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Amidus Drexel
2014-01-11, 07:38 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=317519)|| Dice (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?338560)

Random Banter D&D 3.5e Campaign IC

13:00, Saturday, Late Autumn, CI 200
Market Square, Capel Kerig, Cymru, Hindrun, Prime Material Plane

The market square is buzzing with activity. People flit about from shop to shop, to roadside stall, to private homes, and to taverns and back again. The city’s bells chime once. The afternoon sun of late autumn has finally warmed the cobblestone and roof shingles, and Capel Kerig’s market district will be pleasantly warm for the next few hours before the cold breeze to the sea steals the heat as the sun sinks below the horizon. A cloud passes over the sun, and a few people not warmly-dressed shiver and curse the god of their choice for the sudden cold, or utter a quick prayer for warmer weather. Soon enough, it passes, and the sun shines on the square again.

Horns sound in the distance. The keener-eared folk suddenly stop and listen; most shrug, and go about their business, and some others turn and quickly make their way inside. A small group of city guards shoo people out of the middle of the streets, and you can hear someone shouting: “Make way! The army returns! General Holtti and Prince Brynne’s army is coming home! Victory is ours!”

Caught near to each other in the crowd are a handful of unusual individuals. A tall, muscular man in gleaming mithril armor looks over the peasants, a glaive stowed behind his back. There is an elven woman with wild chestnut hair, who seems somewhat unnerved by the oppressive mass of people, and a short, middle-aged man who smells slightly of alcohol and seems lost in thought. Next to them stands a grey elf with silver hair and a stern, determined look about him. He flicks the hair out of his face as they wait for the army to return.


The horns sound again, this time much closer. A man behind you sighs heavily and gruffly mutters “Are they really going to parade around the whole city this time too? At least I don’t have to watch Brynne and Holtti bicker for the whole procession now that I’m not in the service. You’d think someone stuck pins in their sides the way they go at it… I’m honestly surprised they can keep it together well enough to command the same bloody army!” He sighs again, and then begins to push his way to the back of the crowd, saying to no one in particular: “Tell Amanda that I’ve gone to clean the rooms. I heard through the grapevine we’ve got a few important guests from out of town that are going to be staying tonight, and gods forbid there’s a damned speck in one of their rooms. The old woman’ll have my head!”

Soon, the officers parade through the city. Before the procession reaches the market square, you hear the cheering crowd by the city gates falls silent. Three heralds bearing red and white flags lead them, followed by a casket and pallbearers. Behind them ride two men in a chariot – one wears white and red robes, and wears a silver circlet, and the other is dressed in a white military uniform, and carries a large, two-handed sword. They are followed by a small group of officers, some in military garb, and others simply in armour. There are gasps as the procession passes, and the crowd surrounding you grows quiet. An old woman next to you whispers “Oh, gods… Brynne is dead… the emperor’s son is dead… havoc will rain down upon this city… gods help us all.” Other people in the crowd whisper similar pleas, and you can hear a few people sobbing.


Soon, the procession passes and, and the crowd begins to scatter and break apart. A man in an official-looking red and white uniform carrying a bag over his shoulder walks up to the old woman and says, “Mrs. Amanda Rhodri, right? I have a few letters for some of your guests. Let’s see…” He begins searching through his bag, and finally procures five envelopes. “One Alphonse, Jade Dragon; one Béla, mage; one Lucas Espenshade; and one Tass, of the Porling Forest. Oh, and there’s one for you, milady. Good day!”

The old woman turns around and shouts “GREGORY!” then looks at you as a group. “Do any of you know where I could find these people? I don’t think they’re staying at my inn, but I didn’t have the heart to tell that to the postman. The letters have this official seal on them, so I would think they’re pretty important. I’d hate for one of these fine people to lose their mail…”

2014-01-11, 08:11 PM
As if with a spring in his step, the tall, mythril plated man heads over when he hears the red and white robed man call his name.

He gives a polite bow, and says "Ah, fair innkeeper, I go by the name Alphonse, the Jade Dragon."

2014-01-11, 08:45 PM
Béla shoots a glance at the lady. I am Béla, Béla says.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-11, 09:20 PM
Amanda takes a step back, then regains her composure. "Oh, my, lucky you, then, to be standing here! Here you go, young man! And you too, sir!" She hands Alphonse and Béla their envelopes. "Amanda Rhodri, at your service."

Dear Alphonse;

It has been brought to my attention - by parties that wish to remain unnamed - that you have a certain talent for investigating unusual circumstances and exploring dangerous locales. Your presence is requested - but not required - at the feast tonight; if at all possible, please plan to attend. General Holtti and I wish to speak business with you, as we have been made aware that your skill with a variety of weapons - polearms in particular - is extensive, and wish you to employ your talent in these areas to our - mutual - ends. General Holtti has assured me that you will receive due recompense, should you accept our offer. Enclosed is an invitation with my signature; should anyone take issue with it, please refer them to me. As a gesture of my good will, I have taken the liberty of paying for a night's stay at the Hog's Head Inn.

In addition, I have been informed that the entertainment for tonight's feast is quite impressive. Even if you decline this offer, I encourage you to attend the feast for the food and entertainment.

Prince Wuscfrea

Dear Béla;

It has been brought to my attention - by parties that wish to remain unnamed - that you have a certain talent for investigating unusual circumstances and exploring exotic locales. Your presence is requested - but not required - at the feast tonight; if at all possible, please plan to attend. General Holtti and I wish to speak business with you, as we have been made aware that your skill with magic - arcane magic, to be precise - is rather impressive, and wish you to employ your talent in this areas to our - mutual - ends. General Holtti has assured me that you will receive due recompense, should you accept our offer. Enclosed is an invitation with my signature; should anyone take issue with it, please refer them to me. As a gesture of my good will, I have taken the liberty of paying for a night's stay at the Hog's Head Inn.

In addition, I have been informed that the entertainment for tonight's feast is quite impressive. Even if you decline this offer, I encourage you to attend the feast for the food and entertainment.

Prince Wuscfrea

Each envelope also contains a small slip of parchment paper with a nigh-incomprehensible signature at the bottom.

2014-01-11, 09:47 PM
Is there anything enclosed in the envelope?


2014-01-12, 12:18 AM
After reading through the letter, Alphonse tucks it back into the envelope and pockets it.

He gives Amanda a small bow and asks where the Hog's Head Inn is.

OOC: Still at work, leaving soon. Want to roll a check to determine what the fight was about that killed the Prince. Will roll when home.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-12, 01:35 AM
"Oh, that would be right here, sir!" Amanda turns and points at the building behind her. She continues absentmindedly, "Now, normally Gregory is out here to help me manage it... My husband left me this inn to run after he passed away, but Gregory's been such a help... Where is the old bastard? He had better not have slunk off to the cellar again to drink... GREGORY!"

The Hog's Head Inn is a well-built, but fairly plain two-story building. It's made from thick logs, and has a shingled roof, like many of the other buildings in the market square. An unobtrusive sign with "Hog's Head Inn" painted on it hangs over the door. There are stables off to the side of the building, and you can make out the scents of fresh hay and ale emanating from the stables and the inn, respectively.

You know that Prince Brynne and General Holtti have led several battles with warlords in the north (most frequently raiders from across the mountains, although there have been a few that led poorly-organized rebellions against the Cymran Empire) over the past several years. They are returning from a series of such battles today, although you don't know the name of any warlords involved.

2014-01-12, 01:46 AM
"Thank you, fair innkeeper. Now, I hope not to intrude, but I recall hearing someone say they were going off to clean the rooms, for some 'important guests'. Seeing as how my night's stay has been paid for, I'd hazard a guess and say I'm one of them." Alphonse poses slightly, as if awaiting a breeze to pass by and flutter his cloak and burnished brown locks "I see my reputation proceeds me. What say you, Sir...Bela, I believe it was?"

2014-01-12, 10:39 AM
Haven't heard of you.

2014-01-12, 10:42 AM
Alphonse cringes, though manages to keep his cool somewhat "I, er...meant in regards to the letter, Sir Bela. They do, after all, all carry an official seal."

2014-01-12, 10:57 AM
Alphonse cringes, though manages to keep his cool somewhat "I, er...meant in regards to the letter, Sir Bela. They do, after all, all carry an official seal."

Béla glares at him. If this feast is as big as it sounds, we are lucky they didn't get us accommodations at a different inn. There will be many more more important guests. He turns his back on Alphonse and starts walking lightly towards the Hog's Head.

2014-01-12, 04:10 PM
Tass sighs with relief and lets herself catch her breath as the crowd disperses. Managing a much less confident demeanor than her forest green dragonhide armour, the scales barely visible behind the many pelts, paws, tails, horns, teeth, pieces of rare wood and curious rocks she's collected during her journeys, would make you expect, she almost jumps upon hearing her name. When the large fighter and the surly mage starts walking away, she gathers enough courage to walk up to the innkeepress.

Hello. I heard my name mentioned in the crowd. Tass, that's me. You... have a letter for me, yes?

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-12, 08:20 PM
"Oh, here you are, dear!" Amanda hands you your letter. "My, so many of you, all right next to each other! Are you traveling as a group?" She drifts off and begins to talk absentmindedly again. "I remember some groups of odd folk that passed through here just a few weeks ago... now, what were their names, Gregory... GREGO--"

At this moment, a short, muscular man with thinning black hair and a greying stubble bursts out of the inn's door. He speaks to Amanda in the same gruff voice that you heard in the crowd earlier. "Yes, woman, I'm here! There's no need to shout! Now, either leave these good people alone or sell them rooms already; there's a feast tonight, and you know that means people pay better." He slides up next to her and looks at the two remaining envelopes. "Espenshade, huh? I remember stopping by a tavern by that name a while ago... Espenshade's Easery, I think it was. Some of the best ale I ever got my hands on! I might even have a bottle down in the cellar, if you haven't drunk us dry yet, you old bat." He takes the other letter and motions for you to follow him inside. "If Amanda's not sold you a room yet, then I'll give it a shot, eh? Ha ha! And if I can't do that, then I'll give you a mug of ale for the trouble, anyway. Come on in!"

Dear Tass;

It has been brought to my attention - by parties that wish to remain unnamed - that you have a certain talent for investigating unusual circumstances and exploring exotic locales. Your presence is requested - but not required - at the feast tonight; if at all possible, please plan to attend. General Holtti and I wish to speak business with you, as we have been made aware that your knowledge of nature and the wilds is extensive - as well as your skills as a scout, and wish you to employ your talent in these areas to our - mutual - ends. General Holtti has assured me that you will receive due recompense, should you accept our offer. Enclosed is an invitation with my signature; should anyone take issue with it, please refer them to me. As a gesture of my good will, I have taken the liberty of paying for a night's stay at the Hog's Head Inn.

In addition, I have been informed that the entertainment for tonight's feast is quite impressive. Even if you decline this offer, I encourage you to attend the feast for the food and entertainment.

Prince Wuscfrea

2014-01-12, 09:00 PM
"A mug of ale sounds wonderful, my friend. I shan't say we were traveling as a group, but assuming the contents of my letter match that of Sir Bela and the others, perhaps we will." Alphonse answers, and he'll head into the bar.

2014-01-12, 10:01 PM
Bela walks next to him for a piece; then, turning lightly, says, "I have a scrap of parchment here, signed by a prince, saying my room has been payed for. Do you have a register wherein the transaction could have been written?"

2014-01-13, 08:14 AM
Lucas is brought from his thoughts of alternate ways to prepare cloves at the mention of "Espenshade's Easery", and studies the man who spoke of it. He has the recognizable dress and demeanor of a man of business, but also seemed to have a fierce look about him. He smiles, obviously pleased at the compliment.

"I might 'haps be able to assist in replenishing those reserves, sir, should I have the opportunity to," Lucas says beaming, and extending a hand. "Lucas Espenshade. I take it you run this establishment?" he asks, studying the Hog's Head's outer layout.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-13, 01:45 PM
Gregory grasps your hand firmly and shakes it. "Well, you could say that, although Amanda's the one that owns the place. And I'd be glad to buy or trade for some of your ale. Oh, and I think this is for you." He hands you your letter. "Join us inside, good man!"

Dear Lucas,

It has been brought to my attention - by parties that wish to remain unnamed - that you have a certain talent for investigating unusual circumstances and exploring exotic locales. Your presence is requested - but not required - at the feast tonight; if at all possible, please plan to attend. General Holtti and I wish to speak business with you, as we have been made aware that your skill with magic - divine magic and alchemy, to be precise - is rather impressive, and wish you to employ your talent in these areas to our - mutual - ends. General Holtti has assured me that you will receive due recompense, should you accept our offer. Enclosed is an invitation with my signature; should anyone take issue with it, please refer them to me. As a gesture of my good will, I have taken the liberty of paying for a night's stay at the Hog's Head Inn.

In addition, I have been informed that the entertainment for tonight's feast is quite impressive. Even if you decline this offer, I encourage you to attend the feast for the food and entertainment.

Prince Wuscfrea

Post Script: It has been brought to my attention that one of my chefs would like to speak with you regarding some ale of yours. It could be to your advantage to bring a few bottles with you to the feast, should you choose to attend.

The inside of the Hog's Head Inn is similarly simple. Some tables are scattered here and there, and a hearty fire burns in a fireplace. The interior is sparsely decorated, although two things stand out to you: Each table is adorned with a small candle-holder, and a large, tusked skull sits on the mantle. There is a bar that runs along part of the back wall, and stairs leading to the second floor.

Gregory walks to behind the bar and pours five mugs of ale, then says, "A prince, eh? Hrm... I certainly don't remember anyone claiming to be a prince and paying for a room --or being sober at the same time, for that matter-- but maybe he paid Amanda."

He reaches under the counter and pulls out a massive ledger covered in scratches and stains, and full of earmarks. He opens it nearly completely in the middle, and slides his finger down the page, then shakes his head slowly. "Hrm... No, I've got no record of any prince for the past week or so, and none of these names sound like a prince, either. No rooms paid in advance under any name, for that matter, so unless your prince planned on stopping by in the next couple of hours, I'd say he's either gonna be a no-show, or you've got a forg- wait."

Gregory stops and thinks for a second, then opens Amanda's letter and reads it. He quickly glances down at the inside of the envelope, and his eyes widen. "Well, then. I believe you've got a room after all. One for each of you! I'll put you in the four rooms upstairs, at the end of the hallway. Pleased to meet each and every one of you, and all apologies if I've been less than polite." He bows, and carefully pulls a few platinum coins out of the envelope.

2014-01-13, 01:59 PM
"Thank you kindly, Sir Innkeeper." Alphonse says, sitting down at the bar to lightly sip his ale. "And no trouble about any impoliteness, it's not every day something such as this happens, it's to be expected." He then turns to the others, eyeing them all, lingering slightly on Tass "So, what say we get to know each other better, while we can? Dinner loves company, after all."

2014-01-13, 04:03 PM
Béla grunts and sits down in front of his ale. You first.

2014-01-13, 04:08 PM
Alphonse smirks "Very well then. I am Alphonse, the Jade Dragon. Mercenary extraordinaire. As you can tell..." he reaches back to tap the head of his glaive "I use a polearm."

2014-01-13, 04:21 PM
Lucas returns the grasp in kind, and asks for the Innkeeper's name. At the offer of the letter, Lucas looks surprised and confused, but tears open the envelope, and his bushy brows raise in surprise. He follows the man in, looking around at the layout and nods approvingly. Not a man of frivolity. A man after my own heart, he thinks to himself.

As Lucas seats himself, his primary questions for the barkeep leave him as he listens to the exchange between him and the man and the polearm. Stranger and stranger. Still, he won't pass up anything to his advantage. A free meal, and a possible job, a free room? Better and better, with heaps of better to boot. It seemed to him that Aeribrar was sending one of his lovely pushes in the right direction. What would come of it, Lucas would see.

With his right hand, Lucas takes the tankard and sniffs it gently to see what kind it might be, and listens silently to the others as they exchange information until their gazes fall upon him.

2014-01-14, 05:38 PM
Having calmed down in the more secluded environment, Tass acknowledge Alphonse's gaze with a slight nod before she sits down and takes her ale as well. She looks at the mug with what almost seems like pity, before taking a mouthful of it, listening to Alphonse introducing herself. Realising the slightly awkward silence left behind him a second late, she feels compelled to pick up the thread.

I'm Tass, of the Porling Forest the other side of the mountains.
*Tass gestures eastwards*
I travel the world and wilds so that I one day may understand it all.

2014-01-14, 10:33 PM
Bela stares at his ale. "I am Béla, wizard," he clarifies.

2014-01-15, 08:30 AM
And I'm Lucas Espenshade, Cleric of Aeribrar, and brewer of all manner of potions and such, says Lucas, setting aside his mug and raising his hand in greeting.

He was very interested in the woman of the wilds - Tass. If there was a chance to, one who was well versed in nature might be able to tell him more about herbs and spices that were found around the world. Oh what he could learn from her...

Lucas then realizes that of the group, only Alphonse had taken a drink of their ale, which he felt would in short order be taken as rude to their host. So, he snatched the mug back up and says - I can assure you all, one drink will not kill you. He raises a toast to the group, toasts to the Barkeep, and downs the mug.

2014-01-15, 09:27 AM
Alphonse laughs "Your definition of drink seems at odds with my own, Sir Lucas" Alphonse then takes another light sip of his ale. He turns to Tass "So, Lady Tass, if I may ask, from where did you find that dragon's hide that you wear as armour?"

