View Full Version : Making a Cleric of Fharlanghn (3.5)

Zach J.
2014-01-09, 06:41 AM
To the Playground,

After a long hiatus I finally have the chance to join a new D&D campaign! I'll be playing a cleric of Fharlanghn. I've been reading what I can find about the Dweller on the Horizon on Wikipedia and what not and the idea of a ever-wandering priest exploring the world with a group of heroes and recording their adventures and experiences for future generations sounds pretty neat.

I haven't had a chance to roll up ability scores yet as I'm fairly certain that the DM wants our first session to be uses solely for character creation. That means there's not a lot I can do for the character except buy equipment (which I've done) and try to plan out my feats a bit.

I've been looking for feats that sort of fit the flavor that a priest of Fharlanghn brings. At the moment I only have access to the SRD, but I know that the DM has access to a lot of source books (even if she hasn't examined most of their contents... :P). Extend Spell and Persistent Spell immediately come to mind. While it's not a particularly strong feat I think that Endurance would be very fitting for the character and maaaaaaaybe Jack of All Trades. Beyond that I'm stumped. Any suggestions are appreciated, but bear in mind that at the moment I'm looking for feats that are more flavorful than powerful.

EDIT: I'm not sure how helpful it will be to know the rest of the party's composition, but as I'm rather excited for this game I'll share anyway. A friend of mind will be playing a paladin, his first for quite a while. It'll be a stretch as he normally prefers neutral or evil characters. The DM's fiance is bringing some kind of spellcaster to the table, either a sorcerer or a wizard. It's his first time playing, but he seems like a smart guy so I'm sure he'll catch on quickly. Since it's a small group the DM will be playing a rogue. I'm usually not too keen on DMPCs, but it's her game and I'm not going to say anything against it.

Sir Chuckles
2014-01-09, 06:51 AM
Travel Devotion (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-champion--57/travel-devotion--2966/)

For a Priest (Now do you want a more "Priestly" Cleric? Cloistered Cleric could work for that, if mildly refluffed) of Fharlanghn, Travel Devotion, a Domain feat connected to the big #1 Domain of his deity, is far too perfect.

Zach J.
2014-01-09, 06:53 AM
That's exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for, Sir Chuckles. Thank you.

I had considered the cloistered cleric, but decided against it. I like knowing that I can step into melee for a round or two if the paladin needs some help.

While it's not very exciting I'll probably end up giving the character Improved Initiative. After all, you never know what's going to happen on a long journey. It pays to be able to react quickly.

Jeff the Green
2014-01-09, 06:55 AM
Gift of Tongues. Because if you're able to say your god's name you clearly have a talent for languages.

2014-01-09, 07:10 AM
That's exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for, Sir Chuckles. Thank you.

I had considered the cloistered cleric, but decided against it. I like knowing that I can step into melee for a round or two if the paladin needs some help.

While it's not very exciting I'll probably end up giving the character Improved Initiative. After all, you never know what's going to happen on a long journey. It pays to be able to react quickly.

Righteous Might means even a Cloistered Cleric can step into melee with the best of them.

Zach J.
2014-01-09, 07:11 AM
That's true, but I don't want to mess with the fluff too much. Fharlanghn's clerics tend to do a lot of traveling and I don't think that the cloistered cleric variant fits, the sort of scholarly priest who's spent most of their time in a monastery, really fits that sort of character.

Bear in mind that the people I play with tend to stick to one class. There's little multi-classing and it's rare to see someone use a prestige class, let alone more than one. It's alright to add to pre-existing fluff, but players in my group are loath to rewrite it entirely.

Zach J.
2014-01-09, 07:33 AM
EDIT: Ignore this post, please. I found what I was looking for.

2014-01-09, 07:40 AM
You can take Travel Devotion as a feat thus keeping the excellent Travel domain, swapping them is optional but not required. This opens up the Dimensional Jaunt reserve feat also.

Zach J.
2014-01-09, 07:41 AM
You can take Travel Devotion as a feat thus keeping the excellent Travel domain, swapping them is optional but not required. This opens up the Dimensional Jaunt reserve feat also.

