View Full Version : Into the Zilders IC [PF]

2014-01-13, 06:40 PM
Your successful return from your foray against the Orc and Goblin raiders in the nearby hills have solidified you as local celebrities and have earned the favor of Averton's ruler, Duke Mikland Dermail. You have already attended three dinners with the Duke and his son, Manfield, to discuss the particulars of your journey including the slaying of a powerful Orc chieftain. It has been said that Duke Dermail is friendly toward successful adventurers, given that he himself had been one for nigh-over a decade before founding Averton.

The next few weeks are spent enjoying the fruits of your success and celebrity, including free meals and drinks at the local taverns, preferred treatment at the local shops, and the attention of merchants passing through. the cool Autumn begins to turn into a dull Winter. Averton is still a bit South, and the great river does not freeze here, but trade slows noticeably and citizens spend more time indoors.

One evening, a courier arrives to each of you, bearing Duke Dermail's seal. It is an invitation for another meeting at his manor, but his words now have the air of business and you do not expect this to be simply another friendly visit.

2014-01-13, 08:40 PM
Fidgee packs up his gear, gives his sweetheart a farewell kiss, and heads off to the meeting place. His last few weeks had been some of the happiest of his life, but he felt himself growing almost bored, almost impatient, definitely unfulfilled. He had more he needed to do. He hoped the Duke had much, MUCH more for him to attend to as he set off early in the morning...

Earn your honor back... Earn your honor back...

2014-01-13, 09:26 PM
Tessara awoke groggily at the knock on her door. She wrapped the blankets about herself to prepared to glare down anything that wasn't good news. "Yeess..." she sneered opening the door. Upon seeing the heraldry about this messengers garb through through her itchy tired eyes, she stood straighter and tried to appear more professional.
"My apologies, how may i serve his majesty?"

After clearing the formalities, and returning inside, Tessara tossed the letter on her desk and promptly fell into bed. Whatever it was could wait until sundown, she had spent all night watching the Comet "Agarius" pass and was comparing notes with the last time she had seen it.

Why can't they just Dream it to me, or maybe even Imp courier. Everything's better with magic...

2014-01-13, 10:42 PM
Grael Strongbow

He saw the courier long before the man reached his home. Not that he spent much time there. It was good to be out, away from the interminable banquets and raucous taverns. Just him, his bow, and the stars tonight.

But then his sister waved from the window of the low house at the edge of town, suspecting he'd be watching. Something has her excited. Probably have to see. Will they never tire of celebrating us? We did a job, now its done. move on. He shoulders his grandfather's bow and ambles home, in no particular hurry.

Reading the letter, This could prove interesting. Best attend promptly.

2014-01-13, 10:49 PM
Beth Weaver sits still for a moment after the messenger has departed. Then she begins dismantling the makeshift laboratory she's set up on her bedside table, capping vials and bundling herbs. She rinses out a beaker in the washbasin, wipes the table down with a wet rag, and puts her various materials away in a wooden box, its many small compartments lined with black cloth. The box goes into her capacious haversack.
She reaches deep into one of the haversack's pockets and brushes her fingers across smooth, rounded bone. It's unconscious comfort and sacrament, like a Pharasmin making her spiral or a child reaching for its mother's hand. The next moment, she's standing up, buckling on her armor.
Five minutes later she is out the door of the inn, fully outfitted, with haversack bouncing on her hip and vials clinking in easy reach from the pouches sewn in her broad belt. Beth Weaver does not believe in wasting time.

2014-01-14, 08:39 AM
Beinhil Castien

Beini had been shopping. Most of his equipment had been lost or ruined when he fell in the river fighting those orcs. He was still fuming about the expense but the new armour fit well and looked good on him. He was admiring his reflection and testing out some poses in the full length mirror that he'd got the innkeeper to put in especially when the messenger arrived, "Another dinner, perhaps a speech, eh?" he asked knowingly as he started to scan the missive.

His face fell, where was the praise, the exhortations to spend time with the nobility, the love and gratitude of a good duke? This was a business transaction, pure and simple. Oh well, perhaps they had been enjoying themselves a little too much.

There was no reason to be rude though, "My good man, please inform Duke Dermail that I will be happy to attend him at the appointed time. I shall wear my new armour as a sign of respect for a fellow adventurer." Dismissing the courtier he looked through his wardrobe one more time, "Some lace I think, just a little."

At the back of his mind he sensed the eidolon grumbling. She wanted to fight as usual and Beini had been spending all his time at parties and wine tastings. He felt her presence across the planes, it was a comfort having such a powerful guardian though there was no real need for one here. They were safe, at least for now. He pushed that nagging feeling that things were about to get a whole lot worse to the back on his mind.

After changing for the third time he went to call on the others. They may as well arrive together.

2014-01-14, 08:44 AM
Lini looks up from her dice game, as the Courier enters the inn common, and excuses herself from the table as she quickly drinks off the rest of her ale. She walks over to receive the letter and gives the courier a copper she just won at the table. Suppose this could be important better go read this in my room.

After reading the request Lini grabs the rest of her gear, just in case we have to leave right away. She takes special care to make sure her tools and collection of forge bits are safe and secure in her pack.Glancing around the room she decides that it is time to answer the duke's summons and leaves with a smile.

2014-01-14, 09:11 AM
Though it is late, all the lights are shining bright at the Ducal keep. Averton is too small a city to have a proper castle, but its walls are tall and crafted of stone, and the keep where the Duke has made his home is imposing enough for any would-be invader or raider and you can see guards keeping watch over the environs of the Duke's home.

From your dinners with the Duke, you have learned some details of his history, that he was a famous adventure from Alhurst. After a few glasses of wine Duke Mikland would repeat his story of how he slew the Black Dragon Kaartax and plundered his lair. After which, he had the idea to rule his own lands and received a royal charter from the royal prince of Povel to settle in the wild Zilderland. Despite his advancing age and prominent belly, he still would occasionally mention one day passing his titles to his son, Manfield, and journey East, beyond the Spine and into the exotic lands beyond.

(Knowledge History and Knowledge Nobility checks can be made, if desired, to know more about the history of Averton and Duke Dermail)

You arrive at the gates to Mikland's keep, flanked by two guards dressed in mail armor with boiled leather gauntlets and skullcaps. They bear a grim demeanor and bear imposing halberds in their hands. Short blades of masterwork quality are fastenend securely at their belts.

They nod as your party approaches and you the doors are opened for you. Standing just inside the door, dressed immaculately, is Duke Mikland's valet. He nods at you and beckons you to follow.

You expect him to turn right, down the hall to the parlor or dining room. However, he instead steps up the central staircase. Only once before have you ascended this staircase and that was when the Duke had asked for your assistance in dealing with the greenskin raiders. The valet stops at the door to Duke Mikland's study and beckons you inside. "The Duke is waiting."

2014-01-14, 09:29 AM
Fidgee takes a few moments to search his brain for the desired information...

Focused Trance:
Knowledge history: [roll0]
knowledge nobility: [roll1]

He also relays all the information to his fellow party members, much in the way of a tour guide reciting some long-memorized facts.

2014-01-14, 09:59 AM
Grael meets the eyes of each companion as they arrive, a silent greeting. When they are summoned up the stairs knows the significance. So, it is business. Grael gives the attendant a nod and briskly ascends the stairs.

2014-01-14, 09:59 AM
Beinhil Castien

Beini adjusts his cuffs and loosens his cloak. A cloak should have a good swing as you walk, a flourish to announce that someone of importance is in the room. He looks over at his companions, friends really. Lini's purple hair seems to spout like a flame from the top of her full plate as she clanks along beside him. She'd been spending a lot of time with him recently, since she plucked him out of the river and knocked the water from his lungs. She was one of the few people that Ommarra, the eidolon, didn't snarl at.

Fidgee's green mop of hair followed as he talked about the castle and the history of Averton. Beini barely paid attention, if it was important then Fidgee would explain it again, and again, and again. He smiled and concentrated on getting his walk just right. Too short a stride would look like a shuffle, too long could be construed as rude. He wanted to seem just short of insolent, confident but not overbearing. It was all about how you held yourself.

