View Full Version : TES 4E1- Elder Scrolls, The 4th Era Dawns

2014-01-08, 02:00 PM
Dawn of the 4th Era.

A few months ago, everyone thought it was the end of the world.. and they were almost right. The Emperor was assassinated by a crazed cult of Daedra worshippers, and their foul lord launched an invasion upon all of Tamriel, sending his demonic legions forth to crush all opposition and conquer all the land. Just in time, though, a mighty hero arose to stop him. This hero, working with the last heir to the throne, was able to send Mehrunes Dagon back to the hell that spawned him and seal shut the gates to Oblivion forever.
Alas, the new would-be Emperor died in the process, and now the empire, already in political shambles, is starting to crumble all the faster with no leader to hold it together.

Most of the people of Tamriel don't even know what was behind the oblivion gates popping up all over the place, and fewer still know why they suddenly all closed. Various people are naturally taking credit for it in isolated areas, and some are even openly blaming the Empire for it's lack of response to the whole situation.

The Imperial Council has been searching for a new Emperor for weeks now, and so far has had no luck whatsoever. Indeed, the more they squabble over it, the more it appears that the Empire may dissolve at any time. High Chancellor Ocato has an idea, though. It's a bit odd, and risky, but the way he sees it, things probably couldn't be made any worse for trying.

You guys have been rotting in jail for weeks. Today you're about to get a visitor.

The heavy outer door to the cell block opens, and you can hear heavy ironclad footsteps coming down the stairs. Soon two Legion Guards are standing before your cells, demanding your attention. Once they have it, they just stand there in silence. A moment later, more footsteps can be heard, along with voices.

"Are you really sure about this? It's not too late to change your mind. I mean, come ON, they're just prisoners."

"Have you forgotten already that we owe our lives to a prisoner? That were it not for the heroic deeds of one who was "just a prisoner" we wouldn't even be here to argue about it? Yes, it's a desperate plan, but I like the odds."

A moment later they come around the corner and into view. One is an Imperial Palace guard, judging by the look of his fancy armor. The other is an Altmer dressed in nice finery of red & orange. The latter addresses you.

"Hello. As you all are surely aware, the Empire has experienced some difficulties of late. To tell the truth, while we put forth a brave front, things are worse than we like to admit. We do have some plans, but there are some complications.
During the crisis, the Temple of the Ancestor Moths was besieged by daedra, and most of the more able-bodied monks were killed. This has severely limited our ability to consult the Elder Scrolls for guidance. We must read those scrolls.
No, don't worry; I'm not suggesting that you should become Ancestor monks. I fear that we don't have that much time.

It's not common knowledge, but the Dwemer of old were able to read the scrolls with their wondrous machines. About 4 or 5 years ago, some researchers at Arningthand, which I couldn't possibly spell if my life depended on it, found some curious objects. Among the usual old relics was a puzzle box, which was actually a key. The Neravarine himself explored the ruins extensively, but due to a collapse he wasn't able to explore it all. Well, it turns out that a reshuffling of the puzzle box eventually revealed a new key, and after some digging, a new door was found which that key fit. The new section was explored and looted, but the only really noteworthy item recovered was one of the old Elder Scroll deciphering devices.

After that, we ran into some problems.

The device was incomplete, lacking a vital lens, and then it was taken by daedra!

This is where you come in. We need someone to go back to Arningthand and retrieve the ocular lens from the old telescope, which we've deduced also fits the device. Simple enough.
Then we need the device to be recovered.
Not so simple.
The daedra who took the device were tracked to Asharnakkabibbi, an old Daedric temple high in the Valus Mountains bordering Cyrodiil and Morrowind. Our scout reports no sign of any daedra, but their worshippers are there in force.

So, my proposal-- will you accept release from this dungeon, go to Arningthand and Asharnakkibibbi, and bring back the complete dwemer device? You'll be pardoned, paid well, and equipped. Tamriel needs you! Will you help in this dark hour?"

2014-01-08, 05:35 PM
Mogh will speak in This.

"I might be willing to help, but I have a few requests: 1) I would like a blanket pardon for any acts that are required to be performed in order to complete the assignment. 2) I would like to requisition some yarn. 3) I would like to have maps and other material that relates to the quest location if any have been produced, I will accept copies. 4) I would like a guarantee that if I don't get blamed if having successfully completed the quest and things go borked. 5) I would like to be well paid and have transportation provided for to Vvardenfell and Seyda Neen. 6) I humbly request a map of Vvardenfell. 7) I would like to receive some kind of recompense for after the quest.

What do you say?"

2014-01-08, 06:10 PM
"Well, most of those things are acceptable, and indeed were part of the deal all along. The only thing I can't grant is blanket immunity from crimes not yet committed. I would hope that you could rise above your base criminal nature and do the right thing, at least this once."

2014-01-08, 06:10 PM
T'erden has gotten up at the guardsmens' insistence. He has to bend over just a little to stand up in the cramped cell. "You know what? I think I'll stay here." He pauses for a moment, then flexes his neck. "Nah, just kidding of course. It's been a nice stay and all, but I suspect leaving will be even nicer. No offence to you guys." He smiles broadly at the unflinching guardsmen. His theeth are a strikingly white contrast on his face. He looks a little hungry while doing so, although that probably isn't very hard to manage, considering how the prisoners have been treated so far.

