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2007-01-21, 04:33 AM
{table=head]Level|B.A.B.|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|0lvl|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th|7th|8th| 9th

1st|+0|+0|+0|+2|Book, Arcane Pool(Skill)|3|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-


3rd|+1|+1|+1|+3|Detect Magic|4|3|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-


5th|+2|+1|+1|+4|Bonus Feat, Identify|4|4|3|2|-|-|-|-|-|-

6th|+3|+2|+2|+5|Arcane Pool(Mastery)|5|4|3|2|-|-|-|-|-

7th|+3|+2|+2|+5|Lesser Intellectual Agility|5|4|3|3|2|-|-|-|-


9th|+4|+3|+3|+6|Arcane Pool(Metamagic)|5|4|4|3|3|2|-|-|-|-

10th|+5|+3|+3|+7|Bonus Feat|5|4|4|4|3|3|-|-|-|-

11th|+5|+3|+3|+7|Arcane Sight|5|5|4|4|3|3|2|-|-|-


13th|+6|+4|+4|+8|Intellectual Agility|5|5|5|4|4|3|3|2|-|-

14th|+7|+4|+4|+9|Arcane Pool(Initiative)|5|5|5|4|4|4|3|3|-|-

15th|+7|+5|+5|+9|Bonus Feat|5|5|5|4|4|4|3|3|2|-


17th|+8|+5|+5|+10|Arcane Pool(Concentrate)|5|5|5|5|4|4|3|3|3|2

18th|+9|+6|+6|+11|Legend Lore|5|5|5|5|4|4|4|3|3|2

19th|+9|+6|+6|+11|Arcane Pool(Recall)|5|5|5|5|4|4|4|4|3|2

20th|+10|+6|+6|+12|Arcana, Bonus Feat|5|5|5|5|4|4|4|4|3|3[/table]

