View Full Version : Deathwatch - The Space Hulk IC

2014-01-15, 10:08 AM
At an undisclosed location, the Strikecruiser 'Eternal Crusade' was orbiting the floating mass of a Space-Hulk.

Thunderhawk inbound to the Space Hulk, Minutes before touchdown on Hulk at entrypoint.

"Brothers, your mission is to Recon the outer tip of the space hulk. Hull Type have been indentified as Unsanctified 'Raider' Class, Non-imperial. It is imparative that you seal off all access-points that leads deeper into the hulk itself.
Interference with Auger-scans have limited all attempts to create maps of the Foothold-area. Information from the scans have lead to only partial mapping of rooms and hallways.
The Previous Kill-Team have not returned or reported back for 3 hours and 25 minutes, It is of high priority that their fate be determined. If they are still alive, aid their return however you can. If they have fallen, the return of their gene-seed is of primary concern."

Primary Objective:
Reconnaissance and establishment of foothold into the hulk (scout all of the Raider). Refrain from venturing deeper into the hulk.

Secondary Objectives:
Seal off all entry-points to the Foothold.
Discover the Fate of the Missing Kill-Team.

Tertiary Objectives:
Safe Return of Missing Kill-Team/Their Gene-Seeds.
Recovery of Ship's log and any information on the Raider and crew.
Exterminate any Non-imperial Lifeforms.
Recovery/Securing any valuable Technology.
Re-ignition of Ship's Reactors if power is down.
Fully map out the Foothold (Raider).

"You have your orders, The Emperor Protects!"

2014-01-16, 06:55 AM
Farsen sat in his place, the blade of his chapter held in both hands, point against the deck of the Thunderhawk between his legs. The man was muttering softly, "O most high and holy Emperor, I see your light and feel your presence. Keep me safe from the void and vacuum, and see me home to the glory fields of war."

Once it was finished, he tapped the tip of his blade against the decking, nodding his head slightly. Augmented, enhanced, and proven in battle, he still kept his faith, as many of his Battle-Brothers back home did. They were the arm of the Emperor, it was his might that made them powerful, and to forget that and trust only in yourself was surely the path to failure and damnation, becoming like those fell marines he had faced before coming here.

He placed his blade back in it's harness, ready for battle but out of the way, his eyes scanning over towards his new brothers, gathered from strange organizations across the galaxy. He would have loved to have Trejan, or Darius at his side for this mission. Instead he had strange people bearing the marks tainted, suspicious chapter, or one he didn't recognize... or the ones lacking in their faith. If he was a weaker man he might have shuddered, knowing he was the last bastion of righteousness within this team.

"We go with the Emperor today, and by his guidance we shall return, draped in victory," he said to the other members of his Kill Team. His voice was strong, and draped in his armor from the Great Crusade, and the most trying of times, where the Emperor gave his full measure for mankind, he might have looked like a much more certain leader than he felt at the time.

"Opposition surely awaits us. Remember to move quickly, and bring down the Emperor's Justice with swiftness. In the confines of a ship, speed and power grant more victories than preparedness and protections. We do not wish to give an enemy time to dig in. Should you spy a hostile, immediately call it in. If they are preparing to rebuke us, lead the assault, alone if you must, to keep them scattered and disorganized."

2014-01-16, 10:33 AM
Hyrion's white diagnoster helm lay in front of him as he prayed the oath alongside the rest of the Kill-Team. His left hand rested atop his Narthecium. Hyrion thought it unlikely they would find anything more of their brothers than their gene-seed, and he prayed they found that much. Power Armor most chapters could stand to lose, but geneseed... geneseed was irreplaceable. And the Narthecium was a grim reminder of Hyrion's duty to the Kill-Team.

The Blood Raven looked up at the Valkyrie as he said his last. "Well spoken brother, but I ask all of you to avoid solitary charges down wide, twisting corridors, if at all possible."

He smiles, "Those usually end with me putting you back together."

2014-01-16, 01:40 PM
"An ounce of courage saves a pound of cure, brother," Farsen replied without missing a beat. There was the sound of a deep, soft laugh from within his belly, ending in a long, slow and satisfied sigh. He looked over his so far silent brothers, uncertain of where they stood yet.

"Promise to put me back together quickly, and let me get back to the fighting as soon as possible. Until this cutter is cleared, there can be no rest."

"Two hours... I believe we can clear it in two hours. Faith and fury my brothers."