2014-01-14, 12:53 PM
Lini gives a smile to the guards and quickly scans their gear. I've seen it before but that doesn't mean i won't see something new. She greets each of her companions and throws in a warm smile for Beini.

She thinks nothing special of being lead upstairs and only hopes that this time she'll find ancient arms and armor on display. She listens closely to what Fidgee is saying but doesn't really retain any of it, as she is a little distracted with Beini's confident stride.

As the group reaches the study Lini decides to enter first. He may be a friend but the lady with the heavy armor should enter rooms first.

2014-01-14, 01:37 PM
FidgeeYou know that Mikland Dermail did indeed slay the dragon Kaartax, but over the years the stories told about Mikland failed to mention that he entered the dragon's lair with a party of his closest friends and that Mikland was the only survivor. Among the dead was his wife Desdalana, a cleric of Shelyn.

Wracked with remorse over his failure to save his friends and the death of his wife, Mikland plundered the dragon's treasure, taking only his and Desdalana's share and wandered East.

Mikland found a second chance when he founded Averton. Marrying a young and widowed duchess secured his charter and his noble title. However, the marriage was loveless and purely of convenience. It produced an heir, Manfield, but the young duchess died in childbirth. For the past seventeen years since his second wife's death, Mikland has not remarried.

Today, the legacy of his fallen friends stands in Averton itself. The neighborhoods are named after each of his companions and the local temple to Shelyn bears a statute that seems to resemble Desdalana more than the goddess herself. It is rumored that on every night of the full moon, Duke Mikland visits the statue and basks in the visage of his beloved in the silvery light of the moon for it is only then that he can remember her face the best.

Duke Mikland Dermail's study is large, with a comfortable velvet couch against one wall, the rest are lined with bookcases stuffed full of books and scrolls. In the center of the room is a large oak desk in front of which are two wooden chairs carved. The Duke himself, now middle-aged and bearing a sizeable paunch, is seated behind the desk, his fingers lightly carressing the careworn wrinkles of his face. Behind him, to his left, is a mannequin bearing his old armor and shield. They are meticulously cared for and those with magical affinity can feel the pulse of strong magic emanating from them. The Duke keeps his sword still belted at his side from which a similar power can be felt.

"Welcome, friends of Averton..." The Duke begins. He tosses a folded letter to whomever seats first, the wax seal broken.

"This has come from one of my vassals, Sir Thomas Blenheim, baron of Marienburg. It confirms what I had feared. Another vassal, Sir Archibald Lynch of Lynch manor, has not sent word for weeks. also, all shipments from the villages Strath and Yammel have ceased."

The Duke stands and turns his back to the party, his hands clasped behind his back. He gazes at the moon, nearly full, for a moment, before sighing and turning back to the party. "Sir Archibald was one of my most trusted barons, for he guarded an essential mountain pass through Arhade's Spine. He was always an eccentric alchemist, and his experiments have landed him in trouble before."

"I... I am requesting that you investigate the Lynch estate and the surrounding villages and try to find out what has happened. If it is something nefarious, you will be richly rewarded for dealing with it. The Lynch barony is essential to the security of Averton. the lords of Harthrond and Ecklinheim have long eyed my lands with avarice, and any weakness on our frontiers will be exploited swiftly."

"I can promise you a purse of 2,000 gp to help you outfit the expedition, as well as maps and information as best I can provide. If you succeed in dealing with any problem that is plaguing the barony, I will reward you appropriately. The Lynch barony is past Larova wood, nearly 80 miles East of Averton, situated on the Spineforth river. What say you?" He says, rolling out a map of Eastern Zilderland on the table before him ((see the OOC map))

2014-01-14, 02:28 PM
Grael doesn't need to look at the map. He knows the roads, and off the roads, of the duchy well enough. "Two days by horse, sticking to the main road. Getting there should not be difficult." Could be enemies, could be folly, could be anything. Too early to tell. "What kind of experiments have caused problems before?"

2014-01-14, 02:29 PM

Well of course we will. That should hardly even be a question. I assume this is all the information you have about the situation..? Anything else you know would invaluable.

As for the money, is that 2000 total, or per person? Because I would much MUCH prefer you keep your money, but put in some words with any local priests or crafters of powerful items that they might make or sell us some goods at production cost. If you have any of the sort under your employ, even better.

As soon as we are equipped, I believe we can leave right away. I'd very much like to get my hands on some bird feather tokens, that we might send frequent correspondence back to you to keep you informed on what's happening. Should anything happen to us, at least you'd have our last known correspondence and maybe some warning about what has happened. Do you know where I might be able to acquire some of these handy little tokens?"

Fidgee speaks quickly and with a business like manner. He seems to have readily taken in all the information and churned out a plan for action almost instanteously...

Diplo roll in case the request calls for it or something... [roll0]

2014-01-14, 02:55 PM
Responding to Grael the Duke shakes his head. "I know nothing for sure, only vague stories of a lab accident that took the life of Archibald's infant daughter, Amelia. It was soon after that his wife, Yera, threw herself from their upper balcony, killing herself. This all happened nearly two years ago, and Archibald has grown more and more reclusive since that time."

"However, I had other matters to attend to, and Yammel's lumber and copper from Strath continued to flow. I could not... could not fault a man for wanting to retreat from the world after a loss such as what he suffered. So I let the matter be. All that Sir Archibald had was his adult son, Edward. Edward was always somewhat of a misanthrope and preferred the life of an adventurer over the duties of a baron. Nevertheless, he returned home about six months ago, telling me that he had been recalled by his father to help manage the estate."

To Fidgee, The Duke says "The gold is for your entire party to purchase food, supplies, horses, what have you. I cannot promise a great reward if everything is as it should be and Sir Archibald is simply withdrawn from the world and Edward is too incompetent to manage the barony, but I keep a supply of feather tokens handy for my letters to the king..." He reaches into a side drawer of his desk and withdraws two feather tokens, handing them to Fidgee. "I can spare these, but they are expensive and for emergencies only."

Then Mikland pulls out a piece of parchent, ink, and a quill. he scribbles a quick note and then drops red wax onto the letter. Taking his signet ring, the Duke presses his seal into the wax and blows the wax dry. Satisfied, he passes the letter to Fidgee. "If you pass by the Woodcutter Lodge, outside of Yammel, you may encounter an old Ranger named Corrin. Show him this letter to prove you act with my grace and perhaps he can help you."

2014-01-14, 03:13 PM
Beth's interest is clearly piqued by the talk of alchemical experiments. "Seems fair. Get a look at his laboratory and maybe I can figure out what Lynch's been up to. Sorry -- Sir Lynch."

2014-01-14, 03:19 PM
Grael frowns. Dangerous experiments indeed. To trust a man capable of such indiscretion as to kill his own daughter? Hmf, be fortunate to not find the entire place overrun with undead abominations. "I have what I need, though we should see to horses to speed the journey. Leave at first light?" He looks to his companions for their assent.

2014-01-14, 05:07 PM
Lini nods her agreement. I wonder if i would be allowed to take a closer look at that armour upon our return. "A pony would be nice"

2014-01-14, 06:23 PM
Beinhil Castien

Beini nods at the appropriate times but says little. A trip to some distant barony to find the local ruler sobbing into his cups over his tragic life was hardly his idea of a fun time. Still, it would get them back on centre stage. They'd see the wine flowing again. What really interested him was the rise in social standing that comes with mixing with the nobility. Helping the Baron Lynch, whether it be father or son now, would be another step to nobility for Beini.

If only he could think of something suitably profound and heroic to say, "Fear not, my lord. We'll find out what's going on." Hmm, that would have to do, I suppose. Horses would be useful of course, he'd seen a wonderful chestnut mare the other day that was just outside of his means. His share of two thousand gold would cover that and leave room for a decent saddle and riding outfit too.

2014-01-14, 06:39 PM
Tessara had arrived behind the others. Presentable and awake, in her fine black leather with Haversack and staff. Listening intently and taking in everything, she gazed out the window watching the moon make its path across the sky. Her black owl, Olivander, perched himself outside the window. Tonight they did not speak.