He looks back to the altmer.
"An exact amount of payment and the precise terms of our agreement might be nice to jut down before we close the deal, though."

He casts a loaded glance at the lock on his cell. "Or open the deal, as the case may be."

2014-01-08, 06:15 PM
Teal will be my colour of choice.

I'm not in so demanding as my companion apparently is. Being pardoned will be sufficient reward all in itself, but if we are to acomplish anything we will require equipment. Will you provide us with at least basic arms and armour?

2014-01-08, 06:31 PM
"I am not looking for immunity for all crimes, just those that are required and can be proven to be so in order to complete our mission. If the crime is not required to complete the mission, I don't expect to receive any pardon or immunity for it and understand. Otherwise, I would be willing, since I recognize that it would be far easier to just ask one of the legion forts on Vvardenfell to provide troops to complete the mission, meaning that we are either a ragtag band of misfits and the troops failed or we are expendable and you expect us to die.

As for doing the right thing, I see that fulfilling all my contracts without any complications caused by the government. After all, a Khajiit is only as good his word, and I am flexible with my words. Besides, the guards are not great cooks and rat is not so tasty, so I would like to go elsewhere." Mogh says to the altmer.

2014-01-08, 06:57 PM
Durok rose to his feet at the guard's insistence, his muscled, dark-green body wasn't in the best condition from being in a prison for two weeks but he is still an intimidating sight which is improved by his large tusks and the small bone spikes sticking out above his eyebrows.

When the Altmer explained his offer, the large Orc and replied with his deep voice, "So we're to go into a Dwemer ruin and find an ancient lens, then go to a mountain and beat the crap out of some cultists in exchange for freedom and money?" He paused for a moment then let out a good laugh, once he was finished he spoke again with excitement in his voice, "That sounds like something I would do even if I wasn't in chains, so get me out of them, give me a good meal, and give me my steel armour and warhammer back, then I'll fetch your lens and smash in the heads of those cultists."

2014-01-09, 02:18 PM
I must admit that there is another small complication. The Imperial Treasury is a bit..er...inaccessible at the moment, but that should be cleared up in a week or so. As such, I'm forced to pay for this operation out of my own pocket. My pockets aren't as deep as one might expect, either.
I'll be able to give you each an advance of 100 Septims up front, and another 300 for for your group as a whole, which should be far more than enough to cover your expenses. You can keep the change. Ha!
By the time you return I should have plenty of funds available again, and you'll each be paid another 500 Septims for your trouble.

That sounds suspicious, doesn't it? *sigh* Very well, I'll admit it; the Council and I don't see eye to eye on this, and they refuse to fund the operation. I have a plan, though, which should resolve that situation, along with a few others. If you come back successful, they'll have to agree that you should be paid, even if the rest of my plan doesn't go smoothly.

By the way, while you're out and about, keep an eye peeled for anyone who might make a good candidate for Emperor! HAHAHAHA!!"

As for "necessary crimes," I suppose that things don't always go according to plan. Please excersize discretion."

That 300 is for all travel fares like boats and silt striders, for a wagon and a horse of you want one ( not compatible with riding silt striders ) for backpacks, food, camping equipment, temple healing... you know, group stuff.
The other 100 is for your own personal equipment. Potions, spells, armor, a weapon.. whatever you can afford. Spend it wisely. Your first stop will be the market district.

2014-01-09, 03:01 PM
Mogh smiled. "This should do quite nicely, friend. Could we get your name? In case we need to contact you?" He asks politely.

(Cue Noise and Journal Opening, unless we are not using them, in which case ignore this)

Quest: Retrieve a Dwemer Lens and the Dwemer Reader from the Daedra. (Make this your active quest? Yes. Alright, it is your active quest)

2014-01-09, 03:12 PM

"And where should we meet with you should we succeed at our task?"

2014-01-09, 11:25 PM
"Me? Oh! I am Chancellor Ocato, your humble servant. You may find me at the Imperial Palace at almost any time. Just tell the guards... hmmm.. give them the password of.. "occulus." Oh, how exciting! I love passwords.

GUARD! Release these men immediately, and show them the way to the Market District. Take them to the Office of Imperial Commerce.

Men, when you get to the office in question, tell the Clerk there, Vinincia, that you're the men I sent. Having the guard there with you should convince her that you're the right men. She'll disburse your money to you."

2014-01-09, 11:51 PM
Durok grinned as the Guard removed the manacles keeping him chained to the wall, he rubbed his wrists while saying to himself, "It's good to be out of these chains." He then looked to the guard and asked, "Now where did you guards put my things? I want to get back into my armour."

2014-01-10, 12:31 AM
Mogh smiles as he holds his hands out to the guard. "This will be quite a lot of fun. So, lead on guardsman, take us to our destiny." Mogh says. He studies the others before smiling back at the guard.

2014-01-10, 05:01 AM
"Your armor? Oh... no one told you, I see. I'm afraid we had a bit of trouble with thieves. The fetchers actually snuck in here and stole everything in the evidence & property lockers. It happens every now and then. The funny thing is... it almost always comes right back in a week or two. The Gray Fox is behind it all, I just KNOW it. I think he only does it to taunt us.
Well, sorry about that. You'll just have to buy some more with the money the Chancellor is giving you. By the time you get back, your stuff will possibly be back here again, safe & sound and waiting for you.

Alright, men, let's move out!"

