View Full Version : Anima Mage Help [3.5]

Platinum Piece
2014-01-11, 12:58 AM
Race: Illumian Urr/Krau
Class: Binder 1/Archivist 3/Anima Mage 4
FEATS: Academic Priest, Improved Binding, Extend Spell, Reach Spell, Improved Inititative, Scribe Scroll
FLAWS: Vulnerable(-1AC), Murky-Eyed(Roll Concelement Twice)
EBL: 7(for Binding) 5(for Granted Abilities)
CL: 8

My group hasn't got around to rolling ability scores yet. We like to do it in front of every one. But we always drop our lowest ability score and replace it with an 18. Right now it looks like Int>Cha>Dex=Con>Wis>Str.

My DM has allowed me to add two more spells of every level from any divine list as "part of my research" in adition to the two I get from every level.
The first two are all from the cleric list.
Lvl 0-All
Lvl 1- Shield of Faith(+3 Delflection to AC), Lesser Vigor
Grease(Make Enemies Prone), Enlarge Person
Lvl 2- Divine Insight(Pass a important skill check), Darkbolt(damage and save or stun), Primal Instinct(+5 Initiative and Survival, 24hrs) - Cast every day
Alter Self: Avarial-50ft Fly +4spot, jump +2search, listen
Lvl 3- Dispel Magic, Mass Conviction(+3 to all saving throws for party)
Haste(+30 ft move, +1 atk, +1 AC, +1 Reflex, for the whole party)
Wind Wall(Maybe Useful)
Lvl 4- Divine Power(in case I decide to be fighter for a day),Dismissal(Pesky Outsiders)
Polymorph(Nuff Said), Explosive Runes(Because why not?)

In combat I plan on debuffing the enemies and trowing out Focalor's lightning strike, and blinding breath whenever possible. With Primal Instinct, the Urr Sigil and Improved Initiative, I will be getting a bonus of +11 to initiative before dex.

Out of combat I will most likely have Malphas bound for scouting, or Naberous bound if we will be in a city for an extended period of time.

I was wondering if the playground could give me some pointers on my feat and spell selection.

2014-01-11, 04:15 AM
Since you already have Extend Spell, Persistent Spell(CAr) might be worth the investment for use with the free metamagic binder ability.

Rapid Pactmaking or whatever the name is is also a good feat, I believe you need to combine it with a vestige phylactery and you can switch without to much hassle, various vestiges have nice utility... free healing, scout doves, what have you.

More info on your campaign might help the playground offer better tailored advice, you seem to know what you're doing as far as the broad strokes go.

Platinum Piece
2014-01-11, 03:18 PM
I cant even utilize persistent spell until my next anima mage level anyways, which just happens to be level 9, so I was going to pick it up then.

We have a fairly large group, 6 or 7, so far all I know is that we have a Swashbuckler, a Shadowdancer, and some kind of archer. I would like to focus on buffing/debuffing, with some utility. I really don't want to outshine the rest of the party, but I would like to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. I know all of the players and they tend to get into way over CR'd encounters no matter what I do to try and stop them.

For example, we were just beginning our last campaign, and the guy who is playing the swashbuckler(always plays swashbucker) and the shadowdancer, who was playing a rouge type, decided to rob the city hall of the first town we got too. The DM went along with it for a while, but then they failed their move silently and/or hide checks, and the town guard caught them before they even entered the building. Instead of walking away, the swashbuckler pulls out every animal he could out of his bag of tricks, and while harmless at first, eventually gets a bear. There was some fighting, and then the party had to run halfway across the continent to a warring kingdom to seek refuge completely railroading the story.

This type of thing happens alot, so I just want to have some backup plans.