Alignment: Any Non-Chaotic
Hit Die: d4
Skill points per level: 4 + Int Modifier
Class skills: Appraise(Int), Bluff(Con), Concentration(Con), Craft(Int), Decipher Script(Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Disable Device(Int), Forgery(Int), Gather Information(Cha), Heal(Wis), Hide(Dex), Knowledge(All skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen(Wis), Move Silently(Dex), Profession(Wis), Search(Int), Sense Motive(Wis), Speak Language(none), Spellcraft(Int), Spot(Wis), Survival(Wis), Use Magic Device(Cha).
Book(Ex): Every Arcane carries with him a special book, While very similar to a wizards spellbook it is also very very different. As he travels an Arcane records everything he learns into his book in a language all his own, Every Arcane while in training develops a special language usually comprised of thousands of dots as an eidetic memory device. To be able to use his Arcane Pool for any abilities or skills he must first learn them and transcribe them into his book, he also stores his spells in this book, but unlike with other spellcasters his spells take up very little space rarely more then 1 line per spell level. Skills similarly tend to take no more then 1 line per rank, generally only Int based skills can be placed within the book and must be done so in a place with access to lots of knowledge on the subject such as a library.
Arcane Pool(Ex or Su): An Arcane has honed his intellect to an unbelievable level. He possesses the ability to use a certain amount of mental energy for the purposes he so desires. As such an Arcane has a pool of mental energy that can be used to perform various tasks. The amount of energy in this pool is equal to (Arcane Level x 3) + Int modifier.
SKILL: At 1st level an Arcane has learned how to quickly memorize and store information in his short term memory. An Arcane can study up on any Intelligence based skills he has in his book, spending one minute and one point from his Arcane Pool for every rank in such a skill he wishes to have for the day. This ability can be used to raise his ranks in a skill he already has but cannot raise a skill to a rank higher then the Arcane is capable of having. When the Arcane goes to sleep/rests the skill is forgotten and in the morning the energy is returned to his Arcane Pool. An Arcane may only raise an individual skill once on any given day with this ability, he may raise it any number of ranks he is capable of raising it but after his first study session on a particular skill he gains no benefit from further study.
MASTERY: When an Arcane reaches this level of training he becomes able to spend 1 point from his Arcane Pool to take a 10 on any intelligence based skill check or concentration check.
METAMAGIC: When an Arcane obtains this ability he can spend a number of Arcane Pool points equal to 2 x the number of spell levels the metamagic feat adds to cast a spell with a metamagic feat without previously preparing it that way, an Arcane cannot cast a spell in this way whos adjusted level would be higher then the highest level spell the Arcane can cast. The Arcane must know the metamagic feat of the metamagic he wishes to apply.
INITIATIVE: At this point an Arcanes mental faculties have become so quick that he may spend 2 Arcane pool points to reroll an initiative roll he has just made, he must take the new result.
CONCENTRATE: An Arcane of this level gains the ability to spend 1 point per round per three spell levels of the spell being concentrated (round down) on from his Arcane Pool to subconsciously concentrate on a spell allowing him to do other things, he can have only one such spell being concentrated on at a time.
RECALL: At the pinnacle of his Eidetic abilities the Arcane learns the greatest of his abilities, the ability to spend 3 points from his Arcane Pool to instantly succeed on any Knowledge check that he is now or has ever been capable of making, for example if he has 17 ranks of Know(dungeoneering) scribed into his book but he only has 2 ranks of it memorized today and he is confronted with a DC 37 Know(Dungeoneering) check which he could make rolling a 20 if he had the 17 ranks that he has at one time known then he may spend a point to instantly succeed at the check.
Lore (Ex): As the loremaster ability of the same name
Detect Magic (Sp): An Arcane can detect magic at will
Arcana(Ex): At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter an Arcane can choose an ability from the following list provided he meets the minumum score...
4|Bonus Pool| Increase the size of your Arcane Pool by 3
8|Arcane Linguist| Can add languages to Book and memorize them at 1:1 cost
10|Arcane Retention| Reduces cost of Int skill memorization to 3/2
12|Arcane Feat| Bonus Item Creation or Metamagic Feat
15|Arcane Wisdom| Can add Wis based skills to Book and memorize them
18|Arcane Boost| Can spend points from Arcane Pool to increase DCs or Caster Level
20|Greater Retention*| Reduces cost of Int skill memorization to 2/1
22|Arcane Will| Can spend 1 point from Pool to reroll failed will save next round
25|Adaptive Pool| Can sacrifice currently memorized Skill to get back 2/3rds of spent points
*Must have Arcane Retention first
you can take each Arcana only once
Bonus Feat (Ex): At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter an Arcane gains a bonus Metamagic, Item Creation, or Skill based Feat
Identify (Su): An Arcane of 5th level or higher can use an effect similar to an Identify spell a number of times per day equal to his Int bonus, the Arcane spends one minute intensely studying the item then makes a lore check against a DC equal to 15+ the items caster level, success results in the same information obtained by an identify spell.
Lesser Intellectual Agility (Ex): Beginning at 7th level an Arcane gains the ability to add 1/2 his intelligence modifier to his Initiative and Reflex Saves
Arcane Sight (Su): At 11th level an Arcane gains the ability to use Arcane Sight as a supernatural ability, the Arcane can cease or resume this ability as a free action.
Intellectual Agility (Ex): At this point the Arcane may add his full Int bonus to his initiative and Reflex saves.
Legend Lore (Sp): An Arcane of 18th level or higher may use Legend Lore in place of Identify. It still requires only 1 minute of study.

Well I could still use some help filling in the Arcana table and also creating a spell list, though pretty much its the Sorcerer/Wizard list with fewer Evocation and Transmutation spells, and a few additional Divination spells

2007-01-21, 05:29 AM
How about some fluff and perhaps an introduction?

2007-01-21, 06:08 AM
hmm all my fluff notes are at home but from memory...