2014-01-10, 06:03 AM
Durok glared at the guard as he spoke about what happened to his belongings, after the guard finished Durok continued to glare for a moment until he angrily said, "Fine, let's go."

2014-01-10, 06:41 AM
Damn. He'd really like that sword, too. "I suppose you thief got away with my claymore as well? That's quite a load of imperial property to walk away with unseen, is it not? Must be a dreadful blotch on your reputation." T'erden paused, for a moment, seemingly considering this with a grin. "No matter. There's not much sense in getting attached to a slab of iron anyway. Do lead on."

2014-01-10, 11:00 AM
Oh well, there wasn't anything there that could not be easily replaced. So, let us go to the marketplace and beyond!

2014-01-10, 02:08 PM
And off you go.

As it turns out, it's not that far a walk. You leave the cellblock, go through the lobby, and out the front door to sunshine and fresh air. Up some steps and through the gate, and you're on a big bridge giving you a commanding view of the nearby countryside and lake. Another big gate on the other end, and voila! You enter the bustling Market District. There are plenty of people of all sorts standing around chatting, and others are scurrying from shop to shop. Eventually you find yourselves at the Office of imperial Commerce, and once inside, an elderly Imperial woman looks less than pleased to see you.

"Madam," says your escort, "these are the men the Chancellor sent."

"Oh. Right then. Okay you lot, line up then, let's be orderly about this. Now... first is the documents package. Maps, writs, that sort of thing. Which of you is to be in charge of that? Fine, here you go... Next comes 300 septims for your group as a whole, and 100 more for each of you... here you go.... don't spend it all in one place. Speaking of places, here's a little pamphlet for you, outlining all the local merchants and the types of wares they offer.
Good luck, gentlemen!"

She gave you a flyer listing the vendors:

Slash 'n Smash-- weapons
A Fighting Chance-- weapons & smithing
Stonewell Shields-- shields
The Best Defense-- Armor
Edgar's Discount Spells-- spells
The Mystic Emporium-- Spells, scrolls, and magical supplies
The Gilded Carafe-- Alchemical supplies & potions
The Main Ingredient-- Alchemical supplies & potions
The Copious Coinpurse-- General goods
Jensine's "Good As New" Emporium-- general goods
Three Brothers Trade Goods-- general goods & furnishings
Red Diamond Jewelry-- jewelry
Divine Elegance-- fine clothing
The Feed Bag-- food & groceries
The First Edition-- books
Rindir's Staffs-- magical staves & trinkets, robes, shoes
The Merchant's Inn-- Inn & Tavern
Chestnut Handy Stables--livery and wagons

2014-01-10, 03:48 PM
T'erden were not one to step forward to recieve care of the maps. Those things were vastly overrated anyway, in his opinion. He silently recieved his funds, then stepped aside to wait for his brand new companions. He nodded to the woman as he did so. "Thank you ma'am"
He studies the phamplet briefly, noting the Slash 'n Smash and the Fighting Chance. After his new companions recieved their funds, he adressed them with a somewhat ironical grin.
"Hello, my fellow band of murderers, thieves and rascals. I'm T'erden, who are you?"

2014-01-10, 03:49 PM
"I... Don't address me like that! I was imprisoned due to a mistake!
Nonetheless, the name's Fennachis, but you can call me Fenn."

2014-01-10, 04:19 PM
The Orc silently took the money and the flyer, when the Redguard asked for names he replied, "I am Durok gro-Bulgrum." He looked at the flyer again and said, "Where do you all want to meet up after we finish shopping?"

2014-01-10, 06:56 PM

"I am Agrane, and I suppose I'll take those papers." he says, holding his hand out for them. "Thank you."

"We can meet at the tavern after we have finished our transactions. So, the Merchant's Inn." After this has been sorted out, Agrane will go off shopping.

Shopping list:
Blue Robes 5g
Gloves 1g
Cowl 1g
Boots 3g
Novice Mortar & Pestile 25g
Novice Calcinator 50g
Iron Dagger 6g

Also, if I can haggle with Smooth Talk, I'd like to try and do that. [roll0] vs 7
And after shopping, I'd also like to look around for some ingredients. Not sure if there are any modifiers or anything, but here's the roll: [roll1] vs 15

2014-01-10, 07:04 PM
Mogh smiled when he received his money. He regards the others before taking a bow. "Master Mogh at your service, Khajiit Thief, Highwayman, and Noble. Skilled in redirecting possessions, wealth, and various objects. Skilled in getting into places and getting out, as well as following people around without their knowing." He informs the others.

Mogh takes note of all the shops and plans to visit the Inn and Stables last. He makes a plan to get the prices for the various objects that he is looking for and to make the most of his purchases from buying each object individually at the cheapest price he can find.

Objects on Mogh's shopping list: Armor, Weapons, Food, Potions, Potion Ingredients, Potion Making gear, Useful objects, Spells. After acquiring everything he can, he then plans to visit the Inns and trawl for rumors.

He won't visit the shop for shields, Stonewall Shields; and he won't visit Divine Elegance since it will be expensive. He is planning to take his time shopping, probably spend nearly the entire day doing so.

He studies the pamphlet, then starts making some plans. He glances at the others. "It should take me some time to finish my shopping. May I suggest we meet at The Merchant's Inn?" He asks. (OOC, Do we have an Equipment(Weapons/Armor)/Spells/Items price list somewhere?)

