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2014-01-15, 02:05 PM
Out-of-character thread for the Saviors or Satans? game.

ChristineDaae: Lilith (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=699588)
Dantiesilva: Alucard (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=752435) and Balphegor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=754142)
Dudu: Ron Winterborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=764177)
Beschoren: Jah (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=781947)

Experience Table:
Lilith: 52.587
Alucard: 52.337
Ron: 51.837
Jah: 47.250


53 arrows
+1 flaming arrows (4)
A stinky cloth of gold vestment with a family sigil on it (non-magical)
Potion of displacement
Scroll of Identify
2300 gp

Battle's Record:
Ambushed! from #25 to #42
A trio of giants! from #60 to #73
It's Rainning Orcs, Allelujah! from #153 to #190
He's my brother, not my lover! from #226 to #257
Words of Evil from #387 to #412
The Curiosity Killed the Beggar from #423 to #443
A Paladin's Wrath from #453 to #484

NPC's Names and Short Descriptions
Desmond: merchant leader that seems to be nobility from somewhere;
Sara: jeweler human lady. Beautiful and joyful. She's a wannabe bard looking for adventure;
Rafael: stylish half-elf twin. Dropped out from the Mercurian Arcane Academy. Wizard capable fo crafting wands, woundrous items and scrolls. Also do poems and weave clothes;
Farael: stylish half-elf twin. Cleric of Boccob. Help his brother on creating magic items, poems and clothes. Brew potions and scrolls on his own;
Oskar: exiled dwarf from the Great Rift, old but very strong. Armor and weaponsmith;
Stella: called "Mama", she an old lady with good heart. She's the cook of caravan and also brew potions;

Alda: short black haired human druid. Dont trust newcomers but seems to take care of everyone in her caravan. She is a former cleric of Farlangh who adopted the natural ways;
Falken: Lada's dire wolf companion. Quiet;
Tim: called Tim Three-fingers. Human leader of the Swords of Farlangh. Former ruin delver (till he lost his fingers in a trap);
Sergei: cousin of Tim and second-in-charge on the Swords of Farlangh. Former city guard;
Veterans: Milo (halfling slinger), Lyle (halfling slinger), Aramis (elven archer), Norman (human brodsword warrior);
Recruits: Loch (unnarmed half-orc), Neris (half-elf fencer), Erik (half-elf archer), Davi (human spearman), Orson (human swordsman), Finkle (gnome darter) and Sadric (halfling with the kukri).

The Smiling Hobbit: owner of the tavern hononymous to him. Trick fellow capable of doing high level enchantment;
Mark Whitey: human noble and owner of Lyra's Opera Hall;
Vera Venoni: old human opera singer. She and her daughter are fond to the half-elven twins;
Mr. Lestrange: fat and old human retired opera singer. Friend of Mr. Whitey;
Edward Blanc: halfling hero, mayor of Lyra and leader of the guards. He drove the area from bandits and funded Lyra. Even though he's a paladin there is something very dark and sinister about him;

Houserules (new ones may appear as the game go):
Raging and Maneuvers
Since rage does not allow concentration and maneuvers are like spells, raging characters won't be able to use maneuvers (exception for Tiger Claw maneuvers)

Enlarge Person and Monstrous Humanoids
Spells that affect humanoids only can affect monstrous humanoids too, like charm person, enlarge person, hold person, etc. Just because they're ugly there's no motive in my opinion to exclude them from those effects (both the good ones and the bad ones)

Polymorph and Similars
Polymorph, Shapechange and similar spells become Alter Self instead.
Creatures with these spells trade them for Alter Self.

It works only for teleportation, not for calling extraplanars

Teleportation + Dimenion Spaces Trick
Not gonna happen, bro

Antimagic Field:
Antimagic fields can't be enhanced by any metamagic feat;

Banned Feats
Persist Spell, Divine Metamagic, Metamagic Song

Banned Spells:
Summon Elemental Monolith, Rope Trick (and spells that create havens for the group), Contingency, Permanency

Banned Items:
Ring of Evasion, Ring of Freedom of Movement;

Dominate Person/Monster
You can only have one creature under you control with such spells.
Mass Dominate Person/ Monster allow you to have more than one, but you'll have only the onesyou get with a single casting of the spell.

At first it'll be banned.
As the game go it may become a bonus feat with some changes :smallwink:

Summons come with the average hp (listed in the monster entry) and act at the same initiative (and if possible, same post) as the summoner.
You'll have to keep your summons stats updated and keep track of it.

A given character can't ressurect more than 5 times, the 6th time the spell simply fail.

Planar Binding spells
They work as it is said in the spell, but with some restrictions:
- You can have only one ally at each time for spell (that is: you can cast a Lesse, a Standart andf a Greater Planar Binding to get three allies, but can cast 3 Lesser Planar Allies to do the same)
- In case you don't pay anything for the binded creature it will have some change to become vengeful and become recurring enemies (which is always good, imo :smalltongue:)
- Giving rewards can make them more favorable and more likely to be friendly and hold no grudges;
- Obvious suicidal or impossible tasks auto fail;

I'll be doing all NPCs rolls secret, will just post results.
I'll also do the following posts for the players (also secret):
Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Knowledge, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft and Spot.
(some of them might require you to actively ask - like disable device, disguise, forgery, others will do when they're required - knowledge nature when get ina fight aggainst giant human-eating dire rabbits)
Other checks: Initiative, Caster Level checks;

If you fail to pass a Spellcraft check, you can't counter it.
If you suceeds, you get a +1 bonus AC and saves to resist it, as you get ready to dodge an incoming ray or strenght your mind to resist an enchantment (saw it somewhere and liked it)

"Ops! I forgot I had Haste on" and other stories:
If you forget to add a bonus or to apply DR, SR or something like that, it's over: you took the penal, the attack pierced your DR and SR. just like that.
So be aware of your boosts etc. Same goes for me: if I forget the troll had haste on, I wont be coming back and repost it.

If you forget a penal or something that actually gave you advantage: then I'll have the penal be applied and every change due them to be applied

Identifying Items:
Items wont come indentified (some may come, like an obvious flaming sword) so you'll have to spend time and resources to identify them.

Upgrading Items:
If you want to change a +1 chainshirt for a +2 chainshirt you have two options: paying the diference and waiting the days for it be upgraded (you'll need someone capable of doing it too) orselling your old item and buying a new one (you'll sell items by a fraction of their prices)

If you want ot put another enhancement on an item you'll have to ask me if the combination is ok and it will add to the cost 1,5x cheaper item market price.
For the combination to occurs it must be related powers - A strongarm bracers + Armbands of Might can be arranged, but a Boot of Iceskating + Boots of Teleportation is off, for example.
Also, amulets and rings can't have two enhancements.

Selling Loot:
Non-Magical Items: 20-30% their market price (depending on Diplomacy check to see the buyer's atittude toward you);
Magical items: 40-60% their market price;
Arts and Gems: tehy sell for 90-100% their price;

Buying Loot:
You must ask for the availability of the items you want to buy.

Also, killing merchants are something that can destroy the game and will be looked very bad by the DM

The Whimsical Unicorn, expensive and luxuous tavern in Lyra.
The Smiling Hobbit, famed tavern in Lyra


You can go and choose your colors and post anything related (or not so related to the game here)

2014-01-15, 05:24 PM
Posting here. The speech color will be, as usual, navy.

Ron Winterborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=764177), the goliath, is ready.

I'll write the background soon.

Christine Daae
2014-01-15, 09:32 PM
You mean I can not convince the friendly wolves they should eat the big fat rabbits again? Well their goes all my fun, I wounder what ever shall Lilith do now.

Well we all know who I am boys, ladies don't be jealous. Its not my fault I inspire lust in men and you don't. Ow who am I you ask, silly mortal I am Lilith (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=699588), the beginning of your damanation Salvation.

2014-01-15, 10:13 PM
Alucard shall claim Red just like the color of my enemies blood.

And Balphegor shall be using Dark red, what you got a problem with my skin color people? Don't make me mad, I will call some bodies of mine to take care of you real good I will.

Spells I plan on getting, note this may be subject to change before I recieve them due to how the game plays.

Greater enlarge person, Greater Fireburst, Fire and Brimstone, and last but not least Wall of force

Planar binding, Summon monster 6, Disintegrate, Steal Summoning, Bite of the Weretiger, LINGERING FLAMES

Retributive Enervation, Plane Shift, Summon Monster VII, Delayed Blast Fireball, Antimagic Ray, Bite of the Werebear, Spell Matrix

Plane Shift, Greater, Deadly Lahar, Greater clerity, Summon Monster VIII, Clone, Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere, Greater planar binding, Incendiary Cloud

Wish, Summon monster 9, Time Stop, GENIUS LOCI

2014-01-15, 10:27 PM
You mean I can not convince the friendly wolves they should eat the big fat rabbits again? Well their goes all my fun, I wounder what ever shall Lilith do now.

Of course you can, but not with a planar binding spell (unless you make it appears not suicidal :smalltongue:)

2014-01-16, 02:49 AM
About earning the leadership feat, is that the equivalent of me beginning my tyrannical kingdom again? And where do I get sacrifices? The more willing they are the better it is for bargaining with devils it says? Also the more intelligent they are the better.

2014-01-16, 07:26 AM
The leadership stuff may happen (or not) depending i how the game go.
But I wonttell you about it now: it's a surprise :smallwink:

About sacrifices: you cant do it, since that would turn you evil and as a malconvoer you can't be, even though at this point you are ok with your damnation.

