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View Full Version : The Spy..

shaka gl
2007-01-21, 02:53 PM
So, my party has now raised enough dirt to make the BBEG`s right hand worried. So, he`s gonna send a spy to, well, spy on them. The plan is that the party would find him, dressed as some kind of good-deity-worshiper and quite hurt. He has to gather information only, not to make any kind of action. I thought probably a rogue with some PrC was the right way, but the good-deity-worshiper also got me thinking about some Evil FavSoul o Cleric (they wont cast Detect Evil, although theres a Cleric in the party.)

What Class doy you think he should be? And race? (doppelganger probably, i know)

2007-01-21, 02:57 PM
Doppleganger or Changeling Rogue/Spymaster from Complete Adventurer. It's Good Stuff. add Chameleon levels if you want.

Frosty Flake
2007-01-21, 09:20 PM
Ask this first... does anyone in the party have "Detect Evil?"

I forgot to ask myself that, screwed up a whole set of adventures I had in mind!

Anyway's, if he's impersonating a cleric, maybe he should be a preacher PrC (I forget which book it's in...) that way you can go on hilarious tangents about religious technicalities... After all, not all preists in your world (I'm assuming) actually have ranks in Cleric, yes? He'd could just pose as a devout but hapless lay-preist to give him that extra lost-puppy-ness!

If they Do have detect Evil, the Master of Masks is an AWESOME PrC! The Angel and High Preist masks make your alignment appear to be good (Lawful and Neutral Good, respectively)
(I can't wait to get Complete Scoundrel)

2007-01-21, 10:43 PM
If they Do have detect Evil, the Master of Masks is an AWESOME PrC! The Angel and High Preist masks make your alignment appear to be good (Lawful and Neutral Good, respectively)
(I can't wait to get Complete Scoundrel)

Won't they notice that their friend is running around wearing masks all the time? Detect Evil is no problem at all, really: A third-level Abjuration is all it takes to avoid that. He could drink a Potion of Nondetection every five hours or wear an Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location, claiming that he's paranoid about somebody trying to track him down. This could be presented as an amusing personality quirk (make him severely overcautious in other matters) or even a plot hook as the party tries to hide him from his opressors (if they take him seriously). Just be sure to snap a picture of their faces once they realise why he's really so interested in remaining safe from divinations.

Oh, and make sure they don't read these boards.

Frosty Flake
2007-01-21, 10:49 PM
"Uh... it's, er, a ceremonial mask... What, you've never heard of the famed Masked Lay-Preachers of Palor?"

Mask also becomes invisible at lvl 6


He could drink a Potion of Nondetection every five hours or wear an Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location, claiming that he's paranoid about somebody trying to track him down. This could be presented as an amusing personality quirk (make him severely overcautious in other matters) or even a plot hook as the party tries to hide him from his opressors (if they take him seriously). Just be sure to snap a picture of their faces once they realise why he's really so interested in remaining safe from divinations.

Ok, never mind, that's funnier.

2007-01-22, 03:06 PM
Neutral Humans make rather good spies. I wouldn't make him a Priest, though. That's bound to throw up a lot of questions and inconsistancies. You might have him pretend to offer his services as a Cohort to one of the Player Characters - though if nobody has the Leadership Feat, you would have to find a non suspicious, non mechanical method of introducing him.