View Full Version : [3.5]Building a ranged saboteur

2014-01-09, 03:47 PM
So I got it into my head to create a ranged character. One that enjoys sowing chaos and confusion among the enemies, and do damage to buildings. If it can be thrown, dropped, or shot at the enemy she's for it. And she's kind of sneaky/stealthy. Then I realized I have no idea how to go about this mechanically, so help?

Here's the breakdown, and what's already fixed, non-changable information.

The character is an elf with wings (thanks to grafts).
Character level is 8.
She'll be fighting in the blood war, on the baatezu side.

These are my allowed sources: Core, Complete Series, PHB2, Fiendish Codex II, Fiend Folio, Manual of the Planes, Savage Species, Planar Handbook, Manual of the Planes, Unearthed Arcana, Libris Mortis, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (not Magic of Faerun, etc), BoED/BoVD, Draconomicon, Heroes of Horror, Tome of Battle.

So does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this work? It doesn't have to be highly optimized cause it's not a super optimized game, but I don't have much experience with ranged characters, and I'd prefer to not drag spell casting into things if I don't have to, but I also don't have much of an idea on where to start (I was thinking rogue into Order of the Bow Initiate, but I doubt I can get the feats together for it), so yhea any suggestions on classes, feats, builds, or equipment would be awesome! Or heck just links to handbooks other than the brilliantgamerologists one (read it, didn't do much for me). :)

2014-01-09, 03:55 PM
The druid spell Crumble would help for the building destruction part. Depending on your DM, Vortex of Teeth might work as well for more damage over more time.

2014-01-09, 07:02 PM
The druid spell Crumble would help for the building destruction part. Depending on your DM, Vortex of Teeth might work as well for more damage over more time.

In the form of wands that could be interesting, but that would pretty much force me to go rogue, which I'm not against, but the 3.5 rogue is a bit squishy and feat starved. More suggestions?

2014-01-09, 08:12 PM
If you can get your DM to allow Races of Stone, ("not having the book" can be solved by link provided), the usual build I've seen for an artillery archer is to use the Arcane Ranger variant (although I think there would be other ways around it) into Arcane Archer and Cragtop Archer.

Cragtop let's you fire arcing shots that get an extra 50% range (after Far Shot), and eventually you can ignore range penalty. Sadly, I can't link it now because DnDTools is down.

Arcane Archer gives you Fireball Arrows. Or whatever other spell you want.

Now you are raining bombs from a mile and a half away.

2014-01-09, 08:20 PM
some sort of uber strong power thrower with ranged pin and ranged sunder comes to mind, throwing things like large javelins and the like. i don't have the first clue how to optimise this but is sounds awesome. i might steal it for myself :smallwink:

2014-01-09, 08:37 PM
No good Kelderath, people have already asked for a multitude of books, Races of Stone included, we're not getting it. That's kind of why I provided a list of books we are allowed, to avoid getting a bunch of suggestions for a bunch of stuff I can't have. :(

2014-01-09, 08:43 PM
Well, cragtop just gets you an extra mile. You can still rain death from half a mile, taking a -18 to hit. Which is canceled out by the fact that you are aiming at a square. AC 5.

Also, this frees you up to put more into advancing your casting. Meqning more fun surprises in your arrows.