Toxic Mind
2014-01-16, 02:12 PM
Uriel's head was unbowed, but his eyes were closed and his force staff held at attention, a fact obvious to his brothers due to his lack of a helmet. It sat next to him, but Uriel preferred to see the world through his own eyes whenever possible. The mark of sanctioning shown upon his forehead, a sign that despite his connection to the warp, he was untainted by its energies. The emperor protects. Uriel said at the end of the prayer. The Apothecary's remark heartened him. It was always good to have a brother who cared for the safety of his team more than glory.

Uriel turned to his brothers. We know not what terrors of the void may assail us today, but know that I will do my all to bring glory to the Emperor this day, and to destroy his foes. he paused. Should you hear my voice in your head, you will know the truth from the lie, no matter what the speaker pretends, for all that I do is for the "glory of the hunt". If you can trust nothing else, trust in that. No agent of chaos or daemon of the warp will know such a phrase, for I will take its' secret to my death, as many of my brothers have before me.

My mind will be faster and more accurate than any communication array, for the only thing that can stop it is distance, or death. But I would never touch your minds, even in such a small way, without your permission. Do I have it? This code was one Uriel had imposed upon himself, to never violate the sanctity of the mind of a BattleBrother without permission, or absolute need. He was, however, merciless to the minds of others, as befitting one of the Emperor's Angels of Death.

2014-01-16, 02:27 PM
"Two hours," Hyrion's smile widened, "It's a challenge then."

Then the Chaos Hunter spoke, "You have mine, brother." He said without hesitation, while other chapters may look on Librarians with suspicion, the Blood Ravens incorporated them in almost all of their engagements. And the touch of another upon his mind was no strange sensation for Hyrion.

2014-01-16, 02:42 PM
If his helmet was off, there would have been visible quite the odd expression on Farsen's face as he heard the offer of the Librarian, and the quick acceptance of the suspicious chapter Battle-Brother. In the end he took a deep, steadying breath, "If there is no other way, then it may be done," Farsen hedged, not willing to let the mutant have free access to his mind, nor willing to let the man die if he happened to be out of Vox Link range.

As much as the Blood Ravens used the mutants, the Valkyries avoided them. Oh, they were familiar with the sanctioned mutants, the Navigators, the Astropaths bound to the will of the Emperor. They even had few librarians who studied the ways of the Immaterium and advised the chapter on the dangers of the realm beyond. But he had never served besides one before. And there was a bit of... unease... about fighting alongside a Battle-Brother who had more in common with the heretical sorcerers and witches of his usual enemies than the noble purity of Man.

"Two hours. Keep moving, hesitate not, and we shall make the mark. Anything less is a mark of shame. You do have prior experience clearing hostile vessels, yes?"

Red Moldova
2014-01-16, 05:19 PM
Valens stands silent communing with the machine spirits in his equipment, seeking their aid in the coming battles and reaffirming his faith in the Omnissiah.

2014-01-16, 05:51 PM
"Brothers, seal on helmets, we are about to touch down on the Hulk." the pilot informed you and a few seconds later, a heavy justle and the sound of the thunderhawk's engines slowing their roar to a humming.

"Good luck my Brother, the emperor protects. When extraction is needed, call over the vox and we will return here for pickup." the pilot said and, after everyone had sealed up their armour, the thunderhawk rearhatch opened and outside was totally empty void, with the sight of the hulk itself just at the edge of the field of view.

You have all landed directly next to the maintenance void-hatch, which would be found 'beneath' you, as you would be standing on the side of what had once been a 'small' Raider.

2014-01-16, 06:20 PM
Hyrion was about to answer Farsen, when the Thunderhawk's internal vox crackled to life.

Hyrion quickly retrieved and sealed his Diagnoster Helm. Fully sealed, he waited for the Thunderhawk door to open. As the Thunderhawk opened to the void, he stepped out holding his bolter at the ready. His magboots clanking down with a solid thump audible only within the armor.

He held his bolter at the ready, and stepped beside the maintenance hatch.

He turned on the vox. "Would anyone care to hazard a guess as to what we will come across?"

Red Moldova
2014-01-17, 03:28 AM
Hyrion was about to answer Farsen, when the Thunderhawk's internal vox crackled to life.

Hyrion quickly retrieved and sealed his Diagnoster Helm. Fully sealed, he waited for the Thunderhawk door to open. As the Thunderhawk opened to the void, he stepped out holding his bolter at the ready. His magboots clanking down with a solid thump audible only within the armor.

He held his bolter at the ready, and stepped beside the maintenance hatch.

He turned on the vox. "Would anyone care to hazard a guess as to what we will come across?"