2014-01-10, 08:36 PM
First of all, remember that we chopped the weights of weapons and armors in half. With the writ you have from Chancellor Ocato, you also get a one-time discount on these items of 50%!! A nice little perk he saved for a surprise.

You can use these tables:
Weapons-- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Battle_Axe#Battle_Axes
Armor-- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Chainmail_Boots#Chainmail_Boots

Misc items-- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Miscellaneous_Items

potions-- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Potions

Edgar's spells-- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Edgar_Vautrine#Spells

Mystic emporium spells-- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Calindil#Spells

Foodstuffs are all 1 septim each. Non-food ingredients are all 2 each.

Ouch, bad rolls, Psylulz. However, you can still find 16 Fly Amantia mushrooms since they're all over the marketplace, and Sacred Lotus flowers are plentiful in the ditches, where you find 11 of them in good enough shape.

2014-01-10, 09:03 PM
Mogh's shopping list

Fur Armor Set: (it was 21.5) 22g (The individual pieces are in the armor link you give us that goes to the wiki)
Iron Shortsword: 5g
Iron Bow: 6g
Arrows, Iron x18: 9g
Novice Mortar & Pestle: 13g
Protect Spell: 5g
Minor Life Detection Spell: 8g
Ease Burden Spell: 18g
Snowball Spell: 11g

Total Gold Spent: 97

Mogh will search through the marketplace for any unintended or non-owned containers then examine their contents. He will first search through the marketplace for any ingredients he can find.

Ingredient searching:

1 [roll0]
2 [roll1]
3 [roll2]
4 [roll3]
5 [roll4]
6 [roll5]
7 [roll6]
8 [roll7]
9 [roll8]

Container searching (not sure what this skill would be or if there would be one)(I will add in once I found out.

2014-01-10, 09:21 PM
Durok nodded at the suggestion of meeting at the Merchant's Inn then went to The Best Defence, with the writ that Chancellor Ocato he was barely able to get a full set of iron armour, with his remaining coins he went to the Slash and Smash to get an Iron War-axe since he didn't have enough coin to get anything bigger.

With his new armour equipped and his axe attached to his belt he went into The Merchants inn to meet up with the group.

Since helmets have no mechanical value I'm going to assume that we don't have to buy them, if we have to...then I have no weapon and will have to punch our first enemy to death and take his weapon.

Also can we keep the OOC chatter in spoilers?

2014-01-11, 01:29 AM
You're right about the helmets. They aren't needed. The best use for them is something to enchant.

Alchemy->Identify is the roll you make to find ingredients under normal circumstances. In fish-in-a-barrel circumstances like the Market District, though, success is almost automatic.
If you sort through the barrels sitting around in the commons areas, you'll find a grand total of:

6 loaves of bread
3 pears
2 apples
3 shanks of mutton
4 bunches of grapes
8 lbs of rice
4 lbs of flour
5 onions
3 oranges
2 cuts of beef
2 cloves of garlic
5 potatoes
2 heads of lettuce
2 carrots
4 wedges of cheese
1 cheese wheel
6 ears of corn
1 gingko leaf

Divide them up amongst yourselves as you see fit.

You guys get several looks of derision from nearby passersby, but no one says anything. Beggars are always scurrying about this area, looking for scraps, and the locals are accustomed to it. They seem content enough to ignore it.
The city watchmen pay close attention, but since they know who you are and what you're about, they're also happy to ignore you. There's no law against rummaging through the trash, after all.
( rumor has it that the city actually pays the local merchants a small stipend to toss out still-useful stuff every few days just to keep the beggars from pestering everyone, but no one has ever confirmed or denied it )

Every now and then you hear a barker telling everyone to pick up a copy of the new Black Horse Courier, and little groups occasionally sing that catchy new song, "The Fall of Dagon." Beggars beg in between joining in the conversations of others, and what conversations! In short order you hear all sorts of crazy stuff, like Black Marsh is about to secede from the Empire, the city of Ald'hrun in Morrowind was nearly destroyed in the invasion, and that the Champion of Cyrodiil is off chasing after some huge vampire cult. You also hear that some group of Altmer in the Summurset Isles are claiming that they stopped the Oblivion invasion and closed all the gates, that there is so much infighting within the Mage's Guild that it might disband, and that Vivec was taken away by daedra during the invasion. These are just a few of the wacky things people are saying these days. Who can say if any of them are even halfway true, but if they are, then dark times surely lie ahead.

2014-01-11, 01:36 AM
After making his purchases (Mogh will try to pick up a lockpick) and loading up he found in the barrels, Mogh go to the Inn and join his companions. He will share off his barrel findings, since what he found can be used for making potions.

Mogh will place his findings on the table saying, "I found this while exploring the market." He will say.

OOC: I assume that I was the only one searching the barrels or was others doing the same since I don't see any sign of anyone else doing so.

2014-01-11, 08:11 AM
T'erden was so astonished at the discount e was getting that he wasn't even trying to haggle, something he'd normally have been doing with great enthusiasm. As it was, he merely hurried through the Slash and Smash, and made a quick visit in The Best Defence before he went looking for the inn.

When he returned to the inn, he was wearing a suit of boiled leather armor that left is arms and head exposed, and there was a heavy steel sword hanging across his back.

