View Full Version : Bloodclaw Master Questions

2014-01-15, 10:47 PM
"Pouncing Strike (Ex): From 3rd level on, when wielding two weapons, you can take a standard action to make a single melee attack with each weapon. Each attack is made at your highest attack bonus. You can also make an attack with each weapon against an opponent at the end of a charge. When you use pouncing strike, you lose the use of one Tiger Claw strike you have readied for the current encounter, just as if you had initiated the strike (except you do not also gain the strike's normal effect). Once you use this ability, you can recover the maneuver you expended and use it normally."

I'm confused, as multiattack is a prerequisite for this class, but Pouncing Strike only lets you attack with your weapons? Or, in this context, is Secondary Natural Weapon being considered a weapon in this context??

I feel like I am missing something; although I have been quite ill lately and taking too much cough medicine.

2014-01-16, 10:30 AM
I'm confused, as multiattack is a prerequisite for this class, but Pouncing Strike only lets you attack with your weapons? Or, in this context, is Secondary Natural Weapon being considered a weapon in this context??

The prereq is Multiattack or TWF. You can get into it without having any natural weapons.

As far as Pouncing Strike, as a standard action or at the end of a charge, you may attack with two weapons. The PrC probably assumes you're TWFing with two Tiger Claw weapons. Pouncing strike only works if you are "wielding" two weapons. "Wield" is not a defined game term, so you may have to check with your DM if having a natural weapon is considered the same as "wielding" it. By strict RAW, I'd probably say only manufactured weapons can be "wielded", but then again personally I don't really stick to strict RAW.

If your DM says natural weapons are "wielded" like any other weapon, then you can select two of your available natural weapons and use them with Pouncing Strike. Since each weapon is only attacking once, it's not contradicting any of the rules for natural weapons. It isn't clear if both of these would be primary attacks, but lacking any text to the contrary, I'd be inclinded to treat them as both primary and thus you get full Str bonus to damage on both attacks.

2014-01-16, 04:24 PM
Actually, aren't natural weapons considered light weapons? Therefor if you have at least two natural attacks, you are using at least two weapons?

2014-01-16, 05:06 PM
Actually, aren't natural weapons considered light weapons?

They are, but I don't see how it's relevant to Pouncing Strike, since there is no penalty associated with the weapon being light, one-handed, or otherwise.

Another interesting quirk to Bloodclaw Master: Greataxe is a Tiger Claw weapon, as is unarmed strike. You can Superior TWF with a Greataxe (primary) and unarmed strike (offhand). Works with Power Attack, too. (But does not work with Snow Tiger Berzerker, unless the Greataxe is a Sun Blade + Morphing property).

Therefor if you have at least two natural attacks, you are using at least two weapons?

The key word is "wielding". This isn't defined by the rules. So you'll need to clarify whether natural attacks are "wielded" with the DM.