Arcanes are gatherers of knowledge and forgotten lore. Most of the time you encounter an Arcane his head will be in a book either reading and learning or writing down all that he has learned so that he can easily remember it later. Trained from young ages to use their minds as their weapons they learn to use their mental energies to absorb knowledge and cast spells. They can be found roaming the dustiest sections of the great libraries in huge cities or delving deep into forgotten dungeons of long lost civilizations looking for any secrets they might hold. Many Arcanes form into cabals or join universities to further their studies and share knowledge they have learned.
An Arcanes strength comes from his mind and as such Intelligence is the key ability for both his limited spellcasting and his arcane pool.
Background: Most Arcanes recognize each other as comrades in the search for knowledge and it is not uncommon for two that meet by chance to end up spending a week sharing information before being willing to part company. Arcanes see themselves as part of a small but unique group keepers of that which others would leave behind they know all too well that one must pay attention to history.
They tend to work well with most other classes, they certainly realize that their place is not on the front line and often are accompanied by guards or compatriots.
Arcanes adventure for only one reason, the pursuit of knowledge. Both written facts they can dig up in old books and the experiences they get exploring and learning and seeing.
Elves make excellent Arcanes with their long memories and centuries of time to delve into the most intricate of lore. Humans also have a tendency to become Arcanes out of the drive and curiosity to explore that is in their hearts.

2007-01-21, 01:39 PM
I don't get the skill stuff. Did you make the Arcane to learn skill ranks by writing it in the book, while others just learn it?

Kevka Palazzo
2007-01-21, 01:50 PM
This is pretty interesting, actually.

I like it when magic is manipulateable (yes I know that's not a word, bite me :smallamused: ) and that arcane pool thing is pretty kickass.

2007-01-21, 01:58 PM
I don't get the skill stuff. Did you make the Arcane to learn skill ranks by writing it in the book, while others just learn it?

I believe he gets skills as normal, but can then augment his Int-related skills on a daily basis.

2007-01-21, 02:17 PM
Depending on the spell list, this looks like it could use a little toning down:

Way too many skill points. Sorcerer and Wizard are both 2/level. The Arcane gets to augment his Int skills anyway, and he will presumably have a sizable Int bonus. Presumably his time is absorbed in learning magic, not skills.

The metamagic ability seems overpowered. By 9th level, he's going to have 27 + Int modifier points/day. He's essentially getting all the metamagic feats at once for free here, and with all those points he's not going to run out all that often. By the time he's high enough level to want to start using quicken alot (let's say 13th, since then he can cast quickened 3rd level spells), he'll be able to use it 5 times a day, which isn't really much of a restriction.

SKILL: You say that he can study his book "every morning". Is there some reason it has to be morning? I would think that it would make more sense to carry your book around, and then when you come up against some piece of information you need (assuming it's not "hey what's that monster right there that's attacking us?"), you just pull out the book then and read it (which also allows you to get multiple knowledge checks technically: make check, read up for one point, make check, read up for another point, etc). Frankly though, if you stick with 6 skill points/level, you'll be able to nearly max all of your int-based skills every morning anyway (which again is why I'd drop this to 2 skill points/level).

INITIATIVE: I assume he can only do this once be initiative roll.

You have abilities that cost just one point, which seems like it will very very quickly become trivial.

Given all that, I think I would lower the size of the arcane pool. It's just going to get so big so quickly that he's never going to run out. 2 x level + int bonus seems like plenty to me.

Also: I like being able to cut off a character's access to Identify by limiting the supply of pearls in some way. I don't think the identify power is unbalanced per se, but I wouldn't use it. I like it when they squirm about whether to wear or wield something that is magic but unknown...

