only the sanest of humans survived, albeit with corruptions that made them mannequin-like. After these Proto-singletons decided to find a new home, their lineages stabilized and flushed out Far Realms influence, codifying them into a new race entirely.


Singletons revere most Good gods, since they're more likely to be kind and are thought to be more deserving of followers. Joining the clergy is not shunned, but considered a reasonable endeavor. Despite being neutral as a whole, Singletons are more strongly attracted to the most upstanding of Good gods; Lastai being the most popular.

Gods with unusual mandates for their followers seldom attract Singletons.


Singletons don't have their own language—Common suits them—but their speech patterns lack sarcasm, metaphor, humor, or pedantry. They are perhaps the most straightforward race in terms of speech. Written works by Singletons are almost trivially easy to follow along with, as Singleton writers can very clearly explain their thoughts, but it is much more difficult to stay awake while reading. They almost never use “clever” insults, expressing ire or hatred more directly. (“I hate you.”)


Singletons typically take on human names and avoid those that are also nouns. They see no reason to describe their children by something that already exists. Sometimes they come up with unique names that follow human naming patterns, if parents cannot otherwise find a suitable name.


Singleton adventurers are purpose-driven by default. As part of an adventuring party, they rarely take leadership positions. Even for adventurers, they tend to be loners, not speaking much with their party members. If they have a familiar, animal companion, or other similar creature, they prefer to speak to it instead. Singletons in adventuring parties are even lonelier than normal for their race, unless there is another Singleton to speak to, or someone in the group can have extended conversations with them.

Racial Traits

-2 Charisma: Singletons lack an inner spark of personality, and they don't want one.
Type: Humanoid [Human]. Singletons are descended from humans.
+2 racial bonus to Concentration checks: Singletons are clear-headed.
Bonus class skill (Ex): Though Singletons have lost most of their human mutability as part of their adaptation against the Far Realm, they still have an echo of it. Every Singleton selects one skill at 1st level, which becomes a class skill for them thereafter, regardless of what classes they later take. They are free to select a skill that is already a class skill for them at 1st level, which is potentially useful if they plan to multiclass.
+2 racial bonus to saving throws vs. effects of Far Realm origin: Singletons are adapted to handle Far Realm influence.
Medium size
Land Speed: 30 feet.
Complete Sanity (Ex): Singletons cannot go insane. In addition to being immune to the insanity spell and any effect that duplicates it, this also makes Singletons immune to Wisdom damage and drain. Even the effects of the Far Realms or extreme torture will not break a Singleton's mind, though it's as possible for such things to kill or injure them as any other race. Singleton magi have been known to read ancient forbidden unspeakable tomes of secrets Man Was Not Meant To Know as bedtime stories.
Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (excluding secret languages).
Favored Class: Any.
Level Adjustment: +0

Racial Feats

Anchored Mind [Racial]
Even for a Singleton, you are extremely mentally stable.
Prerequisite: Singleton, WIS 15
Benefit: You gain a +1 insight bonus to Will saves vs. Mind-affecting effects per 4 Hit Dice. At 20 Hit Dice, you become immune to mind-affecting effects unless you specifically allow them through this immunity as a non-action.

2014-11-22, 03:36 AM

The failed results of replicating the Ritual of Words Made FleshRoD, Isthchi live their lives under a curse that prevents them from speaking intelligibly. Even writing or sign language is blocked, a restriction in their brain. The greater tragedy is that their voices are universally beautiful, and though Isthchi song is bizarre and exciting, the hints of non-words that compose the lyrics have never held meaning.


Refined and unrefined Isthchi have significantly different expression patterns. Refined Isthchi--those that can find an Isthchi community or circle of friends to socialize with--tend to be collected in socialization and at peace with their lack of language, and can use both complex gestures and tone of voice to communicate imprecisely with non-Isthchi. Unrefined Isthchi are usually panicked, struggle mightily against their curse, and have much more difficulty communicating. (Mechanically, refined Isthchi put ranks in the Expression skill; see the New Skill section.) Independent of socialization, Isthchi have little to no curiosity but are detail-oriented, tot he point of missing out on generalities. An Isthchi psion may know exactly how a power stone works, but not be able to figure out what power is stored in it, for example, and they won't be interested in finding out. Despite this, Isthchi can work together as teams for larger goals, if they can somehow be working on the same idea instead of things getting lost in lack of translation.

