View Full Version : Whalicus vs. Princess Doom (The Crowd Calls for Blood)

2014-01-11, 11:00 AM
The crowd is in an uproar as the two contestants are brought into the arena and unshackled in their opposing corners. The gigantic gates behind each of them would usually close with a deafening din of metal and stone, but any sound the gates would make is drowned out by those seeking entertainment. Both of them knew to expect this, but actually experiencing it was something else entirely. As the two fighters prepare to defend their lives, Whalicus is the first off the blocks. Some in the crowd cheer for the two-time champion, but others boo and jeer as they wait to see him blubber.


Initiative rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16769348&postcount=925)

Okay, smasher0404, you're up!

2014-01-11, 03:06 PM
[roll1](If maneuver is already granted use one higher with 5 looping back to 1)

1.Stone Vise
2.Charging Minotaur
3.Crusader's Strike
4.Battle Leader's Charge
5.Vanguard Strike

None! (Yay)

Whalicus stands still with tears drawing a flask of stuff from his bag

free action:draw a flask of aboleth mucus
Free action:close eyes
Ready standard to attack or initiate manuver against enemy if they enter a threatened square

2014-01-11, 05:14 PM
Two minor points re: W's actions:

1. I don't think you have to tell me about your readied actions (I hid mine last fight).

2. Since his eyes are closed, I believe W currently threatens no squares unless he has blindsight or similar, no?
Move action: Move to F14.
Standard Action: Ready an action to move to A1 if W begins a charge or makes an attack (like with that Aboleth goo), hopefully getting out of range and causing it to fail.No further actions.

2014-01-11, 07:07 PM
I have 60 ft blindsight correct?(Because a Whale is a Cetacean) can i detect Princess Doom?

2014-01-13, 10:52 PM
The two move tentatively closer to each other, but they are playing defensively. Whalicus seems poised and ready to strike, but takes no action as Princess DOom draws close. She, too, moves closer to Whalicus but takes no other actions.


As Princess Doom does not enter a threatened square, Whalicus' readied action does not trigger. As far as your question about blindsense, Savage Species contains the following about anthropomorphic animals on pg 215:
"Special Qualities: An anthropomorphic animal has darkvision with a 60-foot range." Since the baleen whale's blindsight is listed under Special Qualities, I think if you gained it Savage Species would have something like "you gain the base creature's special qualities."

2014-01-13, 11:29 PM
I don't think having my position public is kosher...if it's kept secret, then the possibility that I could be standing next to him with a readied action to demoralize him as soon as he opens his eyes might keep them closed, forcing him to play blind. Now that he knows where I am, he knows he can safely open his eyes and charge, etc. on his turn.

On future turns, I'd prefer to stay hidden until he declares that his eyes are opening, if that's alright with you.

2014-01-13, 11:51 PM
ok so I can see the special qualities under the actual template but in footnote 3 under the race section it says that cetaceans out of water have blindsight 60 and a whale is scientifically a cetacean so should I assumed that I would gain blindness. Do I or do I not? (sorry if this post sounds rude typing from my smartphone again)

2014-01-14, 07:42 AM
Fair enough; position redacted from the map.

While we may know certain things about baleen whales outside the game, we're talking about a separate creature here--a baleen whaleman with characteristics of each. Such a creature doesn't exist outside the game, so we stick to the rules presented. Since the superscript 3 doesn't appear next to the baleen whale, that footnote doesn't apply to that entry. No blindsense for anthropomorphic whales. Maybe they gave it up in exchange for legs?

2014-01-14, 11:42 AM
2.Charging Minotaur
3.Crusader's Strike
1.Stone Vise

2.Battle Leader's Charge
3.Vanguard Strike

None! (Yay)

Whalicus listens carefully for his opponent's movement

Passive Listen Check [roll1]
Move Action Listen Check [roll2]
Remaining actions pending listen check results

Edit: Just to be clear, i'm listening to hear Princess Doom's movement, and I can't post untill i find out whether i heard her move or not

2014-01-17, 09:41 AM
Whalicus can hear Princess Doom somewhere to the southwest of him, and she sounds like she's still a distance away.


OOC: Princess Doom's Move Silently check receives a -5 for moving full speed. This sets the pinpoint DC at 29, but it is raised due to her distance from Whalicus (+1 per 10 ft). Thus, he can hear her generally but can't pinpoint her.

Carry on.

2014-01-17, 11:40 AM
Whalicus opens his eyes and then closes them again enterring into a wider stance

Free Action open Eyes
Ready Standard
initiate grapple if Princess Doom enters a square i would normally threaten if my eyes were open
Free Action Close Eyes

2014-01-17, 02:54 PM
Whalicus sees Princess Doom in F14 before his massive eyelids close again.

I'm not sure if you can ready that action. I've asked in the Simple RAW thread if you can ready an action to attack or initiate a grapple while blinded...I think you can, based on this:
You can’t attack an opponent that has total concealment, though you can attack into a square that you think he occupies. A successful attack into a square occupied by an enemy with total concealment has a 50% miss chance (instead of the normal 20% miss chance for an opponent with concealment). ...but want to be sure I wasn't missing anything. Also, since readied actions go off before the trigger, it would go off before Princess Doom is in a normally threatened square and thus out of grapple range. However, the text also stipulates that "You can take a 5-foot step as part of your readied action, but only if you don’t otherwise move any distance during the round." Since Whalicus hasn't moved, I don't know if you can close your eyes and ready an action to 5-foot step and initiate a grapple. I'll await a RAW thread response, and please keep in mind that even if you can ready said action, the touch attack to start a grapple will have 50% miss chance since you've effectively blinded yourself.

EDIT: Update! Got a response from Curmudgeon here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16812306&postcount=805). Basically, you can ready the action to 5-foot step and initiate a grapple, but you need a way to perceive that the trigger condition has been met. Basically, you'd have to beat Princess Doom's Move Silently by 20 or more to pinpoint that she's moving into a threatened square. If you pass, you still make the touch attack to initiate the grapple with 50% miss chance. If that succeeds, you roll your opposed Grapple checks. Savvy?

2014-01-17, 08:00 PM
Am I clear to post actions, or are we still waiting on a clarification?

2014-01-19, 02:16 PM
Princess Doom is free to act. Map as above, no changes. Whalicus opens his eyes and closes them again, but seems to be waiting for something.

2014-01-19, 10:00 PM
Move action: Move to L9 (40 ft.)
Swift action: Activate item.
Second move action: Move to Q3 (40 ft.)The second move action is from the effects of Lesser Celerity.
Listen DC to pinpoint Princess Doom's position = [roll0] + 20 (pinpoint) + 1 (10 ft. distance) = 21
To pinpoint Princess Doom's location, Whalicus must meet a Listen DC of 21.

This does not conclude my actions; since Whalicus currently has an action readied, I want to see if I trigger it before I post the rest of my round.

2014-01-20, 12:31 AM
Listen Check

listen check: [roll0]
Edit:readied action doesn't trigger
Edit2:sorry didn't read closely enough readied action soon to follow

2014-01-20, 12:35 AM
Whalicus' sharp ears hear a footfall in Q3.

2014-01-20, 12:47 AM
Whalicus hearing this attempts to grab onto Princess Doom

5 foot dtep to s2
Grapple Attempt (Provokes an attack of opportunity Melee Touch Attack[roll0]
Miss Chance [roll1] (Miss if 50 or below)
Grapple Check [roll2]

2014-01-20, 02:50 AM
Whalicus' hearing is good...but it isn't that good. Still unseen, the Princess is able to easily avoid her opponent's blind fumbling, and takes a quick jab at him with her spear as he grabs for her.

Whalicus misses due to concealment.

Attack of Opportunity:

[roll=Confirmation (if applicable)]1d20+1

[roll=Crit damage (if applicable)=2d8-2

*edit* Crit rolls were borked, but it wasn't a threat anyway.
Standard action: Ready an action to demoralize Whalicus as soon as he does anything while his eyes are open, including attempting to shut them again.
This concludes my actions.

2014-01-20, 09:21 AM
2.Charging Minotaur
3.Crusader's Strike
3.Vanguard Strike
1.Stone Vise

2.Battle Leader's Charge

None! (Yay)

Whalicus makes another attempt at grabbing Princess Doom

Grapple attempt into Q3
Melee Touch Attack (Provokes AoO) [roll1]
Miss Chance [roll2] (Miss if less than 50)
Grapple Check [roll3]

2014-01-20, 09:24 AM
(Sorry forgot to put the second attempt because of BAB)

Grapple Attempt 2
Melee Touch Attack(Provokes an AoO [roll0]
Miss Chance [roll1](miss if less than 50)
Grapple Check [roll2]

2014-01-20, 10:45 AM
The second attempt means that was a full attack, right? Is that your full round's actions (no swift)?

If yes, should I just assume you're posting actions a round at a time from here out unless you say otherwise? I don't wanna step on your toes flippers in case you wanna see the outcome of earlier actions before you post the rest, but I also don't wanna hold up the fight waiting for actions you aren't actually going to take :P .

2014-01-20, 11:03 AM
Whalicus' sharp ears allow him to hear the Princess standing right next to him, but he doesn't dare open his eyes. Instead, he attempts to grab her with his massive, blubbery arms. Due to his self-imposed blindness, the attempts all miss. A chuckle begins to spread around the crowd as they watch the two-time champion blindly feeling in the dark. Princess Doom attempts to take advantage of this opportunity by stabbing at Whalicus, but even with his blindness her weapon misses.


A_S, you're up.

2014-01-20, 03:39 PM
The Princess takes another quick jab in response to Whalicus' latest flailings. Then, her position revealed, she moves, more careful to be quiet this time.

Previous AoO was triggered by W's readied action on my last turn; W's subsequent actions started a new round (since he's first in the initiative order), so I get one for them, too.

[roll2] 1 (minimum)
Move action: Move at half speed to T5.

Standard action: Ready an action to demoralize Whalicus as soon as he does anything while his eyes are open, including attempting to shut them again.
Listen DC to pinpoint Princess Doom's position = (broken roll, redone here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16830178&postcount=971)) 14 + 20 (pinpoint) + 1 (10 ft. distance) = 35
To pinpoint Princess Doom's new location, Whalicus must meet a Listen DC of 35.

This concludes my actions.

2014-01-20, 06:27 PM

Actions not concluded (I know I cant make the check but I'm trying to sew if I can hear the movement not pinpointing)

2014-01-20, 06:29 PM
[roll0] filler

2014-01-20, 06:30 PM
[roll0] filler

2014-01-20, 06:31 PM
Wh alicus stands still waiting for his opponents next move
delay initiative

2014-01-20, 09:55 PM
OOC: Did the second AoO hit? Also, need a ruling, gotta wait on PONIES before I can post actions.

Am I allowed to ready actions whose triggering conditions are related to initiative/turn order (the beginning of someone's turn, say), rather than to in-game events?

2014-01-20, 10:05 PM
OOC: I'm pretty sure it didn't, I could be wrong about the AC penalty from being blind though

2014-01-20, 10:08 PM
OOC: You lose out on any Dex and Dodge bonuses, and then take -2 on top of that.

Source (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm)

2014-01-20, 10:38 PM
OOC:Then it still doesn't hit

2014-01-20, 10:44 PM
You can ready an action to go off at the start of your opponent's initiative.

2014-01-21, 12:19 AM
How about at the end of an opponent's initiative? Since readied actions preempt their trigger, I was imagining the trigger being the beginning of my next turn, but just saying "the end of my opponent's actions" works just as well, if it's allowed.

Sorry to be difficult :\

2014-01-21, 11:12 AM
I'm giving it a tentative "sure." I'm tentative because it's basically the same then as tacking an extra standard action onto the beginning of your turn (albeit borrowed from your last turn). Dare I ask, what are you planning on readying for either the beginning or end of your opponent's initiative?

I'm hesitant because Princess Doom would have no way of knowing "it's the start of his initiative" or "it's the end of his initiative." Instead, they're abstract meta-game terms that we as players know but our characters don't. The intent I read in readying is more akin to "fire an arrow IF he comes any closer" and the like.

2014-01-21, 12:56 PM
The action I want to ready is Eldritch Blast. The goal is to get in a round's worth of damage without cluing Smasher into the fact that I don't have a demoralize readied until it's too late for him to take advantage of that fact (by waiting until he's already taken his round's worth of actions to blast him).

I was just going to ready it for attempts to attack me, but it looks like we're both playing no-action chicken for now.

2014-01-21, 01:18 PM
Asked in the Simple RAW thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16836436&postcount=865), awaiting a response.


2014-01-21, 04:39 PM
Sorry for the double post. Reading over initiative consequences of readying, I found this: "If you take your readied action in the next round, before your regular turn comes up, your initiative count rises to that new point in the order of battle, and you do not get your regular action that round."

Since Whalicus is delaying his initiative and can't use it to interrupt you, we can safely assume that, absent any readied actions, you go on initiative count 16 and he on initiative count 15 or less. If you use a readied action at any point during his turn, you're going right before him and he can still choose to continue with other actions.

There is no point where it is still Whalicus' turn but he is out of actions. When that happens, it is your turn and we are in a new round. The above rules quote would come into effect; your readied action would trigger if the trigger was "right before my turn," but at the expense of your regular action that round.

2014-01-21, 10:40 PM
Understood; I'd actually missed the verbiage about missing your next action if you trigger in the next round, so I totally agree with your ruling. Sorry for the delay.

Another question that will become relevant soon: For the listen check to figure out where I am, should I use the distance at the start or end of my movement? I would think end, since that's the location he's trying to pinpoint, but I'm not 100% sure.
Move action: Move to P4 (20 ft.)

Standard action: Ready an action to demoralize Whalicus as soon as he does anything while his eyes are open and he is within my threatened area, including attempting to shut them again.
Listen DC to pinpoint Princess Doom's position = [roll0] + 20 (pinpoint) + 1 (10 ft. distance) = 30
To pinpoint Princess Doom's new location, Whalicus must meet a Listen DC of 30.

This concludes my actions.

2014-01-21, 11:07 PM

This does not conclude my actions (Also tell me if i can hear the movement in general)

2014-01-22, 01:58 PM
Whalicus hears movement, but doesn't pinpoint the Princess' location.

OOC: I don't want to try and write the kind of fluff text that PONIES was writing with, like, hints about where I am that you get from your Listen check, since I think it's gotta be his call how specific to be on those. If you want that info before your actions, we'll have to wait for an update from him.

2014-01-22, 04:12 PM
Whalicus hears the patter of Princess Doom's footfalls, but the sound is nearly drowned out by the booing of the crowd. Furious as they are at the inaction on the part of both combatants, they have decided to express their displeasure through their mob mentality.

"Hit something!" one shouts. "Kill 'er, Whalicus!" cries another. "He's already quaking, Doom--in for the kill!" calls a third. Even still, over the voices Whalicus can barely hear steps being taken to his south, moving westward.

2014-01-22, 04:40 PM
Whalicus moves slightly downward before attempting to grab into where he guesses Princess Doom is

5-foot step to R3
Full Attack Grapple into P5
Melee Touch Attack [roll0]
Miss Chance (I swear to god if this happens to miss by concealment...) [roll1] (Miss if 50 or below)
Grapple Check [roll2]

Second Attempt
Melee Touch Attack [roll3]
Miss Chance (I swear to god if this happens to miss by concealment...) [roll4] (Miss if 50 or below)
Grapple Check [roll5]

2014-01-22, 06:20 PM
Whalicus' attacks connect with nothing but air, prompting another (admittedly rather lackluster) jab with the spear.

Standard Action: ready an action to use Eldritch Blast if W takes a Standard or Full-Round action
OOC: No Listen check prompted this round.

2014-01-22, 07:53 PM
Whalicus makes another attempt at grabbing on to Doom

Full Attack Grapple into P4
Concealment(If this doesn't make it...) [roll1] (Miss if roll = 1)
Grapple Check [roll2]

Concealment(If this doesn't make it...) [roll4] (Miss if roll = 1)
Grapple Check [roll5]

2014-01-22, 08:09 PM
OOC: Did the AoO hit?

I also need a ruling before we continue.

in this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16826473&postcount=18), Whalicus took a 5-foot step as part of a readied action. Is that something that needs to be declared ahead of time, when you ready the action, or can I do it now as my Eldritch Blast triggers in response to his grapple attempt? If the latter, will stepping aside prevent his attacks from hitting?

2014-01-22, 08:14 PM
OOC:The AoO does not hit

2014-01-23, 08:02 AM
As Whalicus lumbers forward, Princess Doom fires off a quick blast of energy into the creature's thick hide. It singes his hide as he reaches out to grab Princess Doom, and his blubbery fingers feel like they're grasping something...


After discussion with Whalicus, the 5 ft step was included in his stated readied action. He had readied an action to occur if you entered a normally threatened square; since the readied action would have gone off before your entry into a threatened square, it became a logical impossibility.

Your readied action was a logical possibility, so I saw no need to intervene. As such, I'm going to rule that you need to state as part of your ready that you'll be taking a 5-foot step. I'm afraid luck is on Whalicus' side with this one, and the Princess is grappled unless she has a way to avoid it.

Also, to answer an unrelated question from before: Listen pinpoint DCs are based off the distance at the end of your move.
A_S, you're up with an attempt to resist the grapple before your actions.

2014-01-23, 02:04 PM
OOC: In addition to the readied action triggering, I get another attack of opportunity, prompted by the grapple attempt.

Princess Doom takes another poke with her spear as Whalicus reaches in for the grab. Then, just as the great whale-man's flailing fingers finally make contact with his opponent, he feels her vanish from his grasp.


*edit* I accidentally edited this post instead of posting a new one; suffice it to say that this AoO was not a hit before I accidentally borked it.
Immediate action in response to being grappled: Abrupt Jaunt to P2.
Standard action: Ready an action to demoralize Whalicus as soon as he does anything while his eyes are open, including attempting to shut them again.
This concludes my actions.

2014-01-23, 05:46 PM
Whalicus frustrated at another failure attempts to grab into another square nearby

Whalicus full attacks grapple into P2
Miss Chance: [roll1] (Miss if roll =1)
Grapple Check: [roll2]

Miss Chance: [roll4] (Miss if roll =1)
Grapple Check: [roll5]

2014-01-23, 06:38 PM
The Princess tries once more to get something done with the spear, then disappears once more as she feels Whalicus' suddenly much more accurate fingers closing in.

Immediate action in response to being grappled: Abrupt Jaunt to Q3.
Standard Action: ready an action to take a 5-foot step and use Eldritch Blast if W takes a Standard or Full-Round action.
This concludes my actions.

2014-01-24, 04:44 PM
Whalicus feeling the futility of his current efforts retreats further into the center of the arena, and then opens his eyes

Move Action to R7
Free Action Open Eyes
Free Action: Close Eyes if Princess Doom attempts to use the Intimidate Skill

2014-01-24, 05:52 PM
Whalicus prompts another attempt at stabbing as he moves toward the south, then opens his eyes to see his opponent standing in Q3. Once his eyes are open, she follows him cautiously.

Move action: Move to R5
This does not conclude my actions. I want to see if this triggers your readied action before we proceed.

2014-01-24, 06:14 PM
Whalicus laughs at Princess Doom's spearwork "Hahaha That's what was the swishing sounds i was hearing? I thought it was a bee!"

OOC:Readied Action does not trigger yet

2014-01-24, 06:24 PM
"Not a bee, no," murmurs the Princess sweetly. "That was the sound of...YOUR DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!"

Second move action: Demoralize Whalicus.

[roll0] (includes -4 for size difference)

If you are vulnerable to this form of attack, you need to roll (1d20 + HD + Wis bonus + bonus vs. fear) against that DC or cower in fear for one round, then be shaken for one additional round.