2007-01-21, 09:35 PM
Depending on the spell list, this looks like it could use a little toning down:

Way too many skill points. Sorcerer and Wizard are both 2/level. The Arcane gets to augment his Int skills anyway, and he will presumably have a sizable Int bonus. Presumably his time is absorbed in learning magic, not skills.
actually the majority of time is spent learning anything and everything the class was admittedly originally designed as a Gestahlt class but i hav already severely gutted it i thought 6+int was the least i could do

The metamagic ability seems overpowered. By 9th level, he's going to have 27 + Int modifier points/day. He's essentially getting all the metamagic feats at once for free here, and with all those points he's not going to run out all that often. By the time he's high enough level to want to start using quicken alot (let's say 13th, since then he can cast quickened 3rd level spells), he'll be able to use it 5 times a day, which isn't really much of a restriction.

I left out a line saying he has to know the metamagic feat he wishes to apply and i think i have another way of scaling the cost too, tw if he uses it 5 times a day teh old way, then he is giving up everything else his arcane pool does which is a drawback

SKILL: You say that he can study his book "every morning". Is there some reason it has to be morning? I would think that it would make more sense to carry your book around, and then when you come up against some piece of information you need (assuming it's not "hey what's that monster right there that's attacking us?"), you just pull out the book then and read it (which also allows you to get multiple knowledge checks technically: make check, read up for one point, make check, read up for another point, etc). Frankly though, if you stick with 6 skill points/level, you'll be able to nearly max all of your int-based skills every morning anyway (which again is why I'd drop this to 2 skill points/level).

no reason it has to be morning you can do it at any time of day, but it does take a minute per rank, and if the monster is willing to sit there for several minutes while you read a book then have at it, although i admit i hadnt thought of the multiple int checks part, that might need some clarification

INITIATIVE: I assume he can only do this once be initiative roll.


You have abilities that cost just one point, which seems like it will very very quickly become trivial.

Given all that, I think I would lower the size of the arcane pool. It's just going to get so big so quickly that he's never going to run out. 2 x level + int bonus seems like plenty to me.

Also: I like being able to cut off a character's access to Identify by limiting the supply of pearls in some way. I don't think the identify power is unbalanced per se, but I wouldn't use it. I like it when they squirm about whether to wear or wield something that is magic but unknown...
the class is primarily based around the pool, not the spellcasting, the list needs a lot of work but they are not attle mages, they have diviniation, illusion, enchantment, abjuration, and some conjuration spells. they give up a lot for those pools and most spend at least half their pool every morning on skills

i am gonna make a few edit changes though, and i guess ill reduce it to 4+int skills

2007-01-22, 01:54 AM
shameless bump

2007-01-22, 01:07 PM
Ah, well if you severely limit the spell selection (the original post said "pretty much its the Sorcerer/Wizard list with fewer Evocation and Transmutation spells" which doesn't sound too limited) I can see it. If you are still going to give them the full enchantment list, that's still pretty powerful. If they are going to be based around skills, you might want to slow down their spell progression, and cap their spell progression at 6th-7th level spells. Right now you have them gaining spells faster than *any* spellcasting class, and you just said that spellcasting is supposed to be a *secondary* ability (to being the world's best skill-monkey). Their spell progression should look more like a bard's, and less like a souped-up wizard's, I think.

Metamagic: Ah. If he has to know the feat, that's different. It just allows him to spontaneously cast some metamagicked spells. That's not so bad. It does effectively allow him to cast more higher level spells every day (and he already gets high level spells faster than any other casting class), though much depends on the spell list as to how big a deal that is.

Skills: Maybe you find different in your campaign, but I find that most knowledge rolls are made out of combat. As for the blatant abuse thing, maybe you can only study a given skill once/day.

2007-01-22, 06:18 PM
There was a similar Base Class (in terms of fluff) proposed on a Low Magic Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28033&page=4&highlight=Arcane+Scholar) a while back. The name of the Class was Arcane Scholar, which I think fits this Base Class better as well.

2007-01-22, 11:24 PM
I'm considering adding the original version of this class to the post but i dont see to much gestahlt stuff on here and it owuld be a lot of trouble to finish and post the gestahlt version if nobody on here likes gestahlt, opinions?

2007-01-26, 12:51 AM
*shameless bump*
i take it no one likes gestahlt then