2014-01-14, 10:42 PM
"First light suits me. Haven't got a horse yet, though."

2014-01-15, 02:42 AM
"As you know, I'm something of an expert on horses," Beinhil had spent part of his youth looking after horses on caravan trade routes but wanted to give the impression that he had been in charge of a stables or even a hunt. Despite his boast he wasn't that much of a horse expert, Ommarra knew more than he did but she made animals nervous. His skills were in caring for them and training them.

2014-01-15, 08:49 PM
"so we fetch horses and head out while there is still moonlight to be enjoyed?" Tessara says looking about the party expectantly, as Olivander flocks over, she holds him in her arms like a large doll as he is too big to rest comfortably on her shoulders.

2014-01-15, 10:26 PM
Grael bows formally to the Duke. "I believe we best call it a night so as to make arrangements and set out early. Good night."

2014-01-16, 09:07 AM
The Duke bids you goodnight and you are politely escorted out of the study by the Duke's servant. He leads you to another hall, one you had never been before. He bids you to wait outside while he slips inward, barely opening the door wide enough for himself to fit in.

After several minutes he emerges, bearing several bulging pouches, enough for each of you to receive one. Inside the pouches are the gold that the Duke promised you. "That should come to 2,000 collectively" the servant says, sniffing. He then escorts you outside.

It is now late, with the pale moon illuminating the streets of the city below. All of Averton's shops are now closed, so there isn't much point in outfitting your expedition now. Instead you retire to whereever you preferred to spend the night away and prepare for the journey ahead.

You are given a good discount at the stablery ((-20% off the price of any horse you choose to purchase)) and gather other essential supplies. By noon you have left the city and headed East down the main road. ((If there are any odd things you wanted to do before you leave, feel free to make note of it)).

The first day is uneventful, being so close to a well-maintained metropolitan center, and you are able to relax a little and enjoy the vibrancy of the Zilder plains. The road follows closely to the banks of the Spineforth river, rushing merrily West from the mountains. After only a few hours you approach the edges of Larova Wood. The road narrows slightly, forcing you to ride no wider than two at a time. It is still well-traveled and while you raise your guard, you continue to travel into the night unmolested. The first night, you reach the edge of a small forest lake and make camp. The night passes peacefully, save for some curious raccoons that enter the campsite in search of food.

The next morning you break camp and continue your journey. You emerge on the Eastern edge of the wood by midday to see the Lynch barony laid out before you. You see the manor house resting atop a hll and surrounded by both a large lake and a massive, overgrown garden. The Duke had casually mentioned before that Yera Lynch was a master alchemical botanist herself and this garden clearly shows traces of her skill. The road breaks at the entrance to the gardens and it appears to be the only way to approach the manor on foot. It is clear by the wild and uncut nature of the plants that nothing has been tended to in a very long while. You spot nobody outside though the manor is still about a mile away. In fact, you never encountered any travelers during your journey.

You can see by your map that the road will fork East to the manor, and North toward an inn. The woodcutter lodge that the Duke had mentioned is South of the manor, nearly an 8 mile trek by the road.

2014-01-16, 09:20 AM
"Well nobody is about so I say we go straight up to the manor through that garden" Lini waits to see if her companions agree with this plan.

2014-01-16, 09:24 AM
A lived-in residence would show some activity, some tending. Ominous indeed. "I fear we will find little aid here. Ought we seek the lodge, or forge ahead? I say the lodge, some there might know something of import." Grael keeps a hand on his bow, ready to dismount and draw should anything unexpected (or suspected but unpleasant, more accurately) occur.

perception 1d20+10[/roll] scanning the area for anything more unusual than untended shrubbery

2014-01-16, 10:26 AM
On the first morning after purchasing the horses Beini spends some time summoning Ommarra, the eidelon. The horses could do with spending time around the silvery feline and Beini felt safer with her nearby. A silver rune forms on his forehead, the same as the one on the eidelon's head.

On the journey itself he kept up conversation as best he could. As usual Ommarra was silent and spent her time stalking round the group. Though she stayed about 30 yards from the half elf she often slipped out of sight.

As they approach the turn off Beini gives his opinion, "It might be a good idea to learn what we can before we arrive at the manor. On the off chance that the inn keeper is lurking in his inn then he'd be the natural person to ask. If there's nobody there then we can stable the horses and walk to the manor. The inn can't be that far away, can it?"

2014-01-16, 01:35 PM
Over the trek, Tessara will have a sour look upon her face when the sun is up, and will only occasionally look out from under her broad hat. During the evenings she will be considerably more chipper and more than willing to take watch. She will also silently offer up her usual, a jug of applejack, to anyone willing to partake.

Hearing her companions suggestions, she will be unsure which is the better idea.
The ranger's lodge would be nice and informative, maybe even cozy? no, not likely. But i don't want to fall into another trap... I guess i'll just ask the trees.
"Wait a moment"
At which point Tessara will dismount and cast Whispering Lore.

i want to know if i can determine anything unnatural, malevolent, or concerning that the forest may know about the manor and it's inhabitants.

I assume i may take 10, and maybe even take 20 to figure out the answer to my question? the spell currently has a 30 minute duration.
I have +13 with the spell active, +9 otherwise.
If not [roll0]

School divination; Level cleric 2, druid 1, ranger 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 full-round action
Components V, S, M/DF (an owl’s beak)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
Upon casting this spell, you are able to gain knowledge from
the land itself. As you walk through the terrain, it whisper
information in a language you understand, though the
whispering is so rambling it is hard to distinguish useful
information. This whispering grants you a +4 insight bonus
on a single Knowledge skill type appropriate to the type of
terrain you are in. If you are within a cold, desert, forest,
jungle, mountain, plains, swamp, or water environment,
you gain the bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks. If you are
within an underground environment, you gain the bonus
on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks. If you are within
an urban environment, you gain the bonus on Knowledge
(local) checks. If you are on a plane other than the Material
Plane, you gain the bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks. If
you enter a new terrain, you lose the previous terrain’s skill
bonus and gain the new bonus.

2014-01-16, 03:15 PM
"The dwarf's right," Beth says abruptly. For most of the trip she's been quiet, either riding her docile, plodding pony or tinkering with her formulae. "Mikland said there was a ranger there who could help us, anyhow." Her gaze seems fixed on the garden ahead.

2014-01-17, 09:13 AM
The forest does not know much beyond its borders. However, it does know that nobody travels West down the road anymore. A few go East, but never come back. However, it is not aware of any malevolence that has been directed toward it save for the human settlement on its Southern border. However, it is still visited by the Rangers of the Woodcutter Lodge, who are friendly to the trees and its inhabitants. That is some comfort.

The group consensus is to try and find Corrin at the Woodcutter Lodge, so you turn left and travel nearly a mile to another fork which turns you abruptly South, circumventing the manor. As you round the manor house, you can see that it was well-defended and is impossible to approach by land, save for through the overgrown garden, better described as a thick wood comprise of green, leafy plants and very few trees. It is so thick that you cannot see through the canopy. The lake is unremarkable as far as you can tell, and the small stone bridge that crosses it is still solid. However, none of you see another person as you round the house. No movement, no servants, nothing that would indicate that the house is occupied.

To the East you can see the mountains of Arhade's Spine jutting up against the horizon, its foothills only a scant few miles East of you.

The road brances Southwest now, and traces closely with the Larova Forest. Evening approaches and you see a simple two-story tavern situation at another fork. You see two horses in the stables, and there is firelight coming from the bottom windows. A sign hangs over the door, bearing crossed woodsmen axes.

2014-01-17, 10:15 AM
"A tavern, thank all the gods, I was parched." Beinhil rides up to the tavern door and dismounts. Despite having pondered names for the horse for the last two days he's yet to decide on one. He'd toyed with naming the chestnut mare after his last dalliance but Wilhelmina was such a mouthful.

"Looks like there's room in the stable. Do you want me to make a start rubbing them down while you get the drinks in?" The half elf was often extravagant in his expenses but rarely bought a round or paid for day to day expenses if he could help it. It had gotten to be something of a joke among the party.