2014-01-16, 02:33 PM
It would not turn me evil if they are willing:smallwink:

And I am not damned, I am blessed, I have a devil lady(?) wanting to sleep with me and using me as her servant. Have a succubus servant, and have a second life. What more could one guy ask for?

By the way those Dire Girlfriends with improved grapple, Improved unarmed strike, and stunning kiss really do suck, they have such an unfair advantage. They are better then monks :smalltongue:

2014-01-17, 02:51 PM
His story so far:

Ron Winterborn, the champion of Munte necucerit, infamous for employing his unyielding sledgehammer like it was a light stick, smashing skulls, armor, weapons and pride alike. A goliath, he's from the reclusive Winterborn clan, a small pack of goliaths that wander at the Everstorm mountain, named after the fact that this mountain is under a permanent and strong stormgust. Kaldrahal, a venerable white dragon, was the one responsible for this permanent storm condition and enslaved every creatures, including the Winterborn goliaths, barely more than mere slaves since the dragon took a particular liking towards those strong warrior.

After his father's death, the frail alliance between the Winterborn's and Kaldrahal, the leadership of the clan passed to his older brother, Chief Dogan.
Drogan decided they were enslaved by Kaldrahal for way too long and rebelled. Much to his dismay, there were a lot of wisdom in his father alliance toward the dragon, for Kaldrahal was a truly strong specimen and the Winterborn were no longer better treated than the other slaves. Ron managed to escape, leaving with the promise he would return with an army to free his clan.

In searching places, one in particular made itself very conspicuous, the capital of the Munte necucerit empire was a place filled with warriors waiting for the opportunity to show their strenght. The gladiatorial tournament was widely know enough to be heard by the reclusive Winterborn goliaths, and the experienced and strong Ron tried his luck there, with great sucess.

A crowd favorite, Ron smashed the heads of pretentious humans, arrogant and squishy elves, stubborn dwarves and powerful half-ogres. His brutal and yet agile style of combat caught Allucard's attention, the head of the Munte necucerit's empire, and the tyrant decided to recruit Ron as his lieutenant, commanding his troops at his side. Both Ron and Allucard shared a passion for combat, which eventually turned then into trusted friends.

Their friendship grew to the point Allucard entrusted him with a campaign to conquer the Everstorm Mountain, thus fulfilling Ron's promise towards his clan. But to Ron's surprise, after weeks marching, the mountain formely knew as Everstorm was completely normal and his clan nowhere to be seen. He nevertheless reclaimed the territory, fighting against some minor tribes, this was an easy conquest. In returning to the capital, he found the city sacked and Allucard vanquished. Ron was a man of two worlds, his clan trapped in Everstorm Mountain and a champion of Munte necucerit empire. Now both worlds vanished and Ron was no one, a mere sellsword.

He still kept his fame of the champion of Munte necucerit, though. That made finding job much easier, but most importantly, allowed a reincarnated Allucard to find him, which he eventually did.

And so this campaign begins.

2014-01-18, 06:26 PM
Thjey really suck :smallwink:

2014-01-22, 09:59 PM
Ready and waiting

2014-01-22, 10:01 PM
I'll get the IC up then.

2014-01-22, 11:22 PM
Savior or Satans? IC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16847517)

Christine Daae
2014-01-23, 12:41 PM
Well I see the fun has begun, time to seduce I suppose.

2014-01-23, 01:25 PM
Feel free to ask any world related question. :smallsmile:

2014-01-23, 10:53 PM
Chimaera I believe you are up now, will reply though quickly just to give you a bit more to work with.

2014-01-24, 12:20 PM
Chimaera I believe you are up now, will reply though quickly just to give you a bit more to work with.

I was barely waking up the time you posted :smallbiggrin:

Getting back from the travel made me very tired, so tired I've lost round 2 (which was quick in my defense :smalltongue:)

Wll be on the rest of the day (maybe at night I'll leave to watch a movie with my gf)

Christine Daae
2014-01-24, 10:22 PM
Oh so we will be going back to rabbit village and speaking with the old crazy druid were rabbit guy?

2014-01-24, 10:37 PM
Maybe... But probably not.
Just wanted to put some places together to begin with :smallwink:

2014-01-25, 01:14 AM
Hmm the black tower seems intresting for this level at least. Others like the kingdoms would require a lot more firepower, though getting Ron into the arena may work to our advantage in making him have another title which people will love and respect, making me look like the old crazy wizard that travels with him:smallwink:

2014-01-25, 03:00 AM
Things you know about the said places:
The Black Tower was built after a great battle aggainst an extraplanar menace: one strong enough to make clerics from St. Cuthbert, Pelor, Nerull and Ollidamara to work together.
This episode was about four thousands years ago.

The Jalavians arenas are used as a way to redeem prisoners and to entertain the people with their favorite sport: killing orcs. That may be the reason orcs hate them and kill their people ib the border cities (and vice-versa).

The Red Kings are in fact 11 ones. The one who led the armies to Munte Necucerit is called Zabbel, the Fierce.

The King on the Ocean is a mystery to you. Some say he's a pirate king of some sort, some says he's the ocean's wrath personified. That said, he's know for his sharkmen pirates and ability to control the waves.

You got no additional information on the Seal Mountain.

Posting on right thread now :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-27, 05:46 PM
A foreword: I finally arrived at Natal, so my posting rate might increase now.

Before I write my turn, I'll see which crusader maneuvers order I'll get for the day.

1. Revitalizing Strike 3d6+6
2. Mountain Hammer 2d6
3. Battle Leader Charge +10
4. Charging Minotaur
5. Tactical Strike 2d6

1° [roll0] - Tactical Strike 2d6
2° [roll1] - Charging Minotaur
3° [roll2] - Battle Leader Charge +10
4° [roll3] - Revitalizing Strike 3d6+6
5° - Mountain Hammer 2d6

2014-01-27, 06:36 PM
Dudu I personalize my summons, malphas is the fiendish raven I summoned. Just saying.

2014-01-27, 06:40 PM
I noticed. Btw, good idea. I'll try to apply thatin my own malconvoker (IF the campaign ressurects, that is).

2014-01-27, 07:00 PM
@Dudu: Let's facebook Pedro to death till he cast True ressurection in the thread. :smallbiggrin:

Christine Daae
2014-01-27, 09:34 PM
Mr.Chimaera, as now I know you have a dire girlfriend, I could not find the link from the previous thread which one of the players sent me with the class on it, however I am able to do one better for you. You see I try to detail my abilities, epically when it comes to homebrew for this exact reason and have it all thus in my character sheet.

Body of temptation: The succubbus loses all other racial bonuses and gains outsider traits. She's an outsider with base speed 30 feets and two claws as natural attacks, each dealing 1d6+Str modifier damage.

She also gains a bonus to natural armor equal to her Cha modifier.

Corrupter initiate: Use detect good, detect thoughts, charm person as SLAs twice per day per HD. DC=10+1/2HD+Cha modifier. If she multiclasses for an arcane/divince class she can count her succubus levels as levels of that class for purposes of CL and for the purposes of learning new spells and geting new spell slots. So for example, a succubus 3 who took 1 level of sorceror could choose to have CL 4, get 3 2nd level spell slots, 1 1st level spell slot, 1 2nd level spell known and 1 0th level spell known. She wouldn't get the spell knowns and spell slots of a sorceror 3 however. She would get the familiar ability, but succubus levels wouldn't count for it.

If the succubus multiclasses into cleric, she may use Cha as her main Casting stat instead of Wis, but she can't take any domains if she does so.

Demon:gain resistance to electrecity and a bonus on saves against poison equal to her HD, and resistance to fire, acid and cold equal to half her HD. Plus telepathy 40 feets plus 10 feets for each extra HD from here. Also she gains the evil and chaotic subtypes and her attacks with natural and manufactured weapons count as chaotic and evil for bypassing DR.

Gifted:Can use tongues on herself as a SLA 1/day for each HD it has. Also gains a bonus to listen and spot checks equal to her HD.

Change Shape:An succubus can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid 1/day for each HD it has.

Lesser corruptor:Use sugestion as SLAs once per day per HD. DC=10+1/2HD+Cha modifier.

Deadly seduction:If the succubus sucessfully feints an oponent in combat, that oponent takes a penalty to AC equal to the succubbus Cha modifier untill the end of the next succubus turn.

Wings:develops wings allowing her to fly at a speed of 50 feets with average maneuverability.

Abyss skin: gains DR/cold iron or good equal to half her HD and SR equal to 11+HD.

Corruptor: Use charm monster as a SLA once per day per HD. DC=10+1/2HD+Cha modifier.

Temptation Incarnate: The succubbus benefits from a permanent sanctuary effect as the spell, with save DC 10+1/2+Cha mod, except that creatures make must make will saves every round they try to attack the succubus and if the succubus attacks a creature the sanctuary effect is only lost towards that creature. The succubus can force an attacked oponent to make Will saves for this ability again if she suceeds on a bluff check against their sense motive as a standard action.

Kiss:A succubus drains energy from a mortal it lures into some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed, the succubus must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The succubus’s kiss or embrace bestows one negative level. The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another kiss from the succubus. The victim must succeed on a DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha modifier Will save to negate the effect of the suggestion. The DC for removing the negative level is the same, except that it demands a fortitude save.

