View Full Version : variant idea: lawful Crusader maneuver granting

2014-01-11, 11:45 AM
The random mechanism for refreshing Crusader maneuvers strikes me as being aligned to Chaos. The powers of Law shouldn't play dice (or cards) with their chosen warriors. What do you think of the following alternative for lawful crusaders?

When you ready your crusader maneuvers, you number them in the order of your choice. They are granted in order, starting from the first. On each successive turn, the next maneuver is granted and the earliest is removed, even if you didn't expend it.

E.g. a low level crusader (with extra granted feat, of course) would have a rolling window of 3 maneuvers granted and 2 withheld on a 5 turn cycle. Maneuvers 1-3 are available on turn 1. Maneuver #2 (for example) is removed after turn 2, then available again on turns 5-7, 10-12, 15-17, etc.

Is the advantage of controlling the order balanced by the 5 turn delay between uses, instead of 3 under random granting?

When you reach 6 maneuvers readied, the cycle should accelerate so that 2 maneuvers are granted & removed each turn (and up it to 3 & 3 if PrCs reach 9 readied). Which is a 3 turn cycle...

Under random granting 4 from 6, there's a 1/3 chance of a desired maneuver being withheld for 1 turn in 3, with a subsequent 1/2 chance of it remaining withheld another turn. Under cyclic granting 4 from 6, each maneuver is guaranteed withheld for 1 turn in 3. Is that balanced?

2014-01-11, 01:09 PM
The random mechanism for refreshing Crusader maneuvers strikes me as being aligned to Chaos. The powers of Law shouldn't play dice (or cards) with their chosen warriors. What do you think of the following alternative for lawful crusaders?

When you ready your crusader maneuvers, you number them in the order of your choice. They are granted in order, starting from the first. On each successive turn, the next maneuver is granted and the earliest is removed, even if you didn't expend it.

E.g. a low level crusader (with extra granted feat, of course) would have a rolling window of 3 maneuvers granted and 2 withheld on a 5 turn cycle. Maneuvers 1-3 are available on turn 1. Maneuver #2 (for example) is removed after turn 2, then available again on turns 5-7, 10-12, 15-17, etc.

Is the advantage of controlling the order balanced by the 5 turn delay between uses, instead of 3 under random granting?

When you reach 6 maneuvers readied, the cycle should accelerate so that 2 maneuvers are granted & removed each turn (and up it to 3 & 3 if PrCs reach 9 readied). Which is a 3 turn cycle...

Under random granting 4 from 6, there's a 1/3 chance of a desired maneuver being withheld for 1 turn in 3, with a subsequent 1/2 chance of it remaining withheld another turn. Under cyclic granting 4 from 6, each maneuver is guaranteed withheld for 1 turn in 3. Is that balanced?

The only problem I see is:
1) Charging Minotaur.
2) Vanguard Strike.
3) Crusader's Strike
4) Leading the Attack
5) Stone Bones

For level 1, that's really, really good. You get to open with a charge, give your allies to-hit bonus, heal and get DR if the battle takes more than a round or two...

It's an interesting idea, but more research is needed.