2014-01-17, 12:25 PM
Grael dismounts and knocks. "Travelers on the Duke's business. May we enter?"

2014-01-17, 12:38 PM
A few moments after your knocks on the door, a small panel set in the door slides open and you are greeted by grey eyes set against deep crow's feet and a furrowed brow. A few strands of grey hair hang down.

"Duke's business!? Prove it!" a voice barks. "Nobody travels through here. Haven't for nigh on a year."

2014-01-17, 12:42 PM
Lini takes her pony over to Beini and hands him the reins. "I'll make sure there is a drink waiting for you when you come in." . Lini disliked taking care of animals so she was more than happy to trade a round of drinks for not cleaning the pony.

2014-01-17, 01:09 PM
Grael produces the letter. "Here. looking for Corrin." His tone is gruff, but not hostile. He doesn't spend much time in polite company if he can help it, but should be able to relate to rangers just fine.

2014-01-17, 01:14 PM
Beini offer a wink of gratitude to Lini though he can't understand how anyone can not like animals or want to look after them. He lurks for a moment and listens to the exchange before leading the animals to the stable. "Why has nobody been around for almost a year? Is there a problem and why hasn't the Duke been informed of the details?"

2014-01-17, 01:19 PM
The tired grey eyes quickly scan the letter, widening. Without another word, the door panels slams shut. You hear a large bolt slide away and the door creaks open before you.

Standing in the doorway is an elderly half-elf dressed in mudstained and travel-worn clothing. He is wearing no visible armor, but you can clearly see two short blades fastened to his belt. "Adventurers from Averton on the Duke's business? About damn time. Come in, come in. It's late and you don't want to be outdoors after dark. I'm Corrin, proprieter of this establishment." The old man says, turning inside and leaving the door open for you.

You step into the common room of the lodge. It has a high ceiling, with multiple hunting tropies decorate the walls. There are a few wooden tables set up hear a bar. Across from the room is a blazing fire, in front of which are several easy chairs set atop a thick woolen rug. In two of the chairs you see men dressed similarly to the old man. These two are much younger and eye you suspiciously as you enter, their hands wandering close to the bows leaning against their seats.

The old man steps behind the bar and begins placing several mugs and wine glasses atop it, wiping them out with a cloth while he does so. "I suppose you will be wanting a drink?" he asks with little geniality.

2014-01-17, 01:49 PM
Lini walks to the bar with a broad smile and says "yes indeed. Ale for me and wine for the half-elf outside"

2014-01-17, 04:06 PM
Grael enters, replying to the question with a grunt and a genial nod. "Whatever you're having."

He strolls over to the younger men. "Nice bows. Name's Grael Strongbow. Good shots?"

2014-01-17, 04:08 PM
Fidgee declines.

"No alcohol for me. Information would be much more useful. And I'd prefer a clear head for what I suspect is about to be a rather unpleasant tale...

Shall we skip the niceties? We are men of action. Please be straight with us. "

2014-01-17, 04:18 PM
The two young rangers eye Grael, and the bow slung over his shoulders, clearly at odds with the sight of a dwarf bearing such equipment. "I can hit a dire rat at 100 yards..." One of the men says.

Corrin nods at Fidgee as he distributes wine and ale appropriately. "I knew it was a matter of time before Duke Mikland would get over his own sentimental biases and actually send someone to investigate... There is some foulness at the old Lynch manor. The house appears dead, but travelers have had a nasty habit of disappearing after dark since Sir Archibald became such a recluse. Losing his daughter was bad enough, but when Lady Yera hanged herself from the balcony over the main entrance I am afraid that he lost himself completely. Now the woodsmen at Yammel and the miners at Strath refuse to work because none of the shipment caravans seem to make it out. If you look, I'm sure you can find some looted and overturned carts along the road. The drivers and beasts are gone, but the material are left to rot in the ditches."

The young rangers seem to focus their attention on Corrin when he talks about the troubles pervading their home.

Corrin nods to them. "We've done what we can to keep the peace, but even we are dwindling in number. My two grandsons here and I are all that is left. We lost Duncan, Mavin, and Cyril... Stayed out too late, I suppose. They simply never returned from their outings. One by one."

2014-01-17, 04:35 PM
"Any ideas? I'd like to ask "who" we should expect to find in that house, but knowing these types of things, I feel like "what" will be more accurate.

So? What have you seen? What do you know? Rangers... I suspect you've kept your eyes out for tracks after such disappearances...

What have you found? Are we dealing with someone? Humanoids? NOT humanoids?"

2014-01-17, 04:41 PM
Beth raises a hand. "Also. The wife and daughter. What happened to them?"

2014-01-17, 04:56 PM
After taking a long drink of her Ale, Lini says "sounds like we should head up to the manor before dark and have a look around."

2014-01-17, 10:29 PM
Grael nods approvingly to the young man. "100 yards? Not bad. Not bad at all."

He strokes his beard as the conversation progresses. "Whatever is there will be foul and dangerous. Walk the roads long enough and you hear of such things. Not the same causes always, mind you, but dark doings and disappearances. I think we'll want plenty of light before going to that house."it was midday at teh manor, that was 8 miles ago. I think we wait for morning.

2014-01-18, 06:38 AM
Beinhil comes in from the stables. He slips off his riding coat and brushes it down before hanging it on a peg by the door. He take his wine from Lini with a smile and whispers, "What have I missed?" to her before taking a sip.

After she fills in the details he takes a seat and stretches his legs out in front of him. He fiddles with the lacy cuffs of his shirt and listens to the conversation before commenting, "So, do you think there's some kind of ghost causing the problems or maybe a curse? What about the son? Do you know him? What's his reputation? Good man or bad? Friends or enemies that might be out to help or hinder him?"

2014-01-18, 03:31 PM
Tessara sat in the corner of the bar and silently raised her hand for a drink. Sipping, she listened for a time.
could they have been dabbling in distasteful things?"
Thinking for a moment she looks from corrin to each of his grandchildren and asks
"what else happens in these woods?"

2014-01-21, 12:44 PM
At Beinhil's questions, Corrin shrugs his tired shoulders. "Not sure, to be honest. Whatever it is, it isn't natural. But nobody has actually witnessed what's what with the Lynch manor. Nobody that has been able to tell the tale, that is. I would put my money on something gone horribly wrong with Sir Archibald's experiments. I am a ranger, by trade, so can't speak as to what is involved in such alchemy."

At Tessara's question about the woods, Corrin says "nothing more than your typical troubles. Goblins, gnolls, the occasional giant spider nest. Up until recently it was nothing that my rangers and I could not handle. I haven't witnessed anything else but I am not ranging as deep, or as late, as I had before."

"If you are intending to explore what is going on at the house, I recommend you stay here tonight. It is getting late and it is too dangerous to go out at night."

2014-01-21, 12:52 PM
"Aye, dark favors such creatures, even when you can see through it yourself. I say we leave at first light."

2014-01-21, 12:55 PM
Corrin nods at the monk. "That would be best. If you intend to explore the manor at day break, I will be happy to provide you food and lodging tonight, on the house. Also..."

Reaching into a hidden sheathe concealed at the small of his back, Corrin withdraws an immaculately-crafted dagger of an odd metal. He sets it on the bar before him. "I can't offer much help, but perhaps you may find a use for this. I have carried it with me through my adventuring years and it has always served me well. I have yet to find a material this blade could not cut through"

Grael instantly recognizes this as an Adamantine Dagger

2014-01-21, 02:46 PM
"A fine blade indeed. We shall look after it."

2014-01-21, 03:26 PM
"Is...is it enchanted? Beinhil stares at it greedily, "I could check."

2014-01-21, 04:58 PM
"ohhh thats masterfully crafted, we'll take good care of it. Since we will be spending the night I think a few more drinks won't hurt" Lini says with a broad smile as she downs the last of her first drink.

2014-01-21, 05:18 PM
When Tessara glances over to see what people are oohing about, she leaps from her seat to get closer.
"Is that a..?" (Arcana to know if enchanted.)

2014-01-22, 04:50 AM
"So, which of us is best placed to use such a wonderful dagger?" From his avaricious look, Beinhil clearly thinks that he deserves it most.

2014-01-22, 08:49 AM
You pass the night in the warm and cozy lodge, listening to Harold sharing some old stories of his more adventurous past and drinking down his ale and eating his mutton, potatoes, and carrots.

There is only a common room for sleeping arrangements, but you are the only visitors so are able to sleep in security.

The next morning is gray. No sunlight peeks through thick clouds. The wind is from the North and chilled. Harold provides you with heavier clothes (if needed) and winter blankets, wishing you luck on you journey.

Before you leave he gives on final word of warning. "The only way to approach is manor is through Yera Lynch's garden. The lake is too exposed and open. Whatever is there would see you coming a mile away."

On horseback, the trip back up the road to the manor is quick, and before you know it you are dismounting before the garden. It's thick brush and overgrown canopy make it impossible to navigate your horses through the bush.

2014-01-22, 09:16 AM
"So who wants to volunteer to go be the distraction coming from the lake? Anybody..?" Fidgee says with a sheepish smirk.

2014-01-22, 10:21 AM
"Are you sure we need a distraction? Wouldn't it be better to stick together?" Lini answers.

2014-01-22, 10:43 AM
I would volunteer, but with the day only beginning my talents are not particularly effective."

2014-01-22, 10:51 AM
Beinhil struts up after hobbling the horses nearby so that they can't wander but can still feed themselves. He's sporting the adamantine dagger in his belt and keeps pulling his cloak back to show it off, "I doubt if we'll need a distraction. We're hardly noisy, even with Lini's armour. Let's just take our time try to move carefully."

With a flourish he removes his cloak and reserves it. The garish blue is replaced with a dark green shade that blends in a little better. At least it would if he were making an effort to hide, "Come on, let's get moving."

Stealth [roll0]

2014-01-22, 12:05 PM
"Tie the horses and hope for the best." Grael dismounts, bow in hand, keeping a steady pattern of scanning and listening for anything of interest as they move into the garden.stealth [roll0]
perception is +10
Grael can scout or we can stick together and let someone more melee-oriented take point

2014-01-22, 12:18 PM
"I've never been one to wait around"Lini replies to Beini.


2014-01-22, 01:35 PM
Beth dismounts and follows as quietly as she can, gazing around the garden with interest.

Stealth: [roll0]

To notice any unusual, magical, or otherwise plants in Yera Lynch's garden, and get an idea of their properties:
Perception: [roll1]
Knowledge (nature): [roll2]
Knowledge (arcana): [roll3]

2014-01-22, 11:41 PM
Tessara follows behind and last with a hex on her tongue, ready to be spoken.

Whenever appropriate i am taking 10/20, even if listed result is better, because i would have taken the 10/20. It is mostly DM descretion.
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1] for any runes or markings.
Knowledge (Nature) [roll2] for unusual flora, and fauna should we encounter any
Knowledge (History) [roll3] for statues or historic pieces not mentioned by npc's
Perception [roll]1d20+3 for the obvious and the less than obvious

2014-01-23, 09:00 AM
Beth, Tessara
The plants in this garden are most certainly heavily modified through alchemical infusions at the roots. You can see many such diffusion devices half-buried in the ground, throughout the garden. Many are long empty and show no sign of recent use. You don't spot any that have remaining material, however, there is some residue that Beth takes a sample of. ((Add alchemical plant residue sample to your inventory. You can examine it later, if so desired))

However, you are aware that the vines are of the deadly Assassin Vine, which preys on living travelers to provide its own fertilizer. Currently, there is no danger, but if you ever happen to encounter its root system you can expect serious trouble. The berries are perfectly edible and are known to be delicious, if you can get over the fact that living animals and even sentient humanoids are devoured by the plant.

As you enter the huge garden, you are enveloped by a canopy of odd green plants that stand nearly as tall as trees but with gigantic leaves, beds with flowers the size of dinner plates, and thorny vines thick as human hands and gorged with heavy berries that resemble wild blackberries and clusters of hand-shaped leaves spread their tendrils across almost every surface.

Bees and other insects buzz merrily about you as you enter and the air is saturated with the honeyed smell of pollen. There are large lattice garden panels supporting many of the plants, warped from long exposure to rain and neglect. They are propped up in patterns to create small walking paths through the garden, but the thick growth makes it impossible to see very far. In fact, you can now barely make out the manor house looming above the hill.

You break through a small clearing in the garden. There is an old stone fountain in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by old stone benches. Inside the fountain, something metallic glints against the rays of the sun that manage to break through the plant growth overhead, but is otherwise obscured by more of the berry-covered thorn vines.

2014-01-23, 10:16 AM
Ommarra, the eidolon, pushes aside the foliage as she prowls forward, Beinhil following close behind and thankful for the silver cat's presence once again. As they emerge into the clearing he spies the glint of something and immediately thinks of coins. Perhaps it was a kind of wishing well. Tempting as it is to move close and reach in to take a handful he stays back and waits for the others.

"What is it in the water? Can you tell?" he asks, "I'd rather not touch the water, it looks too inviting and we've been warned of the dangers. I can try to pull out whatever it is that's glistening with a spell, as long as it's light anyway." He'd used mage hand a hundred times before though he usually cast it to carry wine bottles or plates of food.

Perception [roll0] to see if I can tell what's glinting without getting too close.

2014-01-23, 11:14 AM
"Lets make sure there isn't anything more ominous here before pulling out metallic contraptions. Good eyes though. I'm going to see if I can detect any magic..."

Fidgee casts detect Magic, focusing on the fountain for three rounds before going on to so the same around the entire clearing.

2014-01-23, 11:58 AM
"Careful," Beth says, pocketing a residue sample. "Assassin vines about. Could be trouble if we reach the root system. Watch your step."

2014-01-23, 12:05 PM
"Assassin vines? Could be gear of a previous victim." Grael notches an arrow, ready in case any of the plants try anything.

2014-01-23, 12:36 PM
"Not sure assassin vines are but it sounds like danger and I'll be ready". Lini moves to take a defensive position and readies herself for an attack.

2014-01-23, 12:37 PM
Beinhil is not able to quite confirm what is in the fountain, but the fountain does seem to be where the vines are at their thickest.

2014-01-23, 12:51 PM
"Good thinking, Grael." Beinhil actually rubs his hands together a little in greed. "So, assassin vines, eh? I'm not sure what they are exactly but they sound like they attack from above." He looks up and sees if any dangling fronds or loops look dangerous at all.

"I can't see anything that looks suspicious and I'm not about to let some house plant keep me from well earned treasure either. Who's with me?"

Perception again [roll0]

2014-01-23, 01:05 PM
"i'm always in for some treasure." Lini says, with a smile. She moves closer to the fountain watching for any movement among the vines and ready to attack if they do.

Perception [roll0]

2014-01-23, 01:11 PM
As Beinhil and Lini approach the fountain, all the vines surrounding the clearing come alive. Each of you is assaulted by the creeping tendrils. A heaving mass of roots and vine convulses inside the fountain, revealing itself in its full, terrible glory.

((No surprise round, since you guys were aware of danger, so go ahead and roll initiative and post your combat actions.))

2014-01-23, 01:51 PM


Attack roots in front of me with warhammer

Attack: [roll1]
Damage(if needed): [roll2]

2014-01-23, 02:02 PM
"But we haven't even knocked on the door..."

[roll0] Initiative
i utilize Arcane Armor Training(swift) and cast Resistance on my self (standard) and shift away from vines and behind Grael (move)

2014-01-23, 05:08 PM
Grael tries to step out of reach, quickly loosing two arrows over his companions heads into the heart of the viney mass. init: [roll0]

5' trying to get out of reach if possible, flurry of bows
[roll1] w/ deadly aim
damage [roll2]

[roll3] w/ deadly aim
damage [roll4]

defensive strategist trait means never flatfooted at the start of combat

I always found it convenient to keep a table of common rolls so the DM can roll things like initiative all at once, that way we know who is before the baddies before posting.

Grael Strongbow (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=757887)
M LN Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer/Quingong), Level 3, Init +2, HP 26/26, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 16, Flat-footed 10, CMD 20, Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +7, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Str 2 Composite Longbow +1 +8 (1D8+3, 20x3)
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+2, x2)
Flurry (longbow) +7/+7 (1d8+3, )
(+2 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-01-23, 05:08 PM
Beth scrambles backward, pulling a small ceramic pot from her belt and shaking it violently. Glass shatters within it. There is a hiss when she hurls it. It tumbles end over end, trailing fire.

Initiative: [roll0]
Move out of the reach of the vines if possible (move action), then toss a bomb at the root mass in the fountain (standard).
Ranged touch attack: [roll1]
Fire damage on direct hit: [roll2]
Splash damage 5 for 5 feet around the target, Ref DC 14 for half. Using the precise bombs discovery to exclude Grael and Lini if they would otherwise be affected by the splash damage.

2014-01-23, 05:19 PM
Fidgee moves away from anything moving and tries to stay clear of any attacks.

2014-01-24, 10:43 AM
Beinhil leaps backward with a warning yell, "Tentacles! Look out, it's a monster!" Perhaps not the best warning but all he could manage at short notice. Even as he moves away the eidelon leaps over him and starts tearing at the vines, her jaws and claws more than capable of rending plant matter to shreds. "Assassin Vines? What can you tell us about assassin vines?"

"Lini, smash them, smash them all." he shouts as he unleashed a spell on the gnome. In moments she grew to be even taller than he was.

Beinhil Initiative
Move action to get out of reach of the vines
Cast Enlarge Person on Lini.
Knowledge (Nature) check [roll1] (Untrained)

If I can't get out of melee then attack with the adamantine dagger [roll]1d20+3 <== Messed up. Let me know if I need to roll this again as it was only the backup action
Damage [roll2]

Ommarra - Eidelon Initiative [roll3]
Ommarra attack Bite [roll4] for [roll5]
Claw [roll6] for [roll7]
Claw [roll8] for [roll9]
Knowledge (Nature) check [roll10] (1 rank, -2 Int penalty)

2014-01-24, 02:48 PM
1) Grael's first arrow cuts deep into the heart of the vines, but the second is deflected away.
2) Tessara casts her spell and moves to a safer position.
3) Fidgee is able to dive out of cover to a safer position.
4) Lini charges at the root system, smashing hard against it with her hammer. However, during the charge she is struck by a long thorny vine which slams against her armor with a powerful concussive force, but Lini's strong armor prevents her from taking any damage from the blow
5) Beth hurls her flaming bomb at the plant's roots. Her aim is true and the vial explodes, hurling flame all over the massive plant. However, the plant seems to completely shrug off the damage, seemingly unaffected by the explosion.
6) Beinhil is able to safely cast his spell, and suddenly there is an human-sized Lini in the clearing, smashing hard against the vine's roots (Lini is medium-sized, +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -1 Attack Rolls, -1 AC)
7) Ommarra dives hard at the roots, its bites and claws connecting savagely to the plant
8) The Assassin vine recovers well from the vicious assault, flinging it's vines next at Lini once again, this time trying to wraps its tendrils about her. Lini is not able to shake off the plant and she is now trapped by it, the thorns digging deep into any exposed flesh. ((12 damage and Lini is grappled))
Simultaneously every plant in the clearing becomes animated, assaulting the party. Every one of you is now being pulled at by these plants, which are attempting to hold you fast in place ((Everyone roll Reflex, DC 13. Failure means that you are entangled, success means you can move normally, but if you end your turn in the affected area [basically the entire clearing] you have to save again at the end of your turn. Breaking free is a move action and a Strength or Escape Artist check. The entire area also counts as difficult terrain. I recommend you roll your reflex save on OOC before making your next IC post.))

2014-01-24, 03:47 PM
Grael deftly dodges the grasping vines as he moves clear of the area. Have range, may as well use it. He turns and looses another arrow once clear.move away from the fountain, 30' move
attack [roll0] w/ deadly aim
damage [roll1]

should have had +1 more damage from PBS last round and 1 higher on each attack. Oops.

2014-01-24, 04:22 PM
Lini squirms a little as more plants entangle her, then decides to hit the plant with her warhammer

attack:+6 -2 entangled -2 grappled

damage as medium(if needed)

2014-01-24, 04:56 PM
Fidgee calls out "Yeah, fire isn't so effective against these... nor is cold. Also electricity is completely ineffective. Just hack away at it!" as he runs around the plant to help flank it with his other allies.

2014-01-24, 08:53 PM
"Got it!" Beth calls to Fidgee. She manages to avoid the vines long enough to reach into her haversack and hurl another jar at the plant's central mass.

Move action: retrieve item from handy haversack
Standard action: throw acid flask. Ranged touch attack: [roll0]. (The range increment is 10 feet, so if she's further away than that, apply appropriate penalties.) On hit: 1d6+3 acid damage, 1 splash damage within 5 feet. On miss: [roll1] for which square it lands in.
Reflex at end of turn: [roll2]

2014-01-25, 01:56 AM
With little she feels she can do in this fight, Tessara will take a full defense.

AC now 17

2014-01-25, 03:18 AM
Vines wrap around Beinhil's legs, fixing him in place. He gives a half hearted attempt to pull free but decides that he's rather stand here for a few minutes than tear his cloak and britches. "It looks like the root system is in the fountain."

Ommara continues to rip and shred the vines. She looks particularly gleeful in the destruction she's causing.

Cast Summon Monster II for a small water elemental. 1 round casting time so can't act until the next round. If the plant is dead before my initiative then I won't start the spell.

Ommarra attack Bite [roll0] for [roll1]
Claw [roll2] for [roll3]
Claw [roll4] for [roll5]

2014-01-27, 12:52 PM
Reeling from your previous assault, the assassin vine is helpless to withstand the second. It quivers and dies, its tendrils going lax and the plants in the clearing calming back down into normalcy.

Upon inspecting the fountain, you see the skeleton of an elf. Draped across its rotted chest is a shirt of mithril chain links. If the elf had any other equipment or gear, it is not present here. The rest of your explorations of the garden goes off without any further difficulty.

The walkway out of the ruined garden twists toward the lakeside manor house. It branches off into two directions, continuing you on toward the manor's front double doors, and to the North toward a smaller barracks-style building separate from the house. The manor itself has two stories, and the highly-peaked roof suggests as sizeable attic as well. Windows extensively dot the front façade. A long terrace stretches across the entire length of the front of the upper floor, and you can see three doors along it. Statues line the walkway, most are broken or defaced, but a few remain standing, particularly as the walkway approaches the manor doors.

2014-01-27, 12:55 PM
"Answers most likely in the manor, not out here pruning the hedges. Let's keep moving." Grael keeps an arrow notched, ready to draw. monks don't need no stinking armor!

2014-01-27, 02:11 PM
"Ohh Mithral, I haven't had a lot of chances to deal with Mithral, and such wonderful craftsmanship." Lini looks over the armor for long moments before absentmindedly responding to Grael. "To the manor it is."

2014-01-27, 04:20 PM
Tessara will whisper a prayer, and then absently vocalize "another mighty oak to the forest floor..."
She will then aid in extricating the mithral shirt from the fallen and like Lini will be enamored by the workmanship.
"may i?" as she gingerly tries to pull the shirt away.
Detect Magic

2014-01-27, 04:59 PM
"Save your energy... I already detected for magic all throughout this clearing and came up with nothing. Since I started on that fountain I doubt the armor has anything magical about it."

2014-01-28, 02:08 AM
"It never hurts to get a second opinion." Beinhil smiles, "If this is elven chain, it's very valuable, even if it isn't magical." He leaves Tessara to pray and looks over the defaced statues. Perhaps someone has added graffiti or some other clue that would help them while they were gleefully destroying things.

Perception [roll0]

2014-01-28, 09:13 AM
The statues themselves were composed of carved limestone. The intact pieces frequently employ armored warriors from ancient culture. They are bearded, bearing spear and shield and armored with breastplates and greaves.

2014-01-28, 10:26 AM
Fidgee stops for a few second and studies the architecture and the layout of the building from the outside, while recalling some old piece of trivia about such structures... He makes a vow to himself to do his best to prevent any other sort of mishaps from befalling his comrades.