2014-01-15, 10:24 AM
I'd prefer Pere Lucas if you care to be formal, but you can just shorten it to Lucas for want of brevity. For you, would you want me to call you "Alphonse, The Jade Dragon" whenever I wanted to get your attention? He smiles ernestly.

2014-01-15, 10:26 AM
"Of course, Pere Lucas. It's just a habit of mine. And though I do so love hearing my full title, 'Alphonse' is fine." he answers, smiling as well, taking another sip of his drink.

2014-01-15, 11:23 AM
Bela sighs. "Free beer is never good beer." He calls out, "Any chance of getting an... even better quality ale?"

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-15, 11:53 AM
"And my name's Gregory, barkeep and retired soldier." He sits down and smiles. "I've found that the skills complement each other nicely."

Gregory takes a sip of the ale and nearly spews. "AMANDA! What's this crap ale you're keeping up here?" He looks at the four of you, slightly horrified, and says, "All apologies for the drink - now, I'm going to go get you lot something good from the cellar. Any preference? This one's on the house, courtesy of the man that paid your rooms."

He gets up and walks over to the door, and leaves for the cellar once you've made your requests.

2014-01-15, 12:01 PM
Alphonse gives a glib smirk "Some wine would be nice, but nothing to strong or large, after all we have a dinner to attend this evening."

2014-01-15, 12:05 PM
Lucas winces at the aftertaste of his ale. Skunked. Gregory, I'm told this Inn is known for a drink called "Hog's Frost". I'd like to try some of that if I may.

2014-01-15, 03:05 PM
"I'll join Master Espenshade with the Hogfrost, if I may."

2014-01-15, 03:35 PM
Tass stares into her drink for a moment, then throws a glance at the door before she turns to the barkeeper.

... No, this one is good.

She then turns to answer Alphonse's question.

It's quite a story. In short, I travel the world searching for... peaks in the natural flow to study and learn from. Concentrations of power, if you so will. A few years ago, I found such a peak of unusual power, and followed it to find two dragons encroaching upon eachother's territories, one green and one silver. Such amassments of power are rare, and the surrounding nature reacted accordingly. Their rivality finally errupted in a mighty clash as they battled for hours. I observed it all for hours from as they fought both on land and in the air.

The dragon of silver stood victorious and with the green dragon's treasure she withdrew heavily wounded to her lair, leaving the carcass behind. I skinned it and took the best pieces to an armoursmith, and he made me this armour in exchange for a few teeth and claws.

2014-01-15, 03:38 PM
Alphonse nods "Alright then. A shame, but I can't argue with a dragon killing another. Think of it as a blessing, perhaps?"

2014-01-15, 04:02 PM
Tass raises her eyebrow toward Alphonse, not quite understanding what he's talking about.

2014-01-15, 04:06 PM
Noticing her confusion, Alphonse responds "I'll elaborate at a later date, perhaps, but lets just say I'm not found of those who hunt dragons. So hearing your armour is more along the lines of a gift from a dragon then something you went out of your way to get, is comforting."

2014-01-15, 04:13 PM
Tass nods and takes another swig of her ale.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-15, 05:59 PM
After a short while, Gregory returns with a small bottle of red wine and a large clay jug. He brings you fresh tankards with your drinks of choice, then sits back down. "There's your Hog's Frost; you can get similar drinks out of town, but the stuff that Amanda brews is probably the best of its kind. Oh, and some advice on drinks for the feast: Prince Wuscfrea loves all kinds of mead. If mead's your thing, and you get the chance to try some, I promise you, it'll be the best you ever taste. He might spend a small fortune on a bottle, and that bottle will be worth every coin."

He looks around a bit, as if to make sure no one's listening, then continues in a softer voice. "Now, what do you all think about that procession earlier? Did any of you get a good view of Holtti's face? I think something's a bit fishy about all of this business; the Brynne I served under was an exceedingly careful man, and wouldn't be caught out more than a few paces away from a medic if he had to be out on the battlefield. Him getting killed in battle just like that doesn't quite add up."

2014-01-15, 09:39 PM
Bela carefully shoves away the tankard he had been given before and pulls over the new one, sipping it. Much better, thank you. As to the procession; it was strange. He looked... more like he was grieving, than necessarily... sad.

2014-01-15, 11:50 PM
Alphonse sips the wine as gracefully as one can given the tankard, and says "I'll admit, I'm not one for reading faces, but from what I recall, nothing they're fighting should of been a match for them. And I highly doubt they'd be returning with his corpse, and not a pile of skulls of those that did him in. I wonder..." Alphonse starts thinking, and if he can will do a knowledge (history) check to see if he can recall any of the Warlords who might want to, say, kidnap the Prince. Since that seems like a reasonable assumption to him.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-16, 01:02 AM
Gregory raises an eyebrow. "Holtti? Grieving? Probably a show for the crowd. Look, I'm not drunk enough to believe anything about Brynne's death is making him anywhere close to sad. The two fought like angry young maids - always finding some way to undercut the other. Hell, I think the only reason Brynne put up with Holtti even a little bit was that Wuscfrea got along so well with him."

He turns to Alphonse, and says, "Nah, just a few raiding warlords, from what I hear, although I promise you, Holtti's got the skulls somewhere. The man's quite a powerful fighter himself." Gregory pauses, then shakes his head slowly. "I'm honestly surprised Brynne got injured in that sort of combat at all, much less killed. We did routine battles of that sort all the time when I was in the service. Usually a bunch of farmers in leather armor and spears; you could chase off 3/4ths of the army just by charging and yelling really loud." He chuckles. "Then, around that point, you'd have the guy surrounded, and either he'd try to fight to the death, or just surrender. We would confiscate their gear and send their men back to their farms, and that'd be it."

You know that the warlords involved in these sorts of conflicts rarely take prisoners. Lieutenants, commanders, and even generals have been killed (in more dangerous battles), and the dead are more often than not left to rot on the field of battle.

The only warlord ever recorded as taking prisoners was a man by the name of John Reyn. Reyn's banner is a white raven. The three prisoners he took were all accomplished mages, and they were ransomed for their weight in gold (~2,000gp in total) mere days after the conflict. Reyn is also the only warlord known to have sat down to lengthy treaty negotiations with Cymran commander Prince Brynne. He has been known to sell the services of his (well-trained) soldiers out as mercenaries, but is not himself involved in any recent conflicts, to your knowledge.

2014-01-16, 01:06 AM
Alphonse sighs, his apparently train of thought incorrect "Ah well, if the death of the Prince has any import to us, I'm sure we'll learn of it after the feast. The remaining Prince wants us for a reason, that much is sure."

2014-01-16, 01:57 PM
Lucas accepts the drink with a thankful nod, and began to listen in earnest. Gregory spoke true. The two did not have a love toward one another. "Perhaps there are some details that we don't know of the event, but even if it did, Holtti wouldn't be that dense. If we can come to such conclusions so easily, I'm sure others who were much closer to them would see it." Unless they too were looking the other way...

Lucas had an appreciation for caution. It had it's time and place. Further, Brynne had earned the respect of this nation of the course of his life. Somber thoughts amidst glad tidings. Sounded about right...

2014-01-17, 11:01 AM
Tass listens as she slowly keeps working on her ale. Politics and intrigue was never something she quite understood.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-18, 01:24 PM
Gregory gets up to attend to the bar, and you make conversation for a little while longer. The sun is setting, and the bustling market square finally settles down as the day draws to a close. People close up shop and head home, clearing the streets save for a few errant drunks and the city guardsmen. Soon enough, you leave and make your way to the feast hall.

The hall stands at the top of a small hill, on a road lit with torches that cast eerie shadows in the dim light of dusk. The building has some stone embellishments, but is constructed mostly from massive pine logs that have been sanded to a smooth finish. There are several guards standing watch outside the building, and a small line has formed near the entrance, at the head of which are two men: an extravagantly-dressed man with red cheeks, who stands at a podium, and a bored-looking royal guard leaning on his spear.

The line moves forward, and you soon reach the front. The man squints at you and says in a reedy voice, "Nems, or invitetions? Hurry ep, I hev'n't got ell deh." He taps his fingers on the podium and glares at you. Meanwhile, the guard leans against the wall and closes his eyes.

OOC: A batch of spot checks are in order - I'll include their results in my next post.

2014-01-18, 01:35 PM
Alphonse gives a polite bow "Alphonse the Jade Dragon, Sir. Here is my invitation" and I hand him the invitation.

(Spot Check: [roll0]

2014-01-18, 03:57 PM
Next in line, Tass opens her scroll case, a hollowed log hanging in leather straps across her shoulder, and with some fumbling she retrieves her letter of invitation, her hands quivering slightly as she hands it over to the man. Unable to say a word, her eyes stray between darting around the guardsmen around the area and observing the royal guard next to the man, looking at his weapons and armour, both confounded and frightened by how bored he seems.

Spot check: [roll0]

2014-01-18, 08:54 PM
Béla stares at the guard for a few seconds longer than he seems comfortable being stared at, then hold up the invitation. I am Béla, Béla repeats.

2014-01-19, 08:26 AM
Lucas smiles charmingly at the man and thanks him for his time, holding up the invitation, and giving his name.

Spot check: [roll0]

2014-01-19, 10:17 AM


Amidus Drexel
2014-01-19, 10:55 AM
The man takes your invitations with a contemptuous flick of his hand, and reads through them. "The prence's signeture? Impressive, for such rebble. Everything sems to be in order. You meh enter. NEXT!"

The guard hands each of you a few leather straps. "You're not supposed to have unbound weapons inside the hall. Don't cause any trouble." He mutters something incomprehensible and motions for you to bind your weapons, then nods at you to move on in.

Out of the corner of your eye, you briefly see a dark, humanoid figure standing off to the side of the building, far away. As soon as your vision focuses on it, though, it disappears.

Out of the corner of your eye, you briefly see a dim, female humanoid figure standing off to the side of the building, far away. As soon as your vision focuses on her, though, she disappears.

At the same instant, you see a large, dark figure - around twice your height - move along the opposite side of the building. You lose sight of it when it reaches the stonework.

2014-01-19, 11:05 AM
Alphonse will bind his glaive, but in a way that makes it so that if I need to quickly get it out for combat I can easily remove it.

A bluff check should suffice for this: [roll0] except -1 since bluff is +0, not +1 :smallredface:

Alphonse will then enter, though he'll also attempt to flag down any important guard looking person. If he succeeds at finding someone suitably important looking, he'll mention to them that he saw a dark figure skulking about, and to keep wary, juuust in case.

Either way, Alphonse will try to keep a wary eye out himself.

2014-01-19, 12:45 PM
Tass freezes and listens, gazing off toward the other end of the building from the dark figure, her eyes searching for something.

Spot check: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-19, 01:08 PM
You see a stone statue in front of the stone embellishments, about 100ft away. It appears humanoid in shape (other than its impressive size), but the distance and poor lighting make it hard to pick out anything else.

Additionally, you can see that no guards appear to have noticed whatever it was that you saw. Most appear to be paying attention to the line of guests.

You all feel a sense of barely perceptible wrongness pervade your minds... The hairs on the backs of your necks stand up, and you feel a sudden chill, as if there was a strong wind blowing. The feeling suddenly passes, but you're left with an oddly sweet metallic taste in your mouth.

2014-01-19, 02:27 PM
Tass shivers from the unseen wind, and, with some hesistance, turns to the royal guard.

Excuse me... uh, sir. There's someone tall sneaking in the shadows over there, looking like a statue.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-19, 03:57 PM
The guard raises an eyebrow, and looks where you're pointing, with sudden interest in his eyes. "Hrm? I can't see anything from here. I'd better take a look, then." He gets the attention of another guard, and the two of them walk along the side of the building towards what Tass drew their attention to.

Inside the feast hall:

You enter a massive room - a square almost 100ft on each side, lined with tables and chairs, and dimly lit with torches bolted to the walls. You are assaulted by a variety of exotic smells and the noises of various drunk nobles and wealthy merchants talking and laughing. At the far end of the room is a stage; empty save for a piano that sits off to the side.

You see a group of merchants sitting in a circle off to the side, who appear to be discussing some rather thick books. You see the dark-haired man in a silver circlet from the chariot talking to a disinterested-looking noble, a bottle of mead in his hand. A figure in a black cloak with an albino raven perched on his shoulder watches the hall from a table in the corner. There is a large table in the center of the room covered in all sorts of food and drink, and plates are scattered about the tables; most appear to have been neatly set, although some are placed more haphazardly.

2014-01-20, 04:54 PM
Béla heads over to the table near Señor Raven and appropriates a plate, heading over to the main table to fill it with choice bits, before heading back and sitting down two seats away from the man.

2014-01-20, 05:02 PM
Alphonse keeps a wary eye about himself. He'll preoccupy himself to some degree with food and drink and small talk with people who may approach him, but he's gonna keep an eye and ear open for anything out of the ordinary, especially in regards to the cloaked figure, and to the dark haired man from the chariot earlier this morning (who he presumes to be General Holtti, I'm not entirely sure on that point).

That aside, he's also going to try and see if he can find out where Prince Wuscfreas is, or more importantly WHO he is, by asking the occasional guest.

It also occurs to me that people aren't really milling about like I'd assume they would at a party (reading comprehension ho!), so I will note that if Alphonse needs to sit down, he'll sit at any table that has a spare seat that will welcome him.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-20, 06:00 PM

The cloaked figure says nothing, and barely seems to register you approaching the table at all. The raven, however, acknowledges you with a short caw, and then eyes your plate greedily. It looks back and forth between its master and your plate, and then hops over next to you. It leans in to take a morsel, but a sharp click from the figure makes it freeze.

He speaks with a soft, but stern voice. "Non irritar o home, Zye-Wouj. Coma súa propia comida."
Do not annoy the man, Red-Eyes. Eat your own food.
The bird takes one last look at your plate, and returns to the man's shoulders. Although you can't see his face, his entire figure seems to glare at you with contempt. The man turns to you, and says, "Excuse him. He means no harm. Who are you, Cheve-Gri? You don't seem to be quite as dull as all the Moun-Rich here."


The first person you ask points to the man in the circlet. "Yeah, that's the young prince over there. If you've got something to talk to him about, though, I'd suggest you do it before he gets too drunk. That man goes through mead like you wouldn't believe."

There are open seats around the prince (indeed, there appear to be open seats nearly everywhere - the entire feast seems to be one large game of musical chairs). On your way over to him, you hear someone complaining: "Yeah, there's all this talk about some music and entertainment, but where is it? Maybe they were just putting us on to get more people to show up."

2014-01-20, 06:04 PM
Alphonse, wary of what he over hears, takes a seat next to the prince. "Evening, Sir Prince. I hope I'm not intruding. I am Alphonse, the Jade Dragon. I believe I, and a handful of others, where called here this evening by yours truly. I felt it appropriate to meet with you, and perhaps get to know my prospective employer."

2014-01-20, 06:16 PM
Tass follows the guards with her eyes for a few moments before she wraps up her weapons as requested and enter the building.

Well inside, she quickly ends up feeling out of place. Not having attended many feasts before, she can't quite figure out what's expected of her, and not until after having observed the other guests for a while, she hesistantly picks a plate from the most empty-looking table and walks over to the table in the middle, checking out what's being served while frequently throwing glances over her shoulders to see if anyone's looking at her.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-20, 09:43 PM

Prince Wuscfrea turns to look at you, and smiles widely. He has a friendly face, and his cheeks are beginning to get somewhat red from the mead he's drinking. He shakes your hand enthusiastically, then says in a smooth and cultured voice, "Hello there, good man! I was so busy talking to Lord Eklund that I didn't see you come in! How are you? Janick will be out here soon, and once he and the others I sent for are here, we can get down to business; he left to go talk with the musicians a minute or so ago. One of them was making a big deal over much we'd pay them, which doesn't really bother me - I mean, what's a few extra gold? Let them have it; it's not like we need it - but Janick insisted that he try to talk them down first. Anyway, how have you been? I'd love to hear of your travels, if there's anything interesting to tell. No trouble with the guards getting in, I hope?"


Platters are piled high with a plethora of meats and vegetables. Exotic (and more local) fruits sit at one end of the table, and various steaks and meat pies sit on the other. Between them are an assortment of breads and stews. At the very center of the table is a massive roast boar, which has already been sliced into.

The man in the corner that Béla sat down near seemed to be looking at you for a bit, although he has since turned away to attend to his bird. You draw some looks from a few guests, but they don't really seem interested enough to talk to you.

Then a tall man in simple silk robes walks to the table by you, although he keeps a somewhat comfortable distance. He takes some bread and a large slice of the boar, and then turns to you. He speaks in a loud voice with a thick accent, "Ye look a wee bit uncomf'table, lassie. I know some'un that ye might find a leetle easier to talk to, if'n I can find 'im agin'. Daedrim dun' fancy spekkin' with yon nobs s'much either. What's yer name?" He points to a small bowl of yellow fruit on the table. "Oy, what's 'is fruit 'ere?"

2014-01-20, 09:52 PM
"I've been well, Sir Prince. Not much excitement out on the roads with you around, so my journey to this fair city supplied not much in way of adventure, though I've a feeling your request will more then suffice. I had no issue getting in, though..." Alphonse lowers his voice "...I will say, I saw some shadow'd figure skulking about on my way in, and an odd, sweet metallic taste on the tip of my tongue. Would you happen to know anything about this, Sir Prince?"

2014-01-21, 08:05 AM
Rather than tie his weapon, Lucas decides it would be accessible enough within his Haversack, where it would be out of sight, but not out of reach. He pockets the leather strap, not knowing how it would have made his mace any more secure to begin with. Still, he should have known better, but the excitement of going to a feast must have adled his senses a bit (or the Hog's Frost from earlier).