2014-01-11, 08:14 AM
Fenn's Shopping List:
Iron Longsword|20|80
Leather Armor Set (no shield or helm)|65|15
4x Loaf of Bread|4|11
1x Cheese Wheel|1|10
5x Dried Meat|5|5
Flint and Steel|??|??[/table]

After a quick trip to everywhere he needed to go, he headed towards the Inn.

That's... nice. What does this mean that you found it... These are some leftovers, aren't they? That's gross...

2014-01-11, 09:22 AM
Hours later, you all rendezvous at the Merchant's Inn. The guard who has been watching over you all day asks you to decide between heading out at once or getting some rooms and getting some sleep. He asks because a caravan is leaving for Leyawiin in about a half hour, and if you leave now you can be on a fast boat to Seyda Neen by midnight.

2014-01-11, 09:57 AM
I'd rather we departed immediately. The faster we leave the faster we can be done with all of this. We can get some sleep on the boat.

2014-01-11, 01:35 PM
Mogh smiled. "I found it in various barrels. I ate the leftovers, since I didn't like you would have wanted them. I say we rest on the boat and get on our way." Mogh says.

2014-01-11, 01:48 PM
Soo... it's stolen... I don't like that either...

2014-01-11, 02:05 PM
Mogh shrugs. "The barrels didn't belong to anyone and looked to be material discarded by the shops available for anyone to take. I merely helped myself to some of the goods since I thought it would be nice having more ingredients for making potions. I need to do some practicing and having more ingredients helps. Ask the guard if they are actually stolen, he will say no."

2014-01-11, 02:10 PM
Whatever, I won't eat it.

2014-01-11, 02:12 PM
Alright then, I will just have potion ingredients to use.

2014-01-11, 02:38 PM
T'erden was of a more practical mindset.

"I'll eat it. It doesn't look to have spoiled. Does someone know how to cook, though? My skills may be many and diverse..." He wagged his eyebrows suggestively "But cooking is not among them, sadly. I may not be especially picky, but I'm not eating flour and rice without something done about them first."

At the guard's approach, T'erden agreed emphatically, like most of the others. "Yes, let's be off as soon as possible."

2014-01-11, 04:20 PM
Durok frowned as the guard spoke about travelling by ship and said, "Must we travel by ship? I know they are faster than walking but they are dull and it would be talking the long way around while on foot we could take a shorter and more exciting path on foot. Also why would we need to travel to Leyawiin for a ship? There's bound to be a few here in the Imperial City."

2014-01-11, 04:42 PM
The guard tries, but he can't quite keep the look of bemusement off of his face.

"This is a one-way trip. The boat trip, I mean. You'll be on your own getting back, and that will be on foot since you'll be coming back over the mountains to reach the daedric shrine. Taking a caravan down to Leyawiin to meet a boat is a lot faster than waiting for that boat to come up the Niben to the Imperial City.
The caravan is across the lake bridge, at Weye. If you get going, you can make it with time enough to get a good seat."

2014-01-11, 06:32 PM
Mogh chuckles. "I would like to have a good seat, with a view."

2014-01-11, 07:03 PM

"I suppose these are passable ingredients for some sort of meal. Although I could transform these into potions if that is more beneficial. You seem interested in learning the alchemical arts, khajiit."

2014-01-11, 08:48 PM
Mogh nods. "I wish to learn how to make potions and poisons. A cat in my line of work needs to keep his options open."

2014-01-13, 01:07 AM
Durok shot the amused guard a fierce glare before looking to the others and grumpily saying, "Fine, let's go on the boring boat-ride, hopefully we'll get a fight on the way there, it's been too long since I've had a good fight."

2014-01-13, 07:56 AM

"Yes, options are never a bad thing. If you require assistance with anything alchemical, I'd be happy to help. I used to teach this kind of thing. Well, that was until prison, obviously."

2014-01-13, 07:12 PM
"Well, either way. You should get going if you're going. Walk, ride, swim, whatever. Just...whatever you do, by the Nine, stay on the roads. We've had sightings, you see. The daedra."

2014-01-13, 08:00 PM
"I am interested in making my own healing potions and as well as poisons. We may encounter bandits. Not Highwaymen though, we are more polite company.

(To the Guard)Have you ever seen a daedra? Do you know what they smell like? Has there been sightings of anything else on the roads?"

Mogh heads off towards the boat in the city we need to go to after he hears the guard's reply.

2014-01-13, 08:31 PM
"Aye, I've see them. I was in the Temple District on that terrible day. I haven't gotten much sleep since.
After the Oblivion gates all closed, there were still a lot of daedra trapped on our side of it. They're still causing a lot of trouble, which is why most folks travel in caravans lately if they have any sense.
Some of the more advanced daedra, the dremoras I think they're called, have ceased most hostilities. The lesser ones, though, well... they're just too stupid to realize the war is over, I think. They attack everyone in sight. To tell you the truth, that's mainly why Chancellor Ocato is sending you on this mission. The Legion is too busy trying to clean up that mess. The Morrowind mainland is reportedly overrun with them, which is why we felt it was wiser to send you there by boat."

2014-01-13, 09:00 PM
Durok grinned at the thought of Daedra still in this world and said, "They're still here? Good, I was hoping I could fight more of them."

2014-01-14, 10:55 AM
"Perhaps we had best be on our way to the caravan? I do not doubt we will see combat in our travels, Durok."

If the rest of the group does not disagree, T'erden will begin to gather his stuff and leave for their destination.