Focused Trance [roll0] rounds
Knowledge (engineering) seems most relevant, but since all my knowledges are equal if a different one would fit better, just put that one in in place.

Anyway, [roll1] to possibly know more about the actual layout from inside the house... hidden entrances... any of that sort of thing

2014-01-28, 12:12 PM
"Unless the statue moved, I doubt it is worth that much attention. Let's keep moving."

2014-01-28, 12:31 PM
You expect there to be many rooms in this mansion, and the sizeable hill underneath would make room for a rather large underground basement or the like

As for secret entrances and exits, it is certainly possible. Probably likely. But without a more intimate exploration of the actual layout of the building, it would be impossible to simply guess the locations of such secrets.

You also feel that these statues are special. Likely enchanted. Any detect magic spell would confirm this.

2014-01-28, 03:43 PM
"Agreed." Beth picks up the chain shirt carefully. "I'll hold on to this."

2014-01-28, 03:57 PM
"Yes you'd think they'd be unimportant... I do rather believe that's the point of such things: attempting to hide greater truths from the lesser folk... My good sir, I do believe NOW is the proper time to check for hidden magic auras."

Fidgee states it all quite dickishly. He himself also casts detect magic and focuses on the statues for several rounds.

Yet another focused trance because why not know all of the things! Using this on Spellcraft [roll0]

2014-01-28, 05:11 PM

These are guardian statues. Most of them are clearly no longer functioning, their magic having long been expended or destroyed. Only the two flanking the main door stand are at full power.

Such devices are common, and frequently employ passwords to allow those who have the blessing of the house lord to freely pass.

2014-01-28, 05:34 PM
"Yes well then... Let's be smart and avoid another fight. Stay away from those statues. Lets head around and see if there's a better way to enter."

2014-01-28, 05:36 PM
Lini shuffles impatiently from foot to foot as the others study the statues. "Is there magic? or is it time to explore inside?"

2014-01-28, 08:29 PM
Beinhil casts his own detect magic spell, "Yes, there's definitely magic on those statues. Some kind of trap, probably. Want me to trip it?"

Knowledge (arcana) [roll0]
Assuming Fidgee tells us that they're constructs, what do we know about them?

2014-01-28, 09:07 PM
Grael scowls. "Do we need to break it, ignore it, or go around?"

2014-01-28, 09:20 PM
"Let's just go around. I wouldn't call it a 'trap' as much as 'the statues come to life and beat the crap out of us if we don't know the password'. I mean I guess someone could go be gutsy and a little sentimental and try muttering the fellow's dead family names at the statues to see if it works, but honestly what's the point?

These old manors typically have secret entrances and what not. Let's just avoid this front door that we know has danger and make our way around to the sides and back, and see if we can't spot a better way in."

2014-01-28, 10:20 PM
"I hope we don't find anymore thorny plants as we look for this other entrance."

2014-01-29, 09:10 AM
At the moment. All you can see is the second, smaller building off to the side. It appears to be a barracks of some kind.

2014-01-29, 12:17 PM
Grael leads the others in a circuit around the house, looking for alternate entries. perception taking 10 for +20, then taking 20 for +30 if we don't find anything the first time

2014-01-29, 12:57 PM
Fidgee follows along with everyone who is looking for clues, moving between the party casting Guidance to help everyone have a small boost to their natural skills.

"Here this should help everyone. Keep your eyes out anything suspicious..."

2014-01-29, 01:20 PM
Lini watches for attacks as the group moves around the building


2014-01-29, 04:10 PM
"I can help with that, Fidgee." Beinhil joins in the casting of Guidance too and supplements it with the occasional Detect Magic spell for good measure. His enthusiasm masks his annoyance at not thinking of it first.

2014-01-30, 11:18 AM
The only magic you can detect comes from the statues leading up to the house.

You poke and prod around the environs and are unable to locate any secret entrances or passages.

2014-01-30, 11:32 AM
"Let's go try that barracks before we move on to the main manor..." Fidgee suggests, but again not one to lead the way himself.

2014-01-30, 05:06 PM
Grael nods, keeping his bow ready as they approach the other building. He studies it carefully before approaching the door and lets the others look for signs of enchantment.

2014-01-30, 07:03 PM
Lini places herself foremost in front of the door and readies to defend her comrades should an attack come

2014-01-30, 08:23 PM
This barracks style building has fallen into even greater disrepair than the manor, being made of inferior materials. There are two doors allowing entrance, one on the south wall and another on the north part of the west. Both are locked with padlocks.

2014-01-30, 09:14 PM
"The dagger may be useful to break the locks should we be unable to open them. South is as good as either."

2014-01-31, 02:37 AM
"Dagger?" Beinhil looks confused for a moment, "Oh, the dagger. Sorry, I forgot." He draws the adamantine dagger and tries to cut the lock.

2014-01-31, 09:42 AM
The lock breaks open easily and the door creaks inward. It is apparent the latch mechanism was broken and the lock itself was all that was holding the door shut.

The room smells musty, and thick dust covers everything. There are no private rooms, but the walls are lined with cot frames. Some of them have old, tattered and rent canvas hanging from them. There are wooden chests and cabinets throughout the room, most are hanging open, others are rotted away. Only a few remain closed. Long-abandoned cobwebs hang from the ceiling and corners. You see the odd tool laying about; spades, broken broom handles, and other rusty implements scatter across this large room.

2014-01-31, 09:55 AM
Fidgee continues methodically searching everything with detect magic before advancing much further.

2014-01-31, 09:59 AM
There is no magic in this room, but your searching does turn up a small piece of parchment on which these words are hastily scrambled in charcoal.

"Oh the follies of immortality"

The word "Immortality" is underlined.

2014-01-31, 10:04 AM
"Are we looking for a trap door or something?" Beinhil asks as he half heartedly looks around, "I think we need some light."

Muttering a quick cantrip, light blossoms from the tip of the dagger, illuminating a 20 foot radius.

Cast Light on the dagger.
Perception [roll0] to look for a trap door or other exit.

2014-01-31, 10:24 AM
"I'll take a look to see if there is anything useful in these cabinets or chests" Lini says, as she start methodically moving along one side of the room then the other.

Perception for items in the chests and cabinets.

2014-01-31, 12:23 PM
Grael aids in the investigation. "That note is ominous indeed. I fear my suppositions may prove correct and we will be facing the undead."taking 10 for 20

2014-01-31, 12:40 PM
Your search of the barracks yields nothing useful. Based on the materials present, the best you can determine is this being where the household servants lived.

2014-01-31, 12:53 PM
"Immortality." Beth makes a scornful noise, but does not elaborate further. "We head up to the manor now?"

2014-01-31, 02:31 PM
"Back past the statues or keeping looking for another way in, maybe a window or something?"

2014-01-31, 02:57 PM
"I'd much rather have to climb the building and get in through the roof than walk right in the front door with those statues announcing our arrival..."

2014-01-31, 04:42 PM
"Walking statues can't be fast. Why don't we just shoot at them from a distance until we break them up?" Beinhil claps Grael on the shoulder, confident in his marksmanship. "If they get too close then Lini can just bash them to pieces." He exudes confidence

2014-01-31, 05:00 PM
"Stone has an unfortunate tendency to resist arrows. Also, attacking them may result in the same warning as passing. Rope and a window seems preferable, but then I am not wearing armor so I have less to carry."

2014-01-31, 05:21 PM
"Maybe we can just find ourselves a nice first story window for those of us in armour"

2014-02-02, 01:19 PM
"i've lived over a hundred and i'll be happy to die somewhere in my sixth century." Scoffs Tessara. "Immortality isn't something i would wish upon a friend."
She also smiles wryly as the others get their lights. She is plenty comfortable without them.

2014-02-02, 01:59 PM
(Are there 1st floor windows?)

2014-02-03, 08:56 AM
You stand outside the house, considering your options, when you hear a creaking voice whisper in your ears. "What is the legacy of the Lynch family?"