2014-01-24, 06:36 PM
Whalicus upon seeing Princess Doom's attempt at intimidation shuts his eyes

Readied free action triggers closing Whalicus' eyes

2014-01-24, 06:45 PM
The Princess bops Whalicus lightly on the nose with her spear as he attempts to close his eyes. "Nope!" she says with a smile...a creepy, creepy smile.

As an immediate action in response to W's attempt to shut his eyes, still on my turn, another demoralize attempt:


Whalicus might recognize the astonishing speed with which Princess Doom is able to pull this off as the effects of...Lesser Celerity
OOC: I believe that, as it's declared in response to your readied action going off, my immediate action takes priority, and since it's still my turn, you don't get the chance to take another free action in response to it. We should wait for a ruling on this before we continue, though.

*edit* Nevermind, these actions stand. I thought for a moment I'd used up my swift action already this round, but that was last round's.

2014-01-24, 07:18 PM
[roll0] (If there was ever a time to roll a natural 20)

Edit:I'm pretty sure i lost this one... well good game let's hope for a miracle over my next save :P

2014-01-24, 07:23 PM
Demoralize is not resisted with a Will save, but with a modified level check. You roll:

1d20 + HD + Wis mod + any bonus you have to saves vs. fear

As a check, rather than a save, a natural 20 is not an automatic success (nor is a natural 1 an automatic failure).

*edit* Source (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/intimidate.htm)

2014-01-24, 07:25 PM
Will Saves over the next rounds


Edit: I guess I learn something new every day,

well subtract A bunch from all of these rolls then...

good game


2014-01-24, 07:49 PM
If your modifier is +12, there's no way for you to beat my check (barely). Good game! I'm honestly not sure how it would have gone if we'd kept up the blindness dance; I had one more trick up my sleeve to avoid grapples, but I'm definitely running low on my limited stuff.

Piggy Knowles pointed out over in his thread that scrolls aren't actually used up if you fail to activate them except in the case of a mishap, which means the two scrolls that failed to go off for me before the first fight are still in my inventory.

Princess Doom is going to retry activating them. Every round for the rest of the fight, she first spends a move action to demoralize Whalicus. Her other actions are as follows:

Round 1: Second move action to withdraw a scroll.

Round 2-X: Attempt to activate the scroll. Each round, I roll UMD to activate it (I also have to emulate an ability score to do so). The first round I hit the DC, I succeed. For each time I fail, I'll have to check for mishaps. I'm going to roll more attempts than I expect to need, then cross out the ones that don't actually happen. None of the listed effects of a mishap would prevent me from taking my intended actions, so I'll just roll them all at once.

Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll0]
Activate (DC 23): [roll1]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll2]

Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll3]
Activate (DC 23): [roll4]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll5]


Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll6]
Activate (DC 23): [roll7]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll8]

Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll9]
Activate (DC 23): [roll10]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll11]

Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll12]
Activate (DC 23): [roll13]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll14]

Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll15]
Activate (DC 23): [roll16]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll17]

Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll18]
Activate (DC 23): [roll19]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll20]

Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll21]
Activate (DC 23): [roll22]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll23]

Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll24]
Activate (DC 23): [roll25]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll26]

Emulate ability score (DC 27): [roll27]
Activate (DC 23): [roll28]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll29]
Next round: After that scroll is finished with (via either mishap or success), move action to draw the next scroll.

Next Y rounds: Same deal as above, but with different DC's.

Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll30]
Activate (DC 25): [roll31]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll32]

Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll33]
Activate (DC 25): [roll34]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll35]


Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll36]
Activate (DC 25): [roll37]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll38]

Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll39]
Activate (DC 25): [roll40]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll41]

Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll42]
Activate (DC 25): [roll43]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll44]

Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll45]
Activate (DC 25): [roll46]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll47]

Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll48]
Activate (DC 25): [roll49]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll50]

Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll51]
Activate (DC 25): [roll52]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll53]

Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll54]
Activate (DC 25): [roll55]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll56]

Emulate ability score (DC 28): [roll57]
Activate (DC 25): [roll58]
Avoid mishap (DC 5): [roll59]
I will edit in the total number of rounds these scroll shenanigans take, and their outcome, then post my attack/damage rolls in a new post afterwards.