2014-01-14, 04:42 PM
Moving right along....

You cross the bridge over Lake Rumare and reach Weye, where a caravan is loading up and unloading. It looks like mud and stones have been brought up to help repair the streets of the City, and a few men are taking them off of the caravan wagons and loading them onto carts for the trip across the bridge.

Over beside the inn, a shady looking fellow in a black robe is checking you out, and not being sneaky about it. He gives Mogh a slight beckoning nod.

Other caravan workers are busy taking supplies into the Wawnet Inn, while others offer to help you load your stuff into the wagons.

2014-01-14, 04:47 PM

"I don't need any help with that, thank you."

He then instead proceeds to help the workers, so that the packing and unpacking may go quicker and they might be on their way a little faster.

2014-01-14, 06:00 PM
Mogh returns the head bob, figuring few beings would salute such a dangerous criminal like him. He carefully slinks off to see what this mysterious black robed figure has to say, and stealthily draws his blade and has it ready in case he needs it.

Sneaksie Roll [roll0] to avoid notice from others, as well as one for drawing his weapon and having it ready [roll1]

Mogh will find out what the figure wants and then return to the others.

2014-01-14, 11:51 PM
"I see you walk in shadows, friend. You wouldn't happen to need a few things, would you? Lockpicks, probes, that sort of thing? I've got 'em cheap."

OOC- When you make your rolls, EXCEPT DURING COMBAT, you take your bonus and apply it to your roll as a negative. The idea is to roll your target number or below, so a bonus would serve to lower the number you rolled, see? In combat the opposite is true. In the example above, Mogh's +10's would have been -10's.

"Oh! Hey, much obliged," says the caravaner closest to Fenn.

2014-01-14, 11:54 PM
"I would be interested in acquiring some lockpicks, though I can afford only one at this time. Perhaps you need some kind of work taken care of or perhaps a job needs doing? I am rather skilled after all. Perhaps a package deliver to someone in Vvardenfell? I am heading that way and should be there after a few days."

2014-01-14, 11:58 PM
"Hmmm... that's a nice offer, but I don't know anyone in Morrowind. Tell ya what, though; I'll let you have three picks and a probe for only 1 septim. That's a good deal, right? Maybe someday you can repay me the favor somehow."

2014-01-15, 12:12 AM
"That is a generous offer, is there some kind of particular kind of objects that interest you that I can repay you with? Perhaps gems or books or staves or rings or Daedra hearts? I am sure I can acquire something." Mogh hands over the money with an extra septim as a tip.

2014-01-15, 01:12 PM
"Hmmmm... yes, as a matter of fact. I seek-- The Eye of Argonia!

Heehee..nah, just kidding. I'd take it if you really found it, of course, but I was thinking more along the lines of later assistance with a future project. You and your friends look a little green, but I'd suspect a trip to Vvardenfell and back might season you a bit, and if it does, I may have need of you."

2014-01-16, 11:59 AM
T'erden was happy to be back on a caravan.

"I'll help with the packing. I must admit it's good to be here; I wasn't expecting to see much of anything again a few days back."

He hummed an uplifting tune that he'd sung in he last bar he visited. It was obvious that he'd have a pleasant singing voice if he began doing it in earnest.

2014-01-16, 05:50 PM
"Well, that's some mighty fine singing, there," remarks a caravaner. "Maybe this trip will be a little more entertaining than usual. Of course, it looks to me like you might enjoy our usual brand of entertainment, especially in a few spots where we tend to run into trouble."

2014-01-16, 06:02 PM
"Attacks by Daedra? What usual entertainment do you have? What kind of trouble do you usually end up in? Angry milk maids?"

2014-01-16, 10:19 PM
While waiting for the caravan to get ready Durok stood a small bit away from the people and made some practice swings and chops with his axe, at the mention of trouble he turned to the caravaner who spoke and asked, "What kind of trouble? Bandits? Ogres? Daedra?"

2014-01-17, 12:03 AM
"Well, not ogres so much, since they like to stay away from the roads, but bandits and daedra? Oh yes! We'll be running across some of those for sure, especially when we get near Vindasel. Conjurers lurk there, and they summon up all sorts of things. The funny thing is that some of the daedra are apparently not under the control of the conjurers. I guess they haven't heard about Ceyetatar.
Oh, right, Ceyetatar... I'm not sure what's going on there, but there are a LOT of daedra hanging around that place lately. I don't know why, and I didn't ask them! Most of the daedra in Cyrodiil seem to be migrating to it, though, for whatever reason. They don't attack caravans, and we're content to leave them alone, lest they change their minds.

Ah, we're almost ready to leave. Are you lot ready to go?"

2014-01-17, 12:35 AM
Durok grinned at the explanation of the danger they will most likely be facing, and said with excitement in his tone, "Good, hopefully one of the fools will have a warhammer I can take after I kill him." He then faced his companions and asked them, "Do you think we'll be taking a look at Ceyetatar before or after we complete our mission for Orsino?"

2014-01-17, 01:17 AM
"After we complete our mission most likely. However, if the Daedra attack, it will be interesting to watch you fight."

2014-01-18, 04:10 AM
"If there half as many daedra there as it sounds like there are, charging in wouldn't be much of a fight. Suicide would probably be a more appropriate word. Nevertheless, a gathering this large suggests something nefarious at work; it would not surprise me to find us heading there eventually."

