View Full Version : What is your most disliked band?

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-22, 05:22 AM
This is following my trend of pointless musical discussions, so I have too ask: What is your most disliked band? What band makes you wish that you had no ears whenever you hear it? This discussion has no bands barred, I do not care what band you post, this is just a discussion on what bands you dislike and why.

Foist! For me, any nu metal band. I have been a massive metalhead ever since I heard my first Carcass song at the age of 11 (Heartwork) and I find the reduction of metal into a relatively low talent, repetitive, angst filled collection of power chords and bad drumming to be sacrilege. To be fair, most metal relies on power chords, but at least there is some creativity behind the songs and lyrical themes. I do not even care so much about talent- I like punk, but at least there is creativity and even more so, a message in the song that means more than "I am so angsty. *Sob*" I am sorry, nu metal fans out there, but I will never like nu metal, and I will continue to wage war on it from all possible fronts.

2007-01-22, 11:04 AM
Most disliked by anyone? I think New Kids on the Block is pretty much always slammed. So is Paris Hilton.

By me personally? Tool.

2007-01-22, 11:13 AM
Again...you're making me choose? *head explodes*

So hard to pick, but I'm gonna go with Green Day, as they are the epitome of that pop-punk crap everybody liked when I was in high school. The fact that I can like good punk (though I don't know much of it) makes them that much worse for me.

Don Julio Anejo
2007-01-23, 04:49 AM
It's funny.. everyone (including me) hates Paris Hilton but most people I know actually like her music..

About Green Day - technically they invented modern punk rock genre..

Something I personally don't like: Jay-Z.. average "***** rapper" that everyone keeps saying is the king of rap. Even 50cent is better then him.. Good marketing though.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-23, 06:02 AM
Pop-punk, actually. Ask any punk fan, and a lot of my friends are, and that is not true punk.

2007-01-23, 10:58 AM
NiN and Tool and anything country

2007-01-23, 02:44 PM
Wasn't Blink 182 doing that before Greed Day? I can't remember anymore. And if Green Day invented(or even sounded like) modern punk, I would not be listening to it.

Circle Takes the Square. I hate-hate-HATE that crappy band... let me count the ways.

2007-01-23, 05:07 PM
wow....I... I mean...

By me personally? Tool.

really? I know recent albums haven't been so hot (I haven't listened to the entire 10000days...or whatever...), but I would think this was right up your alley. And didn't you have a Manyard song line as your Screen Name for a while (Eye of a Tragedy)? Sorry to be a stickler, but that drummer is a machine when it comes to the double pedal.

Wasn't Blink 182 doing that before Greed Day? Pretty sure Billy Joe has been doing the Punk scene far longer than Blink has. He even had Pinhead Gunpowder, which was far more punk than Green Day.

I think their just a hapless victim of marketing and, well, ignorant for signing on for more records. They should have stopped with Dookie (but that's just my opinion)

Most Disliked Band: Nickelback. I grew out of the 3 chord wonders back in highschool when I learned music theory. Now everything sounds more like Chicago (25 or 6 to 4) or Led Zepplin (...nope...lost it....Rain man? gallows Pole?meh....). I can guess the chord structure just from the opening chord now.

2007-01-23, 05:23 PM
really? I know recent albums haven't been so hot (I haven't listened to the entire 10000days...or whatever...), but I would think this was right up your alley. And didn't you have a Manyard song line as your Screen Name for a while (Eye of a Tragedy)? Sorry to be a stickler, but that drummer is a machine when it comes to the double pedal.

Hey, in my defense that was an APC song :smallwink:
Twiggy is so cute, I cannot resist!

For me Tool is the very definition of things I don't like in popular music. Static and pretencious. It's like a bad mix of shock-rock-but-we-don't-care-cause-we're-making-"music"-and-we're-"artists." and just playing bad metal. I wince at the cookiecutter faux-intellectual lyrics. I can take some bands talking about philosophy and metaphysics. Tool isn't one of them. No, just because you have "different" time signatures (please, look at fusion, then we'll talk), long songs (...and since when is this an automatic "oohhh we're a good band." Even their hits like Sober and Third Eye need to be minutes shorter.), and the very standard yet somehow overlly praised stuff they do (their unique mixing style though any lo-fi band does it, their dynamics which should be a part of music anyway..., etc) just makes me hate them. And it doesn't help that every tool fan I've met has been a total douche (not saying all, feel free to prove me wrong). I also hate how they're dubbed as prog metal or on the cutting edge of metal or ever-evolving or even worse "out-of-a-genre." They're anything but. Just cause their songs sound different doesn't mean they are.

Good things: yes, Carey is a very good drummer even if he is praised by every high school kid with a kit as god. And Maynard has a decent voice.

Still, this doesn't match the fact that not only are they a bad static band, they claim to be anything but. See I could handle bad metal. It's everywhere. But bad metal that thinks it's pushing the limit on music, nuh-uh.

2007-01-23, 05:48 PM
Oh the choices, the choices.

Stuff it, I'm having more than 1.

Anything that goes even remotely under the name of "Urban". I will not launch into my well practiced and polished rant because, to be honest, for the full effect, it needs to be heard and seen but I really can't stand all the "Gangsta" (who can't b####y spell) wannabes it's spawned

Incubus - Just don't, awful
Biffy Clyro - ditto
Taproot / Cypress Hill - if I want to be on prozac, I'll see the doctor
Slipknot - I can scream just as loud, thrash a guitar and wear a scary mask, why haven't I made that much money ?
The cheeky girls - need I say more ?
TATU - ditto

That's the main list of shame. I realise most people will disagree with me (except, possibly about the cheeky girls and TATU).

2007-01-23, 05:53 PM
I hate Vanilla Ice.

Plain and simple.

2007-01-23, 05:56 PM
Amotis - At least you have enough, apparent, knowledge of music to stand up for youself. That I can applaud you on. There are a few Tool songs I just can't listen to any more. I still hold a spot in my heart for Aenima. Maybe it was the times that spoke to me more than the music, but I can still hear that whole album in my head if I listen closely.

Personally, I dig the sound had then. At the time, it was worldly different from the post-Nirvana drought, quasi grunge groups. Tool, Incubus and Korn, for me, reached out and grabbed ahold of a wounded spirit. Too bad Korn fell to teh same shotty popularizing that has plagued so many. Incubus fell to 'Evil that is Drugs."

2007-01-23, 06:28 PM
To quote The Dude, "I've had a long day and I hate the Eagles, man."

I also really despise Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I used to like them, until after Bloodsugarsexmagic. Then they decided to start playing crap radio songs, and I decided to stop listening.