Physical Description

Isthchi look like a midpoint between halfling and dwarf; they are fairly broad but otherwise have similar proportions to those of humans, gnomes, halflings, etc.. The easy identifier for an Isthchi is the thin, jagged lines of red that stretch from their lower lip to mid-chest. All Isthchi have a bronze hair color, and they prefer as a culture to wear it very long--to below their shoulders if possible--regardless of gender. Many Isthchi can be seen carrying a pen and parchment, in order to draw their ideas when they can't communicate them otherwise.


For obvious reasons, Isthchi prefer the company of those who don't talk much. This of course extends to some human cultures, but this means that they're rather alone among the smaller races. Sometimes the simplicity of a half-orc means that they can have “conversations” near the limit of their expressiveness, which can be rewarding. Half-elves can go either way, depending on if they like to persuade in a simpler down-to-earth manner (liked) or are more elaborate (disliked). Isthchi don't like full-blooded elves very much, though, since Isthchi are treated so much like children in response.

But they get along splendidly with BuommansPlH.


Isthchi tend strongly towards chaos, since they can't make concrete statements; Law has no foothold on them. They are a fairly good-natured people, but evil is not rare, per se.


Isthchi mirror the practices of Illumians and form cabals, when possible, though these are orders of magnitude more disordered and inefficient than the Illumian versions. Isthchi don't have any particular preference for land, beyond that it be more habitable than, say, the frostfell or desert wastes.


Isthchi are an attempt at replicating the Ritual of Words Made Flesh. The Illumians are the successful results of the ritual, and Isthchi can be considered the failed ones. Various wizarding colleges the world over have attempted to replicate the ritual, but every time, they result in an unrefined Isthchi. The botched ritual mangles bloodlines and body alike; racial identities hardly survive the transformation any more than they survive the Ritual of Rebirth for Dragonborn of BahamutRotD. Isthchi always come out as described previously, though their facial structures and many physical details (marks, tattoos, unusual proportions) are preserved in their new form.


Isthchi do not have their own patron god and worship much the way humans do. Sometimes they revere the IllumianRoD god Tarmiud, thinking it might help them overcome their curse. It doesn't work.


Isthchi do their best to understand other languages, but since they cannot speak, they don't have any linguistic culture to speak of. They do enjoy hearing stories from other races, though.


Isthchi can't tell anyone what their name is. Other races that are familiar with Isthchi culture (DC 11 Knowledge: Local check required) understand the convention of simply calling them "Isthchi" when meeting casually, which is where the name for their race comes from. Repeated meetings necessitate giving the Isthchi a name. Very social Ithschi may have dozens of different names for themselves that they keep track of. Of course, it is possible for someone to give an Isthchi a nametag, but this hasn't caught on, and Isthchi mysteriously lose nametags unexpectedly often.

Isthchi do not come up with a name for themselves. Thinking in Common, the pronoun “I” is sufficient.


Isthchi often become adventurers if they can't integrate themselves with other communities, and even existing Isthchi cabals sometimes break up for no discernible reason and their members spread out. It's difficult to have a stable life under the curse, and adventuring does not require any stability.

Racial Traits

+2 Dexterity: An Isthchi's small size gives them similar benefits to those of halflings.
Type: Humanoid.
+4 racial bonus to Sense Motive checks: Isthchi are used to reading deep into each other's expressions and gestures.
Small size
Land Speed: 20 feet.
Curse of Words Made Flesh (Ex): Isthchi have voices, but they are heavily distorted, like the sounds of ringing metal and magical electricity. Further, they cannot string together sentences, or even words. When they attempt to speak, they “sing” for a bit before eking out syllables that suggest language, but are not actually words. This is the result of a miswiring in their brains that is generally referred to as a “curse”, and it even extends to other forms of language: if they try to use sign language, their fingers lock up and their hands twitch. If they try to write, they end up interspersing random letters with scribbles. There is no way for an Isthchi to communicate with language, even with magic, and only a carefully-constructed inversion of the Ritual of Words Made Flesh at the DM's discretion can undo this curse.