For every two negative levels inflicted on a single sentient creature by kiss the succubus gains +1 to an ability score of her choice other than charisma for 1 hour. The succubus cannot gain a bonus to any of her ability scores trough this ability bigger than her HD.

Greater corruptor:The succubus can now use ethereal jaunt and teleport 1/day as SLAs for each 4HD it has.

A succubus with 12 HD or more can use greater teleport SLA instead of the teleport SLA.

2014-01-27, 09:39 PM
No need for that Mr. there. Make me look old.
And thank you for the homebrew stuff.

Christine Daae
2014-01-27, 09:59 PM
Make you feel old, how is showing respect make you seem old? Your worst then a woman. You call them mam and they give you a death glare.

As for the homebrew you asked for it so I saw no reason not to send you what I could.

2014-01-28, 05:22 AM
I wont say no need to shwing respect, but no need for mr.

2014-01-28, 07:03 AM
DM's secret roll:

2014-01-28, 01:30 PM
Does rage forbids me of using my maneuvers? Cause if it does I don't want it.

2014-01-28, 02:04 PM
It shouldn't, after all its not the frenzy ability.

2014-01-28, 02:38 PM
Let's look the Rage:

Rage (Ex): A barbarian can fly into a screaming blood frenzy a certain number
of times per day. In a rage, a barbarian gains phenomenal strength and durability but becomes reckless and less able to defend himself. He temporarily
gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale
bonus on Will saves, but he takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class.
The increase in Constitution increases the barbarian’s hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are; see Temporary Hit Points, page 146.) While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and
Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion(such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item
creation feats, and metamagic feats.
A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies; see below).
A barbarian can fly into a rage only once per encounter. At 1st level he can use his rage ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter,
he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a barbarian can do it only during his action (see Initiative, page 136), not in response to someone
else’s action. A barbarian can’t, for example, fly into a rage when struck down by an arrow in order to get the extra hit points from the increased Constitution, although the extra hit points would be of benefit if he had gone into a rage earlier in the round, before the arrow struck.

And now at the maneuvers description (Initiating Maneuvers and Stances, ToB pg. 38):

(...) The process of initiating a maneuver is similar to that of casting a spell or manifesting a psionic power (...)

So, I guess not. Tehy don't say ntohing about rage and maneuvers though, but I'll houserule that you can't initiate maneuvers while enraged.

Since the spell have as target willing creatures, Ron can automatically resist it, leaving only the raven and Balphegor enraged (if they don't try to resist too).

2014-01-28, 06:04 PM
That's the description for a barbarian rage, not the spell rage that though has a similar effect is very different I would ask the playground their opinion.

2014-01-28, 06:05 PM
I prefer to have that houseruled, since in my opinion you need concentration to do maneuvers.

2014-01-28, 10:54 PM
So Dudu do we give him a chance to surrender and serve us or just kil him? Devils do enjoy sacrifices after all. He may prove useful in a planar binding spell:smallwink:

2014-01-28, 11:33 PM
So Dudu do we give him a chance to surrender and serve us or just kil him? Devils do enjoy sacrifices after all. He may prove useful in a planar binding spell:smallwink:

If he is the last one I'll grapple instead of AoO. What do you guys think?

2014-01-28, 11:52 PM
Sounds good. If he pisses us off just have lilith kiss him a few ties and drain levels.

Christine Daae
2014-01-30, 09:37 AM
Well that was enjoyable, and the loot was not bad either.

2014-01-30, 12:47 PM
Only a note again: magic items wont show up without spending Detect Magic or Identify.

Just saying :smallwink:

2014-01-30, 12:53 PM
Fair enough in my eyes.

Would it be plausable that Alucard used such spells the previous night after we set up camp thus leaving my spells open today? Not like it matters much as my 0 level spells are kind of free for whatever in my eyes.

2014-01-30, 01:15 PM
Sure! Turns out the leader's bow, armor and 4 arrows are magical.
All of them have faint transmutation auras.

2014-01-30, 01:22 PM
Good enough for me as I never use the spell identify. Thats what you hire a diviner for or simply practice using it until you get it:smallwink:

Hey lilith want to use your bardic knowledge to determine what these are as it is one of the many ways that the ability is useful?

2014-01-30, 01:34 PM
Couldn't remember bardic lore could identify items.
Well, after sometime looking at the items, Lilith find some famous magic item merchant order's signature hidden in the armor and the arrows (something like Made in China).

They're simple +1 items.
She also found out the arrows got poison on it.

The bow however is simple and without any rune, mark or any hint of who created it. Too simple in fact, masterwork items normally have beatiful details and designs. But not this one... But she can't recall anything about such item.

2014-01-30, 11:45 PM
Hey Dudu I know I have not known you long but if we shall be playing a game together as a wizard I like to know what those protecting me like to enjoy benefiting from so that combat moves much smoother for the group and no one feels overshadowed. ( I myself never used to play tier 1s until I saw the abuse some people did with them and wanted to put an end to it by playing the tier one myself) That is why I wanted to discuse round one actions with you for most of our combats. While you saw with this one I started out with summons to give you concealment so you could escape the carriage without worry of being spotted, that wont always be necessary. And after seeing how rage is counter productive to you I wanted to make sure you did not find yourself in a situation where the spell was hampering you instead of benefiting you. As such I am making a list of spells that I am able to cast on you. Just let me know which ones you would like to see often on my list this way we can work as a unit and benefit each other ok:smallwink:

Protection from evil/chaos, (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/protectionFromEvil.htm) enlarge person (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/enlargePerson.htm), Neverskitter (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/nerveskitter--4591/) (I plan on trying to get a lesser rod of chaining for this) and burning rage (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/burning-rage--3001/).

For level one spells I only need 3 out of the 6 slots for myself really, 4 if you count neverskitter.

Animalistic power (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/animalistic-power--2997/)

Sorry that is the only buff spell I have at this level that effects anyone but myself, though it is a good one.

Greater magic weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicWeaponGreater.htm), Magic circle against evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicCircleAgainstEvil.htm), Dimension step (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/dimension-step--2923/)

Though the last one is not per say a buff, I have seen it be very useful in the past with others. Out of my 4 3rd level spells I need 3 of them sadly due to greater mage armor, SM3, and fireball. These are key spells to my build so at this point I am only able to give you one of my 3rds, but am happy to do so.

Stoneskin (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/stoneskin.htm)

This is the only 4th level buff spell I have at the moment, and I am able to keep it open in a free slot if you would like me two as it allows me to keep SM4 and Orb of fire

None of my 5th level spells are buff spells for allies, they are more situational and for those rare times Ron wants to see Alucard in melee (fiendform).

Christine Daae
2014-01-31, 10:52 PM
Well saying I am a caster too I suppose I could do the same thing to help everyone out and so we don't have the rage incident again....

We all know I have Bardic music where I can grant everyone between +2-+4 depending on how many fights we have a day on most things. I also have rage, displacement and haste. If anyone thinks those could help.

2014-02-01, 01:09 AM
Haste helps since always. And good old inspire courage is hard to say no.

Dantie, is that Arthas, from Warcraft 3? You know, Arthas was pretty close to how I imagined the tyrant Allucard, prior to his death, at least.

2014-02-01, 01:25 AM
Yes it is the very arthas. It's kind of what my cleric/prestige paladin is turning into. Did you see spells you would like me to prepare? Also my first post in this thread has all the spells I plan on getting unless you want to suggest others.

2014-02-02, 12:01 AM
Couldn't post earlier due some stuff.
Will be posting IC soon.

2014-02-02, 02:28 AM
Hey Dudu I know I have not known you long but if we shall be playing a game together as a wizard I like to know what those protecting me like to enjoy benefiting from so that combat moves much smoother for the group and no one feels overshadowed. ( I myself never used to play tier 1s until I saw the abuse some people did with them and wanted to put an end to it by playing the tier one myself) That is why I wanted to discuse round one actions with you for most of our combats. While you saw with this one I started out with summons to give you concealment so you could escape the carriage without worry of being spotted, that wont always be necessary. And after seeing how rage is counter productive to you I wanted to make sure you did not find yourself in a situation where the spell was hampering you instead of benefiting you. As such I am making a list of spells that I am able to cast on you. Just let me know which ones you would like to see often on my list this way we can work as a unit and benefit each other ok:smallwink:
Well, I think you're playing the right way of being a god. Battlefield control, afterall, without ruining the game (actually, enchancing it, imo). By being malconvoker I assume you have a fair ammount of summons. Let's say, 2 per spell level, maybe more.

Some people advise to simply fill almost all of malconvoker spells with summons. I think it's a bad idea for two reasons. 1. You loose a bit of your god power; 2. It turns the battlefield into a boring mess.
It seems you choose to be a buffer. Just remember you are a conjurer, and there are lots of debuffing at your disposal. Plus, we have Lilith that can complement your spells so you don't overlay.

I don't know if you're interested in buffs only, but I think you really should consider debuffs and battlefield control, if you didn't already.

Protection from evil/chaos, (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/protectionFromEvil.htm) enlarge person (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/enlargePerson.htm), Neverskitter (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/nerveskitter--4591/) (I plan on trying to get a lesser rod of chaining for this) and burning rage (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/burning-rage--3001/).

For level one spells I only need 3 out of the 6 slots for myself really, 4 if you count neverskitter.
All those spells are beautiful, mostly enlarge person and neverskitter which you'll probably use for the rest of the game. But a favorite of mine is Benign Transposition (http://dndtools.eu/spells/miniatures-handbook--75/benign-transposition--1949/). Looks better on a wand, though. There's also grease and ray of clumsiness, two interesting debuffs that you may not use so often at this level.

