View Full Version : Skyrim Soul Gems in 3.5

2014-01-14, 12:57 PM
My wife is putting together a Skyrim-themed 3.5 game. She came up with an idea for how to use soul gems, and asked me to post her ideas here to find out issues we didn't think of.

Rather than fill soul gems by killing enemies, they are filled by destroying magic items. Filled soul gems are XP holders, and that XP is used as crafting XP, rather than make the XP come from the crafter. Petty soul gems hold enough XP to craft a +1 weapon, Lesser a +2, Common a +3, Greater a +4, and Grand a +5. (Very rare Black gems can be found that hold +6.) Only 1 item can be put into a soul gem, regardless of capacity. (So if the party has a +2 item to get rid of and only has a Common soul gem available, they can use the Common, but they can't later add another +1 item to it.) An item can be spread over multiple gems. (If they have a +2 item and only Petty gems, they can use 2 Petty gems to destroy the item.) A soul gem is destroyed when it is used for crafting, even if all the XP in the gem was not used.

If a player wishes to use the XP from a gem, they can take it to a crafter (court wizard, wizard at the College of Winterhold, or any other crafting wizard* they know) and pay the gold crafting cost (plus a small mark-up). If the party has a crafter, then the crafter can use the gem and the player getting the item pays the gold cost.

*I use the term "Wizard" because it is thematic for Skyrim. The crafter could be any class.

2014-01-14, 01:07 PM
That could come out to quite a lot of XP, though I don't remember the rules, and I'm too lazy to look them up.

I assume you could split costs between a gem and your own experience, in case you want to craft anything that isn't a magic weapon, and that you could use multiple gems for stronger weapons?

Also important: You probably shouldn't get full experience value from destroyed items. Half or three quarters might be more appropriate.

Also, woo, Skyrim!

2014-01-14, 03:48 PM
I like the idea, though this might belong in the house rules portion of the forum.
It creates a sort of Magic-Mart type setting, with a bit justification. Find a +3 Sword of Fire, but you need a +1 Keen Aptitude Dagger of Fire? Grab a soul gem, a little gold, and a crafter.
It does step a bit on the Artificer's toes, in that this is essentially one of the Artificer's class features, but then again, it's an item so it may also be fine.