View Full Version : The Disccusing Hall

2014-01-08, 09:10 AM
Discuss here ideas for character, backgrounds and know each other.
As i told Dantie, I'll be travelling for a time soon, so the game will begin when i get back (this also giveme time to create stuff and plan and let you have more time to finish your backgrounds).

I need each one individual background and some mutual background.
Adding hooks, enemies from the past and goals give you points with the DM :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-08, 11:39 AM
*Steps up to the podeium* Hell everyone, my name is Dantie, I am a recovering D&D addict....yea what the hell am I saying?

First off again I would like to thank our DM Chimaera for agreeing to DM, and Christine for introducing me to him. May Lysa live long in the shadows of the past. Next nice to meet you Dudu I have heard a lot of good things about you.

Onto characters, my character's name is Alucard, and he is the servant of Lady Fierna of Phlegethos. Once a tyrant who ruled the kingdom known as Munte necucerit, Alucard lost his life when an invading army came to destroy his kingdom and expand their own empire. You see though in his first life as a human he was evil in the common sense of things, he cared about his peoples welfare and refused to allow some outland swine rule over them. Immediately he sent his messengers out, drafting every able man in Munte necucerit and having his generals train the newest recruits as the old leaders took control of their platoons. Not wanting any of his people to be harmed by this invading force Alucard moved all his forces he had at the time with him to vale a morți, where they had a small boarder fort to protect his people from invading armies like this.

What Alucard did not expect was the sheer mass of the army marching against him, and the exotic beasts at their disposal. Days away from any help, and an army that did not seem to have an end to it he decided to send a group of his men to escort the villagers up the mountain back to one of the other outpost where they would be better defended. Those that remained were tasked with providing a distraction for the small group that left. It was a bloody battle as Alucard led his forces on a night raid against the enemy as the messengers left out of the back of the fort, covered by the shadows of darkness. The first encampment they fell onto died quickly without rasing a single alarm so good were the troops he had with him. However the next camp was not so lucky as it seemed they were not as foolish and had a guard on duty as well as animals that seemed to be able to smell them.

It was these animals that alerted his enemies to his teams coming as they rushed into arrows lit on fire. His two scouts feel quickly as those that were left formed a tight circle around him, their shields deflecting most of the enemy fire. However the enemy had been alerted, and soon they were no longer being pinned down by arrow fire, but by swordsmen like themselves. After an hour of fighting, exhaustion began to set in. And the troops he had with him began to fall, however Alucard refused to give up as he knew those who had left needed more time, and that the rouse would not keep the enemy in disarray for long. Grasping at all the strength he had left, he made a final surge, cutting down all those surrounding him as a circle of dead bodies fell around him. More simply came though to fill the gap though, and cuts began to show threw his armor as blood began to seep from his wounds.

Hours later the tyrant of Munte necucerit fell, in battle and awoke infront of a place surrounded by fire as it reached up to the sky. Seeing no where else to go Alucard walked inside the imposeing structure where he saw things he had only heard his scholars ever speak of before. However one was different, charming almost, as he was led to her throne room. He had to admire the fact she had so many of these things under her command. Once inside she told him of how his life had been sacrificed for nothing, that the messengers did not outrun the incoming army slowed down by the villagers. And that one of his very generals had turn sides, betraying the kingdom. What I offer you is vengeance for this betrayal Alucard. A chance to get back at your general who betrayed your people, and at the army who hungrily came and destroyed it. But you must promise to serve me in return. No matter what I ask of you, you must do it without question. In return I will have my followers teach you how to call forth mighty beings to your world to serve you and destroy your enemies. she told him, among other things. Without even thinking about it Alucard accepted and was sent back to the material plane.

When he came back to the material plane though he was changed, his time in that plane of fire had transformed him somehow into something else entirely as he opened his eyes and saw a vast desert before him, and behind him a lone mountain. Seeming to step out of solid stone a creature emerged in a flowing red robe with golden inlays. Alucard was so shocked by the power at which this person showed he did not ask as the man told him to follow, and into the mountain the two walked.

For the next five years Alucard studied in the fields of magic, learning how to summon lesser fiends to do his biddings for short periods of time, as well as to control the fires that ran across the fields of Phlegethos. His master was a master of summoning creatures as well as making you think he had done something. It was only later on that Alucard learned that the entrance to the cave they had entered through all those years ago was simply an illusion made to make any passersby think there was no way into the mountain. Such subtly was beyond him though, as he soon learned, ties from his past stopping him from grasping the finer details to the schools of magic known as illusion and enchantment.