And Silent Image. Creativity is your ally here.

Animalistic power (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/animalistic-power--2997/)

Sorry that is the only buff spell I have at this level that effects anyone but myself, though it is a good one.
It's a nice buff bound to be obsolete. A better one is Heroics (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/heroics--4701/). You get a fighter bonus feat. Arcane Turmoil is a better targeted dispel in most situations. And my favorite lvl 2 spell is glitterdust, maybe Lilith already have those. Try some ray of stupidity too, can be quite devastating.

Greater magic weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicWeaponGreater.htm), Magic circle against evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicCircleAgainstEvil.htm), Dimension step (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/dimension-step--2923/)

Though the last one is not per say a buff, I have seen it be very useful in the past with others. Out of my 4 3rd level spells I need 3 of them sadly due to greater mage armor, SM3, and fireball. These are key spells to my build so at this point I am only able to give you one of my 3rds, but am happy to do so.
Haste is probably already covered by Lilith. Spiderskin is a nice buffer. Alterfortune is costly, but can do wonders. There are some battle changing spells, like stinking cloud and sleet storm, I used those a lot of times. Phanton Steed is super stylish and can help wonders if you have at least 10 in ride skill.

But Dimension Step is really a beast. Even more so in the hands of a Malconvoker.

Stoneskin (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/stoneskin.htm)

This is the only 4th level buff spell I have at the moment, and I am able to keep it open in a free slot if you would like me two as it allows me to keep SM4 and Orb of fire

In yourself I advise you to cast Heart of Earth. If a different version of stoneskin (and free). I consider it better for most situations. I always found that Orb of Fire is a bit pointless, is some mild blasting that you could do with a reserve feat, but maybe that's only me.
Greater Mirror Image might save your skin most of times.

Dislpacer Form is a powerful polymorph spell.

None of my 5th level spells are buff spells for allies, they are more situational and for those rare times Ron wants to see Alucard in melee (fiendform).
This level ties with the 3rd in my opinion concerning extremely good conjuration spells. It's the 5th level that contains lesser planar binding (you already have it), cloudkill and teleport.

There's also overland flight and draconic polymorph. Two powerful transmutation spells.

Christine Daae
2014-02-02, 09:37 AM
Bluff check to convince the giants I am not a threat.


2014-02-02, 12:28 PM
The problem is I am trying to stick to a theme and thus have a lot of fire like spells, while also keeping all the summoning ones around. I will in fact only have one spell of each level be a SM, and will try to make 1 of each level either a buff or debuff in kind. Along with one being offensive, and the other defensive. And so my spell list suffers the loss of some of the better spells, while keeping the theme of the character as a whole.

With that in mind I have a great two turn combo called Caustic Mire and fireball. It will deal 1d6 acid damage and make them use twice their movement speed in each block, while also adding an extra point of damage to all fire spells per how many dice it contains. Thus my fireballs deal 10d6+10 damage with the time to set up for it.

Also my banned schools happen to be enchantment and Illusion cutting out a few of the suggestions you made due to the fact some of them come on the bards spell list, or can be casst by my imp from a wand or scroll due to his UMD check.

I did not choose glitterdust because as you said Lilith had it. Third level was a hard one as you are sure to know, and I had to go more for theme then all out power, however I did grab most of the essentials.

1). Stinking cloud
2). Fireball
3). Greater magic weapon
4). Magic circle against evil
Expanded spellbook). Summon monster 3
5). Grasping Wall
6). Caustic Smoke
7). Dimension step
8). Greater mage armor

4th level again orb of fire was a theme buy and as such was a must, though heart of earth i would be willing to swap out stoneskin for if that is allowed this early on, if not I can simply find a scroll or something of it. Same gos for voice of the dragons and Greater mirror image. As for displacer form it would not have followed the theme and thus was not in, however I did take fiend form.

2014-02-02, 01:03 PM
As some of you may already know these two first battles were more like a test.

After the figth is over I'll let each of you swap a feat, rearrange skill points or swap a spell, as you see fit.

Why? Sometimes you create a character and think how nice and strong he'll be and he prove to lack some things you didn't conisdered. That's why I offer you this chance (since other chances like that won't be coming for a long time).


2014-02-02, 01:32 PM
Another thing: Enlarge Person shouldn't affect Ron, since he's a goliath (monstrous humanoid), but I find it stupid, so i'll houserule it can affect.

But always keep in mind I'll also taking advantage for that.
Will edit the first post in OOC to put the houserules and loot, so you may want to check it from times to times.

2014-02-02, 03:29 PM
I'm considering boosting Ron's AC somehow. Any suggestions?

The early Ron build had 26 AC, but the DM banned savage species.

2014-02-02, 03:33 PM
+1 ring of protection (2k)
+1 amulet of natural armor (2k)
+2 item of dexterity (4k)
Ioun Stonr dusty pink (5k)

those are the cheap ways to enhance it.
An animated magic shield and enhancing your armor can help too.
A heavier armor too.

In a side note: loved the name of your hammer. :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-02, 09:19 PM
Tentecale 3 (1d20+14)[34] Damage (1d6+14)[16]

Tentecale 4 (1d20+14)[34] Damage (1d6+14)[20]

Critical confirmations

Tentecale 3 [roll0] extra damage [roll1]

Tentecale 4 [roll2] Extra damage [roll3]

2014-02-02, 09:57 PM
That was some serious ass kicking. Never heard about those monsters before.

2014-02-02, 10:02 PM
Monster manuel 4 I believe it is. Its fatal flaw is the fact it is blind so if you don't pay attention to it and order it to attack perciesly it can attack your allies as well as it has no way of knowing what is friend or foe without you telling it.

Sorry by the way, I was trying to not overshadow you and in the process ended up getting you into a lot of danger with the giants. I will try to make sure you have backup from now on.

2014-02-02, 10:04 PM
Just checked. And it's SMA IV! Though it was V.

Damn, Malconvoker is really my favorite prestige class. Flavor and power.

2014-02-02, 10:05 PM
I was hoping to save those but you really needed the help and we were getting our butts kicked. So instead of using a SM5 I used a 4.

2014-02-02, 10:20 PM
You should consider having more than one SMA per level ready. The same way I'm considering a big boost on Ron's AC.

Plus, Arthas is doing a duckface. Cannot be unseen.

2014-02-02, 10:25 PM
Well my low level summons are not worth the extra space, and my high level ones I do not have the room for at this level so I am left with one of each level. It will be enough for now with my blasting spells and fiendform (turn into a Voor)

As for Arthas, sadly finding a good human picture of him is very difficult.

2014-02-02, 10:35 PM
I could make an OoTS avatar. Like I did with my (it's my malconvoker, btw) and with Chimaera (is a force mage that he is playing in my campaign).

Not everyone like stick figures, though. I like their simplicity, and it's super easy to make one.

2014-02-02, 10:38 PM
I had someone make one for me before, could never get it to load to my avatar so I just go looking online now when I feel like something new. Thanks anyways though.

2014-02-03, 03:51 PM
Is it to soon to make those corrections? Like boosting Ron's AC?

2014-02-03, 04:03 PM
When you reach a city (two more days) you can rebuy your equipments.

2014-02-03, 09:37 PM
I suppose the same is true for spells as well.:smallwink:

2014-02-03, 09:49 PM
Spells, skill or feats can be changed now.
But just one. Just tell me what you change :smallwink:

2014-02-03, 09:54 PM
Changed animalistic power to heroics. that is one like you said.

2014-02-04, 12:14 AM
I'll change Ruby Knightmare Blade for Moment of Perfect Mind.

2014-02-04, 12:16 AM
Right! Done :smallwink:

2014-02-04, 12:25 AM
Hmm buying his daughter seems like a good deal

2014-02-04, 12:28 AM
Hmm buying his daughter seems like a good deal

Maybe he exchange by Lilith, hahaha.

2014-02-07, 02:52 PM
Dudu talked to me a while ago and I got some bad news:
He got an eye allergy of some sort and is temporary blind.

Not blind, but almost blind.
In a couple of weeks he'll be ebtter, till there I'll propose two things:

1 - We wait for him? It would also give time for Christine to be back on.


2 - We keep the game on with him as NPC played by me?

What you think is better?

2014-02-07, 03:00 PM
Well I would much rather keep the game going, no offense to dudu. After all I could just simply rp a lot with the merchant.

2014-02-07, 03:37 PM
Ok, we'll keep going.
But I'll have to post things later, had some fight with my big boss :smallmad: and now have to do something again :smallfurious:

2014-02-07, 03:48 PM
Hehe it's ok, I am at work anyways for the next 5 hours.

2014-02-09, 10:30 AM
Ok guys. I'm not free from this sickness (it's Herpes Zoster ophtalmicus, btw, if you have the stomach to search in google). But the good news is, the eye pain practically vanished, the most incapacitating part of the sickness.

So I think I have no problem reading and writing. I hope the eye pain don't return. I think it won't, it seems the sickness is heading to it's natural healing by now.

Plus, Ron won the strength duel. Yay!
What are those armbands anyway?

2014-02-09, 10:46 AM
Happy to have you back dudu. Sorry to hear what you got though.

2014-02-09, 05:31 PM
The armbands' power is a mystery.

Taking your +4 gauntlets of giant strenght amde you feel weaker and after you put the dwarven gauntlets it made no diference, even though there are powerful transmutation aura on it.

