View Full Version : Cheesiest or most interesting campaign played?

2014-01-13, 10:03 PM
I mentioned in another topic how my group and I were discussing tiers the other day and one of them has never actually tried a monk so he is neutral on it, while another swears by them, and another says they suck. So it lead to us discussing a campaign where all of us play some type of monk/other class or straight up monk.

I've heard of all-bard or all-kobold campaigns. That stuff is like a must-play apparently. But it did get me thinking, there must be a bunch of stories were you've been in a campaign or two where things are just cheesy, or weird, or just non-conventional that was played more "for the lulz" than for the d&d experience in and of itself. Wether you were a player or the DM, what are some of you most non-convetional campaigns you've been a part of? I'm not asking "cool things your DM has done". I'm asking setting as a whole :)

Gabe the Bard
2014-01-14, 12:54 AM
It wasn't a campaign exactly, just a one-shot event, but I ran a special holiday session when our group got together and our regular DM didn't have anything planned. Basically, I pulled a random map of a space ship off the internet and had all the players roll 1d6 and 1d100 to pick a random creature from the 3.5 monster manual based on the page number. The story was simple: The players were monsters that were being shipped in crates on a freighter which came under attack from space orcs. It was up to them to decided whether they would fight each other, repel the orc storm troopers and their leader, Darth Flayer (you can guess what that was), or just wander around the ship.

We had a bizarre mix of player monsters, and every time a player's monster died they just picked a new one at random. One of the players kept picking weak humanoids, so he kept trying to kill himself, until he finally picked a vampire prince which made him happy. Another player was an invisible stalker, but no one even knew she was there so she just wandered around the space ship and enjoyed the spectacle. But the best one was probably the assassin vine, whose player asked how it was even sentient when it has zero intelligence. I had some green ooze spill on the vine so it evolved and gained intelligence, and the player had a great time roleplaying a plant that was becoming self aware and struggling to reconcile its newly found sentience with its vegetable instincts. Then it stole plasma rifles from the orc storm troopers and became a gun-toting assassin vine. The player eventually wanted to switch it up to something different, but when the assassin vine tried to shoot itself, we realized it was immune to electricity (they were Dragon Star rifles, so everything has an energy type). I forget what happened to him, just that the battle ended with the vampire prince killing Darth Flayer, who was doing light saber maneuvers with his tentacles, and turning him into a vampire spawn.

2014-01-14, 02:38 AM
Epic Story

That....is definitely awesome lol. I'm guessing any similar story that anybody has played will invariably have spawned from being bored or drunk or both XD

2014-01-14, 03:19 AM
My wife DMed a "All Monks" Game in our old group.
We started on a somewhat high level.

Monk/Drunken Master
and me as Monk.

The rules were Just monks. At least half of your levels need to be monk or Monk-ish PrC's.

Due to having nearly no books for this my plan was reaching monk 10 and then going Barbarian. Charging with Flying side kick.

Big fun. Drunken master died and then came back as a Dwarven Monk/Sorcerer with some races of stone stuff.

I just remember parts of it but I know I flying side kicked a guy through an oak and late flying side kicked THROUGH! a Demon or Vampire or whatever.

Grizzled Gryphon
2014-01-14, 07:46 AM
Horribly ironic as it is, you naming this thread "cheesiest..."

I played in a 2E game where we had to defeat the horrible undead swiss cheese dragon. And before you ask, no, I don't know what the DM was on.