View Full Version : More Controversial RAW Questions: Battle Jump and Twisted Charge

2014-01-13, 10:42 AM
So howabout it?

Can they somehow be combined?

If I start the round 10 feet above my opponent, fly on over him, and then fall 5 feet (or more), do I activate Battle Jump and then can Pounce.

Can that PLEASE be a thing?

2014-01-13, 12:21 PM
So howabout it?

Can they somehow be combined?

If I start the round 10 feet above my opponent, fly on over him, and then fall 5 feet (or more), do I activate Battle Jump and then can Pounce.

If the horizontal part of your flight still conforms to the restrictions on charging and you have a full-round available to do it, I think this solves the "opponent must be directly below you at the start of your turn" problem that Curmudgeon brought up.

Twisted Charge will only work once per encounter, though. I thought you were using Drunken Master's Stagger?

Can that PLEASE be a thing?

I think we need to start a rules thread just for you. Maybe call it GhengisConrad Can't Have Nice Things.

2014-01-13, 12:38 PM
Twisted Charge will only work once per encounter, though. I thought you were using Drunken Master's Stagger?

Yeah, but Great Fortitude, 5 levels, dodge... it kinda hamstrings me, I'd rather do more 'interesting' things with my build.

I really really really liked my battle jump build until it got torn apart. I disagree so strongly with the ruling by which that occurred, but saying "f*** it I'll play how I want anyway" feels like cheating. Makes me feel dirty.

I think we need to start a rules thread just for you. Maybe call it GhengisConrad Can't Have Nice Things.

I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing, or if you're just trying to suggest I create fewer threads.

edit: I wonder what else I am missing on these threads that people write using white text... hrmmmmmmm......

2014-01-13, 01:31 PM
I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing, or if you're just trying to suggest I create fewer threads.

Just teasing.

I'm not sure if I have any useful advice for you at this point, other than the following:

You are making your enjoyment of the game contingent upon convincing a group of people in an internet forum to come to a mutual agreement about something that is worded ambiguously.

I do not see how anything good can come from this.

2014-01-13, 01:49 PM
You are making your enjoyment of the game contingent upon convincing a group of people in an internet forum to come to a mutual agreement about something that is worded ambiguously.

I do not see how anything good can come from this.

For me, this is what I enjoy about the game.

Don't worry. I am having a blast already.

Honing my logic and rhetoric skills, researching new and interesting ways to maximize a concept both in argument and in build choices. That's what I enjoy about the game.

Role Playing? pfffftt. Not really all that exciting. You should watch my table; mostly all we do is read the books to one another.

Love it.

I think my table may suffer collectively from some mild form of autism.