View Full Version : Help unfolding a player's background

2014-01-10, 12:58 PM
Hey everyone,

So I'm currently DMing a campaign in Eberron and one of my players made this background where he is from Karrnath and all his family was supposedly killed by a rival warlord (karrnath is a highly military country and conflicts between rival can surface, although there is a King). He was only a baby at the time of his parents death and only really knows what the person that fled with him told him. The only thing he has is a ring with the crest of his family.

He is playing a cleric that later wants to join the PrC Bone knight (from the book "Five Nations") so I was thinking that for him to learn and enter this PrC he needs to go back to Karrnath. Going there will unfold an intrigue quest that will end in him recovering his parent heritage and also becoming a Bone Knight.

Unfortunately I barely have time to prepare the sessions before the weekly session so I'm looking for an adventure already made with some political intrigues that I could adapt to fit his background. Some nice ideas are also welcome ^^

Does anyone know any adventure / ideas that I could use ?

(Something I though about was shortly after he arrived at Karrnath someone would recognize him because he looks remarkably like his father. This would start the events).

Thank you all.

2014-01-11, 06:51 AM
any help guys?

2014-01-11, 07:08 AM
You read about the Karrnathi king who is actually a vampire?

Think he's parading as his own grandson or something. I'm going by memory. B'ut maybe you could form something out of that?

2014-01-11, 07:08 AM
Saddly as far as I know, most pre-published modules, rely heavily on dungeoncrawling and not Intrigue.

However, you could get a pre-made module and adjust it so that he needs to prove that he is an heir to his family by entering his ancestral tomb (or something) and getting his Ancestral Blade which glows red when held by a member of his bloodline.

(Borrowed form the Sword of Roele andventure in birthright)

If you are familiar with 2nd edition rules, download Legends of The Hero Kings (you can find -or could a few months ago- on wizards website). Even if you are not it offers 3-4 political adventures that might help you.

2014-01-11, 07:16 AM
You read about the Karrnathi king who is actually a vampire?

Think he's parading as his own grandson or something. I'm going by memory. B'ut maybe you could form something out of that?

Yea i'm aware of the kings history. He did a pact with the queen of vol that turned him into a vampire and he returned as a king pretending to be his grandson. That why he expeled the emeral claw from the kindom

Saddly as far as I know, most pre-published modules, rely heavily on dungeoncrawling and not Intrigue.

However, you could get a pre-made module and adjust it so that he needs to prove that he is an heir to his family by entering his ancestral tomb (or something) and getting his Ancestral Blade which glows red when held by a member of his bloodline.

(Borrowed form the Sword of Roele andventure in birthright)

If you are familiar with 2nd edition rules, download Legends of The Hero Kings (you can find -or could a few months ago- on wizards website). Even if you are not it offers 3-4 political adventures that might help you.

woohoo! that ancestral idea is a really nice one! I think I'm going to have a look at that module and ajust it a little (probably make is smaller since this is a background quest)

Thanks alot for the ideia :D