View Full Version : Incarnate/Warblade Mock Cru-carnate

2014-01-08, 12:55 PM
I'm making an Incarnate/Warblade for a RL game of 3.5, going NG. What Crusader maneuvers and stances are recommended for this build, which is a mock-Crusader type build, since I don't like the whole randomness influence of Crusader.

2014-01-08, 01:24 PM
Pretty much anything from Devoted Spirit that uses a shield, heals, or does damage without a saving throw.

Martial Spirit and Thicket of Blades are exceptionally good.

2014-01-08, 01:34 PM
I'm looking at Crusader Strike at third level, when I grab my first Warblade level, Aura of Triumph when I grab Martial Stance, which is after Divine Surge, and a third Devoted Spirit Maneuver. My IL by 20 will be 13.5

Red Fel
2014-01-08, 01:35 PM
Basically, the only maneuvers that "define" Crusader are Devoted Spirit, since, apart from class features, Devoted Spirit is the only thing unique to Crusader.

That said, you'll want to decide if you want to use the more tank-esque aspects of Crusader, such as Thicket of Blades or Iron Guard's Glare (I wouldn't, since I find Iron Heart and Diamond Mind to be so much better in terms of most things) or whether you want to use the spot-healing tricks. I would go for those, if that's your game, because Devoted Spirit is, in my mind, one of the most effective forms of combat healing, if not the very most.

All that said, you're hurting yourself if you do more than a couple of them, since they require Martial Study, and sinking a bunch of feats into those will set you back.

So let's look at maneuvers. Vanguard Strike (Cru 1) is solid, and lasts well. Radiant Charge (Cru 5) is okay. Rallying Strike (Cru 6) is great. Strike of Righteous Vitality (Cru 9), however, is the win, although it requires an IL of 17.

In terms of stances, Thicket of Blades is considered the staple, and it's pretty good even if you're not a tank-type. (And as a Warblade, you're not.) Aura of Triumph is only good when facing a bunch of evil targets. Immortal Fortitude isn't so great, actually. However, I happen to think you can do better with your Iron Heart and Diamond Mind stances.

Honestly, you get such good stuff as a Warblade, it seems almost silly to be stealing stuff from Crusader.

2014-01-08, 01:41 PM
We have no healer, so spot healing, hence why I'm grabbing Crusader's Strike.

The character's a divine champion, hence DS maneuvers and stances.

Red Fel
2014-01-08, 01:49 PM
We have no healer, so spot healing, hence why I'm grabbing Crusader's Strike.

Okay. So let's say the first one you take is Crusader's Strike. Not bad. Divine Surge; okay. The damage is nice, but I think you could do better in Iron Heart. Aura of Triumph is... Well, it relies on you having a lot of melees in your party standing fairly close together. But it helps a bit.

Now, you say that by the end you'll have an IL of 13.5. That means that, if you have any feat slots left when you reach IL 11-12 (or if your DM allows feat retraining), you should take Rallying Strike. It makes Crusader's Strike look like pocket change. Larger range, more healing dice, higher bonus cap. Boom.

Piggy Knowles
2014-01-08, 05:39 PM
I'd go with Shield Block/Shield Counter, and take Ironsoul Forgemaster. That's a pretty nice way to end up with a defensive powerhouse.

2014-01-09, 12:45 PM
It's for a BEF campaign.

Build is as follows
Neutral Good Female Azurin Incarnate 2

Strength 12 7
Dexterity 8 19
Constitution 16 4, 8, 12, 16, 20
Appearance 18 11
Intelligence 14 15
Wisdom 8
Charisma 8

AC 15, Touch 9, Flatfooted 16

Fort +5
Reflex -1
Will +1

Base Attack Bonus +1

Incarnate Weapon (Warhammer 1d8+1 20/x3)

Cosmopolitan (BEF's new perform skill)
Sacred Vow

Third level I'm going Warblade and grabbing Martial Study (Crusader's Strike). Sixth level, Vow of Poverty, to ramp my AC into the Martian atmosphere.

It's low-moderate optimization.

Feats in Level order
1: Cosmopolitan
1: Sacred Vow
3: Martial Study (Crusader's Strike)
6: Vow of Poverty
9: Power Attack
12: Bonus Essentia
15: Martial Study (Divine Surge)
15 (Warblade 5): Martial Stance (Aura of Triumph)
18: Martial Study (???)