View Full Version : Artaaglith Characters

2014-01-11, 11:45 AM
A bit of confusion struck me as I looked over the monsters within Ghostwalk. The Artaaglith, demonic servants of Orcus, have a section that brings them up as characters. The problem? I see no indication of a level adjustment. For a Tanar'ri possessing 5RHD, and is in all respects equivalent to a 5th level Cleric (though he turns undead, not rebukes), in addition to some spell-like abilities.. they have an absence on anything stated their character level. Am I to assume that this demon is a playable race starting out as a 5th level character prior to any class levels, or is there something I am missing?

If thats the case, could someone start out as a 1st level one by tossing out 4RHD and 4 effective cleric levels (for spells, Sp, and turning)?

2014-01-11, 11:53 AM
They are probably designed as NPC-only characters. By "X as characters", it doesn't mean Player Characters (usually) - its a reference to how their society works, and how they progress with Class Levels.

NPCs use CR, not ECL. Adding Associated Class Levels to a monster increases its CR by 1 per level, while Unassociated Classes add 1 CR per two levels.

2014-01-11, 12:35 PM
Ah. That makes sense. Given what they are, would you say they would not function for player characters or simply that its just not what they were designed with in mind?