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2014-01-12, 03:18 AM
Some simple rules I made for empires and playing an empire building game.

Each empire has the following stats,

Government type (gives bonus to certain stats)
Society type (gives bonuses and affects behaviour)

Population - each point represents about a hundred people
Split into four catagories, workers, scholars, warriors, specialty
Counties - a measure of territory
Knowledge - points for advancing the empire's "tech" level

Production, as a die size.
Research, as a die size.
Military, as a die size.
Happiness, percentage, positive or negative, affects outcomes
Reproduction, as a percentage
Communication/transportation, affects the empires response time for events.

Features list (think feats, for the empire, bought with Knowledge points)
Constructions list (think equipment and upgrades for the empire, some must be bought for each county, others not)
Units (each can be a different type or have different upgrades, i.e. you might have a naval ship and a troop of archers)

Each "month/turn" you roll for production and knowledge points.

Roll a die for each county or worker (whichever is less), then add or subtrct happiness (simplify by just adding or subtracting one per ten, for each 10% of happiness), then subtract your total population. The remainder is added to your wealth.

Knowledge points,
Roll your research for each scholar, then multiply by happiness. Add to your knowledge points. Reduce research by one. Wealth can be spent to prevent this reduction, or increase by one die size for next turn.

Spend wealth and knowledge points if desired, and command units.

Each "year" multiply population by reproduction and happiness.

Still figuring out the mass combat and the possible options for features, governments, etc but what do you think so far? Suggestions? Comments?

2014-01-12, 11:05 AM
Interesting... But the die rolls allow for the Roman Empire to make 1 legionare a month on a bad roll?

2014-01-12, 11:22 PM
Actually you can shuffle people around between military units and others. Then you spend wealth to equip (upgrade) them to whatever type of troop you want.

You dont just buy a military unit, you need people first, then you buy the training and equipment. There is no limit on spending wealth or knowledge in a turn. Of course wealth can go into debt, but that should decrease happiness and eventually lead to rebellion. Knowledge cant go below 0 but otherwise can spent as much as desired in a turn.

The roman empire was huge with population and counties in the hundreds, a bad roll for them would have hardly been felt, no, the roman empire would have to of had several bad rolls to run into trouble with making new legionaires.

Wealth is cumulative, as is Knowledge, and the bigger you get the easier it is to gain wealth.

Edit, when you put population into the military, you get militia units, then you can spend wealth to improve the training and equipment of those units. The cost of which depends on your features, so if an empire is advanced it will have features that make some military units cheaper. For example, a Steel Weaponry feature should make units using iron weaponry cheaper, then another feature to improve steel weaponry should make basic steel weaponry cheaper, etc

I just need to built feature trees and such, but I want to finalize mass combat first so I can intertwine the two properly.

2014-01-14, 11:19 AM
Might have potential, but I feel government type and the like should have a large roll, where (from what I gathered from what little there is) government is basically race where I feel it should be class.

Also, what exactly is meant by society type?

Final thing for now, is this going to be fantasy or "realistic"?

2014-01-14, 11:56 PM
I agree the government shouldn't be race.

Society type is like a warrior society, or a merchant society, basically what the social norms are like.

Ill have some options up next week.

2014-01-16, 06:34 AM
No offense, but I've seen many projects like this come and go, and when they start with as little as you did, they tend to not update at all, or have a few sporadic posts from the OP for a day or two than nothing.

I truly hope this isn't the case, and if you do wind up posting more in a week I would appreciate a PM in case I miss it, but when expecting to go so long without posting anything right at the start, I expect this will slip by the wayside.

2014-01-16, 12:18 PM
I mostly have to wait for access to a real computer. I normally use my nook, but it has limited memory, no c&p ability, nnot even spellcheck and as the original version it lacks access to google play. So my options are very limited and my notes inaccessable till then.

But I agree, I do hope this doesnt get left behind. It is however second on my homebrew priority list (My rpg is first.) So updates will be slower.

2014-01-24, 10:31 PM
Sorry I'm late.

-Monarchy, Military units have +1 to leadership. Production rolls get a bonus D6 for every 5 counties. Reproduction is reduced by 5%.

-Oligarchy, Production is increased by one die size, Military is reduced by one die size.

-Warriors, Military is increased by one die size. Each county has double the militia units when invaded.

-Artists, research is increased by one die size, reproduction is 10% higher.

Each empire can purchase features to improve aspects of the empire. Some features are empire wide, and some affect only a county.

For example one feature, Military Academy, increases leadership in all your military units, while the feature, Improved Irrigation, only improves the county it is applied to, thus it can be purchased for each county.

It isn't alot, but I left my mass combat rules behind, and my talent is making rules systems, not making loads of options for the rules systems.

2014-01-24, 10:51 PM
Why only two of each? Are those just for starters? Why does monarchy have military bonuses? Why doesn't Oligarchy have economic bonuses?

Artist should be called Philosopher, I think, but why does it increase reproductive rates?

Also, why are these the only two societies and governments? Are they just the first two or are they templates for others or what?

Finally, I'm glad to see you post something, at least, if it is still barely anything.

2014-01-25, 03:11 AM
I intended to have the mass combat rules posted but I stupidly didnt bring them.

It is not my intent for any ptions I make to be the "only" options. I make systems, if people like them, let them have freedom and space to make options that fit their campaign.

That said, I do plan on having more options eventually, though I dont expect to ever post as many as would be suitable if it were to be published. Mostly just to showcase the concepts and be enough to test play it out.

I gave the artists society is a society of liesurly people who hold pleasure in high esteem, this translates to increased artwork and making form as important as function but also generally implies more pleasures of "in bed" sort.

I also gave the monarchy a bonus to leadership because a monarchy is essentially a civilian version of the military. A military must have a clear chain of command free to act without debates, lobbying, or voting. A monarchy often mirrors this structure, it also gives a single stable individual to follow, rather then something like the US where the figurehead comes and goes, and where people ally themselves first to political parties rather then the head of state.

Production is the economy, it is the empire's production of wealth in all its forms, material and monetary. Thus the oligarchy is getting a bonus to economy.

I figure having features that improve trade deals are possible but might require an oligarchy, thus available features can further distinguish governments or societies. I just havent got that far yet.

2014-01-25, 05:28 AM
I am assuming you have seen the Empire sourcebook by AEG. It has all the rules that you would need, including mass combat and it is quite good. That is what we are currently using in my game

2014-01-25, 10:37 AM
Well....someone has been playing Civilisations...hehehe.

Might I suggest you take a few cues fro Cityscape too, it's a useful resource for projects like this.

2014-01-25, 10:45 AM
I gave the artists society is a society of liesurly people who hold pleasure in high esteem, this translates to increased artwork and making form as important as function but also generally implies more pleasures of "in bed" sort.

You seem to be equating art with free thought, which is far from the case. Many societies have been highly artistic, but the art was all regimented and controlled by the government, some societies (at least one) going so far as to have mathematical proportions all depiction of humans (or anything) must have.

I also gave the monarchy a bonus to leadership because a monarchy is essentially a civilian version of the military. A military must have a clear chain of command free to act without debates, lobbying, or voting. A monarchy often mirrors this structure, it also gives a single stable individual to follow, rather then something like the US where the figurehead comes and goes, and where people ally themselves first to political parties rather then the head of state.

Ah, I think you should specify Feudal Monarchy, then. Actually, you should probably give descriptors for all of it...