View Full Version : Teeny tiny ranger animal companion

2014-01-13, 04:05 PM
Howdy all :P

Another question here for my swift hunter friend (who "doesn't do the internet"). At first he wanted a horse companion but was convinced otherwise since everyone said his cool horse would get zapped or mangled, chomped or turned to glue really fast. Now he wants something small to be a scout. He wants a bird but a small tiny one, like a Chickadee. I haven't found a entry for such a bird but I'm probably just overlooking it somewhere. He's rejected any ACF that removes an animal companion save the one where he gets a spirit animal guide. The being part of nature thing is important to his character theme.

Question 1): Is there a animal entry that is like a chickadee, or is a chickadee? I tried looking it up but just got a lot of results trying to sell me bird seed

2) Is a tiny non combat scout animal worthwhile? As in, can it scout ahead and relay what it see's to him, and not get obliterated at the GM's malevolent whim?

2014-01-13, 06:10 PM
He could trade away his animal companion and instead gain a familiar, which will be a smaller, smarter animal. It won't be combat-oriented, but still can be very useful. Cityscape, but there is a web article for that.


There isn't a chickadee that I know of, but there is a hummingbird familiar, which is in Dragon 323 page 98. You get +4 to initiative as its granted ability, and it uses the stats for a thrush, which I think is in the DMG.

2014-01-13, 06:47 PM
He could trade away his animal companion and instead gain a familiar, which will be a smaller, smarter animal. It won't be combat-oriented, but still can be very useful. Cityscape, but there is a web article for that.


There isn't a chickadee that I know of, but there is a hummingbird familiar, which is in Dragon 323 page 98. You get +4 to initiative as its granted ability, and it uses the stats for a thrush, which I think is in the DMG.

This is exactly what I was going to suggest.

2014-01-13, 06:52 PM
Alternatively there's stats for a bat which is diminutive which should work fine just taking away blindsense.