Really? That's excellent news. Thank you. Dimensional Jaunt looks like another good candidate for this character.

2014-01-09, 08:07 AM
Far Horizons (http://dndtools.eu/feats/races-of-destiny--81/far-horizons--1077/)
Initiate of Fharlanghn (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Initiate_of_Fharlanghn)

2014-01-09, 08:26 AM
I quite like the idea of 2-3 levels of Divine Oracle. This gives you the Oracle domain for Scry 'n' Die; and evasion too.

You have looked at using the Cloistered Cleric ACF from CC ? This adds a few new spells and the Knowledge domain also.

Zach J.
2014-01-09, 09:23 AM
I was originally against the Cloistered Cleric; I didn't think it fit the flavor of Fharlanghn's clergy. However, I've been thinking and I may have been wrong. I reread Wikipedia's article on Fharlangn and saw that he had two types of priests: urban and pastoral. The urban priests are much more sedate than their pastoral counterpoints and I think that a priest trained by them would be a bit more sheltered than your average cleric. So I make my character an initiate from a small parish in some backwater village who yearns for the open road. He's got an adventurous spirit, but he not much experience outside of his immediate community. As far a the knowledge domain...well Fharlanghn is all about experiencing new things so one may be able to spin that as a sort of yearning for knowledge. That sounds fairly reasonable and consistent with the fluff of the cloistered cleric variant, right?

Themain thing I'm worried about is overwhelming the dm with non-core options. She's only played in one game before this and I don't think she has much experience with material from other sourcebooks.

2014-01-09, 10:50 AM
Well the universities were founded for training priests so Cloistered Cleric fits that tradition. It really depends upon whether you see your character as a thinker or a fighter ?

2014-01-09, 11:08 AM
I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I played a similar character a long time ago. He was a Monk, raised by a roadside monastery (staffed by both Monks and Clerics) devoted to Fharlanghn. The monastery's shtick was that before becoming a full master, you had to go out on a quest to experience the world. This could take any amount of time, and some acolytes never returned.

It would be a slight de-powering of a regular Cleric, because of the Monk level, but you could incorporate a similar concept into a Sacred Fist build. (I'd created my character in the brief window between when Book of Exalted Deeds came out and when Complete Divine came out, or I would have used it myself). Fast Movement, especially, would fit right in with the God of Travel. It would even work well with Cloistered Cleric, if you choose that option, getting 10 levels of full BAB. A Cleric setting out to experience the world, with nothing but the clothes on his back - seems very flavorful to me.

2014-01-09, 12:15 PM
Improved Domain Power (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Improved_Power) for Travel Domain
Second Wind – If the touched creature is Exhausted, it is now only Fatigued. If it was Fatigued, then it is back to normal. If the
creature was neither Exhausted or Fatigued, then it gains +30’ movement for 1 round. Usable (Cleric level) times per day.

Also, from Eberron, but good fit:

Divine Alacrity (http://dndtools.eu/feats/faiths-of-eberron--8/divine-alacrity--648/)
Domain Spontaneity (http://dndtools.eu/feats/faiths-of-eberron--8/domain-spontaneity--684/) for Travel or/and Celerity

Keld Denar
2014-01-09, 12:32 PM
Luck fears from Complete Scoundrel could be interesting too, and have addative stacking powers.

2014-01-09, 12:37 PM
Gift of Tongues. Because if you're able to say your god's name you clearly have a talent for languages.

Cthulhu disagrees.

Zach J.
2014-01-09, 08:57 PM
Thanks for all of the suggestions. I think I'm sold on the Cloistered Cleric now. I see the character as more of an explorer than a warrior. I'm not sure how long the game will last, but I'd be very surprised to see 10th level. With that in mind I've planned my feats accordingly.

1 Far Horizons
B Endurance
3 Travel Devotion
6 Extend Spell
9 Dimensional Jaunt

The only choice I'm unsure of is Endurance, especially since my character is now only proficient with light armor. I may switch it out for Improved Initiative. It looks like he'll be a fairly mobile support caster and that sounds about right for the concept I have in mind.