2014-02-03, 10:12 AM
Lini snaps toward where she thinks the voice came from raising her shield and hammer

2014-02-03, 11:21 AM
"Ahh," Beinhil shrieks, spinning to face the sound and fumbling with his dagger. The eidolon, Ommarra, crouches at the voice, ready to pounce.

2014-02-03, 12:04 PM
"That is what we have come to find out, as friends! Who is there?" Fidgee replies.

2014-02-03, 12:09 PM
The obvious having been stated, Grael merely seeks the source of the voice, arrow still notched.

2014-02-03, 05:03 PM
"Might be asking for a password," Beth murmurs to her companions. "You all heard it whispering?"

2014-02-03, 05:10 PM
"Only thing like a password we've heard is 'immortality'."

2014-02-03, 05:13 PM
As soon as the words "immortality" escapes Grael's lips, the voice says "welcome to Lynch Manor, honored guests." You hear rusty hinges creaking and heavy wood groaning as the front doors swing slowly inward. The two statues flanking the front entrance arrange themselves into a salute.

Peering inside, you see what appears to be an entry hall, with three doors.

2014-02-03, 06:50 PM
"For honor and undeath..." Tessara will whisper sarcasticly, raising her hand in a mock salute, and the slowly walking forward. Clearly she finds all of this distasteful.

2014-02-03, 08:54 PM
Lini smiles happily at the thought of not climbing to the roof. She then salutes the statues back and walks forward into the hall.

2014-02-04, 02:23 AM
"Um, it could be a trap." Beinhil and Ommarra edge forward with the others, ready for the statues to leap on them,

2014-02-04, 07:58 AM
"...Fine." Grael shrugs and enters with the others, eyeing the various doors inside. I say we clear the open area, then go door-to-door, starting nearest the enterance. Left first, then right. Clear the first floor, then up, then down. Generally the order of increasing danger :smallwink:

2014-02-04, 09:17 AM
"That sounds good to me. I'll go through doors first as long as we check them for traps, I fell into a pit trap once and it took three men and a rope to get me out again...Anyway what order would the rest of you come through?" Lini says getting lost in memories for a moment.

2014-02-04, 12:07 PM
"Eidolon first, as usual. As you know, I work best from a bit of distance, not that I am hopeful for such indoors."

2014-02-04, 08:51 PM
"I'll take fifth."

2014-02-04, 09:03 PM
Beth has been removing her leathers during most of this conversation; she finishes pulling on the chain shirt before speaking. "Somewhere in the middle. I'm no good healing if I can't reach any of you, but I need sightlines to anything that jumps us."

2014-02-05, 04:46 AM
"Fine, fine, I shall heroically go first, behind Ommarra, as usual." Beinhil laughs and moves to the front. "Keep an eye out, old girl, eh." He walks casually but carefully into the foyer while the eidolon looks around.

Perception from Ommarra [roll0]
Perception from Beinhil [roll1]

2014-02-05, 08:59 AM

This is the entry chamber of the house, where a host or servant may meet with their arrived guests. There is no furniture in here, but you see the same dilapidated theme that permeated the entry garden and façade of the house has penetrated indoors. Wall paint has been faded and peeled away at most places.

There is a set of double doors to the North, and doors to the East and West. The Western door is locked with a heavy iron padlock. There is a heavy, stale feel to the air.

2014-02-05, 12:01 PM
"Beth, doors are your speciality, aren't they?" Beinhil points to the door on the right. "Shall we work east to west and leave the locked room till last?"

2014-02-05, 12:18 PM
Grael grunts his assent. sounds fine, long as we have a pattern so we don't have to stop and decide a direction after every empty room

2014-02-05, 02:06 PM
"East to west sounds good to me Beini" Lini says keeping an eye, and ear, open potential danger.


2014-02-06, 02:31 AM
Seeing nobody else move towards the door, Beinhil shrugs and gives it a gentle push. If it's dark on the other side he conjures a small light to show the way and edges into the room. "One day we're going to have to bring someone with us who can check for traps."

2014-02-06, 11:59 AM

The Eastern door opens into a large closet which could easily double as a bedroom for most homes. It is mostly empty, save for a few tattered cloaks and moldy leather boots.

2014-02-06, 12:05 PM
"Unless the secret to immortality lies in footwear, We should try the next door."

2014-02-07, 01:48 AM
"Just a second," Beinhil casts a Detect Magic and checks out the rooms contents, "You never know."

I'll keep Detect Magic and Light spells going unless stated otherwise.

2014-02-07, 09:01 AM
There is no magic emanating from the closet.

2014-02-07, 05:06 PM
Beth tries the double doors to the north.

2014-02-10, 09:22 AM
Past the northern double doors.

This long hallway is lined with doors, but otherwise sits darkly. When you enter the hallway a loud piercing scream rattles through your minds, threatening to deafen you. You feel as if your heads are being compressed in a vice. As quickly as it started, the feeling passes, but leaves your ears ringing and your heads reeling.

There are two doors to the North, opposite from you and spaced five feet apart. There are also doors on the East and West end of the hall. The doors you entered from are set in the middle, and the hallway extends 15 feet to either extreme end.

2014-02-10, 12:31 PM
"Urgh, creepy." Beinhil shudders and looks around, "Let's choose the rightmost door unless we've already chosen it. Agreed?" He turns right and selects the first door on his right to open.

2014-02-10, 08:17 PM
Grael just nods, keeping his bow ready. lets just keep checking rooms, no need to wait for agreement or it will take forever.

2014-02-11, 08:42 AM
Parlor Room

This appears to be a parlor room. There is an old harpsichord in the corner, coated with thick dust. Bookshelves line the room and warped furniture lay about in no particular pattern. A massive tapestry hangs solemnly on the opposite wall, beside a fireplace. Furniture cushions and pillows are moldy and the entire room smells sickly and foul. As you prod around the room, you hear a sudden rumbling and shaking across creaky floorboards. This is soon followed by malicious shrieking as a group of misshapen creatures burst through the a door to the North.

There are four of them in total. These creatures have long, sharp teeth, and their pallid flesh is stretched tightly over their starved frames. The creature leading the charge exudes an incredibly foul stench, reeking of decay.

2014-02-11, 09:04 AM
Beinhil smiles, "I'll keep them back, hit them with arrows and spells" he announces as he begins casting. A clear and obvious enemy, this was a chance for him to show off his magical prowess.

Beinhil Initiative [roll0]
Ommarra Initiative [roll1]
Cast Grease and place it on the ground between the creatures and us.
Any that get through or round the Grease will face Ommarra.
Bite [roll2] for [roll3]
Claw [roll4] for [roll5]
Claw [roll6] for [roll7]

Any idea what these monsters are?
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll8]
Knowledge (The Planes) [roll9]
Knowledge (Untrained) [roll10]

2014-02-11, 09:43 AM
Lini smiles, "Looks like fun," and takes a step forward to ready herself for the coming baddies.

Initiative [roll0]

five foot step to move beside Ommarra
total defense: +4 AC

2014-02-11, 11:50 AM
Grael looses two shots in fluid motion.initiative [roll0]
know religion (almost certainly undead, but I won't metagame beyond that [roll1]

flurry w/ deadly aim att [roll2] (assuming PBS applies)
damage [roll3]

att [roll4] (assuming PBS applies)
perfect strike att [roll5] (take the better of the two)
damage [roll6]

Grael Strongbow (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=757887)
M LN Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer/Quingong), Level 3, Init +2, HP 26/26, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 16, Flat-footed 10, CMD 20, Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +7, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Str 2 Composite Longbow +1 +8 (1D8+3, 20x3)
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+2, x2)
Flurry (longbow) +7/+7 (1d8+3, )
(+2 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 8
Condition None

2014-02-11, 07:21 PM
Beth moves to get a clear shot and hurls a bomb at the leader.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] fire
5 splash damage 5 feet around, Reflex DC 14 for half. [roll2] for direction in case of miss.

2014-02-12, 07:51 AM
Initiative [roll0]
Knowledge religion [roll1]

Fidgee analyzes the situation quickly, reaches out and casts Air Bubble on Beinhill, and then turns and runs out the original door they came through to try to stay out of harms way.