Lucas does a double take as he notices the shadowy figure. Guards in the shadows? Archers perhaps? His suspicions are thwarted however when Alphonse informs the guard, and wth no recognition of people matching the description, concern creases his forhead. Still, with the guard investigating, and him expected inside, curiousity would have to wait.

Once inside, Lucas' concerned appearance melts away as he slides into his social persona. This persona was crafted by the long stint in his life where he owned his tavern. Lucas makes a perfunctory circle around the room, listening for interesting conversation, and accepting any food offered to him, if any. After his first circle, he goes to the area of food and drink, selects a pleasing drink and takes two cups, and proceeds to the most interesting conversation he heard a snatch of conversation from.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-21, 09:01 AM

His expression changes to one of immense interest, and he says "Really?" Hrm... well, I don't know what to say about the man you saw... but a sweet, metallic taste? You didn't bite your lip, by chance?"

At this point, the other man from the chariot steps out from a side door, and walks over to you. He's of an average height, and wears a strikingly white military uniform, well-decorated with badges and medals. His hair is a pale blonde that's turned almost white with age, and his skin is a similarly pale, almost white colour. He bows slightly to the both of you, then addresses the prince, with a rough, but pleasantly calm voice, "They seem to have locked their door, mi'lord, and I hadn't the inclination to knock it down. Perhaps they've changed their minds? I certainly hope they come out soon. I heard them rehearse and they're quite talented."

Wuscfrea stands up and puts his arm over the man's shoulders. "Janick! One of our guests has found us! Alphonse, this is General Janick Holtti; Janick, this is Alphonse, the Jade Dragon."

Holtti looks you up and down, then extends a hand and bows ever so slightly. "Pleased to meet you, sir. Were you put in contact with the others we sent letters to? I'd like to know if they plan to attend or not; I can explain our situation to you now if they're not here." He scratches his chin. "Hrm... why don't you tell us a bit about yourself before we start talking business. I hear you've done some mercenary work?"


Among the guests, these conversations catch your ear...

From a small group of petty nobles by the stage: "...and you wouldn't believe it, but I swear, the man turned into a bird! I saw it with me own two eyes!"

From a merchant speaking with a priest of Vermiculus: "...from the north. See, because my fam'ly's from Nordrake, but we cross'd the mount'ns long ago - anyway, all the fightin's made it hard..."

From two guards walking between the tables: "...was getting pretty bored watching the line, I heard. Probably made something up just to get away from the guests..."

From the table of merchants you noticed coming in: "...a few problems with bandits, though. You'll want guards, believe you me. And then there's Fryngaer, but that's a ways out of the way..."

From two nobles standing by the entrance: "...the music's supposed to be excellent tonight. I wonder when they'll take the stage?"

2014-01-21, 09:21 AM
"I can be sure I didn't bite my lips, Sir Prince." Alphonse says quickly. When Holtti appears, Jade will bow as much as one can when sitting down and shake his hand "Ah, Sir Holtti, hello. The others are here, they're just indisposed at the moment". Alphonse will then point them out for future reference, before indulging in Holtti's request. "Yes, Sir Holtti, mercenary is my trade. I've quashed a few bandits in my time, to be sure."

2014-01-21, 09:36 AM
Lucas decides to first address the two guards on patrol in the room, and alert them to the lurking figure he had seen earlier. From what he had overheard, Tass and Alphonse leaving it to the hands of the guard at the line had not gone well. The more they know it was an actual event, the better.

2014-01-21, 11:30 AM
I'm Tass.

Tass looks toward Daedrim's table, and Béla.

I think I want to wait before going there. A little.

She then looks at the fruits the man is talking about, trying to see if she recognises them.

Knowledge (nature) check: [roll0]

2014-01-21, 12:27 PM
Béla slowly looks up at the man. Esta é unha boa ave. Dime, con todo, que é exactamente está? Estou Béla.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-21, 04:16 PM

Holtti nods. "Let them enjoy the feast, then. I take it that you're not one of Reyn's hires, then, aye? You don't really look the type." He chuckles. "That's good, though. I don't want to pay out a good sum of money to someone who's going to be ultimately loyal to a potential enemy-"

Wuscfrea interrupts, "Oh, let it be! My father and him made a treaty, and I know Reyn's type. He'll honor it for as long as we do. He even came to the feast as a sign of good will! I promise you, the man won't invade us again."

Holtti bows his head slightly, and after a short pause, continues. "It pays to be careful. Regardless, he'd probably send us some warrior that doesn't even speak Cymran. Alphonse here is perfect for the job. Young, strong, and smart enough to not need an extra brain with him at all times. That's what we need." He pulls out a small pouch and sets it on the table. It makes a small rattling sound, as if it's full of stones.

Holtti leans in, gives you a serious look, and says quietly, "Will you swear yourself to secrecy? I had enough political enemies before I was the chief advisor to the man next in line to the throne - I don't need anyone to capitalize on this."


The two guards look at each other, then back to you.

"We'll let the other guards know to keep an eye out. You enjoy the feast - we'll take care of this. Thank you very much, sir." They bow, then get a few more guards' attention and go outside.


"Suit yerse'f, lassie. Oy, 'ave ye tried tha' bread? This stuff's amazin'!" The man tosses a rather large slice on your plate.

The fruit appear to be lemons, probably imported from Zelles. They're fully ripe, and will definitely be very sour.


At the first sign of you speaking Laceusian, the man's entire demeanor changes. "Oh! Vostede fala a miña lingua nativa! Saúdos, Béla. Este é Zye-Wouj - el é un kònèy albino e un pouco grande, tou. El é máis forte do que parece, tamén. El parece estar encantado coa comida no seu prato; se darlle un pouco de carne, pode pousar no seu ombreiro.

"Oh, el é tan raro atopar alguén que fala Laceusian aquí! Todos estes aristócratas só falan Cymrainen ou a lingua do Norte. Dime, onde é? Eu son do bosque Fwi-Vèt no sur Zelles, pero eu vin agora en miñas viaxes - Eu fun cada imperio no continente." He seems to drift off a little, as if he's daydreaming, or reminiscing. "Dime, Béla, xa estivo en Orissa? Eu sinto falta Phaladi... as praias da costa oriental da Hindrun son as mellores cousas que eu xa vin... Wi?"

Oh! You speak my native tongue! Greetings, Bela. This is Zye-Wouj - he is an albino raven, and a somewhat large one, at that. He's stronger than he looks, too. He seems to be enamored with the food on your plate; if you give him some meat, he may perch on your shoulder.

Oh, it is so strange to meet someone who speaks Laceusian here! All of these aristocrats only speak Cymrainen or the North tongue. Tell me, where are you from? I am from the Fwi-Vèt forest in southern Zelles, but I have come far in my travels - I've been to every empire on the continent. Tell me, Bela, have you been to Orissa? I miss Phaladi... the beaches on the eastern coast of Hindrun are the finest things I have ever seen... Yes?

2014-01-21, 04:24 PM
"Worry not, Sir Holtti. I have my honour and pride as a mercenary. I wouldn't jump ship for an extra coin." Alphonse answers. He lowers his tone to match Holtti's, "I swear it upon my name, Sir Holtti. Whatever secret you entrust will stay hidden, until such a time as you choose it not to be."

2014-01-21, 04:53 PM
Those are lemons. Sour.

Tass struggles to keep up with the man's conversation, yet still she's silently thankful for not being left alone. She gratefully accepts the slice of bread, happy to be served by someone who seems to understand the social codes.

Oh, thank you, uh... What's your name?

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-21, 08:42 PM

"The job for which I am asking your services has to do with the... circumstances of Brynne's death. It's no secret that the two of us had our differences, and I'm afraid that my political enemies will take action to frame me for it. See... the medic found vestiges of a deadly poison made from the lotus plant in his blood, and dim traces of powerful black magic lingering on his person. I had assumed an assassin, but I'm willing to hear other ideas, if you have any."

"I wish you to find out who this assassin is, and fully investigate Brynne's death. For this task, I will pay 10% of your fee upfront, in rubies, and then the remainder upon its completion. You and your companions are expected to equip yourself. You will have both Wuscfrea's and my own political support, should it be necessary." He looks in the pouch, then procures a single flawless ruby. "What do you say, Alphonse?"


"Sour, aye? I'll 'ave none o' that, now. I might take one o'er to Daedrim, though. Bastard loves 'is sour fruits. Says they remind 'im o' home. No wonder 'e's such a sour bastard, haha!" He slaps his side with his hand as he laughs, and your keen ears pick out the light clinking of muffled metal chains underneath his shirt.

"Ey, anytime, lassie!" He looks at you carefully for a second, then nods, seemingly reassured. "Not one o' them nobs, eh? Dun' really look like it, I dun' think. 'Ow 'bout ye jus' call me John?" He nods at the nearest group of nobles. "Tha' city folk 'ere are all ta' civ'liz'd for me, but I got to meet wit' some'un 'ere on bus'ness. Tha' little bastard's suppos'd to be at this feast, but I ain't seen 'im. Wha' brings ye 'ere to Capel Kerig?"

2014-01-21, 08:51 PM
Alphonse doesn't hesitate "Job accepted, Sir Holtti. Let me think a moment. Hmm..."

I'll then do a History check to see what I know about various assassins in history, black magic'd or otherwise, to see if I've got a good place to start my investigations: [roll0]

2014-01-21, 09:12 PM
He hands the raven a piece of plump pork with a sweet sauce. Eu son das montañas que cruzan Trakai. Non estiven en Orissa antes. O que chama a si mesmo?

I am from the mountains crossing Trakai. I have never been in Orrisa before. What do you call yourself?

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-21, 11:01 PM

Holtti places the ruby in your hand, and something feels odd about his hand. It's muscular and extremely callused, and a quick glance down reveals it to be heavily scarred - almost mutilated. He seems to hesitate, then withdraws his hand and bows slightly.

"Excellent. I would be most appreciative if you could tell the rest of your group in attendance, as I have some business that needs attending to." He turns to Wuscfrea and then begins to walk off. "Now, I'm going to go put those musicians on stage, and I'm taking a key with me this time. And one of the guards... I bet they're just very drunk. Say, where have all the guards gone? There were ten in here at the beginning of the feast, and now I count four."

Unfortunately, your historical knowledge reveals nothing of use.


Zye-Wouj takes the pork from you, and greedily swallows it. He flaps his wings and lands on your shoulder, and while you can feel his talons, he seems to be making every effort to avoid tearing your clothes. The white raven stares at you for a few seconds, then knocks its head against yours. Apparently satisfied, it begins to look around the room from its new perch.

The man says, Oh, eu vexo. Ti e eu somos dous moi lonxe de casa. O meu nome dato é perdido hai moito tempo ao tempo, pero pode me chamar Daedrim. Todo o mundo fai. Ten idade suficiente para lembrar Trakai antes que conquistou a través das montañas? Iso foi ... preto de 300 anos, eu creo. Un total de 100 anos antes Cymru tiñan un calendario, mesmo. He seems to size you up, then asks, "Vistes de Mago, eu vexo. Onde estudou?"

"Oh, I see. You and I are both very far from home. My given name is long lost to time, but you may call me Daedrim. Everyone else does. Are you old enough to remember Trakai before they conquered across the mountains? That was... about 300 years ago, I think. A full 100 years before Cymru had a calendar, even."

"Mage's robes, I see. Where did you study?"

2014-01-21, 11:07 PM
Alphonse pockets the ruby. Before Holtti leaves, Alphonse will answer his question, in a somewhat hushed tone "I and, it appears my companions, saw some shadowed figure skulking about outside. I'd presume the guards went to investigate."

Once Holtti leaves, he'll ask Prince Wuscfrea a question. "Tell me, Sir Prince, and pardon my odd question, but does Sir Holtti have a problem with his hands? Scars and the like, for instance?"

2014-01-21, 11:13 PM
Very well, Daedrim. I studied at an academy in Kozelysk. I am around... one hundred and thirty six as of this year. Relatively young in the eyes of the tribe.

That reminds me. Have you heard of any creature that leaves a sort of... sweet, metallic taste in your mouth? Gives off an aura of fear? There is something outside; I saw it coming in.

Moi ben, Daedrim. Estudei nunha academia en Kozelysk. Estou por aí ... 136 a partir deste ano. Relativamente novo, aos ollos da tribo.

He pauses a few seconds, and shifts uneasily.
Isto me lembra. Xa escoitou falar de calquera criatura que deixa unha especie de ... doce sabor metálico na boca? Dá unha aura de medo? Hai algo alí fóra, vin que vén dentro

2014-01-22, 06:18 AM
Tass eyes the man in front from head to toe, curiously studying him as she judges his words.

Then thank you John. I...
She hesitates for a moment, trying to figure out how much she can say, subconsciously adjusting the way the leather strap of her scroll case hangs over her shoulder.
I was summoned here for my knowledge of the wilds. I don't know to what end, though.

Something seems off. Tass tries to spot the signs of conceiled weapons or a chain shirt under the his clothes, while judging if his hesistancy to tell his name means anything.

Spot check: [roll0]
Sense Motive check: [roll1]

(Skill modifiers have been adjusted upwards due to addition of Periapt of Wisdom.)

2014-01-22, 08:01 AM
Having quelled his worry a bit, Lucas scans the room. What snippets of conversations he had heard had likely run their course or moved on to other topics at this point, so he looks to spot his companions. Béla seemed to be talking to a mysterious man with a white crow enthusiastically and Alphonse was talking to their host. He took a step forward, keen to go thank their host for his hospitality and inquire about the job further, when he noticed the General stand, place something in Alphonse's hand, and exchange a few quiet words.

Lucas frowned. Perhaps now wouldn't be the right time. He assumed whatever their business, it might not be his. "Now where's Tys...Tess...Tass?" he says to himself quietly, saying her name aloud for the first time. He smiled in satisfaction and sipped at his drink.

Lucas scanned the room a second time, this time for Tass in particular, and finds her talking nervously to someone by the table arrayed with various foods. He approaches them and says, "Tass! By the Gods, there's a lot of people here, eh?" He smiles amiably, and glances over at the other gentleman. "Pleasure to be seen by you, Sir. Enjoying the festivities?" Then a thought occurs to Lucas. "Speaking of...would you be able to tell me what these festivities are for? It seems a bit...uncharacteristic for this sad time."

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-22, 09:30 AM

"Ah, well, then. I owe you some thanks already. Perhaps they've caught this mysterious figure by now." Holtti leaves, taking one of the remaining guards with him.

Wuscfrea nods solemnly. "Aye, indeed. He tells me that his hands were badly mutilated as part of some torture back when he was a knight. I forget the circumstances exactly, but it was quite a while ago; Janick may have been doing mercenary work at the time. He can still swing a sword, but he says that small objects require a lot of concentration to hold."


Daedrim nods. "Non é unha boa alí, de feito. Atopei Kozelysk a ser moi frío para o meu gusto. O mar non debe conxelar, mentres que no auxe do inverno.' He shivers, then continues after a short pause. "Ah, o mozo de feito. Eu son ... moito máis antiga. Vivín a vida tres veces máis, e, a continuación, algúns, e aínda así eu non son considerado vello polo meu pobo."

Although you cannot see his face, Daedrim's entire form seems to scowl with unprecedented vitriol. "Aínda que eu non sei de estudo, aprendín nas miñas viaxes de algunhas destas criaturas. Cousas profanas dos pozos do propio inferno, e os blasfemos, pragas non naturais que son a ondèd- ás veces estes poden cubrir un medo só coa súa presenza, e moitos levan un sabor desagradable co seu paso. A primeira criatura que vén á mente é un espectro, a alma perdida dos esquecidos, pero iso só sería realmente afectar os animais ... Zye-Wouj é forte, pero ía sucumbir ao pánico nun instante, estaban un preto... Petèt li se jis yon Fanm malad."

There is a good one there, indeed. I found Kozelysk to be far too cold for my tastes. The sea should not freeze, even at the height of winter. Ah, young indeed. I am... much older. I have lived your lifetime thrice over, and then some, and yet I am not considered old by my people.

Although I know not from study, I have learned in my travels of some such creatures. Unholy things from the pits of hell itself, and the blasphemous, unnatural blights that are the unliving - sometimes these can fill one with dread just with their presence, and many carry an unpalatable taste with their passing. The first creature that comes to mind is a wraith, the lost soul of the forgotten, but it would only truly affect animals... Red-Eyes is strong, but he would succumb to panic in an instant, were one near... Perhaps it is just an ill omen.


"Ah, well, then! Ye an' Daedrim would get along jus' fine, I bet. He's a wilds'man too, ye know."

John seems to stop and think for a second. "Summon'd, aye? Not by tha' bastard in white o'er there, I hope? He's a dirty man, if'n I e'er saw one. Wonder where 'e's goin'? Trus' me, lassie, 'e's not a man ye wan' angry."

John appears to be wearing some sort of chain armor; most likely a chain shirt. It's very well concealed, though; you don't think you'd be able to notice it from much farther away.

As to his intentions, or the meaning behind his hesitation, you can't quite tell.

Lucas and Tass:

When Lucas walks over, John turns to him and smiles, "Aye, indeed. Can't say I'm much for tha' crowd o' nobs o'er there, but tha' food is rich and tha' drink is good, haha!"