2014-01-09, 09:21 PM
Which domains are you going for ?

Zach J.
2014-01-09, 09:25 PM
Celerity, Knowledge and Travel

I may switch Celerity for Luck. I haven't decided.

I'm still a little wary about using anything from non-core sourcebooks. I have a feeling that the rogue and sorcerer will be mostly built using only material from the phb... I mean I'm expecting a magic missile spewing spellcaster and an archery based halfling rogue.

I don't think that anything that's been suggested is overpowered. I didn't mention Divine Metamagic for a reason. Still, I don't want to overshadow anyone else.

Zach J.
2014-01-11, 04:45 PM
So I've changed my mind (again) and have decided to switch back to the vanilla cleric. I figure it's a lot easier to introduce a few new feats in a campaign rather than have to explain a new class variant and then try to think of a good reason to use it rather than the base class, especially when I doubt my DM has Unearthed Arcana and is the kind of person who will not use the SRD even if I make her aware of its existence.

In an effort to keep things as close to core as possible I've got a...

CN Human Cleric of Fharlanghn 1

Str 15, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 13

Domains: Luck, Travel

1 Endurance, Far Horizons
3 Travel Devotion
6 Extend Spell
9 Dimensional Jaunt (maybe...)

Climb +5 (+4 w/ armor), Concentration +4, Jump +3 (+2 w/ armor), Speak Language: Common, Halfling, Spellcraft +4, Survival +6, Swim +4 (+2 with armor)

Quarterstaff (4 lb.)
2 Daggers (2 lb.)
Light Crossbow (4 lb.)
10 Bolts (1 lb.)
Studded Leather Armor (20 lb.)
Wooden Holy Symbol of Fharlanghn
Backpack (2 lb.)
Bedroll (5 lb.)
Map Case (0.5 lb.)
Flint and Steel
Hammer (2 lb.)
10 Pitons (5 lb.)
Belt Pouch (0.5 lb.)
6 days' Trail Rations (6 lb.)
2 Sacks (1 lb.)
50 ft. of Silk Rope (5 lb.)
Soap (1 lb.)
Waterskin (4 lb.)
2 Sunrods (2 lb.)
Explorer's Outfit (Worn, 8 lb. when not)

8 gp, 7 sp

62 lb. carried (light load)

0 Create Water, Light, Mending
1 Bless, Longstrider (D), Sanctuary

2014-01-11, 06:18 PM
I'm curious why you are going with Endurance ?

I've played a Ranger through to level 18, who gets this for free at level 3, and it has never been used. It's a very poor feat.

Zach J.
2014-01-11, 07:28 PM
Purely for flavor. I mean, yes, it will eventually allow my character to sleep ina suit of mithral full plate armor, but that's not the reason I took it. When I play a human character I usually use the bonus feat for something that fits the character, even if it's not a powerful feat. The character travels a lot so he's developed greater endurance than the average hiker.

Let me stress again that optimization isn't really an issue in this group. The last time we played together in a game the group included a halfling rogue archer who hardly ever used sneak attacks and a paladin who never used her power attack feat unless reminded she had it. This is a group that thinks classes like the samurai are worth playing and that warmages and warlocks are near overpowered.

Zach J.
2014-01-13, 06:48 AM
Okay, so I've notified the DM of my class. Waiting on her to approve the Far Horizons feat, but I'm not really worried about that; I doubt she'll reject it.

I'm now working on a bit of background for the character as well as trying to determine his alignment. I'd appreciate it if I could get some feedback about those topics once I finish.

I also need a name. Does anyone have a good name generator they could recommend?

His parents were (insert job, probably something where they wouldn't have to travel much). Their home was modest when compared to their neighbors', but it was comfortable and they wanted for little. However, his first memory was of a severe caning that his father gave him for running away. He couldn't wait to leave and see the world and when he had the opportunity to join his uncle, a priest of Fharlanghn, on a surveying expedition at a newly opened quarry, he took it.