And so he kept training for the next fifteen years, a few newcomers coming and going more quickly then him. But that did not bother him, as he saw it they would die quickly, not learning the finer details of summoning as he had. It was on one of these days that his master gave him his first mission, to go and eradicate a cult to Graz'zt that had been stepping into their territory. So with his imp servant Belphegor, Alucard made his way to the destination this so called cult of Graz'zt was located. What he found their were the things called demons his master had taught him about, most hated enemies of Lady Fierna. With his enemy found Alucard called on one of her most trusted guardians that his master had introduced to him, diavol de metal, and together the three marched in, a glorious ball of fire leading his way, taking out a group of young acolytes to this demon in the process. Not one to show mercy to vile creatures, or those that would call them Alucard wasted little time in summoning two bearded devils to serve under Diavol. With all his training being put to the test it was an easy taskk as he slaughtered all those who came in the way.

It was not until the final chamber of the training ground, for he had seen the summoning circles and the books detailing about the world their animal came from, for such a thing as a demon was not a creature, for no creature could butcher the infernal tongue as much as they, that he found his true enemy. The one who had started this so called cult. With all his summons long gone Alucard only had a few spells left, and knowing this made waited patiently for her to waste all of her own before he let lose a searing ray of hellfire, turning her into a pile of ash. What was most amusing however was that their seemed to be a demon trapped in a cage, looking at his trophy he made it clear that if she tried to escape she would die, she had the choice to serve him, and threw him his devil mistress or die. She accepted with only one request, to be able to kill the demon Dante herself.

Well that took longer then expected, anyways their is my backstory that myself and Christine worked on. I am not sure how you want to have your character fit in with all this but I know you were talking about a sandshaper and mummies so I wanted to have the desert in their for you.

2014-01-08, 12:03 PM
Nice one, next! :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-08, 12:06 PM
Well, hello everyone.

So, here's the deal. I'm thinking about the role in the mechanics first.

The party lacks a real big stupid fighter, and I offer to fill this role. He has only one level of cleric, which is enough to grant him acess to wands, like the wand of lesser vigor. That makes him a second, barely competent healer.

As far as tanking, he is good, but not exactly superb. The damage dealing part is nice. Much nicer if we consider the party already has 2 competent buffers as far as I know.

He current build involves something like.


This leaves the challenge of having an undead in the team. His own healing is very limited. Negative Energy Damage and Fast Healing are the way to go.

For both, I have wands. For Fast Healing there's also the Healing Devotion Feat (by my calc, it heals 30HP for each use, at least for this character).

Anyway, I think it might work as a less orthodox fighter. The fluff I'll work later.

edit: Evolved Undead Template. Healing Problem solved.

2014-01-08, 12:19 PM
I would prefer not to throw up too much classes in a single character.
Just my opinion.

Christine Daae
2014-01-08, 12:22 PM
Hey Dudu good to see you again doll, I will be using Lilith again. As she did not get to see much fun last time.

2014-01-08, 12:26 PM
Those are all the classes he'll ever get.

I could take out either cleric or warblade, though. Cleric is granting me 2 pre requisite feats, which are Blind Fight and Imp Initiative. Plus, acess to wands and possibly turn undead related feats. Warblade is adding me the sweet Iron Heart and White Raven Maneuvers.

I prefer the way it is, for an optimizer point of view. If that bother too much, we can take one class away.

2014-01-08, 12:29 PM
Hey Dudu good to see you again doll, I will be using Lilith again. As she did not get to see much fun last time.
Sup, Christine.

I'm usually playing casters (arcane mostly). This time I'll play the classic Big Stupid Fighter, even though the build is anything but classic.

Anyway, I hope Rich will let me have this build so I can work on the funnier fluff aspects of my char.

2014-01-08, 12:31 PM
Just curious why master of the nine? It does not seem all that impressive after level 1 in my eyes.

Also I thought you were taking the Tomb Warden Prc from libris mortis. Though you point out a good fact, how to tie undead in...Not difficult per say his empire was as far as he knows destroyed.

Edit : How is that a big stupid fighteR?

2014-01-08, 12:32 PM
Just go ahead Dudu.
Just don't want to see a rogue 2/paladin 3/ knight 3 added to that haha

2014-01-08, 12:34 PM
Now wait a minute the knight class is a perfectly good class for a fighter. Marshal 1/Knight 9/Kensai 10 is amazing.

2014-01-08, 12:43 PM
Just curious why master of the nine? It does not seem all that impressive after level 1 in my eyes.

Also I thought you were taking the Tomb Warden Prc from libris mortis. Though you point out a good fact, how to tie undead in...Not difficult per say his empire was as far as he knows destroyed.

Edit : How is that a big stupid fighteR?
My initial idea was something like this:

He was the mummy guardian of an ancient temple. This temple could contain a powerful artifact, like the Faithful Avenger sword. It just happens that you, when you were a tyrant, raided said temple and robbed the sword for yourself.

That triggered this mummy to seek your band and retrieve the sword, for decades or even centuries.
This mummy eventually found you, except that you're not the same Allucard and you don't bear the sword. Your traitor captain does. With a common enemy, those 2 have a reason to stick together.

About Master of the Nine, he is great, but with a price so high he's usually regarded as "not exactly great". However, with 2 feats from mummy, plus the 2 feats from Cleric, plus improved unarmed from Swordsage, his costly prerequisites are overcomed. And then I get +5 readied maneuvers, +2 stances and +8 maneuvers know from any sublime way in only 5 levels. I don't plan to rush and complete MotN, though. I want to take more levels in other classes (wablade and swordsage, to be precise) first.
That way I'll be a good big stupid fighter that'll be fun to play and will have some few more tricks than merely hitting baddies hard with a big stick.

2014-01-08, 12:46 PM
That way I'll be a good big stupid fighter that'll be fun to play and will have some few more tricks than merely hitting baddies hard with a big stick.

That is the copre of being a big stupid fighter :smallbiggrin:
You'l be A-not-so-stupid-fighter instead

2014-01-08, 12:48 PM
Aaaand Mythweavers isn't working again.

I'm seriously considering another site for my sheets. It's the second time this week, goddamit.

2014-01-08, 12:51 PM
So he will be a smart fighter not a big dumb fighter then...

Big dumb fighter

Cleric 2/Barbarian 4/Mighty contender of kord X

Power attack
Leap attack
Battle jump
Improved Bullrsh
Combat brute (Shoock trooper) whichever one it is that takes away from AC and adds to damage
Reckless rage

Edit: Also Alucard would be coming back as a hellbred looking nothing like he did before...how exactly would said mummy know it was him? Would be two different builds for one.

2014-01-08, 12:56 PM
Maybe the mummy recognized your very soul :xykon:

2014-01-08, 01:04 PM
Wait I still have a soul, I thought I traded that to Lady Fierna for absolute power (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SuPz3u1kOQ)

2014-01-08, 01:10 PM
Whatever, but I have to say something that may be bad for you dudu:

From Libris Mortis (pg.35):
When using an undead monster class to create a character, you can ignore level adjustment. This is replaced by the character’s monster class level. (The level adjustment is, in effect, built into the monster class’s level progression.)

• Undead monster classes do not grant a character skill points
or Hit Dice at every level, nor do they grant a feat every three
levels. When a level grants skill points, a Hit Die, or a feat,
the gain is noted on the class table.

• All of the undead monster classes described here grant natural
armor bonuses. The table for each class gives the total natural
armor bonus the creature has at that level. Do not add these
bonuses together, as is done for ability score increases. These
natural armor bonuses stack with any natural armor bonuses
granted by the creature’s original race.

• A monster class does not impose an experience penalty for
multiclassing, as other classes do.

They don't get bonus feats, the feat she get at 1st and 4th level are the ones he would receive at 1st and 3rd level, which may cause Master of the Nine be hard to get.

2014-01-08, 01:20 PM
I like the sword idea a lot, and as I was LE perhaps a paladin took it and that paladin is the general who wanted to get rid of my tyrinacal rule?

2014-01-08, 01:28 PM
I like the sword idea too.
But it wouldn't be the Avenger, it would another sword of great power :xykon:

(Already creating more plotlines)

2014-01-08, 01:32 PM
Hey I already had some build ideas for some of my enemies, yea I know. This is how we are dealing with the problems we are now in shadows of the past.

2014-01-08, 01:51 PM
Not that much. Two of those feats are granted in the single level of cleric.

Improved Unarmed he gets from unarmed swordsage (he loses light armor proficiency, that he can get from other classes, like warblade).

That leaves dodge (argh) and adaptive style, that he would get anyway.

2014-01-08, 01:53 PM
You're welcome to give me ideas.

2014-01-08, 03:21 PM
My sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=756520)so far.