He stops and thinks for a second. "Aye, it is a wee bit off, ain't it? As I un'nerstan', tha' feast is for tha' vict'ry in battle, and tha' greivin' an' mournin' for tha' dead comes after. I dun' get tha' custom o' yon people, but ey; a feast is a feast, and who am I to turn down tha' prince's 'ospitality? Brynne was a good man, and even if 'is son's a bit naive, 'e ain't too bad either."

"Oy, speakin' o' yon prince, where is 'e? I got bus'ness to discuss with 'im after tha' nobs leave, but it ain't polite to not sit down to talk 'afore bus'ness. Do ye see 'im anywhere? Keep yer eyes on 'im; I intend to 'ave a bottle o' mead with 'im 'afore the night's up, haha!"

2014-01-22, 09:53 AM
"Thank you, Sir Prince. That eases my thoughts. Now if you'll excuse me, I imagine I should gather the rest of my new companions, so we make discuss or job more readily." And with that, Alphonse shall stand up and go off to find the party. He'll stumble upon Tass and Lucas first, greeting them with a polite bow "Hello, Pere Lucas, Lady Tass, and friend" he gestures towards the large man in silk robes. "I've found our Prince. We need only collect Sir Bela."

2014-01-22, 10:49 AM
Aye, and here I was thinking how it is too warm in this hall. Tell me, do you know if they serve ice water around here? Well, that does not matter much. Do you know what the best way to combat a demon were if one was attacked? They did not cover that at the Academy.

"Si, e aquí eu estaba a pensar como é moi quente nesta sala. Dime, vostede sabe se eles serven auga xeada por aquí? He casts a quick glance around. Ben, iso non importa moito. Vostede sabe cal é o mellor xeito de loitar contra un demo foron foise xunto? Eles non cubrir iso na Academia."

For any sign of ice water.

2014-01-22, 02:11 PM
Tass nods and looks off towards Daedrim's table, wondering what's even going on up there. She's then just about to ask what John has against the general when Lucas enters the conversation, and she hastens to answer his question.

Ehh, yes.

Tass looks around herself and becomes suddenly self-aware again. As Lucas steals her conversation partner, she starts to feel lonely, and begins to edge out of the conversation, only to once again be interrupted, now by Alphonse. Not quite sure on whether to be happy or conflicted about being dragged into something again, she follows his steps in silence.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-22, 03:55 PM

"Eu non sei, pero o príncipe probablemente terá algún. Tamén pode pedir aos seus chefs, eles saberían con certeza. Será máis fácil de atopar, este ao final do ano, aínda que non é unha cousa para establecer nunha sala como esta."

Daedrim shakes his head. "Eu non son ningún demo cazador, Béla; meu dominio do coñecemento atópase en primeiro lugar no mundo natural, e calquera cousa ademais é só unha cuestión de miñas experiencias. Eu teño visto un único demo na miña vida, e foi pronto derrotado por violencia física. Aconsellamos armas sagradas e auga bendita, aínda que o consello non é meu, nin xamais tivo necesidade de poñelas para usar. Teña isto como sexa."

I know not, but the prince will likely have some. You could also ask his chefs; they would know for sure. It will be easier to come by, this late in the year, but it is not a thing to set out in a hall like this.

I am no demon-hunter, Béla; my realm of knowledge lies first and foremost in the natural world, and anything beyond that is only a matter of my experiences. I have seen a single demon in my lifetime, and it was readily defeated by physical violence. I would advise holy weapons and holy water, although that advice is not my own, nor have I ever had need to put it to use. Take that as you will.
You don't see any ice water. :smalltongue:
OOC: Time for some listen checks.

You hear a soft, or perhaps distant thump, but you can't tell from where.
You hear a soft, dampened thump, like something heavy being dropped on the ground, but you can't tell from where. You also hear the sound of a few doors shaking quietly.
You hear a soft, dampened thump, like something heavy being dropped on the ground through a few walls. You also hear the sound of a few doors shaking quietly. The sound seems to have come from the south. (by the side where Tass pointed out the statue, to the left of where you entered, and also in the direction that Holtti went to get the musicians).

2014-01-22, 04:45 PM
I do not see any, unfortunately. I may ask around later. In the meantime, do you know what this is? It tastes glorious.

Eu non vexo ningunha, por desgraza. Podo preguntar por aí máis tarde. Nese medio tempo, xa sabe o que é iso? He indicates a pile of greenish moosh on the right side of his plate O gusto é glorioso.

2014-01-22, 05:55 PM
Tass suddenly freezes and listens, turning her eyes toward the southern end of the room.

Something's going on. Over there. Or...

Tass points where she was looking at, but starts at the same time moving toward the enterance.

I must check outside.

2014-01-22, 11:21 PM
Seeing Tass point in the direction Holtti went, he'll say to the tall man in white robes "I'm sorry, but it appears we might have a problem. I'll be sure to come back and introduce you to the Prince afterwards, especially if you could help us, because I suspect assassins."

He'll then run off past Tass, towards the sounds she pointed out.

2014-01-23, 08:02 AM
Lucas frowns seriously, and places the mugs he was holding down on the table. Something was definitely going on, and it would seem that he could stop denying his curiousity. Before running after the other two, he turns to Béla and shouts out to him loudly to get his attention. "BELA!"

Once his attention has been properly achieved, Lucas puts on a grim face, and begins to urgently motion with his hands in a sort of beckon, suddenly aware of the startled or scornful eyes of the guests around him. In another situation, he'd be embarrassed. He says quietly to the man in white robes, "Sounds like there's some trouble. Don't know if you heard it, but the other two sure did. Wouldn't mind the extra pair of eyes, ears and hands."

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-23, 10:47 AM

"Isto é unha salsa de tipo feitos de aguacates. Nós normalmente usalo como unha cobertura ou mergullo, en realidade. El é chamado-"

Daedrim's head suddenly snaps around, and he immediately falls silent. Without turning back to you, he says, "I hate to cut our conversation short, but I need to leave." He stands up, revealing a longbow that was hidden under his cloak. He takes it and walks quickly over the the man in silk robes. The albino raven follows, landing on his shoulder every time he stops moving.

"That is a sauce of sorts made from avocados. We normally use it as a topping or dip, actually. It is called-"

John seems about to respond, when the hooded figure that was sitting with Béla suddenly walks over, longbow in hand. He says, "We need to leave. It is not safe here. Come quickly, and I will be your eyes."

John looks at you somewhat sadly, and says, "I can't stay, 's'much's I'd like to. P'ra'ps we'll meet agin', good man." The two of them walk quickly outside, stopping only to take a torch from one of the walls.


When you get outside, you see the bodies of four guards on the ground. Scattered amongst them are several hundred spiders - most of them dead. Additionally, all of the torches on this side of the building have been put out, save for one by the entrance.

John and Daedrim soon come out of the door. John, torch in hand, reaches down and takes a longsword from one of the guards, then turns to Tass. "I wish ye tha' bes' o' luck, lassie. Ye may need it." He then gives Alphonse a small bow. "Ye too. May Vermiculus bless ye tonight."

Daedrim looks at Tass, then nods slowly. He hands you a small circlet of woven vines, and says in a language you have not heard since you left your homeland, "Հարավային խորհուրդը ողջ անձնակազմը ողջունում է ընկերակից աշակերտ երկրի. Խաղաղություն լինի ձեզ հետ." He and John then leave, running off back to the city.

"The Southern Council extends its greetings to a fellow disciple of Torethen. Peace be with you."

2014-01-23, 11:05 AM
"Damn...no way just spiders did this. Lady Tass, do you see anything?" Alphonse shouts, looking around for anything else that could of caused this.

Utilizing my worthless spot to try and see anything more then just spiders: [roll0]

2014-01-23, 11:36 AM
No, they wouldn't even be here.

Tass' gaze sweeps aross the open area and the roofs of the buildings around them, searching and listening for the signs of other life as she picks out a crab's leg from her spell components pouch.

We may have to fight. Վազել ողջ օվկիանոսի ավազաթումբ.

Her speech switches to Druidic as she calls upon the forces of nature. With a hand brimming with magic, she touches Alphonse's shoulder.

Casting Crabwalk to make Alphonse's charge bonus +4 to attack with no penalty to AC for 6 minutes.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

2014-01-23, 11:36 AM
Béla turns at the shout, starts apologizing, then looks back at Daedrim as he goes off. Hm. He gets up and jogs over to Lucas. What is wrong? Do you know where the other two have gone?

2014-01-23, 11:54 AM
"Whatever it is, they seem to know where it is," Lucas said quietly, nodding at the man with the white crow and his companion. "They're heading the same direction the other two went. Still, I'm nervous following everyone out...what if it's an attack? We've already lost one prince..."

Lucas glances at the prince with obvious concern.

2014-01-23, 03:17 PM
He sighs. Well, perhaps one of us should remain behind with the prince. Do you think Tass and the other one will be capable of defending themselves?

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-23, 04:11 PM

You don't see anything else of note.
You don't hear anything of note. In fact, it seems oddly quiet outside...

You can just make out the faint glow of torchlight over the roof, but it suddenly grows dimmer, and then disappears completely. Aside from the torch by the entrance, the outside is lit by starlight alone.

The guests begin to talk anxiously amongst themselves. Someone says rather loudly, "What's going on?", which only spurs further debate between the merchants and nobles.

2014-01-23, 06:15 PM
Torchlight. On the other side of the roof. It just winked away.

She crouches down and start adjusting the clasp of her periapt as she looks around herself, searching for any part of the building which could be easily climbed.

We need to get up there.

2014-01-23, 09:04 PM
"Hmm, I could easily jump up there, but I'm not sure I'd be able to see our enemy. Hmm...you should tell the others to keep watch over the Prince, I'll see if I can flush them out. Unless you have any better plans...?" Alphonse says, getting his glaive out quickly, already guessing what the result will be.

2014-01-24, 10:20 AM
Lucas nods. "You go, I'll stay with the Prince."

Lucas turns and heads over to the man that Alphonse had pointed out earlier, and bows curteously. "My leige," he says quietly, "My name is Lucas Espenshade, and I thank you for inviting me to the feast. All that aside," he says, in a lets get down to business voice, "it seems there may be some sort of danger that some of your guards are dealing with. My companions have gone to see in what manner they can assist. In the mean time, I wish to ensure your safety."

Lucas eyes the Prince to see if he is the sort that can handle himself, and stays within reaching distance of the Prince. Should danger appear to present itself, Lucas plans to cast the a spell from his God on the man to ensure his safety. Sanctuary should do the trick.

2014-01-24, 10:26 AM
Bela heads out the entrance everybody left from, steps carefully around the spiders, and walks over next to Alphonse. Are you in full health?

2014-01-24, 06:12 PM
(Okay, if it's okay with you I'm going to do a sligth time reversion, because I don't feel like letting Tass get interrupted now will be for the better...)

Tass pauses for a moment and nods to herself.

No, go tell them, then come. I think I know how to find them for you.

She makes a few swift adjustments to the clasps on her curiously shaped gauntlets, which only cover half of her fingers and seem to lack little fingers altogether, before she puts her hands on her feet. Suddenly, Tass and her armour seems to meld together as hair and dragon scales sprout into feathers, her small body shrinks further while her mouth and nose grow together in a sharp beak, and for a moment her arms and legs seem to shift into a single appendage before two large wings separate themselves from her talons, and she utters a low screech to complete her eagle form.

Tass leaps up and spread her wings to launch herself into the air just as Béla exits the building, and the odd shape of her gauntlets now suddenly become apparent, as they now adorn her legs, digits swapped for claws. Her periapt remains unchanged as well, tightly hung around her neck as to not swing too much. Her pristine feathers gleam sligthly with a brown hue in the dim light of the torch, except for her back and tail feathers, which seem to be completely grey in colouration, standing out visually from the rest.

She flies 30 ft. upward and 20 ft. toward the building.

2014-01-24, 06:31 PM
Alphonse points to Bela "Sir Bela, go warn the Prince, then come back. Perhaps get Pere Lucas as well. We may need the assistance...though someone should watch the prince...aaargh, I hate assassins." Alphonse directs, hopefully not too forcefully. He runs off as he mumbles the last part.

Once at the side of the wall, watching Tass fly to it. He smirks and punches his fists together. He then crouches as if he's starting to do squats, but as he lifts himself up from the movement, he leaps from the ground!

(activating Leaping Dragon Stance, then jumping up the wall with a jump check)

Jump check, to get to at least grabbing distance so I can pull myself up: [roll0] +10 feat

Alphonse leaps 15 feet in the air, easily able to grab the ledge (presumably), pulling himself onto the ledge as if he was jumping over a vaulting horse.

2014-01-24, 09:37 PM
Béla looks up at him curiously, than walks over to the door. Pointing at Lucas, he casts Message. Tell the prince; there's something on the roof. I think. I'll follow the others up. Try to get somewhere safe, if you hear explosions it might not be a bad idea to follow.

Béla strides over under where Alphonse got up. An eagle feather, spinning rather aimlessly, settles lightly on the ground. Picking it up with a tender expression, he casts Fly, the feather vanishing in his palm. That done, he follows Alph cautiously.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-24, 10:29 PM

The prince looks at you first with enthusiasm, and then with a blank, serious face that seems slightly afraid. He nods and softly says, "Years ago, when the hall was built, there was made a bolt hole for royalty trapped within. I will take two of the remaining guards with me and go to that place. You can come with me if you like, but there is little to do in that dank hole, and I will most assuredly be safe there. It is warded by the strongest magics that my ancestors could muster."

On the Rooftop:

The rooftop is dark, although your eyes adjust fairly well. It is made from large pine logs, similar to the sides of the building, which give the roof a ribbed look. You do not see anything obviously out-of-place on the roof, aside from the three of you that are up there.
The rooftop is dark, and your eyes strain to see. The roof is made from large pine logs, like the building's sides, and it feels terraced under your feet. A dark, winged shape moves off to your side, and another shadowy flying figure appears behind you. You recognize them as Tass (in eagle form) and Bela, but their forms are eerie and vague in the darkness.

2014-01-24, 10:35 PM
Alphonse draws out his Glaive and says "Lady Tass, Sir Bela, what do your elf eyes see?"

2014-01-24, 10:45 PM
The elf draws close to him and whispers, Keep silent. We do not know who or where they are, and we wish the same will apply to them.

2014-01-24, 11:01 PM
Alphonse whispers back "I know, sorry. It's just hard to see, I had to make sure it was you."

And, because I don't see why not, lets try a perception check just to see. I might suddenly roll a twenty or something: [roll0]

2014-01-25, 01:25 AM
Tass rises to a safe altitude over the roof, her eyes scanning for movements and anomalies as she continues to make her way toward the other side of it.

Tass spends 30 ft. of movement to fly 10 ft. forward and upward, the rest of her movement is straight forward.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

2014-01-25, 12:23 PM
Béla will carefully float behind and slightly above Tass.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-25, 11:02 PM
On the Roof:

You don't see any signs of other people on the dark roof.

It's oddly quiet out here... you can't even hear the sounds from the city.
You don't see any signs of other people on the roof; however, once you are over the ridge in the middle you see something gleam in the starlight, but you loose sight of it when you turn to look.

The outside seems incredibly quiet; the only sounds you can make out are Alphonse, Bela, and the low hum of people talking inside the feast hall. No insects, no bats, no other creatures of the night. Even the nighttime sounds from the city are dampened and dulled so much as to be nigh-inaudible.
You don't see any signs of other people on the roof. Tass proves hard to keep up with, and even though you have better maneuverability, her eagle form is much faster. Despite your efforts to stay with her, she ends up around 30ft in front of you. You see near the far edge of the roof something metallic gleaming in the starlight...

The outside seems strangely quiet, and even the sounds from the city are almost impossible to hear.


Wuscfrea walks over to go get the guards, and General Holtti returns from the south side of the building. "They've barred the door. I wanted to let you know before we tried to break it down." Holtti looks at you and smiles. "Mister... Espenshade, is it? Good to meet you!" He takes your hand and shakes it firmly, and you feel that his hand is misshapen and gnarled. Noticing the serious looks on your faces, he furrows his brow. "Is something wrong?"

2014-01-26, 06:06 AM
Tass turns toward where she saw the gleam and swoops toward it, keeping her eagle eyes open for anything standing out.

Spot check: [roll0]

2014-01-26, 01:09 PM
Lucas nods at the prince. "What of your guests? Where can they be safe?" Meanwhile, Lucas keeps a watchful eye on the ceiling as he esquorts the Prince toward the trapdoor.

As General Holtti returns to the room, Lucas latches on to what the general described. "General," he nodded curtly, "who has barred the door?" He speaks in quiet tones to the General, even while his hand is being shaken, his business side having fully taken over. There was not a trace of the bumbling public persona left. "I know not exactly what, sir, but I can tell you that it is currently occupying at least six guards and five guests, three of which were those you invited under the same pretenses as my own, the other two were a man with a white raven, and a man in white silk robes. I believe you've spoken with Alphonse? All I know is there was a crash from that direction, and that whatever made the crash, it is now believed to be on the roof." Lucas gestures the way the others left. "One of my party mentioned explosions, so I gather it is NOT of the diplomatic distraction. I was just esquorting the prince to safety..."

2014-01-26, 03:43 PM
Béla will aim for the gleam, and fly straight at it. What did you expect?

Spot Check: [roll0]

2014-01-27, 02:44 PM
Alphonse will do his best to follow and keep track of the two flyers, so he's nearby for when anything goes down. Gotta keep on his toes!

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-27, 04:19 PM
On the Roof:

When you get to the far edge of the roof, you see the gleaming object is a longsword, of the same make as the guards' swords. The sword is chipped, as if it's recently been struck against stone. Next to it is a thick, wooden shaft that's been snapped in half - likely the butt of a spear - and an unlit torch.