"It's hard to say, space hulks drift in space, entering and leaving the warp at random. There could be almost anything on that wreck."

Valens stands opposite Hyrion, waiting for Farsen's call to move forward.

2014-01-17, 05:23 AM
"My call is on the pointy eared xenos, myself," Farsen chimed in. He was a bit more showy on his disembarking from the Thunderhawk, used to null gravity, by leaping off the inside of the thunderhawk's deck, bouncing off with a push from the ceiling of its transport compartment, and landing in a crouch on the hull of the raider, magsoles clicking on and holding his feet down rather than sending him bouncing off into the void. The maneuver wasn't just about 'showing off', but also getting him acclimatized to the null gravity environment and the strange positions he might have ended up in. It was coming back to him like falling off a Grox.

"Valens, please commune with the machine spirits to open this hatch. Combat breaching protocols to follow, go in hard and fast, just in case there is someone on the other side." Farsen got his bolter at the ready, not sure what engagement range might exist on the other side of the hatch, and wanting to be prepared for it. "I'll take point, if there are no objections, then Hyrion, Uriel, and Valens covering the rear. The Emperor's Light guide us."

2014-01-17, 07:25 AM
To open the void-lock, I want either a +0 Tech-use test, or a -40 Strength if attempting to brute-force the door open.

There doesn't seem to be any power at all running to the void-lock itself, so some kind of hard-wiring to the panel would be needed if you want the door powered.

Red Moldova
2014-01-17, 08:12 AM
Valens moves closer to the door, approaching its access panel. After inserting a finger probe into a port he says "It appears as though the door has no power, though I may be able to activate the lock's manual override."

RollsOpen Door: Tech Use [roll0] vs 58

2014-01-17, 09:10 AM
The magnetic lock releases and the doors slowly grinds open. there would have been major screeching noises, if it hadn't been for the fact that there wasn't any air at all. Inside the void-lock was the cycling chamber, which appeared to activate, stuttering and most likely only on reserve power.

After entering the Hulk, through the void-lock, There's deadly quiet, artefical gravity appears offline though through suit read-outs, you find that the air appears to be highly oxygen-deprevated, meaning that it is unbreathable, even to the Astartes.

As far as mapping goes, you only have a vague set-up of the Raider, though you do have basic direction for the primary objective and the secondary objective of sealing off entry to the rest of the hulk.

If you all want to deviate from direct paths (to find places like, the bridge or the enginarium), then I'll be needing a +0 Navigation (Surface) Test, or a -20 Logic Test.

or in case of our Librarian, any kind of divination psychic power that you think can do the trick:smallwink:

2014-01-17, 09:29 AM
Hyrion scans the hallway they find themselves in, "Where to first? I would suggest we get Brother Valens to some sort of internal Augury array so we do not walk as the blind do."

And perhaps discover the location of our brother Kill-Team.

2014-01-17, 09:46 AM
"Engineering, followed by Auxiliary Control then," Farsen offered, "We will likely need to power systems in order to get systems working. The Auxiliary Control would be reinforced, likely to have avoided serious damage, will have the controls we need for Augurs, and perhaps data-files on the ship. Once scans are completed we go for the lock down, ASAP. I will not abide whatever filth is in the rest of this hulk invading our foothold. Once we are secure, we clear it deck by deck."

Farsen looked to the others as he waited for the void-lock to cycle, standing with his Battle-Brothers. He kept his grip on his bolter, loose and comfortable, waiting for additional suggestions or comments before they were committed to action and released by the corrupted and damaged machine spirits of the ship.

Toxic Mind
2014-01-17, 01:49 PM
His face now hidden behind the black metal of his helmet, Uriel slipped through the void lock. Engineering would be the most logical course of action, as restoring power may provide us access to sealing bulkheads to better reinforce our foothold. Uriel said nothing further. The Chaos Hunters had focused only on the combat aspect of Librarians, and his skill with divination showed the lack. Choosing not to orient himself with a direction, which might limit his thinking in engagements, he latched his mag boots to the nearest surface, which, judging by the now inoperative light bars, used to be the ceiling.

Red Moldova
2014-01-17, 01:59 PM
Valens mentally activates his implants, scanning the nearby hallways for danger.

Auger Array: Tech-Use [roll0] vs 58

2014-01-17, 02:47 PM
Red Moldova

Your Auger-searching gives you cleared paths to follow.
you get 4 clear pathways to follow. 2 of them appears to lead towards the front (aka. the bottom, where the ship meshes into the rest of the hulk). one leads back towards the rear of the ship (most likely the enginarium and such is found in that direction as well). The last one leads towards what COULD be the bridge, though you're not certain, since you can only reach out with your auger-array so far.