Zolthar, the Immortal (an inside joke, actually). He also answer for "Zolt", actually, he is more accostumed to Zolt than Zolthar.

Immortal since he is the last remainer (or so it is believed) of the elite guard of the temple, the immortals (unlike the persians, those were actually immortals).

The temples name, place, and details I'll elaborate later.

The mechanical changes in the build are. I switched 2 levels of mummy to 2 levels of warblade (gaining +2 bab in the process, plus maneuvers, skills and et cetera). I lost the Master of the Nine level, although I qualify for it, so I'll grab it when I reach lvl 10.

He has a +1 keen falchion, tonnes of strenght, fast healing 3 and some maneuvers to play. There are still 7000+ gp to spend, so I accept suggestions.

2014-01-08, 03:45 PM
ahhh perhaps make it adamantine? And buy a weapon crystal?

Christine Daae
2014-01-08, 04:10 PM
Thats only a tiny bit more strength then my drow silly. I thought you said tons of strength, and she is only level 11, 8 with level adjustment.If I chose her spells properly it would be a glorious battle. But yea that don't look like no stupid fighter. The con loss seemed to have hurt you more then helped you as well.

As for items, the greater energy crystals have some neat abilities I use one myself in another game.

2014-01-08, 05:42 PM
So does anyone have suggestions for feats? I already have the rest of the build planned out with finishing up MS (+8 levels) and then the last two I can not decide on. 2 more Malconvoker levels would help slightly, but not drastically. And archmage I have never seen a good use for any of its abilities.

2014-01-08, 06:58 PM
Oh, I can find a lot of uses for archmage abilities.

Arcane Reach is beautiful, since you can deliver touch spells in a 30ft range. But my favorite is Spelllike ability. You can basically trade a 5 level slot for a 9 lvl one. And everyone can find a use for 2 timestops per day.

Archmage is present in most of the top wizard builds for a reason.

2014-01-08, 07:12 PM
Thats only a tiny bit more strength then my drow silly. I thought you said tons of strength, and she is only level 11, 8 with level adjustment.If I chose her spells properly it would be a glorious battle. But yea that don't look like no stupid fighter. The con loss seemed to have hurt you more then helped you as well.

As for items, the greater energy crystals have some neat abilities I use one myself in another game.

I don't know. Immunities gallore may be worth it. He probably lost some valuable HP.

The REAL benefit though is that I am a tough looking mummy with a big falchion chillin on my back. And I'm playing a role usually occupied by other players, so this has bonus fun points for changing the pace.

2014-01-08, 08:47 PM
How do you get he bonus featat elvel 1? Not the one grantd by the flaw.

2014-01-08, 08:55 PM
9 level1 spells or 1 level 9 spell? Either way I don't see how.

2014-01-08, 09:03 PM
So hows your backstory coming Dudu?

Also I am working on that generals daughter right now that now has the sword:smallwink:

2014-01-08, 09:41 PM
The bonus feat is from being a human. The mummy is a monster class, but you use the benefits and drawbacks of the race as normal.

The backstory is evolving.

I'm thinking in an elite guard. A temple, or maybe a fortress. Those are the infamous immortals, the best warriors turned undead to serve and protect the temple/fortress/artifact.

After the temple/fortress was raided, the whole order dismantled. The immortals destroyed, all thanks to Allucard's almighty band/army/squad. Except for one...

Zolt is special. Not the awesome kind of special. Even though he is a mummy, he is unaware of his undead status. He simply thinks he is so, so healthy, that he lives centuries. He find it funny that he doesn't take a dump, for example, and miss having an erection, but he thinks those are merely drawbacks of being very very old.
The momment the raid happened, the immortals were falling one by one. The last of them, Zolt, fought bravely against many soldiers at once. Unlike the rest of the immortal, who were cold and silent, Zolt was vivid, shouting and swearing all the time. This amused Allucard and his followers, who simply led him stay there, with the victory and the artifact in their hands anyway.
Zolt believed that they were routing and that it was a partial victory, to be completed once he retrieved such artifact.

So, this is Zolt. A mummy, animated by negative energy, with it's soul trapped in a decayed body via unimaginable dark rituals... that thinks he is still living, and that the life is good, a drinking beer is good (it really does no effect on him anymore) and women are the best thing in life (he can't do a thing with them). Also unlike most immortals, he carry a sizeable falchion instead of the typical twin scimitars. Not because it's a better weapon, but because he thinks chicks dig that stuff.

Despite being goofy and naive in most aspects, he is a genius in battle. When alive, Zolt didn't fit the desirable archetype of superb, laconic, calm and cold warriors to join the immortals. However, such was his battle skill despite his goofiness that he was incorporated anyway.

An old scholar insist there's more than meets the eye. The good nature (including the goofyness) of Zolt implies a powerful and unknow force, strong enough to supersede the very nature of being undead and having your body and soul corrupted by dark arcane energy. The typical undead, at least the inteligent ones, has their eyes completely devoid by hope and some sort of contempt towards all the living beings. He believes this Zolt's quest to find the artifact may bring more interesting and fruitful outcomes than merely retrieving said item to the temple/fortress.

So, it's basically that for now. What do you think?

2014-01-08, 10:03 PM
Seem nice, will work on some stuff about your background and bring on some enemies and hooks :smallwink:

2014-01-08, 10:23 PM
Great so the devils want to kill me to advance up the totem poll. I got a mummy who will kill me once he gets his sword back. A demon that is just buying her time to gain her freedom and kill me. Paladin orders on my ass, The cult of Graz'zt.....The general if he ever found out I somehow livid. Dam this suck:smallcool:

2014-01-09, 05:02 AM
I don't think Zolt consider avenging or killing as much as simply retrieving the artifact.

Christine Daae
2014-01-09, 10:57 AM
Well I am going to use Lilith again, I believe I said this already, however this time I have a flaw open and have no idea what to spend it on. I was thinking of taking 2 paladin levels next to add cha to saves, gain lay on hands, smite good, and use smite to song or whatever it is called however thats still in a few levels. Are their any more feats as a level 3 bard I could take to improve Lilith's inspire courage?

I am thinking that Lilith is not per say a completely real person, but perhaps a aspect, why she is so weak at this stage, of the original Lilith, mother of monsters and demons. With the power she had amassed she had started a small cult to Graz'zt to make them work for her in raising to power but instead they betrayed her instead. She was about to be sacrificed so that Graz'zt could enter the material world when Alucard came and ruined the ritual. The high priestess tried to stop him so she could at least try to be able to completely the ritual again however she failed and since then Lilith has been traveling with Alucard in the disguise of a high ranking noble. A joke she and the imp he kept around had come into agreement on as he made the imp look like a child.

In her noble woman form Lilith has long flowing, wavy red hair, with emerald green eyes (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120726015107/thehungergames/images/9/9a/RedHairGreenEyes.jpg), and a pale complexion. Looks that could make a nymph cry, and only wears the finest of clothing (http://jp10.r0tt.com/l_a8ecd2c0-7bdd-11e2-8721-6de632c00010.jpg)and jewelry (http://info.hktdc.com/prodmag/jewell/jel200301pf01.jpg).

2014-01-09, 11:16 AM
I'll just change a few stuff in your backstory to adjust to some plotlines, ok?

You were a aspect of Lilith and was planning on making a bunch of Graz'zt cultist to revere you while they thought tehy would be reving Graz'zt (you tricked them).

Everything was fine, but a demon called Dante managed to trick both you and the cultists: the ritual was a little diferent than normal and, instead of creating a gate to summon Graz'zt to the Material Plane or to raise your power, it instead drawned almost all your power and transfered to a jewel he kept to himself.

He was about to do something on you and the cult when a hellish brigade kicked down the door screaming "Police!" and then he decided to leave and let live.

What he did to the gem alter or what he palns to do is a total mystery, but you know this Dante demon is a unique demon, apparently servant of Graz'zt, the Dark Prince, but who knows?

2014-01-09, 06:48 PM
I'm seriously considering switching Mobility and Elusive Target for Improved Sunder and Combat Brute.

The Sunder Cleave sounds interesting, as well the ability to x3 my power attack. All in one feat. I wonder if it stacks with leap attack for a frenzier bersekesque x4 on power attack.

2014-01-09, 08:45 PM
Power attack+battle jump+leap attack= a lot of damage. Frenzied berserk is amazing. My normal build stacks a bunch of different forms of rage until what you get is a strength and constitution in the 40s x times per day. I would be more then happy to share. Mind you rage, and rage like effects with no con means no rage. So you would have to be living. Perhaps a dragonborn warforged?

2014-01-09, 09:48 PM

+2Con, -2Wis, -2Cha

This is the only thing that carries over to a dragon born, so now lets look at a dragon born.