You can see on the ground near the feast hall the bodies of several guards. One is somewhat far away from the building, but the others are rather close.


"I don't know. The kitchens have a back entrance, as does the south side of the building with the private rooms. If it's assassins, though, wouldn't the guests be safe? They'd be coming for me, right?"

"The musicians. I'm going to assume they're incredibly drunk. Oddly quiet in the room for a bunch of drunkards, though. Maybe they've passed out." As you tell Holtti what's happening, his face becomes steadily more serious. "I haven't heard anything, but I'll take your word for it." He turns to the guard behind him. "Fetch me my sword, and if you can find it, Brynne's box of potions. I'm sure he won't mind me borrowing one now..." Holtti looks back at you. "The old bolt-hole is on the south side, at the end of the corridor. I'll come with the two of you, and then you and I can deal with whatever it is that's on the roof after the prince is safe."


Holtti leads you down a hallway, past the musicians' room, and then kicks a few floorboards until he hears a hollow one. He pulls it up, revealing an underground passage hewn from stone. Wuscfrea looks at the two of you, and says, "Please let me know when all of this is over."

The guard soon returns with a massive two-handed sword, the blade engraved with runes and the pommel set with a flawless ruby, and hands it to the general. Holtti gestures to the door leading outside. "Are you ready? Or should we try to wake up these drunkards first?" He nods to the musicians' room.

2014-01-27, 04:23 PM
Alphonse will go to investigate the roof where we found the sword, trying to see if there are any nearby doors into the building proper.

Spot Check: [roll0]

2014-01-27, 04:36 PM
Tass swoops down in a wide spiral encircling the bodies, her alert eyes looking out for where whoever did this could be now. If she doesn't spot anything, she'll land on the lone guard's corpse, trying to determine what he was doing so far from the others and how he was struck down.

Spot check: [roll0]

2014-01-27, 06:08 PM
Lucas looks into the area the prince goes to ensure it is safe for him to enter. He glances at the both of them. "Can't be too careful."


Once the prince is safe, Lucas exchanges a look with Holtti. "It's not very professional for a highly acclaimed troupe to get well and drunk before a performance. I should know, I've entertained a few in my time. Something about them in locking themselves in doesn't smell right." Lucas reaches in his bag, "Do I have permission to draw my weapon?" He quirks an eyebrow as he portrays the question.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-28, 03:55 PM

You don't spot any doors on this part of the roof.
You don't see anything moving around, so you fly over to the man on the ground. You notice that this guard is without his sword and spear. He is also very, very dead.

The guard has several long cuts down the front of his torso, and two deep puncture wounds on opposite sides of his chest. He also has a particularly large wound on his throat that snapped his neck in half. Additionally, several of his bones are badly broken, as if he was violently thrown down from somewhere high up.


Holtti nods. "Have it out, and tell anyone that says otherwise to take it up with me. We can watch each other's backs." He walks over to the musicians room again. "I'm agreed with you on them being suspicious. I had a listen, but I can't hear a thing from in there. We unlocked the door, but it's pretty solidly barred shut. I figure we have to either break it down or try to snap what they've barred it with and force it open, unless you've got any better ideas. I swear, if these musicians are assassins, they won't be making it to the gallows when I catch them..."

OOC: Forcing the door down would require a strength check, and breaking it down would require attack rolls. The door is big enough that both of you can attack/force it open at the same time.

Also, make a listen check. You can make two, if you want to actively listen at the door.

2014-01-28, 04:11 PM
Lucas pulls out his mace, heavy in his hand. "I suppose we'll have to break it open...unless...are there any windows level with the ground outside?" Lucas listens for a moment to see if he can hear anything going on inside. No noise would likely be bad. "Have you heard ANY noise in there since you attempted to gain entry?"

Listening: [roll0]

2014-01-28, 07:05 PM
Tass takes off from the corpse of the unfortunate guard and flies back toward the building. She'll then fly at a low altitude along the edge of the roof, going clockwise around the building, her eyes vigilant for anything out of place, and any possible points of entry into the building. She also keeps her ears open, if only to keep track of what her newfound companions are up to.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

2014-01-28, 08:52 PM
Béla will quietly soar around the edges of the roof, peering down to see what he can see.


2014-01-28, 09:31 PM
I've suddenly had a goofy, unlikely to pan out idea!

Alphonse will think for a moment. We've got a sword that was chipped by hitting stone despite being on a wooden building. Alphonse will hurry down to where the bodies are, small wings coming from a ring on his hand as he drops from the roof. He then studies the body to see if he can how they died.

Alphonse will use a History check to determine if he can recall any assassin's who might use golems, and might have things related to the wounds he finds: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-28, 11:38 PM

When you fly back to the building, you notice that the area by the group of dead guards near the building seems extremely quiet... You hear Alphonse lightly jump down from the roof, and you can hear Bela following behind you quietly in the air.

As you fly north along the west edge, you notice more dead guards, at semi-regular intervals of one or two about every 30ft or so. Most have wounds similar to the one you found on the ground, but others you can't really tell. When you round the corner to the north side, you see the bodies of a few guards grouped together on the ground, with no easily visible wounds. Something seems oddly quiet about the area around this group of guards too...

As you fly north along the west edge, you notice a few more dead guards on the ground. When you reach the corner to the north edge, you see the bodies of a few guards grouped together on the ground. Something seems oddly quiet about the area around this group of guards...
About mid-fall, everything suddenly becomes perfectly silent. You don't hear your feet hit the ground - although you can feel when you stop falling and are on your feet again - and you can't even hear your heartbeat (although you can still feel your pulse).

Four of the guards are covered in severe cuts; long, deep slices that run down their entire torso, in addition to a few other serious wounds. The fifth, though, appears to have been quite thoroughly crushed. His skull is shattered, his spine is broken and sticking out of his back, and his lower back is so flat that it's almost flush with the grass. They are all lying in a small pool of blood.


You search your memory for knowledge on assassins, and a few people and groups stand out:

The Order of the Black Sea: A group of mercenary assassins from Samara (the southernmost part of Trakai). They've been known to use stone golems from time to time, if their client is okay with a little (or more) collateral damage, but only for clients that can afford hiring the golems out as well. They always leave a burnt rose with their target, as sort of a calling card.

Enigma: An extremely skilled informant and assassin that works out of Capel Kerig. Murders of all sorts are often attributed to the mysterious figure; some involving golems, some not, although Enigma is rarely directly connected to them. The assassin has a reputation of never causing any collateral damage at all - occasionally even saving bystanders if they're in danger. Rumor has it that Enigma runs a shop somewhere in Capel Kerig's market district, where you can buy anything if you have what the mysterious killer wants.

The Capel Kerig's Thieves' Guild: An organized union of thieves and other criminals (including assassins) in Capel Kerig. They have a few golems, so it's not inconceivable that they could use one in an assassination.

Andre Petrinov: A freelance assassin from Nordrake, although he often works far from home. He's been known to use all sorts of methods, including golems, and he almost always causes a lot of collateral damage. Clients only ever hire him if they have no interest in subtlety. He is an accomplished mage, and often burns buildings to the ground - sometimes parts of cities, even - to get to his target.


Holtti thinks for a few seconds. "There is a window, but it's a little high up from the outside. I could give you a lift, though; you don't look too heavy. It would definitely be easier to break through the window than the door."

You can't hear anything at all through the door. It seems unnaturally quiet, as if there's something actually blocking the sound...

He shakes his head. "I haven't heard a thing. The sound of the door even sounds muted, like there's something dampening it from the other side."

2014-01-28, 11:57 PM
Alphonse looks up at the sky for Tass and Bela, and starts waving his glaive in a way as if to imply "come down here right now I need to tell you both a thing". He'll run off to where he figures they went, which I think would be around the north west side of the building (thinking about where we are and stuff)

He's trying to not yell and it's very obvious.

2014-01-29, 01:09 PM
"To the window then. And with haste." Lucas allows Holtti to lead him the shortest possible path to the exterior window. Lucas looks up and studies the windows to the room, and the outer wall. Last, he looks to the roof, to see if he spots any of his aquaintences. "Alright, I'm ready when you are." He readies himself for Holtti to boost him.

Spot when outside - [roll0]

2014-01-29, 01:29 PM
Béla spins and shoots at Alphonse once he notices at the highest common denominator possible speed, and pauses hovering with his feet slightly above Alphonse's head.

2014-01-29, 01:47 PM
"Sir Bela, I think I know who could of caused this. Some of the dead have evidence of a Golem, as do some of the weaponry. Additionally I think we're in a zone of magical silence, something I imagine you'd be able to tell much more clearly." Alphonse says, quietly so as not to be loud, though still heard.

"I've narrowed the various possibilities down to one option, the Order of the Black Sea. A group of assassins from Trakai, they use both magic and golems, which both appear to be what we're dealing with here. They are also not against damage to things other then their target" he gestures to the bodies of the guards "As you can see, that's what we're dealing with here. I believe they have been hired to kill ether the remaining Prince, or General Holtti. Do you think you could use your magic to...track the source of this magical silence, assuming it is magical silence of course."

2014-01-29, 03:23 PM
Tass slows down a little in her flight to dive down and study these corpses closer, trying to tell the causes of their death. Tracing fine motions with her talons, she utters a long and intricate screech with a surprisingly clean tone, almost as if singing.

Casting Detect Magic to scan the area for magical auras.

Amidus Drexel
2014-01-30, 03:47 PM
South Side:

Holtti leads you out to the outside, and the first thing you notice is how dark it is. The torches along the outside wall have been put out, and you can only see by the starlight. Holtti doesn't seem too bothered by it, though...

The window is about 6ft off the ground, and you can just make out a curtain blocking your view of the room. There are a bunch of small spiders on the window - perhaps ten to twenty in total. You don't see any of your party on the roof.

Holtti says, "Aye", and easily picks you up and holds you steady. "Can you see inside? Don't worry about breaking the window if they've boarded it up or something; I can replace some glass much easier than the young prince."

OOC: Holtti's more than strong enough to hold you still to investigate the window - I would like another listen check, though. You don't need to roll to break the window (if that's your intention).

North Side:

You cast your spell and fly down to the guards below. You immediately notice magical auras, and when you get within about 20ft of the guards, everything suddenly becomes perfectly silent. You hear nothing - not the breeze, not your wings, not even your heartbeat. After concentrating a little bit, you pick out the distinct magic auras, and recognize one not emanating from your gear: a faint hemisphere centered on the guards bodies, with a 20ft radius.

The guards don't have any obvious wounds, but roughly circular parts of their otherwise polished armor are curiously blackened, almost as if they were burnt. There are hundreds of spiders here as well (most of them dead), that look very much like the ones you saw at the entrance. One guard in particular has a single one of these marks on his chest, and his skin is bulging oddly in places. A few spiders crawl out of his mouth as you watch.

OOC: You may make a spellcraft check to determine the school of magic associated with the aura, and a Knowledge (nature) for the spiders.
West Side:

OOC: Spot and listen checks, please.

2014-01-30, 04:24 PM
Well, that decides that question.

Béla will then cast Detect Magic, muttering words under his breath. மர்மம் கண்டுபிடிக்க

2014-01-30, 07:20 PM
Tass flies but a feet off the ground, giving the guards and spiders a closer look as she scans the ground for any tracks different to guard's boots.

Spellcraft check: [roll0]
Knowledge (nature) check: [roll1]
Survival check: [roll2]

2014-02-01, 03:26 PM
Lucas gets boosted up by Holtti and peers inside, keeping away from the multitude of spiders in the window. He tries to see what's blocking the door, and where the performers are located before bursts in.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-01, 11:18 PM
West Side:

You hear a faint flapping sound above you... you don't see anything when you turn to look, though.
As you cast your spell, magic floods your senses - there are clearly auras in front of you, and a little concentration would let you know more about them.

You hear a faint flapping sound above you... when you turn to look, you notice a dark figure about 60ft up in the air.

OOC: Surprise round, and you get to go first! You get a single standard action, which I'll let you downgrade to a move or a swift if you like.
North Side

You readily identify the spell as silence, something well within the capabilities of a priest or a bard.

The spiders are of a rare species that subsists primarily on certain magical energies; mostly black magic. They cannot survive in an environment not rich in these energies; they die within a few seconds after they've exhausted what energy is available. There is a ritual that can create these spiders en masse in a slain creature, sustaining the spiders for a few minutes with black magic, but the details of that ritual are outside your area of study; perhaps an arcanist would know more.

As you swoop down, you notice a few smaller, lighter tracks than that of the guards. They seem to be coming from the east, although they don't seem to lead anywhere but to the group of guards on the ground. The only other tracks you see belong to the guards.

The silence spell ends, its aura quickly fading to a dim silhouette, and you can suddenly hear again. The remaining living spiders curl up and die, their life energy no longer sustained.

South Side:

The first thing you notice is that everything seems much quieter by the window, as if something was actively dampening the sound. Looking in, you see the inside of the room is quite dark... the only thing you can see is a dark figure holding a candle and an ornate, bloodstained dagger walking towards the far corner... your eyes catch something about waist-height moving in that corner, but you can't make out what it is. The spiders begin to curl up and fall off the window as you watch...

Suddenly, sounds return to their normal volume, and you hear a muffled scream coming through the window. The figure seems to recoil in shock, then whips its head around to look at the window. You catch a glimpse of pale skin and bright, almost glowing green eyes, and then the figure waves its hand and disappears, dropping the candle on the ground near the middle of the room in a pool of blood.

Holtti snarls. "What is making that sound? Who did those bastard minstrels kill?"

OOC: Bela's turn

2014-02-02, 05:55 AM
Tass listens carefully as she takes off again, continuing her clockwise round while concentrating on her spell unless interrupted by something curious.

Listen check: [roll0]

2014-02-02, 08:57 PM
"I don't see any of 'em, but it could be them screaming." he grunts down. "I'm going in. Come back round to the door, I'll let you in." He launches himself into the room, and casts detect magic, hoping to see the robed figure he had seen disappear. There's two things that could have happened. He's invisible, or he teleported. I'm hoping for the first one, he thought, brandishing his mace, and looking for the source of the screams if he cannot find the robed figure.

2014-02-03, 11:22 AM
Bela will take a five-foot step upwards and concentrate.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-03, 02:27 PM
Suddenly, a large, dark figure drops from the sky at an incredible speed, and hits the roof with a loud and sickening thud that shakes the entire building and throws up splinters of wood. It slams its fists into the roof, and then stands upright and bellows with a deep, gravelly tone.

The creature is tall, perhaps the height of two men, and has a mottled grey, stony colouring. It is humanoid in shape, although its fingers end in wicked claws, long horns protrude from its hairless head, and its back is adorned with monstrous wings. Its body and limbs are thick and muscular, and its entire form seems to exude an aura of vicious, feral excitement. It bares its teeth at you and snarls, dropping to a slightly hunched-over pose.

You may make a knowledge (nature) check to identify the creature.
Holtti's head snaps around at the noise, and you can feel his grip noticeably tighten. "What in Mairah's name was that? Come quickly, man, we need to stop these bastard minstrel assassins!"

If you want to continue with your actions from your previous post, just let me know, and I'll edit the results in here. (one round at a time, though)
Aside from the auras on Alphonse and yourself, you see a dim magic aura around the pile of dead guards. You may try to identify it with a spellcraft check.
In addition to the sounds of the creature landing on the roof, you hear the noises from the guests inside become hushed, and then panicked.
Updated map (https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/918x918q90/827/tnnx.png)

Tass: [13]
Alphonse: [12]
Bela: [11]
Creature on the roof
Lucas: [7]

Tass, you're up.

2014-02-03, 03:39 PM
At the sound of the creatures landing, Tass immediately turns her head and starts flying 65' directly toward it while gaining altitude, flying 10' above the ridge of the roof. Screeching out in a musical tone, small frost crystals starts to form behind her wings, before she throws up her talons, and a long icicle spear forms, shooting out toward the beast.

Casting Icelance:
Ranged Attack: [roll0] (note: not a touch attack)
Damage: [roll1], half is piercing, the rest is cold
Stunned: [roll2] rounds, Fortitude DC 18 negates

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-03, 04:16 PM
Your spear of ice flies true, and strikes the creature in the side, chipping its touch skin and covering it in a burst of frost. A small trickle of silvery liquid seeps out of a tiny gash where the spear hit, which runs down its side. The beast roars in pain, and stumbles, reeled by the magical attack.

It's a gargoyle, although it's unnaturally large. Gargoyles have very tough skin - they can shrug off all but the strongest nonmagical attacks without even a scratch. They can blend in extremely well in stony environments, and they can hold themselves so still that they look like statues. Gargoyles are not very bright, but they're fast, strong, and extremely resilient. They can see in the dark, but only at close distances.

OOC: A hit, (although it didn't seem to take much damage except from the cold), and it failed its save pretty badly.

Alphonse, you're up.

2014-02-03, 04:29 PM
Alphonse will move up to the building and leap up to to the roof with a quick hop, getting ready to face the creature that has descended upon us!

Vertical Jump Check: [roll0]+10 feet

Alphonse jumps 16 feet into the air, and once again vaults up onto the roof. He readies his spear, posing for the stunned, winged beast!

(OOC: Move up to the building, swift to jump, and standard as a move to get up onto the roof. End turn at K8)

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-03, 05:14 PM
Battle map (https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/918x918q90/824/e4vb.png)

OOC: The jump lands easily, although the beast doesn't seem to acknowledge your gravity-defying stunt or your pose, it being somewhat preoccupied with regaining use of its actions limbs.

