View Full Version : Advice for a Fledgling Pathfinder GM

2014-01-12, 02:43 PM
Hello, all. I picked up the Pathfinder core-book fairly recently, and, after perusing it for a while, decided that I liked the system enough to want to run a game in it. I've run 4th Edition and Fate Core extensively, as well as smatterings of things like Savage Worlds and All Flesh Must Be Eaten, but, as I understand it, Pathfinder is one of the "crunchiest" games out there.

Since I'm pretty new to the system, but still want to run a game, I started looking through some pre-made adventures to guide me through a Pathfinder game. While doing so, I came across the "Kingmaker" series of adventures, which I found very intriguing. However, I'm not sure if this sort of game would be advisable for a new GM to this system. I do enjoy running "sandboxy" type games, but they can sometimes require the GM to have an in-depth understanding of how exactly the rules function and how combats should be spread out, etc. This seems to be a special case, though, as it is a sandbox adventure that's still pre-written.

In addition, if I were to run this game, it would likely by a PBP here on the forums. Would that make running the game easier or more difficult? Should I restrict player options to the core rulebook? Any advice or assistance would be appreciated. Thank you! :smallsmile:

2014-01-12, 03:49 PM
If you aren't used to the d20/PF rules, I might suggest something a little more straightforward. You want to know how the basics work before adding too much.
I generally like restricting options if I'm not very familiar with a system, and you can make perfectly playable characters with just the CRB. If you have friends that are familliar with the system, you might enlist their aid for learning. Just have them help you build characters and run simple combat for you to give you an idea of how things work.