View Full Version : I have my enemys finger...What do ?

2014-01-15, 05:54 PM
Salutations fellow adventurers.

In need of a little advice.

Is there anything i could do in game with a PC's finger to prevent him from killing me. including killing him first.

The Story So in the game im playing now my friend (evil orc fighter) was unfortunate enough to acquire a cursed ring. I (good elf healer) promptly removed the ring (finger attached) and cast regenerate on his stub.

With not so much as a thank you he demanded that i give the ring back. I refused. Now hes plotting to kill me in game.

Ps will consider deals with devils/demons ect and am willing to denounce good alignment

thanks in advance :)

2014-01-15, 06:14 PM
Just wait till he's asleep and planeshift him to the positive energy plane.

This, of course, should be plan b after trying to keep party unity.

2014-01-15, 06:25 PM
Well you're playing a healer so I'll assume you'll lose in a fight and making deals with Devils is largely dependent on DM fiat so you can either work out your differences or cut his throat while he's sleeping.

Or you know, you could just give back is ring?

Coincidently, what level are you, I'll assume at least 11th.

2014-01-15, 06:49 PM
Ice Assassin?

Ring of Regenerate?

2014-01-15, 06:49 PM
planeshift you say ??? hmmm tell me more

The Dm is perfectly ok with making deals with supernatural beings...

wont be able to slit throat ((long story))

and i cant give the ring back because i know he will use it to kill everyone else in the party

but seriously...plane shift??

2014-01-15, 06:50 PM
Just wait till he's asleep and planeshift him to the positive energy plane.

This, of course, should be plan b after trying to keep party unity.

They get to keep their will saves when asleep, that clause just means that they are a valid target.

For a mundane solution, the finger has his scent, so you could hire a ranger (or similar) to track him and take him down. My spell-fu regarding components of that nature fails me at the moment though...

2014-01-15, 06:58 PM
They get to keep their will saves when asleep, that clause just means that they are a valid target.

For a mundane solution, the finger has his scent, so you could hire a ranger (or similar) to track him and take him down. My spell-fu regarding components of that nature fails me at the moment though...

I know he gets a will save. I suggested going after him while he's asleep to avoid him trying to stab you. A fighter should have a low enough will save that he will fail it.

2014-01-15, 06:59 PM
You have his finger. Make Ice Assassins or Simulacra of him with it.

2014-01-15, 07:00 PM
vile darkness has some spells that use body parts of other people. If it is still bloody, Plague of Nightmares might work.

(before someone becomes worried about my sanity: been reading vile darkness while building stuff for a campaign i'm running)

2014-01-15, 07:01 PM
Give it to an ordinary, but courageous gnome with instructions to go throw it into a volcano.


If you had 2d4 months, you could use the Clone spell to make a clone of him. You could also make a Simulacrum, but those a pretty weak.

2014-01-15, 07:07 PM
I know he gets a will save. I suggested going after him while he's asleep to avoid him trying to stab you. A fighter should have a low enough will save that he will fail it.

I see, that DOES have a darned good chance of working. :smallamused:

2014-01-15, 07:35 PM
Geas/Quest him in his sleep to have him give the ring to a good aligned church, and follow your commands.

2014-01-15, 07:56 PM
Plane shift does assume that he has the tuning fork for.. welll, any of the planes. If he doesn't, then plane shift isn't even an option, and I somehow feel like he probably doesnt.

When you say healer, do you mean the healer class from the miniatures handbook? If so, you're pretty much SOL for a magical way of killing him, you'll just have to stab him in the throat in his sleep. Alternatively, if you can, get your hands on some poisons, enough exposure to black lotus extract will kill someone pretty quickly, and the fort save DC for black lotus is high enough that he'd actually have a chance to fail even at level 11.

2014-01-15, 07:59 PM
Geas/Quest him in his sleep to have him give the ring to a good aligned church, and follow your commands.

This, 100% this, not only does je not get to keep the ring he gives it away, on soo many levels is this epic fun

2014-01-15, 08:01 PM
Well, he's Evil, so that makes things a little simpler.

Step 1: Use finger to make Simulacrum of Orc.
Step 2: Have Simulacrum commit a bunch of horrible crimes in public with lots of witnesses. Make sure that it can get away, or have it duck out of sight and commit suicide (the body turns back into snow and melts away into nothingness).
Step 3: Inform the city guard or other local law enforcement where the Orc is staying.
Step 4: The SWAT teams bust in. The Orc refuses to retreat or surrender and goes down in a bloody swathe of violence (or is at least weakened to the point where you can finish him off, perhaps under the guise of offering a healing spell).
Step 5: Collect bounty or reward for bringing a dangerous criminal to justice! :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-15, 08:07 PM
Give it to an ordinary, but courageous gnome with instructions to go throw it into a volcano.

How does the gnome carry the orc to the volcano ?

2014-01-15, 08:11 PM
Have you tried just pulling on the finger, on the off chance it causes your opponent to detonate?