The Orange Zergling
2007-01-23, 06:33 PM
Any band that dares to make music called "rap". *shudder*

2007-01-23, 07:34 PM
Amotis - At least you have enough, apparent, knowledge of music to stand up for youself. That I can applaud you on. There are a few Tool songs I just can't listen to any more. I still hold a spot in my heart for Aenima. Maybe it was the times that spoke to me more than the music, but I can still hear that whole album in my head if I listen closely.

Personally, I dig the sound had then. At the time, it was worldly different from the post-Nirvana drought, quasi grunge groups. Tool, Incubus and Korn, for me, reached out and grabbed ahold of a wounded spirit. Too bad Korn fell to teh same shotty popularizing that has plagued so many. Incubus fell to 'Evil that is Drugs."

Wow, I remember channel surfing yesterday and came across FUSE music channel. There was this god awful music video playing and I was almost vomiting/laughing my ass off, I couldn't decide. I couldn't reconize any of the band members so I just chalked it up to one of those emo/punkish groups that are around nowadays(they certainly looked like it). I was very shocked to learn that it was Incubus of all bands. Whoa. I mean I never really liked them...but I remember them being better then that (and definently not emo/punkish).

Tool is a different metal, I'll give you that. Certainly different then the grudge movements back then, you're right. But I still don't like them and that still doesn't excuse their arrogant ramblings. For me anyway.

2007-01-23, 07:43 PM
I consider the music I like either hard rock or metal. Somewhere between the two. To me there are genre's I just hate. So, I won't judge anything out of my spectrum because, I don't like it.

Bands classified as rock that are disliked:
Nine Inch Nails
System of A Down
Kid Rock(he doesn't rock anymore though)
Guns N' Roses
Most Bands in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Most Bands who have a Singer and a Screamer
Most Scandinavian bands

There are few songs by the bands above that are worthy of listening, but they don't register at more than 3 stars (10 star system 3 meaning they are a "sometimes" song that will only be listened to in dire circumstances or to set up a movie).

I'm all about band, multiple sounds, how voice goes along with music, and guitar. Everyone plays in every song and solo artists should be looking for a band.

2007-01-23, 07:47 PM
Huh? Movie music can be crap? Wha? I think in multimedia music needs to be even better then normal to be a good part of the movie as well as a good piece of music.

For example (I love these two examples...),

Children of Men - Sigur Ros
The Fountian - Mogwai

2007-01-23, 07:50 PM
Pop-punk, actually. Ask any punk fan, and a lot of my friends are, and that is not true punk.

I'm just glad that someone else finally said it. Today's "punk" is not punk at all. Punk is dead. I mean that in the sense that no one makes that kind of music anymore (more's the pity), not in the sense that the music is not good.

My hated band: Creed. They couldn't write a decent chorus to save their souls.

And may I just add that nothing infuriates me more than country music. Bleh.

2007-01-23, 07:54 PM
I'm just glad that someone else finally said it. Today's "punk" is not punk at all. Punk is dead. I mean that in the sense that no one makes that kind of music anymore (more's the pity), not in the sense that the music is not good.

My hated band: Creed. They couldn't write a decent chorus to save their souls.

And may I just add that nothing infuriates me more than country music. Bleh.

Punk is far from dead my friend. Neo-Punk and Anti-Folk and Anti-Rock movements are number many today. Just look inside your own cities' local music scene. Punk is still alive.

2007-01-23, 08:23 PM
Bands classified as rock that are disliked:
Nine Inch Nails
System of A Down
Kid Rock(he doesn't rock anymore though)
Most Bands in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Most Bands who have a Singer and a Screamer

I forgot all of the above. Nickelback. My word, I hate Nickelback with a passion. Picture the scene. It's your summer holiday, you're working in a warehouse and you're unloading a 40ft shipping container lined with plastic sheet on a baking hot summers day (no joke, dehydration). It's the 4th container you've unloaded this week. It contains nothing but pink and blue pyjama botttoms, thousands of them with dead animals and bags of Silica gel that fall on your head at every turn. The lazy ass driver who could come and give you a hand has just started whining about you having to use a crowbar to get the bars to hang stuff from that are at waist level out of the way. There is a metal bar that you slide said pyjamas down at the end of the trailer, at approximately the right height to catch you right between the eyes which, since it's impossible to see, it does with depressing regularity. Then, the local radio station (which plays the same 6 songs over and over again) puts "Hero" by Nickelback on for the 4th time that morning, right after Sophie Ellis Bextor and Xpress 2 (put both of those on my tab). As you can tell, this experience has lived with me. I am now perpetually angry when Nickelback or Spiderman are mentionned

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-23, 09:34 PM
If people want intelligent lyrics, then the best band I can recommend is Isis. They weren't known as "thinking man's metal" for no reason, and they are incredible.

For those who think punk is dead, this (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=35722919) is the site of my favourite punk band. Punk is not dead people, it is just dormant.

2007-01-23, 09:40 PM
I can't stand the sound of their singer's voice, it just gets to me.

2007-01-23, 09:48 PM
all pop, and boybands. And most rap, although some is good

2007-01-23, 10:58 PM
all pop, and boybands. And most rap, although some is good

Again...pop can mean two things. On either side it is much too vauge to say an entire genre is good or bad. There are some awesome pop bands out there (look up Pavement, Broken Social Scene, Dismemberment Plan, etc).

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-23, 11:10 PM
Generally I will call popular music pop and pop as a genre indiepop. This is probably wrong, but it is a good distinction for my friends who never listen too indie stuff in the first place.

2007-01-23, 11:11 PM
But popular music means anything but classical (or its branches). Pop is I guess what people thing. But indie pop is still pop. Umm...yes I agree.

2007-01-24, 12:07 AM
There are so many, but right now one band is at the front of my mind. The winner is: System of a Down.

Wow, I can't believe all the Tool hating.. C'mon, is tool really #1 for you? I can't get over that....

Umm.. honourable mention: anyone who has ever played a Christmas song (I work in a mall. Darn, that was a hard 2 months.)

2007-01-24, 12:12 AM
There are so many, but right now one band is at the front of my mind. The winner is: System of a Down.

Wow, I can't believe all the Tool hating.. C'mon, is tool really #1 for you? I can't get over that....

Umm.. honourable mention: anyone who has ever played a Christmas song (I work in a mall. Darn, that was a hard 2 months.)

All? I count two...
And yeah, they are number one. See, bands are primarily music. But then Tool adds this pretenciousness musician to it. So it's a double whammy.

And yes, I feel your pain. I work in retail.

2007-01-24, 12:23 AM
Eh. I think Green Day is overrated (Though they are good. I especially liked Good Riddance.), but they're not my most disliked band. If I had to choose, I would probably say Fallout Boy.

