View Full Version : Need help with a build. (3.P)

2014-01-11, 09:33 AM
Alright so this game is Pathfinder with open access to 3.5 materials.

The game is Gestalt and is currently at level 2.
The classes are StP Erudite on one half and the other side is a Warblade.
The DM runs us as if two characters so double the feat progression but they have to be side specific (No Erudite feats for the Warblade)

The character is a swordsmen who possesses an unseen mystical power. At first he is reluctant to use his powers but as he journeys and travels he begins to accept his power and uses those to compliment and enhance his fighting style as well as handle threats no mere sword could tackle.

So I have two flaws
I am playing a Human
So on either side thats 4 feats currently.

I need advice on the build and where I should go from there.

2014-01-11, 06:13 PM
Well I was gonna add in Factotum as well.

So should I do Factotum first for 8 levels and then Warblade or Throw in a few levels of Warblade and then start Factotum levels.