View Full Version : Need help with Wizard Build

Prisma Lowell
2014-01-09, 08:51 PM
I need help with a wizard build, as the title says; I've never played a wizard at this level before and I was told to optimized. First of all, I will be playing a Human at venerable age, I was thinking of specializing in either Transmutation or Conjuration, whichever one is more useful. I am not allowed to Prestige nor Multi-class. All feats are open (dragon magazine not allowed) and we are allowed any items; racial templates out of the question. If I can have a recommended spell list and battle tatics that would also help me.

2014-01-09, 09:04 PM
I've never played a wizard at this level

What level are you starting at? I made this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16739386#post16739386) several days ago, you might some information in it useful.

Prisma Lowell
2014-01-09, 09:06 PM
I thought I posted it, but I didn't; 20th level

2014-01-09, 09:12 PM
What are you playing 3.0, 3.5, pathfinder?

Prisma Lowell
2014-01-09, 09:15 PM
I am playing 3.5

2014-01-09, 09:53 PM
Have a look through my other post, and let me know what other questions you might have. In the meantime, though, here's some common tidbits that I'm sure you'll find useful.

-Get a ring of arcane might (Magic Item Compendium), orange prism ioun stone (Dungeon Master's Guide), and cast the spell create magic tattoo every day (Spell Compendium), to increase your caster level to 23. This is good for things such as beating spell resistance and makes your spells last longer.

-Get a vest of the archmagi (Magic Item Compendium), and two greater extend rods (Dungeon Master's Guide). At the beginning of every day, cast foresight (Player's Handbook), shapechange (Player's Handbook), and veil of undeath (Spell Compendium). Foresight will make you immune to surprise, shapechange allows you to change forms once per round as a free action, and veil of undeath gives you an incredible spectrum of immunities: "While the spell lasts, you have immunity to mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death***, extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, death from massive damage, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, exhaustion, damage to physical ability scores, and any effect requiring a Fortitude save unless it is harmless or affects objects. You need not breathe, eat, or sleep. Like an undead creature, you are damaged by cure spells and healed by inflict spells." ***Presumably that means immunity to death effects, such as the slay living spell, rather than immunity to death.

-Use your vest of the archmagi to recharge each of those spell mid day, and cast them again, which should cover you for about 15.5 hours with each spell (keep a couple scrolls of each as backups if you're dispelled during the day). Because you need 8 hours to rest and an hour to prepare spells, it shouldn't matter that you're not covered for 24 hours, as you won't be out and about for 24 hours.

-Consider casting spell enhancer (Spell Compendium) before casting shapechange, to increase its caster level from 23 to 25, which gets you to its HD cap.

-Get an amulet of second chances from the Magic Item Compendium. The ability to redo an entire round 1/day is better than you might immediately realize.

Further reading:
Dictum Mortuum's Wizard Handbook Part 1 (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com/2011/09/wizards-handbook-part-one-attributes.html)
Dictum Mortuum's Wizard Handbook Part 2 (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com/2011/09/this-is-second-part-to-wizard-handbook.html)
Treant Monk's Wizard Handbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1570.0)
Logic Ninja's Wizard Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104002)