View Full Version : (Pf) reflufflizing the summoner

2014-01-08, 01:53 PM
Ok so I want to play a summoner but there is a lot of distrust of magic in this world. Magic is still very much a part of it in the world but the villagers have seen one to many Fizbans and hate even the word fireball. So my character will still be technically using magic but he is similar to the Orc meks from the war hammer 40 k universe. He is an inventor that is to dumb to realize that his inventions logically have no chance of working but because he believes it works (and a little magic he doesn't realize he is using) it works great. So I want his eidolon and summons to either be elementals (produced from his elemental agitator) other golem/clockwork/robotic like things, and I want to disguise his spell casting, even from himself if possible. (Aka he uses a growth hormone injection to cast enlarge person but it really is him casting the magic while waving a bit of metal and wood)

2014-01-08, 02:12 PM
If kind of depends how RAW it needs to be. You can Eschew Materials/Still Spell/Silent Spell all your spells, but by strict RAW that isn't enough to completely hide casting - it is assumed that there is some kind of ambient effect that gives it away by magic. Depends on DM though, seeing as that is a fairly hefty feat investment and metamagic level then your DM may be fine with it.

Or you could take two levels in the Dissident of Dawn (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/c-d/dawnflower-dissident) PrC. It is a little weird in that by RAW it advances any type of casting but requires you to have a divine spell. So there will be some hoop jumping to pull it off, and losing at least two levels of Eidolon progression might be out of the question for you.

Thirdly you could simply appeal to your DM to allow bluff/sleight of hand checks in the manner of the prestige class above to be made without entering the class, and then just pump your relevant skills.

Finally if you think you can swing some 3.5 options with your DM that opens things up a bit more. Conceal Spellcasting skill trick and Invisible Spell metamagic spring to mind.

There may be other options I've missed, but there are some to consider!

2014-01-08, 02:42 PM
Being an Aasimar would help with the entry-requirements I believe.
As for refluffing summoner, one way would be for them to be preternatural mechanics with evolutions representing their improvements and tinkering with their masterwork, while their summoning spells being quickly jury rigging an improvised automaton.
It's a bit of a stretch, but I like the flavour of the idea.

2014-01-08, 02:45 PM
HATES Fizban! hububufluff, preposterous! I show those snoody snoods! A bit of FLAIR should redeem their faith in my arcane brotherhood! I used to know the most wonderful spell... now how did it go again... let's see, a bit of bat guano...

2014-01-08, 02:56 PM
If kind of depends how RAW it needs to be. You can Eschew Materials/Still Spell/Silent Spell all your spells, but by strict RAW that isn't enough to completely hide casting - it is assumed that there is some kind of ambient effect that gives it away by magic.

Why hide casting? Just alter it a bit.
Since I don't want to run out of fuel; every time I get on my motorcycle, I say to myself "FINE-C, Fuel, Ignition, Neutral, Engine switch, Clutch". If I happen to say it out loud, in Latin, while holding a "repair manual", who's to say if it's a mnemonic device or magic?

Most spells are cast in one round. That's no more than six seconds of talking (or swearing at someone in curse words that your daddy taught you in a different language so you wouldn't get in trouble at school).

2014-01-08, 03:06 PM
Why hide casting? Just alter it a bit.
Since I don't want to run out of fuel; every time I get on my motorcycle, I say to myself "FINE-C, Fuel, Ignition, Neutral, Engine switch, Clutch". If I happen to say it out loud, in Latin, while holding a "repair manual", who's to say if it's a mnemonic device or magic?

Most spells are cast in one round. That's no more than six seconds of talking (or swearing at someone in curse words that your daddy taught you in a different language so you wouldn't get in trouble at school).

The OP doesn't need to hide his casting altogther; he just wants it to seem (both to observers and to the Summoner himself) like he's using technology, not magic. As a GM, I would allow this type of refluffing as a "special effect", with no feats or other mechanics needed. If the GM in this campaign disagrees, then a single custom feat, or a required number of skill ranks -- Craft (Pseudotech)? -- should make a decent compromise.

2014-01-08, 05:07 PM
Those last few comments I think really hit it on the head for my casting :-) I really don't care if enemy spell casters know I am casting it's more that I don't want my character to realize it and I don't want the average peasant to know it, and if the magic hunting warriors interrogate me I honestly say that I don't remember ever casting a magic spell. As for the fluff of summons that was commented I like those ideas as well but is there anything I can do rules wise to make my summons/eidolon more like a construct to reflect the whole automaton made on the fly?

Lastly oh FabulousFizban that made me smile even though that is exactly what brings out the torches and pitch forks each time a wizard comes to town.

2014-01-08, 10:18 PM
Those last few comments I think really hit it on the head for my casting :-) I really don't care if enemy spell casters know I am casting it's more that I don't want my character to realize it and I don't want the average peasant to know it, and if the magic hunting warriors interrogate me I honestly say that I don't remember ever casting a magic spell.

A couple Tiefling variants qualify, both Demon Spawn and Div Spawn have -2 INT and +2 CHA (with either + STR or +DEX).
Nagaji and Suli get +STR, -INT, +CHA
Orcs have -2 INT, but also -2 CHA, so we'll skip them...

As for the fluff of summons that was commented I like those ideas as well but is there anything I can do rules wise to make my summons/eidolon more like a construct to reflect the whole automaton made on the fly?

Well, they can LOOK however you want:
"The eidolon’s physical appearance is up to the summoner, but it always appears as some sort of fantastical creature."

And a LOT of the abilities can be refluffed with minimal bother (which is quite encouraged by the whole "build your own eidolon" thing anyway)
Natural Armor? Heavy Armor Plates
Web? It shoots nets (think Spider-Man webshooters)
Tentacle? It's not a 'tentacle' it's a steel cable

Unnatural Aura is a quick 1-point way to say "something ain't normal about this..."

Be sure to take 'construct' type traits, like extra Natural Armor, and maybe DR.
Don't take things like 'Shadow Blend', or 'Incorporeal Form'.

2014-01-08, 10:25 PM
Evolutionist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/archetypes/paizo---summoner-archetypes/evolutionist) replaces some abilities which mostly look rather magical. Also you can pull an all-nighter to alter your eidolon if necessary.