View Full Version : Arcane Leech 3rd party PRC

2014-01-09, 12:05 PM
Ok folks of the Playground, I have more number crunching I need help with. I plan on playing something atrocious with a metric frak-ton of spells, and the way I intend to do that is with the arcane leech prestige class which is allowed in the group I will be playing this guy.

Now the relevant text for this dude is this;
When the arcane Leech gains a level, he gains new spell slots as if he were a sorcerer of a level equal to his previous arcane caster level plus his arcane leech levels.

Now this doesn't give spells and I am sure I will be told not to go the way I want to but just listen for a minute.

I plan to go wizard 2/ warmage 1/ wizard 1/ Spellthief 1/ Ultimate magus 7/ arcane leech 1/Wizard 7

Now according to my calculations I should have a combined caster level of 27 by the time I take my first level in arcane leech at 13th level which is the earliest possible I can get into it.

Another question I have is, how many spells per day do I get as a 27th level sorcerer? Do I get more per day? Epic spells? I gain no new knowledge of spells, but that is why I want to use the warmage, blasting fools with 9th level evocations at 13th level!

Thanks for your help people!

2014-01-09, 06:22 PM
I did a bit more calculating. With this setup at 13th level I should have somewhere in the realm of 132 spells per day.

Oh and I get to use both of my spell lists for those sorcerer spells so as a focused abjuration specialist who cannot use evocation, necromancy, or Enchantment, I will still be slinging 9th level evocations at 13th level.

2014-01-10, 04:56 PM
I imagine people on the playground are loathe to have anything to do with 3rd party stuff but this is already and approved class and works as described after a discussion with my DM. I could really use some help on this guys.