Red Moldova
2014-01-17, 03:30 PM
Red Moldova

Your Auger-searching gives you cleared paths to follow.
you get 4 clear pathways to follow. 2 of them appears to lead towards the front (aka. the bottom, where the ship meshes into the rest of the hulk). one leads back towards the rear of the ship (most likely the enginarium and such is found in that direction as well). The last one leads towards what COULD be the bridge, though you're not certain, since you can only reach out with your auger-array so far.

Valens withdraws a cartograph from his equipment cache. Plugging into it with his finger probe, he uses its small holo-projector to display the results of his augury. Communing with the machine spirit within the cartograph, he asks it to highlight the four paths known to Valens. "The spirits have shown me four clear paths, two of them appear to lead further into the Hulk, one towards the rear of the ship where the Enginarium is most likely to be, and a fourth path that will probably lead towards the Bridge, though my instruments are not sensitive enough to know for sure."

2014-01-17, 04:10 PM
Hyrion nods, and gives his bolter one last check.

"Then our course is set."

He nods to Farsen, "At your word."

2014-01-17, 04:43 PM
This time Farsen switched, from Bolter to Shotgun, knowing that in the close quarters (If in fact the path is and not long open corridors... otherwise, ignore), that the weapon would serve him much better than the Bolter would. He waited for the Voidlock to finish cycling, inching towards the door further into the hulk, "Keep your spacing, no lucky mishap shall hit more than one member of the team, maintain visual contact as much as possible, call out any contacts." Basic perhaps, but it still bore mentioning and hardly hurt to remind those brothers who might have been rusty on such scenarios.

"Same order as before, let us move out." As the voidlock door opened, Farsen went for a quick storm breeching, sweeping the corridor as he moved forward. He didn't want to plod along and let... whatever was in here, home in and box them in. Not breaking his stride, he made for the Engineering Corridor, his weapon and his eyes constantly scanning for strange contacts and possible hazards.

Red Moldova
2014-01-18, 04:47 AM
Valens waits a moment, stowing his cartograph before taking up his position in the rear, raising his bolted he scans the derilict's halls for any signs of movement.

2014-01-18, 11:12 AM
An eerie silence hangs in the (oxygen-depleted) air, only the hollow 'twunk, twunk' of Your magboots hitting the floor echoes down the dead hallways. It would have been completely dark, had it not been for Your helmet's Dark-sight vision. Dust, ancient dust, hangs in the air, undisturbed for a very very long time it would appear. The walls appear slightly warped and twisted, as well as the odd scratches here and dents there.
As the four of you rounds a corner, you are met by a huge sealed bulkhead door, as well as two splitting corridors, going to each their own side, one left, one right. According to the Auger-scan earlier, The path through this bulk-head would have been the direct path.

The control node for the bulkhead appears..... missing. like someone, or something, have brutally removed the whole panel, either destroying it or looting it for some other purpose. So it would be nigh impossible to open it now.

The odd rumbling noise and strange hissing sounds could be heard some times, though the was impossible to locate the direction that it was originating from.

Where will you go now?

No Auger-scan is possible at the moment, since last scan still is in effect, both the left and right would appear to snake around the direct pathway and meet up again some way forward. at least that's what the pattern would suggest.

If you want to try and force your way directly through the Bulk-head door, You'd need to succeed on a -60 Tech-Use Test, though scans cannot give any read-outs of what's on the inside the bulk-head, though chances are that there's an identical panel to the one that's missing, so it would be possible that one the way back, you could take the direct route.

I'd also like a -20 Awareness Test from everyone, as well as a -20 Scholastic Lore (Legend).

2014-01-18, 01:44 PM
I can't test Scholastic Lore (Legend) as that is an Advanced Skill I do not have. However, awareness:

[roll0] vs 36 Awareness, +10 for Autosenses if it is sight or hearing based, -20 for Conditional Screw for a total of 26.

Well, so much for mapping, as an emergency bulkhead seemed to have suddenly been dropped in the middle of their way. Farsen looked to his Battle-Brothers, "Give me options," he asked of them, wanting to hear whatever little tidbits that his brother marines might have towards this problem before choosing a path for the team.

"As I see it, there are two obvious factors here. The deliberate sabotage suggests either it was done by the original occupants, meaning hostile and heretical forces may be behind this bulkhead, and should be purged in the name of the Emperor, or that our brothers who walked before us had deliberately sealed the doorway."

