View Full Version : question about practiced spell caster and spell lists

kashius volclov
2014-01-09, 08:48 PM
Hi all,

I was wanting some clarification about how practiced spellcaster works.

Say i have a dwarf who took fighter 4, wizard 1, runesmith 1 and geometer 1 levels.

Firstly am i correct in saying that runesmith and geometer classes will use the wizard spell list?

And if so, by taking practiced spellcaster and selecting wizard as the class it applied to, does it mean that i will be casting wizard spells at a level 7 caster level or does it mean i cast at a level 5 caster level?

I was trying to loosely create a character based on Sandal from Dragon Age and was thinking of something like fighter 4, wizard 2, runesmith 1, wildmage 3. Was wondering if his caster level when using rune magic and using wild magic would be approx 10=(4+2+1+1d6), 6=(2+4), 5=(4+1) or approx 7=(3+1d6)

Bonus points for anyone who can come up with a build for sandal without using tome of battle and psionics!!

2014-01-09, 09:32 PM
The practiced caster feat lets you increase your caster level by up to 4 (up to your character level). This feat does not advance casting progression.

2014-01-09, 10:07 PM
Runesmith and Geometer don't use any spell list, because they don't grant spellcasting. Instead, advancing in Runesmith or Geometer increases your spells per day, spells known, and caster level as if you had gained a level of the casting class you started out with (Wizard in your case).

2014-01-09, 10:11 PM
And Practiced Spellcaster only increases your caster level (which affects the range, duration, power, etc. of your spells), not your spells per day. So for instance, you'll have as many spells of each level as a 3rd-level wizard (so maximum of 2nd-level spells), but if you cast Summon Monster II (which has a duration of 1 round per level), it would last for 7 rounds.

kashius volclov
2014-01-12, 02:47 PM
thanks for your replies guys, especially Urpriest, that clarified my question :smallsmile: