View Full Version : Multiple Charges / Round

2014-01-13, 12:00 AM
Is there a way to charge more than once per round?

2014-01-13, 12:10 AM
The Belt of Battle can give you an extra full round action once a day.

2014-01-13, 12:12 AM
Not that I know of, beyond getting extra full round actions. Assuming this is for pounce, just use shadowpounce. If you rake two levels of totemist, you can acquire a move action teleport through the Blink Shirt soulmeld. after that, simply make sure you have a wand chamber of stand and make use of your three full attacks. If you want more, perhaps look into a dorje of hustle or synchronicity. If you used girallon's blessing, you could have two dorjes of hustle and still wield a two handed weapon or two separate weapons. That would give you five shadow pounce opportunities.

2014-01-13, 12:31 AM
In a sort of passive aggressive way, this is an attempt to dismantle multi-pouncing; as I don't think its RAW compatable, unless, of course, you gain an extra full-round!

I used to love shadowpounce; but the build reqs are too harsh, and I'm happy building outside of it.

At my table, for spice and flavor, we may just ban multi-pouncing and shock trooper.

2014-01-13, 01:57 AM
Not quite, but Barbarian "Streetfighter" ACF gives you the ability "Charging Cleave" - if, on a charge, you take out the opponent in the first hit, you get to continue your charge to a second, third, fourth opponent etc.. as long as you keep killing them on first hit. Goes well with an optimised ubercharger build. This same ACF also doubles your charge speed. Combine with Pounce ACF, and the Charging line of feats, and you get somewhere close.

2014-01-13, 02:17 AM
In a sort of passive aggressive way, this is an attempt to dismantle multi-pouncing; as I don't think its RAW compatable, unless, of course, you gain an extra full-round!

I used to love shadowpounce; but the build reqs are too harsh, and I'm happy building outside of it.

At my table, for spice and flavor, we may just ban multi-pouncing and shock trooper.

See, the root of your problems is that you're confusing full-round actions with full attacks. Shadowpouncing gives you a full attack. The most common way to make a full attack is with a full round action. However, if a special ability states thus, you don't need that full round action to make a full attack. If a special ability states that you may make a full attack as a standard action, then all it takes is a standard action to make that full attack. If a special ability states that you may make a full attack as a free action, or even a nonaction, then it takes only a free action or a nonaction to make that full attack.

This is actually a 2nd grader's problem. I don't mean that in a patronizing way; this is literally one of the only things I remember from 2nd grade. The difference when you say "Can I go to the bathroom?" and "May I go to the bathroom?" The answer being that you always 'can' go to the bathroom, but under many circumstances you 'may' not. Battle Jump says that you 'can' execute a charge by dropping 5 feet, but nowhere in the feat description does it say that you 'may' execute a charge whenever you drop 5 feet. It gives you the capability, but does not allow you to do so at all times. Shadow Pounce on the other hand states that upon the execution of a teleportation effect you 'may' make a full attack. That is to say it expressly gives you permission, and this is something you are able to carry through. General full attacking requirements are not needed because you are outright given permission. You are bypassing the normal rules for the full attack, because you may do it. THAT is RAW. And RAI, I feel fairly confident in saying.

2014-01-13, 10:26 AM
as to not derail. Response as new thread topic.
