View Full Version : Help with making a construct.

2014-01-14, 09:38 AM
So my Sorcerer has recently gone through some advanced aging and in being faced with his own mortality has decided to build a construct and imbed his soul into it. I've never custom built a construct before, so I want to make sure I'm doing it correctly. I just used the basic Pathfinder construct creation rules as a guideline.

So his plan right now is to create a construct out of mithril to look just like him. He's a relatively high standing member of House Cannith [Eberron] so he can get use of the Creation Forges and access to most of the House's knowledge. Does this seem correct for the build?

Material costs for a medium sized mithril construct: 10,000gp
CR 6 base stats of Str 16 Dex 11 Con - Int - Wis 11 Cha 1
36 x 500 = 18,000gp
+2 Str = 5,000gp
+2 Dex = 5,000gp
DR 5/admantine for CR 1-8
+6 natural armor as normal for medium sized golems?
Construct Traits
Special Ability included in initial cost being it's appearance similar to my character.
End stats Str 18 Dex 13 Con - Int - Wis 11 Cha 1
Witih +20hp for being medium sized.

All that comes to a total cost rounded up to about 40,000gp, or a creation cost of about 25,000gp. It seems pretty low. Am I doing that correctly?

Also, any idea how much should be added onto the price for making it able to host my soul? Any help would be appreciated.