"Either way, it means something is behind it that we are either tasked to face down in the name of the Emperor, or that we find something valuable, be it clues towards the source of this foul hulk, or our fellow Battle-Brothers."

Red Moldova
2014-01-18, 02:08 PM
I can't test Scholastic Lore (Legend) as that is an Advanced Skill I do not have. However, awareness:

[roll0] vs 36 Awareness, +10 for Autosenses if it is sight or hearing based, -20 for Conditional Screw for a total of 26.

Well, so much for mapping, as an emergency bulkhead seemed to have suddenly been dropped in the middle of their way. Farsen looked to his Battle-Brothers, "Give me options," he asked of them, wanting to hear whatever little tidbits that his brother marines might have towards this problem before choosing a path for the team.

"I believe that I have enough explosives on me to blast it open, though that would probably alert whatever creatures have taken up residence here to our presence."

Toxic Mind
2014-01-18, 04:35 PM
Uriel stood, examining each of the passages, as well as the bulkhead. Was there intent to this blockage, or simple bad luck, he thought to himself. We should be careful with any explosives unless we can be sure they will avoid harming any useful information or hindering us in the future.

Can't Make Scholastic Legend - No training

Awareness: [roll0] vs 34 Perception (44 Per +10 for Autosenses -20 for difficulty)

2014-01-18, 05:15 PM
"I am afraid I can offer nothing more insightful than what Valens already has."

Okay, since it's sight based I think I'm rolling against a 48 with a Perception of 48 base, heightened senses, and auto senses.

2014-01-18, 05:51 PM
Those that succeeded the Awareness

The Bulk-head itself doesn't appear to have been touched for a really long time. even the dust on your way to this spot didn't seem disturbed either. So far you've seen no signs as to where the previous kill-team's previous locations. only dark hallways and a lack of space to move around much. not even emergency lighting is on anymore.

something small and cylinder-shaped was floating in the zero-G, coming up from the path to the left, floating along a tiny draft of air. it appears to be an undetonated bolt-round, Astartes-weapon sized. your instincts immediately tells you to NOT touch it, since it might still detonate at the smallest disturbance.

2014-01-18, 06:03 PM
"Incoming ordinance, live round, left" Farsen warned as he, and seemingly he alone, actually spotted the incoming bolter shell, and stepped out of it's trajectory, nice and calm. No bothering to sit around, pondering the significance and if he should allow it to hit him in the face.

With that said, he keyed up his Vox-Unit, the larger one he requisitioned, the one meant to cover planetary scales, "Farsen Hijaar, Imperial Valkyries," he identified as he sent a message back to the ships outside the hulk, knowing that his call likely was being routed to some Inquisitorial flunky, or perhaps a junior officer aboard the ship that carried them here. "Request status on the Warp Transition of the Hulk, has it been recorded as drifting into the Immaterium since being boarded by the last team?"

He waited for a reply, as his mind did bother to ponder the mystery of the live round drifting along. "Likely our brothers are this way," he said to his Kill-Team, nodding slightly as he spoke. He had his shotgun ready, "They may have found a way to the Enginorium*. Come, our duty is clear." He was, unless someone screamed out "For the love of the Emperor, no!" ready to go charging off after the source of the mysterious shell, and the potential discovery of the prior Kill-Team.

*(... I hate the faux latin and always screw it up...)

2014-01-18, 06:49 PM
Hyrion took a step back when he finally spotted the shell drifting for his head. He'd been so focused on the door that he had forgotten to remain aware of his surroundings. Now safely out of the way, he nodded,


Allowing Farsen to retake the lead, Hryion followed, trying to keep his eyes open this time.

Red Moldova
2014-01-18, 10:02 PM
Valens proceeds, keeping his eyes on empty hall behind them as moves.

Awareness[roll0] vs 62 +20 (if hearing or seeing)

Toxic Mind
2014-01-19, 02:48 AM
Good thing someone was paying enough attention to see the shell. Even just drifting, it could have done serious damage, Uriel thought to himself. He followed the rest of the kill team.

2014-01-19, 01:13 PM
A jarbled noise was the only thing to be heard from the Vox-caster, the thick void-safe walls of the ship was blocking communication outside the ship... at least the kind you can get from a simple vox-caster.

The dark hallways where just as eerie and empty looking as the last hallway, and the one before that one, etc. here or there a gothic figure from the wall would be missing, like the entire thing had be cut away with a surgeon's precision, leaving hollow imprints of some odd shape that made no reasonable sense. The only thing that hinted at what the figurines themselves might have been was found on the opposite wall or next to the hollow imprint, big statues (about the size of You lot), with wings and a snarling face. A Gargoyle, an imperial thing... what on Terra would imperial Gargoyles be doing on a presumed-heretical Raider. and they weren't of low-class standings either. They looked expertly build.