This has a number of drawbacks. Certain skills that require social interaction (Gather Information, Diplomacy) are nearly impossible, taking a -20 circumstance penalty, and they cannot use verbal components unless they take the Nonverbal SpellPlH feat. Other penalties will apply at the DM's discretion.
Racial Heritage: An Isthchi gains the racial subtype of one other untemplated humanoid race—the one that they were before the Ritual of Words Made Flesh. They are treated as that race in addition to being an Isthchi for all effects and qualifications. If that race has any racial bonuses to skill checks, the Isthchi inherits those as well, but they are reduced to +2 if they were higher. (For example, a Min-lau that becomes an Isthchi can still Balance a little better than other races, but not extremely so.) Bonus skill points do not count as racial skill bonuses.
Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (excluding secret languages). These languages are understood, but not spoken.
Favored Class: Any.
Level Adjustment: +0

New Skill: Expression (Cha)
You can use this skill to communicate with other creatures that don't understand your language. This functions like the Voice of the City (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) alternate class feature, except that you do not automatically communicate simple concepts, and communicating complex concepts imposes a -5 penalty to your skill check.

If you have Voice of the City, you can add your ranks in Expression to checks made as part of Voice of the City. If you also have at least 1 rank in Expression, you can attempt to communicate with outsiders, but the DC increases by 10.

If you are an Isthchi, this skill also changes your quasi-speech so that you are a bit clearer, your fragments of non-words are longer, and you can start babbling sooner after you begin straining your voice to do so. But you will never actually be intelligible. The closest an Isthchi can ever get to understandability is to, with extreme effort, whisper a single word of a concept tangentially related to their main point in a different language.

2014-11-28, 03:56 AM
This one is a bit different and a little more complicated.



Previously only living in the icy caverns under the extinct Kemno Volcano in the arctics, the Nidegele have spread out to other near-arctic societies. Thanks to their bizarre biochemistry, they have difficulty exploring temperate areas of the Material Plane in person. With their ability to create "dreamwalk" bodies when they would otherwise be unconscious, Nidgeles can always make sure they are not exposed to too much heat. The results of that can be disastrous.


Nidegeles have dispositions like those of frightened animals—skittish, yet aggressive. They are difficult talk to, as they swing back and forth between defensiveness and attempts at social dominance. If they make friends, though, the treat their friends as one of their own, though they expect the same sort of animal social tactics from their allies. Nidegeles don't really understand civility in the conventional sense, preferring to be so animated with each other than other races tend to expect a fight to break out at any moment.

Strangely, Nidegeles do not have a “pecking order”; every Nidegele is equally ornery with every other Nidegele. The arctic doesn't give much room for unequal social structures. Nidegeles also have a taboo against disturbing others when they are sleeping or self-anesthetized; they must find the other person's dreamwalk body or simply wait until they wake up.

Physical Description

Nidegeles look like smaller, partially feral versions of humans. All of them are about 4' 6” in height, with voluminous white hair and a distinctive light-orange coloration of their lips, irises, and fingernails. They have somewhat heavy bodies and their stature is adapted for quadrupedal movement when necessary—they prefer a partially hunched-over posture that allows them to put their hands on the ground with additional adjustment. Nidegeles naturally have disordered hair, twitchy motion, and oily skin, so they almost always have an “unwashed” look even though they are attentive about hygiene.


Being new to the scene of the Material Plane at large, Nidegeles have had little time to develop relationships with other races. The near-arctic societies that they have reached out to generally find them distasteful or crude.


Despite their lack of civility, Nidegeles care for their own kind. Their society, being flat in terms of inequality, does not encourage strong order, but it is not anarchy. Nidegeles are mostly neutral on both alignment axes.


The Kemno Volcano has historically beeing the home for all Nidegeles, owing to its great underground deposits of fluorspar. The purpose of fluorspar in Nidegele biology is not known, except that they require it. Fluorspar is used in the same way that spices are, among Nidegeles.

Any icy area of the world where fluorspar deposits can be found is a reasonable location for them to make a new settlement, but the Kemno Volcano is the largest source known. Since Nidegeles have only begun to branch out, their future lands remain to be seen.


Nidegeles have not been exposed to religion much, but are rapidly taking on religious influences from temperate societies. Nidgele priests are of all sorts of deities, and they even worship the four elements sometimes—particularly Air. Frostfell deities have taken some root, but Nidegeles seem to prefer exotic theology.


Nidegeles developed their own language, Nidegele, but have taken to Common quickly. They struggle with more complex languages such as Elven.