Bela, you're up.

2014-02-03, 05:38 PM
Béla swoops at Alphonse, casts Bull's Strength, and tries to end his turn as far away from Beast as possible.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-03, 07:57 PM
Battle map. (https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/918x918q90/534/44dv.png)

Musicians' Room

When you jump through the window, you are overwhelmed by the smell of blood. Each step splashes in some dark liquid on the floor, and your shadow flickers eerily on the walls from the candlelight. At first, the cloaked figure appears to be just a few feet behind the candle, but after entering the room, you can't see it anymore, so maybe it was just a trick of the light... Additionally, your magically-enhanced senses detect a few lingering dim auras.

The room appears to be about 20x20ft, and the candle is in the middle, closer to the window. You can only see about 15ft into the room, though, so the far wall is hidden to you. You hear something whimpering in the far corner, but it's too dark to see...

OOC: You can make three spellcraft checks to identify the auras.

Lucas, you're up.

2014-02-04, 07:34 AM
Lucas squinted as he peered around the deimly lit room, trying to make out the details. He casts light, and extinguishes the candle, wrinkling his nose at the smell of blood. Perhaps what the candle might not illuminate about the figure, his spell would. Lucas goes to unblock the door, so that Holtti can get in. He keeps looking around to see if the figure reappears, or is trying to sneak up on him.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-04, 01:13 PM
Musicians' Room

Your spell illuminates the room brightly, and the whimpering figure in the corner panics. It's a man with blonde, shoulder-length hair, and he's holding a lute in front of him, almost like he's trying to hide behind the instrument. His expensive clothes have been viciously cut to pieces, and his hand, face, and torso are covered in blood. He tries to make himself as small as possible, and presses his back against the wall in desperation.

The door is barred with a thick oaken board, and nailed in place. There are bloody handprints on the door, some of them trailing downwards... Your eyes catch something red on the floor, and you notice that you are standing in a pool of blood that covers most of the floor of the room...
A glance at the rest of the room almost makes you sick to your stomach. Strewn about the room are four dead bodies, all covered in blood and brutally mutilated. They've all had their left hands cut off at the wrist, and their faces have been cut to pieces. All four also have serious chest wounds, including a near-identical slice over each of their hearts. The furniture in the room is splattered with blood, as are the walls and the ceiling. There are a few broken instruments lying scattered around the floor, all covered in blood.

When the man in the corner notices you aren't whatever was attacking it earlier, he stops panicking, but he stays curled up in the corner and shakes in fear.

...Something wet falls on your head, almost like a raindrop...

OOC: Make a Fortitude save, DC 18. You may make a heal check to determine how these people died and otherwise learn more about their current condition. You're probably not going to be able to force the door open in its current condition, but you could attack the board holding it shut or the door (just a damage roll), or try to pry it off (which would be a str check). If you want to try to get intelligible information out of the man in the corner, you'll need a diplomacy check.


OOC: Further things happen in the initiative order that none of you can see.

Tass, you're up.

Tass: [13]
Alphonse: [12]
Bela: [11]
Creature on the roof
Lucas: [7]

2014-02-04, 02:32 PM
With a long, singing screech, Tass swoops down at P6, swiping at the Gargoyle with talons seeping with poisonous magic.

Casting Poison:
Melee Touch Attack: [roll0]
To Beat Concealment: [roll1] (higher is better)
Poison: DC 18, primary/secondary: 1d10 Con

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-04, 03:16 PM
Battle map. (https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/4000x4000q90/690/5dm1.png)

Your toxic attack hits, and the creature shudders as its body is attacked by the poison, still reeling from your last attack.

OOC: A solid hit, and once again, it fails to roll well enough on its fortitude save to avoid the effects of Tass' spell.

Alphonse, you're up.

2014-02-04, 03:37 PM
Alphonse takes a quick step to the right and swings his glaive at the supposed gargoyle's neck, the bladed end sparkling with a green glow!
"Jade Razor!"

First, reducing my accuracy by 2 with Power Attack, increasing my damage by 4 since the glaive is two handed.

[roll0] vs Touch AC

[roll1] slashing damage if it hits

5 Foot Step to L9, reduce attack roll by 2 with Power Attack, attack Gargoyle(?) with Jade/Emerald Razor.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-04, 04:14 PM
Battle map (https://docs.google.com/a/vt.edu/document/d/1m4tS6JaBT3anTFCOrUu6pbPIlQJLPhfDh1x8xf_xpWs/edit) (which I have moved to a google drive to keep from needing to constantly update the links - if that causes problems for anyone, please let me know)

You slice into the creature, your blade cutting through its tough hide. Silvery blood drips out of the wound and down your blade, and the beast roars in pain. When you withdraw your glaive, though, the wound partially seals, and it doesn't look anywhere near as hurt as you thought it would...

OOC: A solid hit, and while it DR'd away a fair portion of the damage, you still hurt it. If anyone's got ranks in knowledge (arcana), they can roll for that now.

Bela, you're up.

2014-02-04, 09:42 PM
Béla will move 15 feet upwards and over to I7, and then cast [I]Scorching Ray/I] at the Thingy.



Amidus Drexel
2014-02-04, 10:06 PM
Your ray of fire easily hits the beast, and it bellows as its tough skin begins to char. The ice still clinging to its hide from Tass' icelance vaporizes in an impressive burst of steam from the heat.

OOC: The creature fails to take any actions again, and the initiative count marches on.

Lucas, you're up.

2014-02-05, 11:19 AM
Lucas sizes up the door, the performer, and the bloody room. Had he been fainter of heart, the sight might have been too much. Lucas compartmentalized the disgust and terror away. Later. First, he needed Holtti to get in here, and hope he was also not faint of heart. Then, his mission was to protect the final musician. The musician would be able to tell them what in the Gods names happened here. He steps up to the door, and quickly decides that breaking down the board or door would take too much time. Luckily, the door opened inwardly, and he could remove the hinges.

"Alright, General. The door should be free to pull when I say when! I'm removing the hinges." He removes the hinges, and shouts - "WHEN!" Then, he moves to the musician, and something begins to bother him in the back of his mind. What was it, what was it? Then, he recalls the drip that came down on him while he was looking around. It dripped from above him. Almost to the musician, Lucas twists his head around to inspect the ceiling, looking for the cause of the drip.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-06, 06:41 AM
Musicians' Room

You easily remove the hinges, and with a few solid hits, Holtti breaks down the door. At the sight of the room, however, his face pales, and he doubles over in revulsion. "Oh... oh, gods..."

Looking up, you see a small, pulsating orb of blood floating in the air near the ceiling. There is a small, steady drip coming off of it, and judging by its size, it will probably disappear soon. Something seems otherworldly, almost dream-like about it...

Holtti attempts to pull himself together, and looks around, still in shock. "I... I suppose my lack of trust in the musicians was misplaced. Did you see who did this to them?"

OOC: Can I get spot checks from everyone on the roof?

You see a shadowy figure on the roof, perhaps 70ft to the south of the stunned gargoyle.
Tass, you're up.

Tass: [13]
Alphonse: [12]
Bela: [11]
Creature on the roof
Lucas: [7]

2014-02-06, 07:09 AM
Tass flies up to P10, staying 30 feet off the ground. She grasps in the air with her talons toward the creature, and with a melodic, frosted screech, its skin starts to freeze all over.

Casting Winter's Embrace (Fort DC 17). If it fails its save, it must make a new save in each of the upcoming rounds or take 1d8 of damage that round. If it takes damage twice, it becomes fatigued, if it does so four times, it becomes exhausted.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-06, 08:58 PM
The gargoyle harmlessly shakes off the frost magic, and the ice falls off to the roof and melts.

OOC: It passed its save, negating the spell.

Alphonse, you're up.

2014-02-06, 09:15 PM
Alphonse will do a series of a back flips, bouncing from feet to hands to feet and so on, until he ends in O13. He'll then strike a pose, splaying his legs, swinging his glaive back behind him as his right hand extends out behind him, as his left raises up to somewhat obscure his face, holding up all five fingers (http://images.wikia.com/jjba/images/7/77/Jonathan_ASB.jpg).

Jump Check for Backflips: [roll0] +10 feet

Swift to regain my spent Manouvers, then Standard action to pose for the after effect of said Swift action.

2014-02-08, 05:41 PM
I guess Béla will just scan around with Detect Magic, which should still be running. (I think)

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-08, 05:49 PM
You can sense the lingering magical auras from the spells you and Tass have cast, and the auras from you and your party's magical items, but nothing else.

OOC: The gargoyle is still stunned, and takes no actions.

Lucas, you're up.

2014-02-11, 08:00 AM
Lucas' eyes go wide as he notices the spinning orb of blood. He turns, looks at the General, and then looks at the minstrel. "We need to get out of here. Now."

*If the minstrel cooperates: Lucas ushers the frightened musician out the door, closes it, and performs a heal check to see the extent of his damages. In doing so, he checks the pulse of the musician, and tries to see if it matches the pulsing of the bloody orb inside the room.

*If the minstrel does not cooperate: Lucas picks up the frightened musician, calls back to Holtti to help him, and carries the man out the door, turning as soon as he exits.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-11, 02:03 PM
Musicians' Room:

As soon as Holtti collects himself, he helps you usher the scared musician out of the room. A quick test of his pulse reveals that it is the same as the orb - however, when the minstrel leaves the room, the orb finally collapses in on itself and drops to the floor in a small splash of blood.

As for the minstrel himself, he seems to be mostly alright, despite some serious-looking cuts. He's missing his left hand, and has some nasty cuts in and around his mouth and jaw, almost as if someone was trying to take his jaw out with a knife, but he'll live. As for his mental health, you can't say.

OOC: I'm assuming you're taking 10 on the heal check for a result of 23 - if you want to see if rolling higher gets you more info, you can roll in the dice thread and I'll edit stuff into this post or the next one I make for Lucas as necessary.


A bolt of swirling energy from the south strikes Alphonse in the back. It burns with an utterly malevolent and hateful green-purple flame, which soon peters out and leaves a large black mark on your armor. Something about the attack begins to shake your resolve...

A quick glance behind you reveals a shadowy figure falling - or perhaps jumping - off the roof. You catch a glimpse of something metal in its hand, but nothing else.

This is the first figure you saw when you came to the feast.

OOC: Alphonse takes 30 points of damage, and needs to make a Will save.

Tass, you're up.

Tass: [13]
Alphonse: [12]
Bela: [11]
Creature on the roof
Lucas: [7]

2014-02-11, 02:40 PM
Tass flies over to H11 while remaining at her current altitude, screeching out as her eyes start to glow with a dim, green light. Simultaneously, the dark figure starts to burn with a similar glow, clearly outlining it in the dark.

Casting Faerie Fire at I18-J19, negating concealment and invisibility and making any creature in the area shed light like a candle for 6 minutes.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-11, 02:59 PM
The light sticks to the figure, covering it in dim green flame. You can see in one of its hands an ornate, bloodstained dagger. A few bits of pale skin are visible under its black cloak.

Alphonse, you're up.

2014-02-11, 03:23 PM
Alphonse cringes, trying to keep himself steady. "Lady Tass, Sir Bela, follow it. I...can handle the gargoyle!"

Alphonse will then charge at the Gargoyle, jumping forward and performing a great thrust with his glaive "Harpoon!"

First, using Power Attack to it's max, reducing accuracy by 6.

Jump check to move three spaces in a jumping charge, to O10: [roll0] +10 feet.

Leaping Charge Attack: [roll1] vs AC

[roll2] slashing damage if it hits.

Miss Chance (20 or lower miss): [roll3]

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-11, 03:40 PM
The gargoyle roars in pain as your mighty strike cuts a wide gash in its side. Silvery blood pours out and spills on the roof, and while it doesn't seem as hurt as it ought to be by that attack, the beast is clearly on its last legs...

OOC: That seriously hurt the gargoyle, and although it DR'd about a third of the damage away, it's still up (although just barely).

Bela, you're up.

2014-02-11, 06:02 PM
Béla will fly at the figure, and if/once he is horizontally ten feet away (still way above) he will cast Summon Monster III, summoning [roll0] Large Monstrous Centipedes.

2014-02-12, 09:57 PM
After the door was propped back onto the frame, Lucas turned to the man he'd rescued. "What's your name, friend? You're safe now. We will keep you safe."

He pulled from his haversack a bottle filled with a brown, golden liquid, and put it in the Genereal's hands. "I want to make sure the rest of the group is safe. I saw a robed figure in the room, but he disappeared once I saw him. There could be more than just him. Still, I want to make sure this man is protected. He may be the only one who can tell us anything about what happened. This should help heal his wounds."

It was one of the healing potions he'd brewed, but only one that would heal a moderate amount of damage. "As soon as he's safe, I'd put guards on the doors. Don't want our guests witnessing such a gruesome scene. " Lucas begins to make his way to the roof, heading to the access Holtti had mentioned earlier.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-12, 10:41 PM

The minstrel just shakes; clearly too frightened to respond to you.

Holtti nods. "I'll be out there soon myself. If you see anyone suspicious, arrest them, and if they object, it's on my authority. Try not to get them killed; it's harder to interrogate a corpse. I'll be up there as soon as he's attended to, and put this matter to rest." He calls over a guard as you hurry off to find your party.

OOC: It'll take you a full round (of running) to get to the roof, and at that point you can use medium and long-range spells. Another full round will get you to the south edge of the battle map.


The mysterious figure on the edge of the roof stands still, and hesitates. She speaks in an ancient tongue - loud enough to hear clearly even at a distance - with a deep and heavy voice that commands your attention. "آپ، اچھی طرح سے وفادار ہاؤنڈ میرے خدمت کی ہے. روانگی اور آزاد ہو. میں اب بھی خواب جو پیٹ میں جڑواں بچے، جاگ کے لئے جلد ہی ہو جائے گا."

She seems to be waiting for something, though...

"You have served me well, faithful hound. Depart and be free! I will go soon to wake the twins, who still dream."

Tass, you're up.

2014-02-12, 10:49 PM
"It may be harder, General, but I have my ways," Lucas called back to Holtti, as he rushes away. "I'll do my best, but I can't vouch for my companions. I fear whatever it is is magic, so be ready to take such forces on."

2014-02-13, 05:57 PM
Tass swoops down to J15 and an altitude of 30 ft above ground level, and uttering a long melodic screech, she raises her wings to break her flight and throws her head forward, spitting a blob of opaque goo toward the robed figure.

Casting Blinding Spittle against the hooded woman, blinding her until she manages to rince her eyes with water or anything similar if it hits.

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-13, 07:45 PM
The figure tries to duck, but she's too slow, and the wad of spittle flies toward her face... and is suddenly diverted by a bright, shimmering field, which flings the spittle harmlessly behind her. It soon fades, but now that you know what to look for, you can still see a slight shimmer around the figure that isn't from faerie fire.

She laughs, and says, "Your magic is weak, Bird-Preist. But I am not here for you. Stand aside, and I will not cull you from the skies."

The gargoyle shakes its head one last time, and rights itself, clearly both angry and hurt.

OOC: Your attack hits her touch AC, and beat the miss chance for shadowy illumination - however, another miss chance on her person has deflected your spell. Additionally, the gargoyle is no longer stunned.

Alphonse, you're up.

2014-02-13, 07:49 PM
Alphonse hefts his glaive above his head, spinning it to clean it of some of the silvery blood "Ah, I see you've gotten a hold of yourself! But it's too late! JADE RAZOR!"

He'll then swing his glaive, glowing with a jade light once more, aiming to decapitate the gargoyle once and for all. Depending on the results he may or may not move from his current location.

Jade Razor: [roll0] VS touch AC
[roll1] slashing damage if it hits.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-13, 08:47 PM
You swing, and just as you're about to hit, you misjudge the distance in the dark and strike empty air. Another bolt of energy flies towards you, but similarly misses, shooting past your shoulder and dispersing a few feet off to your side. The gargoyle chuckles menacingly.

OOC: You would have otherwise hit, but you failed the miss chance. The figure took a readied attack, but also failed her miss chance.

Bela, you're up.

2014-02-14, 09:24 AM
The centipede on KL89 will step up to the gargoyle, step up to the gargoyle, step up to the gargoyle, step up to the gargoyle, arrange the rest of his legs, and, hissing fearlessly, bite.



Just in case.

2014-02-14, 09:31 AM
The centipede on HI1617 will scuttle up to the female figure and grapple her with a touch attack.


Béla will then move to K15 and wait his turn out.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-14, 11:30 AM
The first centipede bites the gargoyle, but can't even scratch its skin. The second tries to grab the figure, but gets a dagger in its underbelly and recoils.

The gargoyle jumps back, and with a powerful beat of its wings, launches itself into the air. It flies up and around, at first some 20ft above Alphonse's head, and soon is 40ft above the roof.

OOC: The first centipede hit, but its damage was entirely negated by DR. The second centipede's grapple attempt was ruined by an attack of opportunity that does 3 damage. The gargoyle withdraws to N18/O19, avoiding AoOs.

Lucas arrives at the roof at the end of his turn, 60ft south of the map.
Tass, you're up.

Tass: [13]
Alphonse: [12]
Bela: [11]
Creature on the roof
Lucas: [7]

2014-02-14, 01:13 PM
Tass glares toward the hooded woman and curves over to L19, rising to an altitude of 40 feet. Frosted air starts to rise from her noistrils and she utters a long screech, cold an echoing as above the frozen mountains. In an instant, her breath freezes and she blows a large cone of iced air toward the gargoyle.