+2 Con, -2 Dex

Humanoid (dragonblooded)

-+2 Dodge bonus against dragons

-Immunity to Frightful Presence

Draconic Aspect (Choose one of 3)

-Heart (Su): A dragonborn who chooses heart as
her draconic aspect gains a breath weapon. The breath
weapon is a bright, shining line that coruscates with
every metallic color. The line’s length is 5 feet per Hit
Die the dragonborn has, up to a maximum of 100 feet at
20 HD. The breath weapon deals 1d8 points of damage,
plus an extra 1d8 points for each 3 HD the dragonborn
possesses (2d8 at 3 HD, 3d8 at 6 HD, and so on). The
damage can be acid, cold, electricity, or fi re, changing
on each use as the dragonborn chooses. A successful
Refl ex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dragonborn’s HD + her Con
modifi er) halves the damage. A dragonborn can use her
breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds.

-Mind (Ex): A dragonborn who selects the mind aspect
sharpens her senses, gaining immunity to paralysis and
magic sleep effects. She gains darkvision out to 30 feet and low-light vision, plus a +2 racial bonus on Listen,
Search, and Spot checks.
At 6 HD, the dragonborn’s darkvision extends to
60 feet.
At 9 HD, the dragonborn’s darkvision extends to 90
feet, and her low-light vision allows her to see three
times as far as a human in shadowy illumination.
At 12 HD, the dragonborn’s darkvision extends to
120 feet, and her low-light vision allows her to see four
times as far as a human in shadowy illumination.
At 15 HD, the dragonborn gains blindsense out to
30 feet.

-Wings (Ex): A dragonborn who selects the wings
aspect hatches sporting fully formed wings. Dragonborn
can use these wings to aid their jumps (granting a +10
racial bonus on Jump checks) and to glide. Those with
6 HD or more can use their wings to fl y.
Gliding: A dragonborn can use her wings to glide,
negating damage from a fall from any height and allowing
20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent.
Dragonborn glide at a speed of 30 feet with average
maneuverability. Even if a dragonborn’s maneuverability
improves, she can’t hover while gliding. A dragonborn
can’t glide while carrying a medium or heavy load.
If a dragonborn becomes unconscious or helpless while
in midair, her wings naturally unfurl, and powerful
ligaments stiffen them.

Automatic languages Common and draconic

2014-01-09, 10:58 PM
The point is to be a mummy. Just for the roleplay.

And I say no to rage. All those tricks just make me a character who will beat baddies for tonnes of damage and nothing else.
Having rage on me, as far as I know, forbids me to use my precious maneuvers. And itens. And everything else but attacking.

Zolt is supposed to be a capable fighter, not just strong. And mostly, a fun character to play. Frenzied Berserker is pretty fun for a couple of encounters, but gets old very fast. Zolt can develop different strategies for different battles thanks to his maneuvers and adaptive style.

I thank you for the advice, but I'm playing a mummy with a falchion. Plus, if we ever need more beatsticks, you can always summon one (two, actually).

2014-01-09, 11:05 PM
I was merely replying to your above post which mentioned frenzied berserk

Christine Daae
2014-01-10, 01:02 PM
That change is fine Chimaera:smallredface:

2014-01-10, 01:22 PM
Ok, I'll go travel in one hour and won't be using (much) the forum.
At 23th Jan I'll be fully back (I'll make two diferent trips).

So When I get back i'll have lots of ideas and will begin the game.

But I'll need more details on how Dantie/Christine met Dudu, etc.

2014-01-10, 01:35 PM
I have been kind of wondering that myself, he does not look the same. He is not even a big stupid warrior anymore. As far as I know there is no 0-1st level spell that is called know soul. So unless he literally said who he was no one would really know. Going to his old empire would show he died and the sword was missing but nothing more.

2014-01-10, 01:40 PM
Yeap, I'll need more stuff around Dudu's backstory.

Both Christine and Dantie have long backstories that'll help me a lot with plotline's hooks and enemies.

I guess since a mummy is really focused in protecting her tomb/treasure it won't be good to the game (granting only one hook, a single enemy etc).

If you can change that it will be ok, but if not maybe you should go with another undead class. :smallwink:

2014-01-10, 02:42 PM
Yeap, I'll need more stuff around Dudu's backstory.

Both Christine and Dantie have long backstories that'll help me a lot with plotline's hooks and enemies.

I guess since a mummy is really focused in protecting her tomb/treasure it won't be good to the game (granting only one hook, a single enemy etc).