2007-01-24, 12:24 AM
If anything I think Fallout Boy is pretty good for comic relief.

2007-01-24, 12:43 AM
Err... any christian music(mainly Tobymac, you cant rap about god god damn it!)

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 02:00 AM
I personally do not like Tool as a band, but the lineage they have crafted makes up for their sucky, pretentiousness. If not for Tool, Isis would not exist, which would suck. Big time.

2007-01-24, 03:39 AM
All? I count two...
And yeah, they are number one. See, bands are primarily music. But then Tool adds this pretenciousness musician to it. So it's a double whammy.

Its like every other person is hating on Tool! I don't understand... Its Tool...

That pretenciousness is all Maynard if you ask me. Some people are like that. Don't take it seriously, its not aimed at you. I think its funny.

2007-01-24, 09:55 AM
But popular music means anything but classical (or its branches). Pop is I guess what people thing. But indie pop is still pop. Umm...yes I agree.

While this came up last page, I just got around to reading. I was also sorry to hear you caught an Incubus video, Amotis. Those suck ballz:smallwink: I think they did better with Brandon <insert last name here> on drugs:smallamused: .

I thought 'pop' was an ever changing genre. true, Micheal Jackson was labeled as the King of Pop, but I really had the inkling that 'pop' changed with the times. Ergo, Bach, waaaaay back in the baroque ages (of music), was Pop.

But, with that thinking, wouldn't Beethoven really be the king of Pop (as he took music through three periods)?

2007-01-24, 11:18 AM
While this came up last page, I just got around to reading. I was also sorry to hear you caught an Incubus video, Amotis. Those suck ballz:smallwink: I think they did better with Brandon <insert last name here> on drugs:smallamused: .

I thought 'pop' was an ever changing genre. true, Micheal Jackson was labeled as the King of Pop, but I really had the inkling that 'pop' changed with the times. Ergo, Bach, waaaaay back in the baroque ages (of music), was Pop.

But, with that thinking, wouldn't Beethoven really be the king of Pop (as he took music through three periods)?

Well Bach had his own period. Named after him. So I think he gets extra points for that. Plus he literally wrote the book on music. So he could be the father of popular music I suppose.

I guess the hate toward pop right now is because people associate pop with the mainstream pop sound. Not to the definition of pop (and again, there's two. Popular Music and Pop Sound, chord progressions, etc). I just wanna defend those non-mainstream pop sounding groups.

Its like every other person is hating on Tool! I don't understand... Its Tool...

That pretenciousness is all Maynard if you ask me. Some people are like that. Don't take it seriously, its not aimed at you. I think its funny.We can talk about the lack of musical quality too. Like I said, double whammy. I think artists and musicians of all people should be most humble, just because no music is perfect and no musician is perfect. It's not really funny because they actually believe what they're saying and take themselves seriousls. If they were tongue in cheek, hey, I'd love it. (ala Spinal Tap or something like this) It doesn't have to be aimed at me. They're speaking and I'm listening. He's not attacking anyone, no, but that doesn't change what he's saying. See there's a point where if a band takes themselves so serious and actually believes what's coming out of their mouth is truth then they become ignorant to change and progress. Which is totally ironic when compared with Tool's selfproclaimed progressive experimentalism. And the worst music is the unoriginal babble that doesn't mean anything and just treads water in it's own blandness.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 11:30 AM
One of my favourite bands (Isis) is very pretentious: they made a genre, they compare their work to art and they call their music "thinking man's metal" because they use a lot of intellectual influence, but they apologize for being pretentious, see it as a negative aspect and whats more, a lot of what they say about themselves is true. They fight against the meathead-metalhead stereotype actively. They are trying to expand the genre into something it isn't.

While I cannot stand Tool, I think that the bands they have spawned via lineage (Neurosis, Isis, Pelican, Cult of Luna, Mouth of the Architect etc.) redeems them in my eyes.

2007-01-24, 11:43 AM
Well it's indie metal so I suppose it is pretentious(plus avant garde, as they call themselves, the name that means absolutely nothing.) But Isis personally is a better band musically so Tool remains my shinning light of hate. Probably because more people like and follow Tool then Isis so their "message" spreads.

Well Tool was suppose to be inspired by King Crimson and Yes and all those edge pushing bands and then look what happened. I don't really listen to those bands Tool influenced (though I do occasionally) but there is only so much that Tool can inspire. Though I've listened and read a few of Isis' songs and I can say that there is a hint of self satisfying rambling. Of saying what they say for the sake of calling themselves "thinking's man metal."

What I mean is, eh. Isis and Tool do share a lot of stuff I don't like. Isis is the better band musically but Tool has gotten more success (and more publicity). Tool, however, is still my number one hated.

Side Note: I actually passed down a chance to see Isis before I heard of them. They're located in LA so they do a lot of SD shows randomly. Eh, too bad.

Side Note II: Isis' concept album themes get boring after a while.

2007-01-24, 11:49 AM
I hate most rap groups. It's usually 1 person who has a good voice, flow and content and 3-4 other guys who have no flow and few good lines banking on the song's club beats. There are too many to name nowadays.

2007-01-24, 11:57 AM
Offhand, Hanson (of "Mmm-Bop" infamy) is the only band that fills me with the desire to strangle anyone connected with the production of their music. So I think they have to win this one.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 01:36 PM
I generally do not listen too music for themes Amotis- I listen for the sound of the instruments, how well the rhythm and melody mesh, creativity and whether these culminate into a good song.

2007-01-24, 02:46 PM
I generally do not listen too music for themes Amotis- I listen for the sound of the instruments, how well the rhythm and melody mesh, creativity and whether these culminate into a good song.

Isn't that their theme though? To have themes? Isn't that why they call themselves thinking man's metal? They seem to like talking about very metaphysical and metaphorical things and devote albums to it. Music wise...they're not thinking man's metal. It's just not. Lyric and album theme wise, I could see where they got that demeanor.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 03:02 PM
Yes, but when I listen too music it isn't for preaching. I like the message they have in their lyrics, but it wouldn't bother me if they were a complete instrumental band like Pelican. The music matters. Not the message. I appreciate the complexity they have gone too in making their themes all interlinked, but musical structure, complexity and creativity is my foremost concern

2007-01-24, 03:05 PM
Then music-wise, Isis is okay for me. They ain't floating above any pitfalls of bad music. I haven't heard all their albums so I can't make a complete statement, but I wasn't blown away by them. Maybe it's the genre, or the moods, or just the general tone and feel of it, but it is far from my cup of tea.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 03:19 PM
The albums from Panopticon onwards are less grating on the ears. But they evolved from sludge metal, which is an acquired taste. I like the post rock influence in their music- it is just a relief from your average hyper-rhythmic death metal bands. If you want a good post metal band, Pelican, a completely instrumental band is probably a better choice- the sludge elementals (especially the vocals, lol) are significantly less than Isis, so if you haven't, look them up. The drumming is a little lack-luster, but it is better than a lot of bands.