As you all reach the next turn and enters a circular nexus-point with different consoles and machinery that'd make a Tech-Priest experience something near ecstasy. it wasn't easy for anyone to understand what all the different ports, switches, valves and vista screens would do, but the most prominent one would be 'Do Not Touch'.

As you all cross the center of the room something strange suddenly happens, a burst of electromagnetic pulses blasts over the entire room, shorting out your suits, leaving the lot of you suddenly stranded and and without any chance to move. everything is dark and even the life-support systems in the suits have gone offline.
That is when you all hear it. Hollow, and muffled by your helmets: A hissing sounds and something clawed approaching the 4 near-helpless space marines

Suddenly all hell breaks loose around you all, heavy movements from the sides and a strange noise of something ripping itself free. Horrible screams insues, sounds of close-quarters combat rings through the hulk. a heavy thump signaled the end to the whole deal.

a few seconds later, after more dragging sounds and more noises of something like stone-against-stone.... Then your suits reboot and come back online, first lifesupport, then all secondary systems, including sight and better hearing.

The room is just as empty as before. dark, haunting and gravity-missing. Only the greenish yellow squish-mark on the floor near the exit-point shows signs of something that have happened. nothing else. it's like a... bloodstain or some sort... although it only appears to be a light and thin spray.

2014-01-19, 05:33 PM
No panic, just a seething undercurrent of anger bubbling inside him. An enemy, a unknown benefactor currying favors in secret. All of this stunk to the Golden Throne, and it wasn't the sort of game that he was going to play again. He took up a quick scan of the area, making sure that nothing else had been left behind, live ordinance, or another one of their little creatures. His left hand came up, taking the Pict-Recorder from his shoulder, and handing it over to the Tech-Marine, "can you recover any footage from the event? I want to know what happened." Perhaps if it was a targeted sabotage of some sort, they overlooked the seemingly innocuous recorder in favor of targeting the more dangerous armor.

He then looked towards the Librarian, "I do not trust in odd occurrences. Can you sense the presence of witchcraft here?"

And finally, the Apothecary, "Can you identify what creature may have been wounded here, or at least tell us anything by the foul taint it has left behind?"

While they were doing, or deciding it was a poor idea, Farsen was keeping watch. He was open to discussion, forming his orders in questions so the experienced marines could add their own point of view, knowing well of his own limitations in these situations.

Toxic Mind
2014-01-19, 06:15 PM
Nor do I, Brother. Uriel answered. The rage in his voice was obvious. Uriel did not like feeling helpless. If there is some lingering presence of witchcraft, I will find it.

[roll0] vs 44 +/- Difficulty

Uriel's anger focuses his mind as he hones precisely on any traces of the warp.

2014-01-19, 06:23 PM
A battle he could not participate in, one that would decide his own fate. Where others may feel a loss of control Hyrion was merely puzzled. Not only had the enemy apparently known they were coming, but there were multiple factions on board what was supposedly a derelict Hulk. When power returned Hyrion made certain his life support scrubbers were functioning, and then checked the status of his kill-team, his HUD read all green. Wordlessly he began moving towards the smear a split second before Farsen gave the command.

With a thought, the Narthecium swung out an appendage to take a sample of the strange blood.

"It's certainly possible to identify a species within my knowledge using the Narthecium's array of diagnosters, we shall know momentarily."

He knelt over the smear, still fresh and collected a sample to be pulled apart by the Narthecium's internal array.

If it's Scholastic (Chymystry) I've got it for the record.

For now I'll assume it's some combination of Medicae and Forbidden Lore (Xenos) The Narthecium has arrays for collecting samples and such, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Anyway roll v. 60 unadjusted for difficulty. [roll0]

Red Moldova
2014-01-21, 03:58 PM
The lights on Valens visor slowly blink and come on again as the Techmarine rises to his feet. The servos in the large mechanical arm attached to his back humming as his equipment begins start-up diagnostics. Looking around Valens tries to identify any tech in the room. Maybe the source of the outage or perhaps a device that was unaffected by the EMP that may hold the key to finding out what really just happened.

2014-01-21, 05:48 PM
Nothing in the circular room appeared to be worthwhile for even salvage. most was broken or badly damaged to begin with, and the fact that there's not power here does beg the question 'if there's no power, how would a camera even work... and how would an emp build up as well?'.

