View Full Version : What character/build are you most proud of?

2014-01-08, 09:24 PM
What has been your favorite character that you've ever made? Or build that you are very satisfied with.

My personal favorite build would be a Wu-Jen I made which gets at will SU wish and miracle at cl ~90 (or 20 I wasn't sure on the rules of this). It focuses on Body outside Body and can cast chained personal spells on each of the clones. Each of the clones also gets the SU wish and miracle (or as an sla if desired) and a timestop sla once. There is an all day CL of 114 for most spells and produces 92 clones a casting of BoB. I never truly finished and wrote up a complete buff list for it because the game I was going to use it for fell through :smallfrown:.

2014-01-08, 09:42 PM
A petal hellfire warlock/Arcane Trickster with all the bells and whistles. I had to do some mad dipping to fit everything in and it looks like a mess on paper, but it handles like a dream in action.

2014-01-08, 11:04 PM
Gestalt build where double prestige classes were allowed.

Sorcerer/Geomancer//Druid/Planar Shephard (with some sacred exorcist thrown in there somewhere).

The character was purely based off of charisma due to geomancer and spent his time in a persisted planar bubble that made all of his arcane spells empowered and extended (since planar shephard made his native plane one of the eberron celestial realms). When things got really harsh he could wildshape into a Tulani Eladrin and just Polymorph Any Object and all sorts of other abilities at-will to overcome any obstacle.


This build and build type were appropriate since we were fighting ridiculous enemies like tyrannosaurus rex swarms, powerful pokemon masters, and later on even the X-Men. (Something like 50 Sentinels were on their way to kill us, but we stopped playing that game before they got there.)

2014-01-08, 11:38 PM
The theoretical build of which I'm most proud isn't the most original, but I like the backstory planned for explaining it. It starts with a high-level human wizard who became obsessed with beholder magi and their excessive capacity to out-cast him in spells.

He concocted a scheme to become one. It involved becoming an Elan Psion (starting over at level 1, which is when I would start playing him) and getting Metamorphic Transfer and, at level 5, paying for a PAO into a Beholder in order to fill the "be a beholder" requirement. Beholder Mage at level 6.

I know there are theory builds to do it faster, but this one just is SATISFYING to me, for some reason.

The other is one I actually played. He was an unholy combination of sorcerer, bard, Sublime Chord, and Incantatar in a level 22 build that abused the Epic Feat that let you power a staff with your own spell slots. He built his own staff with umpteen bazillion spells in it, and powered them with his own slots, thus out-versatility-ing a wizard. He also had so many layers of protection that he makes most paranoia-ok builds look positively vulnerable. He was built to survive another PC, whose player had murdered my last PC on the flimsy pretext of "my culture says what you did was evil because I say so, and so I kill you without warning."

The effectiveness of this new character so infuriated this other player that he quit the game. I was not proud of making him ragequit, but I am proud that he couldn't do anything IC to my character.

2014-01-09, 12:17 AM
Dude in the avatar to the left.

Githzerai StP Erudite/Illithid Slayer/Thrallherd/Warblade.

A host of persisted buffs (Tenser's Transformation, Share Pain, Vigor, Gt Concealing Amorpha, Schism) etc., with an Epic Power which is effectively a handheld Black Blade of Disaster. Spends his turns Dimension Hopping up to opponents, disintegrating them, shooting energy walls, decerebrating and generally messing up opposition.

Army of personal thralls and believes, etc. Good fun!

2014-01-09, 12:20 AM
Teleportron. Mostly because of what mess it is. It's funny as hell, though.

Oh, and I think I coined Wizard6/Swiftblade9/Spelldancer1/AbjurantChampion4. It hasn't really caught, though.

Character wise, I have a human Wizard/MasterAbjurer//Rogue named Seraciel. She was messed up in the head and really unstable, which made for an interesting character. The players all loved her, but the DM got really fed up with me really quick and I got kicked out. She had a rat familiar named Larry, and a scary hive mind of rats in her room. I still have the avatar Telasi made in my sig.

Phobos and Metus are 2 characters that make a close second and third. Phobos is my avatar right now.

2014-01-09, 12:26 AM
That would be Cael. He was an elven blacksmith with a constitution score of 6 and a strength score of 7. The smoke he was constantly breathing in at his forge made him seriously sick, which was why his physical stats were so poor, but he made brilliant detail work on the items he made. I started that campaign as a wizard with half a d4 hit die and a -2 HP from con.

His finest creation was his mythral staff, which was an item familiar. The only enchantment on it was that it let him walk a bit further, and that it was lodestone cursed. Later on, he added that it constantly made you immune to remove curse. When he hit level 11, he went lich, and his staff made a natural phylactery. It became hard to get rid of it the person who wacked Cael tried to pick up his staff before he went along and destroyed it.

Dr. Azkur
2014-01-09, 12:30 AM
Maybe slightly off topic, since I'm not proud of the build itself because it had no amount of serious optimisation, but it was the first character I got to play seriously, without ****ing up, and it even absolutely trascended me.

Salen was a straight Cleric, I played it from level 1 to level 19, then he forfeited his God (Tehnell, NG, God of hope, light at night and last stands), when his daughter and wife were killed in a great siege along with mostly everyone in the city, despite him being in the front line giving his all, by right commandment of Tehnell.
We were actually meant to win that battle... And one of the players quit the table out of rage, among other things

From then on I played him only in a couple of private sessions with the DM, as he managed to stand up from depression, join the cult of Loy'ell (Kind of what Hextor is to Heironeous) and become the High Priest. He was determined to show the world he hadn't lost faith without reason, but that Tehnell was actually just a weak God that couldn't uphold his own commandments.