2007-01-24, 03:21 PM
I do have some Pelican albums. Still not totally my thing but I do give them credit for being a bit different from what I expected.

Side note: Post-rock drummers tend to be really really good. Look at Explosions in the Sky, he's one of my absolute fav's, or Mogwai's. I guess when the extreme dynamics kick in it's always good to have some awesome drummer pounding the heck out of a set.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 03:27 PM
Yeah. Also, do you have any Agalloch stuff? Think a combination of avant garde folk metal and post rock and you have their sound-they did a Sol Invictus cover, too which was awesome. You just gotta find some songs with a really good melody and tune out the black metal vocals- because it is worth it.

2007-01-24, 03:34 PM
When I say pop I am usualy reffering to the kelly klarkson/Abba/Brittney Spears genre. However a lot of popular music now is bad.

2007-01-24, 03:38 PM
Yeah. Also, do you have any Agalloch stuff? Think a combination of avant garde folk metal and post rock and you have their sound-they did a Sol Invictus cover, too which was awesome. You just gotta find some songs with a really good melody and tune out the black metal vocals- because it is worth it.

I do. Doom folk is a large part of California. (even though I'm pretty sure they're not from Cali...). I actually like them to an extent. I do have to try hard to tune out some of the vocals and do succeed sometimes. My favorite album of theirs is the Pale Folklore one. A very cool but bumpy ride (avant garde bands' rarely have a perfect album). If you like them you should try Flying Canyon and other doom folk cali bands. Folk is really big over here and so there are a lot of sub-folk genres that kinda fit that style.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 03:49 PM
Thanks Amotis, I will check them out. Pale Folklore and Stone, Wind and Pillar are my favourites, I love the Kneel to the Cross cover and The Melancholy Spirit.

2007-01-24, 03:52 PM
Musically I suppose they're pretty far from Agalloch. But they come from the same main genre of doom folk. Flying Canyon is much much more slower and softer, however. They're more neo-folk then anything but a damn good band anyway.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 03:54 PM
Well, I love slow atmospheric music in all of its forms, so I think I will love them.

2007-01-24, 03:56 PM
Yes, they are definently ambiance/atmospheric music. They got that part down pretty well.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 04:02 PM
If there is heaviness, it is all the better, but just atmospheric stuff will do!

I have a question? Exactly what are Fripp's Soundscapes? I haven't heard one and I do not really understand them.

2007-01-24, 04:21 PM
It's a type of song I suppose. More of a style. Basically it's just fripp up there with his huge (I mean huge) guitar set up. Bunch of digital stuff, sythns and processors, etc. It's looped through one of these (http://www.tcelectronic.com/TC2290) and a lot of other stuff with digital audio. Then a bunch of digital delays. Then makes that an audio loop and then continues on, adding and subtracting as he goes. He also uses one of these (http://www.eventide.com/profaud/h8000.htm).

To imagine what the set up looks like, here:
It's like that. Plus like 30 pedals.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-24, 04:30 PM
I need to get me a recording then. I hope he does another G3 tour- this time too Australia.

A really bizarre album? Sun Baked Snow Cave. The entire album is a 62 minute long drone doom song.

Lord of the Helms
2007-01-24, 04:48 PM
Pop-punk, actually. Ask any punk fan, and a lot of my friends are, and that is not true punk.

Even Pop-punk is an exaggeration. It's just really crappy pop rock that gets labelled "Punk" for no apparent reason. except maybe the "musicians" taking on a weird look that is perceived as "Punk".

My most hated band? Heck, I dunno. Way too many bad bands out there to count, so I don't see the point.

2007-01-26, 04:49 PM
Even Pop-punk is an exaggeration. It's just really crappy pop rock that gets labelled "Punk" for no apparent reason. except maybe the "musicians" taking on a weird look that is perceived as "Punk".

This is true, although there are a few bands out there that have mastered a sound that could legitimately be called pop-punk (Snuff springs to mind). Most of it is indeed fairly craptacular, though.

Anyway, for my least favourite band, if I had to pick just one, I would have to say Nickelback. Every time some local media type informs us, again, that they're from Alberta I die a little bit inside.

2007-01-26, 06:15 PM
EVERY Emo Band! ........ why would anyone put themselves through that kind of torture?

2007-01-26, 06:17 PM
EVERY Emo Band! ........ why would anyone put themselves through that kind of torture?

dont put all emo/goth bands in one boat. Sure a lot of them are pretty bad, but some of them are realy good.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-26, 06:20 PM
With nu metal, on the other hand...

2007-01-26, 06:51 PM
The screamo genre makes my ears bleed. I also can't stand any rap. But for my -most- disliked band? Uh... I'd have to go with Panic! At the Disco, posing off of an already bad band (or maybe it was the other way around, Fall out Boy broke into mainstream first, so that's why I say that)

2007-01-29, 11:52 AM
Busted. EEEEEWWWWW! get it out of my post :smallyuk:

2007-01-30, 01:19 PM
Throw my vote in for Modest Mouse.
My brother tried for months to get me to like ANYTHING about their music, and all he did was aggravate me more.

2007-01-30, 01:49 PM
Speaking about pop, I notice that I tend to have a different concept about what is "pop" than most of the people. To me pop is melody driven, song oriented music in the tradition of The Beatles. Really not the stuff that's on the radio these days. Think more of power pop, artists that don't have to pretend they are BAAAAD and cool like almost anyone post 90's...People like The New Pornographers come to mind as among the bands today that know how important a catchy melody is to music.

Commercial music nowadays, especially the one coming from the USA, has a lot of elements of hip-hop and rap music (which I personally dislike), and incorporates rock-ish poses, metal, electronica and fagocitates and assimilates just about anything that it can vomit back to the widest audience possible. That's what I don't like.

There's things I don't like, like blues and reggae and electronica, then there's stuff that I consider to be bad. To me heavy metal and all of its permutations is the most stiff, unimaginative kind of music. It suffers from an unmovable aesthetic that is terribly conservative and feeds on its own image. Lots of posturing and conforming to previous models, which to me hardly sounds like a rebellious thing to do. It's also really hermetic, an airtight genre that seems to offer some illusion of identity to many people. Doesn't do anything for me. And most of it is tecnically impressive but totally unmoving (what? a zillion notes per second? what for? can you write a SONG?)

Then as I said, I don't like rap and hip-hop, R&B or soul and related music. I know they are big in USA for cultural reasons but personally I hardly consider "rap" to be music.