Whatever it does it was supposedly about strenght, but who knows anything at all?

Christine Daae
2014-02-09, 09:40 PM
Oh Dudu I am so sorry to hear that love. I hope everything gets better and it cures itself. When Chimera said sick I would have never imagined that bad. I'm just happy your ok now, and you take your time ok. Don't strain yourself on our account make sure you take care of your RLP first then worry about us ok.

2014-02-09, 09:54 PM
This disease is way more ugly than serious, actually. So no one need to worry so much.

2014-02-10, 10:14 AM
Well Dudu we may already have an enemy
keep your guard up with alda.

2014-02-10, 05:42 PM
Alda is a nice girl :smalltongue:

2014-02-10, 05:45 PM
She seems simply uneducated. No trouble at all.
Plus, a druid, it could be a nice addition to the party.

If you guys know any cool, dedicated player, maybe we could invite them to this awesome campaign? What you people think?

2014-02-10, 06:03 PM
Sure I just don't know anyone to play the divine caster

2014-02-10, 06:07 PM
What could be so difficult? Druids are so fun and powerful. And it looks like there's a void in the party needing a divine caster. I've played with Logan before, but he sort of filled some multiple roles at the same time, without being spectacular in any.

I share most of my rpg friends with Richard and most are either deep down into work or not dedicated at all. So they would only slow a campaign that's following a good pace.

2014-02-10, 06:15 PM
I could ask two people, however I know one has three games going as is and the other is normally a wizard. I oddly enough almost always play divine while christine plays anything.

2014-02-10, 06:23 PM
I rarely play the big stupid fighter role. Arcane, Divine, Rogue, in that order are the most common for me. But playing Ron is being lots of fun.

Druid is 100% fun. In fact, if there's any d&d class I would like to be in real life, I would be a druid.

2014-02-10, 06:43 PM
I started out playing the fighter, still holds that special place in my heart that allows me too make good fighters.

2014-02-10, 08:59 PM
I started with a barbarian and then with a rogue: both classes I don't paly anymore with, even though they were two of my best 4: Krong the half-orc half-dwarf (the DM allowed that); Kenny the Rogue (who died by taking a 2 in a Reflexes saves DC 26 - he had +23 bonus - aggainst a very very old white dragon); Eustacio the Old, a wizard specialized in Magic Missiles (from Dudu's campaign); and Primus, the War Weaver (one of my favorite PrC).

Lysa as well is being nice to play with, may she can enter a top 5.

2014-02-10, 09:24 PM

Boy, I have to say. Eustacio is hilarious. Is a youngster who thinks he is old and wise. It's super fun. Plus, he is a force mage specialist of some sort.

My favorites includes Nico, the Malconvoker (maybe my favorite PrC). Dan, the dwarven baddass warrior of the nine swords (from Rich's campaign). And Kidd, my swordsage halfling of shadows and death and pain.

2014-02-10, 09:32 PM
Bah, even forgot Nebehed! That sure was a very nice one, way better than Primus.

"Behold your worst nightmares!", Will DC 30 or die of fear (at 10th level with his signature spell: Phantasmal Killer) :smallamused:

2014-02-10, 09:41 PM
My Favrite has to Be Lord Edward Von Cleft. Drow paladin of slaughter who got the powers of the gods of fire in a gauntlet and with his last breath looped off the head of a ancient red dragon bringing it down into the lava filled volcano saving the party. He later came back possessed by the armor that had gotten more pieces as it had been looking for itself to make it whole and used the drows body as its conduit. God he was amazing.

Another of my favrites is Alexander Anderson, Pervy sage of the gods. As well as Aleucard thus far. Lord Loss is my all time favorite however. Ended the game as a demilich at level 50 ruling over a frozen wasteland where he turned only those who died an honorable death into undead to protect his kingdom. The mountain itself that his kingdom resided on being his phylactery, which no one knew because to do so you would have to have an arieal view to see the villages were built into arcane symbols of power and such.

2014-02-10, 09:47 PM
The mountain being the philactery? Very nice. :smallamused:

2014-02-10, 09:49 PM
Why thank you. Add in I turned my old master ( A black dragon) into my undead mount. And my Aunt and little sister into undead as well, killing of the rest of the family it was very fun. Level 30 dread necromancer sister and my aunt well...I have all their low level builds still if you want to take a look.

2014-02-10, 09:55 PM
Maybe later, when we reach an undead zone :smallbiggrin:
Spend day making NPCs sheets :smalltongue:

2014-02-10, 10:11 PM
Hello everybody. Most of you know me, and for those who don't, hi, I'm Niwrad.

I'll be happy to take on the mantle of the divine caster.

Without further ado, here are the rolls:




What are the rules on flaws and traits?
And since I haven't had time to read through the ic yet (will do so shortly), what roles are already taken?

2014-02-10, 10:16 PM
1 Flaw no traits

As for rolls taken Lilith provides buffing and debuffing, as well as control if needed.

Aleucard is a mix of everything while focusing on summons.

Ron Winterborn is our melee monster that we try to keep as buffed as possible so he can take on the enemies and not make me summon things to strong.

My familiar (Known as blake at the moment) provides flanking while invisible and will soon be a wand wielder for some minor damage.

2014-02-10, 10:16 PM
Nice to have you on board.
We have Ron, the damage dealer, Lilith, party face and buffer/debuffer and Allucard, summoner, party face, buffer and debuffer.

About the rolling
You roll two sets 5 4d6b3, take the worst away and get an automatic 8 and 18.

2014-02-10, 10:49 PM
Well then, I probably should not have just started rolling.

Anyways, trying that again.

so 8, 12, 13, 13, 14, 18


hrmm, not the best, but usable I suppose.

2014-02-10, 10:53 PM
I have seen worst Niward I am sure you could work something with that. Hell if you played a druid you could take the first set and just be in wild form all day lol. Oh I have a 8 str and 9 con hold on.

Any ideas on race? So far we have a hellbred and a Goliath. Lilith is well lilith.

2014-02-10, 11:03 PM
Ah, also, the flaw must really be a problem to count.
Having -2 on melee attack being a wizard doesnt count.

Talking flaws, which flaw you took Christine? Couldn't find it.

2014-02-10, 11:31 PM
Hows character coming niward.

@Chimera Does someone of that beauty not suffer from the flaw of walking into town and being attacked by every male out of lust XD

2014-02-10, 11:43 PM
At this point I am considering a few options:

possibly an elven archivist. (although he would have pathetically low str)

Would there be any limits on what divine scrolls I'd be able to acquire?
(I'd probably mostly stick with actual divine spells)

And are their any limits on sourcebooks?
In particular there's a feat from a rather obscure source that helps to combine Archivist casting into intelligence.
Its from Dragonlance Legend of the Twins.

2014-02-10, 11:49 PM
I must admit that is an interesting concept I was not even thinking of. Though the elf thing strikes me as amusing, you like elves a lot don't you. Well looks like we have a blood elf from warcraft hehehehe. Unless you will be the only good party member. Not saying we are all evil but neutral is common due to malconvoker restrictions...

2014-02-10, 11:58 PM
Actually, I just learned more about the UrPriest prc and I'm intrigued

And now I have this concept of an elf who has a vendetta against the gods of good, and has learned to harness divine magic without the need of deities.
I can't seem to get away from elves. One day I might branch out, but today is not that day.

2014-02-10, 11:59 PM
May I suggest why not trying a template then? It is a small change that will help you move on. Ur priest sounds great though. Sell your soul to Aleucard he can promise you and empire.

2014-02-11, 12:06 AM
@Niwrad: That's way obscure for my liking. :smallbiggrin:
As for Archivist, it's can fit nicely in some plot i'm thinking :smallsmile:

Did you received my PM?

Also, will need a background and will gladly help you with one.

As for divine scrolls. yes you can use then, but only to 9 spell levels classes ok? Ranger, Adept, Paladin and PrC obscure stuff will be off. But druid, cleric, shugenja and the rest are ok.

2014-02-11, 12:31 AM
Ur priest is interesting but maybe a bit cheesy. I dunno. I remember getting lvl 9 spells pretty fast.

Archivist is in the same power level as wizard. And is pretty thematic too. I like that. And the synergy with malconvoker is immense.

2014-02-11, 12:34 AM
I agree with Dudu, but feel free to do what you feel better for your fun :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-11, 12:53 AM
Niward on the first page I also have my spells for all levels that I will be gaining this way if you were worried about spell selection and such you can look at the list and we can work together and all.

2014-02-11, 01:56 AM
Alright cool.

It's getting late though, and I'm probably not going to be able to start working the character until tomorrow evening. Tuesdays are usually busy days for me.

2014-02-11, 02:07 AM
No problem at all.
When your character is done he'll be introduced somehow.

Of course we wont jsut pop out of nowhere. :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-11, 02:42 AM
Niward I will be at work my normal time of day, but if you need any help just let me know. I have never played the class myself, however cleric spells I know.

2014-02-11, 02:51 AM
Also, I would like you to PM your background (to keep some secrets :smallbiggrin:)

Christine Daae
2014-02-11, 09:38 AM
Welcome to the game Mr. Niward and I look forward to seeing what you will do. Worship me, I am the aspect of the Mother of all demons Lilith. Worship me and I shall make all your dark desires come true. Do not listen to those devil worshiping fools, they lie to you and only want to trick you. Stick by my side and I promise you will be rewarded greatly :belkar:

2014-02-11, 09:53 AM
And she likes to snoop on your thoughs too. Ron find's that super annoying.