When the party met him again was the last time I got to play it (Although only voicing him). He had become a Lich, maddened by hate and managed to reach his goal, completely ravaging over the Church of Stars, leaving Tehnell almost without followers, and weak enough to be killed.

In the true last stand, about a year and a different gaming group later, Salen, now 'Hate, the Lich King' was defeated and his phylactery destroyed.
We sadly didn't close that up as we meant to, but afterwards the DM knowing we were very unlikely to play it told me that Hate's soul had actually poured into the one item that he had been wearing since he was 17 (At the time of his slaying he was 140+) and that he never took off: His wife's ring, turning into a NE Intelligent Item with his mental stats (Both CHA and WIS at +20), so it wouldn't be the last time the world had to deal with him.

So yeah, that's the character I'm most proud of. The group with which I played that story was amazing, even though it changed various times. I build my characters more to the munchkin side now, and I don't think I'll ever play a cleric again, I've made a few ones I really really like, but when asked which one I'm proud of, my answer can only be Salen Stormhaven.

2014-01-09, 12:42 AM
Pathfinder: Oradin

Just messing around looking for multi-class synergies and...wow...

Manly Man
2014-01-09, 12:43 AM
A Silverbrow Human gestalt PsyWar (PF)//Warblade in a 3.P game, using Pathfinder rules. Only level 8, but she does TWF, and is fantabulous at it. She's a hermaphrodite, and so she ended up being raised as a man (identifies as female, though), and kept her chest wrapped flat, but that only came into play one time, when the group had to sneak into a lord's castle, and she tried to seduce him. When the lord found out, he was too busy being confounded and staring at her to notice the Rogue behind him.

2014-01-09, 01:38 AM
Teleportron. Mostly because of what mess it is. It's funny as hell, though.

Oh, and I think I coined Wizard6/Swiftblade9/Spelldancer1/AbjurantChampion4. It hasn't really caught, though.

Character wise, I have a human Wizard/MasterAbjurer//Rogue named Seraciel. She was messed up in the head and really unstable, which made for an interesting character. The players all loved her, but the DM got really fed up with me really quick and I got kicked out. She had a rat familiar named Larry, and a scary hive mind of rats in her room. I still have the avatar Telasi made in my sig.

Phobos and Metus are 2 characters that make a close second and third. Phobos is my avatar right now.

Is Phobos a half-fey or gloura with a weakening arm graft?

2014-01-09, 01:44 AM
human/saint cleric celestial mystic with VOP

played him as a teenage kid that escaped as a slave and was constantly proving to others that all the material possesions they did have were not needed and just faith in the divine power was all they needed

2014-01-09, 01:52 AM
Is Phobos a half-fey or gloura with a weakening arm graft?

Close. He's an Unseelie Gloura with Bestow Curse (He's a warlock). (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=66300) If you're wondering, I have no diea what that references. A lot of my names come from astronomy. Phobos is a moon of Mars. I'm going to assume you're talking about his appearance. (http://ekmars.deviantart.com/art/Phobos-Venomcry-349080132)

2014-01-09, 02:18 AM
That's pretty cool. In your avatar it kind of looks like one of his arms is skeletal and the other is a regular hand. That's why I guessed he had weakening arm. I'm pleased I was so close though.

2014-01-09, 09:13 AM
my favourite build, not particularly OP but was really fun and nothing could kill me, was my level 8 VOP, Exalted to the max. cloistered cleric.
Was great to role play and just finding ways around my limitations was brilliant.

2014-01-09, 10:15 AM
This character doesn't belong to me, but rather to someone I played with.

The Kobold known only as Gecko-man (he had a name, but someone coined Gecko-man and it stuck). His schtick was using a modified Manipulate Form (only works on geckos) to create super-powered geckos that fought for him.
I have no idea how that idea originated or was cleared with the DM, but Gecko-man became a legend among that group.

2014-01-09, 10:40 AM
Hackmaster (which is like AD&D 2nd edition with more oomph) a Monk. Had around a 22 strength, a cloak of protection +5 and Ring of protection +2. Ended up with an insane AC that most stuff had trouble hitting, meanwhile with my huge str bonus, I would lay the smack down on things. The GM kept scaling up opponents to the point where the rest of the party faced death on almost every encounter and I would walk through unscathed.


2014-01-09, 11:11 AM
I'd have to say my Fighter/Wizard/Arcane Archer in the Council of Thieves campaign. Wasn't super optimized, but still pretty well made. Focused on sending out a crapload of arrows a round (multishot, rapid shot, perm haste) for decent damage (Holy on the longbow), never missing (Improved Precise Shot is awesome) and high AC (I think the campaign ended around level 13 with me at 36 AC).

2014-01-09, 11:22 AM
My "fake devil-worshiper" build, plus cohort. (Created as NPCs). The guy was a Tiefling Malconvoker, and his cohort was a "fake succubus" - a Half-Fiend Changeling who'd undergone the Ritual of Alignment, and gained levels in Fiend of Corruption. They lived in a LE, devil-worshiping society, and were both basically double agents for the good guys.

2014-01-09, 11:29 AM
3.5: My Sha'irlock. Great power and great flavor - could heal the party, control the battlefield, charm the crown off the king or the jewels out from under a dragon, and staple all manner of spells to my laser beams of death.

PF: Undine Flowing Qinggong Monk - not the most powerful character I've ever created, but a blast to play as he weaved around the battlefield and caused the enemy to whack each other in the face.

2014-01-09, 03:48 PM
My gestalt dwarf rogue / monk / duskblade / warblade / bloodstorm blade // wizard / runesmith / enlightened fist / spellwarp sniper. Stab your enemies with a fireball, no save.

It's not a super-powerful build or anything; it's weaker than a straight wizard since you can't get all those metamagic feats and such. It just all works together so well to do what it aims for. The only concern is whether enlightened fist would be allowed in gestalt.