2014-01-18, 09:00 AM
At the mention of bandit attacks, T'erden grins. It'd be good to get in a little scrap that he was actually allowed o win. It'd serve as a stand-in for revenge.

"Yes, I'm ready to be out of here."

2014-01-18, 12:57 PM
"Outstanding. Let's be off!"
Within a few moments the horses are prodded and the creaky wheels of the caravan begin to turn. You make your way over a little hill and then start back down toward the coast, taking in the view, which is pretty nice enough. In a few minutes you find yourselves making your way past an old Ayleid ruin. There are a couple of guys here fishing... or perhaps pretending to be fishing. If they really are fishing, they aren't very good at it. They are making a lot of noise and attempting to hit the fish with their swords.
"Fanacasecul," says the driver. "Bandits tend to hang out here, camped out on the roof. I guess they have better sense than to try to go inside. They might be stupid, but they're not THAT stupid. They won't bother us, either. They tried that once. Once. Now they just spend their time fishing, and there's no law against that."
A little further down the road, you find a wayshrine.
"That one's for Dibella, in case you ever need to know that someday."
Not long after that you pass by an old Alessian Fort from the First Era. What's left of it, anyway.
"That's Fort Virtue. Not much going on there. A bunch of critters of every stripe have moved in the place. You'd think that would be a good place for hunting, but YOU would be the one getting hunted. Will 'o wisps, you see. Some people think they're just swamp gas, but swamp gas won't suck the life out you before you even knew it was there. Then there's the billies..."

A couple of minutes later, the driver's cheery disposition sours a bit.

"Oh... here we go," he says. "Vindasel. Get ready for anything."

As you approach the old Ayelid ruin, you hear something. A screaming, screeching, growling sort of noise... make that noises... then you see them.

A trio of scamps is charging the caravan! About 30 feet behind them are two little dinosaurs, Clanfears, you think they're called, and they seem to be out for your blood.
However, the clanfears are unable to attack, because a Dremora is behind them, holding them back by their tails, one in each hand! He is yelling at the scamps, but unless you speak their language, it's hard to tell if he is spurring them onward, or trying to get them to stop. The look he gives you suggests the latter. It's the same look you've seen on the faces of exasperated mothers in the marketplace when they were trying to control their unruly children.

2014-01-18, 06:13 PM
During the caravan ride Durok sat on his seat bored, when they passed Fanacasecul he was hoping the bandits would be stupid enough to attack but they did not, leaving him bored for a while more, when they got to Vindasel he heard the sound of Daedra and grinned as he saw the scamps charging the caravan, he quickly got out of his seat and off the caravan, he then unsheathed his War Axe and charged the scamps with a mighty battlecry with his axe held up high in one hand, when he reached a scamp he attacked the scamp with a downward chop of his axe.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Weapon Damage: 9

2014-01-18, 07:03 PM
Mogh will notch an arrow into his bow and fire at one of the scamps.

Marksman: Bow) 5, should be only modifier, as far as I know

Weapon Damage : ?? I don't know exactly, would have to look it up

2014-01-19, 02:43 AM
Fenn hits one of the scamps with an entropic bolt.

10 damage.
-12 Magicka.

2014-01-19, 05:43 AM
T'erden charges on of the scamps, swinging his greatsword.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: 16

2014-01-19, 01:57 PM
Russ, Mogh's marksman scores are currently--
+2 to hit & dmg for STR & skill. Iron Bow is base dmg 4 = total dmg 6

Solid hits all around!

Durkon relieves his scamp of the burden of carrying around an arm, and arm & body both crumple to the ground.
T'erden has even better luck, sinking his sword hilt-deep into the foul creature's chest.
Mogh skewered his scamp nicely, but not enough to stop it, but
Fenn's Entropic Bolt finished the job in a spectacular orange flash.

Almost as quickly as the trouble started, the three scamps were dead.

The Dremora shakes his head over their foolishness.

2014-01-20, 05:46 PM
T'erden observes the dremora carefully, sword drawn and at the ready, not saying a word.

2014-01-21, 09:03 AM

The Breton warily eyes the dremora, ready to arc some electricity its way if it set the two clanfears at the group, or otherwise acted hostile. He does, however, want to avoid a fight, or rather the rest of one, if he can, so Agrane will refrain from firing, for now.

2014-01-21, 11:07 AM
Durok unsatisfied with the scamp's lack of a fight charged forward while yelling a mighty battle-cry and swung his axe downward at the right clanfear.

Kislath it's Durok, not Durkon.
Attack Roll: [roll]1d20+5]
Damage: 9

2014-01-21, 12:55 PM
The Dremora blinks at the audacity of the silly mortal, but there is a hint of admiration on his face as well as he releases the clanfears and steps back several paces.

Durok hits his target with ease, and no sooner than he does so, he feels a great pain! This is confusing, since the other hell-lizard hadn't yet even attacked, which it then does!

The second clanfear's attack is ineffective. It slams into Durok with great force, but doesn't manage to bite or claw him.

Make a Fortitude save to avoid being knocked down.

The Clanfear is annoying in many respects, but it's innate Reflect Damage power is one of it's worst features. Durok takes 4 pts of reflected damage.

2014-01-21, 12:58 PM
Fenn joins in on the attack on the right clenfear with another Entropic Bolt

10 damage
12 magicka

2014-01-21, 05:17 PM
A brilliant swirling red-orange glow envelops the clanfear, and it reels in agony. It doesn't die, though. Instead, it presses it's attack on Durok, as does it's companion.