BTW, is anyone here familiar with that sitcom character, Ron Swanson? It's one of the inspirations for Ron Winterborn.

2014-02-11, 10:04 AM
Sounds familiar but saying I have not watched TV besides my sons shows in ages can not place it.

Also I think we kept Richard up past his bed time last night lol, he is still not on FB yet.

2014-02-11, 11:08 AM
Sounds familiar but saying I have not watched TV besides my sons shows in ages can not place it.

Also I think we kept Richard up past his bed time last night lol, he is still not on FB yet.

Hahaha, you did.
Slept like a stone.

Luckly there was nothing to do at work from 8AM to 12AM :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-11, 12:34 PM
@Niwrad: how is your sheet doing? Anything just ask here or PM.
There are some houserules in the first post OOC and more will come when I'm 100% sure what you'll be (like the divine scroll stuff).

2014-02-11, 01:51 PM
So, I need to know what exactly those armbands do. If anyone has identify, please help me (if it costs 100gp I pay it).

Anyway, I'm switching my armor from mythral breastplate to fullplate. The exchange gives me +3 armor AC and +2700gp, but the armor check penalty is -6 instead of -2 (big fecking deal) and the move lowers to 20ft (30 with the boots, which is just fine). It will still be a +1 fearsome armor, because it's cool as hell.

2014-02-11, 01:55 PM
@Dudu: Ok! Now only Christine have the ability to change something.
The twins ask 150 per item to identify.

@Christine: The deal will be off when next battle begins, so if you want something changed (a feat, a spell or a skill) let me know before that :smallsmile:
And I'm still waiting to know your flaw.

2014-02-11, 01:58 PM
150gp paid.

What they do?

2014-02-11, 02:01 PM
They are about to face a very powerful Conjurer in a minute in wizards chess if they don't smarten up is what they do. Being schooled, hell he would even ask Sarah to stand by his side and watch a real wizard in action.

2014-02-11, 11:59 PM


2014-02-12, 12:03 AM
@Niwrad: how is your sheet doing? Anything just ask here or PM.
There are some houserules in the first post OOC and more will come when I'm 100% sure what you'll be (like the divine scroll stuff).

Sorry, I haven't had much time today to work on the character. Like I mentioned earlier, Tuesdays are usually pretty busy for me.
I should have more time tomorrow evening though.

As for your house rules, I noticed.
especially that one prohibiting divine metamagic :smallfrown:

2014-02-12, 12:04 AM
Oh yes forgot about that, no Alexander Andersons in this game lol.

2014-02-12, 12:05 AM
It's ok, no need to hurry, but the sooner you get the sooner you'll be receiving exp. :smallwink:

When you have an idea of your backstory PM me with that.
There are some stuff we may work out together.

Christine Daae
2014-02-12, 09:03 AM
Perform (sing) check if it is needed [roll0]

2014-02-12, 12:15 PM
I'm still waiting on Lilith's flaw... :smallsmile:

2014-02-12, 12:56 PM
Crusader Maneuvers

1. Revitalizing Strike 3d6+6
2. Mountain Hammer 2d6
3. Battle Leader Charge +10
4. Charging Minotaur
5. Tactical Strike 2d6

1° [roll0] - Revitalizing Strike 3d6+6
2° [roll1] - Mountain Hammer 2d6
3° [roll2] - Tactical Strike 2d6
4° [roll3] - Charging Minotaur
5° - Battle Leader Charge +10

Christine Daae
2014-02-12, 02:00 PM
Is the -2 to reflex one ok? It is my highest save. If not what ones do you think would be the best choices for me?

2014-02-12, 02:02 PM
That will do. :smallsmile:

Christine Daae
2014-02-12, 02:03 PM
Ok, and has Mr. Niward given us any word on a update?

2014-02-12, 02:09 PM
Nothing hyet. But he'll do when he manage to make his sheet.
So no worries.

2014-02-12, 02:13 PM
Hows post coming Chimaera and if possible can you have our wolf friend move back a bit?

Edit : Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=60295) from Dudu actions. Dudu if you need I can explain how to use the map so that you can make your own actions if it helps. I could move you as well though if you want:smallwink:

Christine Daae
2014-02-12, 02:16 PM
Lilith is now updated. If someone could play her while I am away, I am off to work now and don't want to hold things up like last night. Thanks boys.

2014-02-12, 03:35 PM
I'll be off taking care of some girls :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:
Dont know if I'll be able to post today.

2014-02-13, 02:48 AM
Your map is wrong and does not show Rons movement, here (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=60393)is the correct map:smallsmile:

2014-02-13, 11:58 AM
edit: it wasn't +28 in atk, but +23. I don't think it will change anything though.

2014-02-13, 01:12 PM
[roll0] Acid damage to all enemies in the fog this round.

2014-02-13, 05:01 PM
atk roll again:

[roll0] dmg [roll1]

edit: f#ck, that's why I'll getting Lightning Recovery next level.

Christine Daae
2014-02-13, 09:20 PM
Those with us now should be able to hold their own. After all all but three either have haste or Rage cast on them. I am not sure what else I can really do though for this battle. Besides starting to take control of the wrogs to eat their riders.

2014-02-13, 09:22 PM
Where's my post? It vanished. It was right after Chimaera's.

Christine Daae
2014-02-13, 09:26 PM
I never saw your post all day and I have been on and off most of it. The only one I saw was the OOC Mr. Dudu.

2014-02-13, 10:16 PM
Back for a little while.
Probably will post IC tomorrow.

Waiting to see if Lysa will die or not :smallfrown:

2014-02-13, 10:18 PM
Niward how is your character coming? I would really enjoy the help:smallbiggrin: After all the smell of acid burns only gets me so pumped up.

2014-02-13, 10:21 PM
@Dudu: post again since I didnt saw your post earlier.

2014-02-14, 03:27 AM
Alright finally had some time to think.

Something along the lines of wizard5/mindbender1/urpriest2/contemplative/dweomerkeeper
Access to low level wizard goodies, abrupt jaunt, spontaneous divination, telepathy, cleric spells, and at will arcane sight

My idea is an elf whose family was "smitten" by angels, and since then, he has harbored anger towards the gods.

Hopefully will have a character sheet by tomorrow evening.

2014-02-14, 03:53 AM
All the spells I plan on getting are on the first page, and all the ones I have are on my sheet to help with spell selection. Was really looking foward to the Archievist though.

2014-02-14, 06:50 AM
Hope you dont plan going for mysthic theurge with ur-priest :smallwink:
I did not put class restrictions, but otherwise dont see too well to so much classes in one character :smalltongue:

And the being smitten by angels backstory and hatred towards the gods will be interesting. After you finish more of the story, I'll let you in some secret stuff for you :smallsmile:

2014-02-14, 02:44 PM
Since a bug happened, let's just consider Ron charged and missed (the rolls above). He spent a maneuver in the meantime.

Here's the updated map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=60657).

edit: screw this, can I really post again? I'll post again dammit.

edit2: I know what I did now. I always press edit on my previous post so I can ctrl+c the format and post a reply. It just happens that I edited my previous post without posting anything new.

2014-02-14, 11:04 PM
Well, if Aleucard didn't kill the drummer and the leader I think the best course is for Ron to charge and finish the job.

Doesn't Lilith have any suggestion in her arsenal? I mean, she could use one of the orcs for our team and hold them.

2014-02-14, 11:07 PM
True, I planned on going fiendform next round expecting fireball to do less damage. The RNG was good to me today though. Lets just hope they all fail there save.

2014-02-14, 11:08 PM
Hey guys! Just got back from an adventure! :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-16, 01:54 AM
Theoretically, Ron has no idea you're surrounded in silence.
Is it safe to assume Lilith told Ron bia telephaty?

2014-02-16, 02:16 AM
The spoiler is What aleucard was trying to say. I would count it as him not knowing for amusement.:smallwink:

2014-02-16, 03:15 AM
Go dudu great rolls

2014-02-16, 06:54 PM
Apparently you can uninstall your wifi program :smallannoyed:

Going to post soon. Just installing things back.

Christine Daae
2014-02-17, 09:37 AM
Whatever happened to Mr. Niward? I know making a character is a lot of work, but he already had the stats done and with Max hp it should have been easy.

2014-02-17, 09:41 AM
@Christine: He PMed me last night, making his backstory.
He probably is just busy with his duel in Shadows of the Past.

2014-02-17, 09:45 AM
@Christine: Also, I dont think that's how Charm Monster work.
Its not Dominate, you change their attitude toward you to friendly, not fanatic or anything.

Which one you want to charm? Also, you're in a silnce zone, so will have to fly a little higher.

EDIT: went looking at it, you can have an opposed charisma check to influence him (and probably win). Still I need to know what orc will be targeted.

2014-02-17, 12:58 PM
What happened to the orc leader right next to Ron? His nowhere to be found.

Since there were no actions saying what he did just after attacking Ron, I'll assume he's still there and someone ended up erasing him in the map.

2014-02-17, 01:19 PM
Damn, post correction.

