View Full Version : Ponerologist

2014-01-09, 05:57 AM
What would you guys suggest to create a character themed around a formalized study of the nature of evil itself?

I was a bit surprised that google found nothing for any kind of homebrew ponerologist prestige classes.

For a build, I'd like the Alignment to be neutral, albeit I'm willing to go Lawful or Chaotic if needed for some reason. While he's fascinated by the abyss, he still has enough of a conscience to find the idea of actually doing (at least serious) evil himself revolting. However, his studies have left him too jaded to be altruistic or self-sacrificing.

If religion is of interest, here are some thoughts on three deities:

Boccob: At least lip service and respect, and if he goes Archivist he chooses not to correct assumptions that he's one of Boccob's more bookish clerics, probably carrying a holy symbol of Boccob on his person.

The Xammux: When having an especially dark episode or cynical moment, he might flirt with the idea of idolizing the Xammux, but he's too averse to doing evil to truly embrace these teachings of amorality.

Vecna: He sometimes debates on the merits of Vecna's policy of keeping secrets, due to his firsthand experience with knowledge being dangerous, but again finds evil distasteful, if curious, at best.

Here are my thoughts on classes:

Archivist: Thematically, this seems to be the best match, between Dark Knowledge and the flavor text.

Wizard: Could also work. A couple prestige classes I've contemplated are only available to arcanists.

Cleric: I guess there might be some who might work, but I suspect they'd be more likely to listen to Nietzsche's warning against gazing into the abyss then to Lovecraft's fascination with the abyss, and I want to lean towards the latter. Also, has to have some kind of devotion, which I want to avoid.

Prestige Classes:

Alienist: Looks like it can fit thematically, but I must admit it seems at least as much to be about the nature of madness as evil, and I can't help but feel the impression that the Far Realm entities hinted at by the fluff are less interested in corruption or power than in utter annihilation, so I'm leaning against it, but I'm open to alternative arguments.

Tainted Scholar: Really strong thematically, but it's powers are fueled by allowing oneself to become more tainted (risking going too far, which I'm not sure if I want to do), and a lot of blood magic that weakens the user. Leaning against, but might be persuaded.

Demonologist: Described as one who considers himself a student of lore that most are afraid of while falling headlong into darkness himself. Much further into "gone too far" than the Tainted Scholar. Also, requires CHA for it's spellcasting, but then again Planar Binding might be right up the final build's alley so CHA might not be a dump stat here.

Malconvoker: This might be the best bet, as it focuses on using the power of evil against itself, and allows summoning evil creatures without alignment shifts. So far from what I've been reading through myself, unless someone has a really good argument for another prestige class, or someone points out a class I've completely missed, I'm leaning towards this one.

Any thoughts? Did I miss any good alternatives? Anyone want to take a shot at creating a Ponerologist prestige class?

2014-01-09, 06:30 AM
I've been on the internet too long, all I can see when I read Ponerologist is a thousand gags related to 'pwn' and/or my little pony.

Fouredged Sword
2014-01-09, 07:37 AM
Demonologist requires a vile feat, meaning you must be dedicated to being as evil as possible. I would scratch that one.

2014-01-09, 09:45 AM
Ardent is explicitly stated to do this. You can take mantles like Evil, Corruption & Madness, Pain & Suffering and Conflict from a purely academic/contemplative standpoint without being dedicated to any of those things yourself. You can even be Exalted Good and take mantles like these.

2014-01-09, 07:14 PM
Ardent is explicitly stated to do this. You can take mantles like Evil, Corruption & Madness, Pain & Suffering and Conflict from a purely academic/contemplative standpoint without being dedicated to any of those things yourself. You can even be Exalted Good and take mantles like these.

Nice, hadn't even thought of that... I'll have to crack open the psionics books again.

2014-01-09, 07:31 PM
Personally I'd definitely go Archivist/Malconvoker.

2014-01-09, 07:39 PM
Cloistered Cleric of Fharlanghn ?

Dante was a priest and traveller after all.

This guy would be more about exploring the geography of evil though ?

Being likely neutral, their devotion would not be to either defeat evil nor embrace it: Just explore it's environs.

2014-01-09, 07:44 PM
Personally I'd definitely go Archivist/Malconvoker.

Another +1 to dis. Malconvoker is the business.

Though I would also agree with the Ardent standpoint as I like them a lot as well. It depends on preference and if you want to be someone who studies evil as an alignment and the figurative shadow it casts (Ardent) or someone who studies the acolytes and creations of pure extraplanar evil (Malconvoker.)

2014-01-09, 07:59 PM
I always have to throw a point towards Malconvoker. Such an awesome class. Kind of want to homebrew an evil version, though. Sounds like something fiends would do.

2014-01-10, 01:14 PM
This is less about evil research and more crazy experimenting, but if you like the more twisted role-play, then how about the PrC Fleshwarper and some fiendish grafts?
Depending on DM enforcement, or how much you could fluff as not about the Aberration focus, you get the flavor of literally walking in someones shoes.
You lose a caster level and have to spend money to really get use out of the real class feature.
The text mentions it being a way to get closer to divinity, and involves a commitment to experimenting on ones self. But your party might appreciate an extra long arm, or a tail, or whatever else.

Fax Celestis
2014-01-10, 04:43 PM
Ebon Scholar PrC in Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde is perfect for this. IIRC, you can get in as an Archivist, which is pretty cool. I would probably go Archivist/Paragnostic Apostle/Ebon Scholar.

I also made a class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=170437).