View Full Version : Things that Alter, or are Considered Charges

2014-01-13, 02:40 PM
Couldn't find one, figured I'd make one.

Please help add to the list, as I certainly am missing a bunch of stuff.

Once the list is more finishered I'll make it much more beutiful and useful as a good little reference guide!

I'm looking for things that modify the way a charge works, not just add damage or attacks to a charge (like pounce or shock trooper).


Battle Jump - UE p 42 - Must be able to select Taer Region Feats, hotly debated rules lets you execute a charge by falling from 5 feet above opponent

Mantis Leap - Sword and Fist p 7 - Needs Monk Level 7, Skills

Roof Jumper - CityScape p.62 - Needs Dodge, Mobility, Roofwalker, Skills -You do substantial damage if you deliberately leap down to attack a foe beneath you. You must drop at least 20 feet. You must roll to hit; this qualifies as a charge attack, with all relevant bonuses and penalties.

Bestial Charge - Complete Champion p.56 - Needs BAB +4, Wildshape Feature - You can gain pounce, a less restrictive Twisted Charge, or extra reach; only in Wild Shape form.

Twisted Charge - Complete Scoundrel p.90 - Skill Trick

Fleet of Foot - Complete Warrior p.99 - Run, Dex15; Can make a 90° or less turn during charge, make go at least 10 ft. after turn

Gnome Tunnel Acrobatics - Dungeonscape p.44 - Gnome, Skills,drop from a wall while climbing and land adjacent to a creature and attack. Falling damage against self to opponent.

Class Features:

Stagger - Drunken Master 2, Complete Warrior p.27 - Can Charge in almost movement pattern

Acrobatic Charge - Several Classes - Can tumble and jump and run down stairs while charging.

2014-01-13, 04:04 PM
Optimizing Power Attack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7165087) thread might help you. Also, when you say "Charge Modifiers" you might want to specify what each one does, and if it requires any specific triggers or drawbacks (such as jumping from 10 feet above, provoking attacks of opportunity, etc).

2014-01-13, 06:34 PM
That guide is really awesome and I reference it, and other guides of yours often. What I am sketching out here is actually the inverse of that guide, in that I'm trying to compile unique/different ways to execute a charge.

2014-01-13, 10:44 PM
Am I missing anything?