Casting Frost Breath targetting the gargoyle.

Cold damage: [roll0], Reflex DC 17 half and the gargoyle is dazed for one round if it fails its save

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-14, 01:47 PM
The gargoyle evades part of the frozen blast, but the magic takes its toll, and the beast falls to the ground and slams into the roof of the feast hall, partially covered in frost.

The cloaked woman looks at the dying creature and says, "میں آپ کی تدفین تدفین، پتھر کے بچے کو نہیں دے سکتے ہیں افسوس ہے کہ. آپ کو خوابوں کی دنیا میں رہ سکتے ہیں."

She then takes a step back, and traces a rune in the air. "I name you, Frost-Bird-Priest, فراسٹ پرندوں پادری, and I will have penance in blood. The Unforgiving will guide my hand!"

"I am sorry that I cannot give you burial rites, child of stone. May you live on in the world of dreams."

OOC: The gargoyle is unconscious and dying. The woman took a 5ft step back (off the map, although you can still target her) and did something - you can roll Spellcraft to try and determine what.

Alphonse, you're up.

2014-02-14, 02:15 PM
Alphonse will look at the gargoyle somewhat deflated, mumbling under his breath about how he would of liked to earn the Gargoyle's head. He'll then move to L16, and pose, thrusting his hips forward slightly while pointing towards the shadow figure with his glaive, a face of annoyance clearly present (http://vsog-pullzone.vastseaofgames.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Jotaro-Kujo.jpg).

"Foul shadow! Even if you escape, know we'll hunt you down!"

Posin' to get my stuff back, trying not to be suicidal.

2014-02-14, 09:37 PM
Both centipedes will scurry over to the closest side of the lady and attempt touch attacks. Béla will do nothing once more.


Amidus Drexel
2014-02-14, 10:54 PM
The first centipede misses, but the second connects... or at least appears to. It reaches all the way through the cloaked woman, and slams into the roof below.

OOC: The gargoyle bleeds out for another round. Also, can I get will saves from everyone?

The woman you see is an illusion, and there's nothing really there.
Lucas, you're up. And resolved. Tass, you're up.

2014-02-17, 02:47 PM
Tass flaps her wings with powerful sweeps to gain as much altitude as possible, swiftly rising to an altitude of 175 feet above ground level. With her eyes trained on the ground, she scouts the area for the green light of her escaping prey.

Spot check: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-17, 03:00 PM
Your keen eyes look far and wide, but there is no sight of the mysterious woman.

As you reach the apex of your climb, the illusion dissipates, the shadowy figure dissolving into the air. The last things you see before it disappears completely are the glint of the faerie fire-wreathed knife and the woman's piercing green eyes...

Additionally, the gargoyle seems to have stabilized, its metabolism keeping its wounds from bleeding much further.

2014-02-17, 03:07 PM
Alphonse sighs, and walks over to the now stabilized gargoyle. "So...do any of you know how to speak gargoyle? Or... know how to get information from one? Or what happens to it's body when we kill it? Because this fine fellow probably has some sort of information we need to lead us to that shadowy figure..."

Alphonse will also try a Knowledge: History check to see if he can think of any assassin groups that use gargoyles, specifically cross referencing that information with the assassin groups he already thought of that use golems.

History: [roll0]

2014-02-17, 04:47 PM
Tass spreads her wings wide and start to drift downwards again. She listens intensely for any sounds out of the ordinary before she makes a steep dive, dropping toward the ground, and finally spreads her wings to catch her fall, landing her on the roof next to the gargoyle, where she changes back into her elven form.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-18, 07:18 PM
You don't hear anything particularly out of the ordinary. The crowd in the feast hall is a little quieter than it was after the gargoyle slammed into the roof, but the noise from the people talking inside is still noticeable to your keen ears.
Surreptitiously edits in results:
While you can't think of any groups of assassins known for using gargoyles on their jobs, you think you might get a little more information were you to talk to an assassin, or someone else knowledgeable in this field.

2014-02-19, 04:01 AM
Gargoyles aren't demons. They die like all of us.

Tass untangles her cloak and hunches down by the unconscious gargoyle.

What are you planning for him?

She turns toward the west, looking toward the enterance.

I couldn't see where she might've gone. I don't hear any screams, but she could be inside.

Tass points down toward the roof and the house under it.

2014-02-19, 08:50 AM
Lucas pants as he comes to a stop. Climbing quickly up a ladder, and then sprinting along the roof gave him a need to catch his breath. Seeing that the danger at least for now had abated, he puts his mace back into his haversack.

"Not sure what happened here, but the Prince is tucked away safely, and...well, there...something happened to the musicians. All save one was dead when I got into the room, and they were all missing their left hand. Holtti is securing the final minstrel, as he's likely the only living witness to the scene...but it's pretty grusome in there. When I arrived, there was some hooded figure that vanished...I think I might have interrupted something."

Lucas then describes the pulsing ball of blood on the roof of the room, and how it matched the final musicians pulse. He then glances at the stone monster heaped on the roof, and says, "If you're looking for a way down, I got up from the roof access back that way." He points to the south, back the way he came. "But...what went on here?"

2014-02-19, 09:34 AM
Alphonse responds to Tass first "I was hoping we'd...find out where it was made, or whatever it is these creatures do to be born, to possibly find a clue as to where our little shadow hides. If we can question it, we might be able to get information that way as well. I'm just not sure about if we're even able to question it, so I'm really debating killing it before it wakes up and gets away."

As Lucas appears, Alphonse greets him, glad he and the prince are seemingly okay. He explains what happened "We found the assassin...though she escaped." he begins, rubbing his back where the magic scorched him, clearly still shaken. "We also found her gargoyle, but we managed to take it out. We're currently debating killing it, since it's far to dangerous to leave alive, but if we can question it..."

Changing the subject to what Lucas experienced, "Damn, that must of been the shadow we fought, as she was only an illusion. And...took their left hands. Interesting..."

History check about assassins that take left hands, cross referencing the assassins I know: [roll0]

2014-02-19, 10:09 AM
Or, at least, the Prince was tucked away safely when you left him.

2014-02-19, 12:24 PM
Tass gives Alphonse an amused look.
Gargoyles aren't golems either. They are born like all of us. And he's still got my poison in his blood, if we intend to save him, we'll have to treat it first.

And that woman was no illusion, she teleported away. She should be close, but I didn't see her. She could've fled indoors, or possibly to the forest.
She makes a sweeping gesture toward the open area around them. I don't see where else she could've gone.

Tass then sinks into though and carefully contemplates Lucas' description of the sphere of blood.

Spellcraft check: [roll0]

2014-02-19, 12:35 PM
"Wait, she just...damn. Lucas, where is the prince exactly?" Alphonse says briskly. It's clear he's wounded, but his mind is on something else.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-19, 01:26 PM
You can't think of any assassins known for that.
You don't recognize the effect, although it seems like arcane magic to you.

2014-02-19, 01:39 PM
Lucas paled at the mention of teleporting. He noticed Alphonse's wince, and approached him as he began to talk.

"He's hidden in a saferoom, that is protect by a grouping of spells. I was assured that he would be safe there, but if this cloaked figure magicked inside, then I vote we return with haste." He rests a hand on Alphonse's back, and murmurs, "Be well." Lucas sacrifices one of his spells to heal his companion, grasping a bottle withdrawn from his Haversack in his other hand.

"As for this beast, I know not how we would be able to communicate with it. My retinue of spells only allows me to speak with those of the disceased, and I'd feel safer using that for one that speaks our language."

2014-02-19, 07:05 PM
They tend not to be very intelligent, but they commonly speak one of our tongues. If we are to save him, we must act now, though.

2014-02-19, 07:25 PM
I do not see the point. I say we let the foul creature die.

2014-02-20, 12:15 AM
"Sir Bela, you can kill it if you wish, but I feel it'd be useful to have someone to interrogate. However, I have another idea to find out where to obtain information on where our shadowy friend will be. But first, I feel we must head over to the Prince at once, to protect him."

Alphonse will then run off to the nearest entrance to the hall so he can head to the area the Prince is hidden. Hopefully with Lucas following after so he can tell me where that is :smallredface:

2014-02-20, 03:25 AM
If we don't do anything now, he will die of the poison irregardless of our intentions. I could try and stop it, but I only know what little medicine nature's taught me.

2014-02-20, 01:47 PM
Lucas turns to Bela and Tass. "I don't know about you, but I don't wish to split the group again. Let's ensure the Prince's safety. This creature however valuble, is not worth the Prince's life."
Lucas waits for the other two for a moment, and then quickly follows after Alphonse to lead them all back down to the main floor.

2014-02-20, 04:21 PM
Since you seem like a person who'd better know medicine than I do, I guess that seals his fate. We should come back later, on the chance he survives, though.

Tass gives the fallen gargoyle a look before she follows Lucas, her ears open for anything out of the ordinary.

Listen check: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-20, 11:40 PM
You make your way back down to the ground floor, and see General Holtti walking briskly towards the stairs. When he reaches you, he addresses Lucas, "The minstrel will live, although he seems too frightened to speak. Is the matter dealt with?" He nods towards the roof.

You hear a few soft clinks when Holtti walks quickly, like metal plates knocking into each other.

2014-02-20, 11:42 PM
"Almost, Sir Holtti. We found the trouble, a gargoyle along with a mysterious...woman, I believe, who hid in the shadows. She teleported away and we were left fighting an illusion, and we fear that she may of breached security." Alphonse answers in a hurried pace.

2014-02-21, 02:32 AM
We left the gargoyle on the roof unconscious but poisoned. Chances are he won't survive, but I can't guarantee it. Don't send any more guards, though. That woman took out entire patrols singlehandedly.

2014-02-21, 08:03 AM
"They would be able to tell you more about what happened up there. The danger seemed to be handled as I arrived. Still, they described that the suspect had teleported, and felt it might be safer to return inside to ensure and maintain the safety of the Prince."

Lucas gaped at Tass, finding out this information for the first time. "How were they killed? Were they similar to how I described the victims of the performers?" He turns to the General. "I am glad that potion was enough to heal the mistrel, but do you have a stock of healing potions? You may want to see if any of the outer guard have survived, and administer them." A sudden idea occurs to Lucas. "Tass...Spiders. Were there any spiders? Around the area of the Guards or on the roof?"

2014-02-21, 09:12 AM
"There were spiders, yes. And the guards where primarily killed by the gargoyle, they had large gashes and a few looked as though their spines had been...well, for a moment I had thought a golem had crushed their spines. The gargoyle had long, razor sharp talons, so that explains that part of it."

Incidentally, Alphonse will continue running to the area where the Prince is. I don't know how nearby it is though :smallredface:

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-21, 09:36 AM
"There is no extra-dimensional access to the bolt-hole, but if this woman is as strong as you say, then it couldn't hurt to check. I'd be impressed if she could break down the stone door, though. I will personally search all of the rooms after we have attended to Prince Wuscfrea's safety. We can see about the guards later."

Holtti walks towards the end of the hallway, and kicks the floorboards a few times until he hears a hollow sound. He pries up a board, revealing an underground passage hewn from stone. "Down there."

2014-02-21, 09:39 AM
"Thank you, Sir Holtti. And be sure to take one of us with you when you search, to be on the safe side." Alphonse will then go down the passage way, realizing that now that it's been revealed it might be easier for assassins to get in because oh god why am I so paranoid about all the things.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-21, 01:36 PM
The passage ahead is pitch-black; there are no sources of light down here save for what comes in through the floorboard Holtti removed. It feels cool and dry, and the sounds from the feast hall are muffled.

Holtti lowers himself under the floor as well. He steps in front of you, then begins to walk forward into the darkness. "There is a rut that runs the length of the left wall. Use it to guide you."

2014-02-21, 01:45 PM
"Thank you, Sir Holtti" Alphonse will then put his left hand on the left wall, and follow it along, thinking to himself One of these days I'm going to remember I can't see in the dark. Today is not one of those days.

2014-02-22, 06:43 PM
Tass puts her hand in the rut and follows the others.

2014-02-22, 07:05 PM
Béla follows Tass.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-22, 10:18 PM
You walk for some time. The passageway slopes down gradually, taking you deeper and deeper underground with every step. The rut you guide your hands with is rough and uneven, and it's height on the wall varies widely as you descend. Now that your ears are clear of other distracting sounds, you can hear Holtti's thick, heavy breathing, and soon your ears can pick out everyone's individual footsteps.

Suddenly, Holtti stops moving. "The passage ends here." He knocks three times, in different places, and a stone door in front of you opens, revealing a small chamber lit by a handful of glowing orbs. It has a few chairs and a bookshelf, as well as a fountain of water in the corner. Prince Wuscfrea is sitting in one of the chairs, book in hand. He looks up in surprise. "Oh, hello, Janick! And hello to the rest of you as well! Come, sit down! And please do close the door. I take it things are attended to?"

Holtti lets you in and then shuts the door. "Both yes and no, Prince. The four we were recommended to have dealt with a gargoyle on the roof - one apparently responsible for the deaths of most of the guards - and returned almost entirely unscathed, but a second interloper capable of teleportation magic eluded their grasp. The musicians have been slaughtered, save one. Suspecting assassins, we felt it would be prudent to make sure you were in good health. I'm glad to see that you are." He stiffly sits down, and sighs, although whether in weariness or relief you cannot tell.

There is a slight pause, and Wuscfrea fidgets nervously. "...oh... I know this room is warded against teleportation magic, but the passage is not, and the door is not invulnerable... Wuscfrea looks at you. "You were there - did the second assassin use any other kinds of magic? Any... black magic?" The prince frowns and looks at his feet.

2014-02-22, 10:23 PM
"I think it was green, but a bolt of magic struck me in the back. It...appears to have caused me distress, I'm loathe to admit" Alphonse answers, showing a minor misunderstanding on what the Prince meant by black magic.

"Also, Sir Prince, if I may ask, what was found where your late father was killed? I have some possible ideas of who the assassins are, and the most information I have, the sooner we'll bring them to the sword."

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-22, 11:43 PM
Wuscfrea chuckles, and Holtti rolls his eyes. "The term "black magic" isn't indicative of the colour of the magician's spells, Alphonse. It's a designation for magic that draws upon or calls up evil forces to effect the user's whim. Most black magic is obtained from pacts with fiends. I've not read extensively on the stuff, but that's the general gist of it. I've been fairly hazy on exactly what it is myself, although I've been reading since I've been down here. Praise to the Sage for this small library; time has kept these books well."

At your second question, Holtti speaks up. "Brynne fell on a battlefield some fifty miles northeast of here. He was surrounded by the fallen - men from both sides. We only found traces of poison and black magic on him after he was taken back off the front lines and inspected by a medic. You suppose that the same ones who killed Brynne are here tonight? I'll gladly hear any ideas, soldier."

2014-02-23, 12:14 AM
"In which case, Sir Prince, I believe it was bad magic. Though...clearly I am not the best person to be making that decision. Sir Bela, Lady Tass, would you care to confirm? Also, though I cannot understand it, I know she spoke Draconic, for what it's worth"

Alphonse will then answer Holtti's question "I narrowed it down to one or two, but I have four options that could be the case. The Order of the Black Sea, who leave a burnt rose as a calling card. Enigma, a mysterious assassin from this very city, though it can't be him since he specializes in no collateral damage. Then of course there is the Thieves guild, and finally we have Andre Petrinov. Though if it was him we'd all be on fire by now. All of them use golems, though since we're dealing with a Gargoyle...yeah. I was thinking once this blows over and we can be sure the Prince is safe for an extended period of time, we can go see this 'Enigma' and ask him what he knows about Assassin's that use gargoyles."

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-23, 12:34 AM
Holtti grins. "Oh, I can assure you it isn't Enigma. The bastard's been a friend of the royal family for longer than Cynegels has been emperor. And anyways, he likes running that little antiques shop in market square far too much to mess with me." He pauses. "The Order of the Black Sea, huh? Samaran mercenaries, and damn good ones. I wonder who's got the coin to pay them, though..." He turns to Wuscfrea. "If they're involved, then we've got a traitorous noble, or else someone's trying to start a war... or both..." He raises an eyebrow. "I've never heard of this Petrinov, but I'll take your word that it's likely not him. I'd say that it's probably not the thieves' guild, but you never know. Some of them are crazy enough to do just about anything."

Holtti scratches his chin. "If you're going to see Enigma, be careful what you let him know. He's got quite way with words, and every time I go to him for information, I come out feeling like he's learned more than he's told me. The old bastard knows his stuff, though; he's the one that recommended the four of you to me, and it should suffice to say that I'm already quite impressed."

2014-02-23, 12:37 AM
Alphonse scratches the back of his head, smiling "Thank you, Sir Holtti. I'd be happier with my work if I had a head to show and a prisoner to interrogate, but Tass finished off the Gargoyle and the shadow escaped. But rest assured, we'll find her. And I'll be sure to keep hold of your advice."

2014-02-23, 09:10 AM
We don't actually know it's dead.
Tass interjects and points up the corridor.

We should probably head back and hear the living musician, and then check on its body. We wouldn't want such a formidable enemy to get away.

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-24, 12:50 AM
Holtti nods. "I've sent for some of Brynne's personal guard to watch over Prince Wuscfrea, and they'll be bringing more of the palace guards to sweep the feast hall for that shadowy woman." He stands up. "I'll check on that gargoyle. I'll make damn sure it's dead." He glances at you. "You're welcome to accompany me, or to remain here with the prince. It might be worth having someone a bit gentler than myself try to calm that musician down. He just babbled when I tried to get him to talk."

