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View Full Version : How silliness can make any game hilarious.

2007-01-21, 06:16 PM
Today is my groups gaming day, and this has got to be one of the most fun sessions I've DMed. You see, the group seemed to be getting bored with the constant "trying to figure out what in the nine hells was going on" thing. So when they finally enlisted the aid of an archmage, she would teleport them to a strange place, where a demon held a magical pendant that could stop a worldwide petrification. They step through the portal, and find themselves in some obscure dimension with a door in front of them. THIS is where the silliness begins. For even though IC, there was no silliness and everything would be "natural" and "logical" (internal mind you), on an OOC level, we would end up laughing hard because it was so fun to watch. After the Rogue rolled a search check (and realized that he'd FORGOTTEN to take ranks in Search) and found no traps, they would open the door. Behind it, the head of a gigantic red dragon greeted them, so they closed the door, and ran. Strike one for funny happening. They then follow the pathway in the other direction, and end up in a room with 10 doors. One in each heavenly direction, one straight up and one straight down. After being sucked through various doors, they finally find what appears to be the correct one, and are sucked down into... a large pile of gold. Strike two for funny happening as the Rogue has a Haley moment. Strike three comes when they all fail their listen checks and the door to the room is opened. In a fit of desperation, the Rogue and the Druid hides. Leaving only the Cleric to face the... dumdumdumdum, BALOR, standing in the doorway. Now, the funny part here is a bit difficult to translate, since it involves dialect and Norwegian TV culture, but in an attempt to translate both language and culture...

Cleric: Uh... hi. Who are you?
Balor: I'm Bob. Who're you.

And that caused the group to laugh for the rest of the session, as the horribly generic name was topped with an absolutely hilarious dialect that made the Balor appear incredibly harmless. This is unfortunately a "you should've been there" moment, but that was... very fun.