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View Full Version : The Sticks Awards 101-110

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-01-21, 09:28 PM
:smallsmile: Hi, and welcome to The Sticks Awards!

:smallamused: The Sticks Awards are given to the best strips of all times, chosen by the polls here in the Playground. Each poll will have a group of 10 comics, chronologically chosen, and every hundred strips we'll have a "Best of the Hundred" poll, with the most voted strip of each previous poll.

:smallcool: Each poll will have the duration of a week. Voters can only pick one choice. Links are provided for people to re-read the comics. This week's poll features comics #101 to #110.

:smallwink: If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to comment on this thread.

:smallbiggrin: Thanks for voting!


Best of the Hundred #100 [full results] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31805)
1) :belkar: #58 First Aid (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0058.html) (18.78%)
2) :elan: #81 First Church of Banjo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/../comics/oots0081.html) (17.84%)
3) :vaarsuvius: #20 Arcanolypse Now (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/../comics/oots0020.html) (16.43%)

2007-01-21, 09:41 PM
They were all fairly medirocre; none of them stood out that much. I went with #102.

"Roy has Boobies!"

Tornek the Unhygenic
2007-01-21, 10:18 PM
Hordes of Xykon! Awesome!

2007-01-21, 11:02 PM
Parsley or Cleavage? Tough choice, I'll go with Cleavage simply because.

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-21, 11:13 PM
This was definitely the hardest selection of them all. I wanted to voted for 102, 103 and 110.

2007-01-21, 11:58 PM
They were all fairly medirocre; none of them stood out that much. I went with #102.

"Roy has Boobies!"

I think you're nuts, sorry. I thought #102 was pretty uncreative. Anyone can write a punchline like that.

On the other hand ... #101 still makes me laugh every time. Elan's creative take on the "Intimidate" skill ... plus :belkar: "Ugh, you dorks are completely cramping my style."

And #103 :mitd: "I will bathe in your blood with lavender bath gel and a good loofa!"

And the great cinematic timing of the overall "Roy is always wrong" joke in #104 ...

I actually went with #105, because it was so cinematic. Plus it was about the first time the art style included something with face-on perspective. Plus it was the real moment when this strip, unlike so many upstart webcomics, proved that its storyline really was going to move and progress and resolve. Plus, we get to see Roy when his real underlying courage and determination are shining through his sarcastic shell. Plus, :belkar: cracks me up every time: *Sniff* "This is the happiest day of my life." Plus, :xykon:'s mastermind BBEG speech: "Hey."

#106 thru #109 were OK ... Elan and Haley's first real "moment," the "Reverse Psychology" skill ... but nothing exceptional.

#110 was great, though. :mitd: "You killed more than one guy named Fyron in Cliffport?" :xykon: "Five, actually." Xykon rocks.

Not a mediocre series of 10 at all IMHO.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-01-22, 12:05 AM
Unlike some of the past awards, no, there is nothing mediocre about these.

2007-01-22, 12:16 AM
It was a close one between 105 and 109 for me... but I cast by vote for 105


"That is... considerably more resistance than I was expecting."

"Soooooo... run away?"

"Nope. Charge!"

"*sniff* This is the happiest moment of my life..."

2007-01-22, 03:37 AM
The MitD jokes always get me, but I was tempted by Belkar messing up protecting the spellcasters...

2007-01-22, 04:27 AM
I went with 110

Xykon rocks :)

2007-01-22, 07:51 AM
#103 of course -- it's on my Top Ten list, it certainly far outshines the other nine in this selection and it might even be my choice for best strip of the hundred. How can anyone not love "Your broken corpses will taste delicious lightly seasoned with nutmeg"?

I'm not surprised that #102 is so popular, but I hope it doesn't win. The great thing about OotS is that, as so many other strips prove, it doesn't need to be infantile to be funny.

Amon Star
2007-01-22, 10:13 AM
For me it was a choise between 106, I loved the reverse psychology bit, or 110, with :xykon: only remembering Eugene because it was laundery night. In the end I went for 106.

I also really liked 101 in this selection.

2007-01-22, 10:27 AM
Heh,heh. Roy has boobies.

2007-01-22, 10:39 AM
"You go ahead. I'm just going to harvest his kidneys, and I'll catch up."

Love it.

2007-01-22, 11:02 AM
In the last campaign I was in I was a magic user babysitter, so I feel Belkar's pain in 107.

2007-01-22, 11:34 AM
110 all the freakin' way. A fantastic moment for Xykon, establishing the sort of experience and power which allows him to treat threats so lightly, and a great reversal of genre conventions.

2007-01-22, 01:39 PM
Men, defence is for LOOSERS! Show you are not d4 hit dice and vote :smallbiggrin:

Sorry. Ghasts
:vaarsuvius: Drat

2007-01-22, 01:40 PM
Voted for the best moment of :belkar:'s life

2007-01-22, 02:05 PM
Okay guys, seriously. If 102 wins this poll, I will personally hunt you down and harvest your kidneys.

2007-01-22, 02:24 PM
With what? A great cleave?

Heh heh. Nice cleavage.