The blood test came up, but it was inconclusive. either it was contaminated or it was of a totally unknown species, or it's genetic make-up was causing haywire with the equipment. whatever the reason, it came up 'Sample Unknown'.

The halls where just as eerily empty as earlier. only a light thudding noise could be heard around you. it was hard to tell if it was ancient vent-fans still half-functioning on some sort of emergency-power, or it was perhaps something scuttling around inside the walls and airducts. It was still dead-black, although your dark-sight made that point mute.

The snaking hallway ended up finally meeting with what would appear to be the previous Right Turn and the blocked off path. The path is still blocked down the middle, but the panel appears intact on this side, but it would require a serious amount of luck and skill to get it working without real power from the ship's own enginarium. the lone path the other way, leading down into darkness and untold horrors was the only way forward it would seem.

2014-01-21, 07:20 PM
"Our way is set then."

Hyrion said as he looked upon the foreboding hallway. He wasn't so much frustrated that he couldn't identify the blood of the Xenos, as excited. It truly is rare to encounter an enemy you didn't know. "Brother-Valens, would it be possible to configure your Augury array to detect sudden power surges?"

Red Moldova
2014-01-21, 11:43 PM
"Our way is set then."

Hyrion said as he looked upon the foreboding hallway. He wasn't so much frustrated that he couldn't identify the blood of the Xenos, as excited. It truly is rare to encounter an enemy you didn't know. "Brother-Valens, would it be possible to configure your Augury array to detect sudden power surges?"

"I shall endeavor to do so."

Red Moldova
2014-01-22, 02:58 AM
Tech Use [roll0] vs 58

Looking up at Hyrion, he says "It seems that the machine spirits within my armour and equipment are upset at the indignation offered to them by this disturbance in their normal function. I will attempt to appease them and try again at a later time."

2014-01-22, 10:44 AM
Farsen was frowning at the whole situation. Not that anyone could see it, but he had a healthy scowl going. Herded one way, sealed passages that had little reason to be sealed, he shook his head.

"Valens, do you believe you could set a trap for whoever our mysterious 'benefactors' are, or the ones who may stalk us?" he asked, "A simple tripwire trap with a grenade might give us more warning than the Augur, next time an attack is imminent. This section seems as good an area as any to set it up."

He paused, looking at the sealed.... but not blasted into uselessness panel. It was clear to him that something was hunting him, or playing some game in the Hulk. He was not in the mood for games. "I think we should endeavor to open that hatch, rather than follow the course laid out for us by the Throne Cursed souls of this vessel."

Red Moldova
2014-01-23, 03:54 AM
"Valens, do you believe you could set a trap for whoever our mysterious 'benefactors' are, or the ones who may stalk us?" he asked, "A simple tripwire trap with a grenade might give us more warning than the Augur, next time an attack is imminent. This section seems as good an area as any to set it up."

"As it so happens, I have a number of cluster mines on me. Would you rather I deployed one of those?"

2014-01-23, 12:22 PM
"Capital idea," Farsen agreed.

2014-01-23, 12:49 PM
Hyrion ignored the exchange between Farsen and Valens. It would be a good idea to make sure no-one could come up behind them, but that wasn't all that needed done.

He looked down the hallway, the one that almost assuredly led to the Enginarium. If Farsen was right, then they were being herded. But to what end? To trap them? Possibly, but that was uncommonly easy to do aboard a ship, and honestly should have been done by now if that were their goal. An Electro-pulse with no device to guide or source to power it.

In his mind he cursed the fact that he couldn't determine the species of their adversary, that would have made this easier. The one thing he lacked more than anything else, was information.

He turned away from the enginarium and looked over the area Farsen had suggested putting up cluster mines. He examined the passageway, interested in preserving their only exit. He attempted to find any structural weaknesses to advise his brothers to avoid so that a section of haul didn't collapse if the cluster mines went off.

Not sure what the test is, but here's a [roll0] to identify in weaknesses in hallway that we should avoid placing a bomb next to.

Toxic Mind
2014-01-23, 03:31 PM
Uriel opened his eyes, ending his search. Brother Farsen, he said quietly, I have found no presence of witchcraft in our area, and my search was most thorough. However, I have uncovered something strange. His voice showed confusion there is too little, Farsen. The statues have none, and neither the gargoyles. They seem untainted by any warp energies. I am intrigued. Uriel did not voice his true suspicion, because without further evidence, the idea seemed ludicrous. But Uriel remembered hearing the movement of stone, not unlike the sound of rocks moving together on the shifting jungle of Catachan. He would keep a close eye on the statues and gargoyles.