And it fails, miserably. The clumsy creature overshoots Durok completely, trips, and land face-first in the dirt. The second one connects more solidly, but fails to punch through Durok's armor.

suffers no reflected damage. Apparently, magic damage is not reflected!

2014-01-21, 05:28 PM
Durok grunted as the clanfear's strange ability damaged him after he attack it, he had felt it before during the Oblivion crisis so he wasn't very confused from it, he stood strong as one of the daedric beasts slammed into him to no effect and laughed as their attacks did nothing to him.

2014-01-22, 03:28 AM
T'erden attacked the same clanfear as Durok.

This combat was folly. It was not that he didn't enjoy a good scrap, it was more that he disliked truly needless violence.

To hit: [roll0]
12 damage.

2014-01-22, 06:28 AM

Shaking his head at the orc's bloodlust, the situation had obviously escalated. The breton unleashes the spell he had been ready to cast, at the same daedra Fenn had blasted.

Casting Spark (10dmg, 10 mag)
[roll0] vs 10

2014-01-22, 01:10 PM
T'erden's blow glances harmlessly off of the creature's bony armor plate, but Agrane's shock spell seemed to really hurt it significantly more than might have been expected. In fact, it's attempt to get back up has been thwarted thanks to all the spasmodic twitching.

The other one, though, presses on with it's little mini-campaign against Durok, and lunges for a bite....
And misses yet again.

2014-01-22, 04:08 PM
Durok frowned at the creature's incompetence and slammed his axe down at it.

I'm not sure if I should be attacking since Russ hasn't had a go this turn, but the thing attacked so I'm guessing it would be okay-ish.
Attack Roll: [roll]1d20+5]
Damage: 9

2014-01-22, 05:25 PM
You might wanna make your rolls in the OOC thread. When you edit your IC post, it erases any rolls you made in that post.

2014-01-22, 10:42 PM
Mogh fires off a Flare spell at one of the clanferr(sp?), hoping to help Durok, the meat-shield, kill it.

Flare [roll0]
Damage: 6 fire
Uses up 5 Magicka, leaving Mogh with 11 more.

2014-01-23, 01:46 AM
Mogh's spell fizzles. At least it didn't cost him any magicka.

Durok manages to land a solid blow, though, hurting it gravely, but again suffering himself.
another 4 pts. One more hit like that might finish it off, but the same could be said about Durok!

2014-01-23, 06:25 AM
T'erden swings out after another of the creatures.

16 damage

2014-01-23, 12:59 PM
Fenn attempts to finish off the first clenfear

10 damage
12 magicka

2014-01-23, 02:50 PM
Fenn- your bonus should be rolled as a minus, as in 1d20-10. I reversed it for you, giving you a final result of 6, which hits.

The Clannfear on the ground spasms horribly as Fenn's spell sucks the last bit of life out of it. It's dead!

T'erdens mighty blow smashes into the foul creature's head, knocking it back a few feet and wounding it significantly. Alas, he also suffers reflected damage as well in the same place, a terrible wound appearing across his forehead.
8pts damage

The dremora watches all of this with rapt interest. He isn't being aggressive in any way, but isn't helping, either.

2014-01-26, 01:18 AM
Mogh fires off another Flare spell at a Clanfar. [roll0]

2014-01-26, 05:08 AM
A flawlessly perfectly executed casting of Flare by Mogh sends the resulting little fireball unerringly to it's mark, where it burned much brighter and more deeply into the creature's flesh that would have been expected!

Crit! Nice! Double damage. ( double XP, too )

2014-01-28, 06:44 PM
With the other clannfear dead Durok turned to the Dremora and said, "Your turn." He then charged the Dremora with his axe, directing a chop at it's left shoulder.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: 9

2014-01-29, 12:23 AM
Is Durok out of his mind? There's still an angry Clanfear on the loose and the dremora was trying SO hard to remain civil. Ah, well..

Note--- yes, I know that's exactly the sort of thing Durok would do.

The mighty orc's mighty axe comes down hard, and .. glances harmlessly off of the demon's armor! Uh, oh... you don't suppose he'd like to talk about this, do you?
Nope, guess not. In a flash of fire, a sinister blade materializes in his hand.
"FOOL!" he bellows. "You DARE?"

Meanwhile, the other clanfear, scorched and enraged, charges at Mogh!

2014-01-29, 06:14 PM
Mogh fires off an arrow, then runs away.

6 damage

2014-01-29, 06:23 PM
Fenn sights is disbelief seeing one of his companions charging the Deadra and tries to damage the other clanfear.

10 damage
12 mana

2014-01-30, 06:45 AM

The mage makes a note to learn the Calm spell to deal with Durok's rage problem in future encounters. For now, however, Agrane aims to keep him alive to get to future encounters.

Casting Convalescence (10 healing, 8 magicka) on Durok
[roll0] vs 10

2014-01-30, 02:46 PM

Agrane's spell revitalizes Durok nicely.

In a swirling orange-red flash, the clanfear howls in agony from Fenn's spell.

Mogh's arrow hits solidly, skewering the beast a bit.


T'erden must still be reeling in shock from the wound he received, so now it's time to ROLL INITIATIVE for the party.
The first roll made will be the "official" roll for the party.