*edit* The whole deal takes a total of 6 rounds, and I suffer two mishaps! I'll wait for PONIES to rule on what exactly happens as a result of the mishaps before I keep rolling for attacks.

2014-01-28, 10:02 AM
Princess Doom's scrolls both misfire, causing raw surging bolts of magical energy to leap from the page and strike at her. As they do so, the parchment of each scroll is burnt to ash.



OOC: For simplicity's sake, I'll always choose the mishap option that deals damage to the user. I'll add it to the house rules.

2014-01-28, 04:26 PM
Frustrated, Princess Doom settles in for the long haul of slow-cooking her opponent's blubbery flesh.

For the remainder of the fight, every round, Doom first spends a move action to demoralize, then spends a standard action to use Eldritch Blast. Here are rolls for a whole lot of attacks in a row; let me know how many rounds it takes for Whalicus to die.


[roll1] (if needed)
[roll2] (1-20 misses)
[roll4] (if needed)

[roll6] (if needed)
[roll7] (1-20 misses)
[roll9] (if needed)

[roll11] (if needed)
[roll12] (1-20 misses)
[roll14] (if needed)

[roll16] (if needed)
[roll17] (1-20 misses)
[roll19] (if needed)

[roll21] (if needed)
[roll22] (1-20 misses)
[roll24] (if needed)

[roll26] (if needed)
[roll27] (1-20 misses)
[roll29] (if needed)

[roll31] (if needed)
[roll32] (1-20 misses)
[roll34] (if needed)

[roll36] (if needed)
[roll37] (1-20 misses)
[roll39] (if needed)

[roll41] (if needed)
[roll42] (1-20 misses)
[roll44] (if needed)

[roll46] (if needed)
[roll47] (1-20 misses)
[roll49] (if needed)

[roll51] (if needed)
[roll52] (1-20 misses)
[roll54] (if needed)

[roll56] (if needed)
[roll57] (1-20 misses)
[roll59] (if needed)

[roll61] (if needed)
[roll62] (1-20 misses)
[roll64] (if needed)

[roll66] (if needed)
[roll67] (1-20 misses)
[roll69] (if needed)

[roll71] (if needed)
[roll72] (1-20 misses)
[roll74] (if needed)

[roll76] (if needed)
[roll77] (1-20 misses)
[roll79] (if needed)

[roll81] (if needed)
[roll82] (1-20 misses)
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[roll86] (if needed)
[roll87] (1-20 misses)
[roll89] (if needed)

[roll91] (if needed)
[roll92] (1-20 misses)
[roll94] (if needed)

[roll96] (if needed)
[roll97] (1-20 misses)
[roll99] (if needed)

[roll101] (if needed)
[roll102] (1-20 misses)
[roll104] (if needed)

[roll106] (if needed)
[roll107] (1-20 misses)
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[roll111] (if needed)
[roll112] (1-20 misses)
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[roll116] (if needed)
[roll117] (1-20 misses)
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[roll121] (if needed)
[roll122] (1-20 misses)
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[roll126] (if needed)
[roll127] (1-20 misses)
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[roll131] (if needed)
[roll132] (1-20 misses)
[roll134] (if needed)

[roll136] (if needed)
[roll137] (1-20 misses)
[roll139] (if needed)

[roll141] (if needed)
[roll142] (1-20 misses)
[roll144] (if needed)

[roll146] (if needed)
[roll147] (1-20 misses)
[roll149] (if needed)

2014-01-28, 06:00 PM
Around 11 rounds into the series of eldritch blasts, Whalicus' massive body falls to the ground witha loud thud the last blow finishes him off

2014-01-28, 06:54 PM
The Princess fistpumps with her spiked gauntlet, then returns to her corner of the arena to await the next challenger.

2014-01-30, 06:58 AM
As Princess Doom lays down blast after blast on Whalicus, the crowd roars. Watching his blubber sear and burn before their eyes was worth the price of admission for many. As the battle nears the three-minute mark, Whalicus finally collapses and gives up the ghost.

Princess Doom wins!