View Full Version : Woodling Template for Animal Companions?

2014-01-12, 07:02 PM
I was thinking of adjusting the Woodling template for a druid to have for animal companions.

It can be found here:

One thing I can see changing right off is the +7 to Nat armor. I figure to balance the Animal Companion wouldn't get the bonus Nat armor from the druid AC bonus and just the +7 or take the +7 and make it a +3.

I m thinking it will shifts the Tiers up a level like Woodling version of T1 would move to T2. However it doesn't change the HD so a Tier 2 Woodling wolf would still only be a 2HD creature. That doesn't feel on par with the usual T2 creatures.

What are your thoughts and input on this. Also how do you all think Natural bond effects this or should it be required to cancel out the +3 ecl or +2 CR increase to base.

Jeff the Green
2014-01-12, 09:11 PM
Make it require a feat and your Druid level counts as two lower than it would (cannot be made up for with Natural Bond). I wouldn't bother dropping Natural Armor, though. Also, each SLA should require a trick to get them to use since their Intelligence is still 2.

2014-01-13, 11:59 AM
With what your saying make woodling ac feat and it is -2 to druid level. So a six level druid could take one of the tier ones with template at ecl of a fourth level druid and rule natural bond dont boost template animals?

I only changed the plus seven do to it combined with druid ac bonus made for some very high ac.

2015-01-20, 05:15 PM
With what your saying make woodling ac feat and it is -2 to druid level. So a six level druid could take one of the tier ones with template at ecl of a fourth level druid and rule natural bond dont boost template animals?

I only changed the plus seven do to it combined with druid ac bonus made for some very high ac.

I wanna thank you. I made a homebrew version of the Druid that focus on getting closer and closer of transforming into a woodling ( the build can be found here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?393314-The-Wooden-Druid-(3-5) )

In this build, no more wild shape (who are too OP in my book), limited spells but you get permanent bonus as you level up and you gain the woodling Template at level 18th. This version is also to to make a lower Tiers Druid, one who is less broken and more manageable both for the Gm and for the players too.

Thanks to your thread, I saw that I overlook the AC by HD given to the Animal COmpanion. Now, I only need to find a campaign that would allow this homebrew version of the Druid :)

Have a nice day!

2015-01-20, 09:53 PM
If you just wanted a plant companion instead of trying to homebrew a woodling companion you could just use Dragon #357 p90.

2015-01-20, 11:54 PM
If you just wanted a plant companion instead of trying to homebrew a woodling companion you could just use Dragon #357 p90.

Thats interesting !!! Thats introducing new things on the table too... Thanks for the info :)

(still prefer my homebrew version though, as it make the druid less game-breaking)