His uncle was a wanderer and had worked many odd jobs during his service to the Dweller on the Horizon. The boy showed little aptitude for surveying work itself, but he latched onto the stories told to him of distant lands and sights he had never even imagined. When his uncle left the surveyors to take a job as a guide for a halfling merchant caravan , the boy left with him. They traveled together for several years, the older teaching the younger basic survival skills as well as instructing him in the basic tenets of Fharlanghn's religion.

The young man's divine magic first manifested a few weeks ago. He and his uncle were walking down a seldom used hunting path and were attacked by a ravenous, half-crazed wolf. Together, the two were able to scare the beast off, but not before it seriously injured the older man. The young man prayed fervently to his god that this not be the end of their travels and was rewarded with his burgeoning devotion with a healing spell powerful enough to mend his uncle's wounds. His uncle didn't say anything at the time, but when they reached a crossroad a few days later with a road leading to the north and one to the west, the older man tipped his hat to his nephew and took the road to the north, leaving the young man to start his next journey in the west alone.

When it comes to alignment I'm wavering between Neutral and Chaotic Neutral. I suppose it comes down to how much the character values his personal freedom?

2014-01-13, 10:48 AM
I see that you decided not to go cloistered. If you change your mind, I could totally picture a CC of Flarflaganogginsnuffleupagus who set out to help build and add to an encyclopedia of the world for his temple. It would have maps, populations, above ground, below ground, cultural notes about cities, etc. A CC would be well-suited for such a task.

2014-01-13, 01:00 PM

Far-Lank-an — I think.

I'm assuming it's Celtic ?

2014-01-13, 05:06 PM
Okay, so I've notified the DM of my class. Waiting on her to approve the Far Horizons feat, but I'm not really worried about that; I doubt she'll reject it.

I'm now working on a bit of background for the character as well as trying to determine his alignment. I'd appreciate it if I could get some feedback about those topics once I finish.

I also need a name. Does anyone have a good name generator they could recommend?

His parents were (insert job, probably something where they wouldn't have to travel much). Their home was modest when compared to their neighbors', but it was comfortable and they wanted for little. However, his first memory was of a severe caning that his father gave him for running away. He couldn't wait to leave and see the world and when he had the opportunity to join his uncle, a priest of Fharlanghn, on a surveying expedition at a newly opened quarry, he took it.

His uncle was a wanderer and had worked many odd jobs during his service to the Dweller on the Horizon. The boy showed little aptitude for surveying work itself, but he latched onto the stories told to him of distant lands and sights he had never even imagined. When his uncle left the surveyors to take a job as a guide for a halfling merchant caravan , the boy left with him. They traveled together for several years, the older teaching the younger basic survival skills as well as instructing him in the basic tenets of Fharlanghn's religion.

The young man's divine magic first manifested a few weeks ago. He and his uncle were walking down a seldom used hunting path and were attacked by a ravenous, half-crazed wolf. Together, the two were able to scare the beast off, but not before it seriously injured the older man. The young man prayed fervently to his god that this not be the end of their travels and was rewarded with his burgeoning devotion with a healing spell powerful enough to mend his uncle's wounds. His uncle didn't say anything at the time, but when they reached a crossroad a few days later with a road leading to the north and one to the west, the older man tipped his hat to his nephew and took the road to the north, leaving the young man to start his next journey in the west alone.

When it comes to alignment I'm wavering between Neutral and Chaotic Neutral. I suppose it comes down to how much the character values his personal freedom?

1.) As for a name generator, I find that using whatever is the first google result is fine. I look at names, and will fiddle with the names that it spits out. For example, in an upcoming game of Dungeon World, I will play a character named "Shagretor" - which came from a name generator spitting out "Shag[something]" and "[something]rator." Have fun with it.

Another thing you could consider is incorporating a portion of Ffarfenougat's name into yours - similar to Hebrew names that have "Yah" or "El" in them, which are names of their god.

I'm going to use Farmiles as a name for the rest of this. Feel free to make a better one.

2.) Let me swoop in and tinker with your background - feel free to grab whatever you want:

Farmiles' parents ran a tavern. A tavern keeper has no reason to travel at all, but all the reason to worship Ffarlanghan. Furthermore, Farmiles would see all the traveling adventurers coming through, listen to their tales every night - and dream of leaving with them.