The format for a Nidegele name is a single two-syllable word with a consonant or consonant cluster flanking and between the vowels. The Nedegele language involves changing the vowels of the name depending on case, but in Common, Nidegeles pick which ones should be used. To avoid linguistic confusion, one of the vowels is almost always the short “O” sound (as the word 'not'), as that vowel is absent from the Nidegele language.


Adventuring is a difficult proposition for Nidgeles, as they must usually enter temperate or warmer climates. Thus, adventurers are few, and they usually have a source of Endure Elements.

Racial Traits

+2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Nidgeles have the necessary toughness to survive in the arctic, but are socially off-putting, and not as sharp as other races.
Humanoid Type
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks: Nidgeles are ornery.
Size: Medium.
Land speed: 20 ft. Nidegeles have few predators, so they did not adapt to move quickly.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Dreamwalk (Su): Nidgeles concentrate a very rare component of their air around them and incorporate it into their bodies, which has many biological functions for them. One of these functions is to inhibit their brain activity when necessary, anesthesizing themselves and projecting their brain activity outside of their bodies. This allows them to create a flimsy, supernatural second body every time they go unconscious.

A nidegele's dreamwalk body is a like a copy of the original, except that it cannot use any of its class features—including weapons and armor proficiencies--and only has Hit Points equal to the Nidegele's Hit Dice multiplied by its Intelligence modifier (minimum modifier of 1). The dreamwalk body is translucent and has illusory copies of any magic items on the Nidgele's physical body, but these items are nonfunctional except in their mundane senses. However, the dreamwalk body can still use actual magic items. If a dreamwalk body strays more than 100 feet from its corresponding original, it disappears, and the Nidegele must regain consciousness again before they can create a new dreamwalk body the next time they are unconscious. A dreamwalk body the reaches 0 or fewer hit Points disappears and inflicts a negative level upon the physical body, which lasts for 24 hours and has a save DC of 15 to remove.

A nidegele can voluntarily anesthetize themselves by lying down, closing their eyes, and concentrating for two minutes. This state lasts until they wish it to end, but a 1 minute recovery time is imposed, in which the Nidegele is conscious but can take no actions, nor even stand. A dreamwalk body created from anesthesia is improved—it can stray 1,000 feet from its corresponding physical body, and if it disappears, it reappears at 1 Hit Point, standing above the physical body. The negative level still applies, but the save DC is 10.

If a Nidegele's physical body dies while they still have a dreamwalk body in existence, the dreamwalk body disappears.
Fierce (Ex): Having some degree of animal aggression, Nidegeles are willing to hurt others with just their hands and fingernails. They are treated as armed even while unarmed, and can make attacks of opportunity with their unarmed strikes. They do not usually deal lethal damage in this way unless they have Improved Unarmed Strike, however.
Cold Core (Ex): Nidegeles have cold body temperatures. Though this doesn't affect their responses to acute cold or heat in the form of cold and fire damage, they treat the temperature band of any environment as two temperature bands hotter. Usually, they must carry a parasol to gain shade or use some other form of environmental protection in even Moderate climates, or rely on Endure Elements.

A Nidegele that dies inside a fire, from damage inflicted by hot environments, or from a source of fire damage exceeding half their maximum Hit Points, has a chance for their biochemistry to reach an unstable state and cause their physical body to explode. Moderate environments (which Nidegele treat as Hot) provide a 50% chance of explosion, and this increases by 10% per temperature band above that, to a maximum of 100%. Dying in a fire or from fire damage has a 80% chance to explode the Nidgele. One of such explosions causes a blast of air, soot, and blood that expands radially out to 40 feet and works like a gust of wind spell, but does no damage. An exploded Nidgele looks gruesome, but all body parts are still approximately in place enough for raise dead to work normally.
Languages: Nidegele, Common. Bonus Languages: Goblin, Orc, Gnome, Dwarf, Undercommon.
Level Adjustment: +0 (or in a cold campaign setting, +1)

Sidebar: Biochemistry note for completeness
The very rare component of air that Nidegeles use in their bodies is xenon. Xenon requires bonds to fluorine atoms for stability, and any other bonds, such as to carbon, cannot withstand high temperatures. Thus, Nidegeles consume fluorspar, have cold bodies, and can violently destabilize in hot environments upon death. They can also render some of the stored xenon in their bodies into the elemental gas, which is itself a near-ideal anesthetic. The light orange coloration visible in their bodies is supposed to be from xenon-containing proteins, but since none have actually been synthesized in real life, this is just artistic license.