View Full Version : Allowing a player of mine to be a savage Ghale

2014-01-13, 02:22 AM
So am looking at the savage progression Ghaele, level by level, it seems maybe tier 3 or high end 4. My player would like to do it, and I don't really have much worries atlest for my view point.

I would like some feedback from others, before I give my player the go ahead for the unique option .

ALSO!!!! I am aware of 3.0 and the weirdness that is savage species.

2014-01-13, 02:25 AM
Are you going to let the player break from the progression and take class levels early? This will drastically increase the power of a ghaele. Probably to an unbalanced point.

2014-01-13, 01:50 PM
They would have to be all or nothing.

The way I see them is a sort of odd mixture of Warlock/Wizard/Cleric Mystic Thuerge bit. They are high on the power curve, before you hit level 9ish it seems.