If you can change that it will be ok, but if not maybe you should go with another undead class. :smallwink:


Zolt could be totally unaware of Alucard's past. But Locate Object is an actual spell, as is scry. Zolt merely joined because they are superficially seeking the same thing.
Alucard seeks the traitor while Zolt seeks the artifact this traitor holds.

I liked the idea of this unorthodox mummy too much. I think it'll be hilarious to see a mummy shouting "You'll pass only over my DEAD CORPSE!"- completely unaware he is already dead.

Actually, I think it's pretty easy to insert any character at this point of the game, since it didn't even start.

2014-01-10, 03:23 PM
BTW what's Christine's backstory?

I'm currently working in alternatives for the mummy. But I'm venturing through some exotic places, like Savage Species.

I'm keeping Zolt for now mostly for roleplaying reasons. But there's no doubt I could easily find a more powerhouse character than him.

Some alternatives include an unarmed swordsage anthropomorphic tiger (or maybe a weretiger) and a anthropomorphic crusader elephant (large size couple with spiked chains, maybe).

2014-01-10, 09:53 PM
I'll just change a few stuff in your backstory to adjust to some plotlines, ok?

You were a aspect of Lilith and was planning on making a bunch of Graz'zt cultist to revere you while they thought tehy would be reving Graz'zt (you tricked them).

Everything was fine, but a demon called Dante managed to trick both you and the cultists: the ritual was a little diferent than normal and, instead of creating a gate to summon Graz'zt to the Material Plane or to raise your power, it instead drawned almost all your power and transfered to a jewel he kept to himself.

He was about to do something on you and the cult when a hellish brigade kicked down the door screaming "Police!" and then he decided to leave and let live.

What he did to the gem alter or what he palns to do is a total mystery, but you know this Dante demon is a unique demon, apparently servant of Graz'zt, the Dark Prince, but who knows?

I am thinking that Lilith is not per say a completely real person, but perhaps a aspect, why she is so weak at this stage, of the original Lilith, mother of monsters and demons. With the power she had amassed she had started a small cult to Graz'zt to make them work for her in raising to power but instead they betrayed her instead. She was about to be sacrificed so that Graz'zt could enter the material world when Alucard came and ruined the ritual. The high priestess tried to stop him so she could at least try to be able to completely the ritual again however she failed and since then Lilith has been traveling with Alucard in the disguise of a high ranking noble. A joke she and the imp he kept around had come into agreement on as he made the imp look like a child.

In her noble woman form Lilith has long flowing, wavy red hair, with emerald green eyes, and a pale complexion. Looks that could make a nymph cry, and only wears the finest of clothing and jewelry.

Is what the two came up with

2014-01-10, 10:07 PM
I'm seriously considering creating new characters. Mostly, the big stupid fighter archetype is the only thing that remains.

One of the options is a feral goliath wielding a Goliath Greathammer. The combat brute feat stay. And I'll also keep a mix of warblade and swordsage again. With two templates, one acquired and the other from start, I'll have 8 char levels to work with.

The other two include antropomorphic animals. Mostly, one is a tiger and the other is a polar bear. They are quite the powerhouses, but those antropomorphic ones always slipped to the cheesy side imo.

2014-01-10, 10:24 PM
Its up to you what you play Dudu, just please stop calling it a big dump figther unless that is what it is lol.

2014-01-10, 10:38 PM
What exactly are you looking for from this character Dudu? Big dumb fighter can mean a lot of things.

Could he be a noble trained by his family in war?

An orc warchief that got beaten and thus no longer holds the title of chief?

A common soldier?

What makes him, him.

2014-01-10, 10:49 PM
There is a great orc nation in the game, just saying.

2014-01-10, 11:07 PM
Make no mistake, big stupid fighter is more about his role than actually being dumb.

But about the flavor, the goliath could be a very brutish guy. Few words, and the few ones he spit are harsh. I believe in a veteran warrior from a mountain clan. How he met Alucard is another issue. Typically, he could be an enemy of the frost giants.

A man like this goliath wouldn't join another being unless such being displayed a great deal ammount of strenght. The current party members, Allucard and Lilith aren't strong in the typical sense, but possess unnatural powers that might amaze the goliath even more than mere strenght.

I imagine this goliath as a bulking guy hailing from a place in permanent winter, wearing a heavy coat made of mammoth fur and wielding a tremendous sledgehammer. His skin is of a bluish gray and he has a generous white beard. His voice is thunderous and you can see feel a vibration due to the low frequency of the sound. He has tattos all over his body (like the Picts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picts))

Unlike the mummy, the goliath wouldn't be interested in retrieving artifacts. Revenge sounds like a better reason to start a quest.