2014-01-15, 08:15 PM
Salutations fellow adventurers.

In need of a little advice.

Is there anything i could do in game with a PC's finger to prevent him from killing me. including killing him first.

The Story So in the game im playing now my friend (evil orc fighter) was unfortunate enough to acquire a cursed ring. I (good elf healer) promptly removed the ring (finger attached) and cast regenerate on his stub.

With not so much as a thank you he demanded that i give the ring back. I refused. Now hes plotting to kill me in game.

Ps will consider deals with devils/demons ect and am willing to denounce good alignment

thanks in advance :)

Hire someone to kill him? Use his equipment to recoup your losses.

2014-01-15, 08:16 PM
Well, he's Evil, so that makes things a little simpler.

Step 1: Use finger to make Simulacrum of Orc.
Step 2: Have Simulacrum commit a bunch of horrible crimes in public with lots of witnesses. Make sure that it can get away, or have it duck out of sight and commit suicide (the body turns back into snow and melts away into nothingness).
Step 3: Inform the city guard or other local law enforcement where the Orc is staying.
Step 4: The SWAT teams bust in. The Orc refuses to retreat or surrender and goes down in a bloody swathe of violence (or is at least weakened to the point where you can finish him off, perhaps under the guise of offering a healing spell).
Step 5: Collect bounty or reward for bringing a dangerous criminal to justice! :smallbiggrin:

My only problem with this is how the soldiers who couldn't even stop the Simulacrum from committing evil acts are supposed to be any sort of challenge for the real, stronger Orc.

2014-01-15, 08:23 PM
How does the gnome carry the orc to the volcano ?

I think he meant give the gnome the ring, not the orc.

Anyways, do you mean you are actually the Healer class? If so, I can't think of anything on the healer spell list that would help below 9th level magic (gate solves everything.)

Where do the rest of the PCs stand in this conflict? You said the fighter would use the ring to kill the entire party, so presumably you could get some other PCs to help you? What classes are they?

2014-01-15, 08:25 PM
My only problem with this is how the soldiers who couldn't even stop the Simulacrum from committing evil acts are supposed to be any sort of challenge for the real, stronger Orc.

The soldiers won't be there when he's commiting the acts. Commiting crimes in public does not mean commiting crimes right in front of the city guards. That would just be dumb. Besides, I specified that it was necessary for the Simulacrum to be in a situation where he could easily escape or else duck out of sight and self destruct.

Still, it's true that the ability of any group of NPCs to actually kill or capture the Orc is probably the weak link of my plan, but at the very least it might give the OP the opportunity to finish the job himself or maybe convince the rest of his party that traveling with a dangerous Evil Orc is probably not a good idea.

Obviously this is something that needs to be planned out in detail, but you'll have 12 hours while the Simulacrum is being cast to work things out.

2014-01-15, 08:27 PM
My only problem with this is how the soldiers who couldn't even stop the Simulacrum from committing evil acts are supposed to be any sort of challenge for the real, stronger Orc.
It's a lot easier to stab a guy in an alley and run away than it is to face the entire city guard who are prepared to fight you and catch you off-guard.

2014-01-15, 08:33 PM
What kind of powers does this cursed ring have, anyway? You said he might kill the entire party with it, so to stop his Ebil ways and give your DM a free plot, you could just use the ring yourself to kill him.

EDIT: Didn't that plan require a lot of witnesses? Stabbing a guy in an alley while a little kid watches doesn't exactly cut it.

2014-01-15, 09:47 PM
Give it to an ordinary, but courageous gnome with instructions to go throw it into a volcano.


If you had 2d4 months, you could use the Clone spell to make a clone of him. You could also make a Simulacrum, but those a pretty weak.

Halfling would seem more appropriate wouldn't you say... :smallamused:

Red Rubber Band
2014-01-15, 10:07 PM
EDIT: Didn't that plan require a lot of witnesses? Stabbing a guy in an alley while a little kid watches doesn't exactly cut it.

I believe he was using it as an example of how someone can commit an evil act which the city guards cannot stop and yet not necessarily be a match for them in combat.

An example which may help reconcile the two is walking onto a speaker's platform, getting everyone's attention, and then proceeding to shoot random people with arrows.

Lots of witnesses, city guards can't stop the first few people that go down, and the Orc/Simulacrum can use the ensuing chaos to disappear.

2014-01-15, 10:45 PM
Yes, that's pretty much along the lines of what I was thinking of.

2014-01-15, 10:50 PM
Go ahead, give him the finger. Then charge him for any and all subsequent healing.

2014-01-15, 10:51 PM
Go ahead, give him the finger. Then stop healing him. Permanently.

2014-01-15, 11:03 PM
Go ahead, give him the finger. Then stop healing him. Permanently.

yours or his?

2014-01-15, 11:04 PM
Remember Christopher Walken's monologue about the gold watch in Pulp Fiction? Hide the finger in the one place you know you can hide something.

Go ahead, give him the finger.

Very nicely done, sir.