Sunder Sword
Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Cleave [roll2] [roll3]

Sunder Offhand
Atk [roll4] dmg [roll5]
Cleave [roll6] [roll7]

Sunder Armor
Atk [roll8] dmg [roll9]
Cleave [roll10] [roll11]

2014-02-17, 01:21 PM
He's right on your side. Maybe I deleted him while editing. :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-17, 01:24 PM

Well then, I think I just deleted his equipment.
Survival before loot.:smallwink:

2014-02-17, 01:39 PM
Destroyed his sword and damaged his heavy steel shield and armor.
Almost killed him, but failed at that :P

Edit 1: Hit one cleave, so he still ok :smallbiggrin:

Edit 2: Nevermind, he got concealment thanks to stinking cloud, rolled and the first attack missed the sword, the others landed, but weren't enough to destroy them.

2014-02-17, 02:23 PM
If the first didn't destroy the sword, I would strike the sword again. Sword>Offhand>Armor

And since when stinking cloud gives concealment?

2014-02-17, 02:30 PM
It act as a fog cloud too. :smallwink:

If that's the case, the swords is gone and he used his gauntlets to hit (no aoo).
He missed both attacks (power attaack of everything he could) so no big changes there.

2014-02-17, 02:39 PM
Ok then.

But the cleave happened, right?

2014-02-17, 02:40 PM
Yeap, but he survived it.

2014-02-17, 07:19 PM
Ok guys, I suggest you to stop targeting DC spells at the big shots unless such spells have really, really high DC. If you keep doing that, you're most likely to waste your turn.

That's part of what Ron is, a strong 1vs1 fighter. Allucard suits better the god role, that is, controlling the battlefield. But the stinking cloud at the leader only made matters worse, since 15DC is pretty low and 20% conceal can made a big difference. Since they have large numbers I suggest summons to hold them, otherwise they'll kill all those farlangh pretty quickly.

And the suggestion spell worked wonderfully, but the leader is probably a paladin (Ron is feeling his aura hurting him) so chances are his saves are decent. The goons are yours though. The effect is big, one less for them, one more for us.

I wonder if I should target Shaman, but again, stinking cloud is a problem (it's really helping them more than us). In fact, the shaman was my priority before the drummer did that nasty thing. And I think he can die with a single blow. But, to kill him I must enter the stinking cloud, with a 5% chance I'll be useless for the rest of the battle. Maybe if the one who casted it (one of your summons, I believe) could dismiss the stinking cloud, that would make matters easier. I plan on sundering the Leader's gauntlets and then attacking (and possibly killing) the shaman. The leader isn't a direct threat to you now, but the shaman is.

2014-02-17, 10:02 PM
If you look at Christines post she never said anything close to targeting one of the leaders. Infact it seemed more like she said " One of the orcs attacking the swords"

2014-02-17, 10:04 PM
She dont specified, but I can change that.
Choose one if she's offline :smallsmile:

2014-02-17, 10:29 PM
Rolling for summons so I do not need to edit my post in OOC

[roll0] +1 Fiendish dire wolves

Thats just wrong.......

2014-02-17, 10:56 PM
Nothing like spending a level higher spell for the same effect :smallcool:

2014-02-17, 10:58 PM
Dont even go there.......

2014-02-17, 11:28 PM
4 fiendish dire wolves would be beautiful. Maybe we're just unlucky in this fight.

But I'll ask one more time, next round, can you dismiss that stinking cloud? It's actually increasing the shaman's chance of survival.

2014-02-18, 07:20 AM
If the big guy is dead, Ron will end his round using his Sudden Leap maneuver as a swift to jump to the left. Double DC since he isn't running.


He moves 25 feet closer to the Shaman.

map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=61190)

2014-02-18, 10:50 AM
Two things:

Don't forget my move last round (it was a swift jump).

It looks like the cloud has a high, so I think Ron passed through the cloud anyway.


2014-02-18, 01:30 PM


Gee, almost.

Now, for the last time, Allucard. Dismiss that goddammed cloud so I can kill the shaman.

2014-02-18, 03:53 PM
The fog ends this round naturally. And what is chimera roll on dispelling your own spells? I know some people allow you to with no counter spell

2014-02-18, 04:07 PM
There are spells with the a (D) on side of its duration which means these spells are dismissable.

You can dismiss those with no dispel magic or counter, but doing so consumes a standart action that don't provoke any Aoo.

By the way, Stinking Cloud can't be dismissed.

2014-02-18, 08:59 PM
Dudu as a heads up Sunder is a trap. It looks good however it completely destroys the weapon (thus no money at all). No money means we never get better. If we never get better we will die. As for the stinking cloud thing most people enjoy it and as it only lasted 3 rounds I saw no reason to dispel it before sorry.

2014-02-18, 09:02 PM
In fact, you cant even dismiss it :smallwink:

2014-02-18, 09:09 PM
Maybe it was a bad decision in this battle. We will still grab his armor, as well as any other item that wasn't his sword (we will miss you) gauntlets and shield.

And now that I think about it, one interesting target for sunder is the armor. It is much harder to destroy than a weapon, but damn. -8 in AC is huge.

I don't think it's a trap. I see it more as a price. Like we pay for scrolls and potions, for example. Except that instead of spending, we are not receiving.

Plus, every item destroyed here we wouldn't equip anyway, selling instead for half the price. I'll still use sunder sometimes, just against this particular orc I find that a simple full attack would be better. Trial and error, I say.

2014-02-18, 09:13 PM
Destroying armor is normally safer do to the fact it is a lot cheaper to make magic (unless its spiked). Its why most melees choose to use things to disarm their opponents or trip them. This way they sell everything and have the easiness of the fight. (Though with fiendish wolves tripping our enemies it makes it easy for you to go smash).

Well overall what do you think we made mistakes on and thus improve?

2014-02-18, 09:31 PM
Mistakes may include overdoing sunder and targeting low save DC spells at big bad evil guys.

I think the way to deal with BBEG is by duel and no save spells (sleet storm, for example, or reverse gravity, or otto's irresistible dance). Or maybe high DC spells against low saves, like suggestion against a big grunt of glass strike against a lich (I actually pulled that one before, it was beautiful).

The sunder is like you side. Smash your loot and you'll stop seeing the cash flowing in. I do think smashing the ocasional weapon can be huge, as well as the occasional armor for offensiviness. But I almost sundered the orc's underwear in this fight. It was fun, at least.

2014-02-18, 09:50 PM
Sadly most of my spells allow saves and are either blast or summons. Though I did have a few rays I could have used against the leaders if it had looked like it was going to go on longer.

Do you think I held out to long on summons? I was trying to so this situation I am in now did not happen but well it could not be avoided. Also my spells will only deal with acid of fire damage due to what layer of hell I worship. I like sticking to a theme so not sleet storm. Though the dance Lilith may be able to pull off.

2014-02-18, 11:24 PM
So each one of you get some loot, yay!

Eveyone can pick up up to 4.722 gp in items. Whatever you dont want will be sold by some fraction of it.

7 masterwork greataxe (320 gp each)
18 greataxe (20gp each)
30 hide armor (15 gp each)
6 masterwork reinforced longbows (675 gp each)
200 arrows (10 gp for all of them)
A wooden unholy symbol of gruumsh (no value, just in case someone wants it)
A +1 ring of protection (2000 gp)
A +2 cloak of resistance (4000 gp)
A +2 Helm of Wisdom (4000 gp, orc-style)
A +1 Full Plate Armor (2650 gp, must be refitted to be used)
A +1/masterwork quartersttaf (2600 gp)
A +1 chainshirt (1250 gp)

You can choose first, so pick them up.

Also, experience: 794 exp to each (since there were lots of people to share experience with and almost all the enemies were low level. Dissapointing huh? :smallannoyed:)

2014-02-18, 11:33 PM
I think someone else should take the cloak. His fort save is already high, his will save is triggered with a maneuver and his reflex is hoplessly low.
He doesn't have any use for anything left, even the ring since he already has one. So he'll sell his share to the merchants, for what I believe is 50% market value.

2014-02-18, 11:44 PM
In fact you'll have to choose the items anyway, cause they'll buy them for 20-30% (common) aor 40-60% (if magical).

You cna always sell your rights to Lilith or Allucard. Whatever you do, the magic items will be sold better, so go for them :smallwink:

2014-02-18, 11:51 PM
Then I take the helm of wisdom. But I don't plan on using it. The biggest benefit would be a +1 on will save, which is nice, but probably won't make any huge difference for Ron.

2014-02-18, 11:57 PM
You can always sell it later.
If you want to go with the Helm of Wisdom, this will leave to you 722 gp in mundane item, which Oskar will happyly buy for 217 gp.


2014-02-19, 12:05 AM

Let's move on.
How is Niwrad's char doing?

2014-02-19, 12:10 AM
He asked me how long his backstory should be, but ever since no more words from him.

He was busy with a duel in the other game we play, which finished not long ago. Also, no need to hurry, we'll appear when he's done. :smallsmile:

2014-02-19, 12:15 AM
No deal, though I will take the ring of protection:smallbiggrin:

2014-02-19, 02:16 AM
Really? Don't we have a mission or something?
That sounded a bit of an odd request from Aleucard.

I think we've got enough of this caravan.

2014-02-19, 02:23 AM
The caravan is going the same way we are for the most part. So we were going to travel with them to Whitestone hall and then part ways. Giving Aleucard time to give her "advice" on how a real wizard would accomplish such a task. And yes we still have a mission to do,as my imp will be sure to remind me once the smell of burning bodies is gone i am sure.

2014-02-19, 02:37 AM
It's just that I think Aleucard is trying to create some animosity. It was Alda, now those twins. They do some business, identify itens and then it's done, that's what they do, magic item department. Aleucard summon powerful creatures to rip baddies apart, totally different.