2014-02-24, 11:22 AM
I wouldn't kill him if he lives. He may hold some answers to all of this.
Tass makes a sweeping gesture around herself, pointing toward nothing at all.

And we'll talk to the ministrel and try to calm him down.

2014-02-26, 10:54 AM
As most of the dialogue between the general and his companions, Lucas follows and listens, but as he was not on the roof with them, he has nothing to add. Part of him regretted not killing the monster on the roof while he had a chance, lest it recover and get away to kill again. Lucas was relieved to find the prince safe, but he'd feel safer if they hadn't just exposed his posistion in the process. As conversation moves to that of the final musician, he speaks up.

"I hope you treated the man gently, General. He likely just witnessed the slaughter of what might have been his family and friends, not to mention the fact that he's been addled by other worldly forces. This is one of the reasons I gave you a bottle to heal him, rather than healing him myself. Such exhibited magics might have cause some sort of anxiety." He looks around at his group. "I don't think we'll need everyone in the room to question him. If any of you have spells that you think might calm him, you will be more than valuable, but if not, I'd like to try a gentle approach. He looked half crazed by whatever he saw."

Amidus Drexel
2014-02-27, 08:13 PM
Holtti looks between you. "Very well, then." He opens the door from the chamber and begins to walk up the passage.

Wuscfrea quickly glances up at the general and at each of you, then leans back and starts reading again.

2014-02-27, 08:23 PM
Alphonse stands at attention "I'll be waiting here, guarding the Prince."

2014-03-01, 06:09 PM
Tass follows Holtti up the passage.

Amidus Drexel
2014-03-03, 10:24 PM

You follow the general back up to the hallway. Holtti stops in front of an open door, and says " "The man's in there, and well-guarded. Good luck." He calls to a few guards, and they head for the stairs to the roof.

The room where the musician is kept is simple, with a rug, a chair, and a desk. There are two guards standing on the sides of the room; one is tapping the butt of his spear against the floor impatiently, and the other is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. The musician himself is sitting cross-legged in the middle of the rug with his head down, clutching the bloody stump of his left hand. He rocks back and forth, and visibly shakes with every motion.

2014-03-08, 10:03 AM
Tass walks up to the musician and puts her hand comfortingly on his shoulder. After a little while, she speaks up in a soft tone.

What was it you saw?

Amidus Drexel
2014-03-08, 12:40 PM
The musician recoils at your touch, but ultimately allows you to leave your hand on his shoulder. He eventually seems to relax some, although he's still shaking.

"Th-th-they're all g-g-g-gone... Sh-she went f-f-for J-Jay f-first-t, b-but I-I-I p-p-ulled Her off-f... my h-hand..." He shudders. "S-so f-fast... It w-was all quiet, then everyone was d-d-d-dead-dead-dead... J-Jay... We couldn't-t s-s-speak, but Sh-She c-could... s-said Sh-She would t-take J-Jay's s-soul as p-p-penance-ce, and ours too if we interf-fered..."

2014-03-08, 02:31 PM
Tass shows a puzzled face.

What would she want a penance for...?

Amidus Drexel
2014-03-08, 04:57 PM
He shakes his head. "S-sins of the f-father... s-said that each s-son would p-pay their f-father's p-penance... Th-three s-souls for the one d-d-denied to Her..." He covers his face. "Why? ....Why J-Jay? He d-didn't d-do anyth-thing... Th-the others j-just t-tried to s-save him..."

2014-03-08, 05:00 PM
While Alphonse guards the Prince, he'll engage in small talk to sort of ease what worries he might have. A more specific thing he'll ask, however, is "Sir Prince...I know it's vague a question, but do you know of reasons why assassins such as these would be attacking you and yours?"

Amidus Drexel
2014-03-08, 05:20 PM
The prince looks up from his book with a slightly puzzled expression. "Hrm... I don't know. I know I have a few political enemies, but... I mean, neither of my younger brothers are power-hungry enough to kill me for being next in line for the throne... and I haven't made any particularly unpopular decisions with the nobles or the merchant class... I really couldn't say. Perhaps someone's trying to start a war, like Janick said... Gods, that's the last thing we need now... Or maybe someone has a grudge against the royal family..."

2014-03-08, 09:02 PM
Tass turns to Béla and Lucas.

Have you heard about anything like this before?

2014-03-08, 11:55 PM
"I imagine many people would have a reason to hold a grudge. But who would hate the royal line, and have access to such shadowy magic?" Alphonse asked, still feeling the sting of the magic that burned him.

Amidus Drexel
2014-03-09, 01:18 AM
"Well... the Kerrenland is poor, but it wasn't always that way. My grandfather has held the throne for over 60 years. For forty years he built the Cymran empire on the Kerrenland's gold... He made the mining companies in the south filthy rich. But in the past two decades, he's seized a fair amount of that gold in taxes to pay for his wars...

Wuscfrea shakes his head, then smiles. "But what wars! We've never lost a naval battle, Alphonse. At first, we were just defending against invaders... but we've since conquered the north, from the river that flows through this city all the way to the northernmost point of the Navarre mountains. We've seized lands in the far south, too. In twenty years, what was once a destitute port town is now the trade capital of the continent. But nobles of the Kerrenland have suffered. They're still wealthy, far beyond the nobles here, but... it's only a shade of how wealthy they used to be. I'm sure some of those mining companies hate my grandfather enough to want the whole royal family dead..."

The prince shakes his scratches his chin. "I don't know why they didn't start with my youngest brother Sinead, though, unless they plan to puppet him on the throne... He's the one that rules the Kerrenland, anyway. It strikes me as kind of silly to kill the person farthest away first..."

2014-03-13, 06:08 PM
Alphonse thinks on it, and says "Sir Prince, perhaps they are sending a message? They say that beheading the snake will kill it...but starting from the tail may put it under your command."

History Check: Do any of the places or people he bring up have history of black magic, cultist assassins, and other such nastiness?


Amidus Drexel
2014-03-14, 01:16 AM
Wuscfrea furrows his brow and nods his head slowly. "Perhaps... I think it'd be best to send word to my brothers, so they can be on their guard... Honestly, I hate all of this assassin business. Some people will do anything for power... As long as no one's trying to assassinate my grandfather..."

He shakes his head. "Enough of this dark talk! Tell me, Alphonse, where are you from? You seem like quite an interesting fellow; what made you take up adventuring?"

There have been assassinations of various southern nobles, although no names really stand out to you as exceptionally suspicious. No nobles have been publicly associated with black magic to your knowledge.

Some of the merchant guilds and mining companies, however, are a bit more suspicious. You remember reading about a feud between two mining companies that happened about 60 or 70 years ago - Central Navarre Mining Co. (owned by a few wealthy nobles), and Kerrenland Mining Company (owned by Fylke's Merchant's Guild). There were a few cave-ins that were suspected sabotage, and some mysterious deaths and disappearances that happened shortly after, believed to be retaliation. There were rumors of black magic at the time. This continued for a year or two, spread across many of both companies' sites in the Navarre mountains.

You also remember two iron mines northwest of Capel Kerig (as both companies have mines up and down the mountain range), perhaps a week or two upriver, relatively near to the battle where Brynne was slain.

2014-03-14, 02:44 AM
Alphonse files away that information for later, and answers the Prince's question with a smile, and subtle pose. "Ah, thank you, my Prince. I hail from deep northern Cymru, or at least I suppose. You see, I was abandoned on the door step of a Dragon Monestary as a babe, and was taught the way of the dragon by the monks. I adventure primarily to provide for my family back in that same abbey, but..." Alphonse reaches behind himself a moment, before removing a hand sized sigil, gold trimmed with twin dragons of inlaid jade coiling up and around a spear "I was left with his, Sir Prince, and am also searching for what it means."

Amidus Drexel
2014-03-14, 11:20 PM
Wuscfrea nods. "Monestary life, huh? I suppose that's more interesting than sitting around and memorizing a bunch of military and history books... and all the damn etiquette. It's the sort of stuff you have to know as someone who's effectively a diplomat and a military commander, though; having royal blood kind of sticks you with the job. I..." He pauses. "I think I'm going to have to rely on Janick for a lot of that, though. He's got a lot of experience, both on the battlefield and in keeping the nobles at home happy."

The prince leans back in his chair and sets down the book on black magic that he was holding. "Thank the gods the nobles here are happy. Some of them are a real nightmare, even when they've got what they want. Take Lord Eklund, for example. He's constantly complaining about the taxes, but he so rarely pays his full share of them anyway, so I'm not entirely sure why he bothers. So many damn legal loopholes... At least he's not paying off the city guards to smuggle in some commodity. That one is Lady Aaron, and she's just not worth our time to do anything about it. She pays the rest of her taxes, and no one ever seems to complain about her - granted, that's probably because they've got her gold in their pockets - so prosecuting her and taking her land just isn't worth the trouble to get a few extra gold off of the stuff she imports illicitly. Plus, she can probably hire legal aides just as good as ours - if not with her own money, then with favors pulled in from someone else." Wuscfrea shakes his head. "All the damn favors. You get to nobility, and your gold means nothing. Sure, you can buy other people, but only the most corrupt are going to be loyal to your gold. They're all cashing in favors to get things done. And everyone will jump at a chance to do something for someone desperate... Be careful who you owe favors to, Alphonse. Most of the nobles take that stuff pretty seriously, however laid-back they seem at the time."

He looks at the jade amulet. "Interesting... it seems familiar, although I'm not sure why... What do you know about it?"

2014-03-14, 11:35 PM
Alphonse puts on a serious face, poses with the sigil in hand, pointing at it, and says "I know it has dragons on it."

He then laughs, breaking his stoney expression.

2014-03-17, 12:45 PM
He shakes his head. "S-sins of the f-father... s-said that each s-son would p-pay their f-father's p-penance... Th-three s-souls for the one d-d-denied to Her..." He covers his face. "Why? ....Why J-Jay? He d-didn't d-do anyth-thing... Th-the others j-just t-tried to s-save him..."

Lucas scans his memory for any religions involving penance such as what the musician described. Lucas also inspects the man for any more signs of damage besides the hand. As he does so, Lucas attempts to calm the man further, by assuring him that they would find out those responsible for this and find out why.

Knowledge Religion: [roll0]
Heal Check: [roll1]

Amidus Drexel
2014-03-17, 09:44 PM

Wuscfrea chuckles, shaking his head and putting his hand over his face. "Heheheh, very well, then. I myself can't tell you any more about it, but I'm sure you can find someone who will."

Musician's Room:

The man slowly calms down with Tass' and Lucas' help, and he stops shaking in fear. He looks at his hand, and then looks down. "I'll... I'll n-never play the lute again... I suppose I can always learn to s-sing..."

Of the Western pantheon, the only deities that have any formal rules regarding penance are Aeribrar, Cirda, and Cygnus.

Aeribrar's followers are expected to follow any local laws requiring any forms of recompense or penance that do not violate any church doctrine or prevent the follower in question from completing a mission of the church. They are also expected to formally seek forgiveness from their church if they violate church doctrine.

Cirda's followers, while not necessarily expected to give penance to others (although Cirda does not frown on this practice), are encouraged to exact penance from others when appropriate, especially if they were personally wronged. They are also expected to formally seek forgiveness from their church if they violate church doctrine - failing to do so (normally only in extreme circumstances where other followers were harmed or led astray, or where the church itself is harmed - regardless, someone must be wronged) may result in the follower in question being declared anathema, and subsequently hunted down and either killed or tortured in an exacting of penance. This is an uncommon and fairly antiquated practice, but some of the older members of Cirda's church still adhere to it (and expect others to do the same).

Cygnus' followers are expected to formally seek forgiveness from their church if they violate church doctrine. Other forms of legal penance are encouraged, but not required.

There are also some shamanistic and devil-worshipping groups that believe in exacting penance from others, in an "eye for an eye" sort of manner.


Upon further inspecting the musician, you notice his injuries are concentrated on three areas - his left hand, his mouth and jaw, and his chest.

While the injuries to the man's hand and chest are fairly straightforward - the hand has been cut off, and the slices to the chest were clearly aimed at the heart, you notice that his mouth appears to have been cut rather oddly; as if someone was actually trying to remove his jaw entirely. While they haven't succeeded, he will probably have scars on his face for the rest of his life.

Amidus Drexel
2014-03-20, 03:41 PM
Musician's Room:

A short while passes with neither the guards nor the minstrel talking, and then Holtti returns to the room, accompanied by two men in full plate. "The beast on the roof is dead. Seems rather large for a gargoyle, if you ask me, but I suppose some get pretty big. I can see how one like that could kill the guards so quickly." He nods towards the musician. "Has he talked yet?"


After a little while, a knock comes at the door. Wuscfrea opens it, and two men in full plate step into the room. They both bow to the prince, and then one steps forward and speaks.

"Prince Wuscfrea, General Holtti has sent for you. The feast hall should be safe now." He pauses, then looks at Alphonse. "You may come also."

"Ah, excellent." Wuscfrea stretches, then follows the two men up the passage.

2014-03-20, 03:44 PM
Alphonse will assist in escorting the Prince, doing his part to look like a professional bodyguard of sorts.

2014-03-20, 04:22 PM
Yes, he has. The woman who assaulted them was exacting penance on one of the musicians because his father had slighted her somehow, and the others were killed when they tried to defend him. He mentioned she said something about three souls from the sons of a soul denied her.

Tass looks down at the maimed musician, then back to Holtti again.

I've never heard anything of the like. Have you?

2014-03-20, 07:53 PM
Béla stirs from his contemplation and stares at Holtti. 하지만 ... what of the spiders?


2014-03-21, 11:41 AM
Those I saw all seemed to die off when the magic around them expired. I suspect they were all the woman's doing.

Tass pauses for a moment.

It doesn't make sense, though. Why put such a massive effort into assassinating an unarmed musician, and why do it tonight, when he's at the best guarded location in the village? And why bother killing all the guards if you could just teleport past them? And looking around the building, not only did she kill the guards who stood in her way, but they actively went the whole way around to kill everyone stationed outside.

2014-03-21, 12:20 PM
Tass raised some valid points. None of this made sense.

"On the roof, when you fought her: why did she let you live? Did you threaten her? Did something happen?"

"I saw her in the musicians room while she was fighting you...so...is there two people at play in addition to the beast on the roof...whatever it was? I can think of one organized religion that requires penance in such a physical manner, but those methods are so outdated in Cirda's church, that I find it unlikely to come from them. And certainly nothing requiring souls..."

"No, this strikes more like a fanatical group, devil worshiping, or even a shamanistic religion, with the 'eye for an eye' belief taken quite literally." Lucas speaks in quiet tones. "It looks as if they tried to rip off his jaw as well. Whatever this man's father did, it seems he offended quite the wrong crowd."

Amidus Drexel
2014-03-21, 12:44 PM
Musician's room:

OOC: At this point, Alphonse and Wuscfrea reach the rest of the party in the room with the musician.

Tass looks down at the maimed musician, then back to Holtti again.

I've never heard anything of the like. Have you?

Holtti shakes his head. "I haven't, no... That would be quite the vendetta, though; to hate a man so much that you would slaughter his sons so violently... I admire the woman's tenacity, for sure."

It doesn't make sense, though. Why put such a massive effort into assassinating an unarmed musician, and why do it tonight, when he's at the best guarded location in the village? And why bother killing all the guards if you could just teleport past them? And looking around the building, not only did she kill the guards who stood in her way, but they actively went the whole way around to kill everyone stationed outside.

Holtti scratches his chin. "Have you ever seen a demon fight, Tass? They do the same thing - they go out of their way to kill anything available to them, joyously slaughtering combatants and bystanders alike. I imagine the giant gargoyle just got carried away... or perhaps it was meant to be a distraction to draw our attention away from the musicians... or away from something else..."

Wuscfrea shrugs. "Maybe this woman just doesn't understand tactics very well. I mean, I get lost every time I have to learn what you call "simple" battle strategy, so I wouldn't be too surprised if she just didn't think her plan through. I mean, I don't even know how I would begin to go about assassinating someone myself - I'd just hire someone else to do it." He looks around. "Er... not that I would have anyone assassinated. I don't want anyone's death on my hands!"

"I saw her in the musicians room while she was fighting you...so...is there two people at play in addition to the beast on the roof...whatever it was? I can think of one organized religion that requires penance in such a physical manner, but those methods are so outdated in Cirda's church, that I find it unlikely to come from them. And certainly nothing requiring souls..."

Holtti chuckles and shakes his head. "If that musician's father pissed off some ancient follower of Cirda's, then... he is an unlucky man. Those beliefs are a couple hundred years out of date, if I'm remembering this right, but... some people live a very long time. A hundred years is a lifetime to a human, but it's not much to an elf or a dwarf, is it? Did anyone get a good look at the woman?"

2014-03-21, 12:48 PM
Alphonse seems a bit baffled, and says "...you can't be saying this entire situation was to kill some musician and his trope, can you?"

2014-03-21, 01:34 PM
She appeared on the roof in the middle of our battle with the gargoyle, and she teleported away when we struck it down. We didn't get much of a glimpse at her apart from a bit of pale skin under her hood and her ornate, gold-hilted dagger. Most of the time, she talked in a tongue I don't understand, but I did recognise it as the speech of dragons.

Tass thinks, then speaks up again with a measure of thoughfulness behind her words.

However, when we struck down the gargoyle, she did say she would have my penance in blood, and that The Unforgiving would guide her hand. Is that a title anyone of you recognise?