Renegade Paladin
2007-01-22, 02:26 PM
105 for the win. Though 107 almost takes it for V's line about the laws of physics. :biggrin:

2007-01-22, 02:42 PM
Okay guys, seriously. If 102 wins this poll, I will personally hunt you down and harvest your kidneys.

102 has nothing to do with kidneys. If it wins, you'll have to go and harvest... ummm... other body parts.

Guildorn Tanaleth
2007-01-22, 04:11 PM
#103, for one of the best quotes ever.

Also, if anyone wants to vote in an ongoing, more wide-ranging poll of the OotS strips, I've created The Awards of the Stick (http://ootsvote.ifastnet.com) for that very purpose. (Original thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32358) -- why does no one ever reply to my threads?)

EDIT: #103, not #102

Renegade Paladin
2007-01-22, 04:42 PM
#102, for one of the best quotes ever.
Best quotes ever? :smallconfused:

2007-01-22, 04:46 PM
#103 of course -- it's on my Top Ten list, it certainly far outshines the other nine in this selection and it might even be my choice for best strip of the hundred. How can anyone not love "Your broken corpses will taste delicious lightly seasoned with nutmeg"?

I'm not surprised that #102 is so popular, but I hope it doesn't win. The great thing about OotS is that, as so many other strips prove, it doesn't need to be infantile to be funny.

True, however the Contrast of infantile humor is what makes it even funnier than it should be.

2007-01-22, 04:49 PM
DEFINITELY 103. No competition (although those in the know are aware that it is when something is made with turnips that it is truly evil :P)

2007-01-22, 05:58 PM
:xykon:Cīmon, touch it!
:mitd: All the cool kids are doing it !

:haley: ... 437 gp I dont have to split with the party...

:belkar: I am just going to harvest his kidneys


2007-01-22, 06:02 PM
Wow, tight race between 102 and 103. Almost makes me wish I hadn't voted for 105...

2007-01-22, 06:16 PM
Revenge has what is undeniably the best Xykon quote.

2007-01-22, 07:25 PM
I went with 103. Heh. Loofa.

2007-01-23, 12:07 AM
Lowbrow is indeed the best brow.

2007-01-23, 10:42 AM
We're into a stretch of really great strips here, as the 'Dungeon of Dorukan' plotline approaches its conclusion. These 10 in particular have a handful of brilliant Xykon moments (as do the next 10) - in fact, pretty much every strip with Xykon in it is a classic. So I like #103 a lot, but in the end I voted for #110 - and I already know I'll be voting for #112 in the next poll!

Other strips I like here are #101 (funny character moments for Elan and Belkar), #107 (for more of Belkar being Belkar), #105 (simply for the big splash panel) and #109 (for the beginning of the extremely long-running Haley-Elan tension). I'm not keen on #102 by comparison - it's a bit of a shallow gag, and pretty D&D-specific - but I must admit it did still make me laugh the first time. :smallsmile:

Overall, like I said - a great bunch of strips.

2007-01-23, 11:21 AM
"Roy has boobies!"

2007-01-23, 12:38 PM
Not really my favorite set of strips but......
It's between Parsley and Roy has Boobies.
I went with boobies.

2007-01-23, 12:55 PM
I have to say i think these are the best comics in the series so far.
I went with 101 just for belkar's offhand"i'm just gonna harvest this guys kidneys and catch up"
but i love 102 for the mockery of those who mock boobies

2007-01-23, 01:46 PM
#105 - "This is the happiest day of my life!"

2007-01-23, 03:08 PM
I went with 110 for overallness, but I'd like to make an honorable mention of 106, particularly "Sir, you actually said the words 'wink, wink.'"

Nazzo, the 102nd
2007-01-25, 11:06 AM
... and he sneaks in, bypassing all his foes and shouts:

Bump Thread!

2007-01-25, 11:21 AM
Tough choice to make, but I wound up going with #107, mainly because 'telling the laws of physics to shut up and sit down' is IMHO one of the best lines V has ever uttered.

2007-01-28, 08:30 AM
Tough choice to make, but I wound up going with #107, mainly because 'telling the laws of physics to shut up and sit down' is IMHO one of the best lines V has ever uttered.
Yeah, some of my favorite qoutes are in 107. Sadly it will not fit in first 3:smallfrown:

2007-01-28, 02:11 PM
Roy has boobies

2007-01-28, 03:10 PM
It just has to be #110

Sage in the Playground
2007-01-28, 03:12 PM
Anyone notice 101 has to do with psychological torture? What with Elan threatening to cry and embarrass the goblin and whatnot?

2007-01-28, 09:33 PM
I voted 102; if you really want to, you may attempt to hunt me down and kill me...but I don't think it'll work very well, seeing as how you don't know where I live.

As for why, it's not because the comic's punchline is at all clever, or even really very funny. Rather, it's because in my opinion, one of funniest (and least emphasized) themes in OotS is how Elan and Belkar, despite being nearly polar opposites in nearly every superficial respect (good/evil, optimist/pessimist, peaceful/bloodthirsty, charming/sociopathic), are really very similar in some ways.