2014-01-10, 11:16 PM
Idea: if he live in a mountain, not a cold mountain, he oculd be a member of a goliath tribe who got slaugtheered after the invasion at Dantie's kingdom: a massive horde of orcs from the Red Wastes invaded the mountainous keep and killed and pillaged everything.

That could be enough to put both the former king of that kingdom and the goliath survivor.

2014-01-11, 12:06 AM
Well prior to his rebirth he was a warlord tyrant who did lead his men into battle so he had to have a good deal of strength if you want to have them know each other before he died and became a hellbred.

Perhaps Alucard went seeking you out after he came back to life to see what happened to his kingdom, and explained what happened to him. Allies perhaps in the sense they had open trade and would defend one another while he ruled. Now with his city destroyed you have an enemy at your doorstep so helping him reclaim his empire would benefit your people. Thus he is using you to get his kingdom back, while you are using him to keep armies away. your people may not have a problem with war, or fighting. But why would they want to do it on their own land? They could instead have a wall protecting their land and they let the young who want to prove themselves work for that wall, thus getting their waunderlust and feats of strength tales to tell once again without danger to their own home and children.:smallsmile:

2014-01-12, 07:44 PM
Why not a cold mountain?

Plus, the Goliath could be one of the few true friends of old Allucard, considering he was a strong conqueror.

2014-01-12, 10:00 PM
That is fine by me Dudu, gives a better reason for him to seek out your character and ask for his help in remaking his kingdom. Also gives your goliath a reason to respect him, though he may look oddly at the man not being a warrior anymore on the front line.

2014-01-12, 10:33 PM
Could render some funny dialogue with a now squishy Allucard and a confused Goliath.

2014-01-12, 10:36 PM
Yes, yes it could.

Arn't you going to join the fun?

ME : Are you mad, thats how I became like this in the first place, send in the troops first. Kill whats left standing.
You : So you are going to kill yourself for standing? I will make sure I sit down.:smallbiggrin:

Christine Daae
2014-01-12, 11:00 PM
Hey what about me, I want some love, I can make deals with you and give you evil powers all for the price of your soul. I don't ask for much. Others would ask for your eternal damnation, minutes of your life, so on so forth. I just want your soul:smalltongue: And picking on a goliath I hope will be as much fun as picking on Logan was, though from what Dantie is telling me he wants me in constant wife disguise and his imp in constant child disguise. Oww the trouble we can cause.

2014-01-12, 11:14 PM
I don't know exactly how would be the interaction between the goliath - threrefore called Ron - and Lilith. The fact that she's a demon don't bother him so much as bothered Logan, a priest of Aumanoth.

Although he is not stupid, he is very simple and direct (think about the Qunari, of Dragon Age series). So he might not even catch most of Lilith subtleties, unlike Logan, who tried to respond acordingly.

2014-01-13, 01:15 AM
Wow it seems everyone I know plays dragon age as well, I am still kicking myself for not playing awakeing and 2 yet. Especially with inquisitor so close to coming out.

2014-01-13, 10:59 AM
Wow it seems everyone I know plays dragon age as well, I am still kicking myself for not playing awakeing and 2 yet. Especially with inquisitor so close to coming out.

I don't play it! :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-13, 11:07 AM
The first Dragon Age is worth it. The second one not so much.

2014-01-13, 11:22 AM
Did they ever touch up on the griffin riding Grey Wardens? As I thought that was a really cool twist. And Morgan's half dragon child, or what happens to Stern. I know the dwarf basically becomes a grey warden. Alistar dies or becomes king, or both depending on your choices. Then their is our lovely Leinal and everyone else.

Christine Daae
2014-01-14, 09:43 AM
So I will be able to tempt him and twist him to my will in time ok:smallbiggrin:

2014-01-15, 05:16 PM
So, Ron Winterborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=764177) is pretty much ready.

The DM said no to Savage Species book, which eliminates the Feral Template, along with the handy 3 fast healing and 6 natural armor.
Now Ron has a pathetic 17 armor and no fast healing. Which means we pretty much need a reliable source of healing now. And I really hope Allucard's summons take more hits than Ron.

He does have some way to control damage, though. 2 items, Healing Belt and Amulet of Tears help. A high con and the Revitalizing Strike maneuver. But that's it.

That said, he is the party beatstick. I still have 920gp, in case someone wants a wand.