Plus, think about it, those guys just lost a lot of friends and colleagues, they certainly aren't in the mood of any competition. We should be glad they did business with us.

I say we leave the twins alone, and maybe Sara too. It's not like Desmond will want her precious daughter wandering with our characters.

2014-02-19, 11:02 AM
If Ron saw a warrior refusing to fight and use his powers would Ron not say something about it if it meant others could have lived and not died? They may be merchants, but they not only knew the fireball spell but used it on the dead bodies. They could of helped that means with the orcs keeping people alive.

Exactly my point, had they helped less would have died. So in that regard it is their fault. In the wise words of Ben Parker, " With great power comes great responsibility."

Christine Daae
2014-02-20, 01:24 PM
I am looking at the items now to see if anything will be useful

1 masterwork Reinforced bow
200 arrows

This leaves 4,037gp in value.

2014-02-20, 04:51 PM
@Chrisitne: so the bow and the arrows. Want nothing more? If so you can take the cloak and sell it for 2400 and the rest in mundanne items which will be sold at 11gp. Deal?

2014-02-20, 06:15 PM
Wait, no one wants the cloak?

2014-02-20, 06:21 PM
No one posted interest in it so far.

2014-02-23, 12:44 AM
Lilith has a cloak of Charisma, and well I like personally buying magic items after thinking them over. Oddly enough I sell most things, then start a loan shark operation. Ask Lysa, she keeps getting low on money Alex may own her body, I mean soul, yes soul....:smallbiggrin:

2014-02-23, 12:23 PM
It's the best thing there for her to sell you see, since it will sell for 0.6 times its prices, instead of 0.3.

Also, no chance for Lysa becoming a sex slave :smalltongue:

@Christine: what will be your suggestion?

2014-02-23, 12:40 PM
Well then I suggest you always keep up on your payments or else Alex will send out his Repo man to collect! Of course thats once you borrow money. EVERYONE borrows money from me eventually.

2014-02-23, 01:33 PM
Lysa wont :smallwink:

Christine Daae
2014-02-23, 10:36 PM
Something simple, I would like to RP it if she fails it. Something along the lines of you should go check on my husband if you wish me to teach you, I am just going to finish making sure blakes ok before catching up with you.

2014-02-23, 11:07 PM
@Christine: She failed both saves.

2014-02-28, 09:57 PM
The dragons took off to the skies.
Anything you guys can do?

Also, @Chrisitne: Lilith get 250 XP from the skill challenge she partially won.
Things would be worse if not for your diplomacy and bluff :smallbiggrin:

And dont worry too much about the posting.
This game will have a slower pace than Shadow of the Past, so it's ok. Everyone get troubles IRL somethimes.

I'll be off for 5, 6 or 7 days, so you'll have some time to do what you must do.

@Dantie: get better soon and take care of Mason :smallsmile:
@Christine: try not kill this boss guy and do what you have to do :smallsmile:
@Niwrad: enjoy time to finsih your character :smallwink:
@Dudu: já está alucinado, já é meio caminho andado... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdIEpCZpjm4) :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-01, 12:00 AM
I could turn into a lesser nightmare and let Ron Ride me while I summon hordes of unholy horrors while Lilith does what she does....Though in the sky they have the clear advantage, escpically if Ron does not have ranks in ride.

2014-03-01, 02:40 AM
Can't you conjure a mount? Either by SMA or specific spells.

2014-03-01, 03:13 AM
Sure I can, still requires ride checks...And fighting dragons in the sky on bats.....Oddly enough only the later devils have wings, and even those are iffy. And well a celestial griffin would seem odd.

Christine Daae
2014-03-03, 10:36 AM
Well two dragons don't sound that easy, how are you going niward with your character, it may give us a better idea on how to react?

2014-03-06, 10:59 AM
Ok! Now I'm fully back!
Was hoping you had some longer discussion in how to deal with this whole dragon situation :smallsmile:

Anyway, Niwrad wont be coming for the rescue to you guys, even if he did finish his sheet, so dont hope for that :smalltongue:

Will post IC soon.

2014-03-06, 12:13 PM
Well now that we can all Fly I can turn into a Voor and tentacle rape things.

I can also summon 2 fiendish dire bats
and 1d3+3 Fiendish Ravens

I have ray of clumsiness and enfeeblement to make them weaker, though I would only be able to target one of them.

Scorching ray for 2 rays that deal 4d6 each

Lesser orb of fire for 5d8 damage

Use my pearl of power 3 to get back fireball for an additional 10d6 fire damage

As well as my second and first level PoP for the lesser orb and scorching ray again. So it is not impossible for us to win now that we can fly.

2014-03-06, 12:39 PM
@Dantie: Animalistic Power dont interfere with maneuvers, so Ron will be ok with it.

@Dudu: Also, if you Ron is wearing the Mountainborn Gauntlets, the Enlarge Person spell will grant him 2 extra str due to its unique ability.

2014-03-06, 12:45 PM
So I can give you animalistic power as well then dudu for more strength, dexterity and constitution

2014-03-06, 03:21 PM
Yeap, but the +2 bonus only work for the strenght, not for the dex and cons.

So it will be +4 str, +2 dex and +2 cons.

2014-03-06, 06:24 PM
Well, ended out Niwrad wont be joining the campaign.
We exchanged some PMs and he's kinda busy with school and other stuff to get in another game.

Which is bad... but not the end of the world right?
Just to elt you guys know.

2014-03-06, 07:47 PM
What kind of bonus are those?

Cause if they are enhancing, they won't stack with what Ron already has.

2014-03-06, 08:01 PM
Enhancment bonus.

2014-03-07, 12:08 AM
Well that covers people I know to get a divine character.....

2014-03-10, 10:20 AM
So guys? :smallsigh:

Christine Daae
2014-03-11, 08:28 AM
I could have sworn we were waiting on you. I will post shortly if that is not the case.

2014-03-11, 02:52 PM
I guess my leave left people confused :smallbiggrin:
So now i'll wait for Dudu before posting.

2014-03-11, 06:40 PM
The atk was actually 35 instead of 36. I considered -1 as shaken penalty but it's -2.

2014-03-11, 06:41 PM
Is that including Lilith more then likly having Bardic music up to the max?

2014-03-11, 06:53 PM
In fact the battle havent even started...
You see, the dragons took the carriage and flew
then you spend like four rounds casting spells.

When the battle begins, I'll use that attack roll.

2014-03-11, 07:45 PM
It's just that I don't really have any preparation. My actions are like that.
Charge, kill, swift to give another turn to an ally.

2014-03-12, 02:16 PM
@Dantie: scroching ray range is close and the dragons sink 150ft, so you may edit your post since it's invalid :smallwink:

Nevermind, you could "drop" as a free action to descend 150ft and then get back to fly and shot them.

2014-03-13, 05:51 PM
129 damage so far he has to be close to death if not dead as thats more health then all of us.

2014-03-13, 08:12 PM
In fact he's alive, but not for much.
you can see he's in his last legs.

2014-03-13, 08:15 PM
Well everyone I can take 2 turns to get back my scorching ray, or I can start dispeling the female dragon your call.

2014-03-13, 10:06 PM
Dudu which dragon did you attack? The male on his last leg, or the female? After all seeing a sledge hammer snap a neck is amusing. And Aleucard promised to make her relive her brothers death a thousand times lol.

2014-03-14, 06:24 AM
It was the female, since he couldn't reach him. Next turn he may fall the 100ft left and finish him off (but doing so might require a Reflex save to manage to stop the fall, just saying).

2014-03-14, 06:31 AM
Or I could land 10ft above him, since I have reach (enlarged by the spell), anyway.

2014-03-14, 06:33 AM
So tell me before I finish my post :smallsmile:

2014-03-14, 09:37 AM
Not sure if you consider natural 20 auto crit so [roll0]

Extra damage if crit is confirmed [roll1] If smite applied an additional +4

2014-03-15, 11:40 AM
@Dantie: Natural 20 is autosucess, but not immediate critical.
And smite damage double too. Not the case since all colorful dragons are evil.

Btw, it didnt score critical. Just regular damage.

Ah, and also:

1. About Cloudy Conjuration: it allow you to create one 5ft radius cloud, not one for creature you summon.

2. About withdraw: the withdraw option is full round action and allow you to ignore aoo from the first step you take, not all movement.

3. About concealment: it will only let him have miss chance, but he still got an aoo (he got blindsense as well, so even if it is full concealment he would be able to Aoo). You can change your move action if you want, just let me know or I'll roll an aoo at you.

2014-03-15, 01:32 PM
Really don't want me making an example of this dragon do you lol.

Aleucard will not move then from his original spot.

2014-03-17, 11:09 AM
Really don't want me making an example of this dragon do you lol.

Aleucard will not move then from his original spot.

Too afraid to get eaten? :smalltongue:

2014-03-17, 11:24 AM
Not foolish enough with a low :-P caster that's down to half health to do something so silly when I can with help from Ron finish her off this turn with luck.

2014-03-17, 11:26 AM
Chicken. :smallbiggrin:

A wise chicken :smallwink:

2014-03-17, 11:28 AM
To charge into an angry dragon is asking for death, to live another moment and make her plumet to the ground, priceless XD

2014-03-17, 11:42 AM
Summon large bats to be used as mounts or platforms.
Step 2 summon spiders of appropriate size to entangle flying creature you are fighting.
Step three hope they do not have clerity and watch them begin to plummet until it is their turn.

The power of reading your summons abilities.