Instead of his uncle, a priest comes through and stays at the tavern when Farmiles was in his 17th summer. The priest speaks of the dangers lurking on the open road and how his job was to help travelers stay safe. The day that the priest leaves, Farmiles sneaks off after him with a broom (which eventually becomes his link to his home and his quarterstaff) and a sack of trinkets that are useless while he is on the road. The priest, upon discovering Farmiles, chides him for bringing such worthless rubbish, and tries to discourage Farmiles from following him - which, of course, Farmiles ignores.

From here, start to add in the stuff about the wolves and the caravan as you have written previously.

3.) I try to keep a faith-based character on point with the god's alignment, unless there's a good reason. (E.g. paladin of St. Cuthbert).

2014-01-13, 06:53 PM
Farlanghan has a bunch of travel-related domains. In the SpC there's celerity, in the PHB there's others. Take them all and become UNSTOPPABLE

One of them has that domain power of Freedom of Movement, which can x/day protect you from grapple-mancers.

Quicken Spell is every caster's dream. Travel Devotion has been mentioned several times. If you want to melee occasionally, Power Attack, (quickened) divine power + Righteous Might + (hasted) move up to them = a FULL ATTACK OF DEATH!

Hope this helps

Zach J.
2014-01-13, 08:11 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I'll definitely use that revised backstory, eastmabl.

I pronounce the name as Far-LONG-In, but I'm probably wrong.

I'm still tinkering a bit with the character. I've dropped all ranks in the Knowledge skills and now have 3 ranks in Climb, 2 ranks in Concentration, 1 rank in Jump, 3 ranks in Spellcraft, 4 ranks in Survival and 2 ranks in Swim. That leaves me with 1 rank left. Not sure where to put it yet.

Still thinking about feats too. I'm not certain yet of my role in the party.


1 Far Horizons, Improved Initiative
3 Travel Devotion
6 Power Attack
9 Quicken Spell

However, there won't be much I can do with Quicken Spell at that level. Divine Favor I guess?

We've had another player join, but I'm not sure what he's playing. So our party consists of...

TN or CN Human Cleric of Fharlanghn

CG Human Crusader
1 Devoted Bulwark, Power Attack
3 Improved Sunder
6 Faith Unswerving
9 Combat Brute

CSomething Rogue
Not sure what to expect. Her last character was a halfling rogue. I have a feeling she may make something similar.

Sorcerer or Wizard

Something Else

2014-01-13, 08:11 PM

This thread has inspired me to make an NPC for my game--a favored soul of Flarflagonoggin who is charismatic but not very smart otherwise and always mispronounces his name differently every time he says it.:smallbiggrin:

2014-01-14, 01:01 AM
This thread has inspired me to make an NPC for my game--a favored soul of Flarflagonoggin who is charismatic but not very smart otherwise and always mispronounces his name differently every time he says it.:smallbiggrin:

He should work with a friend of his, an Exalted Barbarian, a Champion of Gwenharwllyneddyggwerwgrowlywoof. :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-14, 02:17 AM
Per Dragon #93, it seems to be pronounced "Far-LANG-en."

Zach J.
2014-01-14, 09:56 PM
Thanks, eastmabl. I'll use that pronounciation. I think it's what most of the players in my group had defaulted to in any case.

The character's working name is Fergus, but we won't be playing until Sunday so that may change.

I've equipped him with a quarterstaff and light crossbow for the moment, but I may give him a better weapon eventually. I was considering a longspear, but if there's something that someone thinks is a better option I'd like to hear it.

I'm still stuck between choosing the Celerity and Luck domain. The Luck power is better as the best armor I could wear and keep the Celerity movement increase would be a mithral breastplate...and I don't have a positive dex modifier. However, the Celerity spell list is undoubtedly more useful.

2014-01-14, 10:17 PM
Per Dragon #93, it seems to be pronounced "Far-LANG-en."

I assumed it was Gaelic where Lough = Loch ~= Lock, so Langh = Lank, but I could be wrong. Fh should be a voiced F also I think ?