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2014-01-10, 07:13 PM
a quick question, for the sake of clarity. When you make an Eidolon from Ghostwalk, and your part of a normal campaign here on the material plane....are you incorporeal or corporeal?

2014-01-10, 07:28 PM
a quick question, for the sake of clarity. When you make an Eidolon from Ghostwalk, and your part of a normal campaign here on the material plane....are you incorporeal or corporeal?

How did you get to the material plane? (Planeshift or Manifest?)

2014-01-10, 07:31 PM
ummmm manifest? what would be the difference?

2014-01-10, 07:40 PM
ummmm manifest? what would be the difference?

When you are fully on the Ethereal Plane, very few things on the Material can hurt you. Transdimensional Spells, mostly.

When you are Manifested, and hence partly on the Material and partly on the Ethereal, you are Incorporeal.

When you Planeshift, you just go to the Material plane. You are Corporeal.

Or at least that's how it goes for normal Ghosts. I don't know Ghostwalk that well, but I know it's a bit different.

2014-01-10, 07:46 PM
hmmm the incorporeal part sounds right since i have to have an ac, and such.
this book is structured in an odd way or im just too exhausted to understand it

2014-01-10, 08:13 PM

Ghostwalk ghosts and other incorporeal creatures are corporeal within a given radius around the city of manifest in that campaign setting but are otherwise incorporeal and require something extra to interact with the world around them, such as a ring of manifestation or a soulshell manikin.

2014-01-10, 08:19 PM

Ghostwalk ghosts and other incorporeal creatures are corporeal within a given radius around the city of manifest in that campaign setting but are otherwise incorporeal and require something extra to interact with the world around them, such as a ring of manifestation or a soulshell manikin.

perfect! thank you for the clarification

2014-01-10, 09:41 PM
also im assuming my incorporeality prevents me from wearing magic items?

2014-01-10, 10:29 PM
also im assuming my incorporeality prevents me from wearing magic items?

There is a feat "Ghostly Grasp" from Libris Mortis to fix that. However IIRC you can wear ethereal items (items planeshifted to the ethereal plane).

2014-01-10, 10:33 PM
also im assuming my incorporeality prevents me from wearing magic items?

Yes and no. If you're occupying a soulshell manikin then you can just put your items on that and it counts as being on you, IIRC.

Even if you don't have one the ectoplasm feat should be one of the first any eidolon takes because spreading a little ectoplasm on stuff will allow you to manipulate it freely for a few minutes. Splatter a bit on a ring of manifestation, don the ring and, boom, you're corporeal until you remove the ring.

Naturally you can wield anything with the ghost touch property or anything made of serren wood as well.

2014-01-10, 11:31 PM
ah superb, thank you guys a ton this is all awesome stuff.

one last question and ill let this post rest. when you are incorporeal and you fall do you take damage?

2014-01-10, 11:45 PM
ah superb, thank you guys a ton this is all awesome stuff.

one last question and ill let this post rest. when you are incorporeal and you fall do you take damage?

When you fall? What would cause you to fall?

2014-01-10, 11:47 PM
interesting point.

2014-01-11, 01:21 AM
Incorporeal creatures are weightless and do not fall when there's nothing beneath them. Everything that renders a creature incorporeal also gives it, or at least is supposed to give it, a fly speed.

2014-01-11, 11:48 AM
So here is my final idea for making a ghost pc. since there's only a few people on this thread i might escape the ire of the optimizers hahaha

only thinking this out to level 6 since we play low level games

Eidolon 4 / Incarnate 2

take the path of the Poltergeist. pick up Ghost Hand, Poltergeist Hand, Poltergeist Rage, Improved Poltergeist Hand.

Get strong Heart vest via Incarnate with +1 essentia.

since i will have 6 hd, get 6 orc shotputs and throw 12d6 worth of damage per Violent Thrust (Poltergeist Rage)
