View Full Version : Ho do fast/slow time planes affect communication?

2014-01-12, 01:17 AM
There's a couple spells that allow communications/viewing across planes. Is there anything about how these spells work when the planes have different time traits?

Mainly thinking about interplanar telepathic bond, scrying(and variants), and stuff like wall of eyes.

2014-01-12, 01:27 AM
Telepathic Bond:
The guy in the "slower" plane would hear the "faster" guy as if he's speaking more quickly, if at all. If it's one of those "one round per thousand years" planes, then it wouldn't even be comprehensible.

Scrying or otherwise looking into a faster plane would just mean you're looking at a fast-forwarded version of events.

Emperor Tippy
2014-01-12, 01:38 AM
The real interesting thing is fast time planes plus planar ring gates.

Fill the plane with Continual Flame spells or the like and then look at the Planar Ring Gate. A plane with a thousand to one time ratio is effectively a thousand times brighter from your point of view. Now think about one ten trillion or so times faster. A flashlight becomes a planet cracker.

Or the opposite. Be on a far slower time relative to the prime and point the gate at the sun.

Playing with slowing down and speeding up time can be very, very, fun. Especially if your DM allows real world physics.

2014-01-12, 01:42 AM
Fill the plane with Continual Flame spells or the like and then look at the Planar Ring Gate. A plane with a thousand to one time ratio is effectively a thousand times brighter from your point of view. Now think about one ten trillion or so times faster. A flashlight becomes a planet cracker.

Or the opposite. Be on a far slower time relative to the prime and point the gate at the sun.

Don't ring gates count as portals, which (according to manual of the planes) don't allow environmental effects to pass through?

2014-01-12, 03:21 AM
There's a couple spells that allow communications/viewing across planes. Is there anything about how these spells work when the planes have different time traits?

I doubt it. D&D is not good with anything beyond the most simplistic physics or math, so something complicated like relativistic time interactions (however produced) is pretty much completely beyond the designers' capabilities.