Red Moldova
2014-01-23, 09:12 PM
Valens begins setting up an Astartes Cluster Mine at the designated area.

2014-01-24, 08:28 PM
The placing of the explosives are still underway, seeming trouble on arming it correctly.... A mild shaking vibrates through the floor and walls suddenly, followed by muffled explosive sound, distant and very VERY low on the sound-level. it must either be a very distant explosion or a very small one in a seal space. it does however appear to originate somewhere down the hallway towards the Enginarium, although if it came from further within the hulk, past the Enginarium is not known at this time.

Faint, Muffled noises are carried out to you through what appears as small ventilation ducts a kinda of highpitched 'shouting' forth and back. it's not possible to specify what kind, if it's nothing more than a damaged ventilation-fan's screech against metal, and the sound's precise origin, but a fair guess would be further down the hallway.

2014-01-25, 09:42 AM
Finally the Explosives are armed, primed and placed in an great position for maximal structural damage, as well as personnel mutilation.

Red Moldova
2014-01-25, 07:15 PM
Finally the Explosives are armed, primed and placed in an great position for maximal structural damage, as well as personnel mutilation.

"Explosives active and in place."

2014-01-26, 04:07 PM
"Good, good. Now do you think we can do something about being herded like grox?" Farsen gestured to the straight corridor to their target, one blocked by a door that was functional, unlike the last one. Either the sabotuers hadn't gotten to it yet, or they thought that scared, tired souls would just stumble across the obviously open, easy path right into whatever trap they were laying.

His mind pondered the noises in the back of his head. If it was a battle, they were likely too far away to effect it. If it was some act of sabotage, they would be better in position to deal with it when power was restored. In either case, it didn't seem to be something that he could deal with at the moment, just trusting in his Battle Brothers to be vigilant as always.

2014-01-26, 04:20 PM
Having helped Valens set the last of the mines Hyrion looked back to the source of the commotion.

He listened intently to the shouting, then ran it through his mind again, attempting to identify the species that shouted in such a way.


Anyway Hyrion's trying to identify the high pitched shouting. He's got FL(Traitor Legions & Heresy) if that's applicable instead of Xenos.


2014-01-26, 10:52 PM
Hyrion tilted his head. His memory running through the screams of the hundreds of races he had encountered... only two could possibly fit the bill, or maybe it was a vox malfunction, eh, he liked the other two options better.

"Gretchin." He said with finality, then continued, "Or possibly a small form of tyranid, but given the explosion, I'd put my Thrones on Gretchin."

Red Moldova
2014-01-27, 01:01 AM
"Should we just keep moving forward?"

Toxic Mind
2014-01-27, 12:06 PM
Indeed said Uriel, Gretchin make sense. Cowards all, it chose to attack us when we were clearly helpless and fled before we could retaliate. If it is not Gretchin, and is Tyranid, then our mission becomes much more dangerous, because a Tyranid only retreats if it is being commanded, and not feral. And that thing that commanded it can hide from my sight. Uriel did not like the idea that something could so effectively hide from him, if it did in fact exist. I am ready to move on.

2014-01-31, 02:28 PM
The continuing clanking walk down the corridor remains ever so uneventful. The Statues and Gargoyles appear to 'run out' the further and deeper you go, until all that remains are the plain walls and gothic feel to it all. This Vessel would APPEAR to have once been an Imperial Vessel, although it looks like it's been lost a very long time.

As the reach the end of the Hallway, it splits once more to the sides and is block ed straight forward by an Emergency Bulkhead Door. There's still no signs of power or hostiles. Only an eerie skittering sound from the distant walls and ventilation-ducts. The only conceivable way forward would be through the bulkhead door. since the way right is blocked by a major structural collapse, although the Hull still appear intact, since there's still some minor levels of oxygen in the air. the way left snakes off further way, and does not appear to lead back towards the Enginarium at all.

What will you all do now?

Read Please

I'd like a Difficult (-10) Awareness Test (mix of sight and hearing, so you get your heightened senses bonus ONCE. aka. +10 from it).

if you wanna try to open the Bulkhead door by force, you need to do a -30 Strength Test (with all of you doing so, each rolling for themselves. less than 4 astartes cannot do it), to even make it budge a tiny bit.

Lastly, a -10 Tech-Use Test could repair and repower the door long enough for it to open.

Red Moldova
2014-01-31, 06:07 PM
"I may be able to open this bulkhead"

RollsAwareness [roll0] vs 42 (-10, +10)