Someone said "pop punk" sucks. Well, it depends of what you have in mind. Current bands like Blink 182 and Sum whatever, those post-Green Day Californian punk bands are really crap. That's the lowest you can go, really.
But there's a lot of bands that I would call punk pop that are great, like the Buzzcocks, The Muffs, Fastbacks and others like them. Punk tends to be crappy music when it's formulaic and unimaginative, there's a lot of that because somehow people do think that you don't need talent to make a punk band (not that "talent" matters).

I'd say that the worst band right now in the world is My Chemical Romance. Really. You got to be kidding me, because I can't believe that these guys are actually selling records. But then again, people buy whatever they are told to, so...

2007-01-30, 02:52 PM
Why don't you like blues, electronica or the rap/hip-hop/r&b/soul music? Those are huge huge genres that encompass many sub genres and different artists and so on. Even blues, probably the only thing musically America is known for. You can probably chase a hella lot of music to having blues as an origin (almost all, name something and I probably can.)

And speaking of Malm-I'myournewgod-steen and his raving fan boy's and the spark that ignited a thousand people doing the same exact thing, I remember a quote from Zappa of all people (paraphrased); "A whole lot of crap is still crap. Playing it faster won't make it good."

2007-01-30, 08:17 PM
If you want fast music that's good: Misirlou. By either **** Dale or the Beach Boys.

2007-01-30, 09:35 PM
Eh. I think Green Day is overrated (Though they are good. I especially liked Good Riddance.), but they're not my most disliked band. If I had to choose, I would probably say Fallout Boy.
May I ask why you dislike Fall Out Boy? Also how many o the song have you herd? I don't know how many times people have said they hated the popular songs and been blown away by the lesser known stuff.

Fountains of Lyod I suppose.

2007-01-30, 11:30 PM
Why don't you like blues, electronica or the rap/hip-hop/r&b/soul music? Those are huge huge genres that encompass many sub genres and different artists and so on. Even blues, probably the only thing musically America is known for. You can probably chase a hella lot of music to having blues as an origin (almost all, name something and I probably can.)

It's just that doesn't interest me at all. Maybe it's me that I don't get it. You can't like everything, and I really don't know why I like or dislike the things that I do.

I know of the importance of blues as a broad musical genre. I just don't enjoy listening to it. I don't like generic music, and I guess for me blues can really be a very generic-conscious music. Besides it can fall into guitar noodling show-off excercises that I personally don't enjoy.

With that said, I do like some acts that show a blues influence. Hey, I even like Dylan!

And speaking of Malm-I'myournewgod-steen and his raving fan boy's and the spark that ignited a thousand people doing the same exact thing, I remember a quote from Zappa of all people (paraphrased); "A whole lot of crap is still crap. Playing it faster won't make it good."

I mean, virtuosism, if you can call it that, technical proficiency as its own end...I don't see a point. Personally I dream of learning the craft of a songwriter that can write the simplest songs. I don't care much for the mechanics.
It's just my opinion, of course.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-31, 01:05 AM
I think if you can write a very emotional, very technical song, you are an excellent songwriter. I personally like technical stuff, but musicality is more important. If you want a fine balance of technicality and emotion, jazz fusion is the best place too look.

I personally think metal is evolving, but you have too look deeply into the scene to find it. I do not listen too metal for the whole "rebellion" context, I listen to it because I like it. But metal is evolving- but over time. Art metal and post metal are evolutionary genres, but as I am sure Amotis will say, the majority of them sound exactly the same. Like I said, deep in the scene. Agalloch I see as an evolution, atmospheric with a lot of non-metal influences like folk and electronica. Post metal is evolutionary in the fact that it isn't just looking for technicality- atmosphere is just as important.

There is a revolution in the metal scene. But it is slow building up- and like an earthquake, will release itself quickly.

Don Julio Anejo
2007-01-31, 06:39 AM
I can't stand pretty much anything that's slow and relaxing. I don't want to fall asleep when I listen to music, I want some happy (or at least angry) emotions out of it. And I also don't like listening to it when there's no singing (instrumentals, classical). And I hate anything that's too out of beat... otherwise I'm not picky.

So no Bob Marleau (sp?), no easy listening stuff, no modern punk garage bands (the ones with teenagers screaming, cats scratching chalkboards and out of tune electrical guitars overpowering the first two sounds), no Weezer.

2007-01-31, 07:56 AM
To quote The Dude, "I've had a long day and I hate the Eagles, man."

I also really despise Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I used to like them, until after Bloodsugarsexmagic. Then they decided to start playing crap radio songs, and I decided to stop listening.

Look, Blood Sugar Sex Magic is one of the best albums ever created. It includes everything from 3 minute radio hits (really, really, really GOOD 3 minute radios hits. you can't say that cuz it is popular and played on the radio it is bad), and amazing funk-metal epics. And all of their stuff after that has included radio songs (nothing wrong with that), as well as some of the best examples of instumental and vocal mastery i have ever hear from a group still around today. stop trying to act like a martyr, saying that if its popular and played on the radio, it autimatically becomes bad. Come back to me once your own self-security goes up a few notches.

Oh, and worst band? Not including rappers like 50cent, I absolutely loath bands like Slipknot and Rammstein. Screaming?Music.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-31, 09:23 AM
I personally despise Red Hot Chilli Peppers because it is funk metal. I have never liked funk metal, and probably never will. Also, they passed up Buckethead as their lead guitarist. Are they insane? Have they heard Nottingham Lace?

2007-01-31, 11:17 AM
RHCP is the perfect example of a static band that ain't going anywhere fast. I see their similarities with Tool growing with their new albums. Both bands released this self-indulgent crap (10,000 Days and Stadium Arcadium) that failed to do anything new, anything right, or really anything at all (and a double disk album? What? Those hardly ever work...).

Sure if you like that, listen to their one album they have. There's better funk/rock bands out there anyway when you get bored of RHCP.

It's just that doesn't interest me at all. Maybe it's me that I don't get it. You can't like everything, and I really don't know why I like or dislike the things that I do.

I know of the importance of blues as a broad musical genre. I just don't enjoy listening to it. I don't like generic music, and I guess for me blues can really be a very generic-conscious music. Besides it can fall into guitar noodling show-off excercises that I personally don't enjoy.

With that said, I do like some acts that show a blues influence. Hey, I even like Dylan!

Well there are huge differences in each blues sub genre that don't always follow your grievances to blues. You're right about some (country, rural, delta blues) being simple, but that's the way it's suppose to be. Old music tends to be simple because people, average people, could learn the songs themselves because of the lack of recording/records/etc.

But you cannot deny a simple rural/delta bluesman like Robert Johnson (who's songs you know without even knowing it) who creates wonderful music. A master who any good blues guitarist knows every one of his songs.

Not all blues follow the 12 or 8 bar blues either, especially look at some of the more modern or Chicago blues. Or even Urban blues to an extent. The genre's don't always follow what people thing about them, or think what's wrong with them.

2007-01-31, 03:51 PM
Blues: It's just that I don't do genres :) No, seriously, it's the kind of stuff of which I know it's good but I'm not interested in. Like any variation o f jazz. I don't get it, but I respect it and know it's good.

RHCP on the other hand... :p

PS: I almost wrote RHP which are the initials of a totally different band that I like a lot (Red House Painters).

-Listening at the time of post: The High Llamas - Cold and Bouncy (same stuff as always, only this time is played with Stereolab's stuff :D)

2007-02-01, 08:44 PM
Hey Amotis do you know who Marzipan is? Your avatar reminds me of her.

2007-02-01, 08:48 PM
I know the food...and the homestarrunner character...but I don't really look like a broom with blond hair...

2007-02-01, 09:48 PM
Hmmm. Green Day or Placebo. I can't decide which I hate more.

I'm going with Placebo. Those annoying, whiny, nasally vocals are enough to turn anyone into an axe-murderer.

2007-02-01, 11:50 PM
Placebo is one band of which I can't understand why are they still around after the britpop scene thing died. They are one of those bland bands. I think it's because they have a strong image, maybe the kids like the androginous thing.

2007-02-02, 08:53 AM
I personally despise Red Hot Chilli Peppers because it is funk metal. I have never liked funk metal, and probably never will. Also, they passed up Buckethead as their lead guitarist. Are they insane? Have they heard Nottingham Lace?

This is not a bad reason to despise them. If you don't like their music, that's one thing. But dude: even if Buckethead is a great guitarest, does not mean that he would be great for the peppers. And plus, again, this is your oppinion.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-02-02, 09:20 AM
Well, yes it is my opinion. That is implied by the fact that I posted it.

2007-02-02, 10:52 AM
Buckethead?! Good? Huh? I'm sure back in high school when that stuff was "impressive". He was miles away from replacing Slash and never a standalone artist on his own. Probably one of the worst culprits of the fastandboring syndrome.

2007-02-02, 05:58 PM
Buckethead?! Good? Huh? I'm sure back in high school when that stuff was "impressive". He was miles away from replacing Slash and never a standalone artist on his own. Probably one of the worst culprits of the fastandboring syndrome.

You mean Slash or Buckethead?
I've never heard a single note from Buckethead, and have no problem with that. On the other hand Slash is good, though I think he's past his best years. Scott Weiland is such a loser, kinda like Midas in reverse... :s First with his second-rate grunge band and now with Velvet Revolver...Geez, stop already

2007-02-02, 08:03 PM
I mean Buckethead. Slash was cool and good. Totally had an image and his playing went right along with the pseudo-hair band rock of Guns 'N Roses.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-02-02, 11:54 PM
Eh. I appreciate the technicality of his music more than the musicality. There are some nice songs there, but I listen to him because of how technical he is. If I want to listen to something more musical (which is most of the time) I listen to Shawn Lane. Or Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

2007-02-03, 12:00 AM
His music lacks musicality? Heh, yeah I guess that's one way of putting it.

2007-02-03, 12:12 AM
Slash was cool, I mean, it's a pleasure to hear his guitar work in G'n'R. My sister was kind of a fan during their heyday and subjected me to a lot of forced listening of them. REally nice sounds coming out of his Les Paul/Marshall stuff.

Then again, the other day I saw a video of a live rendering of "November Rain" and Slash blew it through the song...Maybe he was hammered or something, which was another of his problems. People can be such a dissapointment sometimes, having such a great gift and throwing it away. Oh well, I don't really like his music that much, but he was cool.

GY!BE...I haven't heard from them since they moved the "!"

2007-02-03, 12:15 AM
You really should get back into Godspeed You! Black Emporer. I really see them only going up, music wise. Though like all post rock groups they have some shaky momements, they're a solid (and big!) group.

Yeah, you're right about the throwing away the gift thing. It's really sad to see and almost pitiful to watch.

2007-02-03, 12:18 AM
Did GY!BE release anything after Yanqui U.X.O.?

2007-02-03, 12:21 AM
(Their titles are strange...) A compliation album. Called...Song of the Silent Earth or something like that. There's also some very good bootleg's wooshing around.

I think they said their on "break" right now and though it seems like a group that big "break" means break up, I doubt it. At least...I hope they don't.

2007-02-03, 02:00 AM
... Let the anger flow.

Anyway, for the most part I hate anything in the area of country, pop music, and rap. The first one doesn't require much explanation, but the other two don't seem like they were constructed by a bunch of corporate execs one day. "Oh great, you have women everywhere, where's the talent?" "Oh, you like to sing songs about being an independent woman all the time and at the same time dress like a w****." I really just can't take those sort of bands.

However, if I were to ever pinpoint bands I REALLY don't like... Tool/A Perfect Circle, Nine Inch Nails, and Rage Against the Machine. There's something about listening to their music that makes me want to kill a puppy. It just fills me with this anger that I have to change the station if they ever come on the radio, or else I become noticeably angrier. Its extremly broad, but I think it has to do mainly with their vocals/songwriting over their instrumental talent.

2007-02-03, 10:52 AM
I can't beleive I forgot to mention the Frey! They lack any sort of songwriting talent (as seen by 'Over My Head', where he says, "Everyone knows I'm in over my head," over and over again untill I want to shoot him or the radio, although unfortunately I never seem to have a gun handy when I hear that song) And the lead singers voice is whiny and irritating, and any sort of instumentals are barely noticable.

Thus ends my rant about The Frey.

2007-02-03, 12:58 PM
However, if I were to ever pinpoint bands I REALLY don't like... Tool/A Perfect Circle, Nine Inch Nails, and Rage Against the Machine.

Oh, oh, yes!!! :smallsmile:
Rage Against The Machine! I don't really hate them, just don't like them. But their guitar player, Tom Morello (?), I think he's so overrated!!!!!!! I've heard people cite him as being great, but I think he's nothing special. He plays a lot with effects, in a gimmicky way (I mean, it's not a bad thing in itself but he's no Lee Ranaldo). He's like "I bought this wah wah yesterday and it's so cool to play with it so I'm going to record a song with it until I get tired of it". Other than that, he and the bassist almost always play in unison. All in the name of "RAWK", sure, but meh...This extends to his part in Audioslave.

Wow, this is dangerous stuff! Once you open up the hate window it streams out and it's hard to shut it off :)

2007-02-03, 01:02 PM
My most hated band is anything country. Any band whose entire genre consists of rednecks squealing "I don't know why my sister divorced me, she deserved the broken jaw after making fun of my truck!" deserves to die in a fire.

2007-02-03, 03:20 PM
Peoplepeoplepeople...I bet half the artists you guys listen to are influenced by country. Or at least the artists they listen to are.

Back when Rock and Roll was just getting starting, it was basically split into two groups. Those influnced by blues, and those influenced by country. The former was filled with people like Little Richard and people like that. The latter filled with people like Elvis and people like that. And even nowadays, people like Mick Jagger and artists still alive, state very clearly, country as a huge huge influence.

Tim Buckley rocks too.

Oh, and Artega, yeah, I hate those bands too. *pumps fist*

2007-02-03, 05:55 PM
Rap, Hip Hop, Death Metal, Thrash Metal.

I'm sorry but the first 2 are ruining our youth by not only condoning, but encouraging perversion, obesity, and corruption.

The latter 2 often have lyrics that you can't even tell, and a melody that serves to irritate the enemies of the listener more than entertain the listener himself.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-02-03, 06:36 PM
I happen to enjoy Death Metal and Thrash Metal, and I can understand the lyrics of both. Different strokes for different folks.

2007-02-03, 06:41 PM
I agree with the comment on metal. All the enjoyment I get out of listening to it is wishing I had a gun to shoot the speakers, the artist, or myself. But like SoTS said, different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

2007-02-03, 07:55 PM
It's sad how people tend to diss any music related to country. I used to be part of that before I began listening to music with a critical attitude. And I have to thank R.E.M. for opening my head/ears to that style of music (even though obviously they don't play it, it's a noticeable influence in them).

Let's clarify and separate what I think is good music an what I think is commercial crap. Commercial country music is AWFUL and deserves all the prejudices people come up with, and is also the sole responsible for people hating the genre. Let's put crap like Garth Brooks and Shania Twain and even worse stuff in this side of the poop container. I actually feel shame for those guys who appear on tv with a cowboy hat (omg) singing to shiny-produced radio-friendly beats from hell. They are not worth the strings in their expensive guitars...

Now there's a lot of good country and related music. I started listening to it when I learned that there was a running influence in alternative music (I have to explain that I put most related '(North) American roots' genres together when I speak of country, like folk, bluegrass, etc).

Like I said, R.E.M., then more explicit stuff like early Wilco, then Uncle Tupelo, the Jayhawks, Lambchop, Tarnation, Neil Young, Dylan, The Byrds, Flying Burrito Brothers, Gram Parsons, etc.

All of these artists have been influenced by the good side of country music, its real roots, ignoring the commercial trash that the genre turned into. I don't usually listen to what could be considered as "pure country" artists because I don't like genres; I tend to think that the best artists are those who trascend genres to make genuine music.

But to write off all country music as "rednecks squealing" is a too broad prejudice. It's as if someone said that all rock music is crap.

2007-02-03, 08:11 PM
Country - Rednecks squealing about stuff
Rap - Black guys talking about stuff
Rock - Rebellious white guys singing about stuff
Metal - Long haired white guys grunting about stuff
Indie - Pretencious guys wailing about stuff
Blues - Sex
Folk - Old guys telling stories about stuff
Grunge - Angry guys in plaid yelling about stuff
Pop - Girls chirping about clothes and boys
Boy Bands - Boys chirping about clothes and boys

Am I missing any?

2007-02-03, 08:24 PM
Reggae - Black people laying around and smoking weed while singing semi-religious, social stuff (at best :))

Punk - angry young talentless delinquents making noise and yelling about stuff

2007-02-03, 08:57 PM
Emo - pretentious airheads complaining about stuff nobody cares about, including the fact that nobody cares about the stuff they're complaining about.

Oi - skinheads shouting about beer and rioting.

2007-02-03, 09:12 PM
Admittedly, I am as ignorant of most music as a Tibetian monk would be (stereotyping is used in the extreme). People say "sound", "background", "technicality" and I'm like "Hey, those guys are cool".


Anyway, getting past that, I listen to any band if they have one good song. Now, I don't like Limp Bizkit, Nickelback, Linkin Park, pretty much any rapping people out there and most angsty bands. Note I say angsty, not naming any genres - I actually like Within Temptation, which may be considered "emo" by some.

I also do not exactly dislike, but simply don't enjoy, most black metal bands. Death Metal is actually cool if it doesn't make my head hurt, but not black metal. Death to black metal. Pun very intended.

2007-02-03, 10:40 PM
I'd use some form of the word "whine" in a description of Emo :p

But seriously, you see, the problem with this is when music does fall into and willingly follow genre preconceptions. I don't like "emo", but I do like music by bands like Rainer Maria, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Sunny Day Real Estate or Rites of Spring. Artists you could put the "emo" tag on, or that are related to the genre in some way. What makes a genre bad are those other artists that follow the rules of the genre, the patterns, those who adhere to what others do. Those artists rarely "get" what the style was originally about, and contribute to its dilution and distortion into a caricature of itself.

Bears With Lasers
2007-02-03, 10:51 PM
Emo: it's when you pass up sex so you can whine on your livejournal about not getting any.

I like the Indigo Girls ("Power of Two" is my and my girlfriend's "Our Song"), and I love the Dixie Chicks' "Travelin' Soldier" although nothing else by them. Country can be good.

Just not, y'know, Nashville country.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-02-03, 11:07 PM
If Blues is sex, what is Jazz? Or Fusion for that matter?

Bears With Lasers
2007-02-03, 11:11 PM
Sex while on drugs.

2007-02-04, 01:39 AM
If Blues is sex, what is Jazz? Or Fusion for that matter?

Sex while on drugs.

Hahaa, yeah that sounds about right...you guys rock.

2007-02-04, 09:58 PM
Sugar Ray makes me want to pierce my own eardrums....

2007-02-04, 11:22 PM
Easy: "The Feeling". Easy listening sub-emo tosh of the first water. I listened to them once over Xmas and still feel soiled by their sheer banality now.

Hendrix turns in his grave and the shade of Keith Moon screams whenever The Feeling are played. Having them on your iBox should be deemed a legal declaration of imbecility. They must be destroyed, their families driven from the sight of civilised people, their record company burnt down, and the site where they recorded their sappy drivellings torched and sown with salt. Only then will the earth be cleansed and the gods appeased.

I *really* do not like that band.

My most hated band is anything country. Any band whose entire genre consists of rednecks squealing "I don't know why my sister divorced me, she deserved the broken jaw after making fun of my truck!" deserves to die in a fire.

Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson. Thus do I refute you.

2007-02-06, 01:20 PM
Anything loosely connected to HipHop/Rap etc. Something like G-Unit ... does that count as a band?

2007-02-06, 01:30 PM
Just not, y'know, Nashville country.
That's probably the problem: I live in Knoxville. Non-Nashville country doesn't get within a hundred miles of here.

2007-02-06, 02:11 PM
I really like Hank Williams. I shouldn't according to my tastes. But I do.

2007-02-07, 09:44 PM
I really like Hank Williams. I shouldn't according to my tastes. But I do.

Why? What does it have that goes against your musical taste?

2007-02-07, 09:53 PM
It's too country? I was called Hillbilly back then. But then again, it's damn good music so I'm not ashamed.

2007-02-08, 09:16 PM
So I had the weirdest experience today.

I was eating lunch with my friend and his girlfriend, and I mentioned that I had Stacy's Mom stuck in my head. And then my friend paused a bit and said, "Dangit! Now I've got it stuck in my head!"

Then his girlfriend said, "So do I, but I just got a new Fallout Boy CD, so it'll stop when I get home."

Now, this is about one of the last people I would expect to like Fallout Boy, so I assume she's joking and make a comment about how Fountains of Wayne kicks Fallout Boy's as$ (Because they do. Red Dragon Tattoo is on my list of top 5 favorite songs.).

Then she says, "No, I hate Fountains of Wayne." and I realize she's actually serious.

It left me practically speechless.

2007-02-09, 07:14 AM
To me, there are 2 versions of Country Music.

The hardcore-redneck country, and the Softer country.

What I refer to as the hardcore-redneck country is always obvious as country from the 3rd note of the song, if not the 1st. Ususally it is defined by a fiddle played in the most unnatural of ways. Sometimes it is just the accent of the singer, or the odd way that nearly all country music singers sound alike.

The other brand may not be noticable as country until very late in the song, or it does not make me want to rip my ears out of my head.

Most country music artists produce both types, and some of it is actually easy to listen to, and for me, to like.

I personally like most of what Alabama, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Clint Black have made.

2007-02-09, 09:16 AM
I am solidly against rap and country. I have a really, really long diatribe against gangsta rap and how it's one of the biggest stumbling blocks to a large portion of today's youth, BUT! I'll spare you all and just say I hate them.

For music that plays on stations I will willingly listen to, I'll go with Rage Against the Machine and System of a Down. I loathe musicians and actors trying to be political, if they want to get a point across, run for an office. This isn't the 60's, you will not create a movement with music. That and I hate the vocals of both bands, they annoy the ef outta me.

2007-02-09, 10:57 AM
You what band I really hate?

We Hate Genre's Even Though They're So Wide And No Single Person Could Ever Ever File Things Into A Single Genre But Oh Well Because I've Heard Enough And I Will Stop Listening Because (See Beginning Of The Band Name), We Hate That Genre.

That single of theirs, "I Hate All Country." is bloody horrible. All it does is play the same chord over and over while some dude makes stereotypes over it.

2007-02-09, 12:01 PM
While, as a general rule, i don't enjoy jazz or country each has its merits and place, so i won't say i hate them. Like Amotis said, states like "i hate (insert genre here)" are much to broad, there is something for everyone in any genre if you look for it, its just not always worth the effort.

With that in mind, System of a Down. After i heard "Science " i pulled their CD out of my computer, collected the others i had cluttering up my music pile and threw them away. Anyone who says science is bad and turn to religion needs to take a step back and realize that, even if it is intended as tongue in cheak which i personaly doubt, they have some issues and need to resolve them. I won't go into it anymore than that, but that was the last time i listened to that band. I go so far as to leave the room if my roomates insist on living to it. It offends me that much.

Outside of that, Garth Brooks makes, to borrow from Dane Cook, the sound that makes me want to punch infants. Why is he so popular? He's the Britney Spears of country, expect that at least britney was easy on the eyes. Or i thought she was when i was younger. GL, someone needs to break that mans fingures.

2007-02-09, 12:17 PM
I dislike any band that puts less than 3 ranks into Perform (90% of all bands - true).

I find that nearly all musicians that I enjoy have some kind of tie to Classical. In fact, I think I like more classical composers than modern.

I find that all musicians that I do not enjoy have some kind of tie to The Sex Pistols or The Ramones. Or, Metallica. Or, Puff Daddy. Or, KISS. Or, older people that are not Johnny Cash. Also, I really hate those WOW composers, what the heck are they called...

...You know, the ones that aren't good at making music, or writing songs, but instead just good at moving their fingers really really fast? Yeah, those joes. They're no good in my book. I can't name them at the moment, but I dislike those people, equally and as a whole, the most.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-02-09, 08:05 PM
They are often called shredders, but not all of them are bad. Jazz fusion has the best shredders ever and they are almost all good composers.

2007-02-09, 10:08 PM
Anything with Rap in it makes my head hurt. I don't know any bands or singers to dislike particularly.

Hmm...I don't like Blink 182 nor Green Day. They are too...rebellious without much of an incentive to do so.

2007-02-09, 10:22 PM
All those faux punk bands deciding to run around. Punk died well over ten years ago. Hot Topic does NOT equal punk!

Shadow of the Sun
2007-02-09, 10:34 PM
Punk is not dead. My town has a massive punk scene- it is just that punk is not marketable so not many people get to listen to it.

2007-02-09, 10:47 PM
My Chemical Romance. They make my cousin die his hair black, wear it over his eyes, and then ask me constantly why I just can't "get" him when I really couldn't care less.

Whatever the case, those guys (who, to you emos out there, are actually just greedy non-emos in reality) totally deserve a My Chemical Overdose for their shameless, if lucrative, promotion of depression and suicide.

The more these human blackberries sing about bad relationships and suicide, the more us metalheads want to help put them out of their misery.

2007-02-10, 03:10 AM
The Sex Pistols

Worst bunch of posers to ever pose a pose. Totally constructed to cash in on the punk genre craze in England during the 70s. Rant and rave about being anti-establishment and then be totally constructed by the establishment!

2007-02-10, 11:44 AM
IMHO Pistols and all rarely got what was important about punk. Punk was born in NY, and was a philosophy and an attitude rather that a way of dressing and a particular strict way of sounding.

When it was imported to UK, it got turned into a pose and a cliche, thanks to McLaren and all, copying Richard Hell's personal look and the sound of The Ramones. Then this got copied by everyone and was perpetuated as "the punk style".
So yes, punk was distorted when it got to England, and then "that" got big because of the Pistols and the press and all.

What passes today as "punk" is nothing outside of a pose. Punk is not dead or alive. It was never meant to be an established and accepted style or genre, because its philosophy goes explicitly against established genres and styles. What an irony.

2007-02-10, 01:56 PM
Y'know, I forgot